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Annual Report

Year-end March 2018

Kanlungan Filipino Consortium

Ground Floor Unit 1 Fountayne Business Centre

Broad Lane, London N15 4AG

Tel 0203 893 1870



Table Of Contents
Reference and Administrative Information 3
Foreword from the Chair 4
Trustees Report 5
Report on Activities 7
Plans for the Future 11
Financial Review 12
Reserves Policy 12
Statement of Financial Activities (SORPS) 

for the Year Ending 31 March 2018 13
Independent Examiner’s Report 15
Acknowledgments 16


Reference and Administrative
Kanlungan Alliance of Filipino Organisations 

Eva Mayor (Chair) 

Rafael J Maramag (Secretary)

Nidesma Bibal De Castro (Vice Chair) 

Jilyn Ganaden (Treasurer)

Susan Cueva

Rachelle Bascara

Estela Nalden

Cielo Tilan

Moises Española

Phoebe Dimacali

Coree Alvarez


c/o Bahay Kubo Housing Association Limited

Ground Floor Unit 1 Fountayne Business Centre

Broad Lane, London, N15 4AG

T: 0203 893 1871



Spencer Kendrick Unity Trust

63 Bramblewood Close Nine Brindleypalce

Carshalton Surrey Birmingham


Foreword from the Chair
It is my pleasure to present to you our annual report for the
preceding year.

The amazing project, Curating Development, in cooperation with

Goldsmith University illustrates how much the contribution of
migrants support all aspects of development, from education, to
housing, health, and business initiatives. However the society in
general under value these contributions.

Every year migrants contribute billions of dollars to the Philippines,

but also in the host countries. Join us in celebrating these
contributions and recognising our unsung heroes, see link https://

We would like to express our appreciation to Goldsmith University,

Arts and Humanities Research Council and all the participants in
the project who gave their time and skills to make our work

Last but not least, I would like to recognise my fellow migrant

workers, for their friendship and comradeship, and more
importantly, for the good work they do through their active
participation in Kanlungan’s programmes.


Chairwoman, Kanlungan Filipino Consortium
Secretary, Filipino Domestic Workers’ Association


Trustees Report
THE TRUSTEES are the Directors of Kanlungan Filipino Consortium, the Charity, for
the purposes of company law. The Trustees confirm that this 31 MARCH 2018
requirements of the Charity’s governing documents and the provisions of the
Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) Accounting and Reporting by
Charities, as revised in 2005.


Association, Campaign for the Human Rights in the Philippines - UK, Bayanihan
Leicester, Philippine Theatre UK, Lingap Filipino Association and The Filipino
Domestic Workers’ Association. Each member organisation elects two
representatives to become members of Kanlungan’s Management Committee.
Kanlungan co-opts individuals who have specific skills to assist the committee. The
Trustees are elected from among the Management Committee members. The
elections of Trustees and Committee members are held at the Annual General
Meeting. When vacancies arise, the Trustees can appoint a replacement.
Committee members may put themselves forward for re-election each year.


Work Plan of the Organisation, manage financial affairs and supervise staff and
volunteers. All Trustees and Management Committee members are volunteers and
receive no remuneration.

All Trustees and Management Committee members are required to declare any
relevant interests and withdraw from decision making if any conflict of interest arises.

THE PAID STAFF MEMBER is working 7 hours per week. Although the part time
staff member has delivered the bulk of the work for the funded projects, we also rely
on volunteers from members of the community to ensure the delivery of many parts
of the work of the Charity.

THE AIMS & OBJECTIVES OF KANLUNGAN reflect daily lives and struggles of the
growing numbers of immigrant Filipinos in Britain which is why strengthening the
alliance of Filipino community organisations and individuals working closely together
for the welfare and interests of the Filipino community in Britain, is the impetus. We
aim to foster unity, understanding and cooperation among Filipinos and their
organisations and work towards improving the quality of life of Filipinos.


❖Advance education and training of the Filipinos to enhance their access to
welfare services and improve their social conditions.

❖Promote their economic welfare and help alleviate hardship and distress
amongst Filipinos.

❖Raise awareness among Filipinos on socio-economic, political and cultural

conditions in the Philippines, the United Kingdom and Europe especially in those
areas of public life that directly affect them.

Kanlungan pursues these aims by enabling its member organisations to work

together on specific projects, providing social assistance such as skills development,
offering advice on rights and welfare information and counselling to migrants and
other relevant organisations to help tackle their specific issues, crafting campaign
and educational activities to raise the awareness of the community in addressing the
issues affecting migrants and the general public. Kanlungan develops its networks
by bridging the Filipino community to work together on common purposes with
various migrant communities and organisations, media, policy makers, trade unions
and charitable bodies.


Report on Activities
1.Curating Development: Filipino migrants’ investments in Philippine

This project is in collaboration with Goldsmith University lead by Dr. Mark Johnson,
Dr. Deirdre McKay and Dr. Gabriela Nicolescu and funded by the Arts and
Humanities Research Council.

The aim of the project is to create a community-art exhibition to enable migrants to:

a) make visible the important work of care that they do and the key problems they
encounter, such as forms of surveillance that violate their privacy;
b) show how their work contributes to the material and social welfare of those who
are dependent on them; and
c) present the major obstacles they face in converting the fruits of their effort into
economic benefit and development at home.


The project ran over a period of 18 months in three countries, the UK, Philippines
and Hong Kong. The organisational partners from Hong Kong and the Philippines
run parallel activities in their countries during the same period. In the UK, the main
activities were:

• A series of workshops with migrant Filipinos using photographic and collage

techniques with objects and images from social media, camera phones, posted
photographs and personal collections to illustrate both their experiences as
migrant care workers living abroad and their contributions to development in the
home country.

•Focus groups discussion to elicit feedback including contemplation of sameness

and difference in the sites of investment depicted in the artworks and discussion
of strategies, competition and sustainability.

•An exhibition held at Goldsmith University from the selected images, as well as the
public project website. The printed images, along with other explanatory boards
on social and economic outputs of migration, formed the basis of the exhibition.

The exhibition of the migrant-produced images and artworks, along with quotes from
the discussions, and round-table workshops with NGOs and policy audiences, as
well as academics, showed how these precarious, small-scale investments could be
scaled-up to generate ongoing employment in-country and more secure income
streams. These discussions were reflected back to migrants and the wider diasporic
community through a project website and social media.


Exhibition: Beyond Myself
3 December 2017– 31 January 2018
Kingsway Corridor

Richard Hoggart Building Goldsmiths, University of London New Cross


SE14 6NW

2. Filipino Domestic Workers - campaign to provide proper services

Kanlungan, together with its member organisation, the Filipino Domestic Workers’
Association, participated in a collaborative work with Kalayaan, in relation to the
Home Office’s consultation of their plan to provide information service to migrant
domestic workers coming in to the UK to work. The collaborative work provided the
Home Office a document that showcased the different organisations’ views on how
the Home Office can best provide accurate information and protect the rights of
vulnerable migrant domestic workers. The service provision has now been


contracted out to independent providers. This is a free service that will be available
to the migrant domestic workers this year of 2018.

3. Lobby and campaigns to support Migrants Rights

Kanlungan and its member organisations participated in activities highlighting the
plight and struggles of migrants in the UK under the hostile environment of the UK
government. We participated in lobbying in the parliament to support the granting of
unilateral rights for all EU migrants who are already in the UK. We mobilized our
community in protest actions as part of the One Day Without Us activities, which
highlights the importance of migrants and its contribution in society. We also
participated in demonstrations to highlight the importance of the NHS in the UK.
Thousands of Filipinos are employees in the NHS and therefore the NHS serves as
the main employer of Filipino migrants.

4. Setting Up Social Enterprise

During this period, Kanlungan started to work with its member organisations, such as
Bahay-Kubo Housing Association (BKHA) and Filipino Domestic Workers
Association (FDWA), in exploring different areas of social enterprise. Recognising
that funding for community activities and campaigns have become even more
difficult, we are currently exploring how we can use the community members’ skills in
health, social care and personal and household services by setting up an agency for
carers, nurses and domestic workers. This is currently in a setting up stage and very
much supported by BKHA.

4. Collaborative Work establishing East Asian Community Centre

Kanlungan, over the last few years, recognised the difficulty of running its activities
and campaigns due to lack funding and resources. Over the years, we have
struggled to find funding sources to fund specific community activities for the
Filipinos only.

In late 2017, we embarked on an initiative to explore the possibility of collaborative

work with the Chinese and Vietnamese communities, all from East Asian countries.
The collaborative work focused on the possibility of bringing to life again and
maximising the use of the An Viet House which used to be the activity centre for
Vietnamese community. Due to the inability of the An Viet Foundation to continue its
work, they have now invited the Chinese and Filipino communities to find a way to
continue the use of An Viet House as community resource.

Initial joint activities included the celebration of Chinese New Year in February, which
was well attended by members from the three communities, with the Mayor of
Hackney, Phillip Granville, and the Leader of the Council, as special guest speakers.


Kanlungan and BKHA are currently exploring with the Hackney Chinese Community
Services (HCCS), taking over the lease for An Viet House and restoring the building.
We are also exploring the possibility of setting up social enterprise activities like
reviving the restaurant, hosting pop-up restaurants, and renting community hall,
rooms and office spaces.


Plans for the Future
1. Kanlungan started a new project in mid-March 2018 in cooperation with FDWA
and Igorot UK. The project, Curating the Mind, explores ways in which Filipino
migrants can express the issues that affect their mental health and well being.
This is facilitated through a series of arts and creative workshops which will run
over the period of two years.
2. Kanlungan will encourage Filipino domestic workers to have a critical engagement
in the use of services provided by the Home Office, with a view to improving the
services to better serve the domestic workers. It supports the development of
FDWA as a grassroots organisation to be at the forefront of the campaigns for the
rights and welfare of migrant domestic workers in the UK.

3. Kanlungan will promote and develop the Filipino language classes established in
Walthamstow for young Filipinos born in the UK. It seeks to establish good quality
language programme and aims to become an accredited provider for Filipino
languages. This is in cooperation with the organisation Igorot-UK.

4.Kanlungan envisions to continue its engagement in developing the social

enterprise initiatives with its member organisations and to develop the
collaborative work with Hackney Chinese and Vietnamese communities.

5. Kanlungan is preparing for possible move-in to An Viet House in conjunction with

its member organisations, BKHA, which will potentially take up the lease with


Financial Review
Kanlungan’s work is mainly reliant on the grants provided by charitable foundations
such as the People’s Health Trust. Much of our work is done by our committed
volunteers who generously contribute both their time and resources to the running of
the Organisation. We have a good relationship with a number of trade unions and
voluntary organisations that have supported our work in different ways.

Reserves Policy
Kanlungan’s policy on reserve is that any remaining funds at the end of the year are
surpluses and go back to the Organisation’s general fund, or if appropriate to
restricted funds for projects. Some of the unrestricted funds will be reserved to pay
the employer’s statutory financial obligation in case of illness, redundancy of any
staff and future pension obligations.

Any reserves shall be used only for the purposes laid out in the Constitution unless
otherwise agreed by Trustees and representatives with a two-thirds vote.
The Management Committee of the organisation will be responsible for regularly
reviewing the policy; and any income and expenditure shall be reported in every
Annual General Meeting.


Statement of Financial Activities

for the Year Ending 31 March 2018
Unrestricted Restricted Total Total
Funds Funds Funds Funds
2018 2017

£ £ £ £


Incoming Resources
Funders - Unison 0 0 0 850

Funders - TFL 0 0 7,500

Funders - People Health 6,713 6,713 0

Trf Funds from Unrestricted to Restricted -790 790 0 0

Fundraising 15,539 15,539 1,886

Donations 0 0 0
Gross Interest Received 24 24 22

PAYE - Incentives 0 0
14,772 7,503 22,275 10,258

Resources Expended
Rent-Hall 0 3,600 3,600 0

Seminars/Community Activities 1,661 1,661 1,640

Legal & Professional 0 0 0

Salaries 0 0 9,818
Employers NI/Pension 0 0 0

Travel, Etc. 277 277 0

Fundraising Events 4,962 4,962 1,570

Office rent/utilities 0 0 0
Arts/workshops Supply 0 0 0

Printing, Stationery, Postage & Couriers 88 88 0


Telephone 495 495 688
Subsistence 0 313 313 759

Consultancy/Volunteers 3,000 3,000 0

Bank Charges 72 72 54

Insurance/internet/membership 481 481 542

Depreciation 0 0

Total Resources Expended 5,034 9,915 14,949 15,071

Net Movement in Funds 9,738 -2,412 7,326 -4,813

Reconciliation of Funds

Total Funds brought forward 24,021 9,125 33,146 37,959

Net book Value of Assets 0 0

Total Funds Carried Forward 33,760 6,713 40,472 33,146


to the Trustees of Kanlungan Filipino Consortium This report relates to the
accounts of the Trust for the year ended 31st March 2018, which are set on pages
The organisation's trustees are responsible for the preparation of the accounts. The
organisation's trustees consider that an audit is not required for this year (under
section 43 (2) of the Charities Act 1993, and that an independent examination is
It is my responsibility to:
Examine the accounts (under section 43(3) (a) of the 1993 Act;
To follow the procedures laid down in the General Directions given by the Charity
Commissioners (under section 43(7) (b) of the 1993 Act); and
To state whether particular matters have come to my attention.

My examination was carried out in accordance with the General Directions given by
the Charity Commissioners. An examination includes a review of the accounting
records kept by the charity and a comparison of the accounts presented with those
records. It also includes consideration of any unusual items or disclosure in the
accounts, and seeking explanations from you as trustees concerning any such
matters. The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be
required in audit, and consequently, I do not express audit opinion on the view given
by the accounts.
I ndependent Examiner's Statement
In connection with my examination, no matter has come to my attention:
(1) which gives me reasonable cause to believe that in any material respect the
requirements to keep accounting records in accordance with section 41 of the 1993
Act; and to prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records and to
comply with the accounting requirements of the 1993 Act have been met; or
(2) To which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper
understanding of the accounts to be reached.
Name and signature: Spef\ Ken<lr,'ck.
Address: urrey SM51 PQ



Our Funders

Goldsmith University
Arts and Humanities Research Council
People’s Health Trust

Our Supporters
Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI)
Igorot UK
Philippine Generation
Pepe’s Kitchen
Let’s Kain
Hackney Chinese Community Centre

Our member organisations:

Lingap Filipino Association
Bahay Kubo Housing Association
Philippine Theatre UK
Filipino Domestic Workers Association (FDWA)
Campaign for Human Rights in the Philippines (CHRP)
Bayanihan Leicester

We would also like to thank individual supporters and members of various migrant
community organisations, and all other Filipino organisations who have supported us

Fr. Steven Saxby

St Andrew’s Church Leicester

St Barnabas and St Saviour’s Church, Walthamstow

St John’s Notting Hill Church, Notting Hill
ATLEU – Anti Labour Trafficking Unit


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