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Nama : Reyhana Almira Rahma

NIM : 1409025014

No B (m) H (m)
13 5.45 6

Diketahui :
Lebar tanpa trotoar = 6m
Tebal plat beton = 30 cm = 0.3 m
Tebal perkerasan = 10 cm = 0.1 m
Fy = 2400 kgf/cm2 setara ASTM 36
Ltotal =
Bj Aspal = 2000 kgf/cm2
Bj Air = 1000

1. Pemeriksaan Gelagar Memanjang

A. Pembebanan

Beban Mati
Berat Sendiri gelagar = = 41.4
Berat plat beton = 0,3 x 2 x 2400 = 1440
Berat perkerasan = 0,1 x 2 x 2000 = 400
Berat genangan air = 0,05 x 2 x1000 = 100

qd = 19.430896 kn
pd none

Beban Hidup
Beban lalu lintas menurut BMS' 92 untuk L< 30 m
Beban tersebar merata (UDL) q adalah : q= 8 kN/m²
Beban garis (KEL), P adalah P= 44 kN/m

qL = 8x2 = 16 kN/m
pL = 44 x 2 = 88 kN
B. Pemilihan Profil Memanjang

Sectional Weight Geometrical Momen Radius of Gyration Modulus of Section

Designation Dimension (mm) Area (cm2) Kg/m of Inertia (cm4) of Area (cm) (cm3)
Nominal Code H B t1 t2 r Ix Iy Ix Iy Wx Wy
- - 346 174 6 9 14 52.68 41.4 11100 792 14.5 3.88 641 91

Konversi ke sistem satuan AISC

Sectional Weight Geometrical Momen Radius of Gyration Modulus of Section

Designation Dimension (mm) Area (cm2) Kg/m of Inertia (in4) of Area (cm) (cm3)
Nominal Code H B t1 t2 r Ix Iy Ix Iy Wx Wy
- - 13.62 6.85 0.24 0.35 0.551 8.1654163 41.4 266.678566 19.027876 5.7086614 1.5275591 39.11622 5.5531607

Cek syarat balok : ℎ/𝑡�≤970/√�� 346 970 162

= 57.67 ≤ =

Cek syarat kelangsingan h/tw

Elemen λ λp λr Elemen λ λp λr a. Penampang compact : l £ lp
Flange �_𝑓/ 〖 2𝑡 〗 _𝑓65/√(𝑓_𝑦 ) 141/√(𝑓_𝑦−10) Flange b. Penampang non-compact : lp < l £ lr
(sayap) (sayap)
9.6667 10.8333333 27.652375 c. Penampang langsing : l > lr
Web ℎ/𝑡_� 640/√(𝑓_𝑦 ) 970/√(𝑓_𝑦 )
Web (badan)
57.7 106.666667 161.66667
λ ≤ λp = profil dikategorikan kompak

C. Perhitungan Momen Terfaktor

Lp ≤ 300. ry 545 cm x 0.39370079 = 215 in ≤ 300 x 5.7086614 285.43307 in

√fy 6

untuk Lb < Lp = Mp = 1,5 * Fy

Mp = 1,5 x (Fy x Sx) = 1,5 x (36 x Wx) = 2112.276 kip-in= 238.65513 kN-m

Mu ≤ ∅ Mn = 0.9 x 238.65513 = 214.7896162983 kN.m

D. Momen Terfaktor
Momen maksimum terfaktor L = 5.45 m

M max = Mmax-d + 1,1 ((𝑞_𝑑

Mmax-l = 𝐿^2)/8)+2,0 ((𝑞_𝑑 𝐿^2)/8+(𝑃_𝐿 𝐿)/4)

= 1,1 [0,125 ( 19.5 ) ( 5,45)2] + 2.0 [0,125 ( 16 ) ( 5,45)2 + 0,25 ( 88 ) (5,45)]

= 1,1 ( 72.40 ) + 2,0 ( 119.9 )
= 319.439828 <

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