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Time management yaitu bagaimana kita mengatur waktu secara efektif dan efisien dalam menjalankan

aktivitas. Time management sangatlah penting karena waktu kita hanya 24 jam dalam sehari. Itupun
terbagi dalam berbagai macam pos. Ada pos waktu untuk bekerja, beristirahat, beribadah, bersosialisasi,
dan lain-lain. Oleh karenanya kita harus pintar-pintar memanfaatkan dan membagi waktu agar seluruh
pekerjaan kita hari ini dapat terselesaikan dengan baik.

Time management is how we manage time effectively and efficiently in carrying

out activities . Time management is very important because our time only 24 hours
in a day . Even then divided in various posts . Post time for go to campus, study, do
the task , rest , worship , socialize , and others . many students failed in their
graduate because they don’t use their time effectively. Therefore we have to be
smart to utilize and divide our time so that all our plan activity today can be
resolved properly . there are some solution how to manage our study time, such as
3. plan a weekly schedule
a. create a weekly agenda that contain schedule of lesson, extracurricular, slept, eat, get
refreshing, etc.
b. try to study time at school

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