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"I will have the moral courage to make my actions consistent with my knowledge of right and wrong."
Value Reading Action Item Time Reflection (Finish)

Think about what it means to “deny yourselves of all

Reflect on how the Lord’s standards differ from the After keeping your standards for at
1 - Live our Moroni 10:30-33,
world’s standards. Record in your journal appropriate least one month, record your
beliefs and For Strength of Youth 1 month
standards for behavior, dress, and conversation, as well feelings in your journal and
standards pamphlet
as literature, movies, television, Internet, music, cell continue to keep your commitment.
phones, and other media. Also write your plan to stay
morally clean and worthy to attend the temple.

Conduct a self-assessment of your personal integrity.

Ask yourself the following questions: Do I avoid gossip,
inappropriate jokes, swearing and profanity, and being Write in your journal the things you
2 - Personal light-minded about sacred subjects? Am I completely can do to improve your personal
Integrity truthful, morally clean, honest, dependable, and integrity and at least one new habit
trustworthy in my schoolwork and other activities? Pray you want to develop.
daily for strength and for the guidance of the Holy Ghost
to help you live with integrity.

3 Nephi 11:10-11, In your journal identify the ways

Genesis 39, these people demonstrated
Book of Esther, integrity. Think of a time when you
The Savior is the perfect example of integrity; He did
3 - Savior's Job 2:3; 27:3-6, had the courage to show integrity,
what He promised the Father He would do.
example of Daniel 3 and 6, Acts especially when it was not easy or
Study the lives of other individuals in the scriptures who
integrity 26, popular. Share your experience and
lived with integrity.
D&C 124:15, your feelings about it in a testimony
Joseph Smith - History meeting or lesson or with a parent
1:21-25 or leader.

Interview your mother, grandmother, or another woman

4 - Apply Look up the word you respect about her understanding and application of Record in your journal what it
Integrity integrity in a dictionary. the word. Make a list of ways you can make your actions means to you to have integrity.
consistent with your knowledge of right and wrong.
Then record in your journal how you can personally
“stand as [a witness] of God at all times and in all things,
5 - Stand as a and in all places.” Choose a personal behavior that you Record your progress in your
Mosiah 18:9 3 weeks
Witness need to improve so you can be a better example. journal.
Develop integrity in your life as you practice your new
behavior for three weeks.
Living the law of the fast is an opportunity to practice
integrity. On a designated fast Sunday, abstain from
food and drink for two consecutive meals and contribute
6 - Law of the to your family’s fast offering. Have a specific purpose in Begin and close your fast with a
Fast mind as you fast. You might fast for a sick friend, to prayer.
overcome a bad habit, to obtain a special blessing for
yourself or someone else, or to give thanks. Begin and
close your fast with a prayer.
The First Pres.
Message (pg 1 in PP List the issues, trends, and problems that weaken the
Write in your journal your plan to
book), "The Family: A family.
7 - Strengthen strengthen your present family and
Proclamation to the
Family the values and traditions you want
World", and the section Research in the Church magazines the counsel of those
to establish with your future family.
on family in For the whom we sustain as prophets, seers, and revelators.
Strength of Youth.
Finish 6 experiences Ideas: look at page 66 in your Personal Progress book
Project 10 hours
before the project. or ask mom/leader

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