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Complete report of Anatomy and Physiology of Human practicum with

title “Kidney Function Test”. that arranged by:
Name : Haslinar
ID : 141 4441 009
Class : Biology ICP A
Group : IV
After checked by Assistant and Assistant Coordinator so this report was accepted.

Makassar, May 2017

Assistant Coordinator, Assistant,

Andi Citra Pratiwi, S.Pd, M.Ed Muhammad Nur ARsyad, S.Pd

Lecturer of Responsibility

Dr. Drs. A. Musyawwir Taiyeb, M.Kes

ID : 19640416 198803 1 002

A. Background
The development of Science and Technology (Science and
Technology) we have experienced in the present era of knowledge. Nature
plays a very vital in the development of this science and technology, be it
Biology, Physics, Chemistry and other natural sciences. Each field of science
has contributed each in improving human resources in research and
Biology as one of the fields of natural science is the study of more
specific about life on earth, ranging from the smallest unit (cell) to the extent
of biological. study are generally divided into several branches, namely
anatomy, morphology, and physiology , Anatomy study the inner structure of
the living body, morphology study the outer structure and physiology to learn
about the functions of the organs possessed by an organism.
The fact is that all living beings are faced with the problem of
osmotic. An assortment of regulatory mechanisms used to maintain the
internal osmotic pressure in this case osmoregulation. The imposition of
osmotic pressure is also associated with regulation of body fluid related
system that urine excretion by the kidneys. Kidney is the organ that organizes
homeostasis, shaped like a kidney bean. Kidneys enveloped by a capsule that
is formed of a network of fibers.
Kidney is one of the most important organs of human life. Without the
kidney, the human body will not be able to supply fresh blood and heart
pumping for the rest of excretion which is not released into metabolism which
takes place inside the human body. The main function of the kidneys are
secreting metabolic waste substances containing nitrogen, for example
ammonia. Besides functioning kidneys also secrete substances eg excessive
amount of water-soluble vitamins, maintain the extracellular fluid by way of
removing water if excessive and maintaining a balance of acids and bases,
and the secretion of the kidneys in the form of urine.
However, for more details on this trial will be seen how the
differences in urine production in humans at different times and by the
consumption of beverages that affect the production of urine.
B. Purpose
Perform renal function tests in a simple.
C. Benefit
To perform renal function tests in a simple.

The kidneys are two bean shaped organs located under the lowermost part
of the ribs in the posterior abdominal cavity. Each human kidney weighs 150 gms
and measures 1x2x3 inches (thickness, width, and length). A coronal section of
the kidney shows an outer reddish granular layer called renal medulla. In the renal
medulla the triangular and wedge shaped structure is called renal pyramids. The
tips of the pyramids found on the renal papillae at which urine is drained into
cavities is called Renal Calyces. Renal Calyces drain urine into renal pelvis, then
to ureter, which in turn drain to bladder and then through the urethra is voided
The kidneys are organs that serve several essential regulatory roles in most
animals, including vertebrates and some invertebrates. They are essential in the
urinary system and also serve homeostatic functions such as the regulation of
electrolytes, maintenance of acid–base balance, and regulation of blood pressure
(via maintaining salt and water balance). They serve the body as a natural filter of
the blood, and remove wastes which are diverted to the urinary bladder. In
producing urine, the kidneys excrete wastes such as urea and ammonium, and they
are also responsible for the reabsorption of water, glucose, and amino acids. The
kidneys also produce hormones including calcitriol, erythropoietin, and the
enzyme renin. Located at the rear of the abdominal cavity in the retroperitoneum,
the kidneys receive blood from the paired renal arteries, and drain into the paired
renal veins. Each kidney excretes urine into a ureter, itself a paired structure that
empties into the urinary bladder(Raghavendra,2013).
The nephron produces urine through three interacting mechanisms:
filtration, resorption, and secretion. In filtration, a filtrate of the blood leaves the
kidney capillaries and enters the renal tubule. This filtrate resembles tissue fluid in
that it contains all the small molecules of blood plasma. As it proceeds through
the renal tubule, the filtrate is processed into urine by the mechanisms of
resorption and secretion. During resorption, most of the nutrients, water, and
essential ions are recovered from the filtrate and returned to the blood of
capillaries in the surrounding connective tissue. In fact, 99% of the volume of the
renal filtrate is resorbed in this manner. As the essential molecules are reclaimed
from the filtrate, the remaining wastes and unneeded substances contribute to the
urine that ultimately leaves the body. Supplementing this passive method of waste
disposal is the active process of secretion, which moves additional undesirable
molecules into the tubule from the blood of surrounding capillaries(Marieb,2012).
According Tortora (2009) To produce urine, nephrons and collecting ducts
perform three basic processes—glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, and
tubular secretion:
1. Glomerular filtration. In the first step of urine production,water and most
solutes in blood plasma move across the wall of glomerular capillaries into
the glomerular capsule and then into the renal tubule.
2. Tubular reabsorption. As filtered fluid flows along the renaltubule and
through the collecting duct, tubule cells reabsorb about 99% of the filtered
water and many useful solutes. The water and solutes return to the blood as it
flows through the peritubular capillaries and vasa recta. Note that the term
reabsorption refers to the return of substances to the bloodstream. The term
absorption, by contrast, means entry of new substances into the body, as
occurs in the gastrointestinal tract.
3. Tubular secretion. As fluid flows along the renal tubule and through the
collecting duct, the tubule and duct cells secrete other materials, such as
wastes, drugs, and excess ions, into the fluid. Notice that tubular secretion
removes a substance from the blood. In other instances of secretion—for
instance, secretion of hormones—cells release substances into interstitial fluid
and blood.
Urinalysis can be done manually or automated and it involves testing the
following parameters: colour, odour, specific gravity, PH, protein, Ketones,
glucose, blood cells, Nitrite, bilirubin, urobilinogin, leukocyte esterase, cast,
crystals and ova or cyst of parasites. Methyl red react with hydrogen ions to
produce a colour change from red to yellow when the pH is between 4 & 6 and
bromothymol changes from yellow to blue when the pH is 6 - 9, while the
tetrabromophenol blue changes colour from green to blue in the presence of hyper
albuminuria and pseudo peroxidase( Musa ,2015).
In fresh urine, about 85% of nitrogen is fixed as urea and about 5% as total
ammonia. The rest of the nitrogen compounds are mainly creatinine, amino acids
and uric acid. After urea hydrolysis, total ammonia accounts for 90% of the
nitrogen in stored urine. Due to the increased pH, the concentration of ammonia
NH3 is very high. Ammonia is volatile and one may expect that substantial losses
can occur during storage, transport or application of source-separated urine. These
losses not only diminish the efficiency of nitrogen recovery, but volatilised
ammonia can also have negative effects on the environment and human
A urine test checks different components of urine, a waste product made
by the kidneys. A regular urine test may be done to help find the cause of
symptoms. The test can give information about your health and problems you may
have. The kidneys take out waste material, minerals, fluids, and other substances
from the blood to be passed in the urine. Urine has hundreds of different body
Colour and transparency: The colour and transparency standardised
volume of urine should be obtained each of urine is recorded while observing it in
a test tube or in time, to allow comparison of results of urine sediment a
urinometer cylinder. The colour is always considered examination with
subsequent samples. Urine samples in association with SG and volume. The
normal colour of urine is yellow to light amber in cattle and it depends primarily
on the concentration of urochromes, whose output is relatively constant . Urine
may be light to dark yellow and pale pink in colour in bovines suffering from

A. Time and Place

Day / Date : Tuesday / May 10th 2017
Time : 10.50 – 13.00 CIT
Place : Laboratorium Biology FMIPA UNM
A. Tool and Material
1. Tools
b. glass measuring 5 mL
c. glass measuring 50 mL
d. Pipette drops
e. Urinometer
f. Ember
g. rod stirrer
2. Material
a. Freshwater
b. Air tea
c. Air isotonic
d. urine probandus
e. Cotton
f. eter
B. Work Procedures
1. Fasting
a. probandus duty began fasting at 21.00 on the day before the practicum.
b. Kandung probandus bladder should be empty after 09.00 am.
c. Setting up a glass or container to collect the urine samples 5.
d. Take the first urine sample at 10:00. Then take a urine sample II at
11:00. After that, take a urine sample III to V with an interval of half
an hour.
e. Setting up tools and materials, then pour the first urine sample in a
measuring cup. Measure as the volume of urine.
f. Add water until the volume reached 120 mL beakers. This is an
additional water as the volume of water.
g. Incorporating urinometer into a measuring cup stir bar while pressing
them easier to read. The scale on this urinometer as the specific gravity
of urine and water mixture.
h. Doing step (e) to (g) in the urine sample to the urine sample V. II
2. Drinking Freshwater
a. probandus duty began fasting at 21.00 on the day before the lab.
b. The bladder should probandus empty after 09.00 am.
c. Setting up a glass or container to collect the urine samples 5.
d. Take the first urine sample at 10:00. Drinking fresh water of 1200 mL.
e. Then take a urine sample II at 11:00. After that, take a urine sample III
to V with an interval of half an hour.
f. Setting up tools and materials, then pour the first urine sample in a
measuring cup. Measure as the volume of urine.
g. Add water until the volume reached 120 mL beakers. This is an
additional water as the volume of water.
h. Incorporating urinometer into a measuring cup stir bar while pressing
them easier to read. The scale on this urinometer as the specific gravity
of urine and water mixture.
i. Doing step (f) to (h) on a second urine sample to the urine sampleV.
3. Tea Drinking water
a. probandus duty began fasting at 21.00 on the day before the lab.
b. The bladder should probandus empty after 09.00 am.
c. Setting up a glass or container to collect the urine samples 5.
d. Take the first urine sample at 10:00. Drinking tea water of 1200 mL.
e. Then take a urine sample II at 11:00. After that, take a urine sample III
to V with an interval of half an hour.
f. Setting up tools and materials, then pour the first urine sample in a
measuring cup. Measure as the volume of urine.
g. Add water until the volume reached 120 mL beakers. This is an
additional water as the volume of water.
h. Incorporating urinometer into a measuring cup stir bar while pressing
them easier to read. The scale on the urinometer as density mixture of
urine and water.
i. Doing step (f) to (h) in the urine sample II until the urine samples V
4. Drinking water isotonis
a. probandus duty began fasting at 21.00 on the day before the lab.
b. The bladder probandus must be empty after 09.00 am.
c. Setting up a glass or container to collect the urine samples 5.
d. Take the first urine sample at 10:00. Isotonic drink water of 1200 mL.
e. Then take a urine sample II at 11:00. After that, take a urine sample III
to V with an interval of half an hour.
f. Setting up tools and materials, then pour the first urine sample in a
measuring cup. Measure as the volume of urine.
g. Add water until the volume reached 120 mL beakers. This is an
additional water as the volume of water.
h. Incorporating urinometer into a measuring cup stir bar while pressing
them easier to read. The scale on this urinometer as the specific gravity
of urine and water mixture.
i. Doing step (f) to (h) in the urine sample to the urine sample V. II
5. Control
a. probandus not fasting, or keep eating and drinking as usual.
b. Take the first urine sample to the urine sample V with a time of uptake
same as before.
c. Setting up tools and materials, then pour the first urine sample in a
measuring cup. Measure as the volume of urine.
d. Add water until the volume reached 120 mL beakers. This is an
additional water as the volume of water.
e. Incorporating urinometer into a measuring cup stir bar while pressing
them easier to read. The scale on this urinometer as the specific gravity
of urine and water mixture.
f. Doing step (c) to (e) in the urine sample to the urine sample V. II

A. Result
1. Fasting ol
Sampel Vc Sc Sa Va Vu = (Vc – Va)
(ml) (Kg/m3) (Kg/m3) (ml) (ml)
I 30 1,008 1 5 25
II 30 1,012 1 5 25
2. Drink water
Sampel Vc Sc Sa Va Vu = (Vc – Va)
(ml) (Kg/m3) (Kg/m3) (ml) (ml)
I 30 1,014 1 5 25
3. Drink tea
Sampel Vc Sc Sa Va Vu = (Vc – Va)
(ml) (Kg/m3) (Kg/m3) (ml) (ml)
I 30 1,012 1 5 25
4. Drink isotonic
Sampel Vc Sc Sa Va Vu = (Vc – Va)
(ml) (Kg/m3) (Kg/m3) (ml) (ml)
I 30 1,010 1 5 25
5. Control
Sampel Vc Sc Sa Va Vu = (Vc – Va)
(ml) (Kg/m3) (Kg/m3) (ml) (ml)
I 30 1,010 1 5 25
II 30 1,009 1 5 25
B. Data Analysis
𝑆𝑐 . 𝑉𝑐 − 𝑆𝑎 . 𝑉𝑎
𝑆𝑢 =
Su =specific gravity of urine
Sc =specific gravity urine mixture with water
Vc = volume mix of water and urine
Va = volume of mixing water
Sa = density mixing water
Vu = volume of urinewere mixed with water
1. Fasting
a. Sampel I
𝑆𝑐. 𝑉𝑐 − 𝑆𝑎. 𝑉𝑎
𝑆𝑢 =
𝑆𝑢 = = 1,0096 kg/mL

b. Sampel II
𝑆𝑐. 𝑉𝑐 − 𝑆𝑎. 𝑉𝑎
𝑆𝑢 =
𝑆𝑢 = = 1,0144 kg/mL

2. Water
a. Sampel I
𝑆𝑐. 𝑉𝑐 − 𝑆𝑎. 𝑉𝑎
𝑆𝑢 =
𝑆𝑢 = = 1,0168 kg/mL

3. Tea
a. Sampel I
𝑆𝑐. 𝑉𝑐 − 𝑆𝑎. 𝑉𝑎
𝑆𝑢 =
𝑆𝑢 = = 1,0144kg/mL
4. Isotonic
a. Sampel I
𝑆𝑐. 𝑉𝑐 − 𝑆𝑎. 𝑉𝑎
𝑆𝑢 =
𝑆𝑢 = = 1,0096 kg/mL

5. Control
a. Sampel I
𝑆𝑐. 𝑉𝑐 − 𝑆𝑎. 𝑉𝑎
𝑆𝑢 =
𝑆𝑢 = = 1,0096 kg/mL

b. Sampel II
c. 𝑆𝑢 = 𝑉𝑢
𝑆𝑢 = = 1,0108kg/mL

C. Discussion
Practicum this time is done to know how to test kidney function in
simple. In practice, 5 urine samples from 5 probandus were used with different
treatments. Each treatment was fasting, drinking isotonic water, drinking water,
drinking fresh water, and free control. Each probandus treated with isotonic
water, tea and fresh water should consume each ari as much as 1200 mL.
1. Fasting
The fasting person has a urine density of 1,035 or equal to 1.00. Thus
the probandus does not have abnormalities in the kidney. It occurs because
the person who fasts the urine is lower or less than the normal weight of
urine type. The fasting person is of course short of fluid so urine is more
concentrated and the weight of the type also increases (Syarifah, 2013 ).
2. Drinking fresh water
This second treatment probandus drink fresh water. Su of sample I to
sample V is an average of -3.5 kg / mL. This proves that the normal weight
of urine probandus, which in theory is said that the density of urine of
people who drink lots of fresh water is ≤1001 (or less). If your body has
excess water then the kidneys will absorb water in the blood so that the type
of urine will decrease. People who drink a lot of water, the blood is more
dilute.The solute concentration is lower than the solvent (water).
3. Drinking tea water
For the third treatment, probandus drinks tea water. The constant Su's
value on this probandus proves that the normal urinary probandus weight is
normal. In theory it is said that the density of urine of people drinking plenty
of tea water is ≤1001 (or less). If your body has excess water then the
kidneys will absorb water in the blood so that the type of urine will
4. Drink isotonic water
Probandus for subsequent treatment of isotonic drinking water and
also taking samples as in the fasting treatment. These different Su values
prove that the density of urband probandus is abnormal, whereas in theory it
is said that the density of urine of people who drink isotonic fluid is ≤
1,001.Hal This happens is possible because the kidneys of probandus have
abnormalities. Is it possible to cause errors reading urinometer. While if we
see from the volume of urine (VU) indicates that probandus produce a lot of
urine.This has been in accordance with the theory that the more fluid drunk,
the more A lot of urine is released by the kidneys, because the kidneys
absorb excess water from the blood and expelled as urine.
5. Control
The last treatment is the control treatment, where probandus performs
activities as usual, does not perform fasting, and take samples as in the
fasting treatment. In theory it is said that the density of urine of people who
drink lots of fresh water is ≤ 1,001 (or less). So it can be said that probandus
has an abnormal kidney because of the inability of his kidneys to absorb
water in the blood balanced with water entering the body.
Fasting Probandus tends to have a greater density of urine than a
controlled probandus, drinking isotonic water and fresh water. This is due to
the concentration of urine due to dehydration.
Bladder generally has a volume of 760 cc. A person whose bladder is not
reaching 760 cc because of the stress hold (the ability of the body to receive
stimulation). Between the bladder and the urethra there is a ring where in the
case of contraction or urge, the ring opens and the urine flashing. The
composition, pH, volume of urine formed varies greatly depending on the
needs of the body (hoeostatis) on certain substances depending on the type of
food and the volume of drinking water. Urine is usually clear, slightly yellow
color caused by urobilinogen color. Urobilinogen derived from bilirubin. The
more urine-sensitive the more yellow-brown color and the higher the specific
gravity. The normal urine weight is 1,002 -1,035. Cloudy urine usually
indicates the presence of salt crystals or the presence of mucus,

A. Conclusion
From the results of lab work that has been done can be concluded that
renal function test using simple tool urinometer can give us an understanding
of the urine is normal and sick.
B. Suggestion
For the practitioner in order to be more careful in the future in the lab
and still be careful in using the tool so that the tool can still be used. keeping
clean in order to remain comfortable during practice runs, because the
cleanliness part of faith.

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