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12, DECEMBER 2008 3637

A Compact Ultrawideband Antenna With 3.4/5.5

GHz Dual Band-Notched Characteristics
Qing-Xin Chu, Member, IEEE, and Ying-Ying Yang

Abstract—We propose a compact planar ultrawideband (UWB) 5–6 GHz to minimize the potential interferences between UWB
antenna with 3.4/5.5 GHz dual band-notched characteristics. system and narrowband systems. So far, several design methods
The antenna consists of a beveled rectangular metal patch and

a 50 coplanar waveguide (CPW) transmission line. By etching

and structures have been reported. These UWB antennas with
filtering property at the 5–6 GHz band have been proposed not
two nested C-shaped slots in the patch, band-rejected filtering
properties in the WiMAX/WLAN bands are achieved. The only to mitigate the potential interferences but also to remove
proposed antenna is successfully simulated, designed, and mea- the requirement of an extra bandstop filter in the system [4], [5].
sured showing broadband matched impedance, stable radiation Recently, more and more band-notched UWB antenna de-
patterns and constant gain. An equivalent circuit model of the signs have been proposed. J.Kim et al. proposed a 5.2 GHz
proposed antenna is presented to discuss the mechanism of the
dual band-notched UWB antenna. A UWB antenna and a single
notched UWB antenna using slot-type SRR [6]. This UWB an-
band-notched one are also provided for references. tenna fulfills all the critical requirements including high radia-
tion efficiency, low profile, stable radiation patterns and constant
Index Terms—C-shaped slots, coplanar waveguide (CPW) fed
antennas, dual band-notched characteristics, equivalent circuits, gain. However, the input impedance is not well matched at the
ultrawideband (UWB) antennas. lowest frequencies (3.1–3.8 GHz). In addition, the notched fre-
quency band from 5–5.3 GHz cannot successfully block out the
whole WLAN bands. The potential interferences between the
I. INTRODUCTION UWB and WLAN systems cannot be reduced to the minimum.
Yi-Cheng Lin et al. discussed the designs of three advanced
S INCE the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
first approved rules for the commercial use of ultrawide-
band (UWB) in 2002 [1], the feasible design and implemen-
band-notched (5–6 GHz) UWB rectangular aperture antennas
[3]. The antenna structure is simple and the aperture size is com-
tation of UWB system has become a highly competitive topic pact. Broad impedance bandwidth and stable radiation patterns
in both academy and industry communities of telecommunica- are obtained, whereas the ground plane dimension is a bit of
tions. In particular, as a key component of the UWB system, an large. In practice, when integrated with the system board of dif-
extremely broadband antenna will be launched in the frequency ferent ground plane size, the antenna might need a retuning for
range from 3.1–10.6 GHz, which has attracted significant the optimized dimensions. Wang-Sang Lee et al. proposed wide-
research power in the recent years [2]. Challenges of the fea- band planar monopole antennas with dual band-notched char-
sible UWB antenna design include the UWB performances of acteristics [7]. This technique is suitable for creating UWB an-
the impedance matching and radiation stability, the compact tenna with narrow frequency notches or for creating multiband
appearance of the antenna size, and the low manufacturing cost antennas. However, the antenna is not suitable for integration
for consumer electronics applications [3]. with compact systems, because its ground plane is very large
Over the designated bandwidth of UWB system, there are and it is perpendicular to the radiator, which limits its appli-
some other existing narrowband services that already occupy cations in compact UWB systems. Furthermore, the bandwidth
frequencies in the UWB band, such as wireless local-area net- performance of the antenna is from 2 GHz to 6 GHz, which can
work (WLAN) IEEE802.11a and HIPERLAN/2 WLAN oper- not satisfy the demands of UWB system.
ating in the 5–6 GHz band. Besides the WLAN, in some Eu- Based on the background of the researches above, this
rope and Asia countries, world interoperability for microwave paper proposes a simple and compact CPW-fed planar
access (WiMAX) service from 3.3 to 3.6 GHz also operates in UWB antenna with dual band-notched characteristics in
the UWB band. In some applications, UWB antenna uses fil- 3.4 GHz (3.3–3.8 GHz) and 5.5 GHz (5–6 GHz). The dual
ters to suppress dispensable bands. However, the uses of filters band-notched operations are achieved by etching two nested
indeed increase the complexity of the UWB system and lead C-shaped slots in the rectangular metal radiating patch. It is
to increase in cost. It is desirable to design the UWB antenna found that by adjusting the total length of the C-shaped slot
with dual notched frequency bands both in 3.3–3.6 GHz and to be approximately half-wavelength of the desired notched
frequency, a destructive interference can take place, causing
the antenna nonresponsive at that frequency. It is easy to tune
Manuscript received December 25, 2007; revised June 03, 2008. Current ver-
the notch center frequency with the change in total length of
sion published December 30, 2008. This work was supported by the Science the C-shaped slot. Investigations on the total length of the
Fund of China under Grants (U0635004) and (No.60571056). C-shaped slot were performed by the electromagnetic software
The authors are with College of Electronic and Information Engineering,
South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China (e-mail:
Ansoft HFSS 10. The proposed antenna yields an impedance bandwidth of 3.1–10.6 GHz with , except the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2008.2007368 bandwidths of 3.3–3.8 GHz for WiMAX system and 5–6 GHz
0018-926X/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE

Fig. 2. Measured and simulated VSWR of antenna 1 with optimal dimensions.

Fig. 1. Geometry and configuration of antenna 1.

for IEEE802.11a and HIPERLAN/2 WLAN systems. The

stable radiation patterns and constant gain are also obtained.
In this paper, a compact UWB antenna area of 26 by 30
is first proposed. Simply by etching a C-shaped slot in the ra-
diating element, single band-notched characteristic from 5 to
6 GHz can be easily obtained. By etching two nested C-shaped
slots in the radiating patch, dual band-notched characteristics
for the proposed UWB antenna can be created to reduce the
potential interferences between UWB system and narrowband
systems. At the end of this paper, an equivalent circuit model
of the proposed dual band-notched UWB antenna is extracted Fig. 3. Measured and simulated gain of antenna 1.
to explain the dual band-notched characteristics. Details of the
antenna design and simulation are presented and the measured
results are given in order to demonstrate the performance of the The measurement of VSWR was carried out with a network
proposed antennas. analyzer Agilent N5230A (10 MHz-50 GHz). Fig. 2 shows the
characteristics of the measured and simulated VSWR of antenna
II. ANTENNA DESIGNS AND RESULTS 1. A relative good agreement in between measurement and sim-
ulation can be observed. It is found that the input impedance of
A. UWB Antenna Design and Results the fabricated antenna is well matched as the bandwidth covers
Fig. 1 shows the geometry and configuration of a UWB an- the entire UWB band (3.1–10.6 GHz) and goes beyond the re-
tenna. The antenna (referred to as antenna 1 in this paper) was quired 10.6 GHz with . Fig. 3 presents the measured
fabricated on an FR4 epoxy substrate with dielec- and simulated gain for antenna 1. The antenna gain in the UWB
tric constant and loss tangent . As shown band is about 2–5 dBi.
in the figure, a rectangle radiator is fed by a 50 coplanar wave-
guide (CPW) transmission line which is terminated with a sub- B. Single Band-Notched UWB Antenna Design and Results
miniature A (SMA) connector for measurement purpose. Since To reduce the interferences from the IEEE802.11a and
both the antenna and the feeding are implemented on the same HIPERLAN/2 WLAN systems, the band-notched function
plane, only one layer of substrate with single-sided metallization is desirable in the UWB system. Fig. 4 shows the geometry
is used, and the manufacturing of the antenna is very easy and and dimensions of the UWB antenna with filtering property
extremely low cost [3]. Both the radiating patch and the ground operating in the 5–6 GHz band (denoted as antenna 2).
plane are beveled, which results in a smooth transition from one By etching a C-shaped slot in the rectangular radiating patch
resonant mode to another and ensures good impedance match of antenna 1, a frequency band notch is created. Note that when
over a broad frequency range [8], [9]. The electromagnetic soft- the band-notched design applied to antenna 1, there is no re-
ware Ansoft HFSS 10 is employed to perform the design and tuning work required for the previously determined dimensions.
optimization process. The final parameters are , Generally speaking, the design concept of the notch function
, , , , is to adjust the total length of the C-shaped slot to be approxi-
, , , , mately half-wavelength at the desired notched frequency, which
. makes the input impedance singular. For other frequencies, the

Fig. 4. Geometry and configuration of antenna 2.

addition of the C-shaped slot filter has few effects. Based on

the concept as above, Fig. 5 shows the simulated current dis-
tributions at different frequencies by using Ansoft HFSS 10. In
Fig. 5(a) and (c), at frequencies 3 and 7 GHz, the current distri-
butions mainly flow along the transmission line; while around
the C-shaped slot the current is small. At 5.5 GHz as shown
in Fig. 5(b), the current distribution flows around the C-shaped
slot. In this case, destructive interference for the excited surface
currents in the antenna will occur, which causes the antenna to
be nonresponsive at that frequency. The impedance nearby the
feed-point changes acutely making large reflection at the desired
notched frequency. In addition, it is worthwhile mentioning that,
according to the simulated current distributions, the current con-
centrates around the middle and bottom parts of the radiating
patch. Therefore, the top of the radiating patch has minor effects
on the antenna performance and might be removed for design
purpose. In practice, when integrated with the system board, the
antenna might need a retuning for the optimized dimensions.
The notch frequency given the dimensions of the band- Fig. 5. Simulated current distributions at different frequencies. (a) 3 GHz,
(b) 5.5 GHz, (c) 7 GHz.
notched feature can be postulated as


where is the total length of the C-shaped slot, is the ef-

fective dielectric constant, and is the speed of the light. We
can take (1) into account in obtaining the total length of the
C-shaped slot at the very beginning of the design and then ad-
just the geometry for the final design. The total length simu-
lation values are compared to that of theoretical predictions in
Table I. It is found that, there are few differences between them.
Fig. 6 shows the simulated VSWR of antenna 2 for different .
As observed, the filtering frequency can be tuned by the total
length . By decreasing from 20 to 16 mm, the notched band
is shifted up from 4.9 GHz to 6.1 GHz. The final design param-
eters of the C-shaped slot are , , Fig. 6. Effects of the total length L on the VSWR of antenna 2.
and .
Performance of the measured and simulated VSWR of an-
tenna 2 is shown in Fig. 7. From the figure, it is evident that notched UWB antenna successfully blocks out the 5–6 GHz
the desired filtering property is introduced by the C-shaped slot band and still performs good impedance-matching at other fre-
as expected. Compared to antenna 1 design, the single band- quencies in the UWB band. The antenna gain in the entire UWB


Fig. 9. Geometry of antenna 3.

Fig. 10. Geometry and configuration of the proposed nested C-shaped slots.
Fig. 7. Measured and simulated VSWR of antenna 2, compared to antenna 1.

antenna (denoted as antenna 3) and the proposed C-shaped slots.

For the desire of the exterior C-shaped slot makes a notch band
at 3.4 GHz and the interior C-shaped slot makes another one at
5.5 GHz, each of the total length of the C-shaped slots is ob-
tained by using formula (1). The simulation values and theo-
retical predictions of total lengths are presented in Table I. It is
note that, since the mutual coupling exists between the exterior
and interior C-shaped slots, the simulationvalues are not exactly
equal to the prediction ones. The optimized design parameters
are , , ,
, , and .
Fig. 11 shows the measured and simulated VSWR of antenna
3. A good agreement in between simulation and measurement
of antenna 3 can be observed. Compared to antenna 1, the fabri-
Fig. 8. Measured and simulated gain of antenna 2. cated antenna 3 is complying with expected properties, which
has dual notched frequency bands both in 3.3–3.8 GHz and
5–6 GHz. It is concluded that the notch bands for antenna 3 are
band is presented in Fig. 8 which shows a sharp gain decrease in indeed created by the two nested C-shaped slots. Fig. 12 shows
the 5–6 GHz band and good performances at other frequencies the measured and simulated gain of antenna 3. Sharp gain de-
in the UWB band. creases occur both in 3.3–3.8 GHz and 5–6 GHz bands. How-
ever, for other frequencies outside the rejected bands, the an-
C. Dual Band-Notched Antenna Design and Results tenna gain is nearly constant in the entire UWB band.
Besides WLAN systems, WiMAX from 3.3–3.6 GHz also op- The measured and simulated radiation patterns of antenna 3
erates in the UWB band. To minimize the potential interferences in the -plane ( -plane) and -plane ( -plane) for three dif-
between UWB system and narrowband systems, in this paper, ferent frequencies 3.1, 8 and 10 GHz are shown in Figs. 13–15.
a kind of dual band-notched design is presented to demonstrate The patterns in the -plane are quite omnidirectional as ex-
the superior features. By etching two nested C-shaped slots in pected. In the -plane, the radiation patterns remain roughly
antenna 1, the required dual band-notched filtering properties a dumbbell shape like a small dipole leading to bidirectional
both in 3.3–3.6 GHz and 5–6 GHz are achieved. Figs. 9 and 10 patterns. For simplicity, the radiation patterns of antenna 1 and
plot, respectively, the geometry of the dual band-notched UWB antenna 2 are not depicted in this paper. To the best of authors’

Fig. 11. Measured and simulated VSWR of antenna 3, compared to antenna 1.

Fig. 13. Measured and simulated radiation patterns of antenna 3 at 3.1 GHz.
(a) E-plane (xz-plane) patterns. (b) H-plane (yz-plane) patterns.

Fig. 12. Measured and simulated gain of antenna 3.

demonstrate that the proposed antennas exhibit phase linearity
at desired UWB frequencies. Fig. 17 shows the photograph of
knowledge, the proposed band-notched structures including the the proposed antenna 1, antenna 2 and antenna 3.
single band-notched and dual band-notched ones have little in-
fluence on the radiation patterns of the UWB antenna. III. EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT MODEL
It is note that, there are some discrepancies between mea- In this section, to discuss the mechanism of the dual band-re-
surements and simulations in radiation patterns, especially in jected filtering properties, an equivalent circuit model of the pro-
the -plane ( -plane) at the lowest frequency (3.1 GHz). Com- posed dual band-notched UWB antenna is presented. Concep-
pared with the wavelength at frequency 3.1 GHz, the dimension tually, CPW is viewed as a transmission line with characteristic
of the antenna ground plane is less than a quarter-wavelength. In impedance . For simplicity, the radiating element of the UWB
the actual measurement, as the ground plane size is small, a few antenna can be represented by several parallel cells in se-
leakage currents may distribute along the external conductor of ries. The exterior and interior C-shaped slots are modeled as a
the SMA connector and may affect the radiation patterns. To shunt stub and a series stub, respectively.
tackle this problem, an optimized ground plane dimension will
be needed. It is a very interesting work to discuss the relation- A. Transmission Line Model for CPW
ship between ground plane and radiation patterns. In the equivalent circuit model, CPW can be simply repre-
sented by a transmission line with characteristic impedance .
D. Group Delay Characteristics Closed-form expressions for the effective dielectric constant and
Since UWB system uses pulse transmission, an important characteristic impedance of CPW with zero strip thickness are
issue is pulse distortion by the antenna. Ideally, a linear phase given in [10].
response (constant group delay) is desirable. Fig. 16 describes
the measured group delay of antenna 1, antenna 2 and antenna B. Impedance Model for Radiating Element of UWB Antenna
3. The variation of the group delay of antenna 1 over the UWB Fig. 18 shows the equivalent circuit model for radiating el-
band is less than 1 ns. The group delay variations of antenna ement of UWB antenna. As the last component of a transmis-
2 and antenna 3 highly exceed 4 ns in the vicinity of notch- sion system, in most cases, the antenna can be simply repre-
bands, which can deteriorate phase linearity. However, in the sented by a 50 load resistance in the circuit. If the antenna
un-notched frequency part, the group delay variations are small is well matched, this approximation can be valid, but for UWB
showing good characteristics. These group delay characteristics antennas, this hypothesis is not fulfilled. For UWB antenna,

Fig. 16. Measured group delay of the proposed antennas.

Fig. 17. Photograph of the proposed UWB antennas.

Fig. 14. Measured and simulated radiation patterns of antenna 3 at 8 GHz.

(a) E-plane (xz-plane) patterns. (b) H-plane (yz-plane) patterns.

Fig. 18. Impedance model for radiating element of UWB antenna.

matching bandwidth can be considered as the result of several

adjacent resonances and each one can be represented by an
parallel circuit [11]. Approximately, the radiating element of
UWB antenna can be seen as several parallel cells in se-
ries. The equivalent circuit input impedance can be expressed as


which might be considered to determine the values of

components. To simplify the calculation, only the real part is
considered to determine the values of components with
the formula


We can obtain several impedance data about frequencies from

the real part of radiating element input impedance simulated
by HFSS. Inserting the data in formula (3), an iterative method
Fig. 15. Measured and simulated radiation patterns of antenna 3 at 10 GHz. and curve-fitting method are used to calculate all the different
(a) E-plane (xz-plane) patterns. (b) H-plane (yz-plane) patterns. parameters , , [11].

Fig. 21. Equivalent circuit model for antenna 3.

Fig. 19. Surface current around the exterior C-shaped slot of antenna 3 at the
notch frequency at 3.4 GHz.

Fig. 22. Comparison between the simulated resistance of antenna 3 by HFSS

and by the equivalent circuit model in Fig. 21.

Fig. 20. Surface current around the interior C-shaped slot of antenna 3 at the
notch frequency at 5.5 GHz.

C. Equivalent Circuit Model for C-Shaped Slots

At the notch frequency at 3.4 GHz, current concentrates

around the exterior C-shaped slot. In Fig. 19, since the antenna
operates in a transmission-line-like mode [7], the impedance is
very high (open circuit) at the top of slot and the impedance is
nearly zero (short circuit) nearby the antenna feeding. The zero
impedance at the feeding point leads to the desired impedance
mismatching at the notch frequency at 3.4 GHz.
At 5.5 GHz, current is around the interior C-shaped slot. In
Fig. 20, the impedance is nearly zero (short circuit) at the top Fig. 23. Comparison between the simulated reactance of antenna 3 by HFSS
of slot and the impedance is very high (open circuit) nearby the and by the equivalent circuit model in Fig. 21.
antenna feeding. In this case, the high impedance at the feeding
point, in turn, leads to the desired impedance mismatching near
the notch frequency at 5.5 GHz. frequencies. While at the other passband frequencies, there are
Fig. 21 shows the equivalent circuit model of the proposed little reflections from the two stubs in the antenna circuit.
dual band-notched UWB antenna. The exterior slot can be mod- Fig. 22 shows the comparison between the resistance of the
eled as a parallel stub, while the exterior slot can be modeled proposed antenna by HFSS and by the equivalent circuit model.
as a series stub on a transmission line [7]. At 3.4 GHz, when Fig. 23 compares the reactance simulated by HFSS to that sim-
is equal to half length of the exterior C-shaped slot , the ulated by the equivalent circuit model. Referring to the figures,
input impedance at the feeding point is zero (short circuit) which the trends of curves agree reasonably well over the UWB band,
is consistent with the transmission-line-like mode as shown in especially in the dual notched frequency bands. The discrep-
Fig. 19. Similarly, at 5.5 GHz, when is equal to half length of ancy between the curves can be mostly attributed to the inaccu-
the interior C-shaped slot , the input impedance at the feeding rate modeling of the radiating element for the curve-fitting. In
point is very high (open circuit) which is consistent with the addition, as a reference, the comparison between the simulated
transmission-line-like mode as shown in Fig. 20. In the cases VSWR of the proposed antenna by HFSS and by the equivalent
as above, destructive interferences in the antenna occur at those circuit model is shown in Fig. 24.

[6] J. Kim, C. S. Cho, and J. W. Lee, “5.2 GHz notched ultra-wideband

antenna using slot-type SRR,” Electron. Lett., vol. 42, pp. 315–316,
Mar. 2006.
[7] W. S. Lee, D. Z. Kim, K. J. Kim, and J. W. Yu, “Wideband planar
monopole antennas with dual band-notched characteristics,” IEEE
Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 54, pp. 2800–2806, Jun. 2006.
[8] J. Powell, “Antenna Design for Ultra Wideband Radio,” M.Sc. thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 2004.
[9] W. Wang and S. S. Zhong, “A broadband CPW-fed arrowlike printed
antenna,” in Proc. IEEE AP-S Int. Symp., Jun. 2004, vol. 1, pp.
[10] B. C. Wadell, Transmission Line Design Handbook. Boston, MA:
Artech House, 1991, pp. 73–76.
[11] I. Pele, A. Chousseaud, and S. Toutain, “Simultaneous modeling of
impedance and radiation pattern antenna for UWB pulse modulation,”
in Proc. IEEE AP-S Int. Symp., Jun. 2004, vol. 2, pp. 1871–1874.

Qing-Xin Chu (M’94) received the B.S, M.E., and

Ph.D. degrees in electronic engineering from Xidian
Fig. 24. Comparison between the simulated VSWR of antenna 3 by HFSS and
University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, in 1982, 1987, and
by the equivalent circuit model in Fig. 21.
1994, respectively.
He is currently a full Professor of the School
of Electronic and Information Engineering, South
China University of Technology, China. He is also
IV. CONCLUSION head of Research Institute of RF and Wireless
Techniques of the school. He worked at the School
To minimize the potential interferences between the UWB of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University from
system and the narrowband systems, a compact CPW-fed 1982 to 2003, and was the Vice-Dean and a full
planar UWB antenna with dual rejection bands at WiMAX Professor of the school from 1997 to 2003. He undertook his research in the
Department of Electronic Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong as a
/WLAN frequencies has been proposed and discussed. The research associate from July 1995 to July 1997 and March to September 1998,
relationship between the total length of the C-shaped slot and and worked in the Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of
the band-rejected operation has been given. Stable radiation Hong Kong as a research fellow from February to May 2001. He was Visiting
Professors of the Department of Electronic Engineering, Chinese University
patterns and constant gain in the UWB band are obtained. To of Hong Kong from July to October 2002, and the Department of Electronic
discuss the mechanism of the filtering properties, an equivalent Engineering, City University of Hong Kong from December 2002 to March
circuit model based on the dual band-notched phenomenon 2003. He visited the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore from July to October 2004, with the Tan
has been proposed. The simulation and measurement results of Chin Tuan Exchange Fellowship Award, and visited the Department of Elec-
the proposed antenna show a good agreement in term of the trical and Electronic Engineering, Okayama University, Japan from January to
VSWR, antenna gain and radiation patterns. Accordingly, the March 2005, with the Fellowship awarded by Japan Society for Promotion of
Science (JSPS). His current research interests include UWB antennas and RF
proposed antenna is expected to be a good candidate in various components, active integrated antennas, spatial power combining array, and
UWB systems. computational electromagnetics.
Dr. Chu received the first-class Educational Award of Shaanxi Province in
2003, the top-class Science Award of Education Ministry of China and second-
REFERENCES class Science and Technology Advance Award of Shaanxi Province in 2002, the
top-class Educational Award of Shaanxi Province and the second-class Award
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Regarding Ultra-Wideband Transmission System FCC 02–48,” Federal He is a senior member of China Electronic Institute (CEI).
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[2] T. G. Ma and S. K. Jeng, “Planar miniature tapered-slot-fed annular slot
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[3] Y. C. Lin and K. J. Hung, “Compact ultrawideband rectangular Ying-Ying Yang was born in Hengyang, Hunan,
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acteristics of a small U-slotted planar antenna for IR-UWB,” Microw. he is currently working toward the M.E. degree in
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[5] Y. -J. Cho, K. -H. Kim, D. -H. Choi, S. -S. Lee, and S. -O. Park, China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China.
“A miniature UWB planar monopole antenna with 5-GHz band-rejec- His research interests include the design and anal-
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