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A. Background of the Study

English is a very important foreign language for education. English

is one of the international languages learned in almost everywhere in the

country, then by mastering the English language including one of the

future investment. In the world of English education is taught from

elementary school students to universities.

For the students to form motivation in learning English is quite

difficult. Basically students know a lot of vocabulary, but when they are

asked by the teacher they cannot answer, it happens because it is not

normal to use English in life or daily activities. In learning English,

vocabulary has an important role.

The more vocabulary, the easier it will be for students to

understand the speech or writing of others in the language and the easier it

is to express the contents of our thoughts in the language both orally and in

writing. The fewer English vocabularies that students have, the more

difficult it is for students to understand the conversation or writing of

others in English and it will be even more difficult for students to express

the thoughts in English, orally and in writing. Therefore, the student learn

English requires vocabulary. According to Wilkins (2002) “summed up

that vocabulary is used in certain variations and refers to all languages in

use so without the vocabulary nothing can be conveyed” (p. 13).

In the process of teaching and learning, the use of appropriate

teaching methods will greatly affect the achievement of students'

understanding. There are so many media that can be used in teaching

English, especially in improving vocabulary skills, such as word wall, flip

chart, flash card, but in this study researchers prefer to use mind mapping

as a medium in improving students' vocabulary skills.

After pre-observation at eighth grade in SMP Yaspita at

Tangerang, the researcher found some problems in learning vocabulary.

The students face many difficulties in learning it. And also the students

feel confused with meaning of the word. In addition, the students may

have lack of vocabulary that caused they feel difficult to read or speak that

word. In this case, the teacher takes the important role to solve students’

problem in improving their vocabulary mastery. Therefore, the teacher

should be able to create or find the appropriate method in teaching of

vocabulary and improve students’ skill in English learning. The teaching

method that applied must be able to give opportunity for the students how

to increase their vocabulary.

In this term, the researcher would like to use mind mapping

method to solve the teachers and students’ problem in English learning

vocabulary. Using mind mapping method is hoped can encourage the

student to learn more and improve their vocabulary mastery. And this

method has not been done before in SMPN Yaspita at Tangerang. The

expectation from the used of this method can motivate the students’

learning in English especially in vocabulary mastery.

This form of mind mapping can be described as a map of a street in

a city with many branches. In improving the vocabulary process teachers

have an important role. Teachers must use appropriate methods in the

learning process that make students easy to get new vocabulary. Definition

of Mind mapping itself According to Buzan (2009) “mind mapping is one

way that is used literally to map thoughts and record creatively and

effectively” (p. 4).

Mind Mapping will be very useful in learning especially in

recording and remembering skills, among others: assisting with the ability

of the brain to concentrate, visually relatively clearer sequence and

information, increasing memory into Long term memory and increasing

our confidence in our ability to learn. This method is used in teaching

vocabullary skills with theme mind mapping is another type of method

that is the best of color pencils, drawings, and paper. mind mapping is

widely used as a learning exercise to help remember in a way of write

point from a sentence. It is trusted that mind mapping is capable to

increase the students' mastery of english. make them more interest fun and

fun to learn english.By using mind mapping it hoped that students 'can

easily remember to the material presented by the teacher.finally students'

are able to master english well.

Based on the background above, the researcher made a research

about the effect of mind mapping to students' vocabulary mastery. The

researcher would like to find out wether there is a difference in term

students' vocabulary mastery between using mind mapping and without

mind mapping the researcher in the experiment research with title “The

Effect of Mind Mapping on the Eighth Grade Students’ Vocabulary

Mastery at SMP Yaspita”.

B. Identification of Problem

Based on the background of the problem above, the problems can be

identified as follow :

1. Most of the students have a difficulty of vocabulary mastery.

2. The students feel difficult to understand the text in english.

3. The students lack of vocabulary, So they have difficulties to

memorize new vocabularies.

4. The students have a difficulty to convey the message and express

their idea.

5. The students lack of motivation to learn english.

6. Lack of learning facilities of students.

C. Limitation of Problem

In order to avoid any misinterpretation of the problem, the writer

would like to limit the study. The researcher wants to observe whether

mind mapping can improve the students’s vocabulary mastery.

D. Formulation of Problem

Based on the background of the problems, the formulation of the

problem in this study is focus on is there any significant effect of mind

mapping on the eight grade student’s vocabulary mastery at SMP Yaspita?

E. Objective of the Research

The objective of this research is to find out whether mind mapping

an effect on the eight grade students vocabulary.

F. Significant of the Study

1. Theoritically

The benefit of this research is can to improve the students vocabulary


2. Practically

The benefits of this research are :

A. For the students

a. The finding of this research can help the students to improve

the student’s vocabulary.

b. This research is expected to help students to be active in

learning vocabulary.

B. For the teacher

The finding of the research can be used by the teacher in selecting

the technique to improve the student’s vocabulary in teaching

learning process.

C. For the researcher

The finding of this research can improve knowledge and to be an

experience for the researcher, so the researcher will be better in the

next teaching.




A. The Description of Theory

1. Vocabulary

a. Definition of Vocabulary

English is very important foreign language for education.

English is also essential to the field of education.At the university

level, the students in many countries study almost all their subjects

in English in order to make the material more accessible to

international students. Without a proportional amount of

vocabulary the students will get trouble in her speaking, reading,

listening, and writing. In learning English, vocabulary has an

important role.

There are many definition of vocabulary proposed by some

expert because vocabulary is very important to language learners.

According to Richards (2002, p. 255), vocabulary is the core

component of language proficiency and provides much of the basis

for how well learners speak, listen, read, and write. Based on

Richards statement it can be conclude that vocabulary is basis in

English learning.

Vocabulary can be defined as '' words we must know to

communicate effectively; words in speaking (expressive

vocabulary) and words in listening (receptive vocabulary)''

(Neuman&Dwyer, 2009, p. 385). in this case it can be said that

words are the main support in communication, both in expressive

and receptive communication.

Wilkins in Thornbury (2002, p. 13) summed up that without

vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. Vocabulary refers to all

words in the whole language used in a particular variety.

According to Kridalaksana, vocabulary is a component of a

language that maintains all of information about meaning and

using word in a language. Based on the opinion of Wilkins who is

supported by Kridalaksana it can be said that without the existence

of vocabulary there is no information that can be conveyed in the

use of language.

Based on above, we can conclude that vocabulary is

important part of language especially in all foreign language and

language itself consist of words and vocabulary consist of words as

well. Vocabulary is the collection of words that an individual

knows (Linse, 2005, p. 129). Without vocabulary we can’t say

anything or we feel difficult to do it. So that ways, vocabulary is

basic over all.

Based on expert opinion, it could be summarized that

vocabulary is one of important English aspects which need to use

suitable vocabulary instruction or strategy to get attention the

learners. Vocabulary is very important to encourage students’

ability in English. Therefore, learning vocabulary is a crucial

matter in developing their English.

b. Kinds of Vocabulary

According to Nation (2001, p. 11) states that we can

distinguish four kinds ofvocabulary in the text: high-frequency

words, academic words, technical words, and low-frequency


a. High-frequency words

There is a small group of high frequency which very

important because these words cover a very large proportion of

the running words in spoken and written texts and occur in all

kinds of uses of the language.

b. Academic words

The text is from academic textbook and contains many

words that are common in different kinds of academic text:

policy, phase, adjusted, sustained. Typically these words make

up about 9% of the running words in the text.

c. Technical words

The text contains some words that are very closely related

to the topic and subject of the text. These words include

indigenous, regeneration, pod carp, beech, rimy, and timber.

These words are reasonably common in this topic area but no so

common elsewhere. As soon as we see them we know that topic

is being dealt with. Technical words like this typically cover

about 5% of the running words in a text.

d. Low-frequency words

This group included words like zoned, pioneering and

perpetuity, aired and pastoral. They make up over 5 % of the

words in an academic text. There are thousands of them in the

language, by far the biggest group of words. They consist of the

technical words for other subject areas, proper nouns, words that

almost got the high – frequency list and words that we rarely

meet in our use in the language.

c. Teaching Vocabulary

Vocabulary is very importance in learning language. It

needs a serious attention in learning vocabulary from both learners

and teachers. It becomes a great challenging act for the teacher to

teach vocabulary, what kind of methods they use, what kind of

vocabulary that they give, of how many vocabularies that they

should teach.

“Vocabulary learning is increased if the learner’s attention

is briefly drawn to the new vocabulary by the teacher giving a

quick translation, definition or by seeing it written on the board”

(Nation, 2008, p. 27).

Teaching vocabulary is very important given to students,

especially novice students, with teaching vocabulary obtained by

students in the school that the students can develop their

vocabulary. Nunan (2005, p. 122), “Vocabulary development is an

important aspect of language that has been conducted in recent

years is very exciting” .

According to Schmitt (1997, p. 146) there are scene key

principles of teaching vocabulary :

1. Build a large sight of vocabulary.

2. Integrated new words with previous words.

3. Provide a number of encounters with a word.

4. Promotes deep level of processing.

It needs a serious attention in learning vocabulary from

both learners and teachers. It becomes a great challenging act for

the teacher to teach vocabulary, what kind of methods they use,

what kind of vocabulary that they give, or how many vocabularies

that they should teach.

Based on several theories above it can be concluded that

vocabulary teaching by the teacher must be considered especially

for beginner students because vocabulary is very important to

continue to be developed, especially in aspects of language


d. Assessing Vocabulary

Vocabulary assessment seems straightforward in the sense

that wordlists are readily available to provide a basis for selecting a

set of words to be tested.

These components of word above researcher make

assessment in form of multiple choices. Multiple choice can be

scoring by formula scoring without correction. Which is way of

scoring each item on the answered correctly gets the value of one (

depending on the weight of items, so that total score obtained by

the learner is to count the number of items are answeres correctly.

It is line with Read (2000, p. 2).

According to Harmer (2001) the aspects of vocabulary are :

1. Word meaning

Word have different meaning. The relationships which

defines the meaning of words to each other are

polysemy, antonym, synonym, hyponym.

2. Extending word use

Words also be stretched and twisted to fit different

contexts and different uses.

3. Word combinations

It also known as collocation. Collocation is the way in

which words co-occur-combinations which, through

custom and practice, have come to be seen as normal

and acceptable.

4. The grammar of words

A key middle ground where words and phrases on the

one hand and grammar on the other meet up is through

the operation of word classes or parts of speech, such as

noun,adjective, verb, adverb.

Vocabulary assessment seems straightforward in the sense

that wordlists are readily available to provide a basis for selecting a

set of words to be tested.

Educational assessment is not only assessing the result of

study, but also covering the wider aspect like input, process, and

education programs. In assessing vocabulary, there are some

aspects that should be assessed. According to nation (2001), three

significant aspects teachers need to be aware of and focus on are :

1. From

The form of a word involves spoken form, written form,

and word parts (such as a prefix, root, and suffix).

2. Meaning

The components of meaning are from and meaning,

concepts and referents, and association.

3. Use

According to Brown (2004, p. 229) vocabulary assessment

is clearly from-focused in the above tasks, but the procedures

are creatively linked by means of the target words, its

collocations, and its morphological variants. At the responsive

and extensive levels, where learners are called upon to create

coherent paraghraphs, performance obviously becomes more

authentic, and lexical choice is one of several possible

components of the valuations of extensive writing.

The researcher choose assessing vocabulary according

Brown, because the test is easy and suitable in the students

junior high school.

2. Mind Mapping

a. Devinition of Mind Mapping

The mind map is an expression of radiant thinking which

includes on a nature function of brain. A mind map is a diagram

used to visually outline information which often created around a

single word or text, placed in the center, to which associated ideas,

words, and concepts are added. Major categories radiate from a

central node and lesser categories are sub-branches of larger

branches. Categories can represent words, ideas, tasks, or other

items related to a central key word or idea.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that a

mind map is a creative way to represent idea or information

through diagram. Buzan (2005, p. 6) said that Mind Mapping is a

method to optimize learning capacities and understanding of how

the elements of complex structures are connected. “Mind mapping

was designed to use.both sides to increase memory retention and

productivity.” It is because the brain works in different ways;

different people think in different ways. However, while students

thinking and reasoning follow a structure that is personal to their

selves, they still use a number of techniques that apply to most

people. Furthemore to Buzan and abbot (2007, p. 4) “Mind

mapping is a way record creative, effective, and will literally map

out thoughts” It means that theory says the mind maps, take notes

or write in a way they can creatively and effectively so as to map

the minds.

Based on the opinion above it can be concluded that the

brain of each person works in a different way but the mind

mapping method can be used to improve the effectiveness and

creativity in thinking.

According to Nordin (2011, p. 19) “Mind Mapping is

relatively quick and simple way to get a lot of ideas out on the

table in one big brain dump, and take a high-level view to

recognize the patterns.” It means that the above theory of mind

mapping is relatively simple and fast to generate ideas in the brain.

Meanwhile according to Holland and Davies (2004), mind

mapping is a value technique for helping someone plan, structure

project, and assignment more effectievely. Mind mapping is an

invaluable tool for planning and organizing our thinking for any

project. Mind map may be enhanced through colors, pictures,

codes, and dimension to add interest, beauty, and individuality.

Based on the above opinion it can be concluded that mind

mapping is used to help increase creativity, memory and especially

remembering information to be easier to understand in

remembering and understanding.

b. The procedure of mind mapping

Making mind mapping is easy. Buzan (2005, p. 15) said

that the students can remember many information through this

way. Here are several steps to make mind mapping :

1. starting from the center of the blank paper. It is better to

rotate the paper, so you can use it horizontally (it helps

the brain feels free to spread the ideas).

2. Using picture has thousand meanings and help the

students to use their imagination. A central picture

makes the students focus, concentrate, and feel

interested in what they are mapping.

3. Using colors. Colors have same role as pictures, brain

will stimulate an idea through colorful from. It gives

mind map more alive and adds creative thinking energy

for the students.

4. Linking the main branches with the central picture and

linking within the supporting branches. An association

has important role in brain activity, by linking two or

more things will make the students easier to understand

and remember.

5. Making curved line, not straight line. The straight line

will only make the brain bored.

6. Using only a keyword to every single line. This used to

give flexibility in making the mind map.

7. Using pictures. Every single picture has thousand

meanings as same as central picture.

Toni & Bary Buzan (2000, p. 184) give some applications

to teachers can use Mind Maps in a number of practical ways to

make teaching and learning easier and more enjoyable, there are

have 7 applications :

a. Preparing lecture notes

Buzan (2000, p. 184) said of “One most powerful

ways to use Mind Maps is as lecture notes. Preparing a

lecture in Mind Map from is faster than writing it out

and has the big advantage of allowing the lecturer and

the student to keep an overview of the whole subject at

all times. A Mind Mapped lecturer is easy to update

from year to year without becoming messy and

itsmnemoic qualities mean that a brief overview before

the lecturer quickly brings the topic right back into

focus. Because the lecturer’s own knowledge will

wvolve the same Mind Mapp will trigger quite different

lactures if used from year to year.

b. Yearly Planning

The Mind Map can be used to give the teacher an

overview of the whole year’s study program, showing

the term divisions and the type of lesson to be given.

Buzan (2000, p. 184).

c. Term Planning

This is a sub-division of the yearly plan, and often

takes the from of a smaller Mind Map expanding from a

branch or branches on the yearly program.

d. Daily Planning

The Mind Map diary enables you to operate in all

three spatial dimensions, as well as those of color

and time. The Mind Map diary thus becomes not

only a time management system but also a self and

life management system (Buzan, 2000, p.161) And

Would record the specific detail of lesson, such as

start and finish time, classroom, topic to be covered,

and so on (Buzan, 2000, p. 186).

e. Lessons and presentations

For lesson and presentation teachers’ and students’

can use a large blackboard or whiteboard, flip chart or

an overhead projector, the teacher can draw, as the

lesson progresses, the corresponding part of the Mind


f. Examination

In the purpose of an examination is to test the

students’ knowledge and understanding rather than their

writing ability, the Mind Map is the ideal solution. It

can show the teacher at a lance whether or not the

students have a general grasp of the subject, as well as

their major strengths and weaknesses.

The approach gives the teacher a clear and objective

idea of the student’s state of knowledge, uncluttered by

judgements about skills in other areas such grammatical

correctness, spelling ability and neatness of


g. Projects

Mind Maps are ideal for planning, monitoring and

presenting projects. They encourage comprehensive and

focused thinking in the early stages, enable both teacher

and student to check on progress and abserve the

growing web of interrelated information. And provide

an ideal framework. For either written or oral

presentations at the end.

Based on applications above, the researcher believes

that the applications of mind mapping will increase the

skill of students to understand the subject actually

vocabulary from their teachers. And then, for the

teachers the applications can make teachers teaching

better to deliver material to students and teaching more

easier and enjoyable. In this research the researcher

choose to use the first procedure from Buzan because in

this procedure he said that the students can remember

many information and creative thinking.

c. The advantages of using mind mapping

Advantages of mind mapping over linear note-making :

As has been stated before that mind mapping is different

from usual note-making. According to Buzan (2006), it has some

advantages over a standard linear note making.

1. Time saved by noting only relevant words.

2. Time saved by reading only relevant words.

3. Time saved reviewing the note.

4. Time saved by not having to search for key words

among unnecessary verbiage.

5. Concentrated on real issues enhanced.

6. Essential key words made more easily seen.

7. Clear and appropriate associations made between the

key words.

8. The brain finds it easier to accept and remember

visually stimulating multi-coloured, multi-dimensional

mind maps, rather than monotonous boring linear notes.

9. While mind mapping, one is constantly on the verge of

new discoveries and new realisations. This encourages a

continuous and potential endless flow of thought.

based on the explanation above, mind maping can be said

to be helpful in facilitating student learning activities so that it can

be more effectively used in making important notes that are easier

to remember, understand, and read in every information contained

in the mind map made by students.

B. Relevant of the study

The research has been done by other writers before, they are :

1. The first study was taken from Sheira Ayu Indrayani (2014) which

entitled “The Effectiveness of using Mind mapping in Improving

Students’ Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text”. The objective

of her study was to found the effectiveness of mind mapping in improving

student’s reading comprehension achievement, especially for narative text.

The sample of her study were 70 students. The study was carried out in

two classes, they were the controlled class and the experimental class. The

data were gathered throught tests which were delivered into the pre-test

and the post-test. The result of her study showed that the mind mapping

technique was effectieve to use in teaching reading comprehension of

narative text. Gained score of the experimental class (27.14) was higher

than the controlled class (17.71). from the result, it was obtained that the

value of t-observation (to) is 3.47 in the table of significance 5%, the value

of degree of significance is 1.66. comparing those values, the result was

3.47 higher than 1.66 which means t-observation score was higher than t-

table score. Therefore, teaching reading comprehension of narrative text

by using mind mapping was effective.

The differences between that research and the researcher’s study

are on place, population, and sample. The similarity of the research is on

the design study as the way to know whether the effect or significant

difference of mind mapping on students’ vocabulary mastery.

2. The second Some research had conducted the similar study. Heni T

wardani from departmen of English education Faculty. State University of

Semarang. “The Use of Mind Mapping in improving the Students’

Writing Skill in Descriptive Text”. The result of this study showed that

the post-test scores. The mean of the pre-test score was 62,35, the mean of

the first cycle was 72.45, and the mean of the second cycle was 79.76 the

three means of the test is 16.33. Then t-test result of pre-test and cycle 1

test was 10.37. While the t-test result of the cycle 1 test and cycle 2 test is

6.91. The comparison between the three test result with t-test table (1.99)

result in a significant difference. This means that mind mapping method

improved the students’ writing skill in descriptive text. The main factor

affected this succes is the student’ interest in the method used, that is mind

mapping and material given.

The difference between the research that the writer made, with the

above research is to find the effect of the use mind mapping method in

vocabulary, while research on the method used (mind mapping), to

improve students’ on vocabulary mastery.

By using Mind Mapping , the researcher hopes that students will be

interested in learning vocabulary and it is easier for the researcher to

transfer his knowledge to the students.

C. Conceptual Framework

Vocabulary Mastery has been a part of classrooms as long as there

have been schools, texts, students who desire or are required to read them,

and teachers wanting to both promote and assess their understanding. In

fact, the students are still getting difficulties in understanding and

comprehending the text, so do in SMP Yaspita, They have low

achievement in facing text question other in lack of vocabularies. Using

mind mapping as a technique will help the students comprehend what they

vocab easier and more creative. By using mind mapping on the students’

vocabulary mastery, the students can explore their knowledge in target

language material. Mind mapping becomes an alternative technique for

stimulating the students’ pleasure in learning vocabulary mastery, they are

free to write and draw what they comprehend about the vocabulary. The

researcher expects the students get better comprehension,can be effective

in teaching and learning of vocabulary this technique in classroom.

D. Hypothesis of Research

Hypothesis of pre –test

H0 : There is no significant difference of vocabulary

mastery between control class and experiment class.

H1 : There is any significant difference of vocabulary

mastery between control class and experiment class.

Hypothesis of post –test

H0 : There is no significant difference of vocabulary

mastery using mind mapping method.

H1 : There is any significant difference of vocabulary

mastery using mind mapping method.



A. Place and Time of Research

1. Place of Research

The research was conduct at eight grade students of SMP Yaspita

Jl. Raya Serpong No.22, Pd. Jagung, Serpong Utara, Kota Tangerang

Selatan. The researcher was made four meeting in each class,

experimental class and control class. The researcher chose this school

because recommended by class friend . In other reason, the researcher

has found some problems related to the research based on the

researcher’s interview related to students’ vocabulary. Because of that,

their scores of English subject especially in vocabulary still lack in

their achievements in comprehending a text. The researcher focus on

the eight grade students, which consist of two classes, and they will be


2. Time of Research

In this research, applied teaching vocabulary by using mind

mapping. This research was planned in November 2017 until September

2018. Then, the process of collecting the data will take one month

including the preparation and it was started in September 2018.

Table 1.1

The Schedules of the Research

No Activities
Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May Jun Jul Aug Sept
Guidance of
Make a
3 Research

Seminar of


Collecting of
the Data
Analyzing of
7 the
The Final Test
8 of
The Research

B. Method of Research

1. Research Method

The research methodology used in this research is quantitative

method. Creswell (2000, p. 21) defined, “A quantitative approach is one in

which the investigatory primarily use postpositive claims for developing

knowledge (i.e., cause and effect thinking, reduction to specific variables

and hypotheses and question, use of measurement and observation, and

test of theories), employs strategies of inquiry, such as experiments and

surveys, and collect data on predetermined instruments that yield statistics


Based on theory above, quantitative with quasi experiment is a

method using experimental or survey data is then taken to be calculated

and described using statistical.

2. Research Design

For the design of this research is a Quasi Experimental research by

using pre-test and post-test control design group about student in

vocabulary by using mind mapping on the eight grade at SMP Yaspita


To find the differences of student score in using mind mapping as a

technique in teaching vocabulary. The average difference between the

pre-test and post-test is found from each group Later on average

differences score were compared in order to certain whether the

experimental treatment produced a greater change than control


The statistical of the difference in average changes is determined

by test and the design of the research itself goes as follow :

Table 1.2

Design of the research

Group Pretest Treatment Posttest

Experimental Y1 X Y2

Control Y3 - Y4

Description :

Y1 : Pretest of experimental group

Y2 : Post-test of experimental group

Y1 : Pretest of control group

Y2 : Post-test of control group

X : treatment in experimental group

C. Population and Sample

1. Population of the Research

Population is the total of all the individuals who have certain

characteristics and are of interest to a reseracher. Population is a

second requirement is to ensure that the sample is as diverse as

possible within the boundaries.

For sample, the writer takes an experiment in the first grade of

Yaspita Tangerang. The population of the eight grade is 57 student

and divides into 2 classes. The researcher take purposive cluster

sampling,The researcher choose VIII-1 as control class and VIII-2 as

experiment class.

2. Sample of the Research

Samples are selected from populations. A sample is a subset of the

population. Theoretical sampling is the process of data collection for

generating theory where by analyst jointly collect, codes, and analyses

data decides what data collect next and where to find them, in order to

develop the theory as it emerges. This process of data collection is

controlled by the emerging the theory, wheter substantive or formal.

The researcher take purposive cluster sampling, the researcher

choose VIII-1 as control class and VIII-2 as experiment class. Each

class consisted of 57 students.

D. Method of Collecting Data

The learning method is very easy to use one by or group learning

process. This method is not much different from other method are

indentified by using the media during the learning process. Method of

collecting data that was used by writer in this research are :

a. Pre-test

Pre-test had given before teaching and learning process.

The pre-test had given before teaching and learning process to

experimental and Controlled classes for knowing the

background knowledge of students’ vocabulary before giving

the treatment by using mind mapping. The test used multiple

choice form consisting of ten question of narrative text taken

from the validation result. The question were given based on

the text provided by the researcher and it should be finished in

forty five minutes by the students.

b. Treatment

The treatment is used to identify the student understanding

material using Mind Mapping.

c. Post-test

Post-test is used for measuring students’ knowledge about

the material after the teacher gives treatment by using mind

mapping. The researcher had given post-test in experimental

class after teaching learning process using mind mapping and

gave post-test in Controlled class after teaching process without

using mind mapping. The post-test used multiple choice from

consisting of ten questions of narrative text and it should be

finished in forty five minutes by the students.

E. The Instrument of Dependent Variable

1. Conceptual definition

In the experimental class given vocabulary abilty class in pre test

and post test, using mind mapping technique could make student are

expected to enjoy the learning process, especially can improve the

students vocabulary ability.

2. Operational definition

Buzan (2000, p. 55) said, “Mind Map helps you to make a

distinction between your mental storage capacity, which your Mind

Map will help you demonstrate, and your mental efficiency, which

your Mind Map will help your achieve”.

From explanation above the researcher concluded that mind

mapping is one of good technique that used to learn English

vocabulary Teaching especially vocabulary to student seems be

simplest to do. Students need some fun and easy to learn vocabulary


3. Test specification

Table 1.3

Test specification

From of task
Basic Number
Variable Indicators
Competence of item

Vocabulary Applaying - students are
mastery structure of able to
language to identify
implement correct word.
function -very excited
vocabulary in the learning
of process
and asking - The
about Students
vocabulary work on the
of animal, task well
fruit, and according to
thing short the teacher's
and sample, instructions
with - Students are
countext. able to
cooperate in
the task of
from the

4. Test Instrument Validity and Reability

a. Validity

Before giving instrument to the students, it was better to

test the validity of that instrument. Before giving instrument to

students, it was better to chech the validity of that instrument.

According to Sugiyono (2010) validity is measure what should

be measure, Meanwhile, according to Arikunto (2012) says

validity is derived from the word “valid” which means that the

information of the data is based on the true conditions and also

could be used to measure what the people expect in this study.

The validity test has to be given for the students before

collecting the data.

Here, the researcher used content validity for testing the

instrument, where the instrument was multiple choice form,

and it was tested by item analysis based on the number of

items, and the specifications. The researcher gave reading

vocabulary using multiple choiche form, Furthemore, for

measuring the validity, the researcher used formulation of Point

Biserial Correlation as follow :

𝑚𝑝 − 𝑚𝑡 𝑝
𝑌𝑝𝑏𝑖 = √
𝑆𝑡 𝑞

(Arikunto 2014, p.30)


𝑌𝑝𝑏𝑖 = Biserial correlation coefficients

𝑚𝑝 = The mean score of subject who responded well to the

item validity

𝑚𝑡 = The mean total score

𝑆𝑡 = Standard deviation of the total score

𝑝 = The population of students who answer correctly

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑙𝑦

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡

𝑞 = The population of students who answered incorrectly

(q – 1- p)

The hypotheses :

Ho = Test instrument is valid

Ha = Test instrument is not valid

After correlation coefficient calculated then it compare to :

Ho accepted if tcount > ttable so instrument is valid

Ho refused if t< ttable so instrument is not valid

b. Reliability

According to Sugiyono (2010), reliability is a measurement

a consistency of the instrument. Reliability is something that

can be trusted. In the research, the instrument could be called

reliable if the instrument gave the consistent result after it is

tested in several times. The reliability test is important because

it can affect the instrument in collecting data.

Here, the researcher will uses formulation of KR-20 (Kuder

Richardson) for measuring the reliability of instrument as

follow :

𝑘 𝑆𝑡 2 − ∑ 𝑝𝑖 𝑞𝑖
𝑟1 = ( )
(𝑘 − 1) 𝑆𝑡 2

(Sugiyono, 2010, p. 359)

Description :

𝑟𝑖 = The reliability test as a whole

𝑘 = The number of item

𝑆𝑡 2 = Total Variant

𝑝𝑖 = The proportion of subject who answered the item


𝑞𝑖 = The proportion of subject who answer the item wrong

( 𝑞 = 1 − 𝑝𝑖 )

F. Instrumen independent variables

1. Conceptual definition

According to Buzan (2003), the mind map uses a powerful graphic

technique, which provides key to unlocking the potential of brain.

Mind mapping is the easiest way to record creative, effective, and

literally will map out our mind. It can be conclude that mind map is a

creative technique to represent and organized our idea or information

through diagram, color, picture, symbol, and connection. The creativity

lets the students to think free in mapping their mind about vocabulary.

Hence, the students can comprehend the vocabulary much easier.

2. Operational definition

In this case, the researcher emphasis how implement the mind

mapping technique as well as possible in teaching vocabulary. The

first, the researcher introduces about the mind mapping overall and

review about vocabulary in their lesson narrative text. The second, the

researcher divided the students into group it let the students learn first

about making mind mapping together, then the students are asked to

make their mind mapping individually. The third the researcher gives

the students instruction to read and comprehend the text first. After

comprehending the text, they have to write and draw their

comprehension through mind mapping. After that, the students have to

answer some question related to the text. In order to make sure whether

their vocabulary are helped by mind mapping.

G. Statistics Of Hypothesis

To prove the hyphothesis, the data that is obtained from the

experimental class and control class is calculated by using t-test formula

with the assumption as follows :

a. Ho : µ1 = µ2

b. Ha : µ1 > µ2

Description :

a. Null Hypothesis (H0), There is no significant difference

between the students’ English vocabulary scores taught by

using mind mapping and without using mind mapping for

students’ at SMP YASPITA Tangerang.

b. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha),There is significant difference

between the students’ English vocabulary scores taught by

using mind mapping and without using mind mapping for

students’ at SMP YASPITA Tangerang.

H. The Techniques of Data Analysis

1. Descriptive Statistic

According to E. Walpole (2001, p. 39) “Statistics descriptive are

methods relating to the collection and presentation of a range of data,

as to provide useful information”. With descriptive statistics, the data

set obtained will be presented with simple an tidy, it can give the

information from existing data sets, Information obtained among

others, the size of data centralization and dissemination of data size.

Measures of central tendency include the mode of data median, mean,

mean, while the size of the spread of the data covers the range,

variance and standard deviation. The steps in the following descriptive

statistics there are :

a. Mean

According to Sugiyono (2010, p. 49), mean is the average

value of the group. The formula of mean by Riadi (2014, p. 45) as


Description :

∑ 𝑓𝑖−𝑥𝑖 ∑𝑛
𝑖=1 𝑓𝑖 𝑥𝑖
∑ 𝑓𝑖
X= ∑𝑛
𝑖=1 𝑓𝑖

X : Mean

𝑓𝑖 : Frequency of class

𝑥𝑖 : Mid point of class

𝑛 : The number of data

b. Median

Median is the middle value or location of the data that divides

the two same parts. The formule of median by Riadi (2014, p. 47)

as follows :

𝑀𝑒 = 𝐿𝑜 + 𝐼 [2 ]

Description :

Lo : the bottom limit of median class

I : class interval

𝐹 : frequency of cumulative

𝑓 : frequency of median class

𝑛 : The number of data

c. Mode

Mode is the value that appear with the highest frequency.

The formula of median by Riadi (2014, p. 48) as follows :

Description :

𝑀𝑜 = 𝐿𝑜 + 𝐼(𝑏1+𝑏2)

Lo : Lower limit of class – 0,5

I : Interval of class

b1 : Frequency of Mode – Frequency before Me

b2 : Frequency of Mode – Frequency after Me

d. Dispersion

1. Range

Range is the difference between the highest datum with the

smallest datum. According to Riadi (2014, p. 60) the formula

as following :

𝑅 = 𝐷𝑚𝑎𝑥 − 𝐷𝑚𝑖𝑛

𝑟 𝑛𝑡
Deviation standard𝐴 = 𝑃 (1 + 𝑛)


Size of statistic spread that measure how the data spread,

According to Riadi (2014, p. 64) the formula as follows :

∑𝑓(𝑥− x )

S = Standard deviation

f = Frequency

X = mean

n = number of cases

3. Variance

Variance is quadrate of devition standard. According to Riadi

(2014, p. 66) the formula as follows :

𝑆2 = 𝑛

S2 = Variant

f = Frequency

X = mean

n = number of cases

2. Parametric Statistic

According to Riadi (2014), parametric statistic is the data has come

from a type of probability distribution and makes inferences about the

parameters of the distribution.

Test Data Requirements

1. Normality

Normality test is used to assess whether the data are normally

distributor not. In analyzing the data this research, the writer used

Chi Quadrat test, The criteria of this method thata the data will be

said distribute normally if the value of Xcount will be smaller than

the Xtable In contrast, if the value of value of Xcount will be heigher

than the Xtable the data does not distribute normally.

𝑥 = ∑ 𝑓𝑒

X2 = Chi squeare Value

f0 = Frequency of expectancy

fe = Frequency of absolute

2. Homogencity

This test was intended to test the similarity of two variants of a

normally distributed population. To know it, the write used Fisher

test, In this test, the data will be said homogenous if the Fcount is

smaller than Ftable. According to Riadi (2014, p. 104 ) the formula as

follows :

𝑆 2 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚
𝐹= 𝑆 2 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚

S2 higher = the biggest variance

S2smaller = the smaller variance

3. T-test

There are two formulas of t-test for independent sample model t-

test and the pooled variance model t-test Riadi (2014, p. 159-160)


b. The Spearate Model T-test

𝑋1 − 𝑋2
2 𝑠2
√𝑠 1 + 2
𝑛1 𝑛2

If :

n1 = n2 sample is homogene  dk n1 + n2 – 2

n1 = n2 sample is not homogene  dk n1- 1 or n2 – 2

n1 ≠ n2 sample is homogene  ttable = ( ∆ttable / 2) + ttable smallest

∆ttable = difference of ttable n1 and n2

c. The Pooled Variance Model T-Test

𝑋1 − 𝑋2
√√(𝑛1 − 1)𝑆 1 + (𝑛2−1 )𝑆2 ( 1 + 1 )
𝑛1 − 𝑛2−2 𝑛1 𝑛2

If :

n1 = n2 sample is homogene  dk = n1 + n2 – 2

n1 = n2 sample is homogene  dk = n1- 1 or n2 – 2

n1 ≠ n2 sample is not homogene  dk = (n1-1) or (n2-1)

Note :

T = t-test

X 1= the score of pre-test

X 2= the score of post-test

S2 = the standard deviation from the mean

n = number of cases

If the data is obnormally, then the research takes

nonparametrical statistic Analysis by using Mann – Whitney

U Test :

X1 X2
𝑡= −
2 𝑠 2
√𝑠 1 + 2
𝑁1 𝑁2


( ) 2 ( ) 2
𝑆𝑝 √ 𝑛1 − 1 𝑠1 + 𝑛2 − 1 𝑠1
𝑛1 + 𝑛2 − 2


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