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Words & Meanings.

1. Eluded - Evade.
2. Foyer - Entrance hall or open area in public building.

3. Congregational - Group of people assemble for religious worship.
4. Exodus - A mass departure of people.
5. Assail - Make a violent attack.
6. Poise - Graceful.
7. Aplomb - Self Confidence or assurance.

Fragile - Easily broken or damage.
9. Regression - A return to a former state.
10. Mollycoddled - Treat over protectively.
11. Palatable - Pleasant to taste.
12. Ruckus - A violent uprising against authority.
13. Atrocity - An extremely cruel act.
14. Rouse - Bring out of sleep.
15. Preposterous - Ridiculous.
16. Unruly - Disorderly.

17. Adjourn - Break off (meeting) with the intention of resuming it later.
18. Unanimous - Fully in agreement.
19. Amid - Surrounded by.
20. Uproar - A public expression of outrage.
21. Allege - Claim that someone has done something wrong, typically without proof.
22. Tweak - Improve by making fine adjustments.
23. Lacuna - A gap or missing portion.
24. Elate - Make ecstatically happy.
25. Juvenile - Childish.
26. Deter - Prevent the occurrence of.
27. Desecrate - Treat with violent disrespect.
28. Corrigendum - Thing to be corrected, especially an error in a book.
29. Taint - A trace of a bad or undesirable quality or substance.
30. Procure - Law cause to happen.
31. Flout - Openly disregard.
32. Induct - Admit formally to a post or organization.
33. Muster - Come or bring together, especially for inspection or preparation for battle.

34. Recuperate - Recover from illness or exertion.

35. Vicarious - Experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another.
36. Fritter - Waste time, money, or energy on less valued matters.
37. Indispensable - Absolutely necessary.
38. Debacle - An utter failure or disaster.
39. Relegate - Assign an inferior rank or position to.
40. Infringe - Violate a law or agreement.
41. Petition - A formal written request, typically signed by many people, appealing to authority
42. Statute - A written law passed by a legislative body.

Verdict - A decision on an issue of fact in a civil or criminal case.

44. Batter - Strike repeatedly with hard blows.
45. Parody - An imitation of the style of a particular write, artist with deliberate
46. Incendiary - Designed to cause fires.
47. Cavorting - Prance around excitedly or self-indulgently.
48. Reprisals - An art of retaliation.
49. Inclement - Unpleasantly cold.
50. Convict - Declare to be guilty of a criminal offence by the decision of a judge in court.
51. Clamour - Loud and confused noise.

52. Obliterate - Destroy utterly.

53. Fringe - The outer or marginal part of something.
54. Parochial - Having a narrow outlook or scope.
55. Incapacitated - Prevent from functioning in a normal way.
56. Exorcise - Drive out (a supposed evil spirit) from a person or place.
57. Cringe - Bend one’s head and body in fear.
58. Apprehend - Intercept in the course of harmful action, understand.
59. Archetype - A very typical example, an original model.
60. Dote - Be extremely and uncritically fond of.
61. Stint - Be restrictive or ungenerous towards or in the supply of.
62. Abscond - Leave hurriedly and secretly to escape from custody or avoid arrest.
63. Apex - Association of professional, executive, clerical and computer staff.
64. Altercation - A noisy argument or disagreement.
65. Servile - Excessively willing to serve or please others.

66. Unrepentant - Showing no regret for one’s wrongdoings.
67. Smirk - Smile in an irritatingly or silly way.
68. Rampage - Rush around in a violent and uncontrollable manner.
69. Souvenir - A thing that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or event.
70. Prance - Move with high springy steps.
71. Cavorting - Prance around excitedly or self-indulgently.

72. Comply - Act in accordance with a wish or command.
73. Ludicrous - Ridiculous.
74. Posthumous - Occurring, awarded, or appearing after death of the originator.
75. Insurgent - Rising in active revolt.
76. Whetting - Sharpen the blade of.
77. Grit - Small loose particles of stone or sand.
78. Succumb - Fail to resist.
79. Flutter - Fly unsteadily by flapping the wings quickly and lightly.

80. Effervescent - Giving of bubbles (of a liquid), enthusiastic.
81. Litigate - Go to law.
82. Snub - Ignore.
83. Receptacle - An object or space used to contain something.
84. Enshrine - Place in an appropriate receptacle.
85. Jurisprudence - The theory or philosophy of law.
86. Demarcation - The action of fixing boundaries or limits.
87. Ballistic - Of related to projectiles or their flight.
88. Cult - Something popular or fashionable among a particular section of society.
89. Fester - Become septic (of a wound or sore).
90. Sermons - A talk on religious or moral subject.
91. Accusation - A charge of claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.
92. Sieve - Examine in detail.
93. Misnomer - A wrong or inaccurate name or term.
94. Heave - Lift with a great effort (a heavy thing).
95. Redeem - Compensate for the faults or bad aspects of.
96. Ventures - A risky or daring journey or undertaking.

Orgy - A wild party characterized by excessive drinking and indiscriminate sex activity.
98. Autism - A mental condition characterized by great difficulty in communicating others.
99. Gores - A blood that has been shed, especially as a result of violence.
100. Swab - An absorbent pad used in surgery and medicine for cleaning wounds.
101. Harem - The wives of a polygamous man.
102. Stigma - A mark or disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, person.
103. Scalpel - A knife with a small sharp blade, as used by a surgeon.
104. Proactive - Creating or controlling situation rather than just responding to it.
105. Reckon - Calculate.
106. Tout - Attempt to sell.

107. Nausea - A feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit.

108. Fastidious - Very attentive to accuracy and detail.
109. Squeamish - Easily Disgusted.
110. Beckons - Make a gesture to encourage or instruct someone to approach or flow.
111. Tenement - A separate residence within a house or block of flat (especially in US).
112. Catastrophe - An event causing great damage of suffering.
113. Reprieve - Cancel or postpone the punishment.
114. Rekindle - Relight.

115. Adamant - Refusing to be persuaded or to change one’s mind.

116. Eloquence - Fluent or persuasive speaking or writing.
117. Stutter - Talk with continued involuntary repetition of sounds.
118. Cunning - Skilled in achieving one’s ends by deceit.
119. Guile - Cunning intelligence.
120. Frail - Weak and delicate.
121. Stark - Severe or bare in appearance.
122. Vexed - Annoyed or worried.
123. Prolific - Producing many works.
124. Churn - Upset or nervous, a machine for making butter by agitating milk or cream.
125. Incubate - Sit on eggs in order to keep them warm and bring them to hatching.
126. Ruffle - Make or become disarranged, disrupt.
127. Scupper - A hole in a ship’s side to allow water to run away from the deck.
128. Scuttle - A metal container with a sloping hinged lid and a handle.

129. Titular - Of or relating to a title.
130. Erstwhile - Former.
131. Vindicate - Clear of blame or suspicion.
132. Disdain - The feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one’s consideration.
133. Regime - A systematic or ordered way of doing something.
134. Circumvent - Find a way around (an obstacle).

135. Vehement - Showing strong feeling, forceful, passionate, or intense.
136. Clamour - A loud and confused noise, especially of vehement shouting.
137. Vociferous - Vehement or clamorous.
138. Convene - Call people together for (a meeting).
139. Dire - Extremely serious or urgent.
140. Parlance - A particular way of using words, especially one common to those in a subject.
141. Plethora - An excess of.
142. Bilateral - Having or relating to two sides.

143. Privy - A horizontal support across the top of a door or window.
144. Envoy - A messenger or representative.
145. Stint - Be restrictive or ungenerous towards or in the supply of.
146. Profane - Not respectful of religious practise.
147. Sacrilege - Violation or misuse of something regarded as sacred or as having great value.
148. Blasphemy - Sacrilegious talk about God or sacred things.
149. Consul - A state official living in a foreign city.
150. Consulate - The place where a consul works.
151. Insurgent - Rising in active revolt.
152. Outrageous - Shockingly bad or excessive.
153. Turmoil - A state of great disturbance.
154. Ouster - Ejection from a freehold or other possession.
155. Sedition - Conduct or speech inciting rebellion against the authority of a state.
156. Draconian - Excessively harsh and severe.
157. Fiscal - Of or relating to government revenue, especially taxes.
158. Nudge - Touch or push gently or gradually.
159. Expedite - Cause to happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly.

Reverence - Deep respect.

161. Awe - A feeling of deep respect mixed with fear or wonder.
162. Indictment - A formal charge or accusation of a serious crime.
163. Snap - Break or cause to break with a sharp cracking sound.
164. Eke - Manage to make living with difficulty.
165. Chimera - Something hoped for but illusory or impossible to achieve.
166. Incumbent - Necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility.
167. Reluctant - Unwilling and hesitant.
168. Poignant - Evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret.
169. Commiserate - Express sympathy or pity.

170. Gruesome - Causing repulsion or horror.

171. Acumen - The ability to make good judgements and take quick decisions.
172. Contradict - Deny the truth of (a statement) by asserting the opposite.
173. Scribe - A person who copied out documents.
174. Hoard - A store of money or valued objects.
175. Evict - Expel (someone) from a property.
176. Vigil - A period of staying awake during the time usually spent asleep.
177. Conjecture - An opinion or conclusion based on incomplete information.

178. Speculative - Engaged in, expressing or based on conjecture rather than knowledge.
179. Flaw - A fundamental weakness.
180. Commemorate - Honour the memory of as a mark of respect especially with a ceremony.
181. Fray - Show the effects of strain (of a person’s nerves or temper).
182. Wary - Cautious about possible dangers or problems.
183. Hams - The back of the thigh or the thighs and buttocks.
184. Plagiarize - Take (the work or an idea of someone else) and pass it off as one’s own.
185. Stimulus - Something that promotes activity interest or enthusiasm.
186. Vie - Compete eagerly with others in order to do or achieve something.
187. Quagmire - A complex or difficult situation.
188. Dwindle - Diminish gradually.
189. Shun - Persistently avoid.
190. Swerve - Abruptly diverge or cause to diverge from a straight course.
191. Masse - A stroke made with an inclined cue, imparting swerve to the ball.

192. Heir - A person legally entitled to the property or rank of another (person’s death).
193. Condemn - Express complete disapproval of.
194. Recluse - A person who avoids others and lives a solitary life.
195. Preamble - An introduction.
196. Viz. - Namely.
197. Virtuoso - A person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit.

198. Discern - Recognize or find out.
199. Intellect - A clever person.
200. Acquaint - Make someone aware of or familiar with.
201. Obscure - Not discovered or known about.
202. Multitudinous - Very numerous.
203. Unabridged - Not cut or shorted.
204. Absurd - Illogical.
205. Eternal - Lasting or existing forever.

206. Insatiable - Impossible to satisfy.
207. Insidious - Proceeding in a general subtle way, but with harmful effects.
208. Spout - A stream of liquid issuing with great force.
209. Prodigious - Remarkably or impressively large.
210. Inevitable - Certain to happen.
211. Methuselah - A very old person.
212. Contrary - Opposite in nature.
213. Senile - Having the weakness or disease of old age.
214. Springboard - A strong, flexible board from which a diver or gymnast may jump.
215. Ramification - A complex sequence of an action or event.
216. Accustom - Make use of.
217. Clichéd - Showing a lack of originality.
218. Nostalgia - Sentimental longing for a period in the past.
219. Austere - Severe or strict in appearance or manner.
220. Conceit - Excessive pride in oneself.
221. Amorous - Showing or feeling sexual desire.
222. Boast - Talk with excessive pride about oneself.

Obnoxious - Extremely unpleasant.

224. Monotonous - Dull, repetitious.
225. Ad nauseam - To a tiresomely excessive degree.
226. Retrospect - A survey or review of a past course of events of period of time.
227. Indefatigable - Persisting tirelessly.
228. Loquacious - Talkative.
229. Glib - Articulate and Voluble but insincere and shallow.
230. Incorrigible - Not able to be corrected or reformed.
231. Ocular - connected with the eyes or vision.
232. Demagogue - A political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires.

233. Connoisseur - An expert judge in matters of taste.

234. Gourmet - A connoisseur of good food
235. Magnanimous - Very generous of forgiving especially towards a rival or less powerful person.
236. Covert - Not openly acknowledged or displayed.
237. Clandestine - Secretly.
238. Placate - Calm, Pacify or Appease
239. Quell - Put an end to.
240. Pacify - Quell the anger or agitation of.

241. Appease - Placate (someone) by acceding to their demands.

242. Accede - Agree to.
243. Antipathy - A deep seated feeling of aversion.
244. Aversion - A strong dislike.
245. Circumspect - Cautious.
246. Intrepid - Fearless.
247. Diaphanous - Light, delicate and translucent (of fabric).
248. Malign - Harmful or evil in nature or effect.
249. Taciturn - Reserved in speech.
250. Neurosis - Relatively mild mental illness not caused by organic disease, depression.
251. Vicarious - Experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another.
252. Psychogenic - Having a psychological or cause rather than a physical one.
253. Anachronism - A thing appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists.
254. Tyro - A beginner or novice.

255. Laconic - Using very few words.
256. Semantic - Relating to meaning in language or logic.
257. Prurient - Having or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matters.
258. Uxorious - Showing great or excessive fondness of one’s wife.
259. Egregious - Outstandingly bad, shocking.
260. Inveterate - Having a long standing and firmly established habit or activity.

261. Perspicacious - Having a ready insight into and understandings of things.
262. Enervate - Cause to feel drained of energy.
263. Cavalier - Showing a lack of proper concern or Gallant.
264. Anomaly - Something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.
265. Growl - Make a low guttural sound of hostility in throat.
266. Peril - A situation of serious and immediate danger.
267. Utile - Useful
268. Nagging - Harass (someone) constantly to do something to which they are averse.

269. Cynical - Believing that people are motivated purely by self- interest.
270. Embitter - Make bitter or resentful.
271. Ascetic - Characterized by the practise of severe self-discipline.
272. Misogynist - A man who hates woman.
273. Misogamy - Hatred of marriage.
274. Introvert - A shy, reticent person.
275. Extrovert - An outgoing, socially confident person.
276. Ambivert - A person who has a balance of extrovert and introvert.
277. Misanthrope - A person who dislikes humankind.
278. Altruism - Selfless concern for the well-being of others.
279. Egotism - The quality of being excessively conceited or absorbed in oneself.
280. Averse - strong disliking.
281. Excursion - A short journey or trip especially one taken for leisure.
282. Morbid - Characterized by or appealing to an abnormal and unhealthy interest in unpleasant subject
283. Midwife - A nurse who is trained to assist women in childbirth.
284. Finesse - refinement and delicacy.
285. Banter - The playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.

Hackneyed - unoriginal or trite.

287. Ambidextrous - Able to use the right and left hands equally well.
288. Dextrous - Skilful [Latin word Dexter means right handed].
289. Southpaw - A left handed boxer who leads with the right hand.
290. Sinister - suggestive of evil or harm [Latin word means left handed].
291. Involuntary - Done without conscious control.
292. Adroit - Skilful.
293. Gauche - Unsophisticated and socially awkward.
294. Philander - Readily or frequently enter into casual sexual relationships with women.
295. Philanthropist - A person who seeks to promote the welfare of others especially by donating money.

296. Polygamy - The practise or custom of having more than one wife of husband at the same time.
297. Polygyny - A man has more than one wife.
298. Polyandry - A woman has more than one husband.
299. Hedonic - Relating to or considered in terms of pleasant sensations.
300. Gaiety - The state or quality of being light hearted and cheerful.
301. Toil - Exhausting work.
302. Convivial - Friendly, lively and enjoyable.
303. Contemplate - Look at thoughtfully [Contemplation – Religious meditation].

304. Cinch - An extremely easy task.

305. Incredulous - Unwillingly or unable to believe.
306. Internist - Specialist in internal diseases.
307. Obstetric - Of or releasing to childbirth and the process associated with it.
308. Measles - An infectious viral disease causing fever and a red rash, typically occurring in childhood.
309. Infant Mortality- The death of children under the age of one year.
310. Afflict - Cause pain or suffering to.
311. Ail - Trouble or afflict in mind or body.
312. Inoculate - Introduce (an infective agent) into an organism.
313. Paediatrics - The branch of medicine concerned with children and their diseases.
314. Dermatology - The branch of medicine concerned with skin disorders.
315. Ophthalmology - The branch of medicine concerned with the study of disorders of eye.
316. Pedagogy - The profession or theory of teaching.
317. Taxidermy - The art of preparing stuffing and mounting the skins of animals.

318. Pachyderm - A very large mammal with thick skin, especially an elephant, rhinoceros.
319. Esoteric - Intended for or understood by only a small number of people.
320. Incisor - A narrow edged tooth at the front of the mouth, adapted for cutting.
321. Confound - Surprise or confuse.
322. Pedant - A person who is excessively concerned with detail.
323. Relinquish - Voluntarily cease to keep or claim.

324. Loquacious - Talkative.
325. Waive - Refrain from insisting on or applying ( a right or claim).
326. Élan - Energy, style or enthusiasm.
327. Vain - Having or showing an excessively high opinion of one’s appearances or abilities.
328. Talisman - An object thought to have magic powers and to bring good luck.
329. Propitious - Favourable.
330. Penury - Extreme poverty.
331. Destitute - Extremely poor and lacking the means to provide for oneself.

332. Affront - An action or remark that causes outrage or offence.
333. Indignity - Treatment or circumstances that cause one to feel shame or to loose one’s diginity.
334. Amicable - Characterized by friendliness and absence of discord.
335. Dregs - The remnants of a liquid left in a container, together with any sediment.
336. Remnant - A small remaining quantity.
337. Debris - Scattered rubbish or remains.
338. Sediment - Matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid.
339. Blasé - Unimpressed with or indifferent to something because of over-familiarity.
340. Caterwaul - Make a shrill howling or wailing noise.
341. Haughty - Arrogantly superior.
342. Hauteur - Proud haughtiness of manner.
343. Discursive - Digressing from subject to subject.
344. Digress - Leave the main subject temporarily in speech or writing.
345. Ramble - Walk for pleasure in the countryside.
346. Prejudice - Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
347. Goad - A spiked stick used for driving cattle.
348. Supersede - Take the place of.

Pursue - Seek to attain ( a goal).

350. Fad - A craze.
351. Eccentric - Unconventional and slightly strange.
352. Visage - A person’s facial expression.
353. Retrospect - A survey or review of a past course of events or period of time.
354. Indolent - Lazy.
355. Gist - The substance or essence of a speech or text.
356. Solicitous - Showing interest or concern.
357. Chore - A routine or tedious task.
358. Fallacy - A mistaken belief.

359. Sparing - Moderate, economical.

360. Frugal - Sparing or economical as regards money of food.
361. Invidious - Unacceptable, unfair and likely to arouse resentments or anger in others.
362. Lachrymose - Tearful.
363. Encomium - A speech or piece of writing expressing praise.
364. Copious - Abundant.
365. Furlough - Leave of absence, especially from military duty.
366. Punctilious - Showing great attention to detail or correct behaviour.

367. Albeit - Though.

368. Needs - Require (something) because it is essential rather than just desirable.
369. Pernickety - Fussy.
370. Fussy - Full of unnecessary detail or decoration.
371. Quaint - Attractively unusual or old fashioned.
372. Inebriate - Make drunk.
373. Fraught - Causing or affected by anxiety or stress.
374. Parley - A conference between opposing sides in a dispute.
375. Proboscis - The nose of a mammal, especially like the trunk of an elephant [Snout].
376. Inundate - Flood.
377. Embellish - Adorn, decorate [Garnish].
378. Aristocrat - The highest class in some societies.
379. Extravagant - Lacking restraint in spending money or using resources.
380. Exhilarate - Cause to feel very happy or animated.

381. Zenith - The time at which something is most powerful or successful.
382. Timid - Lacking in courage or confidence.
383. Melancholy - A deep and long lasting sadness.
384. Commotion - A state of confused and noisy.
385. Crux - The decisive or most important point at issue.
386. Bland - Lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting.

387. Curtail - Reduce in extent or quantity.
388. Censure - Express severe disapproval of.
389. Coy - Pretending shyness or modesty.
390. Carnal - Relating to physical, especially sexual, needs and activities.
391. Bizarre - Strange, Unusual.
392. Bleak - Not hopeful or encouraging.
393. Proliferate - Increase rapidly in number.
394. Docile - Ready to accept control or instruction.

395. Holocaust - Destruction or slaughter on a mass scale.
396. Jaunty - Having a lively and self confident manner.
397. Onerous - Involving heavy obligations.
398. Keepsake - A small item kept in memory of the person who gave it or originally owned it.
399. Scorn - Contempt or disdain expressed openly.
400. Tepid - Lukewarm, Unenthusiastic.
401. Vehement - Showing strong feeling, force, passionate, or intense.
402. Incense - Make very angry.
403. Writhe - Twist or squirm in pain or as if in pain.
404. Squirm - Twist the body from side to side, especially due to nervousness or ashamed.
405. Haggle - Dispute or bargain persistently especially over a price.
406. Piety - The quality of being pious or reverent.
407. Pious - (of a hope) Sincere but unlikely to be fulfilled.
408. Colloquial - Used in ordinary or familiar conversation, not formal or literary.
409. Antediluvian - Ridiculously old fashioned.
410. Blithe - Cheerfully or thoughtlessly indifferent.
411. Curtail - Reduce in extent or quantity.

Aphasia - Inability to understand or produce speech as a result of brain damage.

413. Ornate - Elaborately or highly decorated.
414. Baroque - Highly ornate and extravagant in style.
415. Extravagant - Exceeding what is reasonable or appropriate.
416. Bestial - Of or like a beast.
417. Bigot - A person who is prejudiced in their views and intolerant or the opinions of others.
418. Cupidity - Greed for money or possessions.
419. Celerity - Swiftness of movement.
420. Dearth - A scarcity or lack of something.
421. Debacle - An utter failure or disaster.

422. Dapper - (of a man) Neat and trim in dress and appearance.
423. Antithesis - A person or thing that is the direct opposite of another.
424. Amorphous - Without a clearly defined shape or form.
425. Rhetoric - The art of effective speaking or writing.
426. Amalgamate - Combine or unite to form one.
427. Levity - The treatment of a serious matter with humour or lack of respect.
428. Grotesque - Comically or repulsively ugly or distorted.
429. Raffish - Slightly disreputable, especially in an attractive manner.

430. Sway - Cause to change in opinion or Influence.

431. Bequeath - Leave (property) to a person or other beneficiary by a will.
432. Grotesque - Comically or repulsively ugly or distorted.
433. Abrogate - Repeal or do away with (a law or agreement).
434. Rampant - Flourishing or spreading unchecked.
435. Denude - Make bare.

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