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Name : ERNI LEDIYANA (030718733)

Class :D
Modul 1 : WORDS (Kata)
1.1 Noun
1 Proper Noun : Nama orang, tempat atau benda tertentu, nama hari, bulan dan kata benda
spesifik lainnya.
Example : Super Junior, a Korean Boyband, just performed in Jakarta
2 Common Noun : Kata Benda bersifat umum
Example : Matahari Mall = Matahari Mall is Proper Noun, Mall is a Common noun
3 Concrete Noun : kata benda yang berhubungan dengan indera perasa kita
Example : I Love the rain

4 Abstract Noun : Kata Benda yang berbentuk tidak nyata

Example : Korean Wave seems to be unstoppable
5 Countable Noun : kata benda yang dapat dihitung
Example : My sister has six cats and a Persian one

6 Uncountable Noun : kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung

Example : I think teachers shouldn't give their student too much homework

7 Collective Noun : Kelompok kata benda

Example : The England team won their first match in the 2012 Euro Cup

1.2 Verbs (kata kerja)

1 Auxiliary Verb : verba bantu dalam menentukan suasana hati, tenses, dan aspek verba lain.
Example : be, have, do, may, might, must, can, should, and will

2 Infinitive Verb : verba yang didhului oleh to- yang berfungsi sebagai noun, adjective atau
Example : to understanding, to understanable.

3 Intransitive Verb : Verba yang tidak membutuhkan obyek langsung.

Example : It is important to give

4 Transitive Verb : Verba yang membutuhkan obyek langsung

Example : She lost her laptop in the Mushola

5 Regular Verb : Verba yang membentuk pas tense atau past participle (verba bentuk lampau)
dengan menambahkan sufiks -d atau -ed atau -t.
Example : Learn - learned - learnt , wash - washed - washed

6 Irregular Verb : Verba yang tidak mengikuti aturan bagi bentuk verba
Example : Eat - ate - eaten.

7 Participle Verb : Verba yang berfungsi sebagai adjectives (present participle berakhiran -ing
dan past participle berakhiran -ed)
Example : Present Participle : interesting, loving
Past participle : fixed, traded

1.3 Adverb (kata keterangan)

1 Adverb : dapat menjawab pertanyaan "how", "when", "where", "how much".
Example : Beautifully, fast, hard.
2 Conjuctive Adverbs : adverb yang menggabungkan dua klausa tanpa sufiks ly tetapi dengan
bantuan titik koma (semicolon)
Example : also, finally, hence, however, then, meanwhile, instead, next.

1.4 Adjectives (kata sifat)

1 Posessive Adjectives : kata sifat kepemilikan
Example : I can't complete my writing assignment because I don't have bilingual

2 Demonstrative Adjectives : 'this', 'that', 'these', 'those'

Example : Where should i put this book?
3 Interrogative Adjectives : 'what', 'which'.
Example : What method do you use?

4 Indefinite Adjecctives : Kata sifat yang tak terhingga, 'many', 'few', 'any'.
Example : I don't remember the prices of any items i bought in Hongkong


Frasa adalah gabungan 2 kata atau lebih yang dapat berfungsi sebagai noun, verb, adjectives, adverb dan
1 Noun Phrase : Frasa kata benda. Gerund (verb+ing) atau infinitive phrase
Example : I am planning to buy an IPAD next week (invinitive phrase)
paintiing a house in Ramadhan in thirsty work (gerund phrase)

2 Verb Phrase : Frasa kata kerja

Example : Emma had kept her secret for so long, letting it grow in her heart.
Brian didn't listen to his mother, but continued to guip down his soda

3 Adjective Phrase : frasa kata sifat yang menerangkan noun

Example : we saw Jamila dashing across the room
He lived in butcher shop owned by a man named Mr. Roman

4 Adverbial Phrase : Frasa kata keterangan, adverbial phrase dapat juga berupa prepositional
phrase tapi tetap sebagai adverb.
Example : The ship got wrecked on Norfolk Island
They stole food from the public stores

5 Prepositional Phare : frasa kata depan

Example : I was driven mad by the sound of my neighbour's constant playing dangdut
She bought an expensive bag when she went to singapore.

Modul 3 : CLAUSES (kalimat)

Clause is combination of words that consist of subject and verb ( klausa dapat disebut juga denagan anak
1 Independent Clause
adalah anak kalimat yang dapat berdiri sendiri. Clause juga dapat digabung dengan 3 cara.
a. Coordination : Menggunakan kata penghubung (coordinating conjuction) seperti : and, but,
or, nor, yet, so, for.
Example : He is only fifty, but I'm fifty too.
You can pay your debts or i call the police.

b. Subordination : mengubah salah satu kalusa menjadi kalimat yang tida dapat berdiri sendiri
dengan menggunakan subordinating conjuction ( because, althought, etc)
atau relative pronoun (that, which, who, whom, etc)
that/which : yang (benda), who/whom : yang (orang)
Example : Agus never talked to his friends about going to China, because he was afraid
they would make of fun of him.
Adi, who is Agus' brother, told Agus to go to China no matter what his
friends said.

c. Titik Koma : Menggabungkan dua klausa tanpa menggunakan conjuctive hanya titik koma.
Example : Agus as such a good career; he can go any where he likes
Agus' part time job is being a translator; in addition, he clearly enjoys it.

2 Dependent Clause
Adalah klausa/anak kalimat yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri. Dependent clause terdiri dari 3 jenis :
a. Adverb Clause : Menerangkan tentang apa yang dibahas dalam verba utama
Example : When the working time is over, we'll go to the Supermarket
└----> Verba utama (bisa berdiri sendiri)
Haris wanted to go to his brother's house because he is sick.
* sebuah kalimat menggunakan kata because bukan lagi Independent clause
tapi sudah menjadi dependent clause

b. Adjective clause : Menerangkan tentang apa yang dibahas dalam nomina utama.
Example : His brothers, who is consultant, suffers from stroke.
My TV that is broken is being repaired.

c. Noun Clause → Menanyakan tentang apa, tapi bukan kalimat tanya

Example : Do you know what that means?
what she does is no concern of mine.

MODUL 4 : REFER TO (mengacu pada)

Refer to berarti mengacu pada sesuatu. Ada dua Jenis :
1 Refer to somebody/living things : mengacu pada benda hidup ---->> he, she, it (benda hidup)
Example : She found that being friendly to others made them friendly to her.
what does 'them' refer to? Answer : Others
In their traves, the Vikings encountered many cultures and lifestyles.
What does 'their' refer to ? Answer : the Vikings
2 Refer to somethinng : mengacu pada sesuatu atau benda mati ---> it (benda mati/satu benda mati)
Example : -The Nile River is The longest River in The world. It starts out in The Lake
Victoria, in the middle Africa.
What does 'it' refer to? Answer : The Nile River
- He lived in chambers which had one belonged to his deceased partner.
They were a gloomy suite of rooms.
what does 'they' refer to ? Answer : Rooms

Subject adalah apa atau mengenai siapa yang dibicarakan pada kalimat tersebut.
Subject diartikan juga sebagai pelaku atau pemrakarsa dalam kalimat
Example : 1. The students littered the faculty's garden floor with lunch boxes and
plastic bags. The Student is subject
2. My dad wakes me up every morning. My dad is Subject.
3. A wild wind exploded into the wood, blasting and splintering trees.
A wild wind is a Subject
4. At first the people standing in the yard did not notice the little deer
walking towards them. The people standing in the yard is Subject.
The people standing in the yard is Subject.

Predicate berupa kata kerja (verb), dapat berupa satu kata ataupun kelompok kata, dapat berupa be, modal
auxiliary, dan verba lainnya.
Example : 1. The younger of the two was Kathy. Was is predicate
2. Kathy Chose to go to collage close to home. Chose is predicate

Object berupa nomina (noun), dapat berupa satu kata atau kelompok kata gerund. Object disebut juga
There are 2 kinds of object :
1 Direct object (object langsung) : menjawab pertanyaan "what"
Example : 1. David repaired his car. His car is direct object.
2. The man visited the museum. The museum is direct object.

2 Indirect object (object tidak langsung) : menjawab pertanyaan "To whom" or "For whom".
Object tidak langsung tidak bisa berdiri sendiri dan membutuhkan object langsung.
Example : 1. They sent him a post card. Him is indirect object & a post card is direct
2. He bought his son a bike. His son is indirect object & a bike is direct object
We will write John a letter

My mom made a huge cake for me

My kitten was brought to an animal clinic

Scanning adalah salah satu strategi dalam membaca yang bertujuan untuk mencari informasi yang diperlukan
dengan cara cepat.

Scanning 1 dan 2 : mencari informasi dengan mempelajari brosur, booklet, leaflet dan iklan.

Skimming adalah salah satu teknik dalam membaca sehingga dapat membaca teks secara cepat dan efisien
untuk mendapatkan intisari bacaan/teks.

Skimming 1 dan 2 : mempelajari cara skimming dengan memberikan judul-judul bacaan, mencari kalimat/ide
utama pada bacaan
n kata benda

ek verba lain.

entuk lampau)

akhiran -ing
ves, adverb dan

ying dangdut

erti : and, but,

berdiri sendiri
hought, etc)

e he was afraid

anya titik koma.

ependent clause

u benda mati)

upa be, modal

ard is direct

is direct object
ang diperlukan

at dan efisien

cari kalimat/ide

NAME : ERNI LEDIYANA (030718733)


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