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Modern Office Ergonomics

Encouraging Healthy Movement from the

Seated Position

No one sits still ledgement of this natural behavior,

In the real world there is no such thing and for solutions that work with it,
as the office worker depicted to the rather than strategies aimed at modify-
left—head up, eyes focused on the ing or overriding it. Freedom of
upper third of the monitor, spine erect, movement is the goal.
feet supported, elbows angled at 90-
Figure 1 A static posture seldom seen.
degrees, wrists straight with hands Dynamic Seated Work:
poised just above the keyboard. At Three Essentials
least this is seldom seen. Yet text- Encouraging safe, comfortable move-
books and ergonomic guidelines ment for the seated worker requires
habitually use such illustrations to attention to three essentials: stability,
represent the “ideal” seated position. clearance, and position.
Is it? (Figure 1)
Scientific (and casual) observation of Stability is the basis of controlled,
what office workers do at their desks comfortable, and efficient movement
reveals a different picture. People are from a sitting position. It is achieved
always moving. They change positions by supporting feet, buttocks, back, and
constantly: they recline while taking a forearms.
phone call, bend forward to resume
work, turn around to look at someone, • Supporting the Feet. Feet should
reach up for a report, slide their chairs rest squarely and firmly on the floor
forward, backward, and sideways to or on a footrest, with knees bent
access items within their work areas; somewhere between the angles of
and so forth. The variations are 85° and 110°. This provides
endless. “ground reference,” i.e., connection
to the ground. If the chair’s seat is
This is good. Movement stimulates too high and the user’s feet don’t
circulation, which supplies nutrients to reach the floor, a primary source of
tissues and removes wastes, resulting balance and support for the upper
in greater alertness and less fatigue body is missing. In contrast, a seat
throughout the day. Current ergo- too low compromises ground refer-
nomic thinking calls for acknow- ence. Though allowing contact with
the floor, it elevates the knees, passive supports (backrests that
weakening the optimal structural re- passively adjust to maintain the
lationship between floor, feet, legs, curve in the small of the back), and
and the rest of the body. Thus, the active supports (manually adjust-
first step toward stability is adjust- able backrests that “push” against
ing seat height to an effective level the lower back). Innovative designs
(Figure 2). are now providing dynamic, adap-
• Supporting the Buttocks. In seated tive lumbar technology that pro-
position, the ischial tuberocities, or vides an appropriate level of
“sit-bones” of the pelvis, along with support—from sitting upright to re-
the surrounding musculature of the clined—as the worker moves and
buttocks and upper legs, bear the changes position spontaneously
Figure 2 Supporting the feet is an important weight of the upper body. This is throughout the day.
part of healthy sitting. the body’s principal anchor, its • Supporting the Forearms. Lifting
main source of stability. For opti- and extending the arms repeatedly
mum support and comfort, chair and holding them in extension in-
seat pans are sized and shaped to troduce stress to the rotator cuffs
distribute this weight over as much and bursae of the shoulders. Thus,
area as possible, with padding that prolonged use of a keyboard and
will compress and conform to the mouse can lead to repetitive strain
user’s body. injuries (RSI) in shoulders if arm
• Supporting the Back. A normal, supports are not present or used.
healthy spinal column has a series Likewise, carpal tunnel syndrome
of curves that support the weight and tendonitis may result from
and movements of the upper body. mousing and keyboarding with
For most people this natural S- wrists out of a comfortable neutral
shape is the back’s “default posi- position. Both problems can be
tion” when standing. However, avoided by supporting the forearms.
Figure 3 Our back supports weight better in an
“S”-curve posture than a slouched one. when sitting the inward lumbar Properly adjusted, these supports
curve of the lower back (sometimes take the load off shoulders and
referred to as the “lumbar lordosis”) neck, and eliminate awkward wrist
tends to flatten, causing the shoul- angles, allowing easy efficient use
ders to droop forward and the pelvis of arms and fingers (Figure 4).
to rotate backward so that the tail-
bone curves down and under. The Clearance
slumped position introduces stress Freedom of movement requires elimi-
in the thoracic and lumbar regions nation of barriers. Barriers in the
of the back, in the pelvis, and in the seated worker’s immediate surround-
shoulders and neck (Figure 3). To ings mean inefficient movement, and
counteract this and allow the spine sometimes strain, to avoid or accom-
to maintain its naturally supportive modate them. Not all such maneuvers
curvature, modern office chairs all are harmful, but some can throw a
Figure 4 Good forearm support using the offer some level of lumbar support. stable posture out of balance, putting
armrests or worksurface can be helpful.
These usually come in the form of stress on the musculoskeletal system
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and introducing the risk of injury. Two height; b. armrest height; c. work-
common clearance problems relate to surface height. (Since height-
seat depth and worksurface height. adjustable workstations are still un-
common in most offices, usually it
• Seat Depth. Seat depth, or the front- is chair and armrest heights that are
to-back length of the seat pan, adjusted for an effective relation-
poses two potential problems if not ship to the worksurface.)
adjusted: First, the lip of the seat
may contact the popliteal fossa, the Position
area behind the knee through which Movement is good. But how far
the primary blood vessels and nerve should you go when bending, turning,
pathways lead to the lower legs and or reaching? The mechanics of the
feet. Compression here may lead to musculoskeletal system allow a wide
pain, numbness, or swelling. Sec- range of positions. These may be cate-
ond, if the user moves forward to gorized according to stress on the sys-
allow clearance, the lower back will tem. Practically, stress levels can be
also move forward, taking away the divided into four zones, zero through
backrest’s support of the lumbar three. The neutral zone (0) is the range
curve. This will lead to the droop- of safe and comfortable movement
ing, round-shouldered posture de- workers should aim for. (In the illus-
scribed above. Correct seat depth trations, the neutral zone is color-
adjustment will allow firm contact coded green.) Zone 1 (yellow), while
between the chair’s lumbar support introducing more stress, is generally in
Figure 5 An incorrect seat depth can cause
unhealthy pressure in the popliteal area. and the lower back, leaving 2-3 fin- the acceptable range. Zone 2 (red) is a
ger widths between the front edge danger zone, and Zone 3 (gray) sug-
of the seat pan and the back of the gests high risk of injury for most peo-
knees (Figure 5). ple if performing repetitive, heavy, or
• Worksurface Height. Any worksur- frequent tasks. Today’s ergonomic
face too high in relation to the fore- workstations and chairs should offer
arms and hands creates a clearance stability and support for most posi-
barrier. (A visual indicator of the tions within Zones 0 and 1. But it is up
problem is elbows below and hands to the worker to know the limits of
above the level of the worksurface.) safety and to keep these in mind. No
In such a case, where wrists cross workstation, no matter how ergonomi-
the edge of the surface, direct con- cally advanced, can help a worker who
tact and wrist flexion compress ten- bends, twists, or stretches too far or
dons. Repetitive stress of this kind too often (Figure 6).
usually leads to carpal tunnel in-
flammation. The ideal position is Real and Ideal
elbows and forearms even with or Returning to the drawing of the seated
slightly above the height of the worker on the front page of this paper,
worksurface (Figure 4). Proper and considering the principles of
clearance can be achieved via one Stability, Clearance, and Position, it
or more adjustments: a. chair should be clear that this actually is an
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Form # A7869
Figure 6 Various ranges of motion for different body parts.

ideal seated posture for desk and key- supported. Healthy freedom of move-
board work. In the drawing, feet, back, ment with comfort and safety is to-
buttocks, and forearms are well day’s performance standard. It is
supported, providing stability. Clear- sound ergonomics, and good sense.
ance is excellent: there are no barriers
to movement or circulation. And the Ergonomics at Allsteel
head, neck, forearms, wrists, hands— Our ergonomics team studies workers:
in fact, the entire body—is in the who they are, the way they work, and
green zone, the desirable neutral posi- what they need to be comfortable and
tion. At the same time, this idealized healthy. These insights are built into
picture does not imply a worker every product we make. Commitment
should stay put. (In fact, for pro- to ergonomics is clearly reflected in
longed-focus tasks like data entry, advanced chair designs with dynamic
workers are encouraged to get up from adaptive back support, and height-
the chair occasionally to stretch, bend, adjustable worksurfaces.
and move.) As we have said, workers
do not sit still. With modern office For more information
furniture, most of their natural, spon- or e-mail
taneous movement is encouraged and
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Scott Openshaw, M.S., heads All-
steel’s Ergonomics Group. With an
academic background in Human Biol-
ogy and Biomedical Engineering,
Scott applies human factors and ergo-
nomics principles to the design of of-
fice furniture at Allsteel. Scott has
taught Rehabilitation Engineering at
the university level and is currently a
doctoral candidate in Industrial Engi-
neering at the University of Iowa. He
is a member of the Human Factors and
Ergonomics Society and the Institute
of Industrial Engineers.

Drew Bossen, P.T., is founder of

Atlas Ergonomics, an ergonomics
consultancy with expertise in
multidisciplinary prevention-oriented
programs for minimizing occupational
injuries in office settings, healthcare
facilities, the industrial workplace, and
transportation fleets. Drew is a mem-
ber of the Human Factors and Ergo-
nomics Society and the American
Physical Therapy Association, where
he serves on the organization’s Occu-
pational Health Executive Committee,
among other leadership roles.

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Allsteel is a registered trademark.
Form # A7869

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