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Journal of Food Engineering 65 (2004) 55–66

Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of red

pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) oleoresin
Edgar Uquiche , Jose M. del Valle b, Jaime Ortiz c

Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidad de La Frontera, P.O. Box 54-D, Temuco, Chile
Department of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, P.O. Box 306, Santiago, Chile
Department of Food Science and Chemical Technology, Universidad de Chile, P.O. Box 233, Santiago, Chile
Received 18 July 2003; accepted 8 December 2003

The extraction kinetics of red pepper oleoresin with supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2 ) at 40 C from a pelletized substrate
was evaluated as a function of crushed-pellet particle size (Dp ¼ 0:273–3:90 mm), superficial solvent velocity (Us ¼ 0:57–1:25 mm/s),
and extraction pressure (320–540 bar). Batch productivity increased with substrate pelletization, which caused a 4-time increase in
apparent density. Microscopy was utilized to characterize the microstructure of the pelletized substrate. Fractal analysis of binary
images and mercury porosimetry allowed an estimation of pellet porosity and tortuosity, which in turn allowed an independent
estimation of effective diffusivity. Solute partition between the solid matrix and SC-CO2 ðKÞ was estimated from the initial slope of
cumulative plots of oleoresin yield versus specific solvent mass, and did not depend on Dp and Us . Yield of oleoresins and carotenoid
pigments increased, and K decreased as the extraction pressure increased. A linear driving force approximation was used to model
experimental data, and discrepancies between model predictions and experimental data points with large particles were explained.
 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Effective diffusivity; Extraction; Fractal analysis; Microstructure; Oleoresin; Pelletization; Red pepper; Supercritical CO2

1. Introduction changes in process temperature and pressure (Brunner,

1994). Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) is probably the most
There is a worldwide growing interest in the applica- widely used SCF. Advantages include inertness, non-
tion of natural colorants for food products, and red toxicity, non-flammability, non-explosiveness, and
pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) or paprika has been used availability with high purity at low cost (del Valle &
since ancient times as a colorant to enhance or change Aguilera, 1999; Lang & Wai, 2001). Furthermore, rela-
food color. Carotenoids are one of the most important tively low critical properties make CO2 (Tc ¼ 304:1 K,
groups of natural colorants, and paprika oleoresin is an pc ¼ 73:8 bar) an ideal solvent for the extraction of
important natural source of these pigments (Jaren- thermally labile components such as carotenoids.
Galan, Nienaber, & Schwartz, 1999). The main consti- Various investigators have studied the extraction of
tuents of the carotenoid fraction are capsanthin and paprika oleoresin with supercritical CO2 (SC-CO2 ), and
capsorubin (Weissenberg, Schaeffler, Menagem, Barzilai, concluded that extraction yields increase pronouncedly
& Levy, 1997), which are almost exclusive to the genus as the extraction pressure increases. Jaren-Galan et al.
Capsicum and are responsible for the final red color. (1999) established that the fraction of carotenoid pig-
Supercritical fluid (SCF) extraction has received ments in the oleoresin increased 3 times as a result of an
increasing attention in a variety of industries, because increase in pressure from 137.8 to 413.4 bar. Further-
SCFs can provide high solubility, improved mass- more, pigments isolated at low pressure (137.8 bar)
transfer rates, and increased selectivity with small consisted almost exclusively of b-carotene, while pig-
ments isolated at a higher pressure (413.4 bar) contained
greater proportions of capsorubin and capsanthin.
Corresponding author: Tel.: +56-2-3544986; fax: +56-2-3545803. Gnayfeed, Daood, Illes, and Biacs (2001) confirmed that
E-mail address: (E. Uquiche). the solubility of paprika pigments in SC-CO2 and their
0260-8774/$ - see front matter  2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
56 E. Uquiche et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 65 (2004) 55–66


ap specific surface area of particle (m1 ) m size of square box in fractal analysis (pixel)
Bi dimensionless Biot number (–) n number of random walks conducted through
Cf solute concentration in the SCF phase the pore space in fractal analysis (–)
(kg/m3 ) pc critical pressure of SC-CO2 (73.8 bar)
Cf0 solute concentration in the SCF phase at the rc characteristic diameter of the image in Eq. (1)
beginning of the experiment (kg/m3 ) (mm)
Cfs solute concentration in the SCF phase at r1 length minimal of solid image that can be
particle surface (kg/m3 ) approximated by fractal analysis in Eq. (1)
Cs average solute concentration in the solid (mm)
phase (kg/m3 ) R particle radius (m)
Cs0 solute concentration in the solid phase at the Sn number of distinct sites visited in a random
beginning of the experiment (kg/m) walk in fractal analysis (–)
d spectral dimension in fractal analysis (–) t extraction time (s)
dp pore diameter (lm) T process temperature (K)
De effective diffusivity of solute in the solid ma- Tc critical temperature of SC-CO2 (304.1 K)
trix (m/s2 ) Tr reduced temperature of SC-CO2 (–)
Dm mass fractal dimension (–) Us superficial velocity of SCF in the packed bed
Dp average particle size of solid substrate (m/s)
(mm) Vc2 critical volume of the solute (cm3 /mol)
D12 binary diffusion coefficient of solute in SC- z distance from the entrance of the SCF along
CO2 (m2 /s) the packed bed (m)
F factor that accounts for solute–solid interac-
Greek letters
tions in Eq. (7) (–)
e void fraction in the bed (–)
H height of the packed bed (m)
ep void fraction in solid particles (–)
J mass of solute transferred from the solid to
k ratio of solute size to pore diameter (–)
the SCF phase per unit volume of the bed
l viscosity of SC-CO2 (kg/m/s)
(kg/s/m3 )
q density of SC-CO2 (kg/m3 )
kf external solid-SCF mass transfer coefficient
qb apparent density of the packed bed (kg/m3 )
qc critical density of CO2 (468 kg/m3 )
kp overall mass transfer coefficient (m/s)
qr reduced density of CO2 (–)
K solute partition coefficient between the solid
s pellet tortuosity (–)
matrix and SCF phase (–)

recovery increased pronouncedly when pressure in- The densification of vegetable substrates by pelletization
creased from 100–200 to 400 bar (both at 40 C). Daood results in a new microstructure due to the rearrange-
et al. (2002) expanded the conclusions of Gnayfeed et al. ment, fracture and/or plastic deformation of the con-
(2001) for the 35–55 C temperature range, and reported stituent particles which progressively occupy void spaces
a 5-time increase in recovery of carotenoid pigments as a (Stanley-Wood, 1990). Additionally, cell walls and other
result of an increase in pressure from 100 to 400 bar. barriers to mass transfer within the substrate are de-
Ambrogi, Cardarelli, and Eggers (2002) also confirmed stroyed by high shearing forces during pelletization
an improvement in extraction kinetics of carotenoid (Aguilera & Stanley, 1999). Although mass transfer
pigments from paprika with an increase in process rates may decrease as a result of substrate densification,
pressure (300–500 bar), and reported a solubility of 7.5 g this reduction would be partially overcome by the
oleoresin/kg CO2 at 60 C and 300 bar. excellent transport properties of SC-CO2 . Therefore,
SCF extraction processes for solid substrates such as there exists great interest in relating the extractability of
milled red pepper are unfortunately limited to batch a pelletized substrate with its microstructural charac-
operation due to the requirement of high process pres- teristics. del Valle, Jimenez, and de la Fuente (2003)
sures. An alternative to overcome this limitation is investigated the SC-CO2 extraction of Jalape~ no pepper
compacting the raw material so as to increase the load of oleoresin, and suggested that solute was homogeneously
substrate in the extractor (del Valle & Aguilera, 1989; distributed following a multistage pre-treatment con-
del Valle, Jimenez, Napolitano, Zetzl, & Brunner, 2003). sisting of fine grinding, high pressure pelletization, and
E. Uquiche et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 65 (2004) 55–66 57

particle size reduction. However, no microstructural Particle porosity ðep Þ was measured by mercury
evidence was included for this claim. porosimetry in a Micromeritics Pore Sizer 9420 Auto-
Most porous materials are heterogeneous, irregulars, pore III (Micromeritics Instrument Corp., Norcross,
and difficult to describe using Euclidean geometry. GA). Tests required 5-cm3 samples per replicate. The
Several investigations have demonstrated the potential data was acquired using WIN 9400 Series V2.00 soft-
of fractal concepts to quantify heterogeneous and ware from the same company.
irregular forms in nature in general, and food materials Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was done
in particular (Pedreschi, Aguilera, & Brown, 2000; according to del Valle, Jimenez, Napolitano et al.
Quevedo, L opez, Aguilera, & Cadoche, 2002). The (2003). Samples of fresh red pepper tissue and dehy-
motion of a dissolved solute through a porous matrix is drated flakes were fixed using a mixture of formalin,
constrained by the heterogeneity and tortuosity of the acetic acid and aqueous ethanol, and then dehydrated
network. There exist fractal dimensions, which are de- by immersion in a series of aqueous ethanol solutions.
fined in Section 2.2, which allow a quantitative charac- Pellets, on the other hand, were manually and axially
terization of microstructural features of a porous solid pulled from each end until fracture to analyze the ex-
that are relevant for internal mass transfer. posed surface. All samples were dried for 3 h using a
The objective of the present work was to evaluate and critical point dryer technique in a Sorvall 49300 unit
model the effect of particle size, solvent flow rate, and (Sorvall Products, Newtown, CT), and then coated with
pressure on the extraction rate and yield of oleoresin 15 nm of gold-palladium in a Pelco 91000 sputter coater
from pre-pelletized red pepper using SC-CO2 . As part of (Polaron Equipment Ltd., Uckfield, UK). Prepared
our work we propose a methodology based on micros- samples were observed in a Jeol JSM 25 S II scanning
copy, image analysis and other physical tests to quanti- electron microscope (Jeol Ltd., Akishima, Japan) oper-
tatively characterize the microstructure of the porous ated at an accelerating voltage of 30 kV.
substrate, and to relate it to the effective diffusivity of the Light microscopy was done according to del Valle and
solute in the solid matrix. Uquiche (2002). Fresh samples, dehydrated flakes and
pellets were fixed according to aforementioned proce-
dure. Samples were embedded with paraffin prior to
2. Materials and methods cutting thin slices (30-lm thick) using a manual micro-
tome (Jung, Heidelberg, Germany). Paraffin was re-
2.1. Substrate for extraction moved by treating samples with xylol and the staining
was done with safranine and fast green. The images were
Commercial flakes of red pepper (Invertec Foods, obtained by means of an Olympus BX50 light microscope
Rengo, Chile) with a moisture content of 4% w/w (d.b.) (Tokio, Japan), equipped with a JVC TK-1280E video
were used as the substrate. The material was ground in a camera (Yokohama, Japan) utilizing Studio DC10 plus
hammer mill (M2 Assa, Assa Tecnologıa S.A., Santiago, software (Pinnacle System Inc., Braunschweig, Ger-
Chile) with 5-mm openings, and pelletized in a labora- many), and saved in format bitmap (*.bmp). The original
tory pellet mill (California Pellet Mill, Crawfordsville, size of all captured images was the same (1.6 · 1.2 mm2 ).
IN) with 3.5-mm openings. Pellets were grinded in the Fractal analysis was done on binary light microscopy
hammer mill and size-classified in four fractions for images according to Anderson, McBratney, and Fitz-
further analysis: )5/+6 mesh Tyler (3:46 mm < Patrick (1996) to determine fractal parameters Dm and
Dp < 4:00 mm); )6/+14 mesh Tyler (1:19 mm < Dp < d, which are used to describe the heterogeneity of the
3:46 mm); )14/+35 mesh Tyler (0:420 mm < Dp < 1:19 porous space, and the connectedness of a network of
mm); and )35/+100 mesh Tyler (0:149 mm < Dp <0:420 pores, respectively. Since an image in gray level scale can
mm). Samples were packaged in polyethylene bags and be considered as a 2-dimensional surface (Talukar &
stored in a refrigerator (5 C) up to analysis. Acharya, 1995), the quantification method is based on
fractal image texture analysis, which consists on mea-
2.2. Substrate characterization suring the space distribution of the brightness (Liao,
Cavalieri, & Pitts, 1990) using a box-counting method
Pellet apparent density ðqb Þ in a packed bed was (Conci & Proencßa, 1997). Parameter Dm was measured
determined gravimetrically (weighing the material loa- by filling the pore space (sectors in white in binary
ded in a 1-dm3 graduated cylinder) using a standard images) with progressively smaller boxes (called pore m-
tapping procedure. pixels). A pore m-pixel is an m by m square that is fully
Bed porosity ðeÞ of packed beds was estimated contained in the pore area. The size of m begins at 1
according to procedure of Lozano, Rotstein, and Ur- pixel and increases to a maximum of 500 pixels, and
bicain (1980) by measuring qb and the apparent density the number of pore m-pixels was counted in each case.
of finely milled material (weighing the tightly packed Value Dm was estimated as the negative slope of a plot of
powder in a 10-cm3 graduated cylinder). ln [number of pore m-pixels] versus ln½m.
58 E. Uquiche et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 65 (2004) 55–66

Parameter d, on the other hand, is determined on the Oleoresin content of untreated and spent pellet sam-
basis of the number of random walks conducted ples was determined gravimetrically by extraction with
through the pore space. The number of distinct sites technical grade hexane (TCL, Santiago, Chile) to
visited ðSn Þ, is determined with caution to eliminate the exhaustion in a Soxhlet apparatus. Hexane was mostly
repeated sites. Value d is estimated as double the slope recovered in a Fisatom (Sao Paulo, Brasil) rotary
of a plot of ln½Sn  versus ln½n, where n represents the evaporator that was operated with a Gast (Gast Man-
number of necessary stages to complete the path ufacturing Inc., Carlstadt, NJ) vacuum pump, and
(Anderson et al., 1996). residual solvent traces were removed in the oven (2 h
Pellet tortuosity ðsÞ was determined as a function of at 80 C).
Dm and d using the expression proposed by Anderson, Total carotenoid pigment content in oleoresin samples
Crawford, and McBratney (2000): was determined using the spectrophotometric method of
    Jaren-Galan et al. (1999). The extracted oleoresin was
2ðDm  dÞ rc
lnðsÞ ¼ þ Dm  2 ln ð1Þ dissolved in acetone p.a. (TCL, Santiago, Chile) and
d r1 absorbance measurements were performed at 460 nm in
where r1 represents the smallest solid image that can be a Shimadzu UV-160 spectrophotometer (Shimadzu
approximated by fractal analysis, and rc is the charac- Corp., Kyoto, Japan). Pigment concentration was esti-
teristic diameter of the image. mated by using the extinction coefficient in acetone of
capsanthin (E1% ¼ 2300), the most important carotenoid
pigment in red pepper, and the results were expressed in
2.3. Supercritical extraction g carotenoid pigment/kg oleoresin.
Individual carotenoids pigments were quantified using
SCF extraction experiments were carried out the isocratic high performance liquid chromatography
according to del Valle, Jimenez, and de la Fuente (2003), (HPLC) method of Mınguez-Mosquera and Hornero-
by using a Thar Technologies’ (Pittsburgh, PA) SFE-1L Mendez (1993). Extracted oleoresin samples were dis-
process development unit. Extraction experiments were solved in 25 cm3 of hexane p.a. (Merck, Darmstadt,
performed using food grade (99.8% pure) CO2 (AGA Germany), and a 5-cm3 aliquot was saponified by
S.A., Santiago, Chile). Extraction vessels (20-mm addition of methanolic 10% (w/v) KOH solution
internal diameter, 50-cm3 capacity) were placed in a (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). After 12 h at room
convection oven that kept the loaded SC-CO2 phase at a temperature, the saponified pigments were washed
constant extraction temperature of 40 C. Depending on repeatedly with water to neutral conditions (pH ¼ 7),
the particle size, 25–30 g of pelletized substrate sample and filtered through a layer of anhydrous Na2 SO4
was loaded in the extractor. Between 12 and 14 extract (Sigma Chemical Co., Saint Louis, MO). The solvent
aliquots were periodically collected in pre-weighed glass was evaporated to dryness and the pigments were re-
vials (15-cm3 capacity), and the recovered extract was dissolved in 1 cm3 of HPLC grade acetone (Merck,
assessed gravimetrically by difference with cleaned and Darmstadt, Germany). This solution was passed
dried vials. In order to remove water from extract through a filter media with 0.22-lm openings (Millipore,
samples, vials were dried in an oven (Binder WTC, Bedford, MA) prior to injection into the HPLC system.
Tutlingen, Germany) set at 70 C prior to weighing. To The chromatograph consisted of a Merck-Hitachi’s
study the effect of average particle diameter (Dp ¼ 0:273, (Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) L-6200A pump, and a
0.689, 2.92, or 3.90 mm), extractions were conducted at computer-controlled Waters 996 photodiode array
a pressure of 320 bar using a superficial solvent velocity detector with software Millennium 32 both from Waters
ðUs Þ of 0.92 mm/s. The effect of Us (0.57, 0.92 or 1.25 (Milford, MA). The separation was performed using a
mm/s) was studied at 320 bar using Dp ¼ 0:689 mm. Symmetry reversed-phase C-18 column (Waters Corp.,
Finally, the effect of treatment pressure (320, 430, or 540 Milford, MA). A 60:25:15 (v/v) mixture of HPLC grade
bar) was studied for Dp ¼ 0:689 mm and Us  0:90 mm/ acetonitrile, methanol and hexane all from Merck
s. All extraction experiments were performed in dupli- (Darmstadt, Germany) was used as the mobile phase at
cate. a flow rate of 1 cm3 /min. A calibration curve was made
using red pepper pigment standards obtained by thin
2.4. Analysis layer chromatography (TLC) as indicated in next sec-
Moisture content was determined gravimetrically by
drying in the oven (Binder WTC, Tutlingen, Germany) 2.5. Standards for HPLC analysis
at 105 C for 15 h to reach a final constant weight.
Untreated and spent samples were finely ground with a Red pepper carotenoid pigments were isolated using
mortar and pestle prior to analysis of moisture and the method of Mınguez-Mosquera and Hornero-
oleoresin content. Mendez (1993). A 10-g sample of red peppers was sliced
E. Uquiche et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 65 (2004) 55–66 59

and extracted with 30 cm3 of acetone p.a. (Merck, oCf oCf 1  e

Darmstadt, Germany). Following 2 h in the dark, the þ Us ¼ J ð3Þ
ot oz e
extract was filtered through a layer of anhydrous
Na2 SO4 (Sigma Chemical Co., Saint Louis, MO) with oC s
¼ J ð4Þ
addition of acetone until exhaustion of all color. The ot
organic phase was evaporated to dryness in a B€ uchi R- where
205 rotary evaporator (B€ uchi Labortechnik AG, Zurich,  
3kp 1
Switzerland) at 40 C. Pigments were collected in 5 cm3 J¼ C s  Cf ð5aÞ
of cyclohexane p.a. (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany), and
a 1-cm3 aliquot of the cyclohexane solution was frac- Cs
K¼ ð5bÞ
tionated by TLC using 20 · 20 cm2 plates with a 0.7-mm Cfs
thickness layer of silica gel 60 F254 (Merck, Darmstadt, The initial and border conditions for Eqs. (3) and (4)
Germany). A 93:3:2:2 mixture of HPLC grade hexane- were
ethyl acetate-ethanol-acetone all from Merck (Darms-
tadt, Germany) was used as the separation eluent. Sev- Cf ðz; 0Þ ¼ Cf0 ð0 6 z 6 H Þ ð6aÞ
eral bands appeared on the TLC plates which were Cf ð0; tÞ ¼ 0 ðt P 0Þ ð6bÞ
identified according to their chromatographic behavior C s ðz; 0Þ ¼ Cs0 ð0 6 z 6 H Þ ð6cÞ
as capsorubin (red–brown band), capsanthin (intense
red band), capsanthin 5,6 epoxide (red band), zeaxan- These equations were numerically solved using a
thin (yellow–orange band), cryptocapsin (pale red fourth-order Runge–Kutta method implemented in
band), b-cryptoxanthin (yellow band), and b-carotene MATLAB 5.3 (Math Works, Natick, MA). A constant
(yellow–orange band). Each component was scraped partition ðKÞ for the solute between the solid matrix and
from the plate and dissolved in 50 cm3 of ethanol. The SC-CO2 was used that depended only on extraction
concentration of each solution was determined spec- pressure. De was estimated as a function of the binary
trophotometrically (ATI Unicam UV/Vis V3, Cam- diffusion coefficient ðD12 Þ of a relevant solute in SC-CO2 ,
bridge, UK) using corresponding values of molar which depends only on extraction temperature and
extinction coefficients. Finally standard solutions were pressure, and microstructural features of the solid ma-
injected to the HPLC system to identify the retention trix. Values of kf were estimated using the correlation of
time and concentration–absorbance relationship for Tan, Liang, and Liou (1988) for packed beds operating
each pigment. with SCFs.

2.6. Mathematical model 3. Results and discussion

The extraction of packed substrate beds using SCFs 3.1. Characterization of the substrate
can be modeled by integrating differential mass balances
for a section of the fixed bed constituted by vegetable Table 1 summarizes values of apparent density ðqb Þ
particles assumed to be spherical in shape (radius R) (del and porosity ðeÞ for a packed bed as a function of par-
Valle, Napolitano, & Fuentes, 2000). A mass transfer ticle size ðDp Þ. It is clear that as the size of fractured
hypothesis that has been widely applied in literature pellets increases the substrate load of an extraction
considers a linear driving force (LDF) approximation, vessel may increase up to 20% when comparing 0.273-
which is equivalent to assuming a parabolic profile of and 3.90-mm diameter particles. This increase in load
residual solute in the solid matrix (Peker, Srinivasan, density may partially compensate the decrease in mass
Smith, & McCoy, 1992). Using this assumption, intra- transfer rates that was mentioned in the Introduction
particle diffusion ðDe Þ and external mass transfer ðkf Þ and that will be discussed below, so as to allow an in-
effects can be combined in an overall mass transfer crease in volumetric yield (mass of recovered extract, per
coefficient ðkp Þ, defined as:
Table 1
5De kf
kp ¼ ð2Þ Physical properties of the vegetable substrate
5De þ Rkf
Average particle Apparent density Bed porosity ðe; Þ
A derivation and discussion of the LDF model are diameter (Dp , mm) (qb , kg/m3 )
provided by Peker et al. (1992). The differential mass Flakes 155 0.84
balance equations for the SCF in the void spaces of the 0.273 499 0.48
0.689 518 0.46
bed (Eq. (3)) and the solid substrate particles (Eq. (4)) 2.92 591 0.39
were 3.90 601 0.38
60 E. Uquiche et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 65 (2004) 55–66

unit time, and unit volume of extraction vessel) with previous materials. Fig. 1(F), in particular, confirms the
large, dense pellets. It is relevant to indicate that the destruction of the cell walls and presence of free rem-
apparent density of commercial flakes was just 155 kg/ nants of intracellular contents in pelletized samples.
m3 , which underlines the importance of pelletization as a Clearly, the applied pre-treatment freed intracellular
sample pre-treatment to increase the load density by a solutes that were left exposed for extraction.
factor of 4. For the calculation of e an experimental Performance of solvent extraction from porous
value of 970 kg/m3 for the density of the solid was used. matrices depends strongly on the diffusional process
The values of e that are reported in Table 1 were sub- inside the pore network structure of the solid. Different
sequently used for modelling purposes. expressions have been proposed for the effective diffu-
SEM images demonstrate the impact of drying and sivity ðDe Þ in porous solids. Particularly, Eq. (7) has
pelletization on the microstructure of the substrate by been widely accepted for the case of the restricted dif-
comparison of flakes and pellets with intact tissue (Fig. fusion of a component through a liquid phase contained
1). Intact tissue exhibits a cellular structure with the in the pores (Salmas & Androutsopoulos, 2001):
intact cell walls, which would protect the cellular con-
ep F
tents, and hinder the extraction process (Fig. 1(A)). De ¼ D12 ð7Þ
Flakes exhibit collapsed cellular structure due to water s
withdrawal during drying, which was associated with where D12 is the binary diffusion coefficient of the solute
considerable cell wall shrinkage (Fig. 1(B)). The original in the solvent; ep , the particle porosity; F , a restriction
cellular structure was fully lost in pellets (Fig. 1(C)). factor that accounts for solute–matrix interactions; and
The light microscopy images (Fig. 1(D)–(F)) provide s, the tortuosity of the pores. s is an overall index of how
more information about the cellular state of the three intricate the pore structure is, which corrects the dis-

Fig. 1. Microstructural features of red pepper samples: scanning electron microphotographs of (A) intact tissue, (B) air-dried flakes, and (C) air-dried
and pelletized samples; and light microphotographs of (D) intact tissue, (E) air-dried flakes, and (F) air-dried and pelletized samples (bar ¼ 200 lm).
E. Uquiche et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 65 (2004) 55–66 61

tance travelled by the solute considering its sinuous path ment criteria (Fig. 2). Cylindrically shaped pores were
along the pore network. F is less than unity, and de- assumed to estimate the fraction of the total length of
pends on the ratio k of solute size to pore diameter pores having a diameter less than indicated in the hor-
(F ! 1 when k is sufficiently small) (Salmas & And- izontal axis of Fig. 2. There is no matrix effect (F ¼ 1 in
routsopoulos, 2001). Eq. (7)) when a solute moves along macropores, which
The value of ep determined by mercury porosimetry according to the classification of Richardson (1989) are
was 0.17. Pore diameters ranged from 0.004 to 222 lm, >0.03 lm in diameter. Macropores occupy 84% of
and the average diameter varied depending on assess- void space in red pepper pellets, but <0.61% of the
distance that a solute molecule travels along the pore
network belongs to this category (Fig. 2). On the other
hand, a sufficiently small molecule could travel freely
within micropores (<0.03 lm in diameter) depending on
its molecular weight and shape, and the cross sectional
area and shape of the pore. In any case, De values esti-
mated assuming F ¼ 1 in Eq. (7) could overestimate the
effective diffusivity of large solutes in our red pepper
pellet samples.
The light microphotography of a pellet sample (Fig.
1(F)) was transformed in a binary image and subjected
to fractal analysis (Fig. 3). Average values of fractal
parameters were Dm ¼ 1:79 and d ¼ 1:49, that resulted
in an estimate of s ¼ 2:41 for particle tortuosity. Gen-
erally, the tortuosity factor for SCF extraction of solid
substrates ranges from 2 to 8 (Madras, Thibaud, Erkey,
& Akgerman, 1994). St€ uber, Julien, and Recasens (1997)
Fig. 2. Cumulative pore length (percent of total pore length with a pore studied the extraction of aromatic hydrocarbons from
diameter less than dp ) and cumulative pore volume (percent of total
intraparticle void volume with pore diameter less than dp ) as a function
macroporous pellets of well-defined size and shape.
of pore diameter ðdp Þ in red pepper pellet samples as determined in Cumulative extraction profiles were fitted with a
mercury penetrometry assays. shrinking-core model, and abnormally low (<1) values

Fig. 3. Fractal image texture analysis of a light microphotograph of a red pepper pellet sample: (A) image (Fig. 1(F)) in a gray level scale (bar ¼ 200
lm); (B) binary image (same magnification); (C) determination of mass fractal parameter ðDm Þ; and, (D) determination of spectral parameter ðdÞ.
62 E. Uquiche et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 65 (2004) 55–66

of s were estimated from best-fit values of De . The au- 3.2. Supercritical extraction
thors suggested that a surface diffusion phenomenon,
which was not accounted for in their mass transfer Fig. 4(A) shows the effects of sample particle size ðDp Þ
model, could contribute to solute transport in macrop- on the cumulative extraction yields of red pepper oleo-
ores filled with a SCF. These observations are similar to resin (g oleoresin/kg substrate) as a function of the
those of Chou, Wong, and Tan (1997). Thus, low tor- specific solvent mass (kg CO2 /kg substrate). We ob-
tuosity values are common for porous matrices treated served that as Dp increases the extraction rate decreases
with SCFs. so that 1 kg SC-CO2 at 40 C and 320 bar dissolved 6.5,
4.5, 2.1 and 0.80 g of red pepper oleoresin from 0.273-,
0.689-, 2.92- and 3.90-mm diameter particles, respec-
tively. These results could be explained by an increase in
the resistance to mass transfer due to an increase in the
diffusion path within solid particles and a reduction in
the area for mass transfer. When spherical particle
geometry is assumed, the specific surface area ––ap , total
particle surface per unit volume––increases from 750 to
10,990 m1 as Dp decreases from 3.90 to 0.273 mm. This
way, the net effect of an increase in particle size from
0.273 mm ðBi ¼ 19Þ to 3.90 mm ðBi ¼ 170Þ was a shift in
the controlling resistance from external solid-SCF mass
transfer to intraparticle diffusion.
Fig. 4(B) shows the results of cumulative extraction
yield as a function of the specific solvent mass for
experiments performed using different superficial solvent
velocities ðUs Þ. Extraction curves for different values of
Us were superimposed initially, which indicates that
external mass transfer phenomena did not affect
extraction rates. It is suggested that solute partition
between the solid and SCF controls the initial stages of
the extraction process, and the common initial slope of
the plot defines the apparent solubility of red pepper
oleoresin in SC-CO2 at 40 C and 320 bar.
Fig. 4(C) shows the effect of process pressure on
cumulative extraction yields as a function of the specific
solvent mass. Extraction yields increased with an in-
crease in pressure from 320 to 540 bar. This significant
effect of process pressure on extraction rate could be due
to the increase in solubility of red pepper oleoresin in
general, and carotenoid pigments in particular, as the
solvent power of SC-CO2 increases (Ambrogi et al.,
2002; Daood et al., 2002; Gnayfeed et al., 2001; Jaren-
Galan et al., 1999). This increase in solubility would
obviously result in a larger driving force for mass
transfer at high pressure (430–540 bar) than lower
pressure (320 bar).
Red pepper oleoresins are constituted of a mixture of
Fig. 4. Cumulative extraction yield of pre-pelletized red peppers as a light (e.g., fatty oils) and heavy components (e.g., pig-
function of the specific solvent mass using SC-CO2 at 40 C. (A) Effect
ments) (Jaren-Galan et al., 1999; Vesper & Nitz, 1997).
of average particle size (p ¼ 320 bar, Us ¼ 0:92 mm/s) for: ( )
Dp ¼ 0:273 mm; ( ) Dp ¼ 0:689 mm; ( ) Dp ¼ 2:92 mm; The total yield would depend on how much of these two
and, ( ) Dp ¼ 3:90 mm. (B) Effect of superficial solvent velocity fractions are extracted. The extraction of heavy com-
(p ¼ 320 bar, Dp ¼ 0:689 mm) for: ( ) Us ¼ 0:57 mm/s; ponents would be expected to be small at 320 bar be-
( ) Us ¼ 0:92 mm/s; and, ( ) Us ¼ 1:25 mm/s. (C) Effect cause of limited solubility at low pressure. An increment
of process pressure (Dp ¼ 0:689 mm) for: ( ) p ¼ 320 bar
in process pressure to 540 bar would result in an in-
(Us ¼ 0:92 mm/s); ( ) p ¼ 430 bar (Us ¼ 0:90 mm/s); and,
( ) p ¼ 540 bar (Us ¼ 0:87 mm/s). (Open symbols ¼ experi- creased solvent power for heavy components. Based on
mental data points for replicate 1; dot centered symbols ¼ ibid. repli- the experimental data and models of G omez-Prieto,
cate 2.) Caja, and Santa-Marıa (2002), the solubility of b-caro-
E. Uquiche et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 65 (2004) 55–66 63

tene in SC-CO2 at 40 C can be estimated as 1.2 mg/kg carotenoid pigments in oleoresin samples was almost 4
at 320 bar and 1.9 mg/kg at 540 bar, respectively. Cor- times higher using a spectrophotometric than HPLC
responding solubility values for lycopene (red caroten- method due probably to interfering substances or an
oid pigment in tomato) can be estimated as 1.4 and error in the assignation of the extinction coefficient, but
2.6 mg pigment/kg CO2 at 320 and 540 bar, respectively. concentration values reported in Table 2 are comparable
These estimated values suggest an important increase in to those of Ambrogi et al. (2002). Solvent loads of
solubility within our experimental region, but are much carotenoid pigments in SC-CO2 would be higher than
smaller than apparent solubilities of red pepper oleore- solubility values in this case, but it is important pointing
sins measured by others (Ambrogi et al., 2002). Table 2 out that extraction of red pigments may be favored
reports results of carotenoid pigments in red pepper possibly by co-solvency effects of other more soluble
oleoresin as a function of extraction pressure. The total components in the oleoresin, such as triglycerides
content of selected components in oleoresin samples (Bamberger, Eriksson, Cooney, & Kumar, 1988; Nilsson
determined by HPLC was doubled as a result of an in- & Hudson, 1993).
crease in extraction pressure from 320 to 540 bar, which
mimics the increase in the solubility of b-carotene and 3.3. Modelling
lycopene in SC-CO2 with pressure. Indeed, by referring
the total amount of carotenoid pigments that were For modelling of experimental data in Fig. 4(A) and
recovered in oleoresin samples to the total consumption (B) (effect of Dp and Us for SC-CO2 extraction at 40 C
of SC-CO2 , it is possible to estimate a solvent load of and 320 bar), the initial solute concentration in the solid
0.9–2.9 mg pigment/kg CO2 , which is within the range matrix ðCs0 Þ was assumed to be constant. This
of aforementioned solubility values, thus suggesting a assumption is reasonable considering that initial grind-
solubility-controlled extraction of carotenoid pigments. ing to small particle size and subsequent high-pressure
As reported by others (Jaren-Gal an et al., 1999), the pelletization ruptures cell walls to a considerable extent,
ratio of selected red pigments to selected yellow pig- thus freeing solutes from cells, as suggested by micro-
ments increased with pressure from 2.7 at 320 bar, to 3.7 photographs in Fig. 1. The adopted value was
at 430 bar, and to 3.9 at 540 bar, which paralleled the Cs0 ¼ 36:8 g oleoresin/kg substrate based on top yields
experimental observation of light red oleoresins ob- in Fig. 4(A) and (B). Values of Cs0 at 430 and 540 bar
tained with SC-CO2 at 40 C and 320 bar, and oleoresins were estimated as 50.7 and 55.3 g oleoresin/kg substrate,
of a more intense red color obtained with SC-CO2 at 40 respectively, based on experimental data in Fig. 4(C).
C and 430 or 540 bar. The concentration of selected red It was also assumed that the partition of solute be-
pigments in the oleoresin obtained following 4 h tween the solid matrix and SC-CO2 depends only on
extraction of milled red pepper pellets with SC-CO2 at solvent temperature and pressure. Values of Cf0 (the
40 C and 540 bar was comparable to that in a con- concentration of red pepper oleoresin in a saturated SC-
ventional oleoresin sample (Table 2), but the red-to- CO2 phase) were estimated from the initial slope of
yellow ratio was superior in the SCF extract, thus sug- cumulative extraction plots of oleoresin yield versus
gesting a higher selectivity for the extraction of red specific solvent mass as 4.45 g oleoresin/kg CO2 at 320
pigments using CO2 than hexane. The concentration of bar (Fig. 4(A) and (B)), 7.23 g oleoresin/kg CO2 at 430

Table 2
Concentration of carotenoid pigments in red pepper oleoresins obtained with SC-CO2 or Soxhlet extraction with hexane
Pigment concentration Solvent
(g carotenoid pigment/kg oleoresin) SC-CO2 Hexane
(320 bar) (430 bar) (540 bar)
HPLC analysis
Total concentration 3.65 7.01 7.66 9.76
Total concentration of red pigments 2.66 5.53 6.08 6.89
Capsorubin 0.21 0.89 1.10 1.14
Capsanthin 0.75 0.84 0.91 1.07
Capsanthin 5,6 epoxide 0.39 1.33 1.04 1.24
Zeaxanthin 0.94 2.08 2.41 2.61
Cryptocapsin 0.37 0.39 0.62 0.83
Total concentration of yellow pigments 0.99 1.48 1.58 2.87
b-Cryptoxanthin 0.35 0.83 0.89 1.11
b-Carotene 0.64 0.65 0.69 1.76
Spectrophotometric analysis 20.1 27.0 31.6 40.1
(total concentration)
64 E. Uquiche et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 65 (2004) 55–66

bar (Fig. 4(C)), and 8.46 g oleoresin/kg CO2 at 540 bar along the vessel walls, SC-CO2 can circulate faster in this
(Fig. 4(C)). Values of K for the partition of red pepper region, reaching quickly the slow extraction condition
oleoresin between the solid substrate and SC-CO2 were (depleted solute on the particle surface) (del Valle et al.,
subsequently estimated using the procedure proposed by in press). This would help explaining poor fitting of
Reverchon and Marrone (1997) and are reported in experimental data with 2.92- and 3.90-mm diameter
Table 3. particles to model predictions.
It was finally assumed that De depends also only on Considering all the above mentioned uncertainties in
solvent temperature and pressure. De was evaluated the estimation of the effective diffusivity of a represen-
using Eq. (7) and previously reported values of e, s and tative component in pellet samples (D12 , s, F ), a sensi-
F . The value of D12 was estimated as a function of the tivity analysis was carried out to assess the effect of De
reduced temperature ðTr ¼ T =Tc Þ and reduced density on simulated extraction curves (Fig. 5). It is clearly
(qr ¼ q=qc , qc ¼ 468 kg/m3 ) of the solvent, and the observed that a one-order of magnitude decrease in De
molecular weight (MW) and critical volume ðVc2 Þ of a makes fitting of experimental data much worse. Al-
representative solute using the correlation of Catchpole though a worse case scenario was selected for D12 , no
and King (1994). The density ðqÞ of pure CO2 at 40 C large effects were expected when replacing the true dif-
ðTr ¼ 1:03Þ and 320 bar was estimated using Bender’s fusivity in CO2 of triglycerides for that of capsan-
equation of state with parameter values reported by thin. Thus, the value s estimated using fractal image
Brunner (1994). Vc2 , in turn, was estimated using Jo- texture analysis of binary light microscopy images of
back’s modification of Lydersen’s group contribution pellet samples, and the assumed value of F allowed an
method (Poling, Prausnitz, & O’Connell, 2000). D12
ranged from 3.15 · 109 m2 /s for triglycerides
(MW ¼ 885.4 g/mol; Vc2 ¼ 3200 cm3 /mol) to 4.46 · 109
m2 /s for capsanthin (MW ¼ 584.9 g/mol; Vc2 ¼ 1436
cm3 /mol). Triglycerides were used as the representative
solute, so as to obtain De ¼ 2:22
1010 m2 /s. Corre-
sponding values of physical properties were also esti-
mated for SC-CO2 at 40 C and 430 or 540 bar. The
viscosity ðlÞ of pure CO2 at high pressures was esti-
mated using the procedure recommended by Brunner
(1994). Table 3 summarizes experimental conditions,
physical properties of SC-CO2 and red pepper oleoresin,
and model parameters for all experiments.
The agreement between model predictions and
experimental data in Fig. 4(A)–(C) is fair considering
that no fitting parameters were used. The simulation was
less adequate in the transition region from fast to slow
extraction. This behavior can be partially explained by
flow heterogeneity of SC-CO2 inside the extraction
vessel. In general, the porosity of a packed is larger near Fig. 5. Predicted cumulative extraction yield of pre-pelletized red
peppers (Dp ¼ 0:689 mm) as a function of the specific solvent mass
the wall than along the axis, and these differences in
using SC-CO2 at 40 C and 320 bar (Us ¼ 1:25 mm/s) for: ( )
porosity increase as a result of a reduction in the ratio De ¼ 5
1011 m2 /s; (––) De ¼ 2:22
1010 m2 /s; and, (- - -)
between Dp and vessel diameter (i.e., for large particles) De ¼ 1
109 m2 /s. ( ¼ experimental data points for replicate 1;
(Brunner, 1994). When the bed porosity is much larger ¼ ibid. replicate 2.)

Table 3
Experimental conditions, estimated physical properties, and model parameters for SC-CO2 extraction experiments reported in Fig. 4
p (bar) Dp (mm) Us (m/s) · 104 q (kg/m3 ) l (kg/m/s) · 105 D12 (m2 /s) · 109 kf (m/s) · 105 De (m2 /s) · 1010 K (–)
320 0.273 9.20 922 8.90 3.15 3.04 2.22 8.71
320 0.689 5.70 922 8.90 3.15 1.75 2.22 8.71
320 0.689 9.20 922 8.90 3.15 2.60 2.22 8.71
320 0.689 12.5 922 8.90 3.15 3.35 2.22 8.71
320 2.92 9.20 922 8.90 3.15 2.03 2.22 8.71
320 3.90 9.20 922 8.90 3.15 1.94 2.22 8.71
430 0.689 9.04 969 9.98 2.83 2.30 2.00 7.02
540 0.689 8.71 1005 11.1 2.60 2.05 1.83 6.31
E. Uquiche et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 65 (2004) 55–66 65

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tion is that the mathematical model is drastically sim- Lagos, Osorno, Chile) for writing the computer program
plified, the applicability of the proposed model is for fractal image texture analysis, Prof. Gerd Brunner
however limited by the accuracy of the approximation (Technische Universit€at Hamburg-Harburg, Harburg,
for solute concentration gradients in the solid. Errors Germany) for funding of mercury porosimetry mea-
become large in the initial stages of the extraction pro- surements, and Mr. Jerry Wisser (Thar Technologies
cess (Do & Rice, 1986). For extraction processes, the Inc., Pittsburgh, PA) for technical support with SCF
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