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Guided Reading & Analysis: Ch18- Russia Unifies and Expands
​ ey Concepts For Period 4 1450-1750
Key Concept 4.1: Globalizing Networks of Communication and Exchange
KEY CONCEPT 4.2 New Forms of Social Organization and Modes of Production
I.​ ​Traditional peasant agriculture increased and changed, plantations expanded, and demand for
labor increased. These changes both fed and responded to growing global demand for raw materials and
finished products.
KEY CONCEPT 4.3 State Consolidation and Imperial Expansion
I.​ ​Rulers used a variety of methods to legitimize and consolidate their power.
II.​ ​Imperial expansion relied on the increased use of gunpowder, cannons, and armed trade to
establish large empires in both hemispheres.
III. Competition over trade routes (such as Omani-European rivalry in the Indian Ocean and piracy in the
Caribbean), state rivalries (such as the Thirty Years War or the Ottoman-Safavid conflict), and local
resistance (such as bread riots) all provided significant challenges to state consolidation and expansion.

Interests in the Notes page 335-338 Analysis
What is considered the dividing line between Would you consider Russia to be
Europe and Asia? more tied to Europe or Asia?
Key Concept 4.1: ​The Ural Mountains are considered the dividing Explain
Globalizing line between Europe and Asia. I would consider Russia to be more
Networks of connected to Europe as most people
Communication What form of Christianity was practiced in live in Europe and consider
and Exchange Russia? themselves to be Europeans.
Russia practiced Eastern Orthodox Christianity.
How would that connect Russia to
What impact did Mongol rule have on Russia? the Byzantine Empire/Eastern
1.​Due to Mongol rule Russia didn’t go through the Europe?
Renaissance and Reformation. Both the Byzantine Empire and
2. ​Due to Mongol Rule Russia was taxed and the Russia believed in the Orthodox
Boyars got wealthy enough through being Christian Church further connecting
Mongolian tax collectors that they were able to these two empires as the only two
shake off the Mongols. Empires to believe in this form of
What commodity did Russia mainly trade with
Europe & China? How did the tribute system created
Russia mainly traded furs to Europe and China. by the Mongols lead to Russians
taking back control?
What did Russia import from England? ​The Russians used the same system
​Russia imported cloth from England. for taxation and therefore Moscow
was able to take over and rule
What did Russia export along the Silk Road?
​Russia exported leather, tar, grain, iron, hemp, What challenges would Russia face
wood, potash, and pitch. in trying to build a sea-based
Why did Peter the Great bring in technicians ​Russia did not have any warm water
from Western Europe into Russia? ports so they would have to invade the
Peter the Great brought these technicians to Crimean peninsula to get a warm
oversee the buildings of the first shipyards in water port.
How does this term show the
Key Figures connection between the Byzantine
Ivan III empire and Russia? What image is
Define autocratic: Ivan III trying to project by using
relating to a ruler who has absolute power this term?
This term connects to the Byzantine
How did Ivan III obtain power and rule Russia? Empire because the Byzantine Empire
Ivan III did not pay tribute to the Mongols. Then, he believed themselves to be the Roman
unofficially called himself Tsar and married Zoe a Empire and made up the eastern
niece of the last Byzantine Emperor giving him portion of the Roman Empire. Ivan III
KEY CONCEPT religious legitimacy. Last, he connected all the is trying to project himself has the heir
4.3 State separate cities of Russia giving him prestige. to the Roman Empire and the sole
Consolidation ruler of Russia.
and Imperial Where does the term tsar come from?
The term Tsar comes from Caesar and Tsar is
II. Rulers used a Russian for Caesar. Russians believed they were
variety of the third Rome and this is why their ruler was Why did Moscow replace Kiev as
methods to called Tsar. the political/economic center of
legitimize and Russia?
consolidate their Where and how did Ivan III expand Russia? ​The Russians were not a unified
He gained control over there longtime rival empire when Moscow rose as the
Novgorod. Russia fought many wars and capital, individual principalities ruled
diplomacy to triple their size as a state. local areas and Kiev was essentially
the spiritual center of Rus and the
How did Ivan III use architecture to legitimize home of the most powerful Grand
his power? Support with examples: Princes. As such, it wasn't a capital,
​Ivan the III made physical changes in Moscow by per se, but it was always a crossroads
building the Kremlin which allowed the city to grow for battles between rival leaders. And
in status and social power. This allowed the city to being between the Mongols, the
become a major trading center. Ottoman Turks, the Swedes, Poles,
Lithuanians and other competing
Describe the social hierarchy of Russian empires there were a few hundred
society: years when the territory around Kiev
1. Boyars: was ruled from somewhere else.
​The boyars who were landowning nobles stood at
the top of the social pyramid. They would
III. Imperial experience tensions with the rulers. The Boyars of How was Russian serfdom different
expansion relied Novgorod had opposed Ivan’s polices so Ivan from European serfdom? (pg 223)
punished them after Ivan’s army conquered their While conditions had improved for
on the increased
land serfs in Western Europe by the 14th
use of
century, in Russia, wars weakened the
3. Serfs: central government and increased the
cannons, and
​Serfs were peasants who received a plot of land power of the nobility. This lead harsh
armed trade to and protection from a noble. In return the serfs conditions for serfs in Russia. They
establish large bound to the land and had little personal freedom had longer and more oppressive lives.
empires in both They became serfs after losing their
hemispheres. How did Ivan keep the Boyars from securing money as peasants from all the taxes
too much power? the government imposed. They had
​He took their land and forced them and their fewer and fewer rights, and people
families to move to Moscow where he could keep were treated more terrible than the
a eye on them Western European serfs.
Ivan IV
What weapon did Ivan IV use to expand the Why is Russia sometimes referred
Russian empire? to as a “gunpowder” empire during
​The expansion came to rely more and more upon this time period?
the use of gunpowder. Ivan used gunpowder to Was had a very large army during this
power the machines like guns and cannons to time period and they were also able to
defeat their enemies. conquer cast amount of land. The
reason they were able to do this is
How did Ivan IV use architecture to legitimize because of the weapons that they
his rule? used .The weapons that they usd
​Ivan IV commissioned the building of St. Basil’s needed gunpowder to work. Russia
Cathedral that served as a visual reminder to the
nation that the tsar and the Church was united. used a vast amount of gunpowder to
The Russian Government made good efforts into conquer all the land.
converting people of Kazan to Orthodox

Who were the Cossacks? How did they help Why was control over the Volga
Russia expand? river important to Russia?
Cossacks are fierce peasant warriors who fought
the local tribes and the Siberian Khan. This helped ​The Volga River flowed directly into
Russia to gain control of the Volga RIver that flows the Caspian Sea. This allowed for
into the Caspian Sea. Russians to possess the outlet of the
sea, and Moscow can now trade
How far east did Russia expand to? directly with Persia and the Ottoman
​Russia would continue moving east into Siberia Empire without having to deal with the
after the rule of Ivan IV and Russia would expand strong forces of the Crimean Tartars.
until the Pacific ocean and then cross the ocean to
reach Alaska.

Why did Russia begin trade posts in Alaska?

​They began trade posts in Alaska, so they can Why do you think local shamans
begin a fur trading task with other people. and religious still continued?
​They still wanted to continue their
What role did missionaries play? own religion because they didn’t want
​Missionaries helped convert many people into the to change their whole lifestyle to
Eastern Orthodox faith even though the local Eastern Orthodox. If they do so, it will
shamans or religious leaders continued to have disrespect the culture they believe in.
some influence on their current religion.

Who were the Oprichnina? Who were they What impact would the
sent to oppress? missionaries have on creating a
Oprichnina are a parliamentary force loyal to Ivan. Russian identity?
They were dressed in black and traveled quickly The missionaries helped convert many
on horseback that showed fierce royalty to Ivan. people to Eastern Orthodoxy, and they
They were sent to oppress the boyars and assure helped transform Russia into a
their loyalty to Ivan. Eastern Orthodox nation.

Why would lower level

merchants/bureaucrats join this
​They don’t have any power, but by
joining the Oprichnina they could gain

Are there any 20​th​ century groups

you can connect this to?
Yes there are 20th century groups you
can connect this to such as the
modern christian missionaries of
different branches of christianity for
the converters to get more power from
the church to get a higher position in
the branch of christianity they
converters are in.

Why did this occur?

The formation of the Oprichnika
occurred because the Boyars in
Russia were constantly jockeying for
power against the Tsar. In order to
make sure his power was maintained,
he created his personal security detail.

Do you think this could have an

impact on why Russia did not
become more democratic?
​No, they could not have had an
impact on why Russia did not become
more democratic.

2. ​Times of Troubles and the Romanovs

Concepts & Pages 338-345 Analysis
Main Ideas
What was the “Time of Troubles” in Russian
​ hen Ivan IV died without an heir, Russia entered
KEY into this time of anarchy because there was ​as the  Why did he move the capital from
CONCEPT last imperial dynasty to rule Russia and they ruled  Moscow to St. Petersburg?
4.3 State for 300 years ​Counterrevolution. Petrograd
Consolidation has been politically active city
and Imperial How did Peter the Great subdue the power of the with lots of monarchists,
Expansion Orthodox church?(list 3 steps taken) anarchists, socialists, liberals
1. etc. That was comparatively
Peter abolished the position of patriarch in the church, easy to take power in such a
thus incorporating the Church into the government. split city, hence it was easy to
lose it as well.
He replaced the patriarch with the Holy Synod, a group Why is St. Petersburg referred to
II.Imperial of clergymen overseen by a secular official who as the “window on the West”?
expansion answered to the Tsar. ​Built on Gulf of Finland, warm
relied on the
increased use water port/window on the West.
of gunpowder, Built on W. Euro style. Winter
He raised the minimum age to become a monk to 50, so
cannons, and palace. Attracted in many
men could serve in the military and then become monks.
armed trade European figures.
to establish
How did Peter the Great build up Russia’s military
large empires
in both power?
Why did he promoted shaved
hemispheres. ​ he navy was essentially Peter the Great’s
beards and western style of
creation. The navy was based on the mouth of the
River Don and then expanded to the Baltic Sea. As He saw what the western
Russia lacked the necessary expertise, Peter the Europeans were like and he fell in
Great brought in foreign experts and by 1​no love with their culture. He wanted
autocrat or family in control Russians to become exactly like the
Western Europeans.

KEY Who are the Romanovs? How long did they rule?
CONCEPT ​The Romanov family w​725, Russia had 48 ships Why do you think he promoted
4.3 State of the line and 800 galleys. The officers in the navy more inclusion for women in the
Consolidation were foreign but the crews were Russian.Peter the nobility?
and Imperial Great took the best parts of both systems and One reason he may have included
Expansion introduced a standing army in 1699. All soldiers more women is because after
Rulers used a received similar training so that the army had journeying to western Europe he
variety of uniformity. The Streltsy was abolished. Two new found out that in order to modernize
methods to his state, he would need to have
elite Guards regiments were created – the
legitimize and more women playing an active role
Preobrazhenskii and the Semeovskii. These were
consolidate in his society.
closely watched by an elite. From 1705 on, both
their power.
nobles and serfs could be conscripted for life long
service in the army. By 1725, Russia had 130,000
men in the army. Discipline was savage but by the
death of Peter, the army was up to European
standards though untested in western Europe.
CONCEPT What was the significance of St.Petersburg’s
4.2 New location?
Forms of ​ limate of Saint Petersburg is close to the climate
C How would this limit the power of
Social of Helsinki, although colder in winter and warmer in the Boyars?
Organization summer because of its more eastern location. The Boyars would no longer be
able to plot behind his back in
and Modes of
How did he modernize St. Petersburg? attempts to overthrow him. He
Peter made the layout of the city into a rectangular grid could keep a constant watch on the
I. Traditional
pattern instead of random patterns like the old cities Boyars.
such as Moscow. He drained the marshes and began to
agriculture How is this similar to the plans
build streets as well as government buildings.
increased and that Genghis Khan implemented?
changed, Genghis Khan also selected the
What reforms did Peter the Great pass for Russia?
plantations people who were artisans and
He wanted his aristocrats to look like the ones he had
expanded, encountered in Western Europe so he order all his specialized in something to join his
and demand nobility to have their beards trimmed and sleeves empire. He beheaded the others.
for labor tailored. He also wanted his boyars to have their sons
increased. educated so he made education mandatory.
changes both Who did Peter the Great’s reform impact? Who did
fed and not benefit?
responded to Peter the Great’s reforms mostly impacted the Why is it surprising that she
growing global noble/boyar class. His reforms did not benefit the serfs ruled Russia?
and he actually lowered the status of serfs by making The society was very patriarchal
demand for
them pseudo-slaves. and hard for a women to begin
raw materials
ruling the land. The Boyars also
and finished
What new industries did he promote? would’ve used this as a reason to
One of the new industries he promoted was shipyards in take power away from the
St. Petersburg because he was so fascinated with monarchs.
western European naval technology. He also built mines
in the Ural mountains. On top of that, he also promoted What does this reveal about her
private industries. goals for Russia?
She was an educated women and
Why did he begin to raise taxes? How did this she knew what was wrong in
impact the serfs? Russia. She had Russia’s best
He began to raise taxes because his industries weren’t interest in mind when she began
bringing in enough profit. This put the peasants into an her rule.
even more depressed system.

What was the Table of Ranks?

It was a list of all the positions and ranks within the
Russian military, government and court.​ ​The officials
would also be selected based on merit instead of social

What new bureaucracy did Peter the Great

Peter instituted a bureaucracy where Russia was split
into 8 provinces. These provinces would now be ruled by What influence did the
provincial officials rather than local officials. He also enlightened philosophers have
created a senate that would help the government make on the reforms she introduced?
decisions when Peter was fighting wars. She was a educated German
women so just like Peter the Great
How would you summarize Peter the Great’s impact she looked at the west for
on Russia?: enlightenment and that is why the
Peter the Great was a Russian czar in the late 17th philosophes had influence over her.
century who is best known for his extensive
reforms in an attempt to establish Russia as a
great nation. He created a strong navy, Why did YOU think she needed
reorganized his army according to Western the support of the Boyars more
standards, secularized schools, administered than Peter the Great did?
Men are just naturally more
greater control over the reactionary Orthodox
intimidating than women. Also,
Church, and introduced new administrative and
nobody is able to succeed without
territorial divisions of the country. ​Peter inherited a
allies. In the case she had to fight,
nation that was severely underdeveloped
she needed
compared to the culturally prosperous European
Why was this territory so
What was Catharine the Great’s background? important to Russia?
She arrived in Russian as a very educated, young,
German-born Protestant. She married to Peter III of ​The lands secured for Russia a key
Russia that put Catherine in a position to take the throne trade route through the Black Sea
after his death. and up the Danube River.

Why did she convert to the Orthodox church? What does this tell you about the
It would help legitimize her rule over Russia if it looked strength of the Ottoman empire
like she was backed by God. in the 18​th​ century?

What reforms did Catharine the Great implement? The strength of the Ottoman
She attempted to codify the Russian law codes as well Empire was pretty weak back then,
as ban torture as a punishment. She also exempted and they were not able to stand up
boyars from paying taxes. to the large Russian forces that the
Russian government have control
What compromises did she make with the Boyars?
She allowed the boyars to stop serving the state service
they were obligated to since Peter’s reign. She also
exempted them from taxes so they would take her side
in case of a rebellion.

Who did Russia fight in the late 18​th​ century and

what territory did they gain?
The Russians fought the Turkish in the
Russo-Turkish wars. The Russians gained the
northern shore of the Black Sea and annexed the
Crimean Peninsula from the Ottoman Empire. What predictions can you make
about those countries
Who divided up Poland and ruled it? relationship to Poland in the
Russia joined up with Prussia and Austria and future?
divided Poland among themselves.
​ he land of Poland will be a mix of
What was slavophilism? What was it a reaction culture between these countries,
against? and in the future, these countries
​Slavophilism was the idea that Russia should will fight for independence, and
base its development on it’s own history and not once again become a independent
country. This won’t happen until the
on Western Europe’s. This was a reaction against
20th century.
Peter the Great incorporating Western Europe
ideals in Russian Society.

Summarize Catherine the Great’s rule over Russia:

How do you think Russia relying
Catherine II oversaw a vast expansion of the Russian
primarily on agrarianism
Empire that made Russia one of the largest Eurasian
“stunted” their growth towards
land empires.Through the Russo-Turkish Wars, Russia
got hold of the territory along the Black Sea and
​As an agricultural nation, serfs are
annexed the Crimean Peninsula from the Ottoman
being tie up to the land, and they
Empire. To the east, Catherine expanded into the
don’t have freedom to modernize
Steppes beyond the Ural Mountains and along the
themselves. As the nation focused
Caspian Sea. It created a protective barrier for
on agrarianism, it decreased their
agricultural settlements. She established schools for
chances of being modernized as
girls and the setting of the precedent for smallpox
more people began to suffer in a
serf life.

What impact did Peter the Great and Catharine the

Great have on the lives of serfs?
​Wars during the 14th and 15th centuries weakened the
How does that law compare to
central government and increased the power of the
the status of serfs in Great
nobility. As the demand of grain increased, the nobles
Britain in the same century?
imposed very hard conditions on the serf. They suffered
oppressive lives. They collected heavy tribute and taxes
​The status of serfs in Great Britain
from the peasants.Their debt increased which later
held better rights as serfs was
forced them into being serfs. The rise of serfs helped the
being abolished from Western
government keep the number of peasants under control
Europe. People escaped the serf
that was regulated by the nobility.
life from Britain. In Russia, they still
are being heavily oppressed.
Why did Russian serfdom continue to expand?
As Russian territory extended west to the Baltic Sea
and the east to Siberia, the Russian Serfdom increased
with it. Russia kept the serfs tied to the land long after
Western Europe stopped with their practice of Serfdom.

Describe the law placed in 1649 in Russia:

​A law of 1649 chained Russian serfs to the lands where
they were born and ensured their service to the
landlords, who could buy and sell them and administer
punishments. What does this tell you about
diversity and identify under the
What tensions continued between Cossacks and Russian empire?
Russians? In the Russian Empire, the majority
​The Cossack warriors were sometimes at odds with the of the population was serfs. This is
central, autocratic government of Tsars in Russia. These because most of the people were
serfs influenced by the nomadic descendants of the losing money forcing them into
Mongols. They were sometimes were hired to defend serfdom, There were serfs who
Russia. They were sometimes had problems because of were fierceful called Cossacks who
the treatment from the Russian Government. sometimes were helping the
central, autocratic government of
What was the Pugachev rebellion? What impact did the tsars. Other times, there were
it have on later peasants? serfs who were being heavily
​A Cossack named Yemelyan Pugachev initiated a oppressed which led to them
peasant rebellion against Catherine the Great in 1774. It initiating a rebellion against the
demanded an end to serfdom, taxes, and army services​. government.
After Pugachev falsely claimed to be Catherine’s
husband, Peter III, Pugachev gathered a following of
discontented peasants, different ethnic groups, and
fellow Cossacks. At one point in time, they controlled the Why were the serfs not able to
Volga RIver and the Ural Mountains. Unfortunately, he successfully revolt in similar
got killed, and the rebellion only served to increase ways that occurred during the
Catherine’s oppression of the peasants. American/French revolution?
​They weren’t able to fully revolt as
By the 19​th​ century _____% of Russians were serfs. their leader, Pugachev, got
Despite opposition to serfdom why did it continue? captured and killed. This rebellion
​About one-third of the Russian population were serfs. only served to increase Catherine’s
They responded the opposition by saying that the oppression of the peasants in return
Russian society worked well: the government was stable for the support of the nobles to help
and the people were religious. It enabled a military her avoid in future revolts.
power in Europe.

Who fought in the Crimean War? Who won?

​Crimean War, (October 1853–February 1856), war Why would they fear Russian
fought mainly on the Crimean Peninsula between the expansion more than the
Russians and the British, French, and Ottoman Turkish, Ottoman empire?
with support from January 1855 by the army of ​If the Russians get too powerful,
Sardinia-Piedmont. Ottoman Turks won the war. and they expand too much, the
British and the French would get
Who did the British and French support? taken over by Russia eventually.
They supported the Ottoman Empire.

How did the Crimean war start to benefit the serfs?

​It issued the Emancipation Act which would end What similar emancipation was
serfdom for 23 million people. taking place in America?

What were the similarities between France & Russia ​The Emancipation Proclamation.
in the 18​th​ century?
Each country was ruled by a well-known ruler. Louis XIV
in France and Peter the Great in Russia. They didn’t Why would it take until the 20​th
have a legislative body. Both rulers in each country had century for Russians to
an ambition for land expansion of their country. They overthrow their government
also had financial difficulties. despite similar conditions? ​The
peasants in Russia were so oppressed and
What differences existed between France & Russia put down with such authority that it
in the 18​th​ century? suppressed uprisings until the 20th century
​Russian culture didn’t yet focused on the ideals of when the government was weak enough.
Enlightenment such as progress, reason, and natural
law while France did. There was no reformation in
Russia while France did have one. Russian serfs were
set free a century later than the French.
Answer 1.
Include 1 A​. Louis XIV built the
short palace of Versailles in
answer order to centralize his
1. Answer power and keep an
A,B and C eye on the nobles. He
made the nobles live
in the Palace of
Versaille for a
minimum of 6
months. This allowed
him to become
friends with his
nobles and keep an
eye on them so they
Palace of Versailles, outside the city of Paris, was built between
don’t rebel which
1678 and 1682
helped Louis XIV to
legitimize his rule.

B.​The Winter Palace

displayed the wealth
of the Russian Tsars
and further supported
the absolutist policies
that these Rules such
The Winter Palace, St. Petersburg, Russia, was built between as Elizabeth had. The
1732-1759 Winter Palace was
the Tsar’s home and
it was a monument
A.​ ​Provide ONE piece of evidence based on the Palace of used to project the
Versailles that supports the argument that politicians used Tsar’s power.
architecture to legitimize their rule, and explain how this
piece of evidence supports this argument C.​ ​The Winter Palace
Louis XIV built the palace of Versailles in order to centralize his was based of off the
power and keep an eye on the nobles. He made the nobles live architecture of the
in the Palace of Versaille for a minimum of 6 months. This Palace of Versailles
allowed him to become friends with his nobles and keep an eye and off of monuments
on them so they don’t rebel which helped Louis XIV to in Paris and Vienna.
legitimize his rule. This mirrors Peter the
Great’s ideas about
B.​ ​Provide ONE piece of evidence based on the Winter reform as he always
Palace that supports the argument that politicians used wanted to copy
architecture to legitimize their rule and explain how this Western Europe and
piece of evidence supports this argument. their ideals,
​The Winter Palace displayed the wealth of the Russian Tsars architecture, and
and further supported the absolutist policies that these Rules technology which is
exactly what he did
such as Elizabeth had. The Winter Palace was the Tsar’s home when building the
and it was a monument used to project the Tsar’s power. Winter Palace.

2. Synthesis C.​ ​Provide ONE comparison between the Palace of

practice Versailles and the Winter Palace that demonstrates Peter
the Great’s ideas about reforms.
The Winter Palace was based of off the architecture of the
Palace of Versailles and off of monuments in Paris and Vienna.
This mirrors Peter the Great’s ideas about reform as he always
wanted to copy Western Europe and their ideals, architecture,
and technology which is exactly what he did when building the
Winter Palace.

Create a synthesis statement comparing the reforms and

changes introduced by Peter the Great and reforms and
changes created by Genghis or Kublai Khan

Peter the Great took technology and ideas from Western

Europe and implemented it into Russian Society such as
cutting the beards of the Autocracy. Genghis Khan took the
technology of catapults and gunpowder from China and used it
to increase his empire and change his people’s lives forever.

Section2: HIPP
Historical Context:
Peter the Great wanted to modernize and add Western ideals into traditional and backwards
Russia. He often cut the beards off of the Russian autocracy because Western Europe
autocracy did not have beards.

Intended Audience:
This was intended for other Russians so they would learn to imbibe Western European qualities
into their life.

This was to make Russia more modern and embrace the modernization and rebirth through the
renaissance that Western Europe was experiencing.

Point of View
Traditionalist Russians wanted to go back to the old ways and they wanted to keep the ideals of
old Russia. They believed that Western Europe customs should stay in Western Europe and
Russian customs should be what we follow.

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