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80% das perguntas tenho certeza que a professora não irá perguntar é só
neura minha. As possíveis perguntas estão marcadas. As perguntas não estão muito
bem elaboradas, então perdoe sua irmã.

1- Talk about what types of businesses you would be interested in starting up
and why.
2- What do you think important to start a businesses?
3- Why do you think more people don’t star their own businesses?
4- What some things you have to think about and do if you want to start a
5- What do you think is the best way to advertise a product or service?
6- What small local business and online business do you, your family and
your friends use?
7- What new business could you start in your area?
8- Do you usually plan a lot? What kind of things you plan?
9- Do you pay someone to do some service for you? What do you pay for?
10- What is your opnion about: (aqui usaria alguns adjetivos come helpful, well
made, etc)
 Salespeople
 Products made in your country
 A restaurant/ Fast Food
 Imported products
 To work in a store you need to be
11- How this things make you feel?(aqui usaria adjetivos terminados com
 Shopping at big malls
 Shopping in open air markets
 Talking to tech support people
 Shopping at your favorite store
12- Have you already noticed or indentifying emotion through tone of voice?
1- What kind of stories you consider news?
2- Who do you think gossips more: men or women?
3- In your opnion, is gossips a positive or negative social activity?
4- Do you usually gossiping?
5- What is the difference between opnion and fact?
6- Do you usually change your opnion?
7- What do you do when you are talking with someone and want include a new
8- What do you think about phone messages? What you feel about it?

1- When was the last time you found it difficult to make a decision or had to
make a difficult decision?
2- Have you ever deal with a problem? What problem?
3- Tell me something that could be happen if you have had something
different(aqui é para usar third conditional)
4- What’s the biggest problem in our society?
5- What problem are you dealing?
6- What are your hopes and wishes?
7- For you, is it easy or difficult Make decisons?

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