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480 Biblioeraph ,ic section

higher resonant frequencies than do those of isolated the F-l06B by N.A.S.A. show good agreement regard-
cylinders. The former is due to the wires carrying energy ing the frequencies of the resonances. Comparisons of
from the cylinder. adding to the already present radiation model natural frequencies with those computed for in-
damping. The latter is due to the wires changing the flight data show consistently higher Q in the in-flight
geometry of the ends. which reduces their capacitance case. This is indicative of a lightning channel for these
and makes the cylinder electrically shorter. The results in-flight events with a higher impedance than that of the
concerning the natural frequencies of the cylinders also wires on the model.
gives confidence that the basic measurements and anal- The basic technique has the potential for investigating
ysis technique is correct. the response of other types of aircraft. It could also be
Comparisons of the model transfer functions with spe- applied to the investigation of interior as well as exterior
cial amplitudes computed for in-flight data obtained on fields.


The Elementary Theory of Railroad Traffic Diver- output model to disaggregate output projections is the
sion, Richard Michael Antush. 1982, UMI 8301414 key to its use in projecting rail traffic. This is so because
(Dissertation of Princeton University. Princeton. NJ the derived demand for rail services in a region, or on
08540). individual lines, depends on part on the output of the
particular commodities that are produced in the area.
A structured railroad traffic diversion methodology. called The results of the test of the rail forecasting method
the Elementary Traffic Diversion Model. is developed indicate that it is effective in producing estimates of rail
to predict traffic flow pattern shifts and revenue changes traffic. The model projects rail traffic to within I .2% of
for all impacted railroads due to network alterations such actual traffic over the total rail network. Additionally.
as a simple two-carrier merger, a line abandonment or the model is effective in providing sector-by-sector es-
a rail line purchase by another carrier. The model does timates in I I of the I3 sectors for which rail traffic is
not calculate the effects upon other modes of transpor- represented in 1976 and 1980.
tation. Following the testing of the forecasting procedure, the
Previous rail merger analyses are examined to provide study provides an illustration of the use of the model in
background for the development of the Elementary Traffic regional rail planning decisions. The case of Michigan’s
Diversion Model. A method for determining the sensi- Upper Peninsula is used to demonstrate the usefulness
tivity of the model’s parameters is developed by adapting of having projections of rail traffic when making subsidy-
regression techniques and factorial analysis. A comput- abandonment, or rail rationalization decisions.
erized version of the model is used to examine a two- The forecasting procedure is also used to examine a
carrier merger under four different sets of input param- specific issue on one rail segment in the Upper Peninsula:
eters. A glossary of traffic diversion terms is included. the northern Soo Line. This illustration of the uses of
along with documentation of the Princeton Traffic As- the input-output model emphasizes the flexibility of the
signment Model; computergraphic displays of networks. method in dealing with individual rail issues. Not only
network link volumes, interchange volumes. and volume is the input-output model able to disaggregate the effects
changes; and flowcharts of the algorithms which describe of changes in specific commodity production. but through
the individual submodels. the waybill sample it is able to isolate particular rail
Using a Regional Input-Output Model to Forecast
Rail Freight Traffic: With Applications for the Sub-
sidy-Abandonment Decision, Jeffrey Jordan. 1982. UMI
83038 I I (Dissertation at Michigan State University. East Integrating Organizational and Technological Per-
Lansing, Ml 48823). spectives-An Approach To Improve Rail Motive
Power Management, Chi-Kuo Mao, 1982 (Disserta-
The purpose of this study is to suggest and test a method tion at the Department of Civil Engineering. IMassachu-
that systematically links the level of statewide economic setts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. MA 02 139)
activity with the demand for rail freight transportation
services and facilities. A 20-sector input-output model This study is devoted to the development of a theory
of the state of Michigan is combined with commodity which is tailored to fit the requirements of transportation
flow data obtained from expanded I% waybills from all operations management. A dual-system paradigm is pos-
of Michigan’s railroad lines. tulated. Following that paradigm, a transportation op-
The test of the forecasting method is whether the 20- erating system is conceived of as a control system which
sector input-output model of Michigan can provide re- consists of two complementary parts: (I) the controlling
liable estimates of rail traffic over a 4-year period. The system-the organizational aspects of the system which
test is carried out not only on total rail traffic but also possesses the controlling capacity. and (2) the system
on a sector-by-sector basis. The ability of the input- being controlled-the technological aspects of the sys-
Bibliographic section 481

tern which defines the tasks to be controlled and their in the context of transportation operations management,
interrelationships. The performance of the total system (2) diagnose the symptoms involved in the total system
is then determined by how well the controlling capacity and (3) specify the total system’s performance.
is matched with the characteristics of the underlying The aim of this study is to improve the performance
controlled tasks. of the total system. To test the theories and the method-
The key theme of this study is the development of ologies, the management of the operations of railroad
theories and operational techniques which collectively motive power-locomotive-is adopted as an empirical
enable us to (1) understand the nature of dual systems case. The data are collected from three U.S. railroads.

Road Transport
Efficient Utilization of Transportation Resources for profit or run by a non-profit organization. Under an
Traffk Operational Improvements, Russi Bhesania. enterprise system, each participating member will have
1982, UMI 8301673 (Dissertation at the University of personal access to a small leased car for mostly work
Kansas, Lawrence, KA 66044). trips as well as access to a wide range of special-purpose
shared vehicles. Such an enterprise system is intended
The goal of this study was to develop a simple technical to encourage and foster the various uses of automobiles
procedure to program roadway improvements in Kansas in an efficient manner.
City, Missouri, in order to realize maximum benefits A methodology is developed for studying the opera-
from limited resources. The technical procedure uses tion of a mobility enterprise and evaluating system per-
operational deficiencies to identify critical locations, and formance of such an enterprise under various operating
the deficiency analysis aids in determining solutions, options. The methodology is complemented by an op-
cost estimates and priorities for improvements. Param- timization module capable of selecting key decision var-
eters selected for measuring intersection performance iables in order to optimize the enterprise system config-
included accidents, capacity and delays. For midblock uration. Application of the methodology is demonstrated
sections, accidents and speeds which can be used to through various case studies.
measure delays and level of service parameters were The proposed mobility enterprise can be beneficial to
selected to gauge operating conditions. Standards were both the individual members and the society as a whole.
established for these performance measures, and simple The members can realize savings in transportation ex-
step-by-step procedures developed to measure deficien- penditure as well as a better level of service through an
cies. expanded vehicle selection. The society, on the other
Deficiencies were combined and converted to dollar hand, can achieve more efficient use of scarce and ex-
values, and a comprehensive traffic operational defi- pensive resources.
ciency index (TODI) was determined by defining it as
the additional cost incurred by the community per year Dynamic Econometric Models of Household Vehicle
for below-par traffic operation. A method to establish Ownership and Utilization, Fred Laines Mannering,
priorities was suggested using TODl/annual cost ratios 1983 (Dissertation at the Department of Civil Engineer-
and social, economical, environmental and other factors. ing, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
The integrated procedure suggested in this study to iden- MA 02139).
tify critical locations, and use of the deficiency analysis
to aid in solution development and the establishment of This thesis presents a theoretical and empirical assess-
priorities, advances the state of the art in programming ment of the demand for motor vehicles in the United
roadway improvements. States. The analysis was undertaken at the household
level, and full explicit consideration was given to the
Improved Automotive Productivity: Simulation Anal- interrelationships between the household’s choices of
ysis of a Mobility Enterprise System, Chung-Cha Liu. quantity of vehicles to own, types of vehicles to own
1982, UMI 8300929 (Dissertation at Purdue University, (defined by make, model and vintage) and the extent to
Lafayette, IN 47907). which these vehicle types are utilized. Moreover, the
dynamic aspects of the household’s vehicle ownership
Private automobiles are significantly underutilized in the and utilization decision were accounted for by viewing
United States. While approximately 80% of the trips are dynamics as the evolution of household tastes. Based on
taken in vehicles with more than four seats, only about fundamentally different economic theories relating to the
20% actually require a vehicle that large. The low pro- manner in which households address the intertemporal
ductivity is primarily due to the close ties between auto nature of their vehicle ownership problem, two dynamic
usage and auto ownership. econometric models of vehicle ownership and utilization
The present study is focused on an innovative idea were derived.
called “mobility enterprise” as a measure to improve The derived models were estimated with a national
automotive productivity. The enterprise concept is based household sample in which all relevant vehicle owner-
upon better matching one’s trip requirements to the ve- ship information was available for the same households
hicle’s characteristics. An enterprise can be either for for a 2$-year period, December 1977 to June 1980. The

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