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The Foot 18 (2008) 142–149

What is the best method for child longitudinal plantar arch

assessment and when does arch maturation occur?
Andrea Naomi Onodera a,∗ , Isabel Camargo Neves Sacco a , Eliana Harumi Morioka a ,
Priscila Saraiva Souza a , Márcia Regina de Sá b , Alberto Carlos Amadio b
a Laboratory of Biomechanics of Human Movement and Posture, Physical Therapy, Speech and Occupational Therapy Department,
School of Medicine, University of São Paulo, Rua Cipotânia 51, Cidade Universitária, CEP 05360-160, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
b School of Physical Education and Sport, University of São Paulo, Brazil

Received 26 June 2007; received in revised form 15 October 2007; accepted 2 March 2008

Background: The medial longitudinal arch modifies significantly during growth. Nevertheless, authors differ on the age at which the foot
acquires the adult-like shape. The best method to assess this arch in children is also controversial.
Objectives: Characterize the longitudinal arch of children between 3 and 10 years and compare the applicability of five evaluation methods.
Methods: Plantar prints were acquired from 391 healthy preschools children from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. We calculated the
arch indexes of: Cavanagh and Rodgers, Chipaux-Smirak, Staheli and the Alfa Angle, and compared them with the feet posture assessment.
Non-parametric tests were used to compare among methods and ages. Spearman correlation was used to establish relationships among indexes.
Results: 3 and 4 years old showed a high prevalence of low arches (36–86%). Between 4 and 5 years old, significant difference was observed
for all indexes. The indexes presented good correlation among them, although the proportions of the different arch types were different for
each age group (p < 0.001).
Conclusions: The longitudinal arch acquires an adult-like shape progressively, being statistically notorious the moment of medial longitudinal
arch’s formation between 4 and 5 years old. The Chipaux-Smirak Index is the best index to assess children’s feet; it provides a better classification
for lower arches and is easily calculated.
© 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Anthropometry; Foot; Children; Flat foot; Plantar prints

1. Introduction opmental profiles [17]. This way, the MLA tends to be lower
in children (idiopathic flatfoot, or postural flatfoot) but mostly
The medial longitudinal plantar arch (MLA) has essential it is asymptomatic [5]. The MLA accentuates naturally when
functions in foot biomechanics, such as support and absorp- approaching adolescence [1,6–8] with normally no need for
tion of foot impact during walking [1,2]. The increase or orthopedic treatment [9–12]. In children’s feet, the struc-
reduction of MLA (pes cavus or flatfoot, respectively) can tural constituents of the MLA are not completely developed
impair these functions [3] leading to muscular imbalance, and are unprepared to adequately support weight [6,13–16].
articular misalignment, compensatory pronation of foot and One abnormality of the dynamic function of lower limbs
gait abnormalities [4]. would also interfere significantly with pediatric foot align-
The MLA modifies significantly during growth and ment [6]. The MLA of children is also fairly visible because
flexible flatfoot and hypermobility can be considered devel- it is masked by thick adipose padding at the plantar surface
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 11 30918426; fax: +55 11 30917462.
It is known that up to 12 years of age the foot is in a
E-mail addresses: a, (A.N. significant linear growth phase [19–21] which is very intense
Onodera). during the first years of life. Still, different authors differ on

0958-2592/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.N. Onodera et al. / The Foot 18 (2008) 142–149 143

the age at which the foot will acquire the adult-like shape, with In this context, the aim of this work is: to characterize
the MLA formation. For Magee [18], it occurs at 2 years of the MLA in school children, aged from 3 to 10 years old,
age; for Hennig and Rosenbaum [22] at 6 years; for Donatelli using the feet posture assessment (PA) and four classification
and Wolf [15], between 6 and 8 years and for Forriol and methods from plantar print; to compare the applicability of
Pascual [1] at 9 years. the diverse methods of MLA assessment and classification in
On the other hand, an MLA increase, or pes cavus, is evaluating children, considering that these methods were not
infrequent in healthy children and in most cases is associated specifically designed for pediatric use. The following indexes
with neuromuscular disorder [23]. were calculated: AI; CSI; AA; SI.
It is known that anthropometrical foot measures vary
according to the population [16,24,25]. The use of stan-
dards and measures not related to shoe users can result in 2. Methods
discomfort, problems and deformities of the foot [7,26–29].
When the body and feet are still developing, feet and adjacent The sample came from places that take care of children
segments (knees, hip, pelvis, trunk) can be severely mis- in the University of São Paulo, Brazil (Central Day Nursery;
aligned from the ideal posture causing harm. Nevertheless, NURI, Childish Recreation Center; PET, Project of Sport
few studies have been done to obtain anthropometrical data and Talent) in a total of 560 children. To calculate the sample
on children’s foot morphology and even less so in Brazilian minor size, it used a 95% confidence interval and a precision
children. value of 5%. Based on the total of children in the University
The MLA can be assessed in several ways, including of São Paulo, we used the calculation described by Haddad
observation, used in posture assessment, and quantitative [42] resulting in a total of 228 children to be evaluated. This
methods, that involve direct and indirect anthropometrical value summed of 10%, to sample losses, result in 251 children
measuring methods. The clinical evaluation of posture is sub- to be assessed. Therefore, we obtained 391 written informed
jective, thus affecting its use in scientific studies. Moreover, consent by parents or tutors authorizing their children to par-
it does not allow the precise follow-up of the changes on ticipate in the study. Concluding, our sample consisted of
the foot after a postural treatment. Radiographic analysis is 782 plantar prints from volunteer healthy school children
relatively expensive and radiation represents a risk for chil- from São Paulo, of both sexes and ages ranging from 3 to
dren, making it difficult to apply in large-scale studies. Plantar 10 years, whose parents or tutors have given. This written
prints can be easily obtained with a pedograph. They are informed consent and the procedures followed protocol has
an inexpensive, simple, fast, and non-invasive way to obtain been approved by the local ethics committee. The prints were
a permanent register of morphological features of the foot. subdivided in age subgroups. Due to the small number of indi-
The MLA measurement in plantar prints has already been viduals of ages 7 and 8 years they were grouped to form an
correlated with radiographic assessment [30,31] and direct age subset from 7 to 8 years old.
measurement [32,2,33,34] and has been the method of choice Footprints acquisition was performed with a pedograph
in recent works in different populations [26,35–38]. in the bipedal position with bilateral weight bearing. After
Some of the methods already proposed for MLA assess- the plantar prints, the MLA classification variables were cal-
ment using plantar prints are the Cavanagh and Rodgers Arch culated: CSI, SI, AA and AI. During printing acquisition,
Index (AI) [39], the Chipaux-Smirak Index (CSI) [1], the two physiotherapists performed independent PA of the foot
plantar print Alpha Angle (AA) [40], and the Staheli Index in a child in the bipedal position with bilateral symmetric
(SI) [8] and they presented a good repeatability [33] and reli- weight bearing, while watching the horizon. It was evaluated
ability inter- and intra-observer [2]. Nevertheless, studies are the height of the medial border of the feet (medial longitu-
few and inconclusive with respect to the correlation between dinal arch) to the ground according with the experience of
these methodologies [33,34] and their application in differ- each physiotherapist, without discussion among them dur-
ent populations. In children, the presence of soft tissues and ing the evaluation, and the MLA was classified as low when
fat pad under the plantar skin mask the age of MLA forma- the medial border reached or was very close to the ground,
tion, due to the influence of fat mass on the midfoot area and high when the medial border was far from the ground and
arch index [41]. There is an agreement that foot and MLA normal when it was between the other two observations.
develop gradually according with the time, but when exactly? The inter-observer (physiotherapist) assessment was concor-
The objective assessment of these indexes and the character- dant in 99% of cases. There were collected two footprints
ization of MLA in children of different age groups would be for each foot, so each variable was calculated twice, and
very useful to orthopedic technicians and shoemakers for the the indirect measurements were performed by one appraiser,
manufacture of ergonomic shoes. Health professionals such with the ICC of 97%. The aim of the study did not include
as physical therapists and orthopedists could also benefit by the reliability inter- or intra-observer because these mea-
having parameters to verify if development is as expected surements were already validated for adults in the literature
for age, and reliable methods to observe patient evolution [1,2,8,39,40].
or to objectively compare evaluations performed by different The CSI is the ratio between the smallest length of
professionals. mid-foot and the largest length of the metatarsal heads
144 A.N. Onodera et al. / The Foot 18 (2008) 142–149

Fig. 1. Graphical illustration of lines used for the calculation of CSI.

CSI = b/a; in which (CSI) Chippaux-Smirak Index; (a) maximal width of Fig. 2. Graphical illustration of lines used for the calculation of SI. SI = b/c;
the metatarsal print; (b) minimal width of the MLA’s area, being (b) parallel in which (SI) Staheli Index; (b) minimal width of the MLA’s area; (c)
to (a). maximal width of the heel print, being (c) parallel to (b).

regions (Fig. 1). Five categories are described for the MLA into an ordinal scale). For the MLA proportions compari-
classification according to CSI—0%: foot with elevated son between ages, for each index, the χ2 -test for multiple
arch; 0.1–29.9%: foot with a morphological normal arch; responses was used. Correlations were classified as two-by-
30–39.9%: intermediate foot; 40–44.9%: foot with a lowered two by the Spearman correlation test because of the ordinal
arch; 45% or higher: flatfoot [1]. nature of the MLA classification. For comparison between
The SI is the ratio between the smallest length of the mid- classifications performed by each index, the MLA subclasses
foot and the largest length of the heel (Fig. 2). Values between were made uniform in the following ordinal scale—1: low
two standard deviation from mean, i.e. between 0.44 and 0.89 MLA, 2: normal MLA, and 3: high MLA. The flatfeet, low-
[8], were considered as normal values. ered and intermediate arch heights were grouped inside the
The AA is the angle formed between the line that joins classification 1. For every analysis the significant level was
the most medial point of the metatarsal heads region with the lower than 5% (α < 0.05). Because of the statistical simi-
apex of the concavity of MLA print and the internal tangent of larities between sexes (t test, p = 0.23), boys and girls were
the plantar print (Fig. 3). The MLA is classified in: 0–29.9◦ , analyzed together among age groups.
low arch; 30–34.9◦ , dropped arch; 35–41.9◦ , intermedi-
ate arch; 42–46.9◦ , normal arch; above 47◦ , elevated arch
[1]. 3. Results
The AI is obtained from the ratio between the mid-
foot area and the total foot area, excluding the toe area Table 1 shows the sample distribution in terms of height,
(Fig. 4). The MLA is classified as follows: AI < 0.21: elevated corporal mass and percentage of males as a function of age
MLA, 0.22 < AI < 0.26: normal MLA, AI > 0.26: low MLA in the studied sample (n = 391 children).
[38]. When comparing the obtained index values through devel-
Variables were described in terms of mean, standard opment from 3 to 10 years old a similarity between 3 and 4
deviation, standard error and percentages distribution. The years of age; between 5 and 6 years of age; between 6 and
differences among ages were analyzed for each method by 7–8 years of age and between 9 and 10 years of age was
the Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA tests after verifying the non- observed in CSI (Fig. 5), SI (Fig. 6), AA (Fig. 7), and AI
normality by the Shapiro–Wilks test. Differences between (Fig. 8). Thus, between the closest ages, indices classified
methods in each age group were analyzed by the Friedman the feet in a similar manner. Nevertheless, 4 and 5-year-old
ANOVA test (the different types of MLA were converted subjects showed differences between them. When CSI and
A.N. Onodera et al. / The Foot 18 (2008) 142–149 145

Fig. 4. Graphical illustration of footprint length division into three equal

areas for the calculation of AI (L/3). AI, the ratio of the area of the
middle third of the toe less footprint to the total toeless footprint area
(M/(F + M + R)); in which AI, Arch Index; F, forefoot area; M, midfoot
area; R, rear foot area.

of low MLA at 3 years of age was statistically higher with

respect to every other age, and for every index except for the
comparison with the groups of 5 and 6 years of age for SI
Fig. 3. Graphical illustration of points and lines used for the calculation of
AA, in which α is the angle between the medial borderline of the footprint and 7–8 years for PA.
and the line connecting the most medial point of metatarsal region and the Similarly to the 3-year-old group, the 4-year-old group
apex of the concavity of the MLA (modified from Forriol and Pascual [1]). showed a statistically higher proportion of low MLA when
compared to other groups for most indices. The exception
SI were assessed by age, 7–8- and 9-year-old groups were was for PA in which 4-year-old subjects showed differences
similar. In relation to CSI, SI, and AA there were similarities only with respect to 9-year-old children.
between the 5 and 7–8 age groups. The other comparisons We observed that 5-year-old subjects showed very similar
were statistically different. MLAs to those obtained in 6- and 7–8-year olds, except while
When the association between ages was studied on the comparing the proportion of low MLA with the 7–8 group
basis of the MLA ordinal classification scale, it was observed for SI (higher proportion of low MLA in 5-year-old group).
that ages 3 and 4 were very similar with a statistically sig-
nificant difference only for the MLA proportion classified as
low for PA (higher at the 3 years old group). The two groups
were very different respect to the others. The relative amount

Table 1
Height, body mass and percentage of males by age (n = 391)
Age (years) n Body mass (kg) Height (cm) Males (%)
mean ± S.D.a mean ± S.D.a
3 32 15.1 ± 1.8 95.3 ± 3.3 37.5
4 73 18.4 ± 3.5 104.6 ± 5.4 45.2
5 62 20.3 ± 3.8 110.8 ± 6.0 33.9
6 74 21.7 ± 3.2 115.7 ± 5.4 48.6
7 23 22.0 ± 2.1 122.1 ± 5.4 65.2
8 9 31.1 ± 6.9 131.8 ± 6.8 22.2
9 83 33.2 ± 7.3 140.3 ± 35.1 54.2
10 35 38.5 ± 11.4 141.3 ± 8.0 62.9
a S.D., standard deviation. Fig. 5. MLA development by mean of the CSI.
146 A.N. Onodera et al. / The Foot 18 (2008) 142–149

In 6- and 7–8-year-old groups, similar proportions of low

MLA for every index were verified, except for CSI and SI in
which a higher proportion occurred in the 6-year-old group.
Six-year old children showed a higher proportion of low MLA
than 9-year-old children for CSI, SI and AA and than the
10-year-old children for CSI, SI, AA, and AI.
The 7–8-year group showed a higher amount of low MLA
than the 9-year-old children for AA and AI and than the 10-
year-old children for CSI, AA and AI. Nine-year-old children
already showed a higher proportion of low MLA for CSI, SI,
and AI than 10-year-old children.
The indices showed clear and significant correlations
between each other (R above 0.75, p < 0.001) except for SI
and AA with AI.
The comparison of different methods of MLA assessment
showed (with the Friedman ANOVA test) that indices usually
determine low, normal or high arch in different proportions
Fig. 6. MLA development by mean of the SI. for each age group (p < 0.001) (Table 2).
While comparing the proportions of the three MLAs by
index it was observed that in 3-year-old children there was
no concordance between SI and CSI; SI and AA; SI and
AI; PA and AI. For 4-year-old children all comparisons were
different except between CSI and AA; SI and PA. For 5-
year olds, only CSI and AA; PA and SI; PA and AI showed
similarities in proportions of the three MLAs. In 6-year-old

Table 2
Distribution of MLA types for each MLA evaluation method by age: low,
normal and high
Age Arch type CSIa (%) SIb (%) PAc (%) AAd (%) AIe (%)
3 Low 82.8 21.9 75.9 85.9 81.0
Normal 14.1 73.4 10.3 14.1 17.5
Fig. 7. MLA development by mean of the AA. High 3.1 4.7 13.8 0 1.6
4 Low 85.6 30.8 40.5 83.6 71.0
With respect to the 9- and 10-year-old subjects, the 5-year- Normal 11.6 65.1 38.1 16.4 18.6
old group showed a higher proportion of low MLA for every High 2.7 4.1 21.4 0 10.3
index, except for CSI (9-year olds) and for PA (10-year olds), 5 Low 62.4 15.2 39.5 70.4 52.8
where MLAs were similar. Normal 33.6 75.2 36.8 29.6 28.0
High 4.0 9.6 23.7 0 19.2
6 Low 67.6 12.8 34.1 64.9 48.6
Normal 25.7 73.6 47.7 35.1 31.5
High 6.8 13.5 18.2 0 19.9
7/8 Low 62.5 3.1 60.0 62.5 60.9
Normal 34.4 82.8 20.0 37.5 21.9
High 3.1 14.1 20.0 0 17.2
9 Low 56.6 6.0 19.4 36.1 39.2
Normal 34.3 74.7 50.0 63.9 27.7
High 9.0 19.3 30.6 0 33.1
10 Low 42.9 5.7 21.4 32.9 21.4
Normal 52.9 74.3 57.1 67.1 52.9
High 4.3 20.0 21.4 0 25.7
a CSI, Chipaux-Smirak Index.
b SI, Staheli Index.
c PA, Postural assesment.
d AA, Alfa angle.
Fig. 8. MLA development by mean of the AI. e AI, Arch Index.
A.N. Onodera et al. / The Foot 18 (2008) 142–149 147

children, the PA and SI; PA and AA; PA and AI were similar. MLA decreases up to 10 years of age, but in a less obvious
There was a statistically significant difference between SI way than in children between 4 and 5 years of age. These
and CSI; SI and AA; SI and AI for 7–8-year-old subjects. At results confirmed that the prevalence of flatfoot decreases
9 years of age, a similarity was only seen between PA and significantly with age as Pfeiffer et al. [12] also observed and
SI; PA and AA. At 10-years of age, there was a concordance in this study 54% of the 3-year-old children presented low
between AA and PA; AA and AI; AA and SI; SI and PA. MLA, while only 24% of the 6-year-old children showed
this type of MLA.
Altogether with the decline in low MLA prevalence, a pro-
4. Discussion gressive increase in the relative amounts of normal MLA was
observed, showing that its formation occurred in a physiolog-
In every index a progressive increase of the MLA con- ical and gradual way. This points out that there is no need to
cavity in parallel to the growth and development of children use therapeutic measures in children with non-symptomatic
between 3 and 10 years of age confirming what El et al. flatfeet, in accordance to other studies [10,11]. Even in sub-
[17] observed when studying the SI. Meanwhile, between jects with low MLA that report foot or tibia pain, the use
contiguous ages, such as 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 6 and 7/8, there of supportive shoes can be enough to lessen symptoms [11],
were no differences except between 4 and 5 years of age, probably due to a better distribution of plantar pressure [44].
and 7–8 and 9 years of age. Probably because between the On the other hand, the prevalence of high MLA was relatively
age of 4 and 5 important changes are occurring in foot con- small in all age groups, as expected [23].
formation with significant increases in MLA. After 6 years, Among the studied indexes the PA was the least sensitive
the arch maturation continues, but in slower velocity until 10 to identify changes in ALM, discriminating only the 3-year-
years old. Although the statistical differences seen between old group from to the others, and was the only one unable
4 and 5 years, in these age groups the mean of indexes clas- to detect changes in MLA from that age on. This is mainly
sify the MLA as low. According to the CSI and AA, the due to the fact that it is a subjective variable that depends on
means classify the MLA as normal only after 9 years old. the experience of tester in evaluating children feet and with
All means were classified as normal MLA for the SI. The AI few available parameters to identified subtle changes in con-
defined two distinct groups of means: the age groups of 3, formation and classification of MLAs. The recommendation
4, 5 and 7/8 presented low MLA, and 6, 9 and 10 presented to complement this assessment by other anthropometrical
it as normal. The 7–8-year-old group is potentially the most method is thus reinforced.
heterogeneous enclosing a higher age interval and thus can We confirmed that MLA maturation is depicted similarly
deviate from the general tendency of other groups, as seen by the different indexes and that low MLA ratio is also sim-
in CSI and AI values progression, which deviates from the ilar for most indexes in every age group. Moreover, indexes
general tendency of index decrease with growth. Therefore, showed good correlation between them. Meanwhile, the dis-
the differences seen between 7–8 and 9 years of age were not tribution in low, normal and high MLA in every age group
taken in consideration. points to a great divergence in the assessment and classifica-
For the Contac II index, Volpon [21] observed a simi- tion methods used in this study. Most comparisons between
lar behavior recording an important index decline (that is an indices showed similarities in several age groups, neverthe-
increase in MLA) between 2 and 6 years of age, a slower less in a non-consistent way. It is remarkable that the SI
decline between 6 and 10 years of age and stabilized values was found to be quite different than CSI, AA and AI. These
from that age on. This suggests that for the variables assessed divergences should be considered in the interpretation and
in this work, few index alterations would be observed after comparison of studies that use these indices since one simi-
10 years of age. The supposition that at 2 years [18], 6 years lar population can show variations in the distribution of MLA
[22] or between 6 and 8 years [8] of age the MLA would depending on the elected method for its evaluation.
already be formed seems to be wrong. The lack of concordance between methods can be due to
Analyzing the distribution and classification of the MLA differences in criteria established by each author for MLA
over the age groups, the low MLA proportion was similar classification. The normal MLA classification in SI included
for every index between 3 and 4 years old, except for PA. the values within two standard errors, to one side or the other
In those groups a fairly high prevalence of flatfeet (between of the mean value, considering the sample of this study and
35.9% and 85.9% depending on the index) was observed, after the descriptions of Staheli et al. [8]. Thus, for the SI there
significantly higher than in other groups. Another study, in was a higher prevalence of normal MLA even in younger
which CSI, AA, and SI were applied in children [26], also children.
verified that in this age group most subjects had flatfeet. Lin et On the other hand, for AI classification we considered the
al. [6] also observed a high prevalence of low MLA between 3 limited values for the different MLAs depicted by Cavanagh
and 4 years of age (40%). In this age groups great alterations and Rodgers [38]. These authors considered as normal the
in the gait pattern [32], which could be reflected in the MLA MLA values to those between the first and third quartile cal-
conformation [43], would be occurring, similarly to that in culated for a population of adults that showed MLAs more
adults [22]. Among the oldest children, the proportion of low accentuated in relation to children. In this way, the tendency
148 A.N. Onodera et al. / The Foot 18 (2008) 142–149

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