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Gifted and Talented Program

Product Abstract

Each student in the Independent Research Program must carry out an authentic, advanced research
project, which is capable of being evaluating its quality, authenticity, and novelty. The following
information written by the student provides an overview of the product proposal as planned.

Student:​ Paula Shin Date:​ June 4, 2018

Research Title:​ Let’s Sleep on Technology: Electronics and Sleep Deprivation

Purpose: To research the different physical and cognitive effects of electronic devices before bedtime
on circadian rhythms. This research also aims to spread awareness about alternatives to using
electronics before bedtime or methods to lessen the effects of the blue light.

Outcome: ​The study was successful, due to a variety of responses from different groups of students.
Created a public health campaign with posters to be placed in school student news outlets and
information sheets to be sent to parents and students.

Novelty of Product: ​Due to an increasing amount of responsibilities and work assigned to students,
electronic device usage at night has skyrocketed. Teenagers are unaware of how much harm electronic
exposure has on themselves and continually use electronics in the hour before bedtime, which has
shown to result in lower energy levels, eye strain, and fluctuating hormone levels.

Audience: ​The primary audience for this research was River Hill High School students from all grade
levels, and their parents.

1. Gather information from journals, articles, and books in order to learn about the importance of
sleep among adolescents.
2. Learn about the harmful effects of blue light exposure from Ms. Helene Emsellem, the medical
director at The Center for Sleep & Wake Disorders, who also serves as a research mentor.
3. Interview a PHD student at the Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute about memory
improvements during adolescents’ sleep.
4. Present initial research about the effects of technology to various classrooms around the school.
5. Synthesize information from articles, journals, and experiences into a research paper.
6. Create a short survey asking students of their sleeping schedules and habits.
7. Compare data from a national sleep study to own study conducted with high school students.
8. Create a display board to be shown at the River Hill Display Board Fair.
9. Create a public health campaign about how teenagers can avoid long blue light exposure from
electronic devices.

Teacher signature:____________________ Student Signature:_________________ Class of 2019

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