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Part A ( 20 x 2marks = 40 marks)

Answer all the Questions

1. Write all vowels in Sanskrit.
2. Distinguish between Anusvara and Visarga.
3. Correct the following sentence बाला: अपठत ् त्त ्) कौसल्या रामान ् अजनयत ्
4. Mention the locative case of the following words in all numbers.
वनम ् त्त ्) पपता
5. Give the adjectival forms in three genders:-
i) त ्) हररत त्त ्) काण
6. Write the numbers from one to ten in Sanskrit words.
7. Write the Sanskrit equivalents of the following words :
i) Cruel ii) soft iii) Hard iv) kind
8. Change into past tense.
त ्) गिररिं अहिं पश्यामम । त्त ्) पववतात ् नदी प्रवघतत |
9. Translate into Sanskrit
i) Old people go slowly and slowly
ii) We are seven wmployees in the office.
10. Translate into English.
i) त ्) अहिं एकश: िणयातन । त्त ्) अथ जातु दशरथ: मि
ृ यायै वनिं अिच्छत ्
11. Match thefollowing :
12. ि ्) पत्रम ् - श्वेतिं
13. घ ्) दग्ु धम ् - कु्िंकुमम ्
14. च ्) रक्तम ् - जलिं
15. छ) अम्बरम ् - हररतिं
16. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Sanskrit words:
a) _________ नम: (िुरवे , िुरो: , िुरुम ् )
b) _________ पाठशालािं िच्छमस ( अहिं , त्विं , स: )
17. Name the individuals who gave birth to the following persons:
i)Sugriva ii) Jambavan iii) Mandodari iv) Kubera
18. Who was the minister of king Sugriva?
19. What error was committed by Kumbha Karna while asking a boon?
20. Who was Ahalya? How did she turn into a stone?
21. Write the 1st and 2nd cases of ‘पपत’ृ शब्द in all the three numbers.
22. Write the 5th and 6th cases of ‘वारर’ शब्द in all the three numbers.
23. Write the genitive and vocative cases of ‘माला’ शब्द in all the three numbers.
24. Write the simple present [9 forms] of कृ dhatu.

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