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Conference Aims: In traditional South East Asian households women

play an important role in caring for elderly parents.

Migration of women would alter this support system within
We aim to bring together researchers from across the
the family. What new institutional care arrangements for
world for this biennial event to discuss contemporary
the elderly are needed and what are the impact of these on
population and health issues in the South East Asia region.
the well-being of the elderly?
Country contexts for discussion include Brunei, Timor-
Migration, both internal and international, is an
Leste, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore,
important demographic phenomenon that the majority of
Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, and Myanmar,
countries in the region have been experiencing either as a
together comprising a population of 640 million. We have
sending or receiving country. The scale of international
huge contrasts in scale, with Indonesia at around 245
female migration is unique to this region. In particular,
million and Timor-Leste the smallest with 1.2 million
Indonesia sends about 1.69 million international female
migrants; Philippines 2.84 million and Myanmar 1.24
Family planning programmes have played a part
million. Female migration has a significant social impact on
in reducing population growth. Modern contraceptive use
the family, particularly on left-behind children, husbands
varies in the region with higher rates in Thailand (79%) and
and elderly parents. Far less understood is the impact of
Vietnam (77%) but lower use in others. For example, in the
female migration on health and wellbeing, particularly the
Philippines the rate is only 38%. The conference agenda
emotional aspects for the migrant herself. An intractable
will address some key research areas reflecting this
development challenge of migration is how to sustain the
context: What are the emerging family planning needs of
economic contribution of migration. We encourage
men and women in countries where contraceptive use is
submission of papers on both national and international
higher; and countries where it is lower? Contraceptive use
migration that focus on impact.
among specific demographic sub-groups may be vitally
Family systems changes are important across
important to reduce unwanted pregnancy and recourse to
South-East Asia. Changes in women’s roles in the family
abortion. What is the future role of publically funded
represent a major fault line in maintaining traditional family
national family planning programmes in an era of
structures. Women’s education and employment levels are
continuing fertility decline? What would be the best way to
the main triggers of the change in women’s role from home
target family planning programmes? We welcome papers
maker to bread winner. Marriage is also changing: Self-
on innovative ways of targeting family planning services
selection is replacing arranged marriages and increasing
and integrating them with other health services.
number of women remain single, marry later, or divorce.
In 2015, more than half of the countries in the
We encourage presentation of both comparative and local
region had fertility rates below replacement level (2.1
studies, and those linking family, marriage and divorce.
children per woman). Why are fertility rates declining and
With regard to non-health UN sustainable
how low it will drop? A particular focus of the conference
development goals (SDGs), the outlook is diverse. The
agenda will be to understand the economic and social
region exhibits significant economic and structural
benefits, and the population dividend, of low fertility rates
inequality: In Indonesia, Cambodia and Myanmar, poverty
to women, couples and families. What policies and
levels have declined by about 50% percent since the 1990s.
programmes in low fertility countries can tap demographic
In contrast, poverty levels have been increasing in Timor–
dividends resulting from fertility decline? We anticipate
Leste (49%). What are the links between non-health SDGs
conference papers that examine these issues, drawing
and population change, and how could SDGs be part of the
contrasts within and between countries in the region.
wider population agenda? We hope to receive papers on
An inevitable consequences of fertility rate
these putative links to inform policy across sectors.
decline is population ageing. The population aged 65+
Regional health indicators show a mixed picture.
varies between 10% in Thailand and Singapore and around
The death rate is highest in the Lao PDR and lowest in
3.5% in Timor–Leste and the Lao PDR. Current levels of
Singapore. Adolescent health and wellbeing is a topic of
Please send abstracts by July 1st, 2018 to: fertilityrate decline and rapid socio-economic
particular interest as rapid social change is taking place
Email: transformation present challenges for caring for the
amid advances in access to social and digital media.
ageing population.
Studies identify teenage pregnancy and induced abortion as 6. National and International Migration
a concern, particularly in the Philippines and Thailand. In the Important dates for your calendar: Session Chair: Professor Irudaya Rajan, Centre for
Philippines one among every 10 adolescents is a mother. Development Studies, Trivandrum, India
The conference invites papers that provide new insights Deadline for receiving extended abstracts: 1 July, 2018 National and international migration; International female
towards understanding from a continuum of care Session Chairs notify results: 15 July, 2018 migration; Consequence of migration on the migrant and the
perspective covering all stages of reproductive life. Full papers received: 10 October, 2018 left behind; migration policies, Re-integration and return
The region is experiencing a significant increase in Conference: 8-9 November, 2018 migration.
the burden of non-communicable disease, driven by lifestyle
changes, and a coexistence of communicable and non- 7. Lifestyle Diseases and Mortality
communicable diseases. Diabetes, an important lifestyle Conference Themes: Session Chair: Professor Djoko Wahono Soeatmadji, SpPD.,
disease is increasing in the region- about 18% of the 20-79 KEMD, Medical Faculty, Brawijaya University, Indonesia
age group in Malaysia were diabetic. Smoking, another key Diabetes and its impact on the family and the patient
risk factor, is high in South East Asia (28% in Singapore and 1. Family Planning wellbeing; Heart diseases among various population; Cancer;
75% in Indonesia) despite several initiatives to control it. Session Chair: Professor Terry Hull, Australian National Alcohol misuse; use of drugs; and Smoking
The nexus between lifestyle and health is an area needing University, Canberra
special focus in policies/programmes that address certain Current and emerging family planning needs; Contraceptive 8. Maternal, Adolescent, and Child Health
lifestyles. We anticipate conference papers providing use among special groups (e.g. teenagers, minorities); Role Session Chair: Professor William Stones, Malawi College of
deeper insights to these issues. of public funding and private provision. Medicine, Blantyre, Malawi
What type of health systems do the countries in Maternal morbidity and mortality; pre- and post- natal care;
South East Asia require to meet emerging health needs? 2. Fertility and Population Dividend Sexually transmitted infections; Neonatal and infant
This is an important area for investigation. Health systems Session Chair: Professor. drh. Muhammad Rizal Martua mortality; Immunization; Demand side financing
are currently geared to cater to maternal and child health Damanik, The National Population and Family Planning programmes; C-sections; Health insurance for maternal
services with some provision for curative services. The Board, Indonesia health; Teenage pregnancy; Exposure to the internet and its
emergence of non-communicable diseases, the growing Very low fertility and future fertility rates; Fertility rates impact on sexual and reproductive health.
elderly population, and an increasing burden of mental among special groups/minorities; Reversal of fertility rates;
health problems require the health system to be aligned and Voluntary childlessness; Benefits of low fertility and 9. Health System and Health Financing
with changes in the health profile of the population. The mortality rates. Session Chair: Professor Abbas Buhiya, Partners in
role of the private sector is important in this context. New Population and Development (PPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh
universal health insurance programmes have been launched 3. Population Ageing Public and private health care system and changes needed
in many countries but the impact on health outcomes are Session Chair: Dr. Rosserin Gray, Institute for Population to address new and emerging health needs; Human
yet to be evaluated, for example the Indonesian Universal and Social Research, University Mahidol, Thailand resources for health; Health insurance and universal health
Health Care programme that launched in 2013. The Elderly care in the context of family system changes and coverage
conference will welcome papers on comparative analysis of female migration; Institutional care; Mental health;
health systems in the region enabling cross learning. Studies Provision of general health care; and Old age pension 10. Plenary Session Chair: Professor Saseendran
that evaluate current insurance programmes will also be Pallikadavath, University of Portsmouth, UK
encouraged. 4. Family, Marriage and Divorce Panelists: Session Chairs
Session Chair: Professor Gavin Jones, National University of
Singapore, Singapore
Participants: Changing family structure; Marriage in the changing socio-
economic context; and Determinants of divorce.
Please send abstracts to:
We encourage senior, mid and early career researchers and Email :
post-graduate students to submit structured (Context; 5. Population and Development @PBGlobalHealth
Objectives; Methods; Results and Discussion) extended Session Chair: Dr. Wendy Hartanto, MA., The National PBGlobalHealth
abstracts (word limit 1000). Session chairs will select papers Population and Family Planning Board, Indonesia
for oral and poster presentations. Key criteria are: scientific
Registration via EventBrite:
Sustainable development goals; Underserved population sub
quality, relevance and study country. In case of many high- groups; Economic and structural inequalities; and Poverty.
quality papers, overflow sessions will be organised. 1361167

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