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How to install DB2 V9.5 on AIX — DBA to DBA http://www.dbatodba.


How to install DB2 V9.5 on AIX

A - Create the required groups and user IDs for DB2:

1 - Log in as a user with root authority

2 - To create groups on AIX, enter the following commands:

mkgroup id=999 db2iadm1

mkgroup id=998 db2fadm1
mkgroup id=997 dasadm1

3 - Create users for each group:

mkuser id=1004 pgrp=db2iadm1 groups=db2iadm1 home=/home/db2inst1 db2inst1

mkuser id=1003 pgrp=db2fadm1 groups=db2fadm1 home=/home/db2fenc1 db2fenc1
mkuser id=1002 pgrp=dasadm1 groups=dasadm1 home=/home/dasusr1 dasusr1

4 - Set initial password:

passwd db2inst1
passwd db2fenc1
passwd dasusr1

B - If you downloaded the DB2 product image, you must

decompress and untar the product file.

tar -xvf product.tar

For example,

tar -xvf ese.tar

C - Change directory into the product directory:

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How to install DB2 V9.5 on AIX — DBA to DBA

cd product

For example,

cd ese

D - Enter the ./db2_install command:

./db2_install -b DB2DIR -p productShortName


* DB2DIR specifies the path where the DB2 product will be installed. If the path is not specified, you are
prompted to either select the default path or to provide the path. The default installation path is: /opt/IBM

* productShortName specifies the DB2 product to be installed.

E - Create an instance using db2icrt

1. Log in with proper authority.

2. Run the db2icrt command:

DB2DIR/instance/db2icrt -a AuthType -u FencedID InstName


DB2DIR is the DB2 installation directory.

* On AIX® the default DB2 installation directory is /opt/IBM/db2/V9.5

-a AuthType (Linux or UNIX)

Represents the authentication type for the instance. AuthType can be one of SERVER, CLIENT, or,
SERVER_ENCRYPT. SERVER is the default. This parameter is optional.
-u FencedID

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How to install DB2 V9.5 on AIX — DBA to DBA

Represents the name of the user under which fenced user defined functions (UDFs) and fenced stored
procedures will run. This flag is not required if you are creating an instance on a client. Specify the name of the
fenced user you created.
Represents the name of instance. The name of the instance must be the same as the name of the instance
owning user. Specify the name of the instance owning user you created. The instance will be created in the
instance owning user's home directory.

For example, if you are using server authentication, your fenced user is db2fenc1, and your instance owning
user is db2inst1, use the following command to create an instance on an AIX system:

/opt/IBM/db2/V9.5/instance/db2icrt -a server -u db2fenc1 db2inst1

F - Updating the services file on the server for TCP/IP


The TCP/IP services file specifies the ports that server applications can listen on for client requests. If you
specified a service name in the svcename field of the DBM configuration file, the services file must be updated
with the service name to port number/protocol mapping. If you specified a port number in the svcename field
of the DBM configuration file, the services file does not need to be updated.
Update the services file and specify the ports that you want the server to listen on for incoming client requests.
The default location of the services on AIX is:


Using a text editor, add the Connection entry to the services file. For example:

db2c_db2inst1 3700/tcp # DB2 connection service port


represents the connection service name
represents the connection port number
represents the communication protocol that you are using

Update the database manager configuration file:

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How to install DB2 V9.5 on AIX — DBA to DBA

update database manager configuration using svcename

[service_name | port_number]


* service_name is the service name reserved in the services file

* port_number is the corresponding port number for the service_name, or a free port number if the
service_name is not reserv

To set the communication protocol for the instance:

Enter the db2set DB2COMM command from the DB2 command window:

db2set DB2COMM=tcpip

G - Registering a DB2 product or feature license key

To complete this task, you must have the appropriate license file (*.lic). Refer to DB2 license files.

* On AIX operating systems, register a DB2 license key by entering the following command:

INSTHOME/sqllib/adm/db2licm -a filename

where INSTHOME represents the home directory of the instance owner and filename is the full path name
and file name for the license key that corresponds to the product or feature you have purchased.

The db2licm command can also be found in the path where the DB2 database product is installed. For
example, /opt/IBM/db2/V9.5/adm/db2licm.

In this example, the license key was registered using the following command:

db2licm -a db2ese_c.lic

Now, you have your DB2 v9.5 installed and configured successfully!

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How to install DB2 V9.5 on AIX — DBA to DBA

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