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Lessons from the Slide Rule and

the Design of Settle 3D

“Our object in developing the HP-35 was to give you a high precision portable electronic
slide rule. We thought you’d like to have something only fictional heroes like James Bond,
Walter Mitty or Dick Tracy are supposed to own.” 1972 “HP-35 User Manual”

Few symbols of engineering evoke nostal- minister. In his spare time, he worked
gia and memories as powerful and vivid on developing an automatic mechani-
as the venerable slide rule. The slide rule cal calculating device based on Napier’s
was an indispensable tool in the universe logarithm ideas. In 1621 he introduced
of scientific and engineering computa- the slide rule to the world. He had man-
tions for over three hundred years. For aged to perfect this device. With the slide
modern engineering graduates though, rule users could perform arithmetic and
it is at best a curiosity of a previous age, many other types of calculations, with
a peculiar device that belongs in muse- the exception of addition and subtrac-
ums. No need to blame them. After all, tion. Over the years, specialized versions
computers and electronic calculators have were created for mechanics, navigation,
deposed the slide rule. reinforced concrete, chemistry and other
scientific and engineering fields.
The slide rule, a quite simple mechanical
device, however offers important lessons In the pre-computer era the slide rule
that are as relevant today as they were reigned supreme in engineering, math-
in the 1600s. To more fully harness the ematics and science. Engineers and sci-
power of today’s computing resources, entists used all of its 10 inches (the most
we applied these lessons in our develop- popular size) to design electronic devices,
ment of our latest software, Settle3D, for awe-inspiring buildings and bridges,
geotechnical settlement analysis. In this automobiles and aircrafts, and space
article, we explore these lessons and rockets. Undoubtedly, it played a key
show how they relate to the solution of role in achieving one of mankind’s most
settlement problems. But first a little bit outstanding accomplishments – placing a
of history. man on the moon.

Experts associate the falling of the slide

A Short History of rule into obsolescence to the creation
the Slide Rule of Hewlett-Packard’s HP-35 calculator
The history of the slide rule begins with in 1972. In the book by G. Harry Stine
the publication of logarithmic tables by entitled “The Untold Story of the Com-
John Napier in 1614. These tables liber- puter Revolution - Bits, Bytes, Bauds, and
ated astronomers and mathematicians Brains,” the HP-32 is described as “the
from tedious calculations, allowing them one single product that forever changed
to focus more on analyzing problems. As the whole image of the computer in-
scholars used these tables, some realized dustry.” Once the affordable electronic
that logarithms could form the basis of calculator was born, engineers, scientists,
mechanical devices for performing auto- other professionals and students quickly
matic calculations. drifted to the new, much more powerful
technology. It did not take too long for
William Oughtred was an English math- the slide rule to slide (pun intended) into
ematician who was also an ordained oblivion.
Three Fundamental Advantages of Slide Rule Use

The beauty and power of the slide rule their way through the different aspects
lay in its simplicity and ease of use. It was of settlement behaviour of geotechnical
relatively fast (in its time), compact, af- structures and the factors that affect be-
fordable, and yet able to compute a wide haviour. We also strived to make the tool
variety of complex mathematical opera- enjoyable to use.
Rocscience attained the first goal by
Secondly, the slide rule had great edu- building the program upon the simple,
cational qualities and was enjoyable to time-tested, settlement calculation ap-
use. It helped users to think but without proaches widely familiar to geotechnical
requiring them to focus too much on the engineers. Next, great care was taken in
details of mathematical operations. designing the interface to ensure that the
software was very easy to use. The most
Thirdly, the slide rule was perfect for commonly-used functions and operations
solving problems for which reasonable are readily visible on the interface in the
answers were good enough, i.e. for prob- form of menu options and toolbar icons.
lems which did not require too much pre- Icons and buttons were chosen to convey
cision (the slide rule could give answers correct messages as to their use. They are
to the third significant digit). Typically, also organized in ways that are natural
problems that fall into this class are not to the processes and logic of settlement
completely described by existing scientific analysis.
and mathematical laws. Calculations for
these cases always produce answers that Significant effort went into making sure
are not quite correct. Since the answers that computational algorithms in Settle3D
differ from reality by some margin, what were optimized for speed. As well it was
then is the point in pursuing many signifi- ensured that the effects of actions taken
cant digits? by users were readily visible. This valuable
feedback (interactivity) helps users to
This latter attribute of the slide rule
quickly establish whether or not actions
helped engineers to minimize the allure
they have taken are appropriate. The pro-
of “false precision.” False precision arises
gram is also priced to make it accessible
in situations where numerical results are
to most firms.
presented such that they suggest better
precision than there actually is. The careful design of Settle3D’s interface
goes a long way to help engineers enjoy
Lessons for Settlement use the of the software. The intuitive lay-
Software Development out naturally speaks on how things must
In creating our new settlement analysis be done in the program. As a result, users
program, Settle3D, we decided to incor- do not have to wonder whether they will
porate the timeless advantages described remember how to use the software when
above. First, we would give geotechni- they need it, even after long periods of
cal engineers a simple, affordable, yet not modelling with Settle3D.
versatile, tool that would help them think
Geotechnical engineers, more than any actual measurements by error margins
other engineering specialists, work with of ±25% or less. The reasons for this are
very limited data on materials that have many, but we shall discuss one. In addi-
complicated behaviours, and can have tion to dealing with materials that exhibit
highly variable properties over short dis- wide ranging behaviours, geotechnical
tances. We are required to make impor- engineers are forced to extrapolate field
tant decisions and develop designs with properties and behaviour from simplified
relatively low factors of safety, based on and imprecise tests on small samples, or
this limited information. As such, we rely on correlations to index properties. We
on simplified approaches and approxi- therefore cannot expect our calculation
mations that allow us to enhance our results to be more precise than our input
engineering judgment. data. To help engineers avoid the fal-
lacy of false precision, Settle3D by default
Rarely do settlement values calculated reports settlements only to the nearest
by geotechnical engineers agree with millimetre.

Important Ways of Aiding Settlement Analysis

Settle3D does not harbour lofty dreams of being held in the same esteem as the vener-
able slide rule. It only seeks to build upon the timeless benefits offered by the slide
rule, the most fundamental of which is “a simple, yet versatile, computational tool for
tackling wide-ranging challenging problems.”

Incorporation of the three important lessons from slide rule usage into the develop-
ment of Settle3D will help the program to be as useful to settlement analysis as the
slide rule was to engineering in general. It is our belief this new software tool will aid
engineering design and analysis of settlement in several important ways. Settle3D will
help users to:

w Organize their thoughts regarding available data and their interrelationships

w Test different concepts and ideas for their reasonableness and impact on settlements
w Formulate design alternatives and assess whether they meet set goals and constraints
w Raise appropriate questions, identify inconsistencies and gaps in information and
design alternatives
w Construct arguments to support design choices and conclusions, and
w Present results in ways that can be easily understood by clients and other interested

We hope that Settle3D will foster the kind of creative genius and innovative thinking
that the slide rule stimulated in generations of engineers.

For those who care, there is an international society, the Oughtred Society, which
states its raison d’être as dedication to the history and collection of slide rules and
other calculating instruments.
Specifications and capabilities of Settle3D can be found at the following links:

Settle3D Coming Soon (from RocNews Spring 2007)

Settle3D Product Sheet

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