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• •
••: Lesson Titles for This Quarter
•• ••
••• •••
: 1. The Captivity :
: 2. End of Captivity :

• 3. Decree of Cyrus •

• 4. Sacred Services Reinstated •

• 5. Rebuilding of the Temple Begins •

• 6. Rebuilding Halted •

: 7. Rebuilding Resumed •
: 8.. Messages of Encouragement :
: 9. Decree of Darius :
• 10. T e Temple Completed •
• h •
: 11. Serious Crisis Before the Jews :
: 12. The Enemy's Plot Defeated :
•• 13. Counterdecree in Favor of the Jews • •
•• •

••*':fIHIIi*':fIHIIi........':fIHIIi*~*':fIHIIi. ...':fIHI i. .......':fIHIIi.':fIHIIi*.•

Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, Lessons From the Restoration, for January-March, 1985, is pub-
lished by the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement General Conference Sabbath School
Department. Printed and distributed by Reformation Herald Publishing Association, P.O. Box
312, Blackwood, NJ 08012, U.S.A.

The lessons for the first and second quarters of 1985 deal with
THE RESTORATION of the children of Israel from the Babylonian
Because Israel turned away from the Lord-as "they mocked the
messengers of God, and despised His words, and misused His prophets,
until the wrath of the Lord arose against His people, till there was no
remedy" (2 Chron. 36:16)-the Lord permitted heathen nations to pun-
ish them. The northern kingdom of Isreal, composed of ten tribes,
crumbled and fell under the successive attacks of the Assyrian kings
(745-705 BC). This kingdom was also called Ephraim, after the main
tribe. The Assyrians led the best of the people into exile, from which
they never returned, because they merged with other nations and lost
their national identity. Those that remained in their country were in-
cluded in the mixed people known as Samaritans. The southern king-
dom, known as Judah, comprising the tribes of Judah and Benjamin,
plus the priestly tribe of the Levites, stood for nearly another century,
until Nebuchadnezzar captured Jerusalem (605 BC).
Judea (the land of the Jews), including Jerusalem, lay desolate for
about fifty years, until Cyrus, the Persian king, issued a decree (537
BC) allowing the Jews to return to their own country. But only a small
minority improved the opportunity. Under the leadership of Zerub-
babel (called Sheshbazzar in Ezra 1:8) and ]eshua the high priest, only
a company of about 50,000 Jews returned from Babylon to their home-
land (536 AD). It would not be wrong to admit that some members of
the ten tribes may have accompanied them. After about six months'
travel, they reached the site of the holy city. Their first concern was
to restore the divine services and rebuild the Temple, which was com-
pleted and dedicated in 515 BC.
The chronological chart on page 4 will certainly be useful to both
teachers and students in their efforts to master these lessons.
It is our prayer that this study will lead both teachers and students
to seek a deeper consecration to the Lord and a more earnest and active
participation in the work of revival and reformation for these last days.

The General Conference Sabbath School Department

539 Cyrus, king and founder of the Persian Empire, occupies the
throne of Babylon. He issues a proclamation restoring to their
native lands the exiles in Babylonia; together with their gods.
537 Cyrus issues a decree permitting the return of the Jews to rebuild
the Temple of Jerusalem. As the Jews have no images, they are
allowed to take with them the sacred vessels of the Temple.
536 Zerubbabel and Jeshua lead about 50,000 Jews back to their
homeland. They reinstate the daily sacrificial service, set up the
altar of burnt offering, and celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.
535 The foundation of the Temple is laid. Hostile tribes try to frus-
trate the efforts of the builders and to hinder the work.
529 Death of Cyrus. Accession of his son, Cambyses.
522 Death of Cambyses. The false Smerdis usurps the throne. (The
true Smerdis, Cambyses' brother, had been killed, 523 BC). The
impostor (known as Artaxerxes, Ezra 4:17-22) issues a decree
prohibiting the rebuilding of the Temple and of Jerusalem. He is
killed, 521 BC.
521 Accession of Darius Hystaspes (or Darius the Great, or Darius I).
520 Haggai and Zechariah exhort the Jews to resume work on the
Temple. Darius issues a decree authorizing the Jews to continue
building the Temple.
515 The Temple is completed and dedicated.
486 Ahasuerus (known as Xerxes I), a son of Darius I, takes the
474 Haman obtains a decree to destroy the Jews, but the Jews obtain
a counterdecree to defend themselves.
465 Accession of Artaxerxes I Longimanus.
457 Decree of Artaxerxes. Ezra leads back 1,755 Jews to Jerusalem.
444 Artaxerxes sends Nehemiah to Jerusalem. The rebuilding of the
wall is completed.
432 Second visit of Nehemiah to Jerusalem. He institutes a series of

Appeal for Project in Collins, Missouri

The Central U.S. Field is the most recently organized field in the territory of the
U.S. It consists of ten states in the central part of the country and the present head-
quarters is in the "Mile High City" of Denver, Colorado.
The object of this appeal is to help this new field to develop a project in the state
of Missouri, just 17 miles (27 kms.) from Collins, known as the Black Walnut Capital of
the world. Beautifully situated in the rolling hills of the Ozarks in the center of the
U.S., a property of 312 acres (125 hectares) was secured at a very attractive price.
The special search was conducted with prayer and a seeking for the Lord's guidance.
The prayers were answered in a very special manner when the searchers were led to
this location. It is with ponds, streams, oak, walnut, and hickory trees. It has excel-
lent frontages, one on a major highway giving speedy access to major cities, yet offers
seclusion and peace that can only be found in a rural setting.
This land has been set apart for the Lord's use, and plans include a missionary
training school, a retirement center for the aged, and a rural health retreat. The im-
mediate need is for buildings to house the missionary trainees and for the aged. These
projects are planned to benefit not only this field but because of their central location
to serve also the whole of North America, by providing workers for the places where
at present there are none.
We ask all to give generously for these projects which may be of even wider benefit
than merely North America. The missionary training and the health training can pre-
pare workers for any field where the English language is used and for bilinguals going
to work in other countries. There is an ever growing need for trained workers.
The time in which we can work here in America now may be very short, shorter
than we realize. Not only has the U.S. welcomed the papal visit with open arms but has
now renewed ambassadorial ties with the papacy. We know that a time is coming when
it will not be possible to buy or sell. Now is our opportunity before it is too late,-to give
in order to forward the work. The Lord loves the cheerful giver, and the reward is not
as a man has but according as he has laid up treasures in heaven.
There is great need for workers because as our Master said, "The harvest truly is
great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would
send forth labourers into his harvest."* Not only do we have to pray, but suit our ac-
tions to our prayers and do what is within our power to bring answer to our prayers.
Medical missionaries are needed. When the work is closed up for the colporteurs to
sell books, there will always be the sick and the health work was the entering wedge
used by the Master to find a way for the Gospel. There is need for facilities not only to
train but also to provide for the treatment of the ailing with the God-ordained methods
instead of allowing them to look to the gods of Ekron and the hospitals. It is a two-edged
weapon. On the one hand it is a blessing to the patient, and on the other it is also a prac-
tical training for the trainee who will then be able to go out and teach others, giving
relief wherever possible. The thirteenth Sabbath offering is an opportunity to have a
direct part in such a work. Consider carefully and give generously this quarter.
* Luke 10:2.

The General Conference Sabbath School Department


Lesson 1 Sabbath, January 5, 1985


As the people of Israel turned away from the Lord and refused to repent and return
to the worship of the true God, they were led into captivity by heathen nations.

KEY TEXT: "And the Lord shall scatter you among the nations, and ye shall be left
few in number among the heathen, whither the Lord shall lead you"
(Deuteronomy 4:27).

God's Purpose for Israel o Sunday

December 30

1. What was the original purpose of God for Israel? Exodus 19:5,6.

"Through the Jewish nation it was God's purpose to impart rich blessings to all
peoples. Through Israel the way was to be prepared for the diffusion of His light to
the whole world. The nations of the world, through following corrupt practices, had
lost the knowledge of God. Yet in His mercy God did not blot them out of existence.
He purposed to give them opportunity for becoming acquainted with Him through His
church. He designed that the principles revealed through His people should be the
means of restoring the moral image of God in man." -Christ's Object Lessons, p. 286.

2. How were the children of Israel reminded that the accomplishment of God's
purpose for them was dependent upon conditions? Deuteronomy 4:23,26,27;
7: 12, 13; 2 Chronicles 15:2 (last part).

Warning Against Presumption o Monday

December 31

3. What warning showed that it was a dangerous presumption to take God's

promises unconditionally? Jeremiah 18:9, 10.

"If their life and character were not in harmony with God's law, they were not His
people."- The Desire of Ages, p. 107.

4. What message should have opened the eyes of the leaders and people to their
deception? Hosea 4:6. What warning came to the church in the days of Sister

"Shall the warnings from God be passed by unheeded? Shall the opportunities for
service be unimproved? Shall the world's scorn, the pride of reason, conformity to hu-

man customs and traditions, hold the professed followers of Christ from service to
Him? Will they reject God's word as the Jewish leaders rejected Christ? The result of
Israel's sin is before us. Will the church of today take warning?" -Christ's Object Lessons, p.

Israel's Default o Tuesday

January 1

5. How was the purpose of God thwarted by Israel's apostasy? 2 Kings 17:7-12.

"But Israel did not fulfill God's purpose. They forgot God and lost sight of their
high privilege as His representatives. The blessings that they had received brought no
blessing to the world. All their advantages were appropriated for their own glorifica-
tion. They robbed God of the service He required of them, and they robbed their fellow
men of religious guidance and a holy example."-Testimonies, vol. 8, p. 26.

6. What was the burden of the messages sent to Israel before the captivity? Eze-
kieI33:11; 2 Chronicles 36:14-16. What punishment did the Lord permit to
come upon Israel as a last resort? Jeremiah 39:1, 8, 9.

"The children of Israel were taken captive to Babylon because they separated from
God, and no longer maintained the principles that had been given to keep them free
from the methods and practices of the nations who dishonored God. The Lord could
not give them prosperity, he could not fulfill His covenant with them, while they were
untrue to the principles He had given them zealously to maintain. By their spirit and
their actions they misrepresented His character, and He permitted them to be taken
captive. Because of their separation from Him, He humbled them. He left them to their
own ways, and the innocent suffered with the guilty."- The SDA Bible Cmmnentary [E.G. White
Comments], vol. 2, p. 1040.

The Purpose of the Captivity o Wednesday

January 2

7. What change was the captivity calculated to bring in the hearts and actions
of many in Israel? Jeremiah 30:11. What should be consumed by the fires of
affliction? Ezekiel 22:15.

"God had pleaded with Judah not to provoke Him to anger, but they had hearkened
not. Finally sentence was pronounced against them. They were to be led away captive
to Babylon. The Chaldeans were to be used as the instrument by which God would
chastise His disobedient people. The sufferings of the men of Judah were to be in pro-
portion to the light they had had and to the warnings they had despised and rejected.
Long had God delayed His judgments, but now He would visit His displeasure upon
them as a last effort to check them in their evil course." -Prophets and Kings, p. 425.

8. What design did the Lord have for the nations when He sent His people into
captivity? Isaiah 52:10; Jeremiah 31:10.

"God brought the hand of the oppressor upon His people and scattered them as
captives among the nations. In affliction many of them repented of their transgressions

and sought the Lord. Scattered throughout the countries of the heathen, they spread
abroad the knowledge of the true God. The principles of the divine law came in conflict
with the customs and practices of the nations. Idolaters endeavored to crush out the
true faith. The Lord in His providence brought His servants, Daniel, Nehemiah, Ezra,
face to face with kings and rulers, that these idolaters might have an opportunity to
receive the light. Thus the work which God had given His people to do in prosperity,
in their own borders, but which had been neglected through their unfaithfulness, was
done by them in captivity, under great trial and embarrassment."-Testimonies, vol. 5, p.

Changes Wrought by the Captivity o Thursday

January 3

9. What spiritual reformation should take place among the remnant of Israel
before they could be brought back to their homeland? Ezekiel 36:24-31; 37:5,
6, 14. What application does the vision of Ezekiel (ch. 37) have today?

"Unless there is genuine conversion of the soul to God; unless the vital breath of
God quickens the soul to spiritual life; unless the professors of truth are actuated by
heaven-born principle, they are not born of the incorruptible seed which liveth and
abideth forever. Unless they trust in the righteousness of Christ as their only security;
unless they copy His character, labor in His spirit, they are naked, they have not on
the robe of His righteousness. The dead are often made to pass for the living; for those
who are working out what they term salvation after their own ideas, have not God
working in them to will and to do of His good pleasure. This class is well represented
by the valley of dry bones Ezekiel saw in vision."-The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White
Comments], vol. 4, p. 1166.

10. How would the Lord change the condition of Israel at the end of the captivity?
Jeremiah 29:12-14.

Recapitulation o Friday
January 4

a. What opportunity did God want to extend to the nations of the world? Through
whom? How?
b. What would happen to the people of Israel if they refused to act in harmony
with the will of God?
c. Whereby did Israel misrepresent God's character?
d. What was God's twofold purpose in sending His professed people into cap-
e. What is the meaning of the vision concerning the valley of dry bones (Ezekiel,
ch.37)? •

Lesson 2 Sabbath, January 12, 1985


The children of Israel were promised that, after 70 years, the Lord would bring
them back to their homeland and give them another opportunity.

KEY TEXT: "For thus saith the Lord, That after seventy years be accomplished at
Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in caus-
ing you to return to this place" (Jeremiah 29:10).

Daniel Studies the Prophecies ofJeremiah D Sunday

January 6

1. What prophecies were often considered by Daniel and his companions when
the restoration was about to begin? Daniel 9:2.

"The writings of Jeremiah were within their reach, and in these was plainly set
forth the length of time that should elapse before the restoration of Israel from Baby-
Ion." -Prophets and Kings, p. 552.

2. What prophecy showed to the Jews that the time of their deliverance had
come? Jeremiah 25:11,12; 51:8; 29:10,11.

"Often had Daniel and his companions gone over these and similar prophecies out-
lining God's purpose for His people. And now, as the rapid course of events betokened
the mighty hand of God at work among the nations, Daniel gave special thought to the
promises made to Israel. His faith in the prophetic word led him to enter into experi-
ences foretold by the sacred writers." -Prophets and Kings, p. 553.

Daniel Prays D Monday

January 7

3. What else did Daniel do besides studying the prophecies concerning the resto-
ration of Israel? Daniel 9:3.

"With faith founded on the sure word of prophecy, Daniel pleaded with the Lord
for the speedy fulfillment of these promises. He pleaded for the honor of God to be
preserved. In his petition he identified himself fully with those who had fallen short of
the divine purpose, confessing their sins as his own." -Prophets and Kings, pp. 554, 555.

-10 -
4. How did Daniel pray to the Lord when the time of the captivity was coming to
an end? Daniel 9:16-19.

Daniel Receives Revelations o Tuesday

January 8

5. When Daniel was seeking God for a better understanding of the prophecies,
what revelation did the Lord give him? Daniel 7:1-8, 19-23.

"Shortly before the fall of Babylon, when Daniel was meditating on these proph-
ecies and seeking God for an understanding of the times, a series of visions was given
him concerning the rise and fall of kingdoms." -Prophets and Kings, p. 553.

6. What vision filled Daniel with perplexity? Daniel 8:9-14.

"Through another vision further light was thrown upon the events of the future;
and it was at the close of this vision that Daniel heard 'one saint speaking, and another
saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision?' Daniel
8:13. The answer that was given, 'Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then
shall the sanctuary be cleansed' (verse 14), filled him with perplexity."-Prophets and
Kings, p. 554.

Daniel Receives More Revelations o Wednesday

January 9

7. What special help did heaven send to Daniel in answer to his supplications?
Daniel 9:20-22.

"Heaven was bending low to hear the earnest supplication of the prophet. Even
before he had finished his plea for pardon and restoration, the mighty Gabriel again
appeared to him, and called his attention to the vision he had seen prior to the fall of
Babylon and the death of Belshazzar." -Prophets and Kings, p. 556.

8. What was to the Jews a prophetic sign that their deliverance from captivity
was drawing nigh? Isaiah 45: 1.

"The advent of the army of Cyrus before the walls of Babylon was to the Jews a
sign that their deliverance from captivity was drawing nigh. More than a century be-
fore the birth of Cyrus, Inspiration had mentioned him by name, and had caused a rec-
ord to be made of the actual work he should do in taking the city of Babylon unawares,
and in preparing the way for the release of the children of the captivity." -Prophets and
Kings, p. 551.

Babylon Overthrown o Thursday

January 10

9. Whose reign, at the end of the Babylonian captivity, was honored and con-
firmed by God? Daniel 11: 1.

"Daniel's prayer had been offered 'in the first year of Darius' (Dan. 9:1), the Median
monarch whose general, Cyrus, had wrested from Babylonia the scepter of universal

rule. The reign of Darius was honored of God. To him was sent the angel Gabriel, 'to
confirm and to strengthen him.' Daniel 11:1. Upon his death, within about two years
of the fall of Babylon, Cyrus succeeded to the throne, and the beginning of his reign
marked the completion of the seventy years since the first company of Hebrews had
been taken by Nebuchadnezzar from their Judean home to Babylon." -Prophets and Kings.
pp. 556, 557.

10. Who would be used by God to sign a decree ordering the restoration of Jeru-
salem at the end of the Babylonian captivity? Isaiah 44:28.

Recapitulation D Friday
January 11

a. How did the Jews know that Babylon was about to be overthrown and that
the restoration of Israel would soon begin?
b. Although Daniel had no doubt about the prophetic promises of God, for what
did he plead in his prayer to the Lord?
c. In Daniel's vision, what beasts symbolize the four successive world powers-
Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome?
d. Who brought his army to the walls of Babylon when the 70 years of captivity
were coming to an end? How did the studious and God-fearing Jews interpret
this event?
e. Who was sent to confirm and strengthen Darius, the Median monarch? •

-12 -
Lesson 3 Sabbath, January 19, 1985


Cyrus's decree opened the door for the Israelites to return to their own land in
obedience to God's call, which was heeded by a minority.

KEY TEXT: "Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliver every man his soul: be
not cut off in her iniquity; for this is the time of the Lord's vengeance;
he will render unto her a recompence" (Jeremiah 51:6).

Cyrus, the New M anarch D Sunday

January 13

1. Whereby was Cyrus, the new monarch, favorably impressed as he considered

Daniel and the cause of the Jews? What prophecy moved his heart so that he
decided to fulfill his divinely appointed mission? Isaiah 45:4-6, 13.

"The deliverance of Daniel from the den of lions had been used of God to create a
favorable impression upon the mind of Cyrus the Great. The sterling qualities of the
man of God as a statesman of farseeing ability led the Persian ruler to show him marked
respect and to honor his judgment. And now, just at the time God had said He would
cause His temple at Jerusalem to be rebuilt, He moved upon Cyrus as His agent to dis-
cern the prophecies concerning himself, with which Daniel was so familiar, and to grant
the Jewish people their liberty.
"As the king saw the words foretelling, more than a hundred years before his birth,
the manner in which Babylon should be taken; as he read the message addressed to him
by the Ruler of the universe, ... as he saw before his eyes the declaration of the eternal
God, ... as he traced the inspired record, ... his heart was profoundly moved, and
he determined to fulfill his divinely appointed mission." -Prophets and Kings, p. 557.

2. What proclamation did Cyrus make in the first year of his reign? Whose au-
thority did he acknowledge as prompting the decree? Ezra 1:1,2.

"In a written proclamation published 'throughout all his kingdom,' Cyrus made
known his desire to provide for the return of the Hebrews and for the rebuilding of
their temple. 'The Lord God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth,'
the king gratefully acknowledged in this public proclamation. "-Prophets and Kings, p. 558.

Cyrus's Edict D Monday

January 14

3. What instructions did the edict enjoin upon the Jews? Ezra 1:3,4. How did
many express their joy when they heard of the decree? Psalm 126:1-3.

-13 -
"Tidings of this decree reached the farthermost provinces of the king's realm,
and everywhere among the children of the dispersion there was great rejoicing. Many,
like Daniel, had been studying the prophecies, and had been seeking God for His prom-
ised intervention in behalf of Zion. And now their prayers were being answered; and
with heartfelt joy they could unite in singing [Psalm 126:1-3 quoted)'''-ProPhets and
Kings, pp. 558, 559.

4. What call was heeded by a certain number of Jews? Jeremiah 51:6. How did
the leading men of Judah and Benjamin improve the opportunity that was
granted them by the decree? Ezra 1:5.

Good Will and Cooperation o Tuesday

January 15

5. How did the Jews who remained in Babylon help those returning to Jerusalem?
Ezra 1:6.

"Their friends did not permit them to go empty-handed."-ProphetsandKings, p. 559.

6. What did Cyrus give back to the Jews for use in the temple that was to be re-
built? Ezra 1:7.

The Utensils of the Temple Restored o Wednesday

January 16

7. How many vessels of gold and silver belonging to the house of the Lord were
brought forth? Ezra 1: 11 (first part).

8. Under whose control were these untensils removed from the kingly palace in
Babylon? To whom were they entrusted to be taken to Jerusalem after they
had been carefully counted and recorded in his presence? Ezra 1:8, 11 (second

A Lesson for Us o Thursday ...

January 17

9. What lesson should we learn from this example of good administration? 2

Chronicles 19:9; 1 Corinthians 4:2. What kind of stewards does the work of
God need at this time?

"At this time God's cause is in need of men and women who possess rare qualifica-
tions and good administrative powers; men and women who will make patient, thorough
investigation of the needs of the work in various fields; those who have a large capacity
for work; those who possess warm, kind hearts, cool heads, sound sense, and unbiased
judgment; those who are sanctified by the Spirit of God and can fearlessly say, No, or
Yea and Amen, to propositions; those who have strong convictions, clear understanding,
and pure, sympathetic hearts; those who practice the words, 'All ye are brethren;'
those who strive to uplift and restore fallen humanity."-Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 249.

-14 -
10. What is written about those who do not do the work of the Lord faithfully?
Jeremiah 48:10 (first part).

In Jeremiah 48:10, KJV, read "negligently," i.e. "with negligence" (margin); RSV,
"with slackness."
"There are many who in good faith have sent in to the office means which they
had to make a sacrifice to obtain. Some, both men and women, have worked very hard,
and consecrated to the Lord the means obtained by hard labor and the closest economy,
and have sent it to the office to advance the cause. Poor widows have sent nearly their
whole dependence, trusting in God to take care of them, and the means has been con-
secrated with prayers and tears, yet sent with joyfulness, they feeling that they were
aiding in the great work of saving souls. Poor families have sold their only cow, deny-
ing themselves and their little children of milk, feeling that they were making a sacri-
fice for God. They have put their means into the office in good faith. Selfishness and
mismanagement have helped to squander this means. God holds those accountable who
have had the handling of it. 'Give an account of thy stewardship,' will soon be heard."
- Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 571.

Recapitulation D Friday
January 18

a. When Cyrus read God's prophecies concerning himself, what did he decide to
b. To what event does Psalm 126 refer?
c. Specify the supplies given to the Jewish patriots who were prepared to return
to Jerusalem.
d. What responsibility was given to Mithredath and to Sheshbazzar in connec-
tion with the vessels belonging to the house of God?
e. What responsibility rests upon the leaders of the work, and to whom are they
answerable for the means entrusted to them? •

-15 -
Lesson 4 Sabbath, January 26, 1985


Upon their arrival in Jerusalem, the exiles were very anxious to see the temple
services restored. This project took priority in their plans.
KEY TEXT: "And they set the altar upon his bases; ... and they offered burnt of-
ferings thereon unto the Lord" (Ezra 3:3).
Restoration Predicted by Jeremiah D Sunday
January 20
1. What prophecy was being fulfilled through the promulgation of Cyrus's edict?
2 Chronicles 36:22, 23.

2. How many returned to Judea when this edict was issued? Ezra 2:64,65.

" 'The chief of the fathers of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests, and the Levites,
with all them whose spirit God had raised'-these were the goodly remnant, about fifty
thousand strong, from among the Jews in the lands of exile, who determined to take
advantage of the wonderful opportunity offered them 'to go up to build the house of
the Lord which is in Jerusalem.''' -Prophets and Kings, p. 559.
Zorubbabel and Jeshua D Monday
January 21
3. Who was appointed to be the civil governor of the company returning to Judea?
Who was their religious leader? Ezra 3:2 (first part); Haggai 1:1.

"Upon Zerubbabel (known also as Sheshbazzar), a descendant of King David,

Cyrus placed the responsibility of acting as governor of the company returning to
Judea; and with him was associated Joshua the high priest. The long journey across •
the desert wastes was accomplished in safety, and the happy company, grateful to
God for His many mercies, at once undertook the work of re-establishing that which
had been broken down and destroyed." -Prophets and Kings, pp. 559, 560.
4. When a thanksgiving service was conducted upon their arrival at Jerusalem,
how did the heads of families reveal their spirit of sacrifice? Ezra 2:68, 69.

" 'The chief of the fathers' led out in offering of their substance to help defray the
expense of rebuilding the temple; and the people, following their example, gave freely
of their meager store." -Prophets and Kings, p. 560.
"In Their Cities" D Tuesday
January 22
5. After the thanksgiving service, where did many of the returned exiles go?
Ezra 2:1,70. What assurance did they feel?

-16 -
"Wonderfully had He [God] wrought in their behalf, and they felt the assurance of
His presence with them; yet they desired greater blessings still. With joyous anticipa-
tion they looked forward to the time when, with temple rebuilt, they might behold the
shining forth of His glory from within." -Prophets and Kings, pp. 560-563.

6. What was one of the promises that they were now eager to see fulfilled? Jere-
miah 32:15.

Special Gathering D Wednesday

January 23

7. What took place in Jerusalem, in the seventh month? Ezra 3:1.

8. What was the first step taken in the restoration of the sacred services? Ezra

"As speedily as possible, an altar was erected on the site of the ancient altar in the
temple court. To the exercises connected with the dedication of this altar, the people
had 'gathered themselves together as one man;' and there they united in re-establishing
the sacred services that had been interrupted at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem
by Nebuchadnezzar." -Prophets and Kings, p. 560.

Offerings and Feasts D Thursday

January 24

9. With what type of offerings did they re-establish the services? Ezra 3:3, 6.
What did those offerings symbolize?

"Every morning and evening a lamb of a year old was burned upon the altar, with
its appropriate meat offering, thus symbolizing the daily consecration of the nation to
Jehovah, and their constant dependence upon the atoning blood of Christ."-Patriarchs
and Prophets, p. 352.

10. What feast did they observe before they dispersed again? Ezra 3:4. What other
feasts did they celebrate since they arrived in their homeland? Ezra 3:5.

"Like the Passover, the Feast of Tabernacles was commemorative. In memory of

their pilgrim life in the wilderness the people were now to leave their houses and dwell
in booths, or arbors, formed from the green branches." -Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 540.

Recapitulation D Friday
January 25

a. What provision did the returned exiles have in the field of vocal music?
b. What did the people do, in Jerusalem, when they saw the good example set
by the liberal heads of families?
c. What encouraged the Jews to feel the assurance of God's presence with them?
d. Give the names of the two men who took the initiative in the work of erecting
the altar of burnt offering.
e. What event was commemorated through the Feast of Tabernacles? •

-17 -
Lesson 5 Sabbath, February 2, 1985


"The foundation stone" was laid "in the presence of many thousands who had as-
sembled to witness the progress of the work and to give expression to their joy in
having a part in it."-Prophets and Kings, p. 563.

KEY TEXT: "And when the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the Lord,
... they sang together by course in praising and giving thanks unto the
Lord" (Ezra 3:10, 11).

First Steps 0 Sunday

January 27

1. How did the children of Israel show their willingness to help in the rebuilding
of the temple? Ezra 3:7.

"The setting up of the altar of daily burnt offerings greatly cheered the faithful
remnant. Heartily they entered into the preparations necessary for the rebuilding of
the temple, gathering courage as these preparations advanced from month to month.
They had for many years been deprived of the visible tokens of God's presence. And
now, surrounded as they were by many sad reminders of the apostasy of their fathers,
they longed for some abiding token of divine forgiveness and favor. Above the regain-
ing of personal property and ancient privileges, they valued the approval of God."-
Prophets and Kings, p. 560.

2. When did they begin the reconstruction of the house of the Lord and who
stood at the head of the work? Ezra 3:8. What were the first steps taken by
the builders? .
"The workmen engaged in the preparation of the building material, found among
the ruins some of the immense stones brought to the temple site in the days of Solomon.
These were made ready for use, and much new material was provided; and soon the
work was advanced to the point where the foundation stone must be laid." -Prophets and
Kings, p. 563.

Laying the Foundation o Monday

January 28

3. With what ceremony was the foundation of the temple laid? Ezra 3:10, 11
(first part).

-18 -
4. How did the people express their joy and gratitude to the Lord? Ezra 3: 11
(second part). Why did many ancient men weep? Ezra 3:12.

"Lamentation and weeping and mourning was heard because the temple was not
outwardly so glorious as the first. There were those who used their conversational
powers to talk of the inferiority of the building to the one built by Solomon. Mingled
with music and singing, with rejoicing and praise to God, was an inharmonious sound,
not of joy or praise or thanksgiving, but of dissatisfaction."- The SDA Bible Commentary
[E.G. White Comments], vol. 3, p. 1134.

Mixed Reactions D Tuesday

January 29

5. What confusion resulted from these mixed reactions? Ezra 3: 13. What dam-
age did the murmurers cause?

"The murmuring and complaining, and the unfavorable comparisons made, had a
depressing influence on the minds of many and weakened the hands of the builders.
The workmen were led to question whether they should proceed with the erection of
a building that at the beginning was so freely criticized and was the cause of so much
lamentation, ...
"Could those who failed to rejoice at the laying of the foundation stone of the tem-
ple have foreseen the results of their lack of faith on that day, they would have been
appalled. Little did they realize the weight of their words of disapproval and disappoint-
ment; little did they know how much their expressed dissatisfaction would delay the
completion of the Lord's house." -Prophets and Kings, pp. 564, 565.

6. What spiritual greatness had been overlooked by these murmurers? Psalm

34:18; Jeremiah 7:5-7.

"The magnificence of the first temple, and the imposing rites of its religious serv-
ices, had been a source of pride to Israel before their captivity; but their worship had
ofttimes been lacking in those qualities which God regards as most essential. The glory
of the first temple, the splendor of its service, could not recommend them to God; for
that which is alone of value in His sight, they did not offer. They did not bring Him the
sacrifice of a humble and contrite spirit." -Prophets and Kings, p. 565.

Samaritans' Offer Rejected D Wednesday

January 30

7. What offer did the Samaritans make in connection with the building of the
temple, and what reply did they get from the Jewish leaders? Ezra 4:1-3. Why
would it have been a serious mistake to accept their offer?

"The Samaritans refer to their worship of the true God, and express a desire to
share the privileges and blessings connected with the temple service. 'We seek your
God, as ye do,' they declare. 'Let us build with you.' But had the Jewish leaders ac-
cepted this offer of assistance, they would have opened a door for the entrance of idol-
atry. They discerned the insincerity of the Samaritans. They realized that help gained
through an alliance with these men would be as nothing in comparison with the blessing
they might expect to receive by following the plain commands of Jehovah."-Prophets
and Kings, p. 568.

-19 -
8. Who have always been the most dangerous enemies of the cause of God? 2
Corinthians 11:26 (last part); Galatians 2:4 (first part).

"It is not the open and avowed enemies of the cause of God that are most to be
feared. Those who, like the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin, come with smooth
words and fair speeches, apparently seeking for friendly alliance with God's children,
have greater power to deceive. Against such every soul should be on the alert, lest
some carefully concealed and masterly snare take him unaware. And especially today,
while earth's history is closing, the Lord requires of His children a vigilance that knows
no relaxation." -Prophets and Kings. pp. 570. 571.
Attempt to Hinder the Work D Thursday
January 31 "o

9. As their offer was not accepted, how did the Samaritans try to hinder the
work? Ezra 4:4-6.

10. Behind the scenes of this conflict between Jews and Samaritans, what struggle
was taking place between the powers of light and the powers of darkness?
Daniel 10:13, 14,20.

"Through the prophet Daniel we are given a glimpse of this mighty struggle be-
tween the forces of good and the forces of evil. For three weeks Gabriel wrestled with
the powers of darkness, seeking to counteract the influences at work on the mind of
Cyrus; and before the contest closed,' Christ Himself came to Gabriel's aid. 'The prince
of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days,' Gabriel declares; 'but,
la, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the
kings of Persia.' Daniel 10:13. All that heaven could do in behalf of the people of God
was done. The victory was finally gained; the forces of the enemy were held in check
all the days of Cyrus, and all the days of his son Cambyses, who reigned about seven
and a half years." -Prophets and Kings, pp. 571, 572.

Recapitulation D Friday
February 1

a. What did the returned exiles value above personal property or ancient na- •

tional privileges?
b. When the foundation of the temple was laid, how were many elderly men so
unwise as to cause discouragement?
c. What did the workmen begin to question after they had heard so much mur-
muring, complaining, and criticism?
d. Against what danger, and against what kind of foes, should we be continually
on guard?
e. Who came down from heaven to sway the mind of Cyrus in the right direc-
tion? •

- 20-
Lesson 6 Sabbath, February 9,1985


Due to the continued opposition of the Samaritans, the decree of Artaxerxes, and
the discouragement of the builders, work on the second temple gradually slowed
down and finally halted.

KEY TEXT: "Then ceased the work of the house of God which is at Jerusalem"
(Ezra 4:24).

Decree Stopping the Work D Sunday

February 3

1. How did the Samaritans induce King Artaxerxes to stop the rebuilding? Ezra
4:7-10. What were the contents of their letter to him? Ezra 4:11-16.

"During the reign of Cambyses the work on the temple progressed slowly. And
during the reign of the false Smerdis (called Artaxerxes in Ezra 4:7) the Samaritans
induced the unscrupulous impostor to issue a decree forbidding the Jews to rebuild
their temple and city." -Prophets and Kings, pp. 572, 573.

2. What was the reply of King Artaxerxes? Ezra 4:17-22.

Discouragement A mong the Builders D Monday

February 4

3. What did the Samaritan leaders do as soon as they received the king's reply?
Ezra 4:23.

4. How did the work suffer through the opposition of the Samaritans and the
discouragement of the builders? Ezra 4:24.

"The opposition of their enemies was strong and determined, and gradually the
builders lost heart. Some could not forget the scene at the laying of the cornerstone,
when many had given expression to their lack of confidence in the enterprise. And as
the Samaritans grew more bold, many of the Jews questioned whether, after all, the
time had come to rebuild. The feeling soon became widespread. Many of the workmen,
discouraged and disheartened, returned to their homes to take up the ordinary pursuits
of life." -Prophets and Kings, p. 572.

Wrong Conclusion D Tuesday

February 5

5. Due to the continued opposition they had to meet, at what conclusion did the
Jews finally arrive? Haggai 1:2.

- 21-
"The expression, 'This people say,' is significant. In the hour of their opportunity,
the Israelites had not shown themselves willing. Prompt obedience is expected of those
whom the Lord chooses and leads. Pleas for delay are a dishonor to God. And yet those
who choose to follow their own way, often frame ingenious excuses in self-justification.
Thus the Israelites declared that they had begun to rebuild, but that they were broken
off in their work because of the hindrances devised by their enemies. These hindrances,
they reasoned, were an indication that it was not the proper time to rebuild. They de-
clared that the Lord had interposed difficulties to reprove their hot haste. This is why,
in a communication through His prophet, He referred to them not as 'my people,' but
as 'this people.' "- The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White Comments], vol. 4, p. 1175.

6. However, what was the real motive behind their unacceptable excuse? Haggai
1:4, 9 (second part).

"The Israelites had no real excuse for leaving their work on the temple. The time
when the most serious objections were raised, was the time for them to persevere in
building. But they were actuated by a selfish dislike to encounter danger by arousing
the opposition of their enemies. They did not possess the faith that is the substance of
things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. They hesitated to move forward by
faith." - The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White Comments], vol. 4, p. 1175.

Message ofEncouragement D Wednesday

February 6

7. How did the Lord seek to arouse the people to a sense of duty toward His
cause? Haggai 1:6.

"For over a year the temple was neglected and well-nigh forsaken. The people
dwelt in their homes and strove to attain temporal prosperity, but their situation was
deplorable. Work as they might they did not prosper. The very elements of nature
seemed to conspire against them. Because they had let the temple lie waste, the Lord
sent upon their substance a wasting drought. God had bestowed upon them the fruits
of field and garden, the corn and the wine and the oil, as a token of His favor; but
because they had used these bountiful gifts so selfishly, the blessings were removed.
"Such were the conditions existing during the early part of the reign of Darius
Hystaspes. Spiritually as well as temporally, the Israelites were in a pitiable state."-
Prophets and Kings, p. 573.

8. What warning should their lack of success have brought to their minds? Deu-
teronomy 28:15, 29, 38, 39. What lesson should we learn from their un-
favorable experience?

"There are many who urge that they cannot do more for God's cause than they
now do; but they do not give according to their ability. The Lonj sometimes opens the
eyes blinded by selfishness by simply reducing their income to the amount they are
willing to give. Horses are found dead in the field or stable, houses or barns are de-
stroyed by fire, or crops fail. In many cases God tests man with blessings, and if un-
faithfulness is manifested in rendering to Him tithes and offerings, His blessing is with-
drawn. 'He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly.' By the mercies of Christ
and the riches of His goodness, and for the honor of truth and religion, we beseech you
who are followers of Christ to dedicate yourselves and your property anew to God."-
Testimonies, vol. 4, 484.

-22 -
Timely Warning D Thursday
February 7

9. How are many professed believers, today, repeating the mistake made by the
returned exiles? (Note.) What detail of the parable of the talents applies to this
very mistake? Matthew 25:26, 27.

"The house where God is worshiped should be in accordance with His character
and majesty. There are small churches that ever will be small because they place their
own interests above the interests of God's cause. While they have large, convenient
houses for themselves, and are constantly improving their premises, they are content
to have a most unsuitable place for the worship of God, where His holy presence is to
dwell. They wonder that Joseph and Mary were obliged to find shelter in a stable, and
that there the Saviour was born; but they are willing to expend upon themselves a large
part of their means, while the house of worship is shamefully neglected."- Testimonies,
vol. 5, pp. 268. 269.

10. What appeal becomes very significant in view of this mistake? Hebrews 6: 11,

"Brethren and sisters, I wish to excite in your minds disgust for your present
limited ideas of God's cause and work. I want you to comprehend the great sacrifice
that Christ made for you when He became poor, that through His poverty you might
come into possession of eternal riches. Oh! do not, by your indifference to the eternal
weight of glory which is within your reach, cause angels to weep and hide their faces
in shame and disgust. Arouse from your lethargy; arouse every God-given faculty,
and work for precious souls for whom Christ died. These souls, if brought to the fold
of Christ, will live through the ceaseless ages of eternity; and will you plan to do as little
as possible for their salvation, while, like the man with the one talent, you invest your
means in the earth? Like that unfaithful servant, are you charging God with reaping
where He has not sown, and gathering where He has not strewed?"- Testimonies, vol. 5. p.

Recapitulation D Friday

February 8

a. Whom did Satan use, right after the death of Cambyses, to issue a decree for-
bidding the rebuilding of the temple and of the city?
b. What completed the discouragement of the builders (which had begun with
the criticism they had heard before)?
c. As a result of the existing opposition, to what conclusion did many of the
workmen come? What did they finally do? Why were their excuses unac-
d. For how long was the rebuilding interrupted? What did the workmen do dur-
ing this time? Why were they unable to prosper?
e. How are many, today, repeating the mistake of the man with the one talent? •

-23 -
Lesson 7 Sabbath, February 16, 1985


The message of Haggai aroused the spirit of hearty cooperation in both leaders
and people. They responded to the call, resuming work on the temple without

KEY TEXT: "And they came and did work in the house of the Lord of hosts, their
God" (Haggai 1:14).

A Message From the Lord D Sunday

February 10

1. By what means did the Lord arouse the Jews to their neglected duty? Ezra

"But even this dark hour was not without hope for those whose trust was in God.
The prophets Haggai and Zechariah were raised up to meet the crisis. In stirring testi-
monies these appointed messengers revealed to the people the cause of their troubles."
-Prophets and Kings, p. 573.

2. When did the word of God come to Haggai and to whom did he deliver the
message of the Lord? Haggai 1:1. .

A Message From the Lord (continued) D Monday

February 11

3. What searching inquiry did Haggai address to those who were discouraged?
Haggai 1:3-5.
4. How did Haggai explain the cause that had brought them to want? Haggai

"The lack of temporal prosperity was the result of a neglect to put God's interests
first, the prophets declared. Had the Israelites honored God, had they shown Him due
respect and courtesy, by making the building of His house their first work, they would
have invited His presence and blessing." -Prophets and Kings, pp. 573, 574.

The Lord's Appeal Heeded D Tuesday

February 12

5. What appeal did the prophet make to the Jews? Haggai 1:7,8.

6. What effect did the word of the Lord through the prophet have upon the
leaders and the people? Haggai 1:12.

"The message of counsel and reproof given through Haggai was taken to heart by
the leaders and people of Israel. They felt that God was in earnest with them. They
dared not disregard the repeated instruction sent them-that their prosperity, both
temporal and spiritual, was dependent on faithful obedience to God's commands."-
Prophets and Kings, p. 575.

Willing to Work D Wednesday

February 13

",. 7. In answer to their willingness to obey, what message of encouragement came

to the leaders and the people? Haggai 1:13.

"It was after Haggai's second message that the people felt that the Lord was in
earnest with them. They dared not disregard the repeated warning that their prosperity
and the blessing of God were dependent upon their entire obedience to the instructions
given them. As soon as they decided that they would do the words of the Lord, His
messages of reproof changed to words of encouragement. 0 how merciful a God we
have! He says, 'I am with you.' The Lord God omnipotent reigneth. He assured the
people that if they were obedient, they would place themselves in a position where He
could bless them for His own name's glory. If God's people will only rely upon Him,
and believe in Him, He will bless them."- The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White Comments],
vol. 4, p. 1176.

8. When their hearts were stirred by the Holy Spirit, what was the result? Haggai
1:14, 15; Ezra 5:2.

"With fields lying waste, with their scant store of provisions rapidly failing, and
surrounded as they were by unfriendly peoples, the Israelites nevertheless moved for-
ward by faith in response to the call of God's messengers, and labored diligently to re-
store the ruined temple. It was a work requiring firm reliance upon God. As the people
endeavored to do their part, and sought for a renewal of God's grace in heart and life,
message after message was given them through Haggai and Zechariah, with assurances
that their faith would be richly rewarded and that the word of God concerning the fu-
ture glory of the temple whose walls they were rearing would not fail." -Prophets and
Kings, p. 577.

Precious Assurance D Thursday

February 14

9. Who is our strong helper? Hebrews 13:6. What does the Lord say to His obe-
dient children today?

"The Christian always has a strong helper in the Lord. The way of the Lord's help-
ing we may not know; but this we do know: He will never fail those who put their trust
in Him. Could Christians realize how many times the Lord has ordered their way, that
the purposes of the enemy concerning them might not be accomplished, they would
not stumble along complainingly. Their faith would be stayed on God, and no trial
would have power to move them. They would acknowledge Him as their wisdom and

- 25-
efficiency, and He would bring to pass that which He desires to work out through
them." -Prophets and Kings, p. 576.

10. What similar assurance is given to those who are wholeheartedly engaged in
the service of Christ? Matthew 28:20.

"He [Christ] assured them [the disciples] that He would be with them; and that if
they would go forth in faith, they should move under the shield of Omnipotence. He
bade them be brave and strong; for One mightier than angels would be in their ranks
-the General of the armies of heaven."- The Acts 0/ the Apostles, p. 29.

Recapitulation o Friday
February 15

a. Give the names of the two prophets who were called to meet the crisis when
the work had stopped.
b. What would have happened if the Jews had honored and obeyed God in the
first place?
c. What did the people understand when they had heard the words of Haggai
the prophet?
d. What happened as soon as the Israelites decided to obey 'the Lord?
e. Although we do not always know the way of the Lord's helping, what should
we realize continually? •

-26 -
Lesson 8 Sabbath, February 23,1985


If the builders had been left to struggle without Him who said, "Without Me ye
can do nothing," they would not have been able to go far. But the Lord spoke to
them through His prophets, giving them the assurance that He was with them.

KEY TEXT: "Be strong, all ye people of the land, saith the Lord, and work: for I am
with you, saith the Lord of hosts" (Haggai 2:4).

Comparison Between the Two Temples o Sunday

February 17

1. How did the second temple, that was under construction, compare with the
first temple? Haggai 2:3.

"The outward glory of the temple was not the glory of the Lord. Instruction was
given as to what constituted the blessing that was to rest upon the temple. Its restora-
tion in a plainer style than that of the first temple, was to place before the people in a
proper light their past error in depending upon the pomp and splendor of outward form
and ceremony."-The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White Comments], vol. 4, p. 1176.

2. What would an ultimate comparison between the two houses show? Haggai

"The second temple was not honored with the cloud of Jehovah's glory, but with
the living presence of One in whom dwelt the fullness of the Godhead bodily-who was
God Himself manifest in the flesh. The 'Desire of all nations' had indeed come to His
temple when the Man of Nazareth taught and healed in the sacred courts."-The Great
Controversy, p. 24.

Exhortation and Promise o Monday

February 18

3. What message did the Lord send to the Jews through Zechariah? Zechariah

4. What did the Lord reveal to Zechariah and to the people through the vision of
the horses and horsemen? Zechariah 1:7-17. What was the purpose of the
series of visions given to Zechariah?

"Two months after Haggai's last recorded message was delivered, Zechariah had
a series of visions regarding the work of God in the earth. These messages, given in

- 27-
the form of parables and symbols, came at a time of great uncertainty and anxiety, and
were of peculiar significance to the men who were advancing in the name of the God
of Israel. It seemed to the leaders as if the permission granted the Jews to rebuild was
about to be withdrawn; the future appeared very dark. God saw that His people were
in need of being sustained and cheered by a revelation of His infinite compassion and
love." -Prophets and Kings, p. 580.

Encouragement to Zerubbabel D Tuesday

February 19

5. What message of encouragement did the Lord send to Zerubbabel through

Haggai? Haggai 2:4, 5, 22, 23. For what purpose was this message recorded
in the Bible?

"The day was coming, the Lord declared, when all the enemies of His chosen peo-
ple would be cast down. 'In that day, saith the Lord of hosts, will I take thee, 0 Zerub-
babel, My servant, ... and will make thee as a signet: for I have chosen thee.' Hag. 2:
23. Now the governor of Israel could see the meaning of the providence that had led
him through discouragement and perplexity; he could discern God's purpose in it all.
"This personal word to Zerubbabel has been left on record for the encouragement
of God's children in every age. God has a purpose in sending trial to His children. He
never leads them otherwise than they would choose to be led if they could see the end
from the beginning, and discern the glory of the purpose that they are fulfilling. All
that He brings upon them in test and trial comes that they may be strong to do and to
suffer for Him." -Prophets and Kings, pp. 577, 578.

6. What further message of encouragement came to Zerubbabel through Zecha-

riah? Zechariah 4:8, 9.

Remarkable Vision D Wednesday

February 20

7. Describe the vision on which Zechariah's message was based? Zechariah 4:2,

"Read and study the fourth chapter of Zechariah. The two olive trees empty the
golden oil out of themselves through the golden pipes into the golden bowl from which
the lamps of the sanctuary are fed. The golden oil represents the Holy Spirit. With this
oil God's ministers are to be constantly supplied, that they, in turn, may impart it to
the church."- Testimonies to Ministers, p. 188.

8. What is the explanation of this vision? Zechariah 4:11-14,6.

"By the holy beings surrounding His throne, the Lord keeps up a constant com-
munication with the inhabitants of the earth. The golden oil represents the grace with
which God keeps the lamps of believers supplied. Were it not that this holy oil is poured
from heaven in the messages of God's Spirit, the agencies of evil would have entire
control over men."- The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White Comments], vol. 4, pp. 1179, 1180.
"These [two olive trees] empty themselves into the golden bowls, which represent
the hearts of the living messengers of God, who bear the Word of the Lord to the peo-
ple in warnings and entreaties. The Word itself must be as represented, the golden oil,

-28 -
emptied from the two olive trees that stand by the Lord of the whole earth. This is the
baptism by the Holy Spirit with fire."-Ibid., p. 1180.

Obstacles Conquered o Thursday

February 21

9. What is written about the small beginnings in the work of God? Zechariah 4:
10. What parable of Jesus illustrates the day of small things? Matthew 13:31,

"The way of the world is to begin with pomp and boasting. God's way is to make
the day of small things the beginning of the glorious triumph of truth and righteousness.
Sometimes He trains His workers by bringing to them disappointment and apparent
failure. It is His purpose that they shall learn to master difficulties." -Prophets and Kings,
"It [the truth] has battles to fight and victories to win. At the outset its advocates
are few. By the great men of the world and by a world-conforming church, they are
opposed and despised. See John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ, standing alone
to rebuke the pride and formalism of the Jewish nation. See the first bearers of the
gospel into Europe. How obscure, how hopeless, seemed the mission of Paul and Silas,
the two tentmakers, as they with their companions took ship at Troas for Philippi. See
'Paul the aged,' in chains, preaching Christ in the stronghold of the Caesars. See the
little communities of slaves and peasants in conflict with the heathenism of imperial
Rome." -Christ's Object Lessons, p. 78.

10. What would happen to the "great mountain" before the builders of the tem-
ple? Zechariah 4:7. Why are mountains of difficulties permitted by the Lord?

"Throughout the history of God's people great mountains of difficulty, apparently

insurmountable, have loomed up before those who were trying to carry out the pur-
poses of Heaven. Such obstacles are permitted by the Lord as a test of faith. When we
are hedged about on every side, this is the time above all others to trust in God and in
the power of His Spirit. The exercise of a living faith means an increase of spiritual
strength and the development of an unfaltering trust. It is thus that the soul becomes
a conquering power. Before the demand of faith, the obstacles placed by Satan across
the pathway of the Christian will disappear; for the powers of heaven will come to his
aid. 'Nothing shall be impossible unto you.' Matthew 17:20.' '-Prophets and Kings, pp. 594,

Recapitulation o Friday
February 22

a. In whom was the glory of the second temple revealed?

b. Why were the messages of Zechariah very significant to the leaders and the
c. How does God lead His children and why does He permit trials to come upon
d. What is the symbolic meaning of: the two olive trees? the golden bowls? the
candlestick (Rev. 1:20)? the golden oil?
e. Explain, with examples, how the parable of the mustard seed ties in with the
plan of God? •

-29 -
Lesson 9 Sabbath, March 2, 1985


It was through the providence of God that the attention of Darius was directed to
Cyrus' decree which the new monarch did not hesitate to confirm with a second
decree for advancing the building.

KEY TEXT: "Let the governor of the Jews and the elders of the Jews build this
house of God in his place" (Ezra 6:7).

New Attempt to Hinder the Rebuilding D Sunday

February 24

1. While the work was going on, who came to the building site hnd what question
did they ask? Ezra 5:3.

"The messages delivered by Haggai and Zechariah roused the people to put forth
every possible effort for the rebuilding of the temple; but, as they worked, they were
sadly harassed by the Samaritans and others who devised many hindrances. On one
occasion the provincial officers of the Medo-Persian realm visited Jerusalem and re-
quested the name of the one who had authorized the restoration of the building. If at
that time the Jews had not been trusting in the Lord for guidance, this inquiry might
have resulted disastrously to them." -Prophets and Kings, p. 578.

2. What further question did they ask? Ezra 5:4 (RSV).

"They also asked them this, 'What are the names of the men who are building this
building?' " (Ezra 5:4, RSV).

Wise Answer D Monday

February 25

3. How did the Jews reveal that the guidance of God was with them in the wise
answer that they gave to the provincial officers? Ezra 5:5, 11-16.

"The officers were answered so wisely that they decided to write a letter to Darius
Hystaspes, then the ruler of Medo-Persia, directing his attention to the original decree
made by Cyrus, which commanded that the house of God at Jerusalem be rebuilt, and
that the expenses for the same be paid from the king's treasury." -Prophets and Kings, p.

4. Summarize the contents of the letter directed by the officers to King Darius
Hystaspes. Ezra 5:7-17.

- 30-
Search in the Royal Archives o Tuesday
February 26

5. What did the king do in answer to the request that search be made in the royal
archives? Ezra 6:1.

6. What was the result of the search? Ezra 6:2.

"Darius searched for this decree, and found it; whereupon he directed those who
had made the inquiry to allow the rebuilding of the temple to proceed."-Prophets and
Kings, p. 579.

Gist of Darius' Edict o Wednesday

February 27

7. Give a summary of Darius' new decree for advancing the building. Ezra 6:7-

8. What punishment was to be meted out to anyone who should alter his decree
or hinder its fulfillment? Ezra 6:11,12.

"Thus the Lord prepared the way for the completion of the temple." -Prophets and
Kings, p. 579.

Success o Thursday
February 28

9. Upon receipt of the king's reply, how did the provincial officers act? Ezra 6: 13.

10. What was the result of the efforts put forth by the builders? Ezra 6:14 (first

"Often men are tempted to falter before the perplexities and obstacles that confront
them. But if they will hold the beginning of their confidence steadfast unto the end,
God will make the way clear. Success will come to them as they struggle against diffi-
culties." -Prophets and Kings, p. 595.

Recapitulation o Friday
March 1

a. If the Jews had not learned to trust in the Lord, what might have resulted from
the visit of the provincial officers?
b. Summarize the answer given by the elders of the Jews.
c. What command did King Darius give in his answer to the local authorities?
d. How did the Lord open the way for the completion of the second temple?
e. When we are confronted with obstacles and perplexities, on what condition
will the Lord make the way clear before us? How will we have success? •

- 31-
Lesson 10 Sabbath, March 9,1985


As the result of a joint operation-God working for His people and the people co-
operating with God-the second temple was completed in about 4 years and 3

KEY TEXT: "And they builded, and finished it, according to the commandment of
the God of Israel" (Ezra 6:14).

Dedication of the Temple D Sunday

March 3

1. Whose help made it possible for the Jews to finish the temple? Ezra 5:2; 6:14,
15. What was their sentiment when the temple was ready for dedication? Ezra

"In rebuilding the house of the Lord, Zerubbabel had labored in the face of mani-
fold difficulties. From the beginning, adversaries had 'weakened the hands of the peo-
ple of Judah, and troubled them in building,' 'and made them to cease by force and
power.' Ezra 4:4, 23. But the Lord had interposed in behalf of the builders."-ProPhets
and Kings, p. 594.

2. Describe the feast of dedication of the temple. Ezra 6:17.

The Priesthood and its Services D Monday

March 4

3. How did the returned exiles reorganize the priesthood and restore the services
of the temple? Ezra 6:18.

4. What instruction had the Lord given to Moses concerning the priesthood and
its services? Numbers 3:5-7. How was the work of the priests divided in the
time of David? 1 Chronicles 23:24; 24:3-5.

The prests were divided into 24 courses, each course usually officiating for a week
at a time.

The Passover D Tuesday

March 5

5. What feast did they observe right after the dedication of the new temple? Ezra

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6. What reformation took place among the priests and Levites before the Pass-
over? Ezra 6:20. What preparation was required of those participating in the
Passover feast? Ezra 6:21. What had the returned exiles learned in the fires
of affliction?

"By the Babylonish captivity the Israelites were effectually cured of the worship
of graven images." -Prophets and Kitlgs, p. 705.
"It is because God is leading His children that trying experiences come to them.
Trials and obstacles are His chosen methods of discipline, and His appointed conditions
of success. He who reads the hearts of men knows their weaknesses better than they
themselves can know them. He sees that some have qualifications which, if rightly
directed, could be used in the advancement of His work. In His providence He brings
these souls into different positions and varied circumstances, that they may discover
the defects that are concealed from their own knowledge. He gives them opportunity
to overcome these defects and to fit themselves for service. Often He permits the fires
of affliction to burn, that they may be purified."- The Acts of the Apostles, p. 524.

Glory of the Second Temple o Wednesday

March 6

7. Wherein did the promise of God through Haggai meet fulfillment? Haggai 2:7.

"The second temple did not equal the first in magnificence, nor was it hallowed
by those visible tokens of the divine presence which pertained to the first temple. There
was no manifestation of supernatural power to mark its dedication. No cloud of glory
was seen to fill the newly erected sanctuary. No fire from heaven descended to consume
the sacrifice upon its altar. The Shekinah no longer abode between the cherubim in the
most holy place; the ark, the mercy seat, and the tables of testimony were not found
there. No sign from heaven made known to the inquiring priest the will of Jehovah....
"For centuries learned men have endeavored to show wherein the promise of God,
given to Haggai, has been fulfilled; yet in the advent of Jesus of Nazareth, the Desire
of all nations, who by His personal presence hallowed the precincts of the temple,
many have steadfastly refused to see any special significance. Pride and unbelief have
blinded their minds to the true meaning of the prophet's words."-Prophets and Kings, pp.

8. When did the "Desire of all nations" fill the temple with glory? John 1:14;
Colossians 2:9.

"The second temple was honored, not with the cloud of Jehovah's glory, but with
the presence of the One in whom dwelt 'all the fullness of the Godhead bodily'-God
Himself 'manifest in the flesh.' Colossians 2:9; 1 Timothy 3:16. In being honored with
the personal presence of Christ during His earthly ministry, and in this alone, did the
second temple exceed the first in glory. The 'Desire of all nations' had indeed come to
His temple, when the Man of Nazareth taught and healed in the sacred courtS." -Prophets
and Kings, p. 597.

Victory Over Every Opposition o Thursday

March 7

9. What will ensure stability and prosperity to the work of God on earth? John
14:12-16; Psalm 146:1-5; Isaiah 30:15.

- 33-
"Human power and human might did not establish the church of God, and neither
can they destroy it. Not on the rock of human strength, but on Christ Jesus, the Rock
of Ages, was the church founded, 'and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.'
Matthew 16:18. The presence of God gives stability to His cause." -Prophets and Kings,
p. 595, 596.

10. What is written concerning the final triumph of the cause of God and its rep-
resentatives? Matthew 16:18; Revelation 17:14.

"God's glorious work, founded on the eternal principles of right, will never come
to nought. It will go on from strength to strength, 'not by might, nor by power, but by
My Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.' Zechariah 4:6." -Prophets and Kings, p. 596.

Recapitulation D Friday
March 8

a. What accounts for the fact that the Jews succeeded in spite of all the opposi-
tion offered by their adversaries?
b. How was the lot used in connection with the service in the temple?
c. For what purpose does the Lord permit trying experiences to come to His
d. Explain the similarities and differences between the two temples.
e. Explain the relationship between the promise of God in Zechariah 4:6 and the
finishing of the work in our days. •

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Lesson 11 Sabbath, March 16, 1985


As the great majority of Jews decided to remain in Babylon when they should have
returned to their homeland under favorable opportunities offered by the decrees
of Cyrus and Darius, they were later put face to face with a terrible crisis.

KEY TEXT: "Haman sought to destroy all the Jews that were throughout the whole
kingdom of Ahasuerus" (Esther 3:6).

Vashti Says "No" to the King o Sunday

March 10

1. When King Ahasuerus made a royal feast and sent for Vashti the queen, how
did she act? Esther 1:10-12 (first part). Why did she refuse to come?

"It was when the king was not himself, when his reason was dethroned by wine-
drinking, that he sent for the queen, that those present at his feast, men besotted by
wine, might gaze on her beauty. She acted in harmony with a pure conscience.
"Vashti refused to obey the king's command, thinking that when he came to him-
self, he would commend her course of action."- The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White Com-
ments], vol. 3, p. 1139.

2. How did the queen's refusal react on the king? Esther 1:12 (second part).
What did his counselors suggest? Why? Esther 1:13-19.

"But the king had unwise advisers. They argued it would be a power given to wo-
man that would be to her injury. "-The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White Comments], vol. 3, p.

Decree Vindicating Men's Sovereignty o Monday

March 11

3. Still according to the counselors, what should the king do after the recom·
mended divorce? For what purpose? Esther 1:20.

4. How did the king act after he had been advised by his counselors? Esther 1:21,
22. How did he feel when he became sober?

"There is little doubt that the king, when he afterward considered the matter, felt
that Vashti deserved to be honored, rather than to be treated as she was."-TheSDA Bible
Commentary [E.G. White Comments], vol. 3. p. 1139.

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Esther, the New Queen o Tuesday
March 12

5. Who became the new queen, taking the place of Vashti? Esther 2: 17, 18.

"In the providence of God, Esther, a Jewess who feared the Most High, had been
made queen of the Medo-Persian kingdom. Mordecai was a near relative of hers."-
Prophets and Kings, p. 601.

6. Who was Mordecai? How was he related to Esther? Esther 2:5-7.

Haman, the Jews' Great Enemy o Wednesday

March 13

7. What call had been made to the Jews under the reign of Cyrus and Darius
Hystaspes? Ezra 1:3; Zechariah 2:6,7. As the majority chose to remain in the
land of exile, what crisis did the Lord permit to come upon them?

"Meanwhile conditions in the Medo-Persian realm were rapidly changing. Darius

Hystaspes, under whose reign the Jews had been shown marked favor, was succeeded
by Xerxes the Great. It was during his reign that those of the Jews who had failed of
heeding the message to flee were called upon to face a terrible crisis. Having refused
to take advantage of the way of el?cape God had provided, now they were brought face
to face with death." -Prophets and Kings, p. 600.

8. Who became the special instrument in Satan's plot to destroy the Jews? Esther

"Through Haman the Agagite, and unscrupulous man high in authority in Medo-
Persia, Satan worked at this time to counterwork the purposes of God. Haman cher-
ished bitter malice against Mordecai, a Jew. Mordecai had done Haman no harm, but
had simply refused to show him worshipful reverence. Scorning to 'lay hands on Mor-
decai alone,' Haman plotted 'to destroy all the Jews that were throughout the whole
kingdom of Ahasuerus, even the people of Mordecai.' Esther 3:6."-ProphetsandKings, p.

Death Decree Against the Jews o Thursday

March 14

9. How did Haman seek revenge upon all the Jews? Esther 3:8,9.

10. What decree did Haman obtain from King Ahasuerus? Esther 3:12-14.

"Misled by the false statements of Haman, Xerxes was induced to issue a decree
providing for the massacre of all the Jews 'scattered abroad and dispersed among the
people in all the provinces' of the Medo-Persian kingdom. Est. 3:8. A certain day was
appointed on which the Jews were to be destroyed and their property confiscated. Little
did the king realize the far-reaching results that would have accompanied the complete

- 36-
carrying out of this decree. Satan himself, the hidden instigator of the scheme, was
trying to rid the earth of those who preserved the knowledge of the true God."-Prophets
and Kings, pp. 600, 601.

Recapitulation o Friday
March 15

a. What did drunkenness cause in the court of King Ahasuerus?

b. What was to be achieved through the royal decree suggested by one of the
c. By whose direct intervention did Esther become queen?
d. By what other name is King Ahasuerus also known? Who was Haman?
e. Who was actually behind the decree suggested by Haman and confirmed by
King Ahasuerus? Why did Satan want to destroy all the Jews? •

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Lesson 12 Sabbath, March 23, 1985


Inspired by Satan, Haman induced King Ahasuerus to order the massacre of all
the Jews in his kingdom. But the plots of the enemy were defeated by a Power who
controls the destiny of men.

KEY TEXT: "If Mordecai be of the seed of the Jews, before whom thou hast begun
to fall, thou shalt not prevail against him, but shalt surely fall before
him" (Esther 6:13).
Mourning A mong the Jews D Sunday
March 17
1. When Ahasuerus' decree was published, what took place among the Jews?
Esther 4:3.

"The decree of the Medes and Persians could not be revoked; apparently there
was no hope; all the Israelites were doomed to destruction." -Prophets and Kings, p. 601.

2. What message did Mordecai send to Esther? Esther 4:13, 14. What was
Esther's reply? Esther 4:15, 16. To whom did they turn for help?

"The crisis that Esther faced demanded quick, earnest action; but both she and
Mordecai realized that unless God should work mightily in their behalf, their own ef-
forts would be unavailing. So Esther took time for communion with God, the source
of her strength." -Prophets and Kings, p. 601.
Esther Before the King D Monday
March 18
3. What grace did Esther obtain from the king? Esther 5:2, 3,6.

"Through Esther the queen the Lord accomplished a mighty deliverance for His
people."- The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White Comments], vol. 3, p. 1140.
4. What was Esther's initial petition? Esther 5:7,8. What did Haman say to his
wife and his friends? Esther 5:12, 13.

Mordecai Becomes Prominent D Tuesday

March 19
5. Under what circumstance did the king take notice of Mordecai? Esther 6: 1-3.
What lesson should we learn from the experience of Daniel and Mordecai?

"From Daniel and his companions in Babylon, and from Mordecai in Persia, bright
beams of light shone out amid the darkness of the kingly courts. In like manner the
disciples of Christ are set as light bearers on the way to heaven; through them the
Father's mercy and goodness are made manifest to a world enshrouded in the dark-
ness of misapprehension of God. By seeing their good works, others are led to glorify

- 38-
the Father who is above; for it is made manifest that there is a God on the throne of
the universe whose character is worthy of praise and imitation."- Thoughts From the Mount
0/ Blessing, p. 41.

6. What advice did the king ask of Haman? Esther 6:6 (first part).

Mordecai Becomes Prominent (continued) D Wednesday

March 20
7. Who did Haman think the king wanted to honor? Esther 6:6 (second part).
What was Haman's reply? Esther 6:7-9. How is the spirit of Haman some-
times manifested in professed Christians?

"God's love for us is proved daily; yet we are thoughtless of His favors and indif-
ferent to His entreaties. He seeks to impress us with His Spirit of tenderness, His love
and forbearance; but we scarcely recognize the marks of His kindness and have little
sense of the lesson of love He desires us to learn. Some, like Haman, forget all God's
favors, because Mordecai is before them and is not disgraced; because their hearts are
filled with enmity and hatred rather than love, the spirit of our dear Redeemer, who
gave His precious life for His enemies."- Testimonies, vol. 4, pp. 222, 223.
8. What was the king's instruction to Haman? Esther 6:10.

Haman Begins to Fear D Thursday

March 21
9. How did Haman carry out the king's command and how did he feel? Esther
6: 11, 12. What power was moving the mighty arm of God to bring deliverance
to the Jews?

"At a time when it seemed that no power could save them, Esther and the women
associated with her, by fasting and prayer and prompt action, met the issue, and brought
salvation to their people."- The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White Comments], vol. 3, p. 1140.
10. When Haman told his wife and his friends what had happened, what did they
say to him? Esther 6:13. Why was Haman's conscience becoming uneasy?

"The king's decision against the Jews was secured under false pretenses through
misrepresentation of that peculiar people. Satan instigated the scheme in order to rid
the earth of those who preserved the knowledge of the true God. But his plots were
defeated by a counterpower that reigns among the children of men." - Testimonies, vol. 5,

Recapitulation D Friday
March 22
a. As soon as Ahasuerus' decree was published, what did both Esther and
Mordecai realize?
b. Who was instrumental in accomplishing a mighty deliverance for God's peo-
ple? Who was actually their Deliverer?
c. What work does the Lord want to do through modern Mordecais?
d. How do modern Hamans act?
e. Through what device had Haman obtained the king's decision against the
Jews? •

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Lesson 13 Sabbath, March 30, 1985


On the very day when those that hated the Jews hoped to get the mastery over
them there was a turning to the contrary, in that the Jews got the mastery over
their enemies.

KEY TEXT: "The king granted the Jews which were in every city to gather them-
selves together, and to stand for their life, to destroy, to slay, and to
cause to perish, all the power of the people and province that would as-
sault them" (Esther 8:11).

A t the Banquet o Sunday

March 24

1. When the king and Haman came in to banquet with Esther the queen, how did
she make suit for her own life and that of her people? Esther 7:1-4.

"The events that followed in rapid succession,-the appearance of Esther before

the king, the marked favor shown her, the banquets of the king and queen with Haman
as the only guest, the troubled sleep of the king, the public honor shown Mordecai,
and the humiliation and fall of Haman upon the discovery of his wicked plot, -all these
are parts of a familiar story." -Prophets and Kings, p. 602.

2. In answer to the king's request for more specific information, what did she
say? Esther 7:5, 6. What benefit can be derived from a study of women's ac-
tions in the work of God?

"A study of women's work in connection with the cause of God in Old Testament
times will teach us lessons that will enable us to meet emergencies in the work today.
We may not be brought into such a critical and prominent place as were the people of
God in the time of Esther; but often converted women can act an important part in more
humble positions."- The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White Comments], vol. 3, p. 1140.

Haman Is Hanged o Monday

March 25

3. How did the king react when he was fully informed about Haman's plot and
when he saw Haman's behavior? Esther 7:7, 8.

- 40-
4. What was Haman's fate? Esther 7:9, 10.

Haman's Letters Reversed D Tuesday

March 26

5. How did Esther sue to reverse Haman's letters? Esther 8:5,6.

6. What was done in behalf of the Jews by order of the king? Esther 8:7, 8, 10,
11,13. How did the tide turn in favor of the Jews? Esther 8:16,17.

"God wrought marvelously for His penitent people; and a counter decree issued
by the king, allowing them to fight for their lives, was rapidly communicated to every
part of the realm." -Prophets and Kings, p. 602.

Great Victory for the Jews D Wednesday

March 27

7. What judgment did the Jews mete out to their enemies? Esther 9:2, 5, 16.
How did God help them?

"Angels that excel in strength had been commissioned by God to protect His peo-
ple while they 'stood for their lives.' Esther 9: 16."-Prophets and Kings, p. 602.

8. To what position was Mordecai promoted, and what did he do in behalf of his
people? Esther 10:3. What feast was ever after celebrated among the Jews to
commemorate their deliverance? Esther 9:26-28.

"Mordecai was given the position of honor formerly occupied by Haman. He 'was
next unto King Ahasuerus, and great among the Jews, and accepted of the multitude
of his brethren' (Esther 10:3); and he sought to promote the welfare of Israel. Thus did
God bring His chosen people once more into favor at the Medo-Persian court, making
possible the carrying out of His purpose to restore them to their own land." -Prophets
and Kings, pp. 602, 605.

History Repeats Itself D Thursday

March 28

9. When and how will the crisis that came upon the Jews in the days of queen
Esther be repeated in our experience? Revelation 12:17.

"Some who today are living on the earth will see these words fulfilled. The same
spirit that in ages past led men to persecute the true church, will in the future lead to
the pursuance of a similar course toward those who maintain their loyalty to God. Even
now preparations are being made for this last great conflict." -Prophets and Kings, p. 605.
"The authorities will make laws to restrict religious liberty. They will assume the
right that is God's alone. They will think they can force the conscience, which God
alone should control. Even now they are making a beginning; this work they will con-
tinue to carry forward till they reach a boundary over which they cannot step. God
will interpose in behalf of His loyal, commandment-keeping people." - The Desire ofAges,

- 41-
10. What is written about the decree that will soon be enacted against those that
keep the commandments of God? Revelation 13:16, 17, 15.

"The decree that will finally go forth against the remnant people of God will be
very similar to that issued by Ahasuerus against the Jews. Today the enemies of the
true church see in the little company keeping the Sabbath commandment, a Mordecai
at the gate. The reverence of God's people for His law is a constant rebuke to those
who have cast off the fear of the Lord and are trampling on His Sabbath.
"Satan will arouse indignation against the minority who refuse to accept popular
customs and traditions. Men of position and reputation will join with the lawless and
the vile to take counsel against the people of God. Wealth, genius, education, will com-
bine to cover them with contempt. Persecuting rulers, ministers, and church members
will conspire against them. With voice and pen, by boasts, threats, and ridicule, they
will seek to overthrow their faith. By false representations and angry appeals, men will
stir up the passions of the people. Not having a 'Thus saith the Scriptures' to bring
against the advocates of the Bible Sabbath, they will resort to oppressive enactments
to supply the lack. To secure popularity and patronage, legislators will yield to the de-
mand for Sunday laws. But those who fear God, cannot accept an institution that vio-
lates a precept of the Decalogue." -Prophets and Kings, pp. 605, 606.

Recapitulation D Friday
March 29

a. What study shows us, also, how to meet emergencies in the work of God?
b. What proverb was fulfilled in the experience of Haman? Proverbs 26:27.
c. Why did the king make a counterdecree in behalf of the Jews, instead of just
canceling his first decree?
d. Who were commissioned to go to the aid of God's people in this trying hour?
e. Explain the similarity between the two decrees-the one that was issued in
the days of Queen Esther and the one that will be issued in our days. •

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