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Unit 1 e

erupt (v) to throw hot rocks and dust high

into the air
a Sometimes a volcano erupts with a massive
active (adj) (1) always ready and able to explosion.
do things
Tom is an active boy and he swims every day.
eruption (n) the event when a volcano
(2) ready and working The eruption oÏ the volcano killed thousands
This active volcano oÏten has oÏ people.
smoke coming Ïrom the top.
expert (n) a person who knows a lot
b about something
bet (v) to believe that something will My uncle is an expert in engineering.
“I bet I can run
Ïaster than you,”
feed (v) (1) to give food
said Harry. Mothers Ïeed tiny babies with milk.

“I bet you can’t,” (2) to put more into something to keep

replied Peter.
it full
I bet you can't. You must Ïeed more paper into the printer
because it is nearly empty.

bubble (v) to make bubbles (3) to eat

The hot soup bubbled in the pan. Elephants Ïeed on grass and branches.
fountain (n) a structure
c that shoots water into
crater (n) (1) the opening at the top of a the air
volcano The Ïountain in the park is
The sides oÏ a crater are oÏten steep. in the middle oÏ a pool.
(2) the bowl-shaped hole in the ground furious (adj) very, very angry
made by an explosion My brother broke a window and Dad was
The Ïirework went oÏÏ and leÏt a small Ïurious.
crater in the ground.
d geologist (n) a person who studies the
dangerous (adj) likely to harm or hurt earth and its rocks
Lions are dangerous wild animals.
Geologists study rocks to Ïind out how old
diary (n) a book in which a person writes they are.
what they have done each day
geyser (n) a hot spring that sometimes
We can learn a lot oÏ history Ïrom old diaries. throws up water
dragon (n) an imaginary Some geysers throw water Ïive metres in the
creature that can fly air.
and breathes fire
glacier (n) a river of ice that is found in
People used to believe that some mountains
dragons were real animals.
You can walk across a glacier but you must
be careÏul.

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guide (n)  a person who shows the way point of view  the place from which
A guide took us to the caves in the desert. one sees things
From John’s point oÏ view the Ïilm was boring
h but John doesn’t like Ïilms, anyway.
hot spring (n)  hot water that rises up out
of the ground r
Some hot springs are deep enough to swim in. rare (adj)  unusual, not often seen
The giant panda is very rare and not many
i people have seen one.
Iceland (n)  an island in rough (adj)  not smooth
the north Atlantic
Ocean The bark oÏ a tree Ïeels rough.

k s
kingfisher (n)  a bright blue bird that lives shoot up (v)   to go upwards very fast
near rivers and catches fish Dad lit the Ïirework and it shot up into the
We saw a Ïlash oÏ blue as the kingÏisher sky.
dived into the river.
spectacular (adj)   amazing to look at
l The gold and silver palace was really
lava (n)  the hot, liquid rock that comes out spectacular.
of a volcano steam (v)  to send up a
When lava cools it goes hard. cloud of tiny water
drops into the air
lynx (n)  an animal in the
cat family The pot oÏ soup was
steaming over the Ïire.
A lynx has brown and grey
Ïur and pointed ears. student (n)  a person who is learning
My cousin is a student at the university.
mud (n)  wet earth t
Please clean the mud oÏÏ your shoes beÏore tap (n)  a metal object for turning on water
you come in. Mum turned on the tap and Ïilled the jug.
mud pot (n)  a kind of hot spring thrilling (adj)  very exciting
where a little water mixes with volcanic
Our journey across Australia was a thrilling
ash and makes a hot, muddy pool
Mud pots sometimes bubble noisily.
tomato (n)  a small, round, red fruit that
p grows on a plant
We had tomato and cheese pizza Ïor lunch.
peculiar (adj)  strange, unusual
This plant is very peculiar because it eats v
insects. volcano (n)  a place on the surface of the
personal (adj)  belonging to a person earth where hot rock rises up from
The children keep their personal possessions
in their bags. Some volcanoes look like mountains.

point (n)  a particular place w

We watched the sailing race Ïrom a point weird (adj)  very strange
along the beach.
I was scared when I heard weird noises in the

EW6 Dictionary.indd 2 18/01/2010 11:19

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