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Symbol Rate or Baudrate is the number of symbol changes per second made to the signal. According to the mod

The rate at which symbols are transmitted is the baud rate.

SR Symbol Rate
FEC Forward Error Correction
DR Data Rate
m modulation factor (transmission rate bits per symbol).
sps Symbols per second SPS
Bits per Symbol (modulation factor)

BPSK = 1
QPSK = 2
8PSK = 3
8QAM or 8APSK= 3
16QAM or 16 APSK = 4
32QAM or 32 APSK = 5
64QAM or 64 APSK = 6
128QAM or 128 APSK = 7
256QAM or 256 APSK = 8

Symbol Rate = DR / (m x FEC) 906.666667

Example of Symbol Rate Calculation

Data Rate is 2048 kbps
Modulation type 8QAM
Symbol Rate = Data Rate / (m x FEC)
SR = 2048 / (3 x 0.75 ) = 910.2 ksps 910.222222

Muchos módems satelitales modernos calcularán

nal. According to the modulation coding method (MODCOD) used each symbol can represent 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. bits of transmiss

MHz Mbps
60332000 1.1 66365200 221217333

dernos calcularán la velocidad de símbolos para usted en las páginas de configuració

2, 3, 4, etc. bits of transmission rate data. So for example, when BPSK modulation is used the symbol rate is the same as the

as de configuración.
mbol rate is the same as the bit rate because 1 bit of data is transmitted per symbol.

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