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A it a n G o elm a n

Zuc k erm an S p ae d er L L P

June 19, 2018

Re: Statement Regarding Employment Status of FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok

Just as he has been for the last 20 years, Pete Strzok remains a proud FBI agent who wants to continue
working to keep the American people safe.

Pete has steadfastly played by the rules and respected the process, and yet he continues to be the target of
unfounded personal attacks, political games and inappropriate information leaks. All of this seriously
calls into question the impartiality of the disciplinary process, which now appears tainted by political
influence. Instead of publicly calling for a long-serving FBI agent to be summarily fired, politicians
should allow the disciplinary process to play out free from political pressure. Despite being put through a
highly questionable process, Pete has complied with every FBI procedure, including being escorted from
the building as part of the ongoing internal proceedings.

Our leaders and the public should be very concerned with how readily such influence has been allowed to
undermine due process and the legal protections owed to someone who has served his country for so long.
Pete Strzok and the American people deserve better.


Aitan Goelman

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Z U C K E R M AN S P AE D E R L L P | W AS H I N G T O N , D C | N E W Y O R K | T AM P A | B AL T I M O R E

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