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Intra-workout supplements

A relatively new innovation in sports nutrition is the use of nutritional supplements during
training in the form of intra-workout drinks.

Intra-workout supplements commonly feature either branched chain amino acids, essential
amino acids or short chain peptides derived from hydrolyzed whey protein. The use of these
is for their rapid absorption and the fact the body has a high requirement for essential
amino acids, especially BCAA's during training. Advocates of intra-workout supplements
argue by supplying these critical constituents of muscle tissue during a time when blood
flow to working muscles and muscle tissue breakdown is at a high level, trainees can have
faster intra-set recovery as well as faster recovery and less soreness the day after training.

In addition, many intra-workout supplements will include nutrients such as beta alanine (for
improving muscle endurance), citrulline malate (a nitric oxide precursor and ergogenic aid
particularly for aerobic activity) or nootropic complexes to enhance mood and combat
stress. Anecdotal feedback suggests these products can be effective particularly for
advanced athletes.

Pre-Workout Supplements

Pre-workout supplements are supplements designed to enhance anaerobic and aerobic

power, muscular endurance, heighten mental stimulation, and enhance recovery from
exercise. In the past athletes might use a cup of black coffee or caffeine tablets to give
them a boost in performance but the advances in sports nutrition in recent years means
that supplements combining a range of ergogenic aids within one product are now
extremely popular.

Commonly used nutrients included within pre-workout supplements include:

 Stimulants such as caffeine, tyrosine, 1,3 Dimethylamylamine, and

 Nitric Oxide Precursors – Commonly used nutrients include Arginine, Agmatine,
Glycocarn, and Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate.
 Ergogenics – Nutrients such as creatine, citrulline malate, beta alanine are used for
their ability to increase strength, endurance and aerobic capacity.
 Amino Acids – The three Branched Chain Amino Acids are frequently to be found
within pre-workout supplements.

Although appropriate for bodybuilders and recreational trainees, all athletes who compete in
drug tested sports should ensure that their pre-workout supplements abide by rules laid
down by their governing bodies as certain ingredients will be legal yet not permitted by
athletic bodies.


Some of the supplements detailed below are banned in some sports. The current prohibited
list of supplements is available from theWorld Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

You can either browse the contents or select, from the alphabetical links below, the required
list to review


 Alcohol is a depressant drug which will induce relaxation and reduce anxiety at low
doses making it used in sports where even a slight twitch in action will impede
performance such as Archery, or Snooker. In higher doses it will reduce co-
ordination significantly as well as impede recovery from training. At seven calories a
gram, alcohol will soon cause athletes to put on weight if consumed in excess
although the body's inability to store the alcohol itself means the extra weight gained
will be a result of food consumed in conjunction with alcohol, not the alcohol itself.
With deleterious effects on the liver as well at high doses, alcohol intake for athletes
should be monitored carefully.


 Amphetamines are powerful central nervous stimulants which have been abused
widely in the past to boost athletic performance. However, they can increase body
temperature and cause dehydration and were linked to the deaths of athletes such
as Tommy Simpson, a cyclist from Great Britain. They are a controlled drug and
banned by all international sporting bodies.

Anabolic Steroids

 Anabolic steroids are used to increase muscle mass and strength.

 If over-used, it can cause heart, liver, and immune system problems. Blood
cholesterol levels often increase because steroid use changes how sugars and fats
are handled. This and increased blood pressure can lead to the early development of
heart disease, which can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Tendons
and ligaments may not strengthen at the same rate the muscle tissue develops. As a
result, these tissues appear to be injured more often among steroid users.
 Oily skin and acne are also common among steroid users.
 Behaviour changes may include aggression, paranoia, mood swings, low sex drive,
and depression.
 Men's testicles shrink, the prostate gland enlarges, and sperm levels drop.
 Female athletes may take on more male like characteristics, such as broader backs,
wider shoulders, thicker waists, flatter chests, more body and facial hair and deeper
voices. Menstrual cycles may become irregular or stop.
 For adolescent athletes, steroid use may cause the growth plates in long bones to
close faster than usual, which can result in reduced height.

 Androstenedione was the first prohormone marketed to the public, introduced in the
late 90's and which briefly rose to prominence on the back if its use by the baseball
player Mark McGwire. Although, Androstenedione was a popular seller its capacity to
increase estrogen as high as testosterone led to its falling out of favour rapidly, as
more efficient compounds came onto the market. It was later scheduled by the US
authorities and is no longer available.


 An antioxidant is any compound which has the capacity to combat oxidative damage
in the body induced by free radical damage. Their promotion as substances to fight
age-related damage is widespread in the popular and health related media, but
although studies support their use in preventing some disease states, a number of
large clinical trials cast doubt on the effectiveness of antioxidants, with some
suggesting they may even do more harm than good.[1] With so much conflicting
data, the one thing that is generally agreed on is that the lower incidence of disease
experienced by people eating a wide range of fruit and vegetables may have more to
do with bioflavonoids in the food, rather than the role of one particular antioxidant
such as Vitamin C or Vitamin E.

1. Stanner SA, Hughes J, Kelly CN, Buttriss J (2004). "A review of the
epidemiological evidence for the 'antioxidant hypothesis'". Public Health Nutr 7 (3):

Arginine, ornithine, lysine

 These three compounds are free form amino acids which have been marketed for
years as having growth hormone releasing properties. However, the evidence for
their use is sketchy at best - with even exogenous growth hormone administration
having relatively little immediate effect, the argument that these three will do much
is tenuous at best.


 Increases free fatty acid use, sparing muscle glycogen


 Aspirin is a common painkiller used by athletes mainly to deal with training related
pain. Its anti-inflammtory actions may make it have a useful purpose but athletes
should be aware that by taking this after their training sessions they may lessen the
adaptive response of the body to the inflammatory stress imposed by training. It is
also an anti-coagulant, meaning it will make the blood thinner, hence its adoption as
a strategy to reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis when flying on long haul

Avena Sativa

 Avena Sativa, better known as wild oat, has been around for a considerable length of
time on the bodybuilding scene. It has been shown to increase free testosterone
levels by enhancing LH levels. A 1986 study with volunteers who expressed interest
in improving their sexual response showed men experienced a 22% increase in
genital sensation and women a 15% increase after using Avena Sativa. A follow up
study showed men experienced increased sex drive, enhanced erections and more
pleasure during sex when taking Avena Sativa. Avena Sativa is often found in
conjunction with Tribulus as they appear to work via similar mechanisms, and can be
found in many bodybuilding formulas.

Bee pollen

 Despite previous claims that bee pollen could have an ergogenic effect recent
evidence suggests it has no benefit for athletes [1][2] and this old school supplement
has largely fallen out of favour in the modern day.

1. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness vol 18, pp221-226, 1978
2. Journal of the National Athletic Trainers Association, vol 11, p 124, Fall 1976


 Beta-Alanine is a non-essential amino acid that combines with histidine to produce

carnosine. Carnosine is found in a high level in type 2 muscle fibres, acting as an
intracellular buffer. By increasing carnosine levels explosive activities should be
enhanced, and several university studies demonstrate Beta-Alanine helping to
enhance athletic performance.

Beta blockers

 Beta blockers decrease anxiety, have a positive effect on fine motor control but a
negative effect on aerobic capacity.

Beta2 agonists

 Beta 2 Agonists include drugs such as Clenbuterol, Salbutamol and Ephderine.

Medically these drugs are used to reduce the symptoms caused by asthma, but their
use in oral form has fallen markedly since the introduction of inhalers. Nowadays
they are used predominantly by athletes seeking to enhance fat loss (via their
thermogenic effects) and strength (via their stimulant effects). Although animal
studies have reported lean muscle gains attributed to Clenbuterol, this has never
been shown to be the case in humans, and the dosages used in animal studies would
be enough to kill people so would be impractical. These drugs are all banned by
major sporting bodies.

Blood Doping

 The practice of blood doping involved athletes taking a certain amount of blood out
of their systems, and then, later, when their bodies had made up for the blood taken
out, injected back into their systems after the blood being kept in a refrigerated
state in the meantime. This practice would increase red blood cell count allowing
blood doping to improve performance in sports requiring high levels of aerobic
activity. It was a dangerous practice though and risks of infection and heart trouble
were relatively high, as well as very inconvenient having to keep the blood stored in
a fridge. In the modern era blood doping has largely been replaced by the use of the
drug Erythropoietin (EPO).


 Boron is a trace mineral which was frequently found in many supplements in the 80's
and 90's, based on the belief it would increase testosterone levels. Post-Menopausal
women supplemented with Boron showed increased blood levels of testosterone in
one study. [1] However, it is a large stretch to suppose that once adequate Boron
status is reached, that supra-physiological amounts will lead to increased
testosterone production. A more recent review [2] of recent studies conducted into
the effects on Boron with male weight trainers showed no effect whatsoever on
testosterone levels after the use of Boron. Given the fact that most minerals are
good for correcting deficiencies only, and the experience of millions of bodybuilders
from the past, we can discount the idea of any anabolic properties attributable to

1. Nielsen FH, et al. Effect of dietary boron on mineral, estrogen, and testosterone
metabolism in postmenopausal women (1987)
2. Nancy R. Green, Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Auburn University,
Auburn, Alabama; and Arny A. Ferrando, National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas

Branched chain amino acids - BCAA

 The three branched chain amino acids are Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine. These
three essential amino acids comprise a large part of muscle tissue and are frequently
recommended to athletes to enhance recovery from training. One study on the use
of branched chain amino acids showed they were able to enhance fat loss while
keeping performance up in calorie restricted elite wrestlers. [1]

1. Mourier A, Bigard AX, de Kerviler E, Roger B, Legrand H, Guezennec CY. Int J

Sports Med. 1997 Jan;18(1):47-55.


 Caffeine is a central nervous stimulant, with mild diuretic properties, found naturally
in coffee, tea, as well as many soda drinks and chocolate. It is often used by athletes
as a pre-workout stimulant and appetite suppressant, and is found in many products
designed to aid in fat loss. Overuse, or taking this too late in the day can affect sleep
patterns and removing caffeine from a diet heavy in caffeine can frequently lead to
caffeine withdrawal symptoms such as headaches. Caffeine enhances the
contractility of skeletal and cardiac muscle, and helps metabolise fat, thereby sparing
muscle glycogen stores. Side effects can include irritability, restlessness, diarrhoea,
insomnia, and anxiety.


 Calcium is a mineral essential for the formation of bones as well as being involved in
muscle contraction. Widely found in dairy products it is nevertheless supplemented
widely due to the high calcium demands of the body. In particular, older females
may well be deficient in this mineral, and it is widely supplemented to ameliorate
symptoms of osteoporosis.


 Increase endurance, decrease fatigue

 See the following page for more on Carbohydrate Loading


 Carnitine is used to decrease fat and increase muscle mass


 Casein is milk protein and shown to have a slower rate of amino acid release than
whey protein making it a popular choice of protein to be drunk at nighttime. It is also
frequently found in protein blended products where the theory is the whey protein
will offer fast release and the casein sustained release in one product such
as Syntrax Matrix.

Glandular Extracts

 Popular in developing countries and widely marketed to the naive even now,
glandular extracts are supposed to confer benefits based on what is ingested. So, by
consuming bull testicles the promoters of such products promised increased
testosterone and virility but they are widely accepted in the nutritional community as
nothing more than a snake oil with no benefits whatsoever.


 Clenbuterol affects the central nervous system, growth, muscle, and body fat.
 The side effects include tremors, anxiety, faster heart rate, nausea, anorexia,
insomnia, heart attack, or stroke.


 Marketed as a superfood, high in protein, nutrients and minerals, Chlorella is a type

of green algae with a long history of use, since at least the early part of the 20th
century and was previously viewed as a possible solution to world population growth
due to the fact it provides a diversity of nutrients at a low cost, but it has fallen out
of favour somewhat in recent years.


 Increases endurance
 See the following page for more on Choline.


 Chromium is used to decrease fat and increase muscle mass


 Inhibits aromatase, increases endogenous steroids

Citrulline Malate

 Citrulline Malate is a combination of the non-essential amino acid Citrulline and

Malate, an apple derivative. It has been promoted as the endurance athlete's
equivalent of creatine, enhancing aerobic performance, where creatine, enhances
anaerobic performance. Studies[1] have shown that citrulline malate supplementation
enhanced aerobic performance in basketball players and its use has gradually grown
amongst both endurance and non-endurance athletes such as bodybuilders,
attracted to its ability to increase nitric oxide production.

1. Janeira, M. A., Maia, J. R., & Santos, P. J. (1998). Citrulline malate effects on
the aerobic-anaerobic threshold and in post-exercise blood lactate recovery. Medicine
and Science in Sports and Exercise, 30(5), Supplement abstract 880.


 Stimulates CNS, delays fatigue

Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone)

 Delays fatigue, acts as antioxidant

Coenzyme Q12

 Increases aerobic capacity, speeds muscle repair

Conjugated Linoleic Acid

 Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a naturally occurring fatty acid which has been
shown in studies to have a a fat burning and antioxidant effect [1] . As it is only found
in small amounts in our diets, mainly in dairy products, only be consuming this in
supplement form would users be able to take in enough to achieve the levels used in
studies showing its effectiveness in burning fat. In studies up to 3.4g of CLA were
used to cause a fat burning effect.

1. Thom E, Wadstein J, Gudmundsen O. (Sep-Oct 2001). "Conjugated linoleic acid

reduces body fat in healthy exercising humans". The Journal of International Medical
Research 29 (5): 392-396

Creatine Monohydrate

 Increases muscle energy, endurance, strength and lean muscle mass.

 See the following page for more on Creatine.

Creatine Ethyl Ester

 This is a new form of creatine, marketed as being superior to creatine monohydrate.
Although this is not proven, anecdotally it seems to cause less bloating, and be more
tolerable for some people.


 Divanil is a lignan found in stinging nettle root and is a relative newcomer to the
testosterone boosting category and has a number of impressive user reports to merit
further analysis. There is a relative lack of research into Divanil but we do have
research supporting the theory that Divanil can bind to sex hormone binding globulin
factor (SHGB) which in turn will lead to an increase in free testosterone. Anecdotal
feedback from bodybuilders taking either Divanil or Divanil containing products such
asActivate Xtreme, suggests it can raise libido, increase aggression and strength, as
well as increasing muscle mass and decreasing body fat. Dosages vary but most
people tend to take this product as part of a formula such as the aforementioned
Activate Xtreme.

DHEA - Dehydroepiandrosterone

 Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a steroid hormone which can undergo conversion

to both testosterone and estrogen - essentially it is a prohormone. Widely sold in the
United States as a supplement, it is usually of benefit only to older people whose
DHEA levels decline with age (around the age of 30 onwards), but even there, its
estrogenic effects make many baulk at taking this compound. DHEA is a controlled
substance in most countries outside the US and banned by the IOC and IAAF.


 This is a type of sugar, marketed to athletes for its ability to enhance exercise
performance,e and quite popular in the early 2000's but its usage has fallen since
that time. No study to date has shown its effectiveness in improving sports
performance in healthy populations.


 Diuretics are any compound which helps the user to shed water weight fast.
Although they have a legitimate medical use for people suffering from Edema, they
are abused by athletes looking to drop weight quickly, mainly by those who
participate in sports with weight classes such as wrestling and weightlifting. Some
supplements such as caffeine or vitamin C will have a natural diuretic effect, but
prescription drugs such as Aldactone and Furosemide will work in a much more
powerful way and pose a real danger to the athlete's health. A number of athletes
have died as a result of diuretic use.

Ephedrine Hydrochloride

 Ephedrine Hydrochloride is a beta agonist which means it will increase heart rate,
increase blood pressure and suppress appetite as it is a strong stimulant. It is
popularly used by athletes either as a pre-workout stimulant or to suppress appetite
when dieting. It has also been shown to spare lean body mass when dieting.
Ephedrine is classed as a drug now, and illegal to supply as a nutritional supplement.

 Erythropoietin – Better known as EPO, Erythropoietin is a drug used to treat anaemia

by increasing red blood cell count. It has replaced the practice of blood doping used
in sports during the 70’s and 80’s and its use has been attributed by many to the
increasingly faster times set in long distance aerobic sports such as running, and
cycling, where its use has become synonymous with the sport. EPO use has been
shown to increase the risk of death due to coagulation of the blood causing heart
attacks as the increased red blood cell count makes the blood much thicker than
normal. A number of professional athletes’ deaths have been blamed on EPO.

Fat supplements

 Increase endurance


 Fenugreek is grown across the globe and has been used for a long time as an
ingredient in Indian cuisine. It has been shown to stimulate appetite, as anyone who
has eaten curries will probably attest to, but there is no research, beyond some trials
conducted by sports nutrition companies showing it can confer any significant
benefits for athletes. With so many effective testosterone boosters out there
Fenugreek use has fallen out of favour in recent years.

Folic acid

 Increases aerobic capacity


 Forskolin has been postulated to enhance testosterone in the body through its ability
to enhance 3,5 cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels. By enhancing cAMP
levels, higher luteinizing hormone (LH) levels can lead to higher testosterone levels
in users of Forskolin. The theory is backed up by studies showing the use of Forskolin
led to higher testosterone levels, increased lean body mass and lowered body fat in
subjects using Forskolin[1,2]. Forskolin is found in a number of bodybuilding
supplements so those interested in taking this have no lack of option in trying it.

1. Michael P. Godard, Brad A. Johnson and Scott R. Richmond - Body Composition

and Hormonal Adaptations Associated with Forskolin Consumption in Overweight and
Obese Men
2. Badmaev, V., Majeed, M., Conte, A. A., Parker, JE. 2002, Diterpene forskolin
(Coleus forskohlii Benth.): a possible new compound for reduction of body weight by
increasing lean body mass

Gamma hydroxybutyric acid - GHB

 GHB is found in numerous dietary supplements for bodybuilding, weight loss, and
sleep aids
 Side effects can be breathing problems, a coma, vomiting, seizures and sometimes

Geranium Extract

 Commonly referred to as Geranamine, Geranium extract was first introduced as part

of the product AMP, and is a notably powerful stimulant with the ability to increase
energy, and suppress appetite leading to its widespread introduction into a lot of
different fat loss products


 Stimulates growth hormone release and muscle growth


 Increases endurance, enhances muscle recovery

 Side effects include - diarrhoea, skin rashes, nervousness, hypertension and


 Serves as NSAID alternative, enhances recovery


 Boosts immunity and growth hormone levels

 Further reading : "The effects of oral glutamine supplementation on athletes after
prolonged exhaustive exercise", Nutrition, Vol 13 (7-8) pp. 738-742. 1997


 Improves hydration and endurance

 Further reading: "Effect of Glycerol feeding on endurance and metabolism during
prolonged exercise in man", Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Vol 15, pp.
237-242, 1983.

Green Tea Extract

 Green Tea is well known for its antioxidant effects. Less well known are its ability to
increase thermogenesis and suppress appetite. This combination of effects makes
green tea extract an increasingly popular ingredient in nutritional supplements owing
to its diverse range of beneficial effects.

Guarana (herbal caffeine)

 See caffeine

Hempseed Oil
 This oil is a well balanced blend of omega-3 and omega-6 oils making it an excellent
choice for individuals whose diet lacks these essential fatty acids. Despite the source,
it has no drug like effects.


 This is an alkaloid of Phenylethylamine, and has been shown to increase the release
of norepinephrine. It is commonly found is many sports supplements, usually acting
in synergy with phenylethylamine.

Hydroxymethylbutyrate - HMB

 Hydroxymethylbutyrate is used to decrease fat and increase muscle mass

 Further reading: Nissen S, et al (1996), "The effect of the leucine metabolite HMB on
muscle metabolism during resistance exercise training", Journal of applied
physiology, 81 (5), pp 2095-2104

Human growth hormone - HGH

 Human growth hormone is used to decrease fat and increase muscle mass.
 The side effects are heart and nerve diseases, glucose intolerance, and higher levels
of blood fats.


 Enhances energy production, improves aerobic capacity


 Increases aerobic capacity


 Decreases muscle breakdown and spare muscle glycogen stores

Ma huang (herbal ephedrine)

 This chinese herb is standardized to 8% ephedrine hydrochloride and was a popular

weight loss aid, although its effects were less consistent compared to ephedrine
hydrochloride. Its usage was banned as a weight loss aid in recent years.

Maca Extract

 Maca, also known as Lepidium meyenii, is a plant widely used as a herbal tonic in
South America, which was said to be fed to Inca warriors before battle to make them
ferocious and made them very virile, to such an extent that women had to be
protected from them! [1] Doubtless that story is overblown, and given the fact that
these tribes also frequently indulged in the use of cocoa leaf (used to make cocaine),
perhaps other factors were more important in this story. Trials conducted in the
modern day have shown that Maca can increase libido as well as improve seminal
volume in men.[2,3] Widely eaten to this day in modern day Peru, Maca has not been
shown to increase testosterone levels in any research to date. Indeed, one small trial
showed that while it increased libido in most men, it actually decreased testosterone
levels in more men than it increased testosterone.[4]

1. Downie, Andrew. "On a Remote Path to Cures" New York Times. January 1, 2008.
2. Gonzales, GF.; Cordova A., Vega K., Chung A., Villena A., Gonez C. & Castillo S.
(2002). "Effect of Lepidium meyenii (maca) on sexual desire and its absent
relationship with serum testosterone levels in adult healthy men
3. Gonzales, GF; Cordova A., Gonzales C., Chung A., Vega K. & Villena A. (2001).
"Lepidium meyenii (maca) improved semen parameters in adult men"


 Magnesium is required for more than 300 biological reactions in the body, including
those involved in the synthesis of fat, protein, and nucleic
acids, neurological activity, muscular contraction and relaxation, cardiac activity and
bone metabolism. Even more important for athletes is magnesium's pivotal role in
both anaerobic and aerobic energy production, particularly in the metabolism of
adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the 'energy currency' of the body. The synthesis of
ATP requires magnesium-dependent enzymes called 'ATPases'. These enzymes have
to work extremely hard; the average human can store no more than about 3oz of
ATR yet during strenuous exercise the rate of turnover of ATP is phenomenal, with as
much as 15kgs of ATP per hour being continually broken down and reformed.


 Decreases anxiety

Meal Replacement Products

 Meal Replacement Products such as Myoplex by EAS or MET-Rx were created in the
1990's to essentially offer first class nutrition in the form of a nutritious milkshake
(although they can be mixed with water as well). Although some of the advertising
around these was a little over the top, they are now widely adopted by most
athletes, especially those who struggle to find the time to prepare food in a healthy
manner. They combine high protein levels, with moderate levels of carbohydrates for
energy and are typically low in fat, as well as offering a full complement of vitamins,
and minerals.


 Increases energy, endurance and aerobic capacity, enhances recovery


 Increase endurance by suppressing pain, decrease anxiety

 Increases energy and endurance

Orithine Alpha-Ketoglutarate

 Orithine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (OKG) was a popular supplement in the 1990's based

upon research showing it could increase growth hormone output. Although good in
theory its expense meant few could afford to dose it at the levels suggested, and it
rapidly fell out of favour as results proved negligible.


 Increases aerobic capacity, enhances recovery


 Phenylethylamine is a powerful central nervous stimulant used widely as an aid to

suppress appetite and increase energy before workouts. Phenylethylamine is found in
small amounts in chocolate but has amphetamine like effects in high doses. It is a
popular ingredient in a number of bodybuilding supplements today designed to act as
fat burners


 Increase ATP production, energy and muscle endurance


 Phosphatidylserine has been around for some time in the sports nutrition field and
looked at for its effects in lowering cortisol levels. It has been demonstrated in a
number of studies that Phosphatidylserine can have a performance enhancing effect,
both by blunting cortisol response and enhancing exercise
performance.[1,2] Supplements such as Lean Xtreme have been formulated to further
enhance exercise performance by combining the use of Phosphatidylserine with other
nutrients designed to lower cortisol.

1. Starks MA, Starks SL, Kingsley M, Purpura M, Jäger R. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2008
Jul 28;5:11.
2. Kingsley M. Sports Med. 2006;36(8):657-69. Review.


 Prohormones are substances with effects similar to anabolic steroids. They are
essentially precursors to anabolic steroids but sold legally as food supplements. They
have the capacity to increase muscle mass, strength, and athletic performance
possibly. On the downside they can cause the user to be at risk of a range of
androgenic and estrogenic effects including aggravating hair loss, gynecomastia, as
well as impacting negatively on health functions such as increasing LDL (bad)
cholesterol levels and causing stress on the liver as these supplements are almost
always in oral form

 Stimulates release of endogenous steroids and growth hormone

Protein supplements

 Protein supplements are used to enhance muscle repair and growth. Inadequate
protein intake does cause a negative nitrogen balance, which slows muscle growth
and causes fatigue. In an athlete with normal renal function, there are no notable
adverse effects to increased protein consumption.


 Boosts antioxidant levels, enhances recovery


 Increases lean body mass


 Increases cellular ATP and muscle power


 Enhances antioxidant functions


 Sesamin is a lignan found in sesame seed oil, introduced fairly recently to the
bodybuilding word as a fat loss aid by the company Avant Labs, and now made by a
number of companies. It is marketed as a non-thermogenic fat loss aid with
additional antioxidant properties, as well as having a beneficial effect on cholesterol
levels. A typical dose would be 3 grams a day. One side effect users often experience
with Sesamin is its propensity to seem to exacerbate allergy symptoms.

Sodium bicarbonate

 Buffers lactic acid production, delays fatigue

 See the following page for more on Bicarbonate of Soda

Testosterone Boosters

 Testosterone boosters are any class of supplement with the ability to raise the body's
natural testosterone levels. They are distinct from anabolic steroids which introduce
male hormones in an exogenous fashion. Instead, testosterone boosters will usually
act by either increasing testosterone directly, or by improving the bio availability of
testosterone - by binding SHBG for instance, which is how Divanil works. By
increasing testosterone in a natural fashion, it is hoped by users that testosterone
boosters offer the advantages of increased strength and muscle mass conferred by
anabolic steroids, without the negative side effects. Plus, of course, testosterone
boosters are perfectly legal as they are not drugs but supplements, usually based on
herbs, such as Divanil or Tribulus Terrestris, and minerals such as Zinc.

Tribulus terrestris

 Increases endogenous steroid production


 Decreases pain perception, increases endurance


 Tyrosine is an amino acid which is of particular interes to those using other sports
supplements designed to enhance energy, because of its ability to act in synergy
with stimulants to produce an enhanced level of energy compared to taking either
supplement by itself. The use of Tyrosine with stimulants such as caffeine, is a cheap
and effective way to increase exercise performance in short duration, anaerobic
activities such as weightlifting.

Vanadyl sulfate

 This is a mineral found in trace quantities in our diet, which was marketed as an
insulin mimicking compound which could promote better glycogen storage but has
fallen out of favour today.
 Further reading: Fawcett, JP, et al (1996). "The effect of oral vanadyl sulphate on
body composition and performance inweight training athletes". International Journal
of Sports Nutrition, 6 (4), pp. 382-390)

Vitamin B1 (thiamin)

 Enhances energy production, increases aerobic capacity, improves concentration

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

 Increases aerobic endurance

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

 Enhances muscle growth, decreases anxiety

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)

 Enhances muscle growth

Vitamin B15 (dimethylglycine)

 Increases muscle energy production

Vitamin C

 Acts as antioxidant, increases aerobic capacity and energy production

Vitamin E

 Acts as antioxidant, improves aerobic capacity

Waxy Maize Starch

 Waxy Maize Starch is a relatively new introduction to the sports nutrition field. It is a
type of long chain carbohydrate that has been shown in studies to replenish muscle
glycogen stores faster than simple sugars such as glucose or dextrose. This makes it
valuable for athletes seeking to accelerate recovery from exercise, with it being
particularly important for athletes training more than once a day or those whose
training depletes glycogen heavily such as endurance athletes. Anaerobic athletes
will often use waxy maize starch combined with creatine, and free form amino acids
in supplements such as MHP Dark Matter to promote the simultaneous replenishment
of glycogen, protein and creatine. This offers an added benefit over waxy maize
alone by targeting muscular and phosphate recovery as well as just glycogen

Whey Protein

 Whey Protein has the highest biological value of all proteins making it highly prized
by athletes. There are many different types of Whey protein with whey concentrate
and whey isolate being found most often in popular protein powders available in
bodybuilding supplement stores.


 Yohimbe, or its pharmaceutical form, Yohimbine Hcl, is one of the oldest and most
well known aphrodisiacs. It owes its reputation in large part to its abilities as a
vasodilator, widening blood vessels and thereby increasing blood flow to sexual
organs. It has also been widely touted as a novel supplement to aid with the burning
of stubborn, hard to remove, body fat, especially lower body fat. It is recommended
to use with a low carbohydrate diet if used as a dieting aid[1] . As a testosterone
booster though there is nothing to suggest it acts as anything more than an
impotency aid.

1. Lyle Mcdonald, The Stubborn Fat Loss Solution (2008)


 Enhances muscle growth, increases aerobic capacity

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