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Apidchaya Yongsanguanchai (Amm)

Mr. B Nascimento

Humanities 9

8 October 2018

Solution For Zuziland Social Issues

Authoritarian capitalism is a government system that solves the problem of poverty by

uplifting the poor, where the system encourages people to do business and produce new

products, which will lead them to having a better life as well as increasing the country’s

economic growth. As stated by Naskar, Abhijit,“The world of today can only be uplifted

through positive authoritarianism, not through the so-called democracy. But the point is,

whenever you think of authoritarianism or dictatorship, you relate it to tyranny, yet that’s

only the negative side of authoritarianism.”, This thought provoking quote from a famous

neuroscientist and untiring advocate of global harmony has made us think with this question:

With the global spread of capitalism, can democracy survive alongside economic

discipline in today’s world?

Today, Zuziland’s current government system is a representative democracy controlled

by the president. Although the people have the right to speak or take part with any decision

making, but the government is getting weaker. This leads to various issues in the society, and

one of the biggest problems is the rate of poverty and unemployment in the country, which is

increasing lately.
Authoritarian capitalism can benefit the country in many ways.This type of government

system can improve the lives of the people in various ways, including the benefits provided to

corporations, supporting poor families, and other social issues. An example of that is no

monopoly in business. Authoritarian type of government is the central power and thus can

control the prices of the commodity being sold by companies to the local customer. This

prevents private companies from increasing the price of commodities and products as per their

needs. Another example, it instills discipline. It is a more disciplined form of government where

everyone has to follow the rules and laws imposed by the government. Due to this, people are

more conscious about their actions, which in turn helps reduce crime, and increases safety.

Moreover, a faster law-making process. With this kind of government in place, there are only a

few policy makers, and thus, new laws and policies are implemented faster, which helps people

to benefit from these more quickly and in an orderly fashion. Lastly, unpopular and controversial

policies can be implemented. Since the majority of the population is not educated, this can

create a lot of controversies, while implementing certain policies. This can hinder the overall

growth of a country for instance, an uneducated community would prefer for the government to

provide free food rather than investing in infrastructure development. In an authoritarian type of

government, these kind of problems don’t usually exist as the government can implement any

policies that are in the interest of the whole community, without asking the people (Lombardo).

Sometimes, people may think that authoritarian capitalism leads to poverty and less

freedom. However, by looking from a different perspective, this type of government system

helps uplift the poor in a way that benefits everyone.The government helps poor families by

providing them jobs; such as labor work. This way, the poor will have enough money for their

daily necessities and support their family further, and at the same time, companies can work

faster by hiring more laborers and reduce the unemployment rate in the society. In addition,

capitalism helps open new markets and encourages people to build their own businesses using

current technology or inventing new technology. This way, the economy of the country would
increase manifolds, and people become more self sufficient which in turn increases the living

standard of the whole community. People usually blame capitalism for causing poverty,

however, this is not always true. If the rich “get to scoop up profits extorted” by the poor

workers, there’s no way to increase economic growth, and this makes poor people poorer. Also,

there is a big difference in income between productive parts of the country and unproductive

places which makes productive places rich and unproductive places poor. If people in

unproductive places were not excluded from the higher productivity activities, then they would

have better jobs. In poor places, people “are characterised by the absence of capitalist firms

and by self-employment” (Worstall). “Capitalism encourages people to produce new products”,

to invent new technologies and promote existing products into new markets. As people start to

invent new products to make their lives easier, it allows everyone to have access to a higher

standard of living. Also, having more productive companies will allow people to have the ability

to afford more goods.

Last but not least, we, the Conservative Democrats, used President Donald J. Trump’s

republican as our example. Trump’s republican party lead United States to having a better

business opportunity, and thus, solved many issues in the society. For instance, poverty.

President Trump intends to uplift the poor and those in need with compassion and fairness. The

government guides people to find jobs, and support them as much as they can. People needed

money to take care of themselves and their family. Another example is foster care. The

government is trying to give hope to as many children in need as they can by providing them a

stable and safe environment, as well as having foster parents or guardian by the nation’s foster

families who are compassionate to support these children (“President Donald J. Trump

Proclaims May 2018 as National Foster Care Month.”). Education is also another important

issue where we have to consider, since in our country, the lack of education is one of the major

problems. Poor families don’t have enough money to afford their child’s tuition fee, and without

proper education, it would be difficult for them to find good jobs in the future. These poor
families are mostly referred to the Zuzus and the Zuzis. Especially in poor areas, parents don’t

think that school/education is necessary for their child, but is just a waste of time. They think it

would be better for their child to help them do farming rather than going to school. On the other

hand, those who are wealthy like the Zulankans went studying overseas, with their knowledge

and foreign master degrees allow them to find the very best jobs in Zuziland. Trump’s approach

in solving education problems centered around local education through fund allocation. He

would like to add “$20 million towards school choice programs” (Linnell-Olsen, Lisa.). Zuziland’s

education issues can be solved if we apply Trump’s vision in implementing a much prioritizing

yet motivating strategy to uplift it’s downward spiral education rate. If the government can

provide a sufficient funding to allocate each marginalized family a chance at education, a lack of

motivation won’t be much of problem for Zuziland citizens. Once this funds will be allocated to

the citizens, they would have a chance for better access in terms of resources. This could pave

a way for a much better percentage of passing school. Each citizen would have access to a

school of choice, as this will be on the terms along with the fund allocation. Not only that,

schools such as vocational or private schools can better equipped them for future employment.

Special training will be give to further improve their skills. Teachers will provide a much in depth

training to improve language skills for a specific purpose. This could be helpful later on when

they start working (Stratford, Michael.). For kindergarten and nursery, STEM (Science,

Technology, Engineering, Math) education should be strongly advocated for the young learners.

When this funding is materialized in Zuziland, these young learners would also have access to

technological experiences if STEM were brought to them. Being exposed to such learning at an

early age helps (Johnston, Ryan.). According to Zuziland’s country profile, There’s higher

percentage of male under enrolled in school, due to most parents would rather let them work in

farms since males have more strength to do farming. Females also have a high percentage of

under enrolled in school, however, less than males by 6.6%. Zuziland’s poor enrolment rate

reflects the quality education in the poor rural areas. With little social and economic mobility,
children and adults find school less appealing and clearly not needed. In this case, authoritarian

capitalism can solve this problem.

Moreover, Donald J. Trump believe in traditional family values, by protecting and

avoiding that from happening. To conserve one traditional values means to cherish one’s

religious heritage and having it intact. And we, the Conservative Democrats will also fight for our

traditional family values in Zuziland as well.

Many people think that authoritarian capitalism leads to poverty, but the truth is that the

system encourages people to produce products or have their own businesses. This allows

people to be able to take care of themselves, decrease poverty and unemployment rate, as well

as increasing the country’s economic growth. People also think that the system will take away

freedom and doesn’t necessarily put the interest of the people first. Authoritarian capitalism is

lead by a group of politicians, who decides most of the things in the society. However, they

would select the best choice which can benefit everyone, not only for themselves (if they’re a

good person). In conclusion, By looking at president Trump’s party as an example, authoritarian

capitalism is one of the best systems that lead to many benefits in the society. It lead to many

business opportunities by uplifting the poor, and can solve many problems in the society,

especially poverty. We, the Conservative Democrats will do everything in our power to solve all

the problems in the country through authoritarian capitalism.

Works Cited

Johnston, Ryan. “Trump Stands by STEM Education Spending in Fiscal 2019 Budget.”

EdScoop, EdScoop, 12 Feb. 2018,


Linnell-Olsen, Lisa. “What Can We Expect in Education From Donald Trump?” Verywell

Family, Verywellfamily, 4 Apr. 2018,

Lombardo, Crystal R. “8 Advantages and Disadvantages of Authoritarian Government.”

ConnectUS,, 11 July 2018,


Naskar, Abhijit. “Abhijit Naskar.” Naskar, Wordpress, 21 Sept. 2018,

“President Donald J. Trump Proclaims May 2018 as National Foster Care Month.” The

White House, The United States Government, 30 Apr. 2018,


Stratford, Michael. “Trump Pitches Boost to Vocational Education.” POLITICO,

POLITICO, 31 Jan. 2018,


Worstall, Tim. “It's Not Capitalism That Causes Poverty, It's The Lack Of It.” Forbes,

Forbes Magazine, 21 Dec. 2015,


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