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Oblique alignment of columns of self-organized Ge/Si(001) islands in multilayer

C. J. Huang, D. Z. Li, B. W. Cheng, J. Z. Yu, and Q. M. Wang

Citation: Applied Physics Letters 77, 2852 (2000); doi: 10.1063/1.1322372

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Oblique alignment of columns of self-organized GeÕSi„001… islands

in multilayer structure
C. J. Huang,a) D. Z. Li, B. W. Cheng, J. Z. Yu, and Q. M. Wang
State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics, Institute of Semiconductors, Beijing 100083,
People’s Republic of China
共Received 31 May 2000; accepted for publication 12 September 2000兲
Ge/Si multilayer structures with a bimodal distribution of the island spacing in the first layer have
been investigated by atomic-force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Besides the
vertical alignment, some oblique alignments of stacked islands are observed. The presence of the
elastic interaction between islands is responsible for the oblique alignment of stacked islands.
© 2000 American Institute of Physics. 关S0003-6951共00兲04644-1兴

Strain-driven self-assembly of defect-free islands in the rect evidence that there exists an elastic interaction between
Stranski–Krastanov growth mode has attracted a lot of atten- islands in the same layer.
tion during the last few years, as these structures are ex- All samples were grown by ultra-high-vacuum 共UHV兲
pected to be potential candidates for the realization of quan- chemical-vapor deposition on a 共001兲-oriented Si substrate
tum electronic and optoelectronic devices. In particular, the from pure disilane and germane (Si2H6 and GeH4). The Si
lattice-mismatched material systems Ge/Si and InAs/GaAs substrates were cleaned in an ex situ chemical etch process
are currently under intense investigation.1 Although self- and loaded into an UHV growth chamber with basic pressure
organized islands can be unexpectedly uniform in size, they lower than 10⫺8 Pa, and then heated up to 950 °C to deoxi-
are still not sufficiently for most practical application. The dize. The multilayer structures underwent the following
other major drawback of the self-organized islands is the growth procedure: growth of ⬃250 nm Si buffer layer at
lack of macroscopic periodic order in spatial distribution, 850 °C, followed by ten bilayers consisting of 5.8 ML Ge
which limited them in some applications such as quantum and 35-nm-thick Si at 650 °C. Two reference samples with
automata.2 A widely used approach to improve the homoge- the same 5.8 ML Ge layers were grown without the Si cap
neity and periodicity of islands is to stack several island lay- layer for AFM analysis: one consisted of a single Ge layer
ers separated by a spacer layer.3 The spacer layers act like a and the other consisted of ten Ge/Si periods. The thicknesses
bandpass filter for the spatial frequency leading to a progres- of the Ge and Si layers were obtained by Rutherford back-
sively more uniform island spacing and size distribution. A scattering combined with double-crystal x-ray diffraction
remarkable feature of these multilayer arrays of islands is analysis, which were in good accordance with the results
that buried islands in successive layers are spatially corre- from the TEM images. AFM images were recorded with a
lated if the thickness of the spacer layer is kept thin enough. Digital Instrument AFM setup operating in contact mode.
To our knowledge, there are two main ways of correlation of TEM measurements were performed on cross sections using
multilayer arrays of islands. One is vertical correlation for a 200 kV microscope. The TEM samples were thinned to an
three-dimensional islands in Ge/Si 共Ref. 4兲 and InAs/GaAs average thickness of the order of 20 nm by tripod polishing
follow by brief ion milling.
共Ref. 5兲 systems; the other is vertical anticorrelation for two-
Figure 1 shows the 5⫻5 ␮ m2 AFM topographs 共inset兲
dimensional islands in the CdSe/ZnSe 共Ref. 6兲 system. The
and the nearest-spacing histograms of two reference samples.
origin of the two correlation ways has been attributed to the
The deposited Ge amount was kept at 5.8 ML in all layers of
interaction between buried and surface islands by the anisot-
both samples. The AFM images in Figs. 1共a兲 and 1共b兲 cor-
ropy strained field, by neglecting the elastic interaction be-
respond to the morphology of the first and the tenth Ge layer
tween islands in the same layer.3,7 However, such an elastic
in the multilayer sample, respectively. The island shapes in
interaction must be considered to explain the phenomena
both the AFM images are rounded domes, and no pyramidal-
shape islands are observed. Two types of island size are
In this letter, we investigate the Ge island growth behav-
found in the first layer. Large-dome heights are about 14 nm
ior in the Ge/Si共001兲 multilayer structure by cross-sectional
and the base dimensions are around 140 nm, and the heights
transmission electron microscopy 共TEM兲 and atomic-force
and base dimensions of the small domes are 11 and 100 nm,
microscopy 共AFM兲. We find that both the island size and respectively. As shown in the Fig. 1共a兲 inset, several small
height increase with the increase of the number of deposited domes surround a large dome over large denuded areas,
layers, which results from the accumulation of strain relax- which results in a bimodal distribution of the nearest-island
ation due to the correlation of three-dimensional islands. By spacing with peaks at 180 and 300 nm. The former corre-
TEM images, we find that there are some oblique alignments sponds to the spacing between the small domes, while the
of stacked islands besides the vertical alignment, giving di- latter corresponds to the spacing between the large and small
domes. Having grown nine Ge/Si bilayers on the first Ge
Electronic mail: layer, the morphology of the tenth Ge layer changes strik-
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0003-6951/2000/77(18)/2852/3/$17.00 2852 © 2000 American Institute of Physics On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 21:32:39
Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 77, No. 18, 30 October 2000 Huang et al. 2853

FIG. 1. 5 ␮ m⫻5 ␮ m AFM topographs 共inset兲 and histograms of the nearest

spacing 共center to center兲 between islands from 共a兲 the single-Ge-layer
sample and 共b兲 the ten-bilayer Ge/Si sample without the Si cap layer. Note
that the deposited Ge amount was kept 5.8 ML in all layers.

ingly. The islands become larger and more uniform with a

base width of ⬃180 nm and a height of ⬃17 nm, as well as
the nearest-island spacing, exhibits a single modal distribu-
tion with the peak at 260 nm 关Fig. 1共b兲兴. In addition, the
density of islands in the tenth layer has decreased slightly
from 11⫻108 cm⫺2 in the first layer to 8⫻108 cm⫺2.
Two typical cross-sectional TEM images taken along the FIG. 2. Two typical cross-sectional TEM images of the same sample with
ten Ge/Si bilayers but at different regions. 共a兲 A bright-field image with two
关110兴 azimuth of the sample with ten Ge/Si bilayers are columns of Ge islands, their island spacing in the first layer corresponds to
shown in Fig. 2. Figure 2共a兲 is the bright-field image of two the large value in the bimodal distribution of island spacing. 共b兲 A dark-field
columns of vertical-correlation islands where their spacing image with four columns of Ge islands, their island spacings correspond to
the small value. The white lines are guides to the eye.
along 关110兴 in the first layer is larger than 400 nm. There-
fore, one of the two islands in the first layer corresponds to
the large dome shown in the Fig. 1共a兲 inset and the other lique alignments of stacked islands as in Fig. 2 result in the
corresponds to the small dome.8 A dark-field image of the changeover of the island spacing from a bimodal distribution
same sample but at a different region is shown in Fig. 2共b兲. to a single modal one 共Fig. 1兲.
Due to the effect of strain, the gray contrast does not well Tersoff, Teichert, and Lagally3 pointed out that nucle-
correspond to the Ge-content distribution. However, because ation of islands of the second sheet occurs preferentially
the contour of islands is clear, the position and shape of the above buried islands by consideration of the local strain on
islands can still be distinguished. The spacing of each of the the surface due to the buried islands. They explained the
two nearest islands in the first layer is less than 200 nm and enhancement of the uniformity of the island spacing by in-
all of four islands in the first layer belong to the small type of creasing new islands at the region with widely spaced islands
domes. For both situations, the size of the islands increases buried and merging10 at the region with closely spaced is-
with the number of bilayers, which is in accordance with the lands buried. However, their preferential nucleation theory
previous results.3,4,9 cannot predict the oblique alignment of stacked islands as
By linking the middle points of the bases of the islands depicted here. An elastic interaction between islands in the
in one column, we use white lines to indicate the directions same layer must be considered, besides the interaction be-
of alignment of the correlated islands. As shown in Fig. 2共a兲, tween islands in different layers. According to the theory of
where the island spacing in the first layer is larger, the left spontaneous ordering of arrays of strained islands,6,11 the
column is vertically aligned and the right column is oblique elastic interaction consists of two parts: attraction and repul-
to the left. Therefore, the spacing of the two islands in the sion and both of them depend on the volume and spacing of
same layer decreases with increasing the number of bilayers, the islands. If the volumes of interacting islands are kept
which exhibits an attractive interaction between the islands. constant, two parts balance each other by changing the criti-
However, the spacing in the first layer increases with increas- cal spacing between the islands to a critical value. Therefore,
ing the number of bilayers at the region where the island the different sizes of the islands correspond to the different
spacing in the first layer corresponds to the small value, as spacings, which results in the bimodal distribution of the
shown in Fig. 2共b兲. Column A is vertically aligned from the spacing in the first layer where there are two sizes of islands.
first to the third layer and then oblique from the fourth layer In the stacked island structure, the size of the islands in-
on. Column B only contains islands in the first three layers creases and becomes more uniform with increasing the num-
and its alignment is vertical. The alignments of columns C ber of bilayers. On one hand, the more uniform size of the
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and D are whole oblique and vertical, respectively. Such ob- islands results in the more uniform spacing between islands. On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 21:32:39
2854 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 77, No. 18, 30 October 2000 Huang et al.

On the other hand, if the spacing between islands is kept ence of the elastic interaction between islands is responsible
constant, the increase of size of islands makes an enhance- for the oblique alignment of stacked islands, a deviation
ment of the elastic interaction. At the initial stage of island- against the vertical alignment formed in the preferential
ing, small islands preferentially nucleate directly vertically nucleation effect.
above the buried islands and their spacing is kept the same as
that of the buried islands. Then, as the islands become large The AFM measurements were performed at Institute of
gradually, the enhanced elastic interaction cannot be bal- Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The authors grate-
anced. Therefore, the spacing of islands has to change by an fully acknowledge Professor Ju Wu for helpful discussion.
asymmetrical development of island shape that can be found This work was supported by ‘‘863’’ Research Plan Grant
in some islands at the obliquely aligned columns. In particu- No. 863-307-06-05共03兲, and the National Natural Science of
lar, the interaction exhibits attraction at the region with a China Foundation under Grant Nos. 69787004, 69746001,
wide spacing and exhibits repulsion at the region with a 69990540, and 69896260.
close spacing. This induces the oblique alignment of the is-
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