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MCSS-26© [Manchester Clinical Supervision Scale©]

Respondent Code: _________ Employer:______________________________________ Date: __/__/____

You are invited to participate in this confidential survey, which aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Clinical
Supervision provided to you at your workplace. There are two sections that will take about 10 minutes to
complete. This investment of your time will provide unique and valuable insights, to help inform the future
development of Clinical Supervision.

Section A is designed for individuals currently receiving Clinical Supervision [CS].

Drawing on your current experience of receiving Clinical Supervision at your workplace, please indicate your
level of agreement with the following 26 statements, by selecting the box which best represents your answer.
Do not spend too long thinking about each question; your first response is probably the best one.

SECTION A Strongly Disagree No Agree Strongly
disagree opinion agree

Other work pressures interfere with CS sessions

It is difficult to find the time for CS sessions

CS sessions are not necessary/don’t solve anything

co ⃘

4 Time spent on CS takes me away from my real work in the ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘
clinical area
5 Fitting CS sessions in can lead to more pressure at work ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘
6 I find CS sessions time consuming ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘

7 My supervisor gives me support and encouragement ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘

8 CS sessions are intrusive ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘

9 CS gives me time to reflect ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘

10 Work problems can be tackled constructively during CS ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘
11 CS sessions facilitate reflective practice ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘
12 My supervisor offers an unbiased opinion ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘
13 I can discuss sensitive issues encountered during my clinical ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘
casework with my supervisor

MCSS-26© [Version 3.0] © 2017 Osman Consulting Pty Ltd

MCSS-26© [Manchester Clinical Supervision Scale©]

Strongly Disagree No Agree Strongly

disagree opinion agree
14 My CS sessions are an important part of my work routine ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘
15 I learn from my supervisor’s experiences ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘
16 It is important to make time for CS sessions ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘
17 My supervisor provides me with valuable advice ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘
18 My supervisor is very open with me ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘

19 Sessions with my supervisor widen my clinical knowledge ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘
20 CS is unnecessary for experienced/established staff ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘



CS sessions motivate staff

My supervisor acts in a superior manner during our

Clinical supervision makes me a better practitioner

24 I can widen my skill base during my CS sessions ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘
25 My supervisor offers me guidance with patient/client care ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘
26 I think receiving clinical supervision improves the quality of ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘ ⃘

care I give

Which of the following terms best describes your overall level of satisfaction with the Clinical Supervision you
currently receive?

o Very dissatisfied
o Moderately dissatisfied
o Neither satisfied, nor dissatisfied
o Moderately satisfied
o Very satisfied

You have reached the end of Section A; please continue with Section B.

MCSS-26© [Version 3.0] © 2017 Osman Consulting Pty Ltd

MCSS-26© [Manchester Clinical Supervision Scale©]

Section B: This section relates to different aspects of your current Clinical Supervision arrangements.
Please answer the questions by selecting the appropriate option, or by entering a number.

About yourself:

1. Are you: ⃘ Male ⃘ Female 2. What is your age? [years] _______________

3. What is your professional discipline?

o Nursing
o Social Work
o Psychology
o Occupational Therapy
o Midwifery

o Other [Please describe] _________________________________________

4. What is your job title? _______________________________________________

5. In which setting do you mainly work?

o Inpatient
o Community
o Both inpatient and community
o Other, please specify __________
6. How long have you worked in your present post?
o Less than 1 year
o 1 - 2 years
o 3 - 5 years
o More than 5 years

7. Do you currently act as a Supervisor to another member(s) of staff? ⃘ Yes ⃘ No

About your Supervisor:


8. Is your Supervisor: ⃘ Male ⃘ Female 9. Approximately, how old is your Supervisor? [Years] ________

10. What is the professional discipline of your Supervisor?

o Nursing
o Social Work
o Psychology
o Occupational Therapy
o Midwifery
o Other [Please describe] _____________________________________________

11. Is your Supervisor:

⃘ Junior to you ⃘ Senior to you ⃘ Same grade as you Other [Please describe] _______________

12. Was your Supervisor:

⃘ Allocated to you ⃘ Chosen by you Other [Please describe] _______________

MCSS-26© [Version 3.0] © 2017 Osman Consulting Pty Ltd

MCSS-26© [Manchester Clinical Supervision Scale©]

About your Clinical Supervision sessions

13. How long have you been receiving Clinical Supervision? Years ___ Months___

14. Usually, how often are your Clinical Supervision sessions?

o Weekly
o Every 2 weeks
o Monthly
o Every 2 to 3 months
o Over 3 months apart

15. Where do your Clinical Supervision sessions usually take place?

o Within the workplace

o Away from the workplace
o In and away from the workplace

16. Usually, are your Clinical Supervision sessions:

o One-to-one
o Group
o Combination of one-to-one and group co
o Other [Please describe] _______________________________________________
17. Usually, how long are your Clinical Supervision sessions?
o Less than 30 minutes
o 31 to 60 minutes
o More than 60 minutes

18. Please rank order the following themes between 1 and 4, by how frequently they usually arise during

your Clinical Supervision sessions. 1 means Most frequent; 4 means Least frequent.

Rank order


Staff-related ______
 Patient/client-related ______
 Self-related ______
 Work environment-related ______

19. What is the name of the model of Clinical Supervision used in your sessions? If you are not sure, leave blank.

20. Please enter any additional comments, which are related to your current experience of Clinical Supervision.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

MCSS-26© [Version 3.0] © 2017 Osman Consulting Pty Ltd

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