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Boric Acid Bait Kills Adult Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae)

Center for Medical, Agricultural, and Veterinary Entomology, USDAÐARS, P.O. Box 14565, Gainesville, FL 32604

J. Econ. Entomol. 96(5): 1559Ð1562 (2003)

ABSTRACT The toxicity of boric acid solutions to adult Anopheles quadrimaculatus Say, Culex
nigripalpus Theobald, and Aedes albopictus Skuse was evaluated in the laboratory. Median lethal
concentrations (LC50 in %) at 24-h exposure for male and female An. quadrimaculatus were 0.317 and
0.885, respectively; for Cx. nigripalpus, 0.273 and 0.560, respectively; and for Ae. albopictus, 0.174 and
0.527, respectively. The LC50 values at 48-h exposure for male and female An. quadrimaculatus were
0.101 and 0.395, respectively; for Cx. nigripalpus, 0.098 and 0.255, respectively; and for Ae. albopictus,
0.078 and 0.244, respectively. In laboratory tests, access for 48 h to sucrose (10%) water containing
1% boric acid (boric acid bait) resulted in 98% mortality in blood fed, gravid, and parous Ae. albopictus.
When offered a choice between boric acid bait and sucrose water, 52% of male and 33% of female Ae.
albopictus ingested sufÞcient boric acid bait in 24 h to cause death; after 48 h, respective percent
mortalities were 88 and 58%. In outdoor tests, in a walk-in screened cage (156 m3) containing 1,250
female Ae. albopictus, mosquito biting rates on the exposed forearm of a human subject in 3-min
exposure were reduced ⱖ78% for the boric acid bait treatment, compared with a sucrose water control.

KEY WORDS toxicity, Aedes albopictus, Anopheles quadrimaculatus, Culex nigripalpus

CONVENTIONAL CONTROL OF ADULT mosquitoes is based sucrose, and water kill adult mosquitoes and, if so,
primarily on aerial and ground ultra-low volume ap- what is the lethal concentration? Second, does the
plication of insecticides. But these techniques risk effectiveness of a bait solution vary with mosquito
environmental pollution because of the large areas species, sex, or the physiological status of the female?
that are treated and the quantities of insecticides that Finally, will mortality in a mosquito population caused
are applied. There is also the potential for develop- by boric acid ingestion result in a reduction of the
ment of insecticide resistance in the mosquito popu- mosquito biting rate on humans?
lation. Each of these consequences compels us to Þnd Boric acid baits could be used to reduce adult mos-
new ways to reduce the use of adulticides and to quito populations if they are determined to be lethal
develop safe and effective alternative control methods to mosquitoes. In this regard, bait stations augmented
for adult mosquitoes. with a chemical feeding attractant and designed for
Because adult mosquitoes require carbohydrates economy and portability would provide a safe, non-
for energy, survival, and reproduction (Yuval 1992, pesticidal, point-source control technology for mos-
Foster 1995), one alternative to aerial/ground appli- quitoes in urban and suburban environments and in
cation of insecticides is to provide mosquitoes a poison some types of livestock housing.
mixed with their food. A bait formulation of boric acid
has been used in this way to control pest ants (Klotz
Materials and Methods
et al. 1997) but not to kill mosquitoes. Sucrose is an
excellent candidate for use in a bait product for mos- Mosquitoes. Anopheles quadrimaculatus Say, Culex
quitoes because it is a component of the sugars they nigripalpus Theobald, and Aedes albopictus Skuse
acquire in nature from honeydew, plant sap, and nec- were reared and maintained in the laboratory under
tar (Schlein and Muller 1995, Burkett et al. 1999). controlled temperature (27⬚C), relative humidity
The study reported herein was performed to deter- (70%), and a photoperiod of 14:10 (L:D) h. Adults
mine the potential usefulness of boric acid as a mos- emerged in stock cages (⬇500 cm3), were provided
quito control agent. In devising it, we sought answers 10% sucrose in water ad libitum, and were blood fed
to three questions. First, will a mixture of boric acid, weekly on restrained 5Ð7-wk-old chicks or membrane
fed on bovine blood. Methods for rearing mosquito
Written informed consent was obtained for all human subjects used larvae followed those described by Gerberg et al.
in this study in accordance with protocol IRB-01 #445-96 as currently (1994).
approved by the University of Florida, Health Sciences Center, In-
stitutional Review Board for Human Subjects. Approval to use animals
Both sexes of each species were evaluated in acute
in this research has been granted by the Institutional Animal Care and toxicity tests in the laboratory. We used Ae. albopictus
Use Committee at the University of Florida under project #A622. to determine the effect of boric acid on blood en-

Table 1. Toxicity of boric acid baits to male and female Anopheles quadrimaculatus, Culex nigripalpus, and Aedes albopictus in the
laboratory after 24- and 48-h exposure

Exposure time
Species and sex 24 h 48 h
LC50 (%) 95% C.I. Slope LC50 (%) 95% C.I. Slope
Aedes albopictus
Male 0.174 0.146Ð0.199 4.143 0.078 0.069Ð0.089 4.961
Female 0.527 0.479Ð0.577 3.036 0.244 0.220Ð0.268 4.876
Culex nigripalpus
Male 0.273 0.117Ð0.397 5.047 0.098 0.085Ð0.112 3.905
Female 0.56 0.498Ð0.626 9.92 0.255 0.233Ð0.277 5.337
Anopheles quadrimaculatus
Male 0.317 0.289Ð0.344 4.568 0.101 0.019Ð0.196 3.719
Female 0.885 0.800Ð1.005 3.252 0.395 0.328Ð0.461 5.193

gorged, gravid, and parous females, whereas both male (treatment) received one cup each of boric acid bait
and female Ae. albopictus were used in choice tests and sucrose water. The second cage (control) re-
between boric acid in sucrose water (i.e., boric acid ceived two cups of sucrose water. Choice was deter-
bait) and sucrose water alone. Nulliparous 5Ð7-d-old mined by assessing mortality in males and females in
Ae. albopictus were used to determine the effect of each cage after 24 h. Choice tests were repeated four
boric acid bait on mosquito biting rates on a human times.
subject in an outdoor cage. Effect of Boric Acid Treatment on Aedes albopictus
Acute Toxicity Tests. Treatments in toxicity bioas- Biting Rates on Humans. An outdoor, walk-in,
says comprised Þve concentrations of boric acid screened cage (156 m3) was used for this study. A total
(0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, and 1%) dissolved in deionized of 1,250 female Ae. albopictus was released into the
water containing 10% sucrose (i.e., sucrose water). cage and 1 h later the number of mosquito bites in 3
Ten percent sucrose in deionized water was used as min on the exposed forearm of a human volunteer was
the control. Before each test, 50 ml of one of the Þve recorded. Afterward, four 200-ml black plastic cups,
treatments, or sucrose water control, was transferred each containing 100 ml of boric acid (1%) bait, were
to a 60-ml plastic cup containing a single cotton ball. placed in each corner of the cage 1 m above ground
A cup with either treatment or control solution was level on a wood rack. After 48 h, the same human
then placed inside a mosquito cage (45 ⫻ 38 ⫻ 38 cm) volunteer reentered the cage and recorded the num-
that held 100 male and 100 female mosquitoes. In ber of mosquito bites received on an exposed forearm
separate sets of bioassays that ended after 24 h and in 3 min. The control scenario used the same regimen
after 48 h, the cups were removed from each cage and with sucrose water substituted for the boric acid bait.
the number of dead mosquitoes in the cage collected, The same cage and human subject were used each
sexed, and their numbers recorded. Each toxicity bio- time to assess mosquito biting rates. Treatment and
assay was replicated four times for each mosquito control tests were each replicated six times.
species. Data Analysis. All tests were organized using a com-
Boric Acid Bait-Induced Mortality in Blood Fed, pletely randomized design. Acute toxicity data were
Gravid, and Parous Aedes albopictus. In these tests, analyzed using probit analysis (Finney 1971). Re-
the effect of boric acid (1%) bait with sucrose water sponse data for percent mortality in blood fed, gravid,
on mortality in blood fed, gravid, and parous Ae. al- and parous mosquitoes, choice tests, and the mosquito
bopictus was compared. Blood fed mosquitoes were biting rates in outdoor cage tests were analyzed using
obtained by feeding 7-d-old females on restrained StudentÕs t-test or analysis of variance (SAS Institute
5Ð7-wk-old chicks and then testing them immediately 1988) with means separation in the latter case using
(blood fed), after holding for 3 d (with sucrose water TukeyÕs honestly signiÞcant difference test.
available ad libitum) (gravid), or after 7 d (with su-
crose water available ad libitum, and after oviposition)
(parous). Blood fed and gravid females were tested
using 25 mosquitoes per cage (45 ⫻ 38 ⫻ 38 cm), and
parous mosquitoes using 200 females per cage. Mor- Acute Toxicity Tests. Boric acid baits were more
tality was assessed after 48 h using the methods de- toxic to male than to female mosquitoes and were
scribed above. Each test was replicated four times. more toxic to Ae. albopictus and Cx. nigripalpus than to
Choice Tests of Boric Acid Bait versus Sucrose Wa- An. quadrimaculatus (Table 1). In general, LC50 values
ter with Aedes albopictus. These tests were made to decreased 50 Ð70% after 48-h exposure, compared with
determine the preference of male and female mos- 24-h exposure. There was attenuation of toxicity (i.e.,
quitoes for boric acid (1%) bait or sucrose water when decreased slope of the Þtted regression line) after 48 h
both were simultaneously provided in a cage. Two for male An. quadrimaculatus and for Cx. nigripalpus,
cages were used in each test, each containing 100 male with the opposite effect for female An. quadrimacu-
and 100 female, 5Ð7-d-old Ae. albopictus. One cage latus and Ae. albopictus.

Table 2. Mean percent mortality (SE) in blood fed, gravid, and Table 4. Number of bites in 3 min by Aedes albopictus on
parous Aedes albopictus after 48-h exposure to boric acid bait or exposed forearm of a human subject in an outdoor cage before and
sucrose water in laboratory tests after 48-h exposure of mosquitoes to boric acid bait or sucrose
Boric acid baita Sucrose water
state Boric acid bait Sucrose water
Blood fed 99.0 (1.7)a 1.0 (0.4)b Before After 48 h Before After 48 h
Gravid 99.0 (1.7)a 4.0 (2.8)b 1 1.8 0.2 2 1.2
Parous 98.0 (2.4)a 4.0 (2.6)b 2 2.2 0.2 1.8 1.4
3 2.3 0.5 1.9 1.4
Means in each row followed by same letter are not signiÞcantly 4 2.2 0 1 1.4
different (P ⫽ 0.05) using StudentÕs t-test (SAS 1988). 5 1.9 0.2 2.3 1.7
6 1.2 0.2 2.6 1.8
Mean (SE)a 1.9 (0.4)a 0.2 (0.1)b 1.9 (0.5)a 1.5 (0.2)a
Boric Acid-Induced Mortality in Blood Fed, Gravid,
and Parous Aedes albopictus. Access to boric acid bait a
Means (as percent of 1,250 female Aedes albopictus) followed by
signiÞcantly increased mortality in blood fed (t ⫽ same letter are not signiÞcantly different (P ⫽ 0.05) using TukeyÕs
HSD test (SAS 1988).
84.47, df ⫽ 24, P ⬍ 0.001), gravid (t ⫽ 49.61, df ⫽ 24,
P ⬍ 0.001), and parous Ae. albopictus (t ⫽ 42.52, df ⫽
196, P ⬍ 0.001), compared with females that had access
to sucrose water only (Table 2). Percent mortality for domestic (L.), ranged from 0.37% to 0.88% (Hogsette
treatment and control groups was ⱖ98% and ⱕ4%, and Koehler 1992). For the red imported Þre ant,
respectively. Solenopsis invicta Buren, the LC50 decreased from
Choice Tests of Boric Acid Bait versus Sucrose Wa- 1.27% at 3 d, to 0.11% at 8 d (Klotz et al. 1997). The
ter with Aedes albopictus. When presented with a results of our study show that boric acid bait has
choice between boric acid bait and sucrose water, 52% toxicity to mosquitoes similar to house ßies and is more
of males (t ⫽ 6.53, df ⫽ 99, P ⬍ 0.01) and 33% of
toxic to mosquitoes than to Þre ants.
females (t ⫽ 5.68, df ⫽ 99, P ⬍ 0.05) fed at least once
Our results also showed that blood fed, gravid, and
from the boric acid bait cup and died in the Þrst 24-h
exposure (Table 3). After 48 h, mortality increased to parous mosquitoes ingested sufÞcient boric acid bait
88% for males (t ⫽ 16.67, df ⫽ 99, P ⬍ 0.01) and 58% in 48 h to cause mortality. This observation is impor-
for females (t ⫽ 8.85, df ⫽ 99, P ⬍ 0.01). Conversely, tant because it reveals that the toxicity of boric acid
12% of males and 42% of females did not ingest sufÞ- baits to mosquitoes is unaffected by the physiological
cient boric acid bait in 48 h to induce mortality. state of the female.
Effect of Boric Acid Treatment on Aedes albopictus Choice tests showed that boric acid bait was not
Biting Rates on Humans. Availability of boric acid bait ingested at lethal levels in 24 h by 12 and 67% of male
in the outdoor cage test signiÞcantly (F ⫽ 29.45, df ⫽ and female mosquitoes, respectively; however, these
3,20, P ⬍ 0.001) reduced biting rates (ⱖ78%) by Ae. percentages were halved after 48 h of exposure. High
albopictus on the human subject (Table 4). Biting rates concentrations of boric acid are known to inhibit in-
before introduction of boric acid bait or sucrose water gestion of baits by house ßies, cockroaches, and ants
and 48 h after introduction of sucrose water were not (Hogsette and Koehler 1994, Strong et al. 1993, Klotz
signiÞcantly different. et al. 1997). The reason for such inhibition is not
presently understood and the basis for repellency of
Discussion high concentrations of boric acid to mosquitoes needs
further study. One objective, in this regard, would be
Boric acid has been tested as a toxic bait for house to determine whether baits can be formulated to re-
ßies and ants. In laboratory tests, LC50 values for boric duce boric acid concentration while maintaining or
acid in 10% sugar water for adult house ßies, Musca improving efÞcacy and palatability to mosquitoes.
Use of boric acid bait may be an effective strategy
Table 3. Mean percent mortality (SE) of male and female Aedes to control adult mosquitoes. Boric acid mixed with
albopictus in choice tests after 24- and 48-h exposure to boric acid sucrose and made available to mosquitoes in nature
bait and/or sucrose water in laboratory tests
could mitigate some of the safety and environmental
Exposure period concerns associated with conventional mosquito adul-
Boric acid baita Sucrose water
and sex ticides. Furthermore, it should be possible to formu-
24 h late and deliver boric acid baits in the environment in
Male 51.8 (11.3)a 3.5 (3.8)b an effective way. Possible delivery systems include
Female 33.5 (10.1)a 0.3 (0.4)b various types of point-source bait containers, such as
48 h
Male 88.0 (2.4)a 7.5 (5.6)b hanging bait stations, or traps, that are augmented with
Female 58.0 (10.5)a 1.0 (0.7)b mosquito feeding attractants. Targeted spray applica-
tions of boric acid baits could also be made to vege-
Tests comprised the choice of boric acid bait or sucrose water in one tation (provided phytotoxicity is not a limiting factor)
cage and sucrose water only in the second cage (see text for details).
Means in each row followed by same letter are not signiÞcantly or to inanimate surfaces, including those in mosquito
different (P ⫽ 0.05) using StudentÕs t-test (SAS 1988). refugia.

Acknowledgments house ßies (Diptera: Muscidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 85:

1209 Ð1212.
Pierre Larochelle and Johnny Jackson provided technical Hogsette, J. A., and P. G. Koehler. 1994. Repellency of aque-
support for this study. ous solutions of boric acid and polybor 3 to house ßies
(Diptera: Muscidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 87: 1033Ð1037.
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