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"After both sides are deployed but before which side gets the fst | tums determined, the Warlords side may redeploy one oftheir ‘units within the limitations ofthe mission being played. This may ‘place unit that had been deployed normally into reserve, or bring unit out of reserve. ‘World Burner “The Warlord may nominate D3 units within their primary detachment, which these are must be marked down before the same begins Any Template or Blast weapons possessed by these ‘units gain the Shred special rule if they id not already have it Paladin of Glory “The Warlord has the Fearless special rue, and both the Warlord and any unit withthe Legiones Astarts special rule with models within 6 of the Warlord may add +x tothe Wounds score calculated to see if they win combat in the Asstul phase. Void Walker “The Warlord gains the Adamantium Will special ruleand one ‘nominated infantry unit guns the Deep Strike special ule. Child of Terea “The Warlord and any unit they join with the Legiones Astartes special rule may e-tol any filed rll of 1 To Wound in close combat. ‘SOLAR AUXILIA REGIMENTS WARLORD TRAITS A Solar Aunilia Regiment may roll on one of the Warlord Traits tables in the Warhammer 0,000 rulebook, or on the following table: D6 Warlord Trait Uncanny Survivor “The Warlord gains the Eternal Wartir special rule. Shattering Bombardment “While the Warlord is alive, select single weapon in a unit within 6 of them inthe Shooting phase that has the Ordnance special rule. Tha weapon counts as being twin-linked for this player turn Bitter Blood ‘When fighting ina challenge, the Warlord gains the Hatred special rule. ‘Blind Barrage ‘The Warlord controlling player may choose to unleash a Blind ‘bombardment at the start ofthe game. If this is done, ll friendly ‘Solar Auxilia units gun the Shrouded special rule forthe duration ofthe fist game tur only, Void Master ‘The Warlord gains the Stubborn special rule and they and any ‘unit they join gains the Move Through Cover special rule. Siege Master ‘Atthe start ofthe game, afte deployment but before the game begins, nominate single pice ofterain inthe enemy's deployment zone (note that this cannot be a Fortification _Parchasedfor their army) The cover save provided by this terrain ‘Islowiered (je, made worse) by x (¢, 5+ becoming 6+ ete) Dé Warlord Trait Master of Mechanisms Select one unt of Monstrous Crete or stages. squadron with at least one Armour value of 12 or higher in the same detachment asthe Warlord. That unit gains the fe Will Nor Be Die special rule. * Perfected Targeting ‘While your Wrlrdisalive select single weapon ether they sre carrying or thats ona unit within 6” ofthem in the Shooting. ‘hase with the Heavy type. That weapon cunt as being twin- Linked for this turn. : Predictive Augury ‘The Warlord, and any unt chy have joined, hitsona sor 6 when firing Overwatch. The Death of Flesh All unis within the detachment have the Preferred Enemy (Afanteyallrypes) while within 3" ofan objective. Dread Rites “The Warlord, and any unit they join, both cause Fear and are immune tits effects, and have the Adamantium Will special rle. Battlefield Analysis “the startofthe game after deployment but before the battle begins nominatea single piece oftersan inthe enemy’ deployment zone. The cover save provided by this terrain is lowered (ies made worse by + (5+ becoming 6+, and s0n)- Questoris KniGHT CrusaDE ARMY WARLORD TRAITS ‘A Questoris Knight Crusade Warlord must rll on the following table. ‘They may not use the Warlord Trait tables inthe Warhammer 4,000 rulebook. D6 Warlord Trait 4 Hell Rider “The Knight Welord and ll ther Knights in ther detachment ‘within 12" gain +1" to their Movernent and + on any To Wound and Armour Penetration rolls the rst turn ofthe game. Glorious Renown Fear tests taken against the Knight Warlord suffer a- penalty to the Leadership value wil aed units within 12 may ell failed Morale checks. Favoured of Mare ‘One ofthe Knight Warlords weapons chosen by the owning player, gains the Mastercrafied special rule. Lord of the Abyss ‘The Knight Warlord gains the Monster Hunterand Adumantumy Will special ules. Puissent Commander ‘The owning player may add +1 to thelr Seize the Initiative olin » ~~, ‘misions where thsis relevant, and while the Knight Warlord is con the table, enemy Reserves rolls suffer a-1 modifier. : Indomitable wi ‘The Knight Warlord gains the It Will Not Die special rule, a (Krak) (fg) wo )

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