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VOL. 2 NO I 11 JULY 1973

Can you identify the famous 1927 film represented in this sti l l?

See cover picture identification on page 2 .

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FILM BUFF July 1973
FILM BUFF Certainly not the photo
at the right! Every film
buff recognizes Chaplin
Published monthly by Impact Promotion and little Jackie Coogan
& Publishing at 2648 Grand Avenue, Bell­ and knows their comedy
more, Long Island, New York, 11710. Mail classic, "~he Kid".
address: P.o. Box 352, Bellmore,N.Y.117l0. What every film buff does
not know, however, is that
Editor and Publisher: FRED F. MURO, JR. Film Buff, through its
tape facility, is produc­
Circulation averages 500 to 750 copies ing a delightful sound
per month on a controlled basis to film track f or that 1920 gem.
collectors, home showmen, film makers,
nostalgia buffs, film technicians and And does everybody know that you can get a great
film educators and students. little follow-up featur e to THE KID from Cine
Service Vintage Films (585 Pond St., Bridgeport,
Deadline: the FIFTEENTH of each month pre­ Conn. 06606)? It's called "My Boy" and is five
ceding date of publication. delightful reels long with Coogan giving the per­
formance you expect--replete with pathos and fun.
Cine Mart advertis~ng is payable in ad­ It is almost a copy of "The Kid" ex c ept that you
vance. Display advertising, except that have Claude Gillingwater in Chaplin's place as
of recognized credit, is also payable in the man who loses his heart to the captiva ting
advance. Display ads must be submitted Jackie.
"ready for camera". Ads not "ready"for
camera will be set up by Film Buff and a WHAT ELSE IS NEW?
setup charge will be made for that ser­ Film Buff editor FRED MURO is booked for a week­
vice. end at Edgewater Acres, Ted Reinhart's resort in
CINE MART advertising (classified) is 5¢ Pennsylvania. Ted is a film buff and your editor
per word. Count abbreviations, numbers, will look over the barn theatre maintained there
etc. as separate words. If you are not for the showing of the classic films to guests.
a subscriber and wish to see your ad in We will be reporting on Edgewater and also on
print, add 40¢ to your remittance if you the outcome of talks initiated by Ted Reinhart
want a copy of the issue in which your concerning the possibilities for a classic film
ad appears. festival co-sponsored with Film Buff.

DI SP LAY AD VERT IS I NG: fu ll in s i d e p age "CAMPU S VAMP" (rev i ewed in this issue) is a good
- ---,ro=-n
=-:Oe fIIiie)-r8 $25. Fulrrn:-sr-r-::e-,-c-'=a-,:ccT:------l--+i:-t:-~'l:-e--r-reel l!ack-5-errn-ett-c-oureny sinrwcaslng Cwo
stiff cover, $35 (one time). Half of of the screen's all-time lovelies, Carole Lombard
outside back cover: $20.(one time). and Sally Eilers and we believe that the high
Half page display inside page: $15. quality print available from Thunderbird deserves
Quarter page: $10. 1/8 page: $7. a soundtrack. Film Buff has already prepared the
Contract rates available. Legitimate track and it is now available in standard reel or
advertising agencies recognized for cassette versions.
commission purposes for display ads only.
Coming in August FILM BUFF:
MANUSCRIPTS: Film Buff does not pur­ The "Reader Speaks" column will include a very in­
chase such scripts at this time although teresting letter reporting on a visit to Blackh awk
we will publish those that are suitable Films. One of our fine readers has gone to th e
if those submitting them wish to contri­ trouble of reporting in detail on the operations
bute them for the benefit of our other at Blackhawk, Davenport, Iowa, where he was given
subscribers. the "guided tour." You'll enjoy that letter. ***
THE READER SPEAKS publishes letters from
readers and opinions expressed do not Another reader has given us a story on the fabled
necessarily represent the opinions of western film hero, BUCK JONES and we will publish
that one in August, too.
the publisher or Film Buff.
Somebody wants to know where a film distributor
WONDERING WHAT YOU MISSED? known as "Watsofilms" is located. He cannot find
the company anywhere and is getting desperate be­
If you are a relatively new FILM BUFF cause the firm apparently has some juicy titles.
subscriber, you missed many interesting Is it a British outfit? If anybody knows the ad­
a rt i c les and reports on l6mm, Super 8mm dress, at least one Buff reader will appreciate
and Standard 8mm silent and sound films getting it. Drop a card to the Buff. And thanx!
and home showmanship. Here's your chance
t o catch up:
F I LM BUFF SCRAPBOOK NO.1 - a collection FRANKIE LARKIN's office has asked us on a couple
o f articles, film reviews,etc. from the of occasions why we never mention their CINE
fi r st seven issues of the Buff! $3.50 NOSTALGIA publication. Would love to do more
than mention it, friends, but you still haven't
FILM BUFF SCRAPBOOK NO.2 - a collection sent us a sample copy on which to base a review!
of articles , film reviews,etc. from the
second series of 7 issues of the Buff. DITTO Essex Film Club. We have great respect
Some illustrations. $3.50. for Essex and for Griggs Moviedrome but how can
we say anything when you don't give us anything
ORDER EITHER OR BOTH DIRECT FROM: to say? Still don't have your catalog!
P.O.Box 352, Bellmore, N.Y. 11710 order or personal check. One or two envelopes
Add sales tax if in N.Y. Add 50¢ to or­ reached us this week with flaps opened and the
ders from Canada, $1. to European orders. remittances missing. Sticky Fin gers Sam must be
operating again. Postal inspectors please note.
J ULY 1973


Letter s to the e d itor ar e us ed in th is col umn u n l e s s y o u s p ecifi c all y as k u s not
to p ub lish them. So me l e t t er s are e di t e d or s hor te n e d b ec a u s e o f spa c e limita­
t ion or o th er e d i t o ri a l co n s i de ra tio n s . Th i s i s a for um for th e ex c ha n g e of
ide a s, op i ni o n s a n d r e c o~m en dati o ns fo r film c ollecto r s , fi l m teache r s a n d
fil m student s o r f a n s i n ge n era l. Send us y o u r id e a s . Ot h e r readers wil l
a p preciate t h e m a n d t h e y wi ll oft e n t e turn t 6 e ~av & r . "Add r Ass : Edi to r, Fil m Buf f
Impact P ro moti on a nd Publis h i n g, P.O. Box 352, Be l lmore, N.Y. 11710
- ---- - - ---- - -- -- - - - ----------------------------- - --- --- --- - ------------------ - ----
GEORG E KONDER publi sh er of MOVI E REVI EW a nd the HARO LD F,BENSON one of our most coo per ative readers
ma rk eter of a f a s c i nat ing line of home s howmans hip 'J.nd a de di c a t e d f ilm buff contri but es a gain to t h e
mat er ials ( 32 9 Lat hro p Rd. , Syr a cuse , N.Y . 1 3219) knowl e dge o f "f e l l ow colle cto r s:
wr i t e s: "The code l et t ers for th e Eumig 710-D p r oj ecti on
"Re - Ar t i c l e ' Ar e Film Co l le c to r s Lone r s ?' l amp i s E F P and i t i s s upposed to b e made by GE .,
I to o believe t ha t i t i s t he r e s pon s i bili ty of t he but no de aler t hat I have co ntac t ed ha s be e n a ble
f i lm c ollector t o s t i mul a t e new a c quainta nc es who to ~ ind i t lis t ed . Al l t he lamps I have u se d we r e
mi ght enj oy wa t ching a f i lm. of European ori gi n, s uch a s At l a s , Phi l ips or Os r am.
"However , I f ound t ha t family a nd f r iends yo u al ­ I ha ve f ound t ha t s ome of t hem do not have t he l a mp
re ady ha ve wi ll al so e nj oy si l ent (with so undtrack) pr op erly cente r ed i n t he re fl e ct or , a nd a s t here i s
a nd early sound fi l ms i f you i nt r oduce t he f i lms no way t o a d jus t the r efl ec t or , t he l ight can be
pr oper ly, and put your a ud i ence in the r i ght mo od . very uneven, wi t h da rk section s on t h e s c re e n. I
"I us e d to s t a te th e t itle of th e film, wh o wa s in als o ha d one of these l amps e xplode , aft e r about
i t et c ., and answer any ques t i ons t he a udi ence give minu t es of us e , r esulting i n glas s pa rt i cl es
might ha ve ab out the f i lm , be f or e t he viewing . being s cat t e re d i n th e pr oje ct or , whic h I r emoved
Then, I kille d t he l ights and s tar t ed the proj e c t or. with a va cuum c leaner.
This me t hod is t oo a brupt . The re i s no pr of e s sional "Ano the r way to g e t more li ght on t he scree n, b e ­
co ntinui ty . No ma tt e r wh ere peop le go t o se e a film, sides a br i gh te r l amp , i s t o u se a f a ster lens.Th e
t hey exp e ct ent e rt a i nment or somet hi ng pleas ing t o Eumi g Var i o-Euprone t f / l .3 supplied with the 710- D
the eye to look a t be f or e t he film st arts a nd dur ­ i s a good lens, reasonab l y sharp and of good con­
ing the intermiss io n . trast, but I find that a Bell & Howell F11movara
"This is why I spent weeks looking for movie-oriented f/l.2 from a several years-old Standard 8 projector
products that would add that 'theatr e touc h ' to my increases the screen light consider a b ly, and the
s howings . Since I mus t sh ow a l l my f i l ms i n our liv­ ove r a ll s har pne ss s eems t o be i mprove d .
ing room (fortunately it is about 25' long and con­ "The plast i c spiral grooved tubes that Eumig uses
nects with the dining room which is another 20') I on i t s lens can be purchased separately from Eumig
was l ooking for some s pec i alt y t hat was portable ( $1.00 ea ch plus pos tage) and if the lens barrel
and compac t . is eve n ly wr appe d wi t h mas king tap e, t o a diamet e r
"Then I f ound Chas er Light Co n tro ll er s whi ch I use t hat wi l l provi de a fo r ce d f i t of t he t ub e, a lmos t
for a miniat ure mar quee ( wit h t he ' moving ' lights any l ens ( i ncluding s ome 16mm f or a l ong t hr ow) can
going ar ound it . ) Next, I f ound Mi ni atur e Sea rc h­ be t ri ed . "
l ights . They ' r e l i ke the ki nd you see in t he 20th
Ce nt ur y -Fox Trad ema rk f ilm only very smal l , a nd th ey
r otat e t oo ! Mi ni a t ure mi r ror ed ba l ls were ne xt ­ PHI L YERMAC K of Far Ro ckawa y , Ne w York , t ook t he
when the l i gh t f rom t h e s e a rc h light s hit s t h e bal l s , t i fue to pen thi s i nf ormat i ve lett e r t o f e l l ow fi l m
t hey fill t he ro om wi t h a ' cascade of d i amonds. ' bu ff s :
"Na tura l l y, a ll th ese things cos t mo ney a nd I didn't "Havi ng r ec ent ly r e c ei ved a p ar t- col or print o f
buy t hem all a t once . It took ma ny months to purch a s e The Phant om of t he Opera fro m Blackhawk Films ,I 'd
a ll "t he items. l i ke t o offe r my c omments whic h ma y a n swer s ome
"Now; b e fore the film begins, I hav e a s epa ra t e mus i c of t he q ue s tions pos ed by J ame s Hugh Henry i n
s ource (a t ape rec orde r) playing old tune s of t he 20 's , your June is s ue. Firs t , it s h ould be no t ~ d t ha t
30's, a nd 40's and I have t he ma rq ue e wit h t he Chas e r Blac kh awk c laims t ha t t he y have t he c omplet e gene- ,
Li ghts goi ng. Then , simultane ous ly , I turn of f t he ra l r el e a s e ve r s i on . I n 8mm t his r un s to 1425 f t .
room lights and switch on t he s e a r ch light( s) a s a \about 7 1/ 8 r e e l s) . This pr oba b l y di ff e r s some­
pre-re corde d drum roll f ills t he a i r . The film begi ns what f r om t he ori gina l ha r d t i c ke t ver s ion (re­
a nd I douse al l other l igh ts in the r oom . At the e nd l ease d i n 10 r e els a c cording to Robert G. Ande r so n
of the fi lm, I do all of the abo ve , b ut i n r eve r s e, i n h i s fin e bo ok on Lon Chaney , Fac e s , For ms a nd
of cour s e . Films . Th is probably exp l a i ns the occ a s iona l
"I have fo und that this s y tem of showmanship make s lap s es in conti nuity that Mr. Henr y no t ic ed. The
t he a udienc e exci t ed a nd with a l l t he old- fas hi oned , Blac khawk pr i nt, howeve r, is ra ther mo r e c omple t e
and mUCh-nee de d, glamour, th ey a re s e t t o wa tc h j ust t han the v ers i on put ou t by I mperia l-Ent erta i nment
ab out a ny f i l m a nd re a l l y e njoy i t . Fi l ms which I a l s o own. Among the foo t age mi s s i ng
"Of course, yo u don't need al l t he equi pme nt I men­ in t he Entert a inment pr i n t, but inc l ude d in the
t i oned. Like I s a id, I di dn 't ac quire it all a t once Blac khawk verSi on, i s a puzzli ng s c ene immedi a tely
and t he audi e nc e s t ill became mo re intere ste d in the f ollowi ng t he opening cre di ts involving a cha r a c ­
f ilm with jus t t he chas e r l ight s. te r wa nd ering a r ound t h e ca t a comb s wi t h a l a mp
"For a mo r e i nexpens i ve but fa s cina ti ng t ouch to f ollowed b y a sha dow whic h obvi ous ly b elong s t o
your ' home theatre ' I woul d rec ommend one of the new Eri k ( t h e Phantom ). Als o adde d t o t h e Bl ackh awk
he at-p owe red r e vo l ving p l a st i c c ylinder s you see in ve rsi on i s a ke y s cen e prec e ding t he c l as s i c un­
gi ft s hop s . I don' t l i ke all t hos e ' p sychede li c ' one s mask i ng s c ene Wherei n Chri s tine i s warne d , by
but I bought one of Nia gar a Fa l ls . It l ooks l i ke
l e tter , t hat s he i s s afe a s l ong a s s h e doe s n ' t
t he wat e r i s a ctually moving . It ma ke s mos t
tou ch t he Phant om' s mask. Thi s very i mp ortant
peop l e l ook twice . They r un a bout $9.00 and I
s cene is eliminat ed from En ter t a inment' s ve r si on.
i magi ne they're a va ila bl e i n mos t gi ft shops. "
As f or Mr .Henry 's sp e c ifi c questio ns, Ca r l ot ta ' s
dis a ppearance f r om t h e f i lm seems logi ca l . Her
( Cont i nued on Page 4 )

p. 4 FILM BUFF JULY 1973

THE READER SPEAKS J.B.WHITLEY of For t Wort h, Texas wri te s :

( cont i nued fr om page 3)

PHI L YE RMACK le tt e r : "I was s'omewhat a mus e d by your rema rks in res pons e
to Randall Rudd's lette r in t h e May i ssue in whi ch
you s t a ted ' ... Your being a cy c le fan would s ug­
part is rat her s ma l l , though essentia l unt i l th e ges t yo u may be $omewhat yo unge r t ha n s ome of us . . '
'chandelier scene ' . Af t er th i s , her a bs ence is e x­ Like mo s t sp ort s, r ecrea t ion a nd hob bies, motor­
plained by a tit le claiming that her car eer was cyc l ing has n o age boundari e s . I me t one couple
termi na te d by the Phantom' s cur s e (whic h le d t o l ast s ummer who had just re t i re d and were t ouring
the cha ndelier f iasco) . The char act er s er v es no t he country on their fir s t mot orcycl e a nd enjoying
furth er purpose . As for the ot her 3 questions, every minute of it ! NOW, yo u can add a mot orcyc le
all seem t o hi nge on some early s tangling in t he cop to yo ur list of ' cul t urall y or i e nt ed' c i ne
fi lm . That odd seque nc e mentioned ab ove (the buffs!
man and t he shadow) may h a ve something t o do with "I s t arted t hi s fasc inat ing a v oca tion a fte r the
th i s but even thi s pri nt off ers no conc r e te evi ­ introduct i on of Super 8 be c aus e I wa nted a 'train­
dence any st r angling prior to the death of the ing f ilm' of a lo ca l si t uation . The bug r eal ly b i t
st age hand , Joseph Buq uet . and I ha ve been filmin g ever s inc e . J us t during the
"As i de fr om t his rather minor l apse i n pl otting , pas t t wo yea rs have I s t arte d a l i brary of ot he r
whic h all prints seem to suffer fr om, Blackhawk ' s fi lms . In t his regard , your column on 18 vs 24 f ps
ve r sion has the following as s e t s: was most int erest i ng. Our area 8mm c l ub f eat ured
1 . Sharp focus and cont r a s t t hr oughout - e ven a s ymposium on this very sub j ec t r e cently . Sound
t he le t t ers are clear and eas y t o read. ca n be ve ry satisfactory a t 18 fp s. Al l of my
2. Mini mal scra tches . early fi l ming was done at 18 but I s t a rt ed 24 f ps
3 . Perfe c t l y cente red tit l es . prio r t o a vacation t r i p to t he Northwe s t l as t ye a r .
4. The pre lude to the unma s king s cene and the Pe r s onally, I cannot te l l that much difference in
u ~as king sc ene (its elf ) usua l ly t he poor est t he quality of the sound - but t h e v is uals s e em to
pr e s er ved sc e ne s i n the f ilm , though defini t ely be much smoother . Elimi nat es the st r ob e ef f ect.
badly de t er i orat ed in comparison to the res t of " I have the Blackhawk print of 'Ti llie ' s Punctured
t he print, are f ar superi or to mo st other sma ll Romance' and it is qui t e s a t i sfact ory a nd l ooks
gauge pri nts that I have s e en a nd, t hough s pot ted na tura l when pro j ect e d at 18 f ps. Anot her film ,
and shady at t i mes , it alwa ys mai nt a i ns f ocus . f rom t he Paul Ki lliam library , fe a tures e x c erp ts
5 . The Bal Ma sque Se quence is i n early 2- co l or
f rom ' Ti l lie' but thi s fi lm is na tura l a t 24 fp s .
Technicolor or s ome simila r ear l y co lo r pr oce s s . Pre s umably the y have a dd ed eight extr a f r ames;

The color , t hough lac king pure whites and fav or­
i. e. f irs t f r ame i s printed twic e , s ki p t wo , four th
ing or a nge, i s remar kabl y good and s hould be of frame tWice, etc . As you know, Bl a ckhawk gene rally
interest to any film co lle ct or .. (I would suggest, indicates number of f eet for a s ub ject. Thunderbird

when showing the film, to skip the intro added by indicates number of r e els, and one or two others

Blackhawk which mentions the color, and leave the

indicate running time. Why can't there be a standardi­
;-c o-l-eT- s-e-gme nt -' a ~a s urpr±-s e to your-aud-i ence . It zatiGn .i B thi s -,! I p rep-o s-e- the running-time - - - ­
should cause quite a pleasant surprise). Since, being the showmen that we are, we are in-
"As I seem to be writing a book inste~ d of a let­ terested really in computing how long our presenta­
ter, let me close wit h my thank you for the good tion will be?
r eading your ma ga zi ne provides every month." "Certainly enjoyed your product report on the Bolex
St riper. I have be en st r iping my fi l ms with one of
DIC K IAN NOTT I of Wate rtown, Conn. writes: those che ape r br a nds s o far. I f i nd you can stripe
" I woul d like t o s ay tha t I enjoy Film Buff i m­ c ontact pri nt s (with emu lsion si de away fr om t he
mens ely. It i s enjoya b l e t o r ead ab out f ellow film lens ) pr ovided you ' cond i t ion' it first wi th a ve r y
col l ect ors and r ead t hei r comments . Every art i c l e useful ga dge t from England cal l ed the ' Cut - A- Rut ' .
i s read and en joyed . A fin e ma ga zi ne . It r eall y works, if you have t he pat ience t o do t he
" I especiall y like the produ ct r evi ews and th e job prop erly. I do hope t o ha ve e nough pennie s s ave d
film r e views . some day to get the Bole x Striper . I have heard t hi s
"I ha ve t he p l ea s ure of owni ng a He urt ier ST- 42 str iper is c apable of s tr i ping th e p olye st er base
mono proj ector. I must report t hat it i s a beauti­ films as wel l, a l t hough no mention was made i n y our
art~cle of t hi s! "
fu l mac hine. The s ound qua lity fa r surpasses any
ma chi ne I have owne d or heard. I a lso l ike t he
800 ft. capac i t y. I have bough t some films- t hat ad­ NOTE TO BOLEX FROM THE BUFF EDI TOR: I s thi s t rue
vertis e at 900 or 1 , 000 ft. and , with a little edit­ about s't ri ping the polyester base fi lms ?
ing , they f it nicely on a n 800-ft reel . The mac h i ne ­
takes a li t tle get ting us e d t o , f or the cont rols
STEVEN DHUEY of Mi.lwaukee , Wis. writ e s :
are a l i tt le more compli cated t han nor mal. But once
"I was t hril led to s e e my l et te r in t he May Film
yo u get used t o them yo u wil l fi nd the ma chine a Buff . In fa ct , I i mmedia t ely s ub scrib e d. (Hint:
gem . I can re comme nd the Heur t i e r t o any buff wi t h try that t o get peop le t o s ubscribe) . I wro t e that
no re s erva tions. I didn't have a sound proj e ct or , t o whic h you sug ­

*** ** gested t hat I should buy one a s soon a s pos sib l e .

I n closing, I would like t o s ay, kee p up the good As much as I would like to, Mr .Muro , I am ( sur pr ise )

work in Fi lm Buff. I look f orward to future i ss ue s ." only th i rt een, and at that age I am l ucky t o scra pe
up the money fo r a Film Buff subscription.

RANDY RUDD of Lubb oc k , Texas wr it e s: "But all i s not lost without a sound pro j ect or . I

" I jus t t hought it might be of inter e s t t o fell ow buy 'sound' films f r om Ame r icom 8 films (availab l e

Laurel and Har dy f ans t hat t he re i s an a lb um out through Blackhawk or Int e rnational Films) . They

cal led ' Na t ur a l ly Hi gh ' which is a 33 1/3 l p of fea ture si lent reg. 8 and Super 8 prints of s ound

s ome of t he i r be st lines of dialogue a nd some great movi es and include an or igi nal soundtrack r ecor d
songs . Include d are : 'Let Me Cal l You Sweetheart' with it f re e. I ha ve purchase d many of t hem, and
( 'Swi s s Mis s ' ) , ' On The Trai l of the Lonesome Pi ne' f ound them a l l worth the pri ce. Her e are some r e ­
( ' Wa y Out We st ' ), ' I Love You ' (' Bea u Hunks '), 'Lazy views fo r all persons interest e d:
Mo on' ('Par don Us' ) , and 'Going Down To Di xie' Horror of Dracula : This is a one - r eel excerpt of
('Way Out We s t ' ). The LP is available f r om Douglas t he terrific Hammer f ilm with Chris t ophe r Lee a nd
Recor ds , dis tr ibut e d by PIP Rec ords , 850 Seventh Pete r Cushing. It starts with the s cene whe r e Dra-
Avenue , New York , N.Y . 10 019.
July 197.3 ' FILM BUFF P. 5
-- -- ---- -------- - --- - -- - ------------ ~ ----- --- ------- - - - - ----------


Aft e r encoun t er ing Super 8mm film 8MM LINE· IN NEW CATALOG
stock delivery del ay s, Thunderb
F ilms has an·nounced that i t no w With a new booklet catalog format,
has sil~ nt Su per 8mm i n the wo r ks Bill Bissonette's Cine Servic e ­
an d isr~shing pr oduct~on of the Vintage Films of Bridg epor t,Conn.,
Supe ~8 si le n t li n e. Super 8mm has announced some additions to
sound wi ll a ppa r e nt l y come along its listings of 16mm and 8mm.
short l y wi th Ea st ma n Kodak being In addition to 16mm silents , like
needle d t o speed delive r y of a Alfred Hitchcoc k 's ilThe Lodg er l!
sta ll ed order f r om Thunderbird and 11My Boy li s tarring Jackie Coogan,
for t h e special stock needed for the firm offers "His Double Li fe"
pr in ti ng in magneti c sound. with Lillian Gish a nd Roland Young
Asked abou t pricing of the Super in l6rrun optical sound. No sign
8 li ne, Dunn a hoo explained that of Sta ndard 8 or Super 8 sound as
th e tre mend ous cost of equipping yet f or this title.
and the t e chnical problems in­ Pola Negri is represented in
volv~d will fo r ce him to make his "Spanish Dancer if , available . in
Sup e.r 8 'p ric e sin 1 in e wit h t h os e 16mm and 8rrun sil ent a long with
c har~ed by o t her Super 8 distri­ the Richard Ba rthe lmess vehicle
butors. Dunn a h o o (Tom Dunnahoo, 'Soul Fire ' which i s a vailable
pri ncipal of Thunde rb i r d) has only in 8 n~ (silent) .
promis e d t o keep pr ic ing a s low l6mm sound a nd 8rrun s ound versions
a s humanly p o ss i ble be c ause he of lIIVAN THE TERRIBLE Ii , Pa rt s I .
r e co gn izes the d a n ger of p ricing and II, t he spe c t acle dir e cted by
hi s excellent line out of the Serge i Eisenstein are included in
range of the many collectors who the current catalog.
ar e a n xious to get h o ld of Super 16IT~ sound and 8mm sound as well
8 prin ts of the many silent and as 8mm silent prints of lI ALEXANDER
sound subJects now o ffered. NEVSKYII, "another Sergei Eis e nstein
Thund e rbi r d' s 1 6mm sound ca t alog film, ar e among the highlight ed
is o f special in t e r est t o th e r e lea ses. Carl Dreyer' s VAMPYR
Supe r B s ound f an. Th e lat te r is a lso purchaseable in 16mm or
s ees th e poss ibi l ity of getting 8rrunsound.
su ch films a s James C ag n e y'~ For the collector who buys only
' Gre at Guy', some o f the 'B' 16rrun, there is Reginald Owen in
'a l l t a l king ' westerns her e to­ "A Study in Scarlet '\ a She rlock
for e the private domain of the Holmes adventure (sound ) . Erich
16mm co lle ct or . Von Stroheim is the star of i1The
Dunnah oo hastens to reassure the Crime of Dr. Crespi li , another 1 6mm
1 6mm customer that he will con­ sound title.
tin ue t o expand hi s 16 titles Avai lable in 16mm a nd 8mm sound
so that th is import an t category is th e trail er for Hitch-c oc k~ ' s
is not n eg lect ed while Super 8 PSYCHO .
ta ke s a spotligh t . We do wi s h that, whoev er i s re ­
The exac t availability d ate o f sponsible fo r copy on Bi l i's cata­
the fi rst Supe r 8mm magnetic log would l e arn to spel l "ro le" .
sound s u bjects was no t s e t at Whe n referring t o someone 's role
p r ess t ime and so 'Santa Fe in a given film, the catalog mis ­
Tr ai l' a nd other juic y relea ses spell s it as "rollll. Well, per­
ar e s t ill waitin g in the wings. haps we ought t o l earn to roll
The Buff pr edi cts vi g oro u s re­ with the punches ~nd stop being
sponse from th e Supe r 8 c ollec­ editors interminably!
tors to both t he s il e n t and Mis-spellings or not, th e new
soun d lines. c ata log is an interes t ing on~ .
Ju l y 1973 FILM BUFF P.6

Thos e of us with c l ear memories of James Ca g ne y , t he star of so
the World Wa r II era a n d t h e decade many Warner Brothers g ang ster
preceding the War we re distressed films and possibl y indel i bl y
this past month at the news of the impressed on the public's mind
p assin g of two gr e at star s •.• a s the image of a tough guy,
JOE E.BROWN and BETTY GRABLE. will · be honored by the Americ a n
Brown , who was 80, gave so much Film Institute. The I n stit u t e
joy a n d happiness fo r most of his will present its Second Annua l
life to so many people in films Life Achievement Award i n 19 7 4
su c h a s 'Earthworm Tractors', to Mr. Cagney a t a Los Ang e l e s
'Elme r The Great' and o t hers. banquet in Ma rc h.
Be t ty Grable earned millions for The ' Awa r ds Dinner, under t h e co­
20th Centur y Fox for whic h s h e chairm a nshi p of Ted Ashley and
made a se r ies of v e ry s ucces s ful Mrs.No r ma n Taurog, will be te l e­
Tec h n~colo r musicals. cast nationally by CBS.
Jo e E. Brown, who lost his n a tural The AF I Life Achievement Award
son in a plane crash, is survived is given each yea r by the I n s t i­
by tw o adopt e d sons, one of whom tute ' s Board of Trustees to a n
i s a bi g league basebal l manager. individ u al " wh o s e talent has in
Bro wn h imsel f played pr o ba l l in a fundamental way cont r i b uted
h i s y o uth an d carr i ed his ability to the filmmaking arts; whose
into h i s pe rformance fo r the films accomplishments h ave been ack­
notably in 'Elmer The Great'. nowledged by scholars, critics,
Ironically, after spending his professional peers and th e gene - ~
"'"l ir e maR ~ng - o~ers appy-~ he spe nt ral pub lic ; a nd who se bo dy o f
th e l a s t y ear s o f hi s o wn life work has stood the t est o f t i me ."
be d r id d e n an d ne a rly forgot ten
by f i lmgo e rs . . . b ut n o t c omp le t e ly Cagney cert a inly merit s this
f orgott e n b y any means a s far as ho n or and we can only wish him
ded i cated film bu ff s go. Most of good health and happiness. We
us were overjoyed to learn that c an al s o wish tha t th e public
Blac k hawk Films will be releasing will see this great star not only
a vintage musi c al to collectors as the portrayer of g a ngste rs
and Joe E.Brown is featured in on the sc r een but as a gifted
it ('Lo t tery Bride'). Early r e­ actor who gave his talent to
ports indicate that ,Brown, along performances in such non-gangster
with Zasu Pit t s , sav e that film films as "Yanke e Doodle Dand y" .
f r om the disaster c a tegory and Late in hi s career, Cagney por­
this is not surprising. Br own (and trayed Admi r al Hal s ey on screen.
Miss Pitts as we ll ) saved ma n y a In both cases he gave superb
pi c tur e . performances.
Be t ty Grable's f i lms were n ot the Retired for over ten years, Cag n ey
subject of critical raves . On ly now raises ho r ses in upstat e Ne w
the gen e ral pub lic liked he r . Yo r k
Sh e usually downgrad e d her own
ability and s a id at one time,
' I hav e o n ly one thing going for
me a nd I am standin g on them.' THUNDERB IRD OFFERS CAGNEY FI LM
We disagr e e. Hers was a sincere l y
·effer v esc e nt pe r sona l ity wh ich One of th e few films James Cagney
lit tip t he screen and we d id n ' t made away from Warner Brothe r s,
c are whether she sang or da nced ' Great Guy', is available from
a l l th a t well . Act u al l y , s h e was Thunderbird Films of Los Angeles.
n o t l acking in talen t. 16mm sound. Su p er 8 sound planned.
July 1973 ---- - -------------- FILM BUFF ----------------- - - --------7
- --- - ---- -- - - - ----------- --- --------------- - ---------- -- - ---- ~- - ------
The Buff studies the part-COLOR version released by Blackhawk Films.
From the first day that your reviewer learned that Blackhawk Films had
laid hands on the original color footage for the Bal Masque sequence
in Chaney's 1925 blockbuster, 'Phantom of the Opera', he has been on
pins and needles waiting to s ee it. Well, the great day arrived a
while back and we can report without qua lification that we are delighted.
The color is far better than we expected. In 1925 the 'natural color'
process was primitive to say th e l e ast. It was based on a two-color
syst e m that omitted many hues in the spectrum and seemed to emphasize
red and ora ng e .. This idea was reinforced by our having view e d the color
scene in DeMille's silent, 'King of Kings· where we saw 'color' that was
largely an exercise in r e ds.
In the 'Phantom' co~ .o r s e que nce you have a lot of red and orange, to be
sure, but there is a sug g estion of blue or blue green too. Yo u will
spot blue a t the lower right in the main shots of the st a ircased ball
room, representin g som e kind of special lighting. Th e flesh tones are
excellent. And, of cours e , Lon Chaney descending th a t staircas e as the
Phantom - cloak e d in red and masked - is something els e ag a in. What a
terrific high point.
One problem . The screen goes back to black and white for th e r emaind e r
of the pictur e and it is a letdown despite the fact that the black and
white is smooth and sharp. Solution: project the balance through color
Th e original PHANTOM OF THE OPERA has never been equalled. As Bl ac k ha wk
explai n ed in a r ei ea se, i t wa s always the most reques t ed o f f ilms but
the company r efused to r e lease it unt1 ~ could f ind good pre-prin t
material. Most copi e s to date have been scratchy, patched and downright
EXCELLENT IN QUALITY. There is a minimum of scr a tches and we spotted
practically no jumps in continuity. It appears to b e complete. And
what a joy to see this classic in a sharp print!
Blackh a wk appended its usual explanatory titles at the star t , something
some collectors resent. We personally do not r e sent thos e titl e s be­
cause they tend to purvey needed background for the benefit o f your
audience which 'may not be a s familiar with this film's p lac e i n history
as you are.
The story is too familiar to detail here. And it is not necessary to
point to Chaney's s uperb performance as the demented Erik (the Phan t om).
He played the p a rt with style and flourish never . quite duplicat e d.
Most prints to date have had very blurry porti o ns wher e you have the
famous unmasking scene. Alas, the unmasking scene in Bl a ckhawk's ver­
sion is also fuzzy and grainy and not up to the high qua lity· of the
rest of the picture. Indeed, was this scen e in color ori g inally? This
might account for poor black and whit e reproduction.
We reviewed th e SUPER 8 print. If this is typical of th e quality in
all gauges, the l6mm version must be terrific.
Proper projection speed is 18 frames (silent). We tri e d it at 24 fps
and it wa s a bit too unnatural. Since the film cries out for sound,
it would have been wonderful if 24-frame sp e ed could be used. But we
shall have to content ourselves with sound on film a t 18 frames. In
fact, Film Buff has releas e d a soundtrack for this p icture which is
timed for silent sp e ed projection..
If you have a poor print of PHANTOM, dump it. Get yourself this new
v ersion. We would rate its quality as theatrical, suit e d to big screen
pr ojec t io n which is most effective for its presentation.

8 FILM BUFF July 1973


We have often wondered why film distributors did not place hea~ie~ em- ,

phasis on two-reel comedies and, possibly, dramatic shorts from the

silent era. Whil e some of the companies have done this very t~ing,

some of our distributors feel that these lower-priced rele a ses are not

worth the trouble. We can understand the economics of this reasoning

but we believe that the btiyer who restricts himself (for monetary rea­

sons) to 2-reel subjects now wiil lat~r go to the more costly f ea t~re

length films. Puttin g some emphasis i ,n catalogs on a vTider ' s e lection

of the many 2-re e lers a vailable might be an investment , in future busi­

ness~ And so we l ooked at 'Campus Vamp' in that light.

This pleasant littl e two-reeler released by Thunderbird h a s been avail-,

able £rom other sourc es for some time but we had never seen it. The
comedy is a Mack Sennett production released through Pa th e a nd the Thun­
derbird print include s the good old Pathe rooste~ crowin g at the e nd.
It stars Carol e Lombard and Sally Eilers in early screen appearance s
and it is a joy t o see them. Miss Lombard, who play s a blond e flirt
and man-killer, is very recognizable and ,looks not a whit diff e rent
from her later days in such talkies as "My Man Godfreyll. Miss Eiler~
changed a bit in talkies but she is recognizable. Both s tars are very
attractive ind ee d in 'Campus Vamp'.

The comedy is dated but very 'camp'. It is typical of Hollywood's ver­

sion of college and campus life---having little or no r e latibnship to

the real thing! In these college comedi e s one gets the impressi,on that

- <eo>l"l:~~i- aJ:;l <ia-nc-elS , good~-1:'i Tlle~ and ' gi:I'l chasing. But i t 's fun.

You g e t the original titles in this film and the dialogue is the crisp,

jazz-age stuff replet e with wisecracks. All titles are well centered

and sh~rp. The opening titles include a referenc e to 'color scenes'

having been filmed in 'Technicolor' which is a surpr ise to this writer.

We did not know tha t Technicolor, as a trade name, wa s in u se for color

in the twenties. We learned somethin g . We were 'disappoint e d, though,

to find that th e color scene was not included in c o lor. You ge t it in

black and white. Thunderbird would score a scoop if it made the color

sequence available to buyers of its black and white print.

~rint quality is superb, equal to the best of U.A., Castl e or Blackhawk.

We were astonish e d by the clarity and detail a nd, if all prints off the
line are this good, Thunderbir4 will have established a hi gh standard
indeed. We viewed the ~mm veri ion which screens lik e 16. The ,16mm
edition must be a knockout.
, , '



After completing an item pointing Sponsored by Film Buff, the Golden
to the lamentable loss of Betty Heritage Film Group (form e rly Cine­
Grable and Joe E. Brown, we '-lere , ma Antique) is offering full member­
confronted with the pas$ing of two ships and subsc~iption arrangements
more stars - Veronica Lake and to Long Island, New York and near­
Robert Ryan. While Miss 'Lake was by film buffs. Activities include
off the screen for some time, she , private showings with emph a si~ on
is fondly remembered as the blonde the rare silent classics, seminars
with the 'peekaboo' hair style. ' and other a~tivities. If you are
Robert Ryan ~Tas active to his end. interested , write to Film Buff.
JULY ;1.97 3 FI LM BUFF P .9

movie s have always been a b ig t h ing with me , n ot s o

THE READERSPEAKS -( C ont ~ ) much the star s as the f i lms themse lve s , and n ot so
much t he artistic points of t hem a s th eir ent ertain-
Ste ve Dhuey le tter~-- me nt value . I began, ac t ual l y, by maki n g my own home
cula puts t he bite on Ho l mwood's wife and cont inue s movies wi t h a r egu lar 8 c amera (was n' t any Super 8
wi thout c ut of the orig inal fea t ure ' to .the end, a t that time) and at t hat time d isco ve r e d Bl ackhawk
whe r e Lee (as Dr.acula) ·i s expos ed to sunligh t and Fi lms of I owa. Th.e Laure l and Hardy come di es attrac­
s lowly disint e grates in~o ash e s (in a sc ene 'y ou' l l ted my attention fir s t, s inc e I ' d wa tched them on
never forget). The picture is o f v e ry high contrast, television for years and develope d a n unque nchable

unfort unat ely, ' but it is v ery c lear and s ha r p. thirst for more and more of their comedy . Silent films

The sound record is what y ou woul d call 'low f i' are fine, bu t I tend toward sound as my preference,s o

but it adds a lot t o t he movie . ' I worked my way UP t o 16mm ( pi c ture and sound quality

Dancing Mast e r s : This i s an a bridgemen t of the fea- are most import a nt to me , so 1 6mm wa s th e nat ural

ture o f th e same title s tarring Laure l and Hardy, direction) even t ho t he co s t is hard to handle at

wi th Robe rt Mi t c hum i n a:' s mal l part. By the way, times.

t he Ame ri c om fi lms are des igne d to be shown at 18 "With 16mm, I e nt ered into the .used' film ' rat

f. p .s. e ven tho u gh they a r e soun d movies . This tends race', and I use the t erm ' ra t race ' with great
t o slow down ac ti on a bit , a nd the soun d too. So feeli n g. Unless a pe r s on has some goo d (and person-
t hat make s Stan and Ollie look and s ound o lder th an all connections i n t hat fiel d, I don't r ecommend
t h e y r eal l y we re . Al th ough th is i s one of their later buy ing 'used' 16mm f ilms . I' ve lost a lot of money
p ict ur es (and certa inly not one of their best) it's sending f or what I though t would be great fi 1ms,and
h il ar i ous to se e , Stan do the Pelic an Dance and Ollie ending up wi th broke n-d own,bad1y spliced up junk
do th e Hula (they're da ncing i n structors). I sugges t print s .
tha t Americom rel e ase s ome earlier Laurel and Har dy "Get ting bac k to Blackhawk Fi lms, le t me s a y t hat
s ub ject s. I've ne ver had any troubl e with t he m and t hei r
Whe n Come dy Was King : Th is one 's a real treat. print s are great . All the Laure l and Hardy films
It featur e s Charlie Ch aplin i n an early two reeler I bough t ar e in e xc ell e n t c ondition (s harp pic tur e,
(p rese nted as a one reel a b ridgement her e ) wi th Mabel clean wi t h go od con tras t and go od so und, even t he
Normand; and Buster Ke aton in Cops. As y ou know, if ear ly sound sho rts h ave been re - re corded and come
y ou have seen any o f many Robe r t Youngs on p roduc t ions, t hru fine) a nd are well wor th th e r at her high pric es.
the y are selections of silent comedies'with sound ef- Almost a ll the shorts a va i lable from Blackhawk are
fec ts and a musi cal score and narrat i on a d ded . This go od (L &H shorts , that is, haven' t tried the ot h ers
i s a two r eeler. Th e pi cture qual ity is very good and yet) and the Laure l and Har dy f eatures : 'Way Out
the so und is better than average . This i s wel l worth West', ' Son s of the Desert', ' Boh emian Girl',
the mone y . 'Bloc khe ads' , 'Our Rela tions ' ar e all tops .
Boy oh boy , when I start t o t a lk I n e ver s top . I "Lately, I've disco v e r ed Cine Service Vintage Films
s t ill want to say t wo more th:ings.First - I'm and Thunderbird Films . Both offer excellent print
planning to buy a feature film, but I don 't know quality and some very interesting subjects. From
whom to buy it from, because many p l a ces are sell- Cine Servi ce I 've acauired ' Lil Abner' and ' Dawn On
ing it , but I want the l ongest one a n ni g est ~~-----I·--The Great Divide' . 'Lil Abner' i s a ge nerally p1~u s-
picture quality. How can I find out which distri- ing film comedy similar to TV's 'Beverly Hillbill ies'
butor has the longest version? in content. It is very 'talky' til th e finale, the n
Last: horror fans, ha ve you ever heard of the Edi- al l h-- breaks lo ose duri ng Sadie Hawkins day. Print
son version of Frankens te in ? Back in 1910 the q uali t y is prett y g ood . Yo u can edi t s ome o f t he slow
Edi s on company produced a one reel version of spots out i f you don 't like the p a c e . ' Dawn on the
Frankenstein starring Charle s Ogle as t he monst e r. Great Divide ' is a go od litt le 'B ' wes tern starring
Ever sin ce 1910 nob ody co uld fi nd heads or tails Buck Jones i n h is l as t picture be for e his untimely
(or t he in-between ) of the fi l m. Sad s tory f or death. There i sn ' t much acti on but the st ory is g oo d .
hor r or f ans . BUT - re ce n t l y a man bJ(' the name o f Prin t quality is e xc ellent .
Dave Butler (whom I 've p e r s ona lly met) found a "From Thunderb ird Films I' ve bo ught the Republic
35mm p r int of the fil m in a theate r her e i n Wis - serial, 'Zorro' s Fighting Legion '. For those who
cons in. You c an i ma g i ne t h e value . Well, a s soon like a ction serials, thi s one is among the be st .
as I was str iki ng u p a friendship with him, he Large Gqst (for a se ri al ) and g ood pr odu cti on val ues
move d away to a di ff e rent ci ty in Wi s. But I d o with t h e usual top not ch a ct i on seq uences Repub l ic
know t hat Kent Eas ti n, Pre sident o f Blackhawk Films, always provided, (at l e as t dur ing th e y ear's 1939-19 4 2).
might have his a ddr es s sin ce Mr.Butler once men- Print qual ity is e xcelle nt (exce pt for nigh t s cenes
t i on ed t h a t he r e ceived a letter from him. -If I in chap t er t wo, a b i t too da rk ) a nd tho it c o st s
hear any more a b out it I'll write. . $40 0 y ou could do what I di d, buy chapt ers 1 ,2,6,7,
"I sur e h ave wr it ten a l ot h e re, s o I 'll stop now 8 ,1 0,11 ,1 2 a nd caref ul l y e d i t t hem i nto one h eck of
until I th i n k of a nything els e to write you an ac t io n feat ure r unning about ninety minutes.
about. Pleas e ex cuse al l my typing mistakes but Le aving out four chapt ers c ut s t he pric e down a bi t.
I' m t yping th is i n a lmo st tot al darkness because For t hos e inter e st e d in. getti ng a se r ia l for the ir
we ' re ha ving a n e le ctric al st or m ne a r he re and co l l ect i on (and a r en 't up on t hem ) may I s ugges t
some wire s f e ll ." one of Rep ub lic' s produ c tions mad e i n th e la t e 30 s
and e ar l y 40s? All ot h er se rials a re dis appointi ng
Edit or' s repl y: Ho nestly, would y ou thi nk Steve in one way or another . "
is only 137 How can a guy that a g e know so muc h
a b out f i lms ? Tha nk you , St eve , for your letter s. BOB GROMMES o f Box 36 4, Paw Paw, 111. writ es asking
how in the world anyone c an ge t a print of the 19 26
RANDA LL WM.LAI NG of Los Ange les, Calif. writes : MGM "Be n Hur" . Anyb ody got an ans we r?
(His zi p code is: 6135 3)
"Some months a go, I received a sample copy of FILM "--on page 16 (Vol. 2 #9, May 1973 i s sue o f Fi lm Buff-)
BUFF and liked what I s aw . Recently, I ' ve sent in you mentioned the poss i bility o f 8mm sound prints with
my subs cripti on and a lso had the compulsi on to optical tracks. Accor-ding to my i nformat ion, Eumig ' s
write this letter in hopes my experiences with fi lm S-7 1 0 O/ M pro jector handle s only Sup e r 8 , bO c h optical
c ollecting mi ght be of s ome i n tere st a n d/or help and magneti c sound. You might a l so be i n te r ested to
to some ot her collectors (i f you shou l d happen to know that t hi s pro jector gets onl y 80-5 00 Hz frequency
u se some of this letter in t he "Buff") . r e sponse with op ti cal t r ac ks , a s compared to 75-1 0 ,0 00
"I ' ve been 'co l lectin g~ movies ( 8mm at f i r s t,then Hz with magnetic trac ks . What t hat me ans , in plain
Super 8 , t hen 16mm siIe nt and s ound ) f or about English , is tha t o ptic al s ound in 8mm has comparative­
five or so years now, lind I 1.ove t h e hobby e ven ly poor sound qual ity , e specia lly whe r e music i s con-
tho it's so exp ens; Eve r since I can . r~ me mb e r, (CONTI NUED ON PAGE 1 0 )
P . 10 FILM BUFI!' JULY 197 j


Conti nued from page 9- ---­
c erned. Additionally, such e xtreme pre cision is re ­
qui red in the manufacture of opt i cal sound print s in
Super 8 that any s avings over magnetic sound a re minor
at be s t. If you or your re ade r s a re intere s ted in
op tical vs magnetic sound , wri te to: The Socie ty of
Motion Picture and Televi s ion Engi ne ers , 862 Scars da l e
Avenue, Scar sdale, N.Y. 10 583 . Encl os e $2.00 and ask
them f or publication MP-8, ent itl ed "Pro ce edings of
the Symp osium on Super 8 Production Technique s." &OTHER SPECIALTY


It's a fas cinating little volumn and well wor th the

pric e . Many di fferent subjects whi ch a re of indi rect
interest to film collectors are dis c ussed.
"Also, your reade rs probably would be i nt erested in
a film I just bought from Blackhawk in Super 8 sound,
entitled 'Mack Sennett's Fun Fac tory' . Anyone even TURN YO UR SILENTS
mildly intere sted in Sennett will love this film.I t
contai ns, in 2 1/2 r eel s, a most comprehensive history IN TO SOUNDI ES'
of Sennett's studi o wit h clips from 'The Extra Gi rl ' (S TANDA RD TAPE RE EL S OR CASS ETT ES)
starring Mabel Normand, 'The Dare devil' starring Ben TAPES TO MA TCH OUTS TAN DING SIL ENT COMEDIES
Turpin + a host of other very funny sequences. Also, AND FEATU RES .. .
the f ilm is mostly 's tep printed ' so that it projects TAPE S TO MATCH SOME EAR LY SOUND FI LMS
at normal pac e when yo u 're showi ng t he film at 24 RELEASED IN S I LEN T PRI NT FORM SUCH AS
frame s per second. Sound and picture qua lity are ab­ "VAMPY R"
solut ely superb and the narrator is no less than Paul ORIG INAL THE AT RICA L TRACKS AN D SOME
Kill iam himself. (Silent versions in 8mm and Super 8 PRO DUCED ES PEC IAL LY BY FILM BUF F.....
are a ls o available but project them at 24 frames per
second! No s tandard 8mm or l6mm sound versions). Fantast i c new t rac ks avai la b l e Inclu de
"PH ANTOM OF TH E OP ERA" - ma tchin g the new
Bl a ck hawk Films e di t i on ­
SETS US STRAIGHT "SERIAL TR AILERS" - ma tch i ng the Thunderbird
re lea s e
Ralph Celentano of Palmer, Mass., rec e nt ly de mon­ "F LA SH GOR DON CON QUERS THE UNI VE RSE"
strated his tremendous de d ic a tion to films a nd the Cha p l in's EASY STREET
facts conc erning t hem by calling us lo ng di s t ance 'TILLIE ' S PUNCTURED ROMANCE' --­
primarily to call our attention to an error made 'CAMPUS VAMP' -- and many, many others.
In our review of the Laurel & Hard y feature,"Swiss
Miss" (May FILM BUFF) . We ha d Indi cat e d that "Way WR ITE: SO UN DT RACK DEPA RTMENi ~
Ou t Wes t" was an L&H featu r e f ollow in g "S wi ss Miss" Impact Promotion & Publ ishlng
whereas It is the othe r way around. "Way Out West " P.O. Box 352
preceded "Swiss Miss" and the latter marks the pro­ Bel.lmore, New York 11710
bable beginning of t he decline of the fam ed c ome dy
pair. We stand correc t ed. Enclos e a n 8 ¢ s tamp fo r l i sts .


We are making a very special introductory offer only to the readers of

FILM BUFF. We are offering SUPER 8 silent & sound fil ms at BELOW our

Usually LOW PRICES . Our speci al s for this month ar e:

#C-l Marx Br os . i n Pigskin Capers (Castle) One reel. From "Horsefeathers"

# C- 2·Marx Bros . in This is War? (Castle) One reel. From "Duck Soup"

# C-3 Marx Br os . i n The incredible Jewel Robbery (Castle) One reel From TV

# C-4 John Wayne in The Cowboy & The Girl (Castle) One reel. "Lady takes Chance"

# C-5 Bori s Kar lo ff in Fra nkenste i n (Castle) One reel

~ - ~~ --- - - - ----~--~ -- - - -~~ -,


J -=-==-:~:::::"'''='':'=:'''''::'=::::''''';::'':''::=-'''=''';=:-::'==:-
I . .
.. 1I When you make a purchase of $15.00
or more, you will r ec e ive ab sol ut el y
P.O. BOX 575 GARDEN GROVE ,CALIFORNIA 926421\ :mM a delightf ul B/W s ho rt s ubj ect

CIRCLE APPROPRIATELY . :! o~ ~ur choice. Act no w. Suppl ie s are

. Sil ent or Sound I 11m1ted.

C-l C- 2 G-3 C- 4 C-5 I

name _ __ _-'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I Castle, Columbia, Unite d

I Artists and much more .
add!ess _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---' I
: With every ord: r,. we wil l r u s h

c.ll'f~ Add 25 ' o'~~ZI. • our c ompl ete I l st1ngs of "super 8

__ ';' ___ ';'-,__oii_.l_~;; _r!;'~ ..._ __ __ ..1 f ilm s . Send check or money order. '

J uly _19 7 3 - - --- - - -~- ---- -- --- ---- - FILM BUFF-- - ---------------- - ---- - - · 11

'LAUREL & HARDY ON TOUR' - Thunderbird Films (8mm and l6mm silent).
This short subject was not submitted by Thunderbird but by a Buff reader
who thought we ought to see it. It is an interesting log of the famous
comedy team's tour of the British Isl e s and the Harm reception accorded
them. Print quality is quite good although the photography (no fault of
Thunderbird's) is somewhat ama teurish in spots. However, this subject
is interesting and important hist orically, especially to Laurel & Hardy
devotees of whom this writer is one.
Tacked , on to t he above reel Nas a color reel our friend had procur ed f r om
some ot her source apparently. This reel is one of the most heartbrea king
of all films any L & H fan could view. It shows the pair in the twilight
years . Laurel is s een as an aged man with dyed red hair, his face show­
ing ravages of illness. Hardy is seen worn and shrunken from his disa ­
bi l i t ies. We almost cried at the sight of our beloved pair and the film
per forme d. , in our opinion, a disservice to the memory of Laurel and Hardy .
Our a dvice would be to stick with the Thunderbird reel and forget about
f inding the sickening color reel.
We understand that the fami l ies of Laurel & Hardy have moved to stop th ~
d istribution of that color reel and we hope they succeed . '

To say we we re surprised by FINDERS KEEPERS, the quarterly put together
b y i ma g i n a tive Donald G.Jackson (1043 Vine St. , Adri a n, Mich.4922l), is
unde rs t a t i n g th ing s a bit. We h ad to give this u n u s ual p ubl i ca tion a ca re ­
ful look-s e e j u st to get it sl..aa t f ips t e could not dec ide if it
was designed for rock fans or was editorially tilted toward us classic
film collectors. In fact, it tilts both ways. Physically it is nearly an
unique production both in printing and makeup. It is, in fact,uncommonly
attr a c t ive and convenient. It is not conventional in any sense but,then,
neither is 'Film Buff' which is neither magazine or newspaper! 'Finders
Keepers' seem s to cater to the avante g a rde and to people who consider
themselves culturally and intellectually a bit more advanced than the
r est o f us. There is evident in its makeup just a wee bit of elitist snob­
b i s h ness--but e ver s o little. We'd sug g est that this be played down.
At t he same time, there is a laudable emphasis on cultural aspects of
films a nd music.
I r onically. while the publication puts a s p otlight on things cultural,
g i vi n g the imp r ession that its readers might be inclined to visit our
better museums and collect objets d la~t including recordings, it also
play s with the 'camp' stuff like vinta g e horror films and serials. There
is much space devoted to happenin g s where s e rial a nd horror fans gather
in costumes. Sort of 'way out' you mi g ht say .
A half b uck will get you a sample copy of this unusual and interesting
publica t io n. We couldn't find a subscription r a te stated in it ... but
isn' t mo n ey too crass a subject for t pe editorial orientation of the
magazine? We ask it good-naturedly because we g ive t he 'Finders Keepers'
publication a n 'A' for originality. Ther e isn't enough of that commodity
toda y and we are happy to see the initiative and inventivenes s displayed
in this periodical. Our only advic e would b e : don't forget the economic
side of things. Your shunning of advertisin g and lack of push in sub­
scriP t ions may prove damaging when the printing bills for your luxurious
publication come around. Our advice to Buff read e rs: get a copy and see
something really different.
12------------------------- FILM BUFF ----------------- July 1973
EQUIPMENT CARE -----------------------------------­
cap accomplish the opposite result
A family phar macist came up with of keeping films pliable. Too much
what may be one answer to humidi­ water can damage film and soften
ty damage to certain of the me­ emulsion. When films a r e stored
chanical or electro-mechanical in basements where there is any
parts of the magnetic sound pro­ flooding at times or where there
jectors, esp e cially the Eumigs. is a constant high level of humidi­
You will recall that Film Buff ty, you might use a humi-cap to
ran an article some time back offset. the excessive dampness in
about the jamming of the speed a film container. On the other
change mechanism on the various hand, if your films are in a ver y
Eumig dual 8 projectors. A solu­ dry situation, you do the opposite.
tion was suggested by Eumig it­ Add a moistened blotter to the
self involving the use of a sili­ containers.
con liquid to keep the shaft
working properly. Evidently the
storage of a projector in a con­ FILM BUFF REVIEWS
sistently damp or humid environ­
ment will cause corrosion that 'SERIAL TRAILERS' - Thunderbird
impedes the normal movement of Films release.
the speed changer. Eventually it There have been some c omplaints
jams entirely and can be severe­ about quality of this release but
ly damaged if forc e d. A family Thunderbird itself is frank to say
pharmacist heard about this and that the collector who wants a rare
said that projector owners living title like this has to settle for
on Long Island, in parts of Fla. less than the quality the firm is
an other ~laces _ wher a d a mp ­ known to deliver.
ness can be significant, can go Thund erbird is making a new nega­
a lon g way towar d cutting down tive but warns that quality cannot
humidity and moisture in equip­ be optimum from the preRrint ma­
ment by using something called a terials available.
"Humi-Cap" commonly found in cer­ We reviewed a 8mm print of this
t ain vitamin and medicinal jars. title and were excited with the
This little plastic cap is als o content. You have a half dozen or
used by some people ,to keep salt so actual trailers, mostly from
or sugar from caking. Republic serials, with a trailer
Most pharmacists will give you for a rare Mascot serial tacked
these caps free of charge because on at the end. Trailers used the
they usually throw them out after most exciting scenes, of course,
opening their wholesale lots of to advertise films and so you get
pills. what amounts to the cream of each.
The cap is barely larger than a Such serials as 'Captain Marvel'
12-hour cold capsule a nd contains are included. Really quite a show.
a moisture absorbent. You could As to quality, this ranges from
conceivabl y tuck a couple of them only fair for such sequences as
inside a projector near or under 'The Purple Monster' trailer to
the shaft or other moving parts good on others. In total, and
(being careful ~o tape them down considering the rarity of this
to prevent their rolling into trailer compilation, print quality
moving parts!). Periodically, is acceptable. If you are a purist
check the capsules. When their on quality, you can delste the
contents have turned brown, they 'Purple Monster' segment and what
remains will be fairly good though
are no longer worki~g. They are
then replaced . certainly not the finest quality.
While films need a somewhat humid The l6mm optical sound version is
availab~e and you can get a sound­
environment, excessive moisture
track for the 8mm silent print.





We are fully equipped for the con­
version and printing of both silent
and Super 8mm sound! Delivery delays
of the special film stock needed
have caused us to be put behind our
schedule. We hope to be ready to
ship both silent and sound Super B
by the time you read this!
Our first release in Super 8 magnetic
sound is the l2-reel blockbuster,
"Santa Fe Trail" starring Errol Flynn
and Olivia DeHavilland.
Are there any of our l6mm sound
releases that interest you? If so,
tell us. If enough of you want cer­
tain titles and will buy them, we will
convert some of them to Super 8 sound.
Write and tell us which titles you
OUR FIRST SUPER 8 MAGNETIC would buy if they were available in
Super B.
ERROL FLYrm terrific
We have already tentatively schedu l ed
"Movie Struck", the Hal Roach comedy

Warner Bros . a
Comp l e te.: $1 44.
. . ""
i OTl~...._~~n...-- ....._ --1-
feature, "Auld Lang Syne" as well as
,IVE1\SE " SERIAL (to be ~O"ld b"y
chapter) .
VITAFI LM OR SOUND LIST! Mention "Film Buff"
when you write.
F a bulo us p ro c essing fluid
t hat i s bo t h a preservative
an d cleanp.r for black and
wh i te or color films. "A Cluster of Kings"(927)
* Cu r tails dryness and
COLOR. Lyman H.Howe's
"some sense and some non­
* Le n gthens perforation
sense" short in Hodge Podge CAROLE

li f e
series. Wonderful plays on LOMBARD

* Prevents warping &

color. Novelty release.
b uckling
1 reel - COLOR - Bmm $12. SALLY

* Cures new "green" film Black & white 8mm: $6. EILERS

* Set s color more firmly

* Gives new life to old
in the Mack Sennett 2-reel
or scratc h ed prints
college comedy , "CAMPUS
8mm FEATURES! (order direct from this
ad) ..... VAMP". 1 Super-sharp pr i nt.
l6mm: $35 . Bmm: $12.
LON CHANEY - "THE SHOCK" - (1923). San
Francisco earthquake and fire destroy
the evil plans of an underworld leader.
Chaney great as a crippled emissary. WE LIKE THE LITTLE GUY
8mm - $25. --because little guys
"TEN DAYS THAT SHOOK THE WORLD" - (1927) get to be big guys.
"D e alers In Death" -how (USSR). Directed by Sergei Eisenstein ­ We're just as anxious
Dil l inger , Bonnie & Clyde one of the most distinguished films of to please you whether
and other notorious crimi­ all time. 8mm - $40. you order a one reeler
nals met their ends! "THE LOST WORLD" - first great pre­ or a sound feature •..
2 reels. Bmm: $12. historic monster film (1925) with Wal­ whether you're Bmm,
lace Beery, Lewis Stone, Bessie Love. Super 8 or l6mm --­
Print quality hailed by Film Buff. Every order is treated
5 reeler. 8mm - $25. as important by us--­
"SPARROWS" - Mary Pickford classic and QUALITY is our aim.
melodrama. 9 reels. Our price in
standard Bmm: $45.

THUN DERBIRD FILMS YES, you can use your Bank Americard. Just give your
name as it appears on the card, your account number
P. O. BOX 4081
and expiration date!
Or, remit in full with order.
California residents: add sales tax.

1'.14 FILM BUFF JULY 1973


Over the past few years, many movie autobiographies have appeared.
Mary Pickford, Frank rapra, Colleen Moore, Charlie Chaplin, Lillian
CINE 5¢ per word
payable in
Gish and Buster Keaton have all had their stories published. Too,
Mrs. D.W.Griffith' s and Harold Loyd's books have been reissued. It
seems all of Hollywood is ego tripping. And now, W.S. Hart's auto­

biography, ~ Life East and ~~, has been republished by Benjamin

MART add SO¢ to

Cine Mart ads should be sent with remit­

tance to: Imp act Promotion & Publishing,
Written in 1929, its 363 pages trace his youth, his acting career P.O.Box 352, Bellmore, N.Y. 11710.
and his relationships with his family, Tom Ince, Will Rogers and Films For Sale
Fritz. l6mm Famous Classics. Finest quality.

Hart's views on creative film making are touched upon as he dis­ Sound/Silent. Illustrated catalog 2SC.

cusses many of his screen efforts (THE TOLL GATE, HELL'S HINGES, ~anbeck Pictures, 3621-1 Wakonda Drive,

TUMBLEWEEDS, etc . . . ); and as he recounts the events leading to his Des Moines, Iowa 50321.

demise in films.


His anecdotes include such notables as Lon Chaney, John Gilbert,
William Farnum, Madame Modjeska, Bat Masterson and others. (Note:
When Buster Keaton satirized Hart's image in THE FROZEN NORTH, Hart
took offense and refused to speak to the comic. As a result, in his
autobiography, he ignores Keaton by referring to him as the fiance
of Natalie Talmadge!) Hart'also writes about his brief flirtation
with a Hollywood scandal that might have ruined him.
At times, one gets the impression Hart did not write this book and BASIL RATHBONE & NIGEL BRUCE in "New
that it was written by his screen image, i.e., one reads about a
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" (Case
prouJ he-man whose eyes fill with tears as his reminiscenes barely of the Speckled Hand) PLUS ROBERT
kiss the cheek of maudlin sentimentality.
TAYLOR in a "Suspense" segment,"The
However, if one does not mind Hart's penchant to take himself too House in Cypress Canyon." BOTH on a
seriously, MLE & W can be an enjoyable experience for those inte­ 5" monophonic tape, two tracks.$6.95.
rested in one-of the outstanding artists of the teens. Cassette: $5.95. Order from IMPACT
Bellmore, N.Y. 11710. Add sales tax
ordering from Canada.
"Collecting and Enjoying Old Movies" by Fred Muro, editor of
FILM BUFF. Pages and pages of tips on home showmanship, add­
ing R~und L~ si~ent firms r finding filmsy Includes scores of
reviews of films (silent and sound) available to you and tells
you how good the print quality is in most cases. Attractively SUBSCRIBE TO 'FIU1 BUFF' - ENJOY THIS
illustrated. $5.95. PUBLICATION EVERY MONTH --­
Use the order blank below to subscribe
"Film Buff Scrapbook No.1" - an informal collection of articles to FILM BUFF or to order any of the
from the first seven issues of FILM BUFF. A collector's item. three publications described at the
$3.50. left.

"Film Buff Scrapbook No.2" - takes up where No.1 left off and

gives you articles and film reviews from the second seven is­

sues of Film Buff. $3.50.


To: Impact Promotion & Publishing, P.O. Box 352, Bellmore, N.Y.
Please enter my order at once as checked below. Remittance
is enclosed.
ONE FULL YEAR OF "FILM BUFF" (Europe,Asia) 8.00
(Subscriptions for South Amer.,Mexico, also $ 8. )
1 copy of FILM BUFF SCRAPBOOK NO. 1 3.50
* * * * * * * * * * * * 1 copy of FILM BUFF SCRAPBOOK NO.2 3.50

(Canadians: add 50¢ to overall order for manuals. Orders
destined for Europe, Asia, South America,etc., add $1 to
overall order for manuals). Add sales tax if in N.Y.

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MliT~ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________

CITY OR TOWN: ______________________STATE: ___________
ZIP CODE: _____________________

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