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VOL. 28, NO. 2 SEPTENIER 2, 2000 $3, JCATION WEEK NEWSPAPER OF RECORD © 2008 Ealtorial Projects in Education GQ ereacine News DAILY Tight Leash Likely |! On Turnaround Aid | Radical Steps Proposed as Price for Title I Grants By Michele MeN be aimed at elementary schools, but | also at what he termed high school US. Secretary of Bducation Arne “dropost factories" andthe mide Duncan said lac week that he plano sehools that feed into them. demand radical stepesuch as fring In exchange, the federal Department mostofe schools sttfor converting! of Education could wav key compo | toa charter schonl—as the pie cfade nants of the Tie I program, suchas | inion in directing $2.5 biion in new the requirement that soos noting | school improvement aid to the nation's improvement under the No Child Left | 5000 woretperfrming sedis ‘Behind Act eer tutoring end public | _ In sharp contrast to the current PAGE 2n> \ freesowing nature of il schol | aid, the education secre- CHANGING THESTUDENT AND PARENT —_/ is propasing etrict conditions on 141%: alternative is offered te simply ‘the new funds, which would not only axing the faculty. COMMENTARY. PAGE Rural Areas Perceive Policy Tilt Urban Bias Seen on Stimulus, isinshenigaig But Ed. Dept. Vows Balance tates needing to enibrace charter Shoals to ive prents more atonal 8y Michele MoNa ‘options, he may not be envisioning Hamlet, NC places lice South Dakota or Montana, ‘where bal the schoo distil have just When US. Secretary of Education 4 few hundred students—and litle do ‘Ame Duncan talks about using merit toand for public schoo aliornative pay to attract the best ceachors £0 Rural echool advocates soy tho fed- the classroom, he probably doesn't eral priorities emerging under Mr hhave in mind's plate ike Richmond Duncan—a former chit exocative of County, NC. foe of she 408000-

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