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PORTAL, VIRTUAL MUSEUM OF THE PONTUS The use of Augmented Reality provides

EUXIN additional layers of information and views into

the virtual reality of the past.
The purpose of the project is the discovery of
the civilization built on the shore of the Black The Virtual Reality Exhibitions showcase
Sea through the use of virtual heritage. glimpses and scenes from different Pontic
settlements engaging the visitor in a journey to
The project is in the city of Constanta, located in the past.
the south-eastern part of Romania.
The Hyper-Reality Room is space where Virtual
The project draws its essence from the rich Reality is augmented by physical objects. This
history of the city and its surroundings. This
physical-virtual environment brings into play all
history begins in ancient times with the the senses for an immersive exploration of the
founding of the Greek colony of Tomis. Later it reconstructed 3D ancient cities.
became part of the Roman Empire. The region
changed ownership later on to the Byzantine
Empire, the Romanian voivodeship and the
Ottoman Empire. Each period brought its own
cultural influences, resulting a multitude of
layers of history on which the current city is

The project uses sustainability as a generator of

form and function.

The project becomes a cultural portal for

accessing information about other
archaeological sites, linking the Pontic
settlements and leading to a relationship
between the users and the place.

From a social standpoint, the project offers

many public and common spaces which enrich
the urban environment and life in a cultural

In this museum, architecture, culture and

history fuse together into a comprehensive
visitor experience. The museum supports and
promotes alternative types of exhibitions where
the use of technology is combined with physical
PORTAL, MUZEUL VIRTUAL AL PONTULUI EUXIN Utilizarea realitatii augmentate aduce multiple
straturi de informatii si imagini catre realitatea
Scopul proiectului este descoperirea civilizatiei virtuala a trecutului.
aflate pe tarmul Marii Negre prin intermediul
mostenirii culturale transmise prin mediul Expozitiile de realitate virtuala arata scene si
virtual. imagini din diferite asezari Pontice, angrenand
vizitatorul intr-o calatorie in trecut.
Proiectul este realizat in orasul Constanta, in
sud-estul Romaniei. Camera de hiper-realitate este un spatiu unde
virtualul este augmentat de elemente fizice.
Proiectul isi extrage seva din bogata istorie a Acest mediu fizic-virtual utilizeaza toate
orasului si imprejurimilor sale. Aceasta istorie
simturile intr-o explorare imersiva a oraselor
incepe din antichitate, odata cu fondarea
antice reconstruite virtual.
coloniei grecesti Tomis. Mai tarziu, aceasta
devine parte a Imperiului Roman. Regiunea
ajunge sub diferite stapaniri, de la Imperiul
Bizantin, la voievodatele romanesti, la Imperiul
Otoman. Fiecare perioada aduce cu sine
influente culturale, rezultand o multitudine de
straturi de istorie pe care este cladit orasul

Proiectul utilizeaza sustenabilitatea ca

generatoare de forma si functiune.

Proiectul devine un portal cultural pentru

accesarea informatiilor despre situri
arheologice, creand legaturi intre asezarile
pontice si ducand la o relatie intre utilizatori si

Proiectul ofera o multitudine de spatii publice si

comune care imbogatesc mediul si viata urbana
intr-un context cultural.

In acest muzeu, arhitectura, cultura si istoria

fuzioneaza intr-o experienta cuprinzatoare
pentru utilizator. Acest muzeu promoveaza si
utilizeaza tipuri alternative de expozitii unde
tehnologia si virtualul sunt combinate cu
exponatele fizice.

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