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Aw ar en ess

By Henr y Thacher

This is the fir st in a ser ies of ar ticles

r aising aw ar eness and dispr oving myths
about things people find im por tant. If you
have a ser ious suggestion, put it in the
?Aw ar eness? pocket on the cafeter ia
stair w ay. This ar ticle w ill be about
depr ession.
Depr ession is som ething that
Vol u m e 49A, I ssu e 6 afflicts m any people. It is a com m on
affliction, and yet I have m et so m any
people w ho ask m e things like, ?So, you?r e
Cam p Cl asses Th at Wou l d Be Aw esom e Bu t Wou l d sad?? w hen they lear n I have depr ession,
Sh u t Dow n Cam p so I decided to w r ite this ar ticle to help
By Lucia Saenz (Blue Hat Sm iley Face Per son) educate people about it.
Depr ession, like anxiety and
1. ?Go Kar t Class? ? because go kar ts ar e fun but if autism , is a w ide spectr um , fr om thinking
som eone w ent cr azy they w ould cr ash into tr ees and about death to being so sad and hopeless
cam p buildings w hich w ould shut dow n cam p. that you can?t get out of bed in the
2. ?Fun Flam ethr ow er s? ? because, ever ything about m or ning, w hich m akes it har d to w r ite
flam ethr ow er s. ver y specifically about it. But basically,
3. ?M eet Rhinos!? ? The M eet Rhinos class invites depr ession is a disor der that m akes people
r hinos to destr oy cam p and allow s cam per s to pr obably constantly feel sad and hopeless, even if
get eaten by the r hinos. But it?s still fun. they don?t r ealize it. It also enhances and
4. ?Sleep!? (Ever y Per iod) ? Anybody that picks this enlar ges sadness such as the kind you feel
class for num ber 1 in any per iod they get the class for w hen people call you nam es. For m any
ever y per iod! In the sleep class all you do is sleep. people, depr ession lur ks in their
5. ?Basket-Rock? ? You w ould think Basket-Rock w ould subconscious, sneaking bits of
be doing r ock m usic w hile playing basketball, but no. unhappiness into their day little enough
Basket-Rock is basketball but w ith r ocks so if w ould that they don?t notice.
kinda sm ash on the floor and dent it until the r eal Accor ding to the Wor ld Health
school shuts dow n CRCAP. Or ganization, appr oxim ately 350 m illion
people w or ldw ide have depr ession, m any
of w hom don?t even know it. Depr ession is
W hy you sh ou l d n ot cl ose you r eyes w h i l e goi n g t o also one of the leading causes of suicide, as
you r pi an o t each er ?s h ou se. w ell as feelings of insecur ity, anger , and
By Louise Stedm an sudden m ood sw ings. M any people tr eat
depr essed people as though they?r e
Hello, today I w ill be telling you a stor y about a gar bage, to be avoided and pushed aw ay at
good fr iend of m ine nam ed Piper. You m ay know her all costs. THIS IS W RONG. People w ith
fr om the ar ticle ?W hat Baked Good Ar e You,? ?W hy Not depr ession should be com for ted and
To Go Ghosting In The W ind,? and m any m or e suppor ted.
hum or ous ar ticles, but her e I am r unning out of tim e so Ther e is also a myth that depr ession
lets get star ted. One day w hile Piper w as about to go to causes people to be tr ansgender. This is
her piano teacher ?s house w her e she had gone over 100 not tr ue. How ever , m any tr ans people ar e
tim es, she said to her self, ?since I have been to this pushed aw ay by their fam ily, w hich can
place so m any tim es befor e I am going to w alk all the cause depr ession, so they ar e linked.
w ay w ith my eyes closed.? All w as going sm oothly w hen Additionally, depr ession in som e people
she hear d som eone call w atch out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! m ay be caused by feelings of unbelonging,
Because little did she know ther e w as a huge, I caused in tur n by m ental alignm ent w ith
m ean huge snow bank r ight in fr ont of her , and I guess the opposite gender.
you can im agine w hat she did... she tum bled r ight over That?s all for today, and r em em ber
it and cr ashed onto a tr ee. Oh now the bell is r inging, to subm it things to my pocket on the
gotta go bye. cafeter ia stair w ay!
Th e t op 16 w ei r dest t h i n gs pu l l ed f r om I n Th e Begi n n i n g, At Th e En d
t h e I deaBox By Nico Di An-JELL-O
By Cassidy Kolovos
Hi guys! Today, I w r ote som ething like poetr y, but
1. The coolest bone in the human body is not quite. I know it seem s like w eir d tr ee hugging stuff
_______________ because __________________. at the star t, and then r eally m or bid, and then back to
Uh.. Inter esting. I think it?s the fem ur. tr ee hugging, but I kind of had this idea in my head for
a long tim e, and I w anted to get this dow n on paper.
2. M ummies having a wrap battle. You m ay have r ead som ething like this, w ith lots of the
I thought m um m ies w er e dead. sam e stuff, but I pr om ise I haven?t, and I?m not
plagiar ising anything, cr oss my hear t and hope to die.
3. Caterpillar president. Anyw ay, her e goes.
That sounds like a cocoon w all to m e. In the beginning, gr ass gr ew. The tr ees
flour ished, and they w er e as tall as skyscr aper s.
4. Ways this room could be improved by M ountains w er e filled w ith peaks, cliffs, and canyons,
adding dangerous traps. and they w er e the beauties of M other Natur e. Below
I think Walker Ander son is enough. them , gaping valleys of gr een. In the Ar ctic, glacier s
w er e gigantic building blocks of ice, lar ger than any
5. Soren should dye his beard hot pink. city cr eated. W hen the deser ts w er e cr eated, the sands
You m ean Wum bo. spar kled like diam onds, and the br ight sun bur ned in
all its glor y over ever ything, taking its place in a sky of
6. The world cup for anything other than beautiful blue. At night, the m oon cam e and shined
soccer. silver dow n onto the lands.
Uh.. Water Polo, Fr isbee Golf or Javelin At the end, The sky w ill be r ed. Sm oke w ill hover
Toss. in the air and suffocate us all. Acid r ain w ill pour fr om
the sky and bur n our lungs and skin. Buildings w ill be
7. No u. in r uins, and in it all, the heat w ill dr ench us w ith
No u. Not no m e. sw eat and discom for t. The w hole w or ld w ill dr ow n in
the w ater s after the glacier s have all m elted, and
8. W ho wants? w hatever is left w ill be a m ess of chaos and w ar. We
W ho w ants w hat? This is confuzzling. w ill see the effects of r adiation ever yw her e, and
sickness w ill spr ead like a fir e. We w on?t be able to see
9. Advice for advice columnists. the sun, or the m oon. Ever ything w ill be m iser y, and
M y advice for you is no advice. eventually, the hum an r ace w ill be extinguished.
Then, the w or ld w ill heal. Continents w ill slow ly
10. Body part you could do without? em er ge fr om the w ater y depths, and the w astelands
Uhh? M y br ain? w ill becom e over gr ow n w ith gr ass and vegetation.
Then, after the w or ld has healed, new life w ill for m .
11. RJ is a toilet hacker. And it w ill be a new beginning.
W ho is RJ?

12. Lists of Lists.

List1, List2, List3, List9 M i l ey Cyr u s?Real Nam e
By Echo Lar sen
13. Pencils v.s. Pens.
Pens because they can er ase. Recently, I found out that M iley Cyr us changed her
nam e w hen she w as 15. At 15, she changed her nam e to
14. W hy is RJ so extra? M iley Ray Cyr us. Her given nam e w as Destiny Hope
W HO IS RJ?! Cyr us. But she changed it. The Hannah M ontana star
has been called M iley since she w as a baby. The
15. Clapping for beginners. nicknam e or iginated fr om her father , countr y singer
???????????????????????????? and actor Billy Ray Cyr us, w hen he r ealized that his
little gir l sm iled all the tim e. I w anted to w r ite about
16. W hat the kids are talking about these this because in all my year s of liking M iley Cyr us?
days. songs, I had never know n she had ever changed her
Food, For tnite and the Fr iend-Zone nam e.
Noooooooo! Th e Wal k er Fi l es #4
By Leila New m an By Eliza

Today I am her e to tell you the stor y of a OK. Today I got a note in my box and this
com plete bebjer bjnjw nvjw j disaster in the is w hat it said: ?I suspect that articles are
kitchen. hypnotizing people into thinking Walker is
But befor e I tell you this I w ould like to innocent? M abey?
shar e a quote fr om TOTA fr om our skits fr om I think this is ver y tr ue because after
playing categor ies. So I played a gr andm a and anyone r eads that Walker is good they alw ays
for this quote I give full cr edit to Char lotte for tr y to m ake ever yone else tr y to think that
thinking up this quote and all I did w as say it. Walker is good! Also, this is how you spell
So cr edit to you Char lotte!! And the quote is, ?m aybe?: ?m aybe?. Anyw ay, this m ust be
?back in my day apples gr ew on bushes and im por tant so ever yone m ake sur e to stay aw ay
car r ots gr ew on tr ees.? fr om the ?good Walker ? stuff. #Fir eWalker
But ther e is one m or e thing I w ould like Also, other Walker hater s, I w ould like to
to say befor e I star t this stor y. So, today in Daily join/for m a Walker hate squad.
Double w e had an am azing guest appear ance
by the am azing Addy w ho is Sor en?s daughter.
So I just w anted to m ention that.
Al l Abou t Wal k er (Fak e I n t er v i ew )
And now finally I w ill tell you the stor y
By Saskia
of the kitchen disaster. It w as a few hour s
befor e my bir thday par ty and I had an activity
because I have a tw in so w e decided to at one W hat is your name?
point to br anch off dur ing the par ty and my ?M y nam e is WALKER? Scr eeches a tiny voice of
tw in w ould do an ar t cr aft and I w ould do a hor r or.
desser t in the kitchen. So my kitchen pr oject
w as r ock candy geos fr om a w ebsite called W hat do your friends call you?
HOW and w e had to m ake ?Fr iends? W hat? M ost people call m e WALKER
fondant but the video didn?t tell us how to m ake The Soul Sucking M ango of Death and Doom .?
fondant so w e looked ever yw her e for a r ecipe We heard the screeching again.
but w hen w e tr ied it the fir st tim e it didn?t w or k
out at all so w e ended up tr ying again and again W hy do you like working as a camp newspaper
until on the 4th tr y it still didn?t w or k . But then editor?
w e w ent to Par ty City to look for an ingr edient ?Because I get to suck the souls of innocent
in fondant that w e didn?t have but they didn?t cam per s!? He scr eeched.
have ever y tim e w e tr ied and failed w e had
kept using a substitute for it, but w hen w e got
ther e they didn?t have it but online joanns
fabr ic had it so w e w ent ther e but appar ently M ov i e r ev i ew
they had stopped selling it but w hen w e got By Helina Lifshatz
back our m ost r ecent attem pt looked and felt
like fondant but w e still got fondant fr om the Have you ever w atched the m ovie The
stor e. Incredibles? It is about a fam ily of super her oes.
We w er e r eady for the par ty!!1!!! We Elastigir l: she is ver y flexible and can bend into
still hadn?t tr ied the w hole thing, w e just tr ied anything. Dash: he is a kid ver sion of The Flash
the fondant. So at the par ty I used the and can even r un on w ater. Violet: she can
hom em ade fondant w hile ever yone else used becom e invisible, but that doesn't stop her fr om
the stor e bought fondant. So w hen w e pour ed being solid! M r. Incr edible: He has super
the sugar syr up w e had to let them sit for 12 str ength and dur ability. All super her oes have
hour s so w e w er e going to deliver them in that been banned by the gover nm ent fr om using
w eek . But w hen w e cut them off the plate. (I their pow er s, but the Incr edibles have to fight a
accidentally stabbed myself.) They hadn?t huge, pow er ful, r ound r obot. For som e r eason
cr ystalized at all, and then it w as so hor r ible 14 year s(now ) later they decide to m ake a
and the hom em ade fondant com pletely failed second m ovie. You can w atch it in the m ovie
and so w e ended up thr ow ing it all aw ay and theater but not at hom e yet. I liked this m ovie
that is the end of the hor r ible kitchen disaster. because it is funny and about team w or k . Hope
Adios, folks!!! you enjoy the m ovie!
W h i ch M edi eval Bat t l esh i p ar e Oh m y God!
you ? By M s. Som eone
By Ben Cr able
Hi guys! A few days ago dur ing Festival Per iod in the Daily
Question 1: You and your friends Double r oom w e got a shipm ent of a bunch of bulletin boar ds!
are walking down an alley when People kept on saying ?Oh my god!!!!? Ser iously, w hy is getting
all of a sudden, Walker appears a bunch of bulletin boar ds ?Oh my God? w or thy!?!? Also,
and tries to suck you and your w her e ar e the bulletin boar ds fr om ? W hat w ill w e use them
friends souls. W hat do you do? for ? M aybe the SOUL SUCKING M ANGO sent them to distr act
A: I car r y my fr iends and get out us! W hat is Walker planning? Well sucking souls duhhh, but
of the alley! m aybe ther e?s som ething else! M y ar ticle has com e to a close.
B: Because I am so thin I can Goodbye, Cam per s!
easily battle Walker and r un aw ay
C: Beat him up because he is 10 St eps t o h el p avoi d Wal k -Pock ol i ps
tr ying to suck my soul By Walker Adam s

Question 2: W here are you most 1. Figur e out w her e Walker Is, The far ther aw ay you ar e fr om
likely to be found? him , the sm aller of a chance for your soul to be eaten.
A: In inland seas such as the
M editer r anean 2. Get indoor s; Walker uses the sun?s ener gy to steal souls.
B: In the Indian Ocean
C: Thr oughout Eur ope 3. Get aw ay fr om M ike and Kelsey T.; they ar e par t of the
Or der.
Question 3: W hen running to get to
the lunch line, where are you in 4. Do a 5k w alk for Walker ; doing a 5k Is healthy and the sw eat
the line? fr om the 5k w alk confuses Walker.
A: M iddle par t of the line
B: I'm alw ays the fir st per son 5. Find a cow bell; the sound blocks Walker ?s evil pow er s fr om
C: If I'm lucky I?m the second to w or king.
last per son
6. Get close to Aar on; Walker is scar ed of Aar on
Question 4: W hat are you best at?
A: Tr anspor ting tr oops acr oss the 7. Escape Fr om Daily Double; if you take Daily Double or any
ocean other of Walker ?s classes, ESCAPE!
B: Tr aveling fr om India to Afr ica
C: Battle other ships w ith lots of 8. Take fr equent w ater br eaks; it takes 50 m inutes to steal a
ar tiller y soul. Ever y tim e you take a w ater br eak, the clock r esets.

Question 5: Do you believe that in 9. Watch ASM R. Just Because you can.
the Harry Potter World, the Soviet
Union collapsed? 10. If pr evious ones failed, r un Aw ay; JUST RUN AWAY, RUN,
B: w ut
C: No #NotM ySoul #WakeUpSheeple #5kWalker For Walker
#DontWalk #M ySoulisM ySoul #GetYour Ow nSoul
If you answ er ed m ostly A?s, then #Or der OfTheM ango #StopTheOr der #ResistWalker
you ar e a galley! You suppor t #Fir eWalker
your fr iends and ar e ver y #SueWalker #YouRottenM ango #DontEatTheM ango
athletic. #StaySafeCRCAP #DontEat #DabOnWalker
If you answ er ed m ostly B?s, then #Walker IsTheM angoDevil #M ySoulFor M e #DontBeAWalker
you ar e a car avel! You ar e super #WalkAw ay #Walker InABottle #Walker IsYoM um
athletic and can r un a long w ay! #Star tToTalkAndStopTheWalk
If you answ er ed m ostly C?s, then #WeAr eOnAHighWayToWalker Hell
you ar e a car r ack! You ar e big, #Don?tSubscr ibeToWalker OnYoutube #RJandKelseyTAr e
str ong, and can beat up anyone InTheOr der #Walker ?sM ustacheIsTheDevilsAr m pitHair
that com es in your w ay! #Walker IsAntiSuper m an #RunFor Your Life
Th e Lu k u r zagah n Con spi r acy M y Tak e on Fu r r i es (A.K.A) W hy do peopl e n ot l i k e
By Nico Di An-JELL-O f u r r i es.
By Walker Adam s
Ther e is a countr y in the M iddle East
called Lukur zagahn. It is ver y sm all, Hello, Today I w ill be talking about my take on
appr oxim ately 180 squar e m iles. It is said to fur r ies. I know a lot of people don't like them , but just
be one of the m ost beautiful countr ies in the hear m e out. my ar gum ent w ill hopefully change
w or ld. It is m ainly a ver y hilly countr y, w ith your m ind about fur r ies.
a lush for est nam ed the Yufaknus Woods. It * Par tial* Definition: The fur r y fandom is a subcultur e
also has a sm all deser t, nam ed the inter ested in fictional anthr opom or phic anim al
Im donw i. The m ost fam ous delicacy of char acter s w ith hum an per sonalities and
Lukur zagahn is the Labaflann, a desser t, char acter istics. Exam ples of anthr opom or phic
w hich is like like flann, but m or e bur ned. It attr ibutes include exhibiting hum an intelligence and
also consists of str aw ber r ies, and it tastes facial expr essions, speaking, w alking on tw o legs, and
fr uity. About 432,900 people live in w ear ing clothes. (Sour ce: W ikipedia)
Lukur zagahn. It is a Com m unist Countr y. Appar ently, a lot of people do not like fur r ies. I
The r eligion in the countr y is m ainly know ther e ar e r easons for that w hich I w ill explain
Lukur zagahnist (A r eligion der ived fr om later in this ar ticle. But let m e tell you about the good
Lukur zagahn), M uslim , and 3% Buddhist. things fir st.
All of these facts ar e m eaningless. Fur r ies help people expr ess how they feel, and
They w er e to bor e those w ho ar en?t as show w ho they ar e. Som etim es fur r ies help people
intellectual as us, so as to keep them fr om com e out about being hom osexual, bisexual,
r eading this. Know that this is classified pansexual, dem isexual, tr ansgender and tr anssexual
infor m ation, and that you shouldn?t know (along w ith other sexuality and gender s). Fur r ies also
this. It is a m essage fr om the--never m ind can help people escape fr om r eal w or ld pr oblem s by
you don?t need to know that. dr essing in a fur suit and pr etending to be som ething
The countr y Lukur zagahn doesn?t they?r e not. Im agine a day w hen nothing goes r ight
legally exist. You can?t find it on the and you w ant to escape. You just dr ess up like a fur r y
inter net, in any legal files, encyclopedia, or and for get about your pr oblem s.
other w ise. All those facts ar e infor m ation Fur r y fanar t: W HY DO PEOPLE HATE FURRY
that any gover nm ent official w ould tell you FANART?!? Fur r y fanar t is just people show ing their
is r idiculous. Even its sur r ounding love for fur r ies thr ough dr aw ing and painting. I know
countr ies don't know it exists. How does it that once in a w hile, fur r y fan ar t can be a bit
keep hidden? Well, I need to know inappr opr iate. Well, have you ever gone to a m useum
som ething fir st. Have you seen the m ovie and seen a pictur e of som eone naked? A m useum is
Black Panther ? In it, the countr y Wakanda sor t of like a fur r y fan ar t page, except w ith anim als
keeps hidden w ith a cloaking shield. It is the (and anim als ar e naked in the fir st place).
sam e w ith Lukur zaghan. All you see w hen Fur sonas: for som e r eason, people think they
you look at that spot is a beautiful for est ar e w eir d. How is a dr aw ing that has a per sonality
that is illegal to enter because it is a cor ner and feelings w eir d? A fur sona is like a still anim e TV
of natur e pr eser ved by the ?gover nm ent.? show.
How ever , it isn?t like you could just sneak in Thank you for r eading my ar gum ent, I hope I
and find it. Once you enter the ar ea, those changed your m ind about fur r ies. #FURRIESAREFUN
w ho ar en?t Lukur zagahnian still don?t see, #DONTHATEONFURRIES
hear or sm ell anything besides w hat the
Lukur zagahns w ant them to see, hear or I Don ?t Kn ow W h at To Wr i t e.
sm ell. Once they enter , they br eath in a By Lucia Saenz
special gas that m akes them see for est, but
that Lukur zagahns ar e used to. I don?t know w hat to w r ite so I?m just gonna say som e
Lukur zagahn vir tually does not exist. I hope cool stuff. M y fir st w or d w as ?Or eo?. M y half bir thday
that, even though you now know this, you is on Chr istm as. I don?t have a m iddle nam e. I love to
don?t speak about it, lest the Lukur zagahns dr aw. I love chips. I am eating chips w hile i?m w r iting
be found and their peaceful lifestyle com e this ar ticle. Cheese blocks w ear shir ts. Paper clips ar e
to an end. Do the r ight thing. I?m tr usting hiding in bags of snacks. Teeth ar e cr eepy. I have
you w ith this know ledge, so don?t fail m e never tr ied dr agon fr uit. I absolutely HATE bananas.
and expose the Lukur zagahns. And I still don?t know w hat to w r ite. Bye!
Ar e You A Com m u n i st on t h e I n si de? Tak e Th i s Qu i z t o Fi n d Ou t ! W h i ch CRCAP Bu i l di n g Ar e
By Nico Di An-JELL-O You ?
By Echo Lar sen
Out of these five, what is your favorite color?
A: Red 1) How do people describe you?
B: Blood Or ange a) Cr eative
C: Yellow b) Quiet
D: Blue c) Fun
E: Gr een d) Dead

W hat is your favorite construction tool? 2) W hat is your favorite

A: Ham m er animal?
B: Nails a) Bir d
C: Pr y bar s b) Tur tle
D: Saw c) Cheetah
E: Dr ills d) ?

How much do you eat grown food (i.e. corn, strawberries, carrots)? 3) Are you honest?
A: 90% of the tim e a) Som etim es
B: 75% of the tim e b) Totally!
C: 50% of the tim e c) Heh? no.
D: 25% of the tim e d) ?
E: 0-10% of the tim e
4) Cats or dogs? (PS: Cats 4
Out of these five, what is your favorite country? lifeeeeee!!!!!!!)
A: China a) Blehhhh? dogs
B: Vietnam b) CATS 4 LIFE
C: Russia c) Uhhh? idk
D: Lukur zagahn d) ?
E: Am er ica
5) W hat is your favorite color?
If you got m ostly A?s, you ar e definitely fully a com m unist. You ar e a a) Blue
fan of agr icultur e and w or king. You believe pr oper ty should be b) Pink
ow ned by a com m unity, not a single per son. You think ever yone c) Red
should be paid accor ding to that individual?s abilities and needs. d) ?

If you got m ostly B?s, you ar e m ostly a com m unist. You m ay believe M ostly a: M iddle Building
that your com m unity should get som e shar e of people?s pr oper ty, M ostly b: Com m unity Building
but you think that people should ow n som e of it, too. You m ay like M ostly c: Activity Center
agr icultur e and gr ow ing food for other s benefit. You ar e about 20% M ostly d: The Old Cr eative
or so som ething else. Star ts Building (PS: You ar e
If you got m ostly C?s, you ar e 50% com m unist. You m ay like or ganic
or gr ow n foods, but not that m uch. You believe people should Hel l o, Peopl e
benefit fr om each other ?s w or k and land, but you still w ant to ow n By M yster ious Hum an
your pr oper ty.
Hello, people. I am r allying
If you got m ostly D?s, you ar e only 20% com m unist. You believe against the fight w ith Walker.
ever yone should ow n their ow n pr oper ty, and occasionally you Sur e he is sucking the souls of
m ight shar e som e of your food or land w ith som eone. You like a lot innocent cam per s, but
or ganic and gr ow n food, but only a little bit. ever yone gets angr y
som etim es. We should pick
If you got m ostly E?s, you ar e not a com m unist at all. You ar e m ost another one to hate.
likely a capitalist. You believe in an ever y m an for him self #STOPM ANGOHATE
envir onm ent, and only you and your em ployees m ake m oney off of #w hyWalker ?
your tr ade and industr y. You believe pr ivate ow ner s should contr ol #leavethesoulsucker alone
their businesses. #HATESOM EONEELSE
Un t ol d Ru l es abou t CRCAP W hy w e sh ou l d al l l i st en t o M i ch ael Scot t M or e
By Ben Cr able By M ia Gor don

Ever yone know s the basic r ules such as The Office. W hat a show ! I m ean w ho doesn?t love it?!
not going behind the buildings, but her e You laugh a little, you cr y a little, you cr inge a lot. A
ar e som e r ules that CRCAP used to have, big hum ongous par t of The Office is M ichael Scott.
but got r id of. Not only is M ichael alw ays fabulous, but he also gives
am azing advice. For instance, he says that ?You m iss
1: No r iding on the school unicor n 100% of the shots you don?t take.? How clever is that?
Back in m edieval Scotland, a w ealthy king Only a sm ar t per son could com e up w ith that advice
donated a unicor n to CRCAP because the on their ow n. He?s also quoted saying, ?Don?t ever , for
king?s son lear ned how to duel fr om the any r eason, do anything to anyone, ever , no m atter
dueling class at CRCAP. (The dueling class w hat.? That is just so tr ue, and br eathtaking. He also
w as canceled a few year s later , since kids says, ?Pr esents ar e the best w ay to show som eone
w er e beating each other up.) The kids how m uch you car e. It is like this tangible thing you
kept clim bing onto the unicor n and tr ying can point to and say ?Hey m an, I love you this m any
to r ide it into the sunset. One day a kid dollar s w or th.? Am azing r ight? But does anyone take
m anaged to r ide the unicor n all the w ay this advice ser iously? No, no they don?t. So that?s w hy
to Boston w her e it gr ew w ings and flew I'm her e to say that for all these r easons and m or e w e
acr oss the Atlantic Ocean. To this day no should all listen to M ichael Scott.
one has seen this kid, and Aar on II
published the r ule that pr events kids
fr om r iding the Unicor n. St op t h e Wal k
By Chloe Cr able and Eli Gr assi
2: No M agic Allow ed on Cam pus
Dur ing the Salem W itch Tr ials, w itch We thought of som e hashtags about
childr en w er e picked on by Walker I stopping the Walk . So w e decided to
(pr esent-day Walker ?s father ). Because of show them to you. And w e all now
this, Aar on VI outlaw ed m agic on cam pus. know these hashtags, so if w e ever
As a r esult, the hear one w e know to save a hum an
tur n-w ater -into-apple-juice class w ith fr om the Walk .
Dante and Wum bo w as cancelled,
par tially because the kids w er e r eplacing #NotM ySoul
the near by r eser voir w ith apple juice. #M ySoulIsM ySoul
Ever since then Walker II and Wum bo #M ySoulFor M e
had to hide their dar k pow er s, except #M eSoul
Walker II r ecently got exposed and has #DontStealM yWonder fulSoulFr om M yWonder fulBody
been called a ?soul-sucking alien m ango?. #Im RunningOutOfHashtags
3: No Gladiator Battles after Lunch Per iod #DontWalk
In ancient CRCAP, Rom an gladiator battles #5KWalkFor Walker
becam e the fir st tr end on cam pus. #StopReadingThisAr ticle
Cam per s w er e constantly cover ed in #WalkAw ay
gladiator ar m or and battling each other #WalkFr om TheWalker
over the sm allest things fr om the last slice #YouRottenM ango
of italian pizza to w hose hor se-dr aw n
char iot w ill ar r ive at char iot-pool the I know Walker w ill get m ad at m e if i
fir st. The pr oblem got so bad that the fir st don?t add m or e sentences so I can just
Aar on at CRCAP had to per m anently ban talk about r andom stuff. I feel like
gladiator battles at CRCAP. Out of r evenge, Walker is tr uly a soul eating m ango.
the Gods bur ied the near by tow n of He is collabor ating w ith ever y
Pom peii under ash. But the ban r em ained CIT/Counselor in Daily Double. I
in place and soon cam per s w er e m or e believe. If w e unite w e can ? STOP
into char iot r aces than gladiator fights. THE WALK!
W h at Simpsons ch ar act er ar e you ? An I n t er v i ew of Wal k er ?s Sh oes
By Walker Adam s By M ia Gor don

Q: W hat is your favorite color? Q. If you had a reality TV show, what would
A: W hite it be called?
B: Gr een A. ?It?s a M iser able Life.?
C: Yellow
D: Red Q. W here can you be found on a Friday
E: Blue night?
F: Tan A. Life is m eaningless.

Q: W hat is your mental age? Q. How do you feel about the word
A: -39 ?Besmirch??
B: 14 A. W hy do I even tr y?
C: 2
D: 54 Q. W hat?s your happiest memory?
E: 999? A. W hat does it m ean to do? W hat does it
F: 83 m ean to cr eate? W hy ar e w e her e?

Q: W hat is your biggest pet peeve? Q. Do you like Tay Tay?

A: No Donuts A. M y soul-my soul is black like char coal.
B: M aggie getting lost
C: Hom ew or k Q. Your thoughts on Steve Carell?
D: No Hom ew or k A. I like post-br eakdow n Jim Car r ey.
E: Being one m inute w ithout my passafir e
F: Being r em inded of M ona Q. W hat is your favorite color?
A. The color of nothing.
Q: W hat is your catchphrase?
A: DOH! Q. You like jazz?
B: Hm m m m m A. BURN THE BEE M OVIE.
C: Ay car am ba
D: Hi ever yone
E: N/A W h at dog si ze ar e you ?
F: I?m _____, Now I?ll never die By Noah Fallon

Q: W hat animal are you most afraid off? If you know your height, you can figur e
A: Bear s out w hat dog size you ar e!
B: Badger s
C: M y Br other * If you got betw een 0-3 feet, you ar e a ver y
D: Snakes tiny dog! If you w er e a dog, it w ould be as
E: I am not afr aid of anim als, anim als ar e afr aid of sm all as a Chihuahua. You m ight even be a
m e. puppy, and still have gr ow ing to do.
F: Flying Hellfish * If you got betw een 3-4 feet, you ar e sm all
dog, but not ver y sm all. It could com par e
If you got m ostly A, You ar e Hom er Sim pson ? You to a pug.
ar e stupid, Ver y, Ver y Stupid. * If you got betw een 4-5 feet, you ar e a
If you got m ostly B, You ar e M ar ge Sim pson ? You m edium sized dog. It com par es to a
ar e nice but snap a lot. bulldog, or a basset hound.
If you got m ostly C, You ar e Bar t Sim pson ? You ar e * If you got 5-6 feet, you ar e a
a tr oublem aker. m edium -lar ge dog. This could com par e to
If you got m ostly D, You ar e Lisa Sim pson ? You ar e a golden r etr iever.
pr etty sm ar t. * If you got 6-7 feet, you ar e a lar ge dog.
If you got m ostly E, You ar e M aggie Sim pson ? You This could com par e to a otter hound or
ar e a beast that lives for ever and alw ays stays ger m an shepar d.
young. * If you got 7+ feet, you ar e a m assive, extr a
If you got m ostly F, You ar e Gr am pa Sim pson ? You lar ge dog. This could com par e to the
ar e old and cr otchety lar gest gr eat dane!

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