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Genesis 6

(Reading Chapter 6)
Human Wickedness

6 When people had spread all over the world, and daughters were
being born, 2 some of the heavenly beings saw that these young
women were beautiful, so they took the ones they liked. 3 Then the
LORD said, “I will not allow people to live forever; they are mortal. From
now on they will live no longer than 120 years.”
4 In those days, and even later, there were giants on the earth who

were descendants of human women and the heavenly beings. They

were the great heroes and famous men of long ago.
5 When the LORD saw how wicked everyone on earth was and how evil

their thoughts were all the time, 6 he was sorry that he had ever made
them and put them on the earth. He was so filled with regret 7 that he
said, “I will wipe out these people I have created, and also the animals
and the birds, because I am sorry that I made any of them.” 8 But the
LORD was pleased with Noah.
9-10Thisis the story of Noah. He had three sons, Shem, Ham, and
Japheth. Noah had no faults and was the only good man of his time.
He lived in fellowship with God, 11 but everyone else was evil in God's
sight, and violence had spread everywhere. 12 God looked at the world
and saw that it was evil, for the people were all living evil lives.
13 God said to Noah, “I have decided to put an end to all people. I will

destroy them completely, because the world is full of their violent

deeds. 14 Build a boat for yourself out of good timber; make rooms in it
and cover it with tar inside and out. 15 Make it 450 feet long, 75 feet
wide, and 45 feet high. 16 Make a roof for the boat and leave a space
of 18 inches between the roof and the sides. Build it with three decks
and put a door in the side. 17 I am going to send a flood on the earth to
destroy every living being. Everything on the earth will die, 18 but I will
make a covenant with you. Go into the boat with your wife, your sons,
and their wives. 19-20 Take into the boat with you a male and a female
of every kind of animal and of every kind of bird, in order to keep them
alive. 21 Take along all kinds of food for you and for them.”
22 Noah did everything that God commanded.

Chapter 6


Spread over: …을 펴다, 펼치다, 벌리다, 뻗다, 늘이다(out)[on, over].

heavenly: 하늘의, 천공(天空)의.
The heavenly beings: 하나님의 아들들.
Beautiful: 아름다운, 고운

When people had spread all over the world, and daughters were being born, 2 some of
the heavenly beings saw that these young women were beautiful, so they took the ones
they liked.

1-2 사람들이 전 세계로 퍼져나갔을 때 (When people had spread all over the
world), 그리고 (사람들의) 딸들이 태어났을 때(and daughters were being born),
몇몇의 하나님의 아들들은 그 젊은 여자들이 아름다움을 보았고(some of the
heavenly beings saw that these young women were beautiful) 그래서 그들은 (하나
님의 아들들은) 그들이 좋아하는 여자들을 취했다 (so they took the ones they

다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen

carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)

1-2. When people had spread all over the world, and daughters were being born, 2 some
of the heavenly beings saw that these young women were beautiful, so they took the
ones they liked.
단어 보기

Allow:…을 허락하다; 허가하다; …시키다, …하도록 내버려 두다.

Forever: 영구히, 영원히
Mortal: 죽을 운명의, 죽어야 할, 죽음을 면할 수 없는
Giant: 거인.
Descendant: 자손, 후예, 후손
Heroes: 영웅, 용사; 영웅시 되는 사람; 이상적 인물, 위인.
Famous: 유명한, 이름난, 잘 알려진[for, as].
Of long ago: 옛날의

3 Then the LORD said, “I will not allow people to live forever; they are mortal. From
now on they will live no longer than 120 years.”
4 In those days, and even later, there were giants on the earth who were descendants of
human women and the heavenly beings. They were the great heroes and famous men of
long ago.

3 그리고 나서 하나님께서 말씀하셨다(Then the Lord said), “나는 사람들이 영원

히 사는 것을 허락하지 않을 것이다(I will not allow people to live forever); 그들
은 죽어야 할 운명의 인간이다(they are mortal). 지금부터는, 사람은 120 년 보다
더 오래 살지는 못할 것이다 (From now on they will live no longer than 120
years).” 4 그 무렵, 땅 위에는 거인들이 있었다(In those days, and even later, there
were giants on the earth) 그들은 사람의 여자와 하나님의 아들들의 후손들이었
다(who were descendants of human women and the heavenly beings). 그들은 옛날
의 위대한 영웅들이었고 유명한 남자들이었다 (They were the great heroes and
famous men of long ago).
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
3 Then the LORD said, “I will not allow people to live forever; they are mortal. From
now on they will live no longer than 120 years.”
4 In those days, and even later, there were giants on the earth who were descendants of
human women and the heavenly beings. They were the great heroes and famous men of
long ago.

Wicked: 나쁜, 사악한, 부도덕한, 무도한, 못된, 행실이 고약한

evil:(도덕적으로) 나쁜, 사악한, 악질의
thoughts: 생각하기; 사고[사색] 활동의 소산, 사상 think의 과거·과거분사
put: <장소의 부사(구)와 함께>(어떤 장소에) …을 놓다, 두다, 얹다, 넣다..
filled with: (마음이 …감정으로) 가득 차다[with].
Regret: 후회, 뉘우침
Wipe out.: ① ~을 닦아내다. ② [얼룩 따위]를 빼다; [치욕]을 씻다, 설욕하다; [부
채]를 청산하다. ③ ~을 파괴하다; ~을 일소하다.④ ~을 죽이다, 없애다.
Be pleased with: >(…을) 기뻐하다, (…이) 마음에 들다[about, at, with];

5 When the LORD saw how wicked everyone on earth was and how evil their thoughts
were all the time, 6 he was sorry that he had ever made them and put them on the earth.
He was so filled with regret 7 that he said, “I will wipe out these people I have created,
and also the animals and the birds, because I am sorry that I made any of them.” 8 But
the LORD was pleased with Noah.

5-8 하나님께서 보았을 때 (When the Lord saw) 이 땅 위에 있는 사람들이 얼마

나 사악한지(how wicked everyone on earth was) 그리고 그들의 생각들이 항상
얼마나 악한지 (and how evil their thoughts were all the time), 하나님은 후회하셨
습니다(he was sorry that) 하나님께서 사람을 만드신 것을(he had ever made
them) 그리고 사람들을 이 땅에 두신 것을(put them on the earth). 하나님께서
는 후회하시며 말씀하셨습니다(He was so filled with regret that he said), “나는
내가 만든 이 사람들을 멸망시킬 것이다(I will wipe out there people I have
created) 그리고 또한 동물들과 새들도 (멸망시킬 것이다)(and also the animals
and the birds), 왜냐하면 나는 내가 그들을 만든 것을 후회하기 때문이다
(because I am sorry that I made any of them).” 그러나 하나님께서 노아를 기뻐하
셨다(But the Lord was pleased with Noah).
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)

5 When the LORD saw how wicked everyone on earth was and how evil their thoughts
were all the time, 6 he was sorry that he had ever made them and put them on the earth.
He was so filled with regret 7 that he said, “I will wipe out these people I have created,
and also the animals and the birds, because I am sorry that I made any of them.” 8 But
the LORD was pleased with Noah.

story: 이야기[about, of];
faults: (…의) 결점, 단점, 결함, 흠[in].
of his time: 그가 살던 시대의
fellowship: (같은) 친구임; 교제, 친교, 친목; <고어> 우정 friendly companionship.

9-10 This is the story of Noah. He had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Noah had
no faults and was the only good man of his time. He lived in fellowship with God,

9-10 이것은 노아에 대한 이야기이다 (This is the story of Noah). 노아는 세 아들

이 있었다 (He had three sons), 셈, 함 그리고 야벳이었다(Shem, Ham and
Japheth). 노아는 흠이 없고(Noah had no faults) 그리고 그가 살던 시대에 유일
한 좋은 사람이었다 (and was the only good man of his time). 그는 하나님과 교
제하며 살았다 (He lived in fellowship with God),
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
9-10This is the story of Noah. He had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Noah had
no faults and was the only good man of his time. He lived in fellowship with God,

Sight: 보기, 보임; 언뜻 보기, 일견, 일별, 일람
violence : 격렬함, 맹렬함

11 but everyone else was evil in God's sight, and violence had spread everywhere. 12
God looked at the world and saw that it was evil, for the people were all living evil

11-12 그러나 그 밖에 다른 사람은 하나님 보시기에 악했다 (but everyone else

was evil in God’s sight) 그리고 폭력은 모든 곳에 만연했다(and violence had
spread everywhere). 하나님께서 세상을 보셨다(God looked at the world) 그리고
이세상이 악한 것을 보셨다(and saw that it was evil), 왜냐하면 사람들이 모두 악
한 삶을 살고 있었기 때문이다(for the people were all living evil lives).
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
11 but everyone else was evil in God's sight, and violence had spread everywhere. 12
God looked at the world and saw that it was evil, for the people were all living evil

Put an end to: 끝내다. 다 쓸어 버리다.
Destroy: ~을 파괴하다, ~을 멸하다.
completely : 완전히, 철저히; 충분히; 전적으로; 완벽하게
Violent deed: 폭력, 폭력적인 행동
Build: …을 짓다, 세우다, 건축[건설, 건립]하다
Timber: 건축용) 재목, 목재
Cover with: …을 (…으로) 덮다, 싸다, 가리다, …의 덮개가 되다(up)[with, by, in].
Tar: (동) …에 타르를 칠하다. (명) 타르, 역청
Inside: 의 안쪽에, …의 내부에

13 God said to Noah, “I have decided to put an end to all people. I will destroy them
completely, because the world is full of their violent deeds. 14 Build a boat for yourself
out of good timber; make rooms in it and cover it with tar inside and out.

13 하나님께서 노아에게 말씀하셨다 (God said to Noah), “나는 모든 사람들을 다

쓸어버리기로 결심했다(I have decided to put an end to all people). 나는 사람들
을 완전히 멸할 것이다(I will destroy them completely), 왜냐하면 이세상은 사람
들의 폭력으로 가득하기 때문이다 (because the world is full of their violent
deeds). 14 좋은 목재로 너를 위하여 배를 만들어라 (Build a boat for yourself out
of good timber); 그 배에 방들을 만들어라(make rooms in it) 그리고 타르로 안과
밖을 덮으라 (칠하라) (and cover it with tar inside and out).
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
13 God said to Noah, “I have decided to put an end to all people. I will destroy them
completely, because the world is full of their violent deeds. 14 Build a boat for yourself
out of good timber; make rooms in it and cover it with tar inside and out.

Feet: 피트(12 inches, 1/3 yard, 30.48cm).
Long: (거리•물건이) 긴, 길쭉한.
Wide: 폭이 넓은
Roof: 지붕
Inches: 인치(길이의 단위; 1/12 피트, 2.54cm; in.; ″).
Deck: 갑판

15 Make it 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. 16 Make a roof for the boat
and leave a space of 18 inches between the roof and the sides. Build it with three decks
and put a door in the side.

15 배를 길이가 450 피트, 넓이가 75 피트 그리고 높이는 45 피트가 되도록 만들

어라 (Make it 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high). 배에 지붕을 만들어라
(Make a roof for the boat) 그리고 지붕과 옆면 사이에 18 인치의 공간을 두어라
(창문을 만들어라) (and leave a space of 18 inches between the roof and the sides).
배를 삼층으로 만들어라(Build it with three decks) 그리고 배 옆에 문을 내어라
(and put a door in the side).
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
15 Make it 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. 16 Make a roof for the boat
and leave a space of 18 inches between the roof and the sides. Build it with three decks
and put a door in the side.


Be going to: ~할 예정이다

Flood: 홍수
Living being: 생명체, 생물.
Covenant: 계약, 서약, 언약
17 I am going to send a flood on the earth to destroy every living being. Everything
on the earth will die, 18 but I will make a covenant with you. Go into the boat with your
wife, your sons, and their wives.

17 나는 홍수를 이 땅 위에 보낼 것이다 (I am going to send a flood) 모든 생물을

멸하기 위하여 (to destroy every living being). 땅 위에 있는 모든 것들은 죽을 것
이다(Everything on the earth will die), 그러나 나는 너와 언약을 맺을 것이다
(but I will make a covenant with you). 배 안으로 들어가라 (Go into the boat) 너의
아내와 너의 아들들과 그리고 그들(아들들)의 아내들과 (같이 배로 들어가라)
(with your wife, your sons, and their wives).
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
17 I am going to send a flood on the earth to destroy every living being. Everything on
the earth will die, 18 but I will make a covenant with you. Go into the boat with your
wife, your sons, and their wives.

A male and a female of every kind of animal: 모든 종류의 동물들의 암컷과 수컷
Commanded: …을[에게] 명령하다, 명하다

19-20 Take into the boat with you a male and a female of every kind of animal and of
every kind of bird, in order to keep them alive. 21 Take along all kinds of food for you
and for them.” 22 Noah did everything that God commanded.

19-22 너와 함께 배 안으로 데리고 들어가라 (Take into the boat with you) 모든
종류의 동물과 모든 종류의 새들의 (한 마리의) 암컷과 (한 마리의) 수컷을 (데리
고 들어가라) (a male and a female of every kind of animal and of every kind of
bird), 그것들을 살리기 위해서 (in order to keep them alive). 너와 그것들을 위해
서 모든 종류의 음식을 가지고 들어가라 (Take along all kinds of food for you and
for them). 노아는 하나님께서 명령하신 모든 것을 했다 (Noah did everything
that God commanded).
다시 영어원문을 잘 듣고 매끄러운 한국말로 직접 동시통역을 해 보세요 (Listen
carefully again and this time you translate it into Korean by yourself according to
correct Korean grammar)
19-20 Take into the boat with you a male and a female of every kind of animal and of
every kind of bird, in order to keep them alive. 21 Take along all kinds of food for you
and for them.” 22 Noah did everything that God commanded.

Listen Again
Genesis 6

(Reading Chapter 6)
Human Wickedness
6 When people had spread all over the world, and daughters were being born, 2 some of
the heavenly beings saw that these young women were beautiful, so they took the ones
they liked. 3 Then the LORD said, “I will not allow people to live forever; they are
mortal. From now on they will live no longer than 120 years.”
4 In those days, and even later, there were giants on the earth who were descendants of
human women and the heavenly beings. They were the great heroes and famous men of
long ago.
5 When the LORD saw how wicked everyone on earth was and how evil their thoughts
were all the time, 6 he was sorry that he had ever made them and put them on the earth.
He was so filled with regret 7 that he said, “I will wipe out these people I have created,
and also the animals and the birds, because I am sorry that I made any of them.” 8 But
the LORD was pleased with Noah.
9-10This is the story of Noah. He had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Noah had
no faults and was the only good man of his time. He lived in fellowship with God, 11
but everyone else was evil in God's sight, and violence had spread everywhere. 12 God
looked at the world and saw that it was evil, for the people were all living evil lives.
13 God said to Noah, “I have decided to put an end to all people. I will destroy them
completely, because the world is full of their violent deeds. 14 Build a boat for yourself
out of good timber; make rooms in it and cover it with tar inside and out. 15 Make it
450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. 16 Make a roof for the boat and leave a
space of 18 inches between the roof and the sides. Build it with three decks and put a
door in the side. 17 I am going to send a flood on the earth to destroy every living being.
Everything on the earth will die, 18 but I will make a covenant with you. Go into the
boat with your wife, your sons, and their wives. 19-20 Take into the boat with you a
male and a female of every kind of animal and of every kind of bird, in order to keep
them alive. 21 Take along all kinds of food for you and for them.”
22 Noah did everything that God commanded.

A conversation , Genesis Chapter 6

J . Verse 5 tells us that “ everyone on the earth was wicked and their
thoughts were evil all of the time” How did mankind come to this ?
G . In brief, human nature and desires had made chaos of God’s
ordered world. Human desires are something that must be bridled and
directed. Parents set boundaries for childrens desires in order to keep
them healthy and teach them to be self disciplined. If we don’t learn
to be so we become dysfunctional, and we must keep disciplining our
desires on an ongoing basis.God prescribes boundaries for us in the
Bible. These channel our desires towards the will of God and with that,
the Spirit of God helps us to overcome them. At the time of Noah , we
see what undisciplined human desire had brought the world to…
J . The exception seems to have been the man Noah. What was so
special about him ?
G . Verse 9 tells us simply that “Noah lived in fellowship with God”
Later when we get to the book of Hebrews we will read that “ Noah
turned his back on the world and became an heir of righteousness
which comes by faith” God wants to fill us with His desires thereby
firstly overcoming our human desires and secondly through faith
releasing us into the blessed life that He has planned for us. Turning
his back on the popular opinion of the day cannot have been easy for
Noah, but because he was in tune with God’s spirit, he knew that his
security and happiness came from wanting what is best (God’s will)
and not from getting what was considered desireable at the time. This
allowed him to respond in faith when God warned him about the
coming flood and directed him to build the ark.
J . Well what about this ark….should we take this literally or just as a
legend ?
G. Theres plenty of evidence both cultural and scientific of a huge
flood at this time, but rather than focus on that its better that we
look at what the point of the story of the flood is for us today . That
point is to highlight how God could and perhaps should respond to
human sin. Mankinds sin deserves judgement….this is what the story
of the flood shows.It demonstrates the justice of God in response to
sin. But God’s desire is always to express love and in the story of
Noah we see a glimpse of the ultimate act of love that Jesus crucified
represents. In the time of noah, God unleashed his judgement on the
world but saved noah and those of his household because Noah was
a Godly man. So too will God save those who are of thenhousehold of
Christ Jesus. Jesus is the ark(of salvation) from judgement for all those
who trust in Him.
J . Verse 10 tells us that Noah was “ the only good man of his time”
but his three sons, their wives as well as Noah’s wife by implication
not Godly people, were also taken onto the ark….how come ?
G. God holds the man to be the head of the household and we will see
in many of the exciting Bible books to come, examples of God
blessing a whole extended family because of a mans faith. The Bible
tells us that “the prayer of a righteous man has a powerfull affect”
and elsewhere that it is the responsility of the man to provide for his
household. In God’s economy, that provision is built on the foundation
of fellowship with God in prayer and we can safely assume that Noah
spent a lot of time in prayer for his own and the marriages of his sons.

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