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VRIL Generator INSTRUCTIONS & Guidelines :

The Overall Manifestations in the use of the VRIL Generator

a Awakening of the VRIL Power within

b The Connection to the Light Grid

c The Awakening of Immortal Consciousness

Steps in the Use of the VRIL Generator

Though it is natural to use the VRIL Generator spontaneously, here is a guideline for those who wish


make the VRIL Generator your own -

hold it

pass it across the chakras of your body

let it tell you - what it is capable of - that it empowers with positive energy

in your meditations over time the VRIL Generator will become a friend, a part of your body

the VRIL Generator un-expectantly opens doors quickly

these places of light are essential for your personal evolution

The aspirant will learn to adapt and program what level one seeks to enter

this is a natural process


following your first experience of energy you may ask your self

what now?

what is the strategy?

will I receive more strength, vitality, and a sense of an awareness of invincibility?

is immortal consciousness available to me?

can I heal myself and others?

do I believe in this probability?

others, as ourselves who practice directly the VRIL empowerment have found all these to be true

by holding the VRIL Generator and repeating the mantras in the manual the aspirant experiences
heightened levels of awareness

Repeating the mantra of AumNamaShivaya heightens the awareness of Immortal Self connection
with the Lord Shiva

This is the immersion into Divinity,

The return to the mortal realm is not sought following these experiences

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