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Modifications/Accommodations – Rebecca Oney

Quantity Time Level of Support

1. ID 6 types of government 1. Only use flash cards in game, don’t 1. Peer buddies can be used throughout
2. Only fill out the first half of the play to mastery the lesson
“Create a Government” Worksheet 2. Only fill out the first half of the 2. Create video examples of how to
3. Write the anthem and a short story “Create a Government” Worksheet create the government and make
about a person who lives in the 3. Checklist for students who work faster them available to students who need
created country. than others extra help.
3. Place students in cooperative groups
who will support and work well with
each other.
Input Difficulty Output
1. Watch a video of the Brainrush 1. Have completed models available 1. Students can share written worksheet
Government Type Game being played. 2. Create video models of how to or verbally share
2. Have completed models in large text. create/combine government types 2. Students can create a table or fill in
3. .Use physical flashcards instead of the 3. Use physical flashcards with simplified the worksheets on a computer.
online game definitions 3. Students elect a team member to
present for the team.
1. Only 1 student from each group
presents final product
2. Students may work alone or in pairs
3. Students may contribute to the group
according to their ability level.

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