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An ecosystem is the set formed by the living beings and the elements
not living environment and the vital relationship that is established
between them. The science in charge of studying ecosystems and
these relations is the call ecology.

Ecosystems can be of two types: terrestrial (forests, forests, savannas,

deserts, poles, etc.) and water sports (ranging from a puddle until the
oceans, seas, lakes, lagoons, mangroves, coral reefs, etc.).

Most of our planet's ecosystems are aquatic as their three-quarters are

covered by water. However, terrestrial ecosystems are best known to
us because they do not require special equipment for observation.

Every ecosystem is characterized by the presence of living or biotic

components (plants, animals, bacteria, algae and fungi) and non-living
or abiotic components (light, shade, temperature, water, humidity, air,
soil, pressure, wind.

Ecosystems are characterized by maintaining a constant exchange of

matter and energy that goes from one living being to another, through
the so-called food chains. The plants (producing organisms) capture
the solar energy and synthesize organic matter (food), both for them
and for the consumer organisms (animals) that take advantage of it,
which also can then feed each other.
When these organisms die, the Decomposers act (bacteria and fungi)
and they are transformed into nutrients by the soil, which will be used
by the plants, thus starting a new cycle.

It should be pointed out that ecosystems are currently facing an

unprecedented difficulty: humanity. Uncontrolled human action on
ecosystems such as destruction and fragmentation of habitats (fires,
indiscriminate logging, uncontrollable hunting and fishing), climate
change, soil and water pollution affects their state of "Natural
equilibrium", and the normal development and growth of its organisms
in a population.

Therefore, the decrees and laws for the protection of the environment
have been created. Humanity must recognize that attacking the
environment jeopardizes the survival of its own species.

Depending on the approach we analyze we can understand as
"elements" to the components of an ecosystem, ie the trophic chain.

-Primary producers
- Consumers
Due to its geographical location and diverse relief, Mexico has a great
diversity of ecosystems, ranging from the top of the mountains to the
deep seas, through deserts and coral reefs, cloud forests and coastal


Temperate Forests
Dry Forests
Cloud forests


The Pacific Ocean, Gulf area and Caribbean

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