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ELSEVIER Desalination 162 (2004) 85-91

Biological treatment of meat industry wastewater

Ewa Sroka a, Wtadyslaw Kamfliski b, Jolanta Bohdziewicz a*
alnstitute of Water and WastewaterEngineering, Silesian University of Technology,
ul. Konarskiego 18, 44-100 Gtiwiee, Poland
Tel. +48 (32) 237-1698; Fax +48 (32) 237-1047;
bFaculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Lodz,
uI. Wolezanska 215, 90-924 Lodz, Poland

Received 17 July 2003; accepted 11 August 2003

The work aimed to determine the effectiveness of the treatment of wastewater generated by the meat industry in
a hybrid system combining biological methods of activated sludge (in an SBR reactor) and reverse osmosis. The tests
carried out on the wastewater from the meat processing plant Uni-Lang in Wrzosowa showed that the biological
treatment resulted in sufficientremoval of contaminants from the wastewater, which consequently could be discharged
into receiving water. In order to make it possible for the wastewater to be reused in the production cycle, it was
additionallytreated with reverse osmosis. The research was described mathematically by the program MATLAB using
artificial neural networks. The program enables a prediction of the results for the treatment ofwastewater over a range
of tested values.

Keywords: Activated sludge; Reverse osmosis; Neutral networks; MATLAB; Meat industry wastewater

1. Introduction and chemical oxygen demand, high fat content

and high concentrations of dry residue, sedi-
Meat processing plants use approximately
mentary and total suspended matter as well as
62 Mm3/y of water. Only a small amount of this
nitrogen and chlorides. Since the wastewater
quantity is a component of the final product; the
contains substantial amounts of proteins, it
remaining part is wastewater of high biological
putrefies easily and gives off nasty smells. It may
also contain disease microorganisms, eggs of
*Corresponding author. ascaris and intestinal parasites.

Presented at the PERMEA 2003, Membrane Science and Technology Conference of Visegrad Countries (Czech Republic,
Hungary, Poland and Slovakia), September 7-11, 2003, Tatranskd Matliare, Slovakia.
0011-9164/04/$- See front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
pII: S0011-9164(04)00030-X
86 E, Sroka et al. / Desalination 162 (2004) 85-91

The contaminant loading o f the wastewater in a 40 drn 3 chamber. The chamber was equipped
discharged from meat processing plants varies with two aeration pumps: Maxima R manu-
seasonally, daily or even on a shift basis. In order factured by Elite, whose average capacity was
to reduce wastewater contamination, the pro- 420 dm3air/h; and an RZR 2020 stirrer manu-
duction cycles o f the meat processing plants factured by Heidolph, with an adjustable rotation
which are run properly deal with the separation velocity ranging from 40 to 2000 rpm.
and utilization o f solid waste [1]. Reverse osmosis (RO) was conducted in a
high-pressure apparatus equipped with a plate and
frame module produced by Osmonics, with an
2. Experimental
active membrane area o f 155 cm 2. The system
2.1. Materials operated in the crossflow mode.
The wastewater was sampled from the
Uni-Lang meat processing plant in Wrzosowa
(southern Poland) whose activity covers the 2. 3. Methods
slaughter and processing o f pigs. It was charac- The research consisted o f the following two
terized by considerable pollutant load, substantial basic phases o f wastewater treatment: biological
amounts o f suspended matter and high con- treatment in an SBR and post-treatment applying
centrations o f total nitrogen and phosphorus. The RO. The activated sludge used during the
values of the basic and eutrophic pollution biological treatment was taken from the bio-
indexes ranged widely during the whole pro- logical wastewater treatment plant of the Uni-
duction cycle. The wastewater was red and brown Lang meat processing plant in Wrzosowa, which
in colour, smelled nasty and tended to foam and ensured that the bacterial microflora had already
putrefy. The characteristics o f the raw wastewater been adapted to the treatment o f this type o f
are presented in Table 1. wastewater.
The tests were carried out at a constant dry
2. 2. Apparatus
weight o f 5 g/din 3 in the chamber, aeration inten-
Treatment o f the wastewater was carried out sity 840 dm 3 air/h, residence time o f 12 h, and
biologically applying the activated sludge method tSt, + ta o f 0.3 (t,, stirring time; t~, aeration time).

Table I
Pollution indexes of raw wastewater which, after the treatment, can be returned to the natural receiving waters

Pollution indexes Concentration of pollution Load, kg/d Permissible

in raw wastewater, mg/dm3 (mean value) standards,mg/dm3
Range Mean value
COD 2780-6720 4584 309.2 150
BOD5 1200-3000 2100 126.8 30
Total nitrogen 49-287 198 13 30
Total phosphorus 15-70 32 2.1 5a
Total suspension 112-1743 396 26.1 50
Detergents 7-21 11.3 0.75 5

~For a treatment plant of wastewater flow below 2000 m3/d.

E. Sroka et al. / Desalination 162 (2004) 85-91 87

These parameters were selected on the basis of 3. Results and discussion

previous research [2]. 3.1. Biological treatment o f wastewater
An attempt was also made to determine the
most favourable loading of activated sludge for The biological treamaent of wastewater from
the wastewater tested. The measurements covered the meat industry aimed at decomposing organic
the range of 0.05-0.75 COD/ga~~ x d. matter and removing biogenic compounds, i.e.,
Subsequently, with the help of the MATLAB nitrogen and phosphorus. An increase in the
program and neural networks, we developed a loading of activated sludge in the bioreactor
mathematical model which enabled us to find a chamber brought about a decrease in contami-
correlation between the loading of activated nant removal. COD depended on the changes in
sludge in SBR and final degree of removal of activated sludge loading over the range of tested
contaminants from wastewater. The program values (0.05 gCOD/gdwtXd + 0.75 gCOD/gawtXd).
calculated specific parameters: COD, total nitro- Maximum COD removal was reached at the
gen, and phosphorus on the basis of a given sludge loading of 0.05 gCOD/gdwtx d, and the
activated sludge loading (across the range of raw wastewater had a value of 57.2 gO2/m3. The
tested values). lowest COD removal of 90.2% was achieved for
In the last phase of the investigations, the the sludge loading of 0.75 gCOD/ga,~ x d. Its
wastewater treated biologically under optimum value for purified wastewater was 509.6 gO2./m3.
operating parameters of the activated sludge was It was also found that BOD 5 was not
additionally treated with RO, applying a flat com- dependent on sludge loading. The removal per-
posite DS3SC 1206366 membrane (Osmonics). eentage remained constant for all applied
The membrane process was conducted at a activated sludge loadings and ranged from 99.1%
pressure of 2.0 MPa and linear flow velocity of to 99.6%.
2.0 m/s. The research showed a strong dependence of
The obtained results showed that the purified biogenic compound removal in the purified
wastewater could be discharged into receiving wastewater on activated sludge loading. For total
water because it met the requirements of the nitrogen, it reached the highest value of 98.2%
Regulations of the Ministry of Environmental for the activated sludge loading of 0.15 gCOD/
Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry, dated g ~ wt.siu~exd . Whereas its concentration in the
5 November 1991, and none of the pollution raw wastewater was 530 gN~t/m3, in the purified
indexes exceeded the permissible standards. The wastewater it decreased to a leve1of 9.5 g Ntot/m 3.
combination of activated sludge in the SBR The lowest removal of total nitrogen was 82.1%
bioreactor and RO enabled a reuse of the (raw- wastewater 236 g Ntot/m3; purified waste-
wastewater in the production cycle. water 42.2 g N~t/m 3) for the loading of 0.75 g
COD/g ~y~. ~l~x d.
The results for phosphorus removal showed
2. 4. Analytical procedures
that it depended mainly on the sludge loading.
COD, concentrations of phosphorus, and total The highest removal of this biogene was achieved
ammonium and nitrate nitrogen were determined by applying an activated sludge loading of 0.15
using an SQ18 photometer (Merck) [3], whereas gCOD/g~y wt. ~u~x d. It amounted to 87.3%
BOD5 was assayed using OxiTOP measuring (purified wastewater 4.8 gP/m3), while the lowest
cylinders produced by WTW [4]. The dry matter degree of removal was obtained for a loading of
of the sludge was determined by means of the 0.55 gCOD/gd~. ~ludg~xd, which was 59.4%. It
gravimetric method [5]. is the equivalent of phosphorus removal
88 E. Sroka et al. / Desalination 162 (2004) 85-91

Table 2
Effectiveness of wastewater treatment applying the activated sludge method under the most favourable operating con-
ditions (activated sludge loading: 0.15 gCOD/g ~.,luago x d, aeration intensity: 840 dm3 air/h, residence time in the bio-
reactor: 12 h, ratio t,/t~ + t~: 0.3)

Pollution indexes Raw wastewater, Retention, Wastewater after activated Permissible

mg/dm3 R, % sludge bioreactor, rag/din3 standards, mg/dm3
COD 5300 98.1 102 150
BOD 5 2900 99.6 10 15
Total nitrogen 557 98.2 9.5 30
Total phosphorus 37.8 87.3 4.8 5
Ammonium 2.0 95.0 0.1 6

in the purified wastewater to the level of

20.9 gP/m 3.
In further tests, the activated sludge loading o f
0.15 gCOD/g ~wt sludgeX d, regarded as the most
favourable, was used and produced the best
results in wastewater treatment. Table 2 shows
the results obtained in the investigations. Output:
layer [
An analysis o f the obtained results showed
that the purified wastewater could be discharged Fig. 1. Schematic of neural networks.
into receiving water because it met the require-
ments o f the Regulations of the Ministry o f
Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and the ability of ANNs to approximate the values of
Forestry, dated 5 November 1991, and none o f the function of multiple variables. Another
the pollution indexes exceeded the permissible description is also possible, e.g., expert systems
standards. usually require a complete knowledge of the
There are multitudes of ways to describe problems they are going to solve, whereas ANNs
research mathematically. We decided to choose require a single learning process and are tolerant
artificial neural networks (ANNs) for their of imperfect data, distortions or even gaps in data
universality. sets. This makes it possible to use ANNs to solve
ANNs originated from an interdisciplinary problems when other methods fail.
synthesis o f the traditional sciences of biology, In this work, three neural networks were used,
physics and mathematics. Their dynamic devel- each of them having input, hidden and output
opment took place only recently as a result of layers (Fig. 1). The sludge loading was the input
computational capabilities in computer science layer, whereas COD, total nitrogen and phos-
and electronics. phorus in the purified wastewater were the output
The basic characteristic which distinguishes layer.
ANNs from the programs using algorithmic data The number of hidden neurons, being grad-
processing is the ability to draw generalizations ually increased, was determined through compu-
from new data, unknown before, i.e., not intro- tation. Two hidden neurons appeared to be
duced during learning. It can be also expressed as sufficient for the network to solve a given
E. Sroka et al. / Desalination 162 (2004) 85-91 89

99 ' I 1 I

Table 3
Initial data file ~2
-- ej~
Sludge loading, COD Total Total
gCOD/ removal, phosphorous nitrogen
gaw~a~oxd % removal, % removal, % O
° 6~
0.05 98.9 87.8 95.5 62
0.10 98.4 85.0 94.1
0.15 98.1 87.3 98.2 6,4 8,6 '8.7 6,6
0.20 98.2 82.4 89.7 Sludge loading [gCOD/dT:S.*d]

0.25 98.1 69.6 90.4 Fig. 2. Correlation between sludge loading and COD
0.30 97.7 66.8 87.5 removal, x: measurement points, o: points learnt by the
0.35 97.3 65.0 88.5 network {[A'-datal C,2)]'* [A'-datal C,2)1 }/15; error mean
0.40 97.4 62.9 87,6 square for COD = 0.0460.
0.45 95,7 64.1 87.4
0.50 94,3 62.9 87,2
-t ','.> ~>
0.55 94.1 59.4 86.4 8~ x

0.60 92.5 62.3 84.8 E

0.65 91.8 62.0 84.4 E 75
0.70 90.9 61.4 84.3
0.75 90.2 59.9 82.1

problem. This number enabled the network,

which is connected with a small amount of Sludge loading[gCOD/gT.&*d]
weights, to make generalizations. The network
was trained on the basis of initial data (Table 3). Fig. 3. Correlation between sludge loading and phos-
Learning from a randomly selected system of phorus removal, x: measurement points, o: points learnt
by the network {[A'-datal (:,3)]'* [A'-datal(:,3)] }/15; error
weights was repeated 20 times memorizing the
mean square for phosphorus = 1.0667.
best result in terms of error mean square. The
following training parameters were applied: 180

maximum number of epochs in the learning

process, 4000; permissible error SSE, 0.01;
learning coefficient, 0.005. "~ ~4

The program applied enabled a determination E 52

of correlation between the loading of raw ¢) <> 6,

wastewater, treated in SBR, and final removal of
contaminants from it. Each index had an error
mean square calculated. 82
Figs. 2-4 show a correlation between sludge Sludge loading NCOD/gT.S.*d]
loading and removal of particular contaminants
Fig. 4. Correlation between sludge loading and total
(COD, total phosphorus and nitrogen). nitrogen removal, x: measurement points, o: points learnt
The developed artificial neural network by the network. {[A'-datalC,4)]'*[A'-datalC,4)]}/15;
enables a prediction of wastewater purification error mean square for total nitrogen = 0.9517.
90 E. Sroka et al. / Desalination 162 (2004) 85-91

over the range of tested values. Entering a Table 4

specific sludge loading results in a prediction of Effectiveness of wastewater treatment through RO after
COD, total nitrogen and phosphorus removal. it pretreatment using the biological method
Thus, it is possible to predict the extent of
Pollution Wastewater after Wastewater after
wastewater purification.
indices activated sludge RO process

3.2. Additional treatment ofwastewater by means Cone., Conc., Retention,

of pressure driven membrane operations rag/din 3 rag/din 3 %

As the results of the investigations showed, COD 76 10.8 85.8

wastewater from the meat industry can be puri- BOD 5 10 5.0 50.0
fied only to the extent which enables the waste- Total 3.6 0.09 97.5
water to be discharged into receiving water. Since
Total nitrogen 13 1.3 90.0
the meat industry uses huge quantities of water,
as mentioned herein, and thus produces highly
loaded wastewater, an attempt to treat it The degrees of contaminant removal obtained
additionally so that it could be reused in the during RO were as follows: phosphorus was
production cycle was made. In our work, we removed to a value below 0.1 gP/m 3, the con-
determined a correlation between the volume centration of total nitrogen was 1.0 gNog/m ~,
permeate flux and its recovery (Fig. 5). COD and BOD s were relatively low - - 10 g
It was found that during RO, the volume 02/m 3 and 5 gO2/m 3, respectively. It was con-
permeate flux depended on its recovery to a small cluded that the purified wastewater could be then
extent. At a permeate recovery of 20%, it reused in the production cycle of a plant.
decreased to 1.67<10-6 m3/m2 x s, i.e., by a mere
The effectiveness of additional treatment of 4. Conclusions
wastewater during RO after it was treated bio-
logically applying the activated sludge method is Wastewater from the meat industry is very
given in Table 4. difficult to purify due to its specific charac-
teristics; irregular scatter; and considerable
amounts &organic, mineral and biogenic matter.
% This type of wastewater can be treated bio-
× 2.5 logically by means of activated sludge applying
2 ......................................................................................................................................... a low sludge loading of 0.15 COD/g ~y~. ~lu~exd,
eo ~j~ aeration intensity of 840 dm 3 air/h, constant
sludge concentration in the chamber of 5 g/dm 3,
IIIwater i residence time ofwastewater in the bioreactor of
0.5 .................................................................................... A R O "cross-flow" ' ] 12 h and a ratio of the stirring time to the sum of
0 /
the stirring and aeration times of 0.3. The
0 5 10 t5 20
Permeaterecovery,degree[%] wastewater thus treated meets the requirements of
the Regulations of the Ministry of Environ-
Fig. 5. Dependence of volume permeate flux on its mental Protection, Natural Resources and
recovery for reverse osmosis of wastewater after Forestry, dated 5 November 1991, and can be
traditional treatment. discharged into receiving water.
E. Sroka et aL / Desalination 162 (2004) 85-91 91

Wastewater from the meat industry can also be [2] J. Bohdziewicz, E. Sroka and E. Lobos, Application
satisfactorily treated so that it can be reused in the of the system which combines coagulation, activated
production cycle o f a plant. In order to achieve sludge and reverse osmosis to the treatment of the
this degree o f wastewater purification, a hybrid wastewater produced by the meat industry, Desali-
process combining the biological method of natior% 144 (2002) 393-398.
[3] User's Manual, Photometer SQ 118, Merck.
activated sludge and RO should be used.
[4] User's Manual, Determination ofBZT using respiro-
metric method, Oxi Top, WTW.
[5] W. Hermanowicz, ed., Physicochemical Testing of
References Water and Sewage, Arkady, Warsaw, 1998.
[1] B. Koziorowski and J. Kucharski, Industrial waste-
water, WNT, Warsaw 1980.

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