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4 oe : : :S — = ‘a Zz Se ct es ose ee eget ee a, = eer fet eerie == SS eS 7 Gi SS ——s| SS ee Growing AD lways “the cop apee blos-soms blowing eneahegeta ey ig ‘Ke zB = Sa fF tg merrier ee SES * 4 =? = ++ = er ¢ ; Es +E == Paar on ayer = anil 0ot oh ocr. pos spo mM. ve. coil Is land of | tropic” dis ey me et ttt t, sonra z= eae = Bex. #0 pe - nyt y = pa. ra. mot, me - nao. Al lways the har. F4 2 canes” blow. ings AL 2 ways the caer (pumaueno) (rhythmically) i ——— -awt cx Gec.mpe -;——— a ny-crmteap. ma. pop ou - Tation — growaings And themoney owing, or And netel 0. rn0x.uellby 2M we mo. fox-weu the babies crying, And the bullets flying. ae — Boexune Mau. x97- Tem MR - ae.e > 9-70 y - exo nocKo ~ ite the is. land Man- hat. Smoke on your pipeand put a Tempo di Huapango. Fast (Bsicrpo) -pe. el that int Hpa_sur_ca mutbunenA - Me. pu . Kel Xo. I like to be in As mer. nes OurhMHe BA. Me - PR _ Kel ~ eal 0. Ky by me Asmer. i. eal yun (xpome Posaauu) Girls (except Rosa! paar 1 like amature D A. ae. pH - Rel XonSer-en Gurb ame DA. ue FU. Rel o be im Amer 4 eal 0. K, by me tn A. mer -¢ 1 ca! Bee eorbeus.6bit- me BA - MC. pu- He, Aeub ru 20-627» Our BA Ev wtry.thing free in A. meri ca For a small fee in A ve terb a ae Cur_ ke BA aeneerH mo 6uTD Ou BA - xe. pH. Kel Focry-thing sree in A For a small see in A 1 mer. i _ ca! Posanua Rosalia Se SS 0: oe Zoe PorpoxCawXy.auscex wn. no 7 7 Hy 4 e2_mii nooo. pe. of Tau re no-ay-vun 10 Mop» x0. T now @ boat you cen get on. : Iy theres @ road_you tam drive on = 5 BS Ss i} iss se: . R Ho. ma 3 a Boex npo-eelsy 4 a8. ae» pox. Himtreds of flowers in fall bloom, Pir give ny lonscins © free rider ~ Ho a¥0-am Yew rst sanupasumca— Hundreds oy people in How you get all of them — 5 SSS = - side? Heaymxn (xpome Posaauny Girls (execpt Rosalia) Bee mp ea xalwn pA | . Bile in AT Pe Foe oe cece 3 oe mel pe Ame es pa ee te im < migrant gore to 4 F Pais Se Se =PH. ke, exo.poorh wa Pa y sua ler aa Pod we] pu. Ke, Flogucmam ‘Shisttingy ert =e nor kak ace Ma_a0BA ~ ‘sro Mysp-r0-Pu no BA Ver-9 big deai in A Puerto Riweos in A” | (equemam) CONST) EE = it, beri i # ui 4 (Tesywxu couemam w monyyum eoxpy: Posoaun. (The girls whistle and dance around Rosalia.) taf ritmico Posanaa Rosalia Te. sue aaxea- ny a, TW bring «oT, Ve te Sen Juan, 2 Aunra By. ger a.m -wa ana Anita TIE give then new washing To. ka Tamer, x0.x0 - sy al Ip theres a exrcrent to turn ont 76 ovmp . KH. ma 1 chine. “= By. gems cru-pars on eu ab. Whai have they got thereto beep clean? ncexaua . pe A - me. pu. wal OK ua acox ma. pesA . ue pa. xe! I like the shores of A - mer ~ cal Comfort is yours in A. meri cal Wenyurnn (xpeue Posasuu) Girls (except Rosalia ue acexaun . pe A - ae - pe - al Ok ma neox ma - posA . ve. pa. xel T Uke the shores of A. mer. 4 . ca! Comfort és yours in A lmer. i _ ea! ro wx eeap. Tu . pasA . me. pu.Ke, cvenmuu'cop. ru - pomBA. we. pk. Kel Knobs on the doors in A _ meri 1ea, Wall-to.wall floors in A omer i. eal = ro wu utap - 7H _ PARA. Me. pH.xe, cop TH. pom BA - me. pH. Knobson the doors im A _mer-4 0a, Wali-to.wall floors im 4. mer. i n Peruemam) foray “ene ab Ubttem soar 78 79 Posanaa Rosalia > B CamXyau wa- sag When I will go back Auura Anita Hy xe, oxo. pe- 0, xorm » cp When you will shut up) and get pa - ant big” cheers Boe we pe- e- ayr x wou 5 Illza_a Evry _ one there will have moved here! soar roars 81 Va repmegaa Na Intermezzo (Ouona xoxopanet) (Change of Scene) Fast (Buerpo) Tempo di Huapango Monropars, scan ayxno, Repeat, if necessary,

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