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The Design of Ships to Avoid

Propeller-Excited Vibrations
By F. Everett Reed, M e m b e r 1

New methods have been developed within recent years for the prediction and
avoidance of propeller-excited hull vibrations in ships. These make use of the tech-
nology developed for vibration prediction in rockets and large aircraft and the
ability of large computers to make detailed and long calculations rapidly and inex-
pensively; Like all vibration problems, the prediction involves the detei'mination of
the excitation and the response. The excitation, resulting from the nonuniform wake
at the propeller and the propeller pressure field on the hull, has been the subject of
analytical and experimental research in the recent past and the present and is be-
comingwell-enough defined for use in precfictions. The response of the complicated
ship structure is shown to be strongly influenced by the details of that structure. In
particular the support and dynamic characteristics of the propeller and shaft system
and the local resonances of substructures in the hull are shown to have a strong in-
fluence on the level of hull vibration. Methods of incorporating these effects into the
response of the main hull are presented.

THE OBJECT of this paper is to acquaint mem- for building a ship that has large vibrations in the
bers of the Society witli the state of the art in the living quarters.
px~ediction of ship hull vibration. With ships
be!ng built of ever-increasing size and higher Historical Background
powers, hull vibration considerations become an Concern with hull vibration in ships began when
important element in the design. For example, they were propelled by mechanical power instead
m o d e m ships carry powers on a single screw that of wind. The first reference in English to ship
would have been unthinkable a dozen years ago. hull vibration is a paper by Otto Schliek before
The choice between a design using a single high- the Institution of Naval Architects in 1884 [1]. 2
power centerline propeller and a design that is The early excitations came from unbalance in the
more expensive in cost and efficiency using twin engines and suggestions for improving the balance
screws must be determined primarily from con- appear in a paper b y A. F. Yarrow in 1892 [2].
siderations of hull vibration. In the past these Schlick's second and third papers [3, 4] discuss
decisions had to be based upon extrapolated ex- measured vertical, lateral, and torsional vibrations
perience. This paper shows that hull vibration on a ship, the famous formula for approximating
need no longer be an empirical art, but that meth- the fundamental frequency of a ship, N =
ods exist and are being developed that can be used ,pX/I/AL ~, as well as nodes, antinodes, and excita-
to predict levels of hull vibration while the ship is tion.
being designed. In our times there is no excuse Efforts to analytically predict hull vibrations,
although increasingly sophisticated, Were gener-
xPresidefit and Technical Director, Littleton Research ally unsuccessful even for the fundamental natural
and Engineering Corp., Littleton, Mass.
Presented at the Annual Meeting, New York, N. Y.,
November 11 and 12, 1971, of THE SOCIETYOS NAVAL Numbers in brackets designate References at end of
frequency until the influence of water inertia was lence. The first studies in this area were on
appreciated. Procedures for incorporating water- models by F. _-V[.Lewis [23] in 1935.
inertia effects in the calculations were developed Within recent years a broad effort to compute
by F. M. Lewis [5] and Lockwood Taylor [6] in the propeller excitation has b e e n expended under
1929 and 1930. With this effect included, reason- the sponsorship of the N a v y Ship Research and
ably good predictions of the fundamental two- Development Center, Fundamental HYdrody -
node, and sometimes the three-node, natural fre- namics Research Program. Introductory work
quency in vertical bending could be made. How- b y Burrill [24] considered a variable wake but
ever, the predictions of the natural frequencies of assumed that at each angular location of the pro-
higher modes were not reliable. peller the wake is s t e a d y - - a quasi-steady-state
The calculation methods used for predicting analysis of propeller forces and moments. More
mode shapes and natural frequencies were gener- recent analyses at Stevens [25, 26, 28, 29 ] and M I T
ally based upon the methods of normal functions [30] include the effects of rate of change of wake
developed by Stodola [7, 73] primarily for steam unsteady flow (i.e., the Theodorsen effects) and
turbine rotors. This method becomes increas- blade width on the harmonic forces and moments
ingly difficult to apply as the number of natural on the propeller. Procedures are available for
frequencies and mode shapes increases• At the predicting from a propeller plan, a wake analysis,
conclusion of World War II, the science of hull and the lines plan of the stern, tile magnitudes and
vibration was significantly advanced by R a y m o n d phase of the propeller and hull harmonic forces
T. McGoldrick [8-14] at the David Taylor Model and moments. In general , these do not include
Basin and Jesse Ormondroyd [11] at the Uni- the effects of the interaction of the hull on tile
versity of Michigan. Analytical procedures were propeller nor the propeller on narrow surfaces
developed which are extensions of the Myklestad such as skegs, struts, and rudders.
[15, 16, 17] and Prohl [18] method for beams. Within recent years as ships have continued to
These procedures are well adapted to the use of increase in size, the fundamental natural fre-
large digital computers. quencies iia vertical and transverse bending are
Cgmpu.ter programs for determining the vertical moving into ranges where there is significant
vibration response of ship hulls were developed by energy in the spectra of the sea waves. The
Cuthill [19, 20]. The hull is defined by a beam possibilities of wave-generated vibration must,
with bending and shearflexibility, sprung masses, therefore, be considered [31, 32, 37].
and mass-elastic subsystems, notably the pro-
General Considerations of ShiP Hull Vibration
peller-shaft system. Henderson [21] expanded
this program to include the coupled vibration of Where there are differences between measured
torsion and bending in tile transverse direction. and predicted vibration levels, natura 1frequencies,
This program is also applicable to the coupled and mode shapes, these differences can be ascribed
vibration of longitudinal compression and exten- to (i) uncertainty of the excitation, o r (ii) an
sion with vertical bending• inadequate representation of the mass,elastic
The first ship vibrations were generated by en- characteristics of the ship. Measured vibration
gine unbalance. The procedures for reducing levels are not steady but change with time dePend-
these u/lbalaamed forces and moments to ac- ing on the conditions of the se.a, small changes in
ceptable levels w e r e defined in the 1890's [2, 22] propeller revolutions, and random motions in the
and so engine unbalance has not generally been a boundary layer. I t will always be difficult,
major source of vibration since, although oc- therefore, to make close comparisons between
casionally, through oversight, a diesel-propelled measurements and predictions.
ship will be excited by first- or second-order forces In the past it was quite impractical to represent
or moments. the mass and elastic structure of a ship in enough
The major excitation of ship hull vibrations detail ~o predict with any accuracy the response
comes from the propeller, both through the har- over the range of blade beat frequencies. With
monic forces and moments generated on the pro- large computers and available programs for repre-
peller in work!ng through the nonuniform wake, senting the ship in terms of beams and elemental
masses and elasticities, this limitation no longer
and by the harmonic forces and moments gener-
exists. Predictions of hull response at higher fre-
ated on the hull of the ship and its appendages by quencies require that attention be ~ v e n to shear
the pressure field around the propeller. The deflection in the hull, rotary inertia, local reso-
measurement of these harmonic .forces is difficult nances, and shear lag. For the fundamental natural
because they are superposed on large random frequency of vibration, reasonably accurate predic-
pressures and forces due to wave action and turbu- tions can be made on the assumption that the hull

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 245

is a beam of variable mass (including water inertia) beam equation is versatile and practical for the
and bending stiffness. For natura ! frequencies in vibration of the whole ship, finite-element meth-
the third and higher modes, the shearing of the ods are very useful in determining the dynamic
ship becomes increasingly important so that, for properties of sections of the ship that come into
modes higher than the fourth, the bending effects local resonance. These properties are then in-
become negligible. For the higher frequencies, corporated into the whole-ship model.
compartments of the hull bounded by transverse In the avoidance of propeller-exclted hull vibra-
bulkheads and the sides are excited by the general tion, the most important part is to assure that the
hull motion into local resonance. The local reso- design of the hull, propeller, and shafting is such
nances act as local vibration absorbers, tending to that the primary structure of the ship does not
enforce llullnodes in their area and absorbing the have e'xcessive vibration. When the ship is in its
energy input so that the rest of the hull motion is detailed structural design stage, it is important
reduced. Prediction of hull motions at higher that there be no serious accentuation of the vibra-
frequencies wittlout considerati9ns Of local reso- tions in critical spaces. Thus the avoidance of
nance is futile. hull vibrations should be given particular atten-
Whereas local resonances in the hull consider- tion during (i) the preliminary design stage and
ably alter the hull response, resonances in the (ii) the middle stages of structural design. The
propeller-shafting system strongly influence the remainder of this paper discusses the work that
exciting force input to the hull. Breslin [33] has should be done at each of these stages and some
shown that a propeller working below an infinite brief comments on measurements of hull vibra-
flat plate is characterized theoretically by equal tion.
and opposite harmonic blade o[der forces acting In Appendix 8 specifications for assuring that
between the propeller an`d the hull. This same adequate attention is given to hull vibration are
effect tends to be true of the ship, a n d if the pro- suggested.
peller an d shaft are rigid there !s a general cancella-
tion of the hull input from the two sources. I.f, Considerations in the preliminary Design Stag e
however, the propeller-shafting system has a M a n y of the ship characteristics that cause vi-
flexural resonance occurring within the blade beat bration difficulties are basic elements of the design
frequency range, then above this resonance the as determined during the s6ip preliminary design
phase of the harmonic force input to the hull from and can be changed later only at an expensive
t.he propeller'thr0ugh the shaft and beatings is out cost. Among these are the location of the pro-
of phase with the propeller fdrce. Then both the peller relative to the hull, the size of the propeller
hull force and the !?earing forces from the pro- aperture on single-screw ships, t h e - c h o i c e of
peller reinforce each other. ' propeller rpm, the determination of shafting sizes
The method of hull vibration analysis discussed and bearing locations, the location of the engine
and recommended in this paper can be 'termed the room and superstructure, and the general ar-
sophisticated beam procedure. Because of the rangement of the quarters in the superstructure.
modifications and corrections that .be applied When intelligent attention, from the point of view
to t h e Timoshenko beam [34] to obtain reliable of vibration, is given to these fact6rs, there can be
results, some have suggested [35, 36] ichat ship a reasonable assurance that the basic level of vi-
vibration anal3;sis be undertaken using a finite- bration in the ship will not be high, and that such
element proceclure; i.e., an assemblage of point local vibration as may exist after the ship is built
masses with beam, plate, and elastic connections. can be corrected through a reasonable expenditure
This procedure i.s quite desirable theoretically but of time and effort.
expensive if reliable results are to be obtained.
I t will be found that if the ship is to be well Propeller Aperture and Propeller Clearance
represented the computer time required for the One important factor in avoiding hull vibration
analysis of the data becomes very large. The is the minimization of excitation forces. The pro-
tendency then is to approximate the ship by a peller excitation is minimized by having a smooth
coarser grid. This rapidly becomes self-defeating water flow to the propeller and generous clear-
because the primary difficulty in analyzing any ances between the propeller and the hull. For the
complex system is its accurate representation in many-bladed propellers (5 and more) that are
the mathematical model. All o f the very real being used, it is found that the wake harmonics
advantages of the finite-element methods disap- which cause propeller forces are not as much in-
pear "if the grid is made too coarse. Although, as fluenced by the fullness of the ship or the location
will be demonstrated, we have found that a of the propeller as is the case for propellers with
method of solution based upon the Timoshenkq fewer blades. Furthermore, the forces generated

246 The Design of Sh{ps to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

on the propeller are not as strongly influenced b y pulsion plants (diesel and steam) are generally
location and clearance as are the pressure forces analyzed b y the manufacturer of the engines.
generated b y the propeller on the hull. T h e The p r i m a r y excitation is the engine itself, and
balance t h a t m u s t be made in the design is be- the polar m o m e n t of inertia of the engine, if direct
tween the hull clearance and rigid support for the drive, is generally lower than t h a t of the propeller.
propeller and shafting. For this reason the torsional vibration motions in
F o r guidance in the design of stern apertures, the engine are larger than those of the propeller
some of the available recommendations for pro- and the stresses in the engine are of as much or
peller clearances are tabulated in Appendix 1. more concern than those in the shaft. Engine
T h e procedures outlined in Appendix 1 for de- manufacturers have developed procedures for
termining hull clearance are imperfect guides for a analyzing these vibrations. One aspect of tor-
decision t h a t should be based upon a more tech- sional vibrations t h a t has not been developed is
nical process. Their object is to assure an ac- the angular orientation of the propeller relative to
ceptable level of v i b r a t o r y force to tile hull. As the engine so t h a t the blade-order excitation at the
discussed in Appendix 2, computer programs have propeller is out of phase with the engine excitation
been and are being developed t h a t predict the of this order. At the present time the phase of
harmonic forces on the hull. Thus the criterion the propeller excitation is not generally known
for propeller location should be the a m o u n t of and so the cancellation of energy input cannot be
harmonic force generated on the ship. In this obtained and may, in fact, b y random choice aug-
way modifications in ship form---such as, for m e n t the inpnt from the engine.
example, a tunnel s t e r n - - o r propeller rake and For geared turbine drives, the procedures de-
skewback, can be used to secure greater propul- veloped b y Poritsky and Robinson [41] provide a
sion efficiency without generating excessive vibra- good method for predicting the vibrations. The
tions. T h e amplitudes of the propeller harmonic problem is separation and hammering in the re-
forces and m o m e n t s are not easily changed duction gear teeth if the v i b r a t o r y torque exceeds
through modifications to hull lines, aperture and the steady torque. Where the power plant is not
tip clearances, b u t can be changed to some degree located in the extreme stern of the ship, the lowest
by the use of skewback in the blades. On the torsional frequency generally occurs well down in
other hand, the amplitudes of the hull pressures the operating range where the power and torque
and their integrated effects, the harmonic forces are low and the vibration is not of concern. For
and m o m e n t s on the hull, can be strongly in- power plants in the stern of the ship, the torsional
fluenced by propeller clearances. vibration can be more serious and it m a y be neces-
I t is difficult at the present time to establish sary to give special attention to the n u m b e r of
reasonable limits for the harmonic: forces on the blades on the propeller and the diameter of the
hull because the methods for this prediction have shaft to avoid torsional vibration trouble. Gener-
not been applied to enough cases to obtain ex- ally there is also a second natural frequency, par-
perience. A large ship whose vertical harmonic ticularly noticeable in the turbine and gear portion
hull force was 0.60 percent and whose horizontal of the system, which falls within the operating
harmonic hull force was 1.4 percent of the steady range in which the two turbines vibrate against
propeller thrust and whose harmonic hull m o m e n t each other with a node near the bull gear. The
about a transverse axis was 148.0 percent, a b o u t effects of this critical are generally nullified b y the
a vertical axis 7.2 percent, and about a longitudi- turbine and gear manufacturers b y making the
nal axis 54 percent of the steady propeller torque, natural frequencies of the high-pressure and low-
has been reported to be a quiet ship. pressure branches of the power trains against the
bull gear as an assumed ground, approximately
Shafting and Propeller Resonances e q u a l - - a nodal drive. Where this balance is at-
A second aspect of ship vibration t h a t should be tained, the higher mode is not excited b y harmonic
considered p a r t of the preliminary design process torques in the propeller.
is the vibrations of the propeller and shafting sys- The propeller excitation can be computed from
tems. Three aspects of these vibrations should be the propeller design and the harmonic wake b y
considered: (i) torsional vibration, (ii) longi- the methods discussed in Appendix 2 and the
tudinal vibration, and (iii) lateral vibration. propeller damping by the procedure presented b y
Lewis and Auslaender [42 ].
Torsional Vibration
T h e analysis and prediction of torsional vibra- Longitudinal Vibration
tion of motor- and steam-powered ships is a well- For large ships it is frequently found t h a t the
developed science. Reciprocating engine pro- natural frequency of the propeller and shafting

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 247

system will coincide with or be slightly above the hub of the second-reduction (bull) gear. I t can
blade beat frequency, b u t will sometimes be within be shown that, even for low coefficients of friction,
the operating range of the ship. I t is desirable to dental couplings will lock up under their trans-
have the natural frequency of the system at least mitted torque and transmit axial forces as though
15 percent over the m a x i m u m blade beat fre- solid.
quency so t h a t there will not be large forced The critical elements in the longitudinal vibra-
vibration amplitudes. For very large ships, the tion calculation are stiffness of the thrust bearing
h e a v y propellers and long shafts and difficulties in and its foundation. T h e thrust bearing stiffness
tying the thrust bearing rigidly to the hull m a y p u t can be readily calculated in terms of a series of
the longitudinal resonance within the operating elastic elements : the thrust collar, oil film, shoes,
range. I t is then desirable to locate the reso- leveling plates, backup end plate in the housing,
nances well down in the operating range at a shaft and, finally, the housing and its a t t a c h m e n t to the
r p m t h a t can be avoided. Military Standard foundation. Kane and McGoldrick [75] give
M I L - S T D - 1 6 7 (Ships) [74] specifies the some- useful values for these stiffnesses t h a t can be used
times impossible requirement t h a t there be no for preliminary studies and as points of compari-
excessive alternating thrust within the operating son for more detailed stiffness calculations.
speed range of 0 to 115 percent of the design full- T h e most difficult prediction is the stiffness of
power shaft rpm. Analysis and measurements on the thrust bearing foundation. Although it is
trials are required to prove compliance with this convenient to consider this as a simple elastic
requirement. connection to a rigid h e a v y hull, the foundation is
There are several guides to the calculation of in fact a connection to another elastic s y s t e m - -
longitudinal resonances. One of the earliest is the the machinery space double b o t t o m together with
BuShips Design D a t a Sheet [44] in which the its inertial loadings of machinery and entrained
natural frequency of the shafting is approximated water. The correct method, therefore, for pre-
b y a spring-supported two-mass system. Trou- dicting the thrust bearing stiffness is to m a k e a
bles with longitudinal vibrations in the early dynamic analysis of the b o t t o m structure under
1940's led to the authoritative work b y Kane and the machinery space and express the stiffness of
McGoldriek [75], who suggest calculation meth- the thrust bearing foundation as a function of fre-
ods, ranges of stiffnesses for thrust bearings and quency. The most practical procedure for de-
foundations, values of thrust excitation, and val- termining the dynamic stiffness of the thrust
ues of damping. Valuable information on longi- bearing foundation is b y a finite-element analysis.
tudinal vibration has also been developed in Several finite-element computer programs are
England [76, 77 ]. available [43 ].
T h e initial problem in the analysis of longi- If time or budget does not permit the finite-
tudinal shaft vibration is the mechanical definition element analysis to be done, it is possible to m a k e
of the system. The propeller and shafting system simplified analyses. T h e accuracy of such analy-
is readily defined in terms of distributed and con- ses depends strongly on the engineering j u d g m e n t
centrated masses. The value of the mass of the of the analyst. This engineering j u d g m e n t has a
water entrained with the propeller is computed limited foundation until results of finite-element
from the propeller characteristics b y the pro- studies or experimental d a t a are available for
cedures of Lewis and Auslaender [42] using the guidance. Cashman [78] discusses some of the
reduction factor for the torsionally unrestrained factors t h a t enter into the determination of
propeller (at least where it is known t h a t the tor- foundation design b u t does not discuss the de-
sional natural frequency is well below the longi- termination of the spring constant in detail. T h e
tudinal natural f r e q u e n c y - - a s is generally the following observations m a y be helpful in the pre-
case). The shafting can be represented b y bars diction of thrust foundation stiffness:
of constant diameter. Usually one or two bars
• A large p a r t of the deflection occurs in shear.
are used to represent the outboard shafting and
• Bending of the b o t t o m structure of the ship
one bar for the inboard shaft. The weights of the
flanges and sleeves are included b y increasing the is important.
• T h e elasticity solution for a truncated wedge
density of the shaft material, an increase of ap-
[79 ] m a y be helpful.
proximately 7 percent. Sleeves and flanges are
• Representing the foundation as a tube run-
considered ineffective in the stiffness calculation.
Generally it is found t h a t the web of the second- ning between the sides of the ship m a y be helpful.
reduction gear is flexible compared to the other • The relatively heavy reduction gear and tur-
stiffnesses in the system and for simplification it bine machinery on the same foundation can add a
m a y be acceptable to terminate the model at the dynamic aspect to the foundation stiffness [80 ].

248 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

The excitation used to compute the amplitudes Lateral Vibration
of motion is calculated from the wake distribution Design practice has been considered good if
and the propeller characteristics b y the methods shafting is sufficiently well supported to avoid
discussed in Appendix 2. Where. time or the whirling (shaft rotational speed resonance) with a
availability of propeller design or wake data do reasonable margin [44]. Actually one of the most
not permit this calculation to be made, it is possi- important factors in the determination of the level
ble to estimate the harmonic excitation force by of vibration in a ship is the shafting natural fre-
the approximate formula given in Appendix 3. quencies. This importance arises for two reasons:
The hydrodynamic damping at the propeller (i) the lateral resonance in the shafting can mag-
can be computed using the procedure given by nify the force-and-moment input from the pro-
Lewis and Auslaender [42]. The required pro- peller to the hull manyfold, and (ii) the phase of
peller characteristics can be obtained with ade- the propeller forces as transmitted through the
quate accuracy from the propeller design curves bearings into the hull is shifted when the shaft
[81], from experimental data on the propeller, or operates above resonance. By this latter means
ship self-propulsion test. Vibration measure- even though the amplitude of the propeller force
ments [75, 76, 77] show that the amount of damp- is reduced at frequencies that are well above
ing thus determined is too small. I t has been resonance, its phase is changed so that instead of
found that reasonable agreement between calcula- obtaining the approximate cancellation between
tion and test is obtained if 8 percent of the vibra- hull and propeller forces the two forces are addi-
tional energy in addition to the propeller energy is five.
dissipated in each cycle. To accomplish this the The importance of shafting resonances was
Young's modulus of the shaft material m a y be dramatized in some calculations in which a sys-
expressed as a complex number equal to (1 + ~j)E tematic change in the stiffness of the rubber bear-
where ~ is the dissipation expressed as a fraction ings was explored. In Figs. 1, 2, and 3 are shown
of the vibration energy [82]. the predicted levels of vertical displacement for a
The matrices used for axial vibration calcula- one-pound excitation at the propeller, assuming
tions and a formula for approximating the exciting (a) rigid stern-tube bearings (stiffness at forward
forces are presented in Appendix 3. stern-tube bearing 700,000 lb-in, and aft stern-tube

14 j -,
f ~ /'~



IO ,~l , ,
~ , ,
.~ ¢ l,'l , ....... B E A R I N G S REDUCED TO
ABOUT 40~o O F E S T I M A T E D
illl , , VALUE


• ,,,, / ',
! .

/ , / / j)
al 2
I1' I f_,.

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Frequency, cps

Fig. 1 Influence ,of stern tube bearing stiffness on propeller motion

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 249



-- -- -- E S T I M A T E D STIFFNESS

'~ 8 ...... B E A R I N G S R E D U C E D TO


0 4 6 8 I0 12 14 16 18 ZO ZZ 24
Frequency, cps

Fig. 2 I n f l u e n c e o f stern tube b e a r i n g stiffness o n hull m o t i o n at b o w



,! I%



io " I
I ,


II it
:1 j:
£ S 6

//i; "


I e¢

" !

0 Z 4 6 8 I0 12 14 16 18 20 2Z 24
Frequency, cps

Fig. 3 Influence o f stern tube b e a r i n g stiffness o n hull m o t i o n at stern

2.50 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

bearing 1,200,000 lb-in, corresponding to bearing a fixed support over the length of the last three or
support structural stiffnesses); (b) the actual four: spans of shafting. (The influence of the
stern-tube bearing (232,000 lb-in, and 538,000 lb- propeller excitation runs out at this distance.)
in. respectively), and (c) very soft bearings (stiff- It is, however, important to include the stiffnesses
nesses 100,000 and 200,000 lb-in, respectively). of the connection between the shaft bearings and
T h e difference in the propeller and ship motions is the hull. Although oil film stiffness at the normal
striking. operating conditions and small motions is low
The natural frequency of the propeller and shaft enough to be a factor, this is a nonlinearquantity,
in the three setups is 12.7 cps, 1!.5 cps, and 8.1 and if the shaft vibration becomes a serious factor
cps, respective!y. The amplitude in the stern at the motion in the oil film quickly builds up to
13 cps with the rigid shafting system is six times as levels where the fihn stiffness is very large. The
great as that with the flexible system. At the bearing oil film stiffness, therefore, can be con-
stern at 8.1 cps, the flexibly supported shaft sidered infinite.
resonant amplitude is four times t]hat of the rigid The rigidity of rubber bearings can be obtained
syste m at the same frequency. I t should be ex- from the manufacturer and that of phenolic and
pected that a shafting system will amplify and lignumvitae bearings by calculation. The rubber
chang e the phase of an exciting force at the pro- bearings are quit e flexible but the plastic and wood
peller, but this characteristic ha,; not been in- bearings are so rigid as to have practically in-
eluded in previous considerations of hull vibration. finite stiffness.
I t has been common practice to design shafting As s!ng!e-screw ships are designed with in-
systems with the natural frequency of vibration creasing clearance between the skeg and the pro-
falling above the rotational speed of the shaft so peller, t h e after stern-tube bearing receives less
t h a t there is no whirling. Such an analysis is and less support. This is particularly true in the
recommended by BuShips Design Data Sheet lateral direction where the connection to the hull is
DDS 4301 [44]. A calculation for whirling is im- through a rather slender skeg. The evMuation of
portant on slender high-speed ships like de- the effective stiffnesses for the connection of the
stroyers, which tend to have long outboard lengths stern-tube bearings to the hull in a single-screw
of shafting and on which it is desirable for pro- ship requires a good imagination and engineering
pulsion efficiency to keep the number of outboard judgment. Here a finite-element analysis is use-
supports to a minimum. The importance of the ful. When making these Calculations, it becomes
whirling critical is noted because, even with well- apparent that skegs in general are not rigid and
balanced propellers and shafting, vibration fre- that most of the deflection is in shear.
quencies observed on these ships frequently match In making the calculations, the shafting is repre-
the rotational speed of the shafts. sented preferably as a beam with distributed mass
The lateral natural frequencies of most shafting and elasticity since a precise analytical solution is
systems tend to fall quite close to the full-power obtained for the model with a minimum of input
blade beat frequency. The factors that deter- data. The propeller is rep'resented by a concen-
mine this lateral natural frequency are generally trated mass and a diametrical and a polar moment
determined b y the time that the contract plans of inertia. The water inertia for lateral motion is
and specifcations are available for bidding. T h e y not given by Lewis and Auslaender [42]. A value
are determined by the diameter of the shaft, the can be estimated from Lewis and Auslaender's
proPeller overhang, the spans between the last value for the entrained water in longitudinal vibra-
three bearings, and the propeller design char- tio n by proportioning, using the square of the ratio
acteristies. In the calculation of lateral vibration of the transverse projection of a blade at 0.7R to
of the shafting it is important to include the trans- the axial projectio n . Thus the lateral entrained
lational and rotational flexibility of bearings and water would become W, ox(P/O.77rD) 2 [W,~ is
st rgts, the gyroscopic effect of the propeller, and longitudinal water inertia for a torsionally con,
the effect of steady thrust. strained propeller; P is the pitch at 0.7R; D is
The calculation of the lateral vibration of the the propeller diameter]. This entrained water is
shaft should properly be treated as a shaft system small. For the water inertia in rotation about a
coupled to the ship hull. However, in the pre- transverse axis , Lewis and Auslaender [42]
liminary design stage, the hull characteristics are recommend H~D2/16, and for the polar moment
not well known and the coupled calculation is too of inertia of the entrained water about the rota-
complicated. Since the shaft masses and stiff- tional axis, the formula J~ = l¥,oP2/47r 2. This is
nesses are orders of magnitude lower than ~the hull added to the pola r moment of inertia of the pro-
values, useful information can be obtained on the peller itself to give the m o l n e n t o f inertia for use
assumption that the hull is very heavy and rigid-- in the gyroscopic coupling between transverse and

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 251

vertical motions. Beeause the propeller is located the ship in vertical and transverse bending modes.
at the end of a cantilevered shaft, it has a large For estimating the natural frequency in vertical
slope, and so the gyroscopic effects cannot be ne- bending the empirical formula proposed b y Burrill
glected. T h e shaft also has an entrained water [45] is generally quite adequate, namely
inertia equal to the weight of water displaced b y
the shaft. 200,000 X 4,/ I
T h e excitation for the shafting comes from the
propeller and consists of blade-order propeller
forces and m o m e n t s in the vertical and horizontal
directions. T h e values of these forces and mo- where
ments are determined b y the procedures discussed
B = molded beam, ft
in Appendix 2. If this information is not avail-
d = draft, ft
able, the natural frequencies and their char-
1 + B/2d = a water-inertia effect
acteristics m a y be inferred b y assuming a unit
1 + r = a shear effect
harmonic force, first in the vertical and second in
3.5D2(3a 3 + 9a 2 + 6a + 1.2)
the horizontal direction, acting at the propeller. r =
Because of the gyroscopic coupling at the pro- L"-(Sa + 1)
peller and the elastic coupling between vertical a = B/D
and horizontal motions in the strut and bossing D = molded depth, ft
shaft supports, the shafting respond s in a complex A = displacement, tons
way to unidirectional excitations and it is im- L = waterline length or 0.95 LOA, ft,
p o r t a n t to include the shaft excitations in their whicheyer is greater
proper phase. [ = m o m e n t of inertia of midship sec-
tion, in 2 ft 2
D a m p i n g of the shafting system is provided b y
the propeller, bearings, hysteresis of shafting ma- I t is considered desirable to have the operating
terial, and energy transferred into the ship. Pro- rotational speed of the propeller avoid this fre-
peller damping m a y be estimated from the tor- quency. Modern large, high-powered ships with
sional and axial damping coefficients given by propellers having five or moke blades generally ex-
Lewis and Auslaender [42]. This damping is perience greater amplitudes of vibration in the
usually very small. The damping in a lubricated transverse than in the vertical directions for rea-
bearing is so small t h a t it dan be neglected. T h e sons discussed later. Therefore, it is desirable to
hysteretic damping of the shaft material is taken anticipate the approximate value of the funda-
into account through a complex modulus of elas- mental natural frequency in transverse vibration.
ticity, E(1 -t- ~), where E is Young's modulus and Since transx/erse moments of inertia of the ship
is the a m o u n t of damping. A value of ~ = 0.05 sections are not generally known, the formula de-
is suggested until a more accurate estimate is ob- veloped b y Brown [46] is recommended for this
tained from experiments. estimate.
Further discussions of the ealculation of lateral
vibration of shafting are presented in Appendix 4. DB 3
N n = B~t ~/
General Considerations of Vibrations of the Hull
During the Period of Preliminary Design where
I t is well to give enough consideration to the
NH = fundamental frequency, cycles per min-
vibration of the hull in the preliminary design ute
period so t h a t difficulties can be anticipated. As BH = varies from 42,000 to 49,000
discussed earlier, it is i m p o r t a n t t h a t the design B = molded beam, ft
incorporate a propeller aperture a n d / o r propeller D = molded depth, ft
clearance of adequate size to minimize hull har- A = displacement, tons
monic pressures and excitation. I t is i m p o r t a n t V = water-inertia factor = 1.3 + 0.3 d/t3
t h a t the shafting, through shafting resonances, not d = draft, ft
magnify the forces generated on the propeller. L = length between perpendiculars, ft
Then it is reasonable to expect a ship whose basic
level of vibration will be acceptable. I t is also There appear to be no reliable empirical formu-
desirable to reflect some general eharacteristies of las for the fundamental natural frequency in
hull vibration in the preliminary design. torsional vibration. This can be understood when
The first general information comes from an the wide variation in hatch openings in modern
estimate of the fundamental natural frequencies of ships is considered.

252 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations




I ] [ t
,% S S N I A G A P A - h o m z . "
M 1

I-1 G O P H E R M A R I N E R - v e r t .
G O P H E R M A R I N E R - horiz

630' TANGIER - vert. -

Z [] 6 3 0 ' TANGIER - horiz [39J








2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 4 Ratio of higher mode frequencies to the fundamental

At this point in the preliminary design it might carrier, is long and narrow and has a high trans-
be well, particularly if the fundamental frequency verse bottom rigidity inherent in the design of the
is below 50 cpm, to give brief consideration to the heavy ore compartments. Thus it was possible
probability of exciting vertical "vibration in the to develop distinct vibration patterns and natural
fundamental mode by wave action. The methods frequencies to the ninth mode. The graph shows
present by Goodman [37] and van Gunsteren [32] that no other type of ship possesses such a remark-
are useful for this purpose. able sequence of modes. The reason is that most
Hopefully it m a y be possible to estimate the ships begin to develop local resonances in the
natural frequencies of the higher modes of vibra- bottom, the decks, and the superstructure after
tion from the fundamental frequency. Figure 4 the fourth natural beam mode. Tankers, be-
demonstrates the difficulties in this procedure. cause of longitudinal wing bulkheads, may run to
The ratios of frequencies for a uniform Euler free- the fifth natural mode. When these local reso-
free beam (bending only) show quite rapidly in- nances are excited, not only is the progression of
creasing frequencies with the number of nodes. A hull natural frequencies disrupted, b u t also the
ship is not such a beam, since for higher modes the modal pattern of the vibration along the ship be-
elastic pattern is governed by shear rather than comes irregular. By calculations it appears that
bending. For a shear-dominated beam the most of the local resonances are in the ship bot-
natural frequencies are linear with the number of tom, where the water provides a high inertia load-
nodes. This is demonstrated quite remarkably ing. These local resonances tend to enforce
by the ratios of frequencies for the E. J. Kttlas nodes in the ship vibration pattern at their loca-
[4:7 ], which are linear except for a slight curve be- tion and are effective absorbers of vibration
tween the two lowest frequencies, where bending energy. Because of this local resonance, the pro-
predominates. The Kztlas, being a Lake ore peller-excited vibration forward of that resonance

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 253






o O

/ o/
A O ) o_n

\A O S
0 .10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Fig. 5 Location of nodes in bending

becomes small. T h e b o t t o m resonances occur at tion. Clearly it is desirable to locate the engine
lower frequencies on large ships than on small room and living quarters as near to a node as can
ones. For this reason the vertical vibrations tend be arranged.
to be absorbed at the higher frequencies on larger M u c h of the vibration troubles in the super-
ships and the coupled transverse-torsional vibra- structures of modern high-powered ships is due to
tions tend to predominate. local resonances in the area. The structure is not
The local resonances in the b o t t o m seem to be sufficiently rigid to have a resonance frequency
quite unobjectionable. Generally they are not above the m a x i m u m blade beat frequency.
noticed b u t occasionally they will manifest as M a n y times the superstructure difficulties arise
accentuated vibration in the machinery compart- from the arrangements. For convenience, longi-
ment. If the section of b o t t o m t h a t comes into tudinal corridors are stacked one above the other
resonange is located at or near a node in the normal so t h a t it is impossible to develop good stiffness
elastic curve of the ship, it will not be excited and across the superstructure. If in one or two decks
the ship will vibrate in a normal pattern as though it were possible to develop some shear stiffness in
the local resonance were nonexistent. If, on the way of these corridors, the living quarters would
other hand, the local resonance is located at an be much more liveable. Considerations of this
antinode on the normal elastie curve, it Will be type m u s t be made in the contract design stage
strongly excited and will strongly influence the because of the difficulty in making changes to
natural frequency of the ship and i t s modal contract plans. Figure 6 shows a typical cross
patterns. section of superstructure as now designed and
By eomparing the expected blade b e a t fre- Fig. 7 a suggested modification of the cross section
quency with the fundamentM 2-node frequency of to reduce superstructure vibrations.
the ship, it is possible from Fig. 4 to form some
conclusions a b o u t the probable n u m b e r of nodes Detailed Hull Vibration Analysis
in the ship. When the probable n u m b e r of nodes For ships t h a t differ from previously built ships
is known, it is possible to develop an idea of the and have high power, or for ships in which a high
locations in the ship where the vibrations will be standard of freedom from vibration is particularly
strong or weak. Figure 5 is useful for this evalua- important, detailed analysis of the vibrations

254 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations






k . _ _ _ _ - ~ --__________.J
~,, NX M A C H I N E R Y

Fig. 6 Typical section through superstructure

P r o v i d e top s t r u c t u r a l tie


--'--'t BOAT DK



Move bulkhead
into corn ol . ~ P O O P DK
plane n~/l--
Move p a s s a g e w a y out. from other
Move a c c e s s
door awa y~.__. MAIN DK passageways
fron~ |
under pas 1
sageway V
house i I

Fig. 7 Changes to superstructure arrangements to improve stiffness

should be undertaken. Such detailed analyses detail to faithfully represent the actual ship over
form the background for the much less detailed the frequency range of the propeller blade beat.
evaluations that have been presented in the The mathematical model should be such that it
previous section of this paper. Complete hull can be developed, solved, and interpreted within
vibration analyses must be performed if improved practical limits of time and cost. Various models
simplified methods of analysis are to be developed. are advocated by people working in the field.
To make the detailed calculations, the ship is Furthermore, there is a similarity between ship
represented by a mathematical model of sufficient hull vibration analysis and that applied to large

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 255

interspace rockets. Whatever model is adopted, (KA)z = effective shear area in the z-direction
it must deal adequately with shear deflections, (for shear in vertical vibration)
with local accentuations of the vibration, and with (KA)v = effective shear area in y-direction (for
the load path through the shafting, and must have shear in transverse vibration)
a fine-enough definition to represent the m a n y Iv~ = product of inertia with respect to y-
nodes characteristic of large ships. The vertical and z-axes (is generally zero be-
bending (and shear) vibration can be evaluated cause of ¢_symmetry)
without regard to its coupling with longitudinal I~eq = torsional stiffness constant about
vibration (this has not been established analyti- x-axis divided by G, the shear
cally but appears to be justified by measure- modulus
ments). However, the transverse vibration is ~A = vertical coordinate of center of gravity
strongly coupled with hull torsion and analyses of cross-sectional area
that do not include this coupling will give er- ~e = vertical coordinate of shear center of
roneous predictions. This conclusion is based section
upon vibration measurements. ~a -- horizontal coordinate of CG of cross
I t has been our experience that the most prac- section, nominally zero because of
tical model is one t h a t is based upon a Timo- symmetry
shenko beam; that is, a beam that includes shear A = structural area of cross section
deflections and cross-sectional mass moment of
inertia, i.e., rotatory inertia. This model is Components (structural and outfit weight, cargo,
further modified to consider some of the ship mass supplies, ballast, etc.) of the following:
to be elastically connected to the beam and the w = weight per unit length
reduction in the water inertia with nodal spacing. [wv = sectional weight m o m e n t of inertia about
I t is also adapted to reflect the coupling between an axis through CG parallel to y-axis
bending and torsion in the case of transverse vi- Iwz = sectional weight moment of inertia about
bration. Engineering judgment is exercised in z-axis
fairing discontinuities in structure where a flow of I~, = sectional polar weight moment of inertia
stress is involved but not where an element of about x-axis
structure changes thickness. Because the stresses $~ = vertical coordinate of center of gravity of
t h a t are involved in hull vibration are small, so cross-sectional weight
there will not be slipping and because shear strains
act along the rubber sealing gaskets of large steel For the entrained water:
hatch covers, the hatch covers are included in the
evaluation of torsional stiffness but are not in- vertical sectional inertia for z-motion
cluded in the bending rigidity, where the stress is transverse sectional inertia for y-motion
normal to the width of the gasket and transmitted vertical coordinate of effective line of action of
through the coaming above the main huI1 girder. transverse sectional inertia
A flow chart of the computation process is shown
in Fig. 8 and diagrams of a ship model in Figs. 9 The structural properties Iw, Izz, KAy, KAy,
and 10. Jxeq, ~A, ~c, and A are all determined from struc-
The first step in the detailed evaluation of the tural cross sections of the ship. The scantlings at
hull vibration is the definition of the model t h a t is these cross sections are determined from the shell
to be analyzed. Coordinates are defined as: expansion, plans of decks, longitudinal bulkheads,
longitudinal stringers, longitudinal framing, and
x = fore and aft, positive forward such other plans as are required to delineate the
y = athwartships, positive to port longitudinal structure. Use is made of a computer
z = vertical, positive upward program which is a slight modification of the pro-
cedure and program developed by Leibowitz and
Moments are defined b y a right-hand rule about
Harder [48]. The hull section is defined by a
these axes.
number of nodes whose location is defined by the
A series of plots is prepared which accurately
y- and z-coordinates. These nodes mark locations
delineates the following ship properties as a func-
where structural elements ioin, and the elements
tion of length :
of the structure are defined by the nodes at their
[vv = area m o m e n t of inertia about y-axis extremities. The primary value of the program
(for vertical bending) is its computation of shear flow, effective shear
I ~ = area m o m e n t of inertia about z-axis stiffnesses (KA)~ and (KA)v, the torsional stiffness
(for transverse bending) constant J.eq, and the shear center. For a large

256 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

At Hull Plot as a
S e c t i o ~ (I, ..n) function of
Local elastic length:
properCie s:
[('.'."t2::.=,',. ] area
neutral ax~e
neutral axis
Izz Iyz -- " vi'btiat ia~°n [ ;leeigxihti]at¢ D a ta: I ~ibratio=
• ]- Iyz
K shear
K shear y
K shear z
K shear y
K shear x
L (NODES} K shear x s h e a r center
property I C n, Vibratio~
s h e a r center
For longiba dlnal
For longitudinal V ir:togra~o.{----~ o
l-~-~,~rogr-- ~r=~=.,,~-"
~ structure¢,
I L~r_og.~_J { Kh o . a l . g . I '. . . . . . i I h A, ~. c.t
i \ wtlft Morne nt/~
~ m orne nt/~t Iwyy/ft "
\ 160yy/ft I~zz//t
~ .Iwzz/ft Iwxx/ft


Bottom structure
Superstructure "
Engine roam

boundary coordiv.ate s
of frame elemento
-- . . . . . . . . . . . .
C ~ p u t e r progr~ans ~

: ._~c_~_,
,_sl _£~31~_ j

M a s s Dat~
for local r e s o n a n c = s ~
frequencies and
mode shapes for
ocal .........

Plot M a s s Data
II ,~u~---I
--.~Dene orlon I

Frames I .... n as a f u n c ~ o n i
8 %. (NODES) ] ,M.~u u I I m~ent/tt I 1 wt/ft I

\ (s0a.,l . . . . -, ~ /4~.o,.~.
I :-..,.,.,.~.;..~..~;.=~.. I / u ........
I ~
II ,.~y,t
:2b~ki',fd;i;'J;£' t " / ~"~"~ I I z~./f, /

Plot M a s s Data
< ......lght. k {Ma..... I i
• Weight and moment/It wt/ft m mthe~ancal system s~nes~
Q PMoment i ~ I~yy/ft m~ent/ft analysis of
I Di|tribution I lwzz/ft lwyy/ft
Outli t Weights ~ 1 ~ _ P r °..g_r_a~n _ __ 1~/ft
vibration ~ -- - -

[ ~,i~ 3-ec~o-n---- ] for

W l<n<m
'property ~ lzzn
integ ration~ I n,n÷l --
M a s s Data: as a function *,progr~ j C n
Cargo wt//l of length: ....... K~bending y Define sprung 1
m om e a t / i t "~/ft I E shear n maeseB for
l~yy/tt moment/It K tot slo~ n÷l lateral-
l l~zz/£t l~yy/it CG r~ n+l torsional
lwxx] ft I~zz/ft Sh~r ~i ra' n
een[er z +1
Fuel o BLIia~% } l~yz/it l~c~/£t

Fig. 8 F l o w chart for ship vibration calculations

381643513~t. II 12zl2,120119118 1 1 . 1 1 3 1 I Z I l II 1111~13121 I
/ \ I 1 6 ~ 6 ~ 6 ~ 6 6 6 S,STEM I
EQ. M A S S & S P R I N G I N G
/ "--- ~

I 30 1 91 z la~l z.6 I

1t 12 ] ] [ 9 [ 81 [ 7 16 [ 5 1312 1 SYSTEM 2, S T E R N T U B E & S T R U C T U R E

Fig. 9 Vertical vibration model for Lykes Sea Barge Clipper


/-~ "~ EQ. TO T H R E E A N T I - S Y M .


391113v1361351133|lll126]llllallao[191181 71 61 5 1 4 1 3 1 a l l I l o l g l l l l s 1 4 1 3 1 z II

I 25 I 24 23 I/
S Y S T E M l,

llOl 91 17 I 6 ] .1 SYSTJ M 3, SHAFT & ) R O P E L L E I

1 3 1 . t l t l ,9 , 8 5 ~4~,2.1 SYSTI M 2

I 91 a 171 6 I 5 I I I 2

Fig. 10 Transverse-torsional vibration model for Lykes Sea Barge Clipper

ship, 100 to 150 nodes are necessary to define a addition to these, the weights, moments, and
cross section and twenty to forty cross sections are moments of inertia of the transverse framing, deck
necessary to accurately define the elastic proper- beams, and double-bottom floors are computed
ties of the hull. When the structural cross sec- and plotted; and the weights, moments, and
tions coincide with changes in hull plating stiff- moments of inertia of the main structural and
ness, it is possible to calculate two useful values of partition bulkheads are determined. The princi-
section properties with the same nodal coordinates. pal machinery weights and the principal items of
The information from the structural stiffness deck machinery such as anchor windlasses, cargo
calculations can be used to assist in the determina- winches, and stearing gear are located in their
tion of the weight distribution (using A), the proper location in the hull and their weights,
weight moments of inertia about the y- and z-axes moments, and moments of inertia defined as are
(using fvv and I~), and the center of gravity. In those of the superstructure. There remain items

258 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

I jg I~



~-0. Z
Z I "-.LfZI

~ -0.
= 2__D R A F T


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

F i g . 11 Location of center of pressure of the water inertia in

transverse motion

of weight such as piping, electrical wiring, and for transverse motion. None of these procedures
miscellaneous stores. Wiring and bilge and bal- gives the center of action of the entrained water
last piping are generally defined as triangular in transverse m o t i o n - - a quantity t h a t is impor-
distributions having their vertices at the machin- rant in the coupling between transverse and tor-
ery space or p u m p room. Cargo, fuel, ballast, and sional modes of Vibration. The pressures gener-
other variable weights are kept separate from the ated b y the entrained water have been studied and
light ship weights so t h a t different loading condi- from these an estimate of the line of action de-
tions can be studied if desirable. T h e final re- termined. This is shown in Fig. 11. Surpris=
sult is a n m n b e r of curves for different components ingly, because of the torque from the upward
of the light ship weights, moments, etc. and a components of pressure, this line of action is fre-
table of the concentrated weights, moments, etc. quently above t h e waterline. The entrained
These curves are defined on punched cards which water is assumed to have no m o m e n t of inertia.
represent each curve of weight pe r unit length as a Property curves for structural sections, com-
function of length in trapezoidal segments. Other ponent weights, and water inertia as a function of
cards represent the concentrated weights. length are defined on punched cards. F r o m these
T h e entrained water for vertical and transverse functions the properties for the dynamic analysis
motion and the center of action of the transverse of the ship are determined.
entrained water m u s t next be determined. For In Appendix 5 the development of a representa-
vertical motion the procedures developed b y F. J. tion of the ship in terms of difference equations is
Lewis [5] are generally used. T h e more detailed presente d . This procedure requires t h a t the ship
procedures of Landweber and Macagno [49, 50, 51 ] shafting, elastically supported masses, etc., be
give similar results for vertical motion and are re- represented by a number of elements. These
quired for the determination of the water inertia elements need not be equally spaced. Usually at

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 259

least forty elements are required. Their location inertia a b o u t transverse and longitudinal axes are
is determined b y applying the following considera- not inueh different even when the shell and t a n k
tions : top are longitudinally framed, so t h a t a reasonable
approximation to the natural frequency is ob-
* Bearings in the shafting system should m a t c h
tained b y assuming the b o t t o m to be isotropic
section locations in both the shafting and the hull.
with a section modulus and shear stiffness per unit
• Sections should m a t c h the locations t h a t most
width equal to the average of the transverse and
accurately line up with the sprung masses t h a t are
longitudinal values. The p r i m a r y loading is the
equivalent to locally resonant structures.
water inertia. This can be estimated by the
• Excitation points should be coincident with
sectional entrained water as determined for the
section locations.
ship cross section using the Lewis [5] or the Land-
• I t is desirable to have large concentrated
weber [49, 50, 51] formulation and applying a re-
weights, such as transverse bulkheads, fall on sec-
duction factor developed b y K e n n a r d [541 to ac-
tion locations.
count for nodes at the bulkheads.
• T h e sections should be closely enough spaced
One problem in the analysis is the degree of
to define the pattern of vibrations.
fixity at the edges. I t is probable t h a t the sides
• Sections should be more closely spaced where
have little restraint and, if the vibration p a t t e r n
large vibrations are expected than where the vibra-
of the hull is such t h a t alternative c o m p a r t m e n t s
tions are small, i.e., closer together in the stern
are generally out of phase, there is also not much
than in the bow.
fixity at the bulkheads. However, the degree of
At low frequencies the ship vibrates as a beam. fixity is relative and the natural frequency of a
In each cross-section all parts vibrate together as a panel having fixed edges is 2.2 times t h a t of one
rigid cross section. This m a y be a complex mo- t h a t is simply supported. In addition to the
tion since it is composed of vertical displacements, problem of fixity, the b o t t o m structure is used to
horizontal displacements, and rotations a b o u t the support upper decks through pillars and columns.
longitudinal axis, but every point in the cross These connections will increase or lower the nat-
section remains at a fixed distance from every ural frequency of the local structure depending on
other point. As the frequency rises, this rigid the stiffness and mass of the decks. I t is possible
body displacement of the cross sections begins to to m a k e reasonable estimates for the natural fre-
be lost. Transverse bulkheads, where they are quencies b y developing a structural model and
not drastically cut b y passageways or are ab- analyzing for natural frequencies and mode shapes.
breviated, will maintain the rigid cross-sectional T h e m o s t practical procedure for accomplishing
characteristic, b u t for large ships m o s t other cross this is to use one of the available finite-element
sections will lose their across-hull rigidity. T h e computer programs [43]. A discussion of this is
upper gunwale strakes plus the shear strakes act- given in Appendix 6.
ing with the sides of the ship and the bottom, even A section of the hull t h a t has one symmetrical
if the center is displaced, and the decks, b o t t o m mode falling within the blade beat frequency
and longitudinal wing bulkheads on a tanker, will range is represented b y a distributed mass fixed
define a beam, while p a r t of the double bottom, to the hull beam and an attached, vertically
the decks, and the superstructure will move rela- sprung mass. One having two symmetrical modes
tive to this beam. The a m o u n t of motion relative with natural frequenc!es within the blade beat
to the beam will depend upon the mass and rigidity range is represented b y a distributed mass fixed
of the section and can be defined in terms of the to the hull plus a rigid beam of variable mass and
natural frequency of the cross section, assuming inertia sprung at two points on the hull. Higher
t h a t the sides are fixed. In the main hull it will modes whose frequency m a y fall within the range
be found t h a t the bulkheads are rigid cross mem- of blade beat frequencies are assumed to be poorly
bers whose natural frequencies are well above ex- coupled with hull motions and are therefore not
citation frequencies, b u t t h a t for 5-, 6-, and 7-blade included. Modes whose vibration patterns are
propellers most of the sections in the wider p a r t of antisymmetrical a b o u t the centerplane of the ship
the ship t h a t lie between the bulkheads will have and whose frequencies are within the blade beat
natural frequencies below the m a x i m u m blade
frequency range are represented b y torsionally
beat frequency. An interesting discussion of this
is given b y Suetsuger [52]. In calculating the sprung masses.
frequency of the double bottom, the shell and T h e longitudinal location of the equivalent sys-
t a n k top define the faces, and sandwich shear t e m and the values of the masses and spring con-
properties are defined b y the transverse floors and stants of the equivalent system are determined by
longitudinals. Generally the b o t t o m m o m e n t s of making:

260 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

• the total inertia force of the equivalent sys- (1 + , j ) / ( 1 - n~'). Until there are more experi-
t e m equal to t h a t of the complex system when vi- mental data available which m a t c h with careful
brating at each natural mode. m a t h e m a t i c a l analyses, it appears t h a t a value of
• the natural frequencies of the equivalent sys- = 0.10, corresponding to a 10 percent energy loss
tem equal to those of the complex system. per cycle, will give a reasonable agreement.
• the longitudinal center of action of the inertia T h e excitation :iorces used in the hull vibration
forces of the equivalent and the complex systems analysis are located on the propeller and on the
at the same longitudinal location for each natural hull as discussed in Appendix 2.
frequency. T h e complete calculations are run for a sequence
• the total vibration energy at each natural of frequencies extending from zero frequency to
frequency equal for both equivalent and complex some 10 or 15 percent above the m a x i m u m blade
systems. beat and the results plotted for a n u m b e r of points
of interest. These generally include the bow and
T h e analysis of the complex system is generally stern of the ship, the quarters, the bridge, the
m a d e without including damping, b u t the equiva- machinery space, the propeller, and such other
lent system can be and generally is represented as spaces as might be sources of trouble. We have
a d a m p e d spring-supported mass oi- masses. An found t h a t it is necessary to run quite closely
application of the finite-analysis study to a ship is spaced frequeneie,;, not more than 0.2 cps apart, if
considered in Appendix 6. adequate plots are to be obtained.
T h e hull model includes the shaft and propeller Because of the gyroscopic coupling at the pro-
system as a parallel spring-connected system. I t peller, it is best to find the frequency response of
m a y also include other systems elastically con- the ship to unit forces and m o m e n t s located at the
nected to the hull such as a long superstructure propeller and on the hull so t h a t the calculation
and skegs (even if located between the hull and for vertical vibration can be run independently of
the shaft system). t h a t for transverse bending-torsion. This has
Available computer programs allow fixed values the further a d v a n t a g e of indicating the sensitivity
of damping to be used where they are known. For of the ship to tile various forces and allowing
example, equipment is frequently m o u n t e d on evaluations of the response as the several exciting
rubber shock mounts for which measured damping forces and m o m e n t s are changed in magnitude and
constants are tabulated. Propeller damping is phase through modifications in propeller design or
discussed in Appendix '-I. Tile damping of control improved predictions of exciting forces.
surfaces such as rudders and submarine diving T h e programs developed by the Applied Mathe-
planes can be developed by the methods of flutter matics L a b o r a t o r y of the N a v a l Ship Research and
analysis used in airplane design [55 ]. Development Center [20, 21 ] can be used for these
This specific damping is far from adequate to calculations. We have found t h a t less computer
explain the amplitudes at resonances. Mc- capacity is required and a saving in computer
Goldrick [14] suggests t h e addition of a general time is possible if tile analysis is done using a pro-
damping t h a t is proportional to velocity, i.e., the gram for the model based upon the Prohl proce-
common viscous friction of classical vibration dure. This essentially solves the matrix de-
theory. This, however, tends to overdamp the veloped under the Cuthill-Henderson method
lower modes and to u n d e r d a m p the higher modes without storing it and the various submatriees in
of vibration as compared with vibration measure- its solution.
ments. F r o m the few available comparisons be- T h e o u t p u t from the computer is fed directly to
tween good calculations and good measurements, a plotter. Figure.. 12 shows a typical plot of the
it appears t h a t damping of a hysteretic nature, vibration amplitude in vertical and transverse
where a certain percentage of the vibration energy vibration in the wheelhouse of a ship.
is lost during each cycle, gives the best match. Criteria for acceptable levels of vibration
There is some logic for the hysteresis hypothesis, against which the predicted levels can be balanced
although it m u s t be a d m i t t e d t h a t hysteresis in are presented in Appendix 7.
the strict sense of internal damping in the metal is
far too small to account for the level of observed Vibration Measurements
damping. T h e representation of damping as If vibration problems are to be avoided b y good
hysteretic is very convenient when large com- design, it is not enly i m p o r t a n t t h a t the designs
puters are available, since it is accomplished b y be carefully analyTed but also t h a t thorough mea-
adding an imaginary term to the modulus of surements be taken of the ships t h a t have been
elasticity. This is accomplished by multiplying analyzed. A good job of vibration analysis and
the stiffnesses b y (1 -- ~j) and flexibilities b y prevention can be self-defeating if the ship is so

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 261


h I. l,


~ 0,8
~ 0.4

2.00 4. O0 6. O~ 8. O0 i O. O0 12.00

Fig. 12 Typical computer plot of vibration level

smooth and steady on the builder's trials t h a t no sirable t h a t the record contain measurements at
detail vibration measurements are taken. A quiet one fixed location and t h a t measurements at other
ship is just as useful as a rough one for evaluating locations be referred to this for relative amplitude
the success of the vibration prediction procedures. and phase. When measuring the basic level in
J u s t as the vibration avoidance procedure in- the ship, it is i m p o r t a n t to locate the vibration
volves two aspects of ship hull vibration, i.e., the pickups away from local resonances. This is best
vibration of the ship as a whole and the accentu- accomplished b y vertical pickups at the gunwales
ated vibration in local areas, the same aspects over the after perpendicular and a transverse
should be considered when taking vibration re- pickup at the center. Thus the vertical, trans-
cords. N o t 0nly is it i m p o r t a n t to evaluate the verse, and torsional amplitudes of beam vibration
vibration in the stern, of the Ship, the measure of are measured b u t not the local vibrations of the
the basic level of vibration as specified in the deck.
S N A M E Code, b u t also the vibration in local areas T h e iilstruments should be reliable and well
such as superstructure,, engine rooms, and double calibrated. Because of the pitch and roll of the
bottoms, areas t h a t fall within the discretion and ship, it is necessary to cut off the very low fre-
judgment Of the engineer making measurements. quencies.. This cutoff can be a function of the
Because of the importance of lateral shaft reso- transducer or it can be obtained by electrical
nance on the vibration level, it would be desirable filters. I t is desirable to be able to record simul-
to develop some experimental information a b o u t taneously six or more signals, the shaft marker,
the. shafting to back up and confirm the analyses. and the timer. Velocity pickups with a low fre-
When measuring vibrations, it is i m p o r t a n t quency cutoff appear to give a convenient range of
t h a t each record include a shaft position m a r k e r amplitudes for most ship vibrations. Aecelerom-
t h a t can be used for checking the phase between eters tend to accentuate high-frequency motions
vibrations, and an accurate time reference. T h e too much and displacement meters, the low fre-
60 cycles from a ship's generator sets should not quency. Because the frequency range of interest
be considered an adequate time reference. Be- in ship vibrations is limited, it is possible to use
cause of the changing level of vibration, it is de- inked or heated stylus oscillographs. These have

262 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

the advantage of simplicity, portability, and the finements were made; to General Dynamics,
immediate availability of good permanent records. Quincy Division, who supported the studies of
Acceptable levels of vibration are discussed in Engine Room Resonance reported in Appendix 6.
Appendix 7.
Conclusions 1 Otto Schlick, "On Vibration of Steam
This paper has endeavored to point out t h a t a Vessels," Trans. INA, vol. 25, 1884.
technology exists for designing ships t h a t will be 2 A. F. Yarrow, "On Balancing Marine En-
free from hull vibration. In the preliminary de- gines and the Vibration of Vessels," Trans. INA,
sign stage the ship must be designed with good vol. 33, 1892.
propeller clearance, with shaft natural frequencies 3 Otto Schliek, "On an Apparatus for Measur-
in the vertical and transverse directions well ing and Registering the Vibrations of Steamers,"
above the maximum blade beat frequency, with Trans. INA, vol. 34, 1893.
proper attention to torsional and longitudinal 4 Otto Schlick, " F u r t h e r Investigations of
vibration in the shafting and power plant, and the Vibrations of Steamers," Trans. INA, vol. 35,
with some consideration given to good structural 1894.
arrangements in critical areas. In the structural 5 F. M. Lewis, " T h e Inertia of the Water
design stage it is possible to predict the level of Surrounding a Vibrating Ship," Trans. SIVA ME,
propeller-excited vibration at any desired point in vol. 37, 1929.
the ship. This involves a detailed modeling of the 6 J. Lockwood Taylor, "Some Hydrodynamic
ship as a nonuniform beam encompassing m a n y Inertia Coefficients," .Philosophical ll~[agazine,
refinements--particularly in the field of predic- series 7, vol. 9, no. 55, January 1930.
tions of local resonances. 7 A. Stodola, Steam and Gas Turbines, trans-
Presently this prediction process lacks the test- lated by L. C. Loewenstein, McGraw-Hill, New
ing, refinements, and simplifications that come York.
from application to m a n y examples and many 8 Alice W. Mathewson, "Preparation of
comparisons with measurements. Data for Computation of Vertical Flexural Modes
In the past, propeller-excited vibrations were of Hull Vibration by Digital Process," D T M B Re-
either accepted as a necessary characteristic of port 632, September 1949.
high-powered ships or were corrected at a great 9 Emily J. Adams, " T h e Steady-State Re-
expense after the ship was built. This is un- sponse of a Ship t~[ull to a Simple Harmonic Driv-
necessary in these times. Modern technology ing Force Computed by a Digital Process,"
and the availability of large computers, if properly D T M B Report 715, M a y 1950.
applied, not only can free the shipbuilder and the 10 Alice W. Mathewson, "Calculation of the
ship operator from the expense of correcting ex- Normal Vertical Flexural Modes of Hull Vibration
cessive vibration, but also can lead to efficient by the Digital Process," D T M B Report 706,
ships t h a t attain new standards of vibration-free February 1950.
operation. 11 R. T. MeColdrick, A. N. Gleyzal, R. L.
Hess, Jr., "Recent Developments in the Theory of
Ship Vibration," D T M B Report 739, February
The author would like to acknowledge the as- 1951.
sistance of the m a n y people and organizations who 12 R . T . McGoldrick, "Comparison Between
have made this presentation possible: T o the Theoretically and Experimentally Determined
present and past members of the staff of Littleton Natural Frequencies and Modes of Vibration of
Research and Engineering Corp., with whom the Ships," D T M B Report 906, August 1954.
procedures have been discussed and developed and 13 R . T . MeGoldrick and V. L. Russo, "Hull
who developed the computer programs that are Vibration Investigation on S.S. Gopher Mariner,"
described---in particular, Mr. Atis A. Liepins, Mr. Trans. SNAME, vol. 63, 1955.
Jay L. Lipeles, and Mr. Ronald G. Orner; to the 14 R. T. McGoldriek, "Ship Vibration,"
J. J. H e n r y Co. Inc. and Lykes Steamship Co., who D T M B Report 14.51, December 1960.
patiently supported the detailed hull vibration 15 N. O. Myklestad, Vibration Analysis,
studies of the Sea Barge Clipper and the frustrat- McGraw-Hill, New York, 1944.
ing, time-consuming, and expensive troubles t h a t 16 N . O . Myklestad, "New Method of Calcu-
are associated with the first development of a lating Natural Modes of Coupled Bending-Tor-
subject; to Avondale Shipyards and the Ingalls sion Vibration of Beams," Trans. ASJ]IE, vol. 67,
Shipbuilding Division, Litton Systems Inc., under no. 1, January 1945.
whose sponsorship further developments and re- 17 N. O. Myklestad, "Numerical Analysis of

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 263

Forced Vibrations of Beams," Journal of Applied in Non-Uniform Flow," MIT, Department of
Mechanics, vol. 20, no. 1, Trans. ASME, March Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Re-
1953. port 64-7, June 1964.
18 M . A . Prohl, "General Method for Calcu- 31 S.T. Matthews, "Main Hull Girder Loads
lating Critical Speeds of Flexible Rotors," Journal on a Great Lakes Bulk Carrier," SNAME Spring
of Applied Mechanics, vol. 12, no. 3, Trans. Meeting, 1967.
ASME, 1945. 32 F. F. van Gunsteren, "Springing, Wave-
19 F. E. Reed and Elizabeth Cuthill, "Ship Induced Ship Vibrations," International Ship-
Hull Vibrations 5--Analysis of Hull Structure as building Progress, vol. 17, no. 195, November
Applied to SSB(N) 598 George Washington," 1970.
Conesco Report F-111-2, March 1963. 33 J . P . Breslin, "A Theory for the Vibratory
20 E . H . Cuthill and F. M. Henderson, "De- Effects Produced by a Propeller on a Large Plate,"
scription and Usage of General Bending Response Journal of Ship Research, vol. 3, no. 3, December
Code 1 (GBRC1)," DTMB Report 1925, July 1959.
1965. 34 S. Timoshenko, Vibration Problems in
21 F . M . Henderson, "Description and Usage Engineering, third edition, McGraw-Hill, New
of General Bending Response Code 2 (GBRC 2)," York, 1955.
David Taylor Model Basin, Applied Mathematics 35 J. E. Greenspon, "Theoretical Develop-
Laboratory Technical Note AML-59-66, August ments in the Vibration of Hulls," Journal of Ship
1966. Research, vol. 6, no. 4, April 1963.
22 M. Robinson and H. Riall Sonkey, "A 36 It. S. Hylarides, "Finite Element Tech-
Method of Preventing Vibration of Marine En- nique in Ship Vibration Analysis," International
gines," Trans. INA, vol. 36, 1895. Shipbuilding Progress, vol. 15, no. 169, September
23 F . M . Lewis, "Propeller Vibration," Trans. 1968.
SNAME, vol. 43, 1935. 37 R. A. Goodman, "Wave-Excited Main
24 L . C . Burrill, "Calculation of Marine Pro- Hull Vibration in Large Tankers and Bulk Car-
peller Characteristics," Trans. North East Coast riers," Royal Institution of Naval Architects,
Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, vol. 60, 1970.
1943-1944. 38 H. E. Saunders, Hydrodynamics in Ship
25 S. Tsakonas, K. Eng, and W. R. Jacobs, Design, 3 volumes, SNAME, 1957.
"Ship Propeller Vibratory Thrust, Torque and 39 F . H . Todd, Ship Hull Vibration, Edward
Acoustic Pressures from Unsteady Lifting Surface Arnold (Publishers) Ltd., London, 1961.
Theory Based on a 'Modified' Weissinger Model," 40 F. M. Lewis, "Vibratory Hydrodynamic
Stevens Institute of Technology, Davidson Lab- Forces on Struts Located Forward of a Propeller,"
oratory Report 987, December 1963. MIT, Department of Naval Architecture and
26 J . P . Breslin, "Review of Theoretical Pre- Marine Engineering, June 1960.
diction of Vibratory Pressures and Forces Gener-
41 H. Poritsky and C. S. L. Robinson, "Tor-
ated by Ship Propellers," Stevens Institute of
sional Vibration in Geared-Turbine Propulsion
Technology, Davidson Laboratory Report pre-
Equipment," Journal of Applied Mechanics, vol. 7,
pared for the Second International Ship Structures
no. 3, Trans. ASME, September 1940.
Congress, Delft, The Netherlands, July 20-24,
42 F. M. Lewis and J. Auslaender, "Virtual
Inertia of Propellers," Journal of Ship Research,
27 W. R. Jacobs and S. Tsakonas, "Correla-
tion of Vibratory Thrust and Torque Calculation vol. 3, no. 4, March 1960.
with Experimental Values for the Netherlands 43 On General Purpose Finite Element Com-
Ship Model Basin Propellers," Stevens Institute puter Programs, P. V. Marcal, ed., papers pre-
of Technology, Davidson Laboratory, Part I and sented at ASME Winter Annual Meeting, No-
Part II, Research Report 1288, April 1968. vember 30, 1970.
28 S. Tsakonas and W. R. Jacobs, "Propeller 44 R. Michel, "BuShips Design Data Sheet
Loading Distribution," Stevens Institute of Tech- DDS 4301, Propulsion Shafting," (Initial issue
nology, Davidson Laboratory Report 1319, Aug- December 1944, reissued May 1, 1957).
ust 1968. 45 L. C. Burrill, "Ship Vibration: Simple
29 J. P. Breslin, "Vibratory Propeller, Ap- Methods of Estimating Critical Frequencies,"
pendage and Hull Forces and Moments," Stevens Trans. North East Coast Institution of Engineers
Institute of Technology, Davidson Laboratory and Shipbuilders, vol. 51, 1934-1935.
Report to ITTC Propeller Comm., May 1969. 46 T . W . F . Brown, "Vibration Problems from
30 Neal A. Brown, "Periodic Propeller Forces a Marine Engineering Point of View," Trans.

264 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Ship- of Experimental ~rake Data in Way of Propeller
builders, vol. 55, 1938-1939. Plane of Single and Twin-Screw Ship Models,"
47 R . T . McGoldrick, "Determination of Hull Trans. S N A M E , w)l. 73, 1965.
Critical Frequencies on the Ore Carrier SS E. J. 63 J. B. Hadler, "Experimental Determina-
Kulas by Means of a Vibration Generator," tion of Vibratory Propeller Forces at David Taylor
D T MB Report 762, June 1951. Model Basin," Proceedings of the First Conference
48 R. C. Leibowitz and R. L. Harder, on Ship Vibratio~L Stevens Institute of Tech-
"Mechanized Computation of Ship Parameters," nology, 1965 (published as DTMB Report 2002,
D T MB 1841, June 1965. August 1965).
49 L. Landweber and M. C. de Macagno, 64 R. Wereldsma, "Some Aspects of the Re-
"Added Mass of Two-Dimensional Forms Os- search into Propeller Induced Vibrations," In-
cillating in a Free Surface," Journal of Ship Re- ternational Shipbuilding Progress, vol. 14, no. 154,
search, vol. 1, no. 3, November 1957. June 1957.
50 L. Landweber and M. Macagno, "Added 65 F . M . Lewis, "Propeller Vibration," Trans.
Mass of a Three-Parameter Family of Two-Di- S N A M E , vol. 44, 1936.
mensional Forms Oscillating in a Free Surface," 66 F. M. Lewis and A. J. Taehmindji, "Pro-
Journal of Ship Research, vol. 2, no. 4, March peller Forces Exciting Hull Vibration," Trans.
1959. SIVA ME, vol. 62, 1954.
51 M. Macagno, "A Comparison of Three 67 F . M . Lewis;, "Propeller-Vibration Forces,"
Methods for Computing the Added Mass of Ship Trans. S N A M E , vol. 71, 1963.
Sections," Journal of Ship Research, vol. 12, no. 4, 68 F. M. Lewis, "Propeller Vibration Forces
December 1968. in Single-Screw Ships," Trans. SNA2V[E, vol. 77,
52 I. Suetsnger, "The Effects of the Bottom 1969.
Vibration on the Hull Natural Frequencies," 69 R. Wereldsma and R. H. Mercier, "Mea-
International Shipbuilding Progress, vol. 10, no. surements of Propeller Induced Vibratory Stern
109, September 1963. Pressure," Stevens Institute of Technology,
53 J. A. McElman, "Flutter of Curved and Davidson Laboral:ory Report 1321, September
Flat Sandwich Plates Subjected to Supersonic 1968.
Flow," NASA TN D-2192, April 1964.. 70 H. Keil, "Messung der Drucksehwankun-
54 R. D. Leibowitz and E. H. Kennard, gen on der Aussenhaut fiber dem Propeller,"
"Theory of Freely Vibrating Non-Uniform Beams, Schiff und Hofen, heft 12, 17 Jahrgong, 1965.
Including Methods of Solution and Applications 71 E. Huse, "Hull Vibration and Measure-
to Ships," DTMB Report 1317, May 1961. ments of Propeller-Induced Pressure Fluctua-
55 R . H . Seanlon and R. Rosenbaum, Aircraft tions," International Shipbuilding Progress, vol. 17,
Vibration and Flutter, MacMillan, New York, no. 187, March 1970.
1951. 72 "Propeller Stress Measurements and Hull
56 STARDYNE, developed by Mechanics Vibration Measurements on SS Michigan, Final
Research, Inc., and offered on a fee basis by Con- Report, Part II, Analysis of Test Data, Display of
trol Data Corporation. Final Results, Discussion and Conclusions,"
57 Rules and Regulations for the Construction Littleton Research and Engiheering Corp., August
and Classification of Steel Ships, Lloyd's Register 1970.
of Shipping, 1970. 73 E. Schadlc.fsky, "The Calculation and
58 Rules for the Construction of Steel Ships, Measurement of Elastic Natural Frequencies of
Det norske Veritas, 1968. Ship Hulls," Shiffbautechnische Gesellschaft, vol. 33,
59 For example, the computer programs de- 1932, DTMB translation 7, June 1934.
veloped by N. Brown for Littleton Research and 74 :]lechanical Vibrations of Shipboard Equip-
Engineering Corp. ment, MIL-STD-167 (Ships), Revision of 1970.
60 For example, the computer programs de- 75 J . R . Kane and R. T. McGoldrick, "Longi-
veloped by J. P. Breslin, S. Tsakonas, and W. R. tudinal Vibration of Marine Propulsion-Shafting
Jacobs of the Davidson Laboratory of Stevens Systems," Trans. SNAJ]4E, vol. 57, 1949.
Institute of Technology. 76 C. P. Rigby, "Longitudinal Vibration of
61 G . R . Stuntz, Jr., P. C. Pien, W. B. Hinter- Marine Propeller Shafting," Trans. [ME, vol. 60,
than, and N. L. Ficken, "Series 60--The Effect 1948.
of Variations in Afterbody Shape upon Resistance, 77 A . A . J . Conchman, "Axial Shaft Vibration
Power, Wake Distribution and Propeller Excited in Large Turbine_-Powered Merchant Ships,"
Vibratory Forces," Trans. S N A M E , vol. 6S, 1960. Trans. IME, vol. 77, 1965.
62 J . B . Hadler and H. M. Cheng, "Analysis 78 R. M. Cashman, "Design of Marine Ma-

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 265

e h i n e r y F o u n d a t i o n s , " Trans. S N A M E , vol. 70,
Appendix 1
79 S. T i m o s h e n k o a n d J. N. Goodier, Theory Propeller Aperture and Hull Clearances
of Elasticity, s e c o n d edition, M c G r a w Hill, N e w
The clearance between the propeller and the
York, 1951.
hull requires a difficult b a l a n c e a m o n g hull i n p u t
80 A. Z a l o u m i s a n d G. P. A n t o n i d e s , " R e c e n t
force, p r o p u l s i v e efficiency a n d a d e q u a t e s u p p o r t
D e v e l o p m e n t s in L o n g i t u d i n a l V i b r a t i o n s of
for t h e p r o p e l l e r a n d shafting. T h e r e are n o w
Surface Ship P r o p u l s i o n S y s t e m s , " N S R D C
a v a i l a b l e s e v e r a l guides for d e t e r m i n i n g t h e s h a p e
R e p o r t 3358, S e p t e m b e r 1971.
81 Principles of Naval Architecture, J o h n P.
C o m s t o c k , ed., S N A M E 1967, C h a p t e r 7. Table 1 Recommended Clearances and
82 B. J. L o g a n a n d L. E. G o o d m a n , " M a - Clearance Formulas for Single-Screw Ships (Fig. 13)
t e r i a l a n d I n t e r f a c i a l D a m p i n g , " Shock and Vibra- DIMENSIONS.
tion Handbook, H a r r i s a n d Crede, eds., M c G r a w SOURCE a b c e
Hill, N e w York, 1961, C h a p t e r 36. Saunders ~ O.12D larger of larger of ...
83 N. W i l l e m s a n d S. M. H o h e r , " C r i t i c a l 0.2D or 0.08D or
chord ~,~ chord
S p e e d s of R o t a t i n g S h a f t S u b j e c t e d to A x i a l length length
L o a d i n g a n d T a n g e n t i a l T o r s i o n , " Journal of at 0.7R at 0.7R
Engineering for Industry, Trans. A SME, vol. 89, Bunyan [84] 0.10D 0.15D larger of 0.03D
series B, no. 2, M a y 1967. 0.08D
or t
84 J. W . B u n y a n , " P r a c t i c a l A p p r o a c h to Lloyd's Rules b larger of larger of larger of t
S o m e V i b r a t i o n a n d M a c h i n e r y P r o b l e m s in 0.10D or 0.15D or at 0.7R or
S h i p s , " I N A , U 97, 1955. 3 blades 1.2K1D 1.8K~D O.12D 0.03D
4 blades 1.0KID 1.5K~D 0.12D 0.03D
85 F. E. R e e d a n d R. T. B r a d s h a w , " S h i p 5 blades 0.85KaD 1.275K~D 0.12D 0.03D
H u l l V i b r a t i o n s 2 - - T h e D i s t r i b u t i o n of E x c i t i n g 6 blades 0.75K~D 1.12SKID 0.12D 0.03D
Forces Generated by Propellers," Conesco Report Det norske >0.10D >0.15D 0.72tD 0.035D
Veritas c SK3D >_(i + ~) > t
F-101-2, J u n e 1960. X DKt t at t
86 O. G r i m m , " L a n g e r u n g d e r P r o p e l l e r shaft
W e l l e in E i n e m E l a s t i s c h e n S t e v e n r o h r ( E l a s t i c but
In meters ~0.15D
S u p p o r t of t h e P r o p e l l e r S h a f t in t h e S t e r n T u b e ) , " >0.08D
Shiffbautechnische Gesellschaft, vol. 54, 1960, D T -
M B t r a n s l a t i o n 322, M a r c h 1965. a Hydrodynamics in Ship Design [38], vol. 2, section
67.24. 16,000-shp ship transom stern--cutaway; tip
87 F. E. R e e d , " T h e C a l c u l a t i o n of N a t u r a l submergence 0.3D.
F r e q u e n c y of a S e c t i o n of t h e SS America," M I T , b Lloyd's Rules 1970 [57], Provisional Rules and
Guidance Notes, Guidance Notes on Propeller-Hull
M a s t e r ' s thesis, 1951. Clearances:
88 E. B u c h m a n , " C r i t e r i a for H u m a n R e a c -
K1 = (0.1 + 10,000]k L ~ +
(2SCbH 03)
tion to E n v i r o n m e n t a l V i b r a t i o n on N a v a l S h i p s , " L = length of ship, ft
D T M B R e p o r t 1635, J u n e 1962. Cb = molded block coefficient at load draft
89 D. E. G o l d m a n a n d H. E. Von G i e r k e , H = maximum designed shaft horsepower
c Det norske Veritas Rules [58] II, Section 14, G.
" E f f e c t s of S h o c k a n d V i b r a t i o n on M a n , " Shock Clearances Forward and Aft of the Propeller:
and Vibration Handbook, H a r r i s a n d Crede, eds., ¢ = angle of run of waterline 0.7R above 1_ of
M c G r a w Hill, N e w Y o r k , 1961, C h a p t e r 44. propeller shaft, radians
KT = propeller thrust coefficient = 3600T/pN~D 4,
90 C. A s h l e y , " E q u a l A n n o y a n c e C o n t o u r s for nondimensional
t h e Effect of S i n u s o i d a l V i b r a t i o n on M a n , " T = propeller thrust
p = mass density of the water
The Shock and Vibration Bulletin, B u l l e t i n 41, N = propeller rpm
P a r t 2, D e c e m b e r 1970. D = propeller diameter
91 "Guide for the Evahtation of Human Ex- S = 1.6 3] •N -- 0.04
posure to Whole Body Vibration," I S O D o c u m e n t VLBd ~/Z(ZN + 500)
I S O / T C 1 0 8 / W G 7 ( S e c r e t a r i a t 19), J u n e 1970. max value LBd = 50,000
92 E. C. P e s t e l a n d F. E. Leckie, AIatrix Ks = "(1 + 2.4 ( H i . 0 - H0a)) but not less than
x f
Methods in Elasto Mechanics, M c G r a w Hill, N e w P
= shp (of 75 kprn/sec)
York, 1963. V
= service speed of ship, knots
= length, meters
93 F . E . Reed, " D y n a m i c V i b r a t i o n A b s o r b e r s B
= beam, meters
a n d A u x i l i a r y M a s s D a m p e r s , " Shock and Vibra- d
= draft, meters
tion Handbook, H a r r i s a n d Crede, eds., M c G r a w Hoa,Hl.o = propeller pitch at 0.7R and tip respectively,
Hill, N e w York, 1961, C h a p t e r 6. Z = number of propeller blades

266 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

D propelleroi neter 00, TR

Fig. 13 Stern aperture

of the propeller aperture on single-screw ships. Clearances [57] recommends m i n i m u m clearances

These are summarized in Fig. 13 and Table 1 and between the propeller tip and the hull of
are discussed in the accompanying text.
1.2K2D b u t not less than 0.2D for 3 blades
F o r multiserew ships it is i m p o r t a n t to provide
1. OK2D but not less than 0.2D for 4 blades
adequate clearance between the propeller blade
0.85K2D but not less than 0.16D for 5 blades
tips and the hull. This adequate clearance is
0.75K2D but not less than 0.16D for 6 blades
generally defined in terms of keeping the propeller
out of the b o u n d a r y layer; although it is probable where
t h a t the b o u n d a r y layer would not m a k e large
contributions to the higher harmonics of wake t h a t
generate harmonic propeller forces. Saunders + 0 000)
[3S] recommends t h a t the propeller tip clearance
be at least 0.7 of the boundary-layer thickness at and L, Cb, and H are as defined in Table 1.
the longitudinal location on the hull of the pro- D e t norske Veritas [58] also makes recommen-
peller. For a flat plate in the turbulent regime, dations for m i n i m u m clearance, f, between the
the boundary-layer thickness ~ = 0.38 xRv -°.2 propeller blade tips and tile hull in meters of
(x is the distance from the bow and Rv is the Reyn- f = DS'k3, but not less than (0.55~/L -- 0.11)
olds number). In ship terms, for 59-deg salt
water the b o u n d a r y layer in feet is equal to 0.036- where
x°.SV -°-2, where x is the distance from the bow
in feet and V is the ship speed in knots. For a
ship whose propeller is 500 ft aft of the bow and is S ' = 1.8 VLBd "¢Z (ZN 'b 500) -- 0.04
travelling at 20 knots, the boundary-layer thick-
ness is 2.87 ft and Saunders's recommended mini- a n d P , N, V, L, E, d, Z, a n d k s a r e a s d e f i n e d i n
m u m tip clearance is two feet. Todd [39] dis- Table 1 and the maximtim value of LBd = 50,000.
cusses propeller tip clearance based upon boumt- Clearances between the propeller and the struts
ary-layer thickness and concludes t h a t elearancbs or bossings supporting the propeller are important.
based on b o u n d a r y layer are too small for high- Experiments relating to this problem have been
powered ships. Based upon propeller diameter, made b y F. M. Lewis [40]. Reasonable values
he suggests t h a t 0.15D is low, 0.2D is a reasonable are those for the propeller apertures for single-
value, and 0.25D can be adopted in some cases. screw ships. T h e struts or bossings should be
He reports from a survey of twenty ships t h a t the aligned with the flow streamlines in order to avoid
largest clearances are represented by the straight wake disturbances to the propeller. T h e angle
line C = 0.0S L~p -- 5.0, where C is the tip clear- between the strut arms should avoid b y as wide a
ance in inches and the LBP is in feet. This formula margin as possible the propeller blade angles and,
does not involve the power on the propeller and, if possible, it is desirable to pick an angle t h a t will
since the field pressures from the propeller are be acceptable for propellers with more or less
related to the thrust (or torque), it would appear blades than the orLe under immediate considera-
t h a t logical clearance formulas should include a tion. As will be discussed later, it is i m p o r t a n t
thrust or a power term. t h a t the propeller shaft be well supported and
Lloyd's Guidance Notes on Propeller-Hull t h a t the struts provide not only translation re-

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 267

straint b u t also as much restraint against rotation zontal harmonic forces and m o m e n t s b y the sums
a b o u t axes perpendicular to the shaft axis as can and differences of small wakes, the prediction of
be readily obtained. axial forces arid m o m e n t s is much more reliable
Recommendations for strut and bossing clear- than those in other directions.
ances are given b y Lloyd's Guidance Notes [57] In addition to the forces generated in the pro-
as follows: peller, it is Mso necessary to know the magnitudes
of the forces and m o m e n t s generated on the hull
for 3 blades 1.2K2D but not less than 0.15D
b y the pressure field around the propeller: The
for 4 blades 1.0K2D b u t not less than 0.15D
pressure field is generated in two ways: the
for 5 blades 0.SSK2D but not less than 0.15D
loading on the propeller, and the disturbance in
for 6 blades 0.75K2D but not less than 0.15D
the water from the passage of the solid propeller
where blade. Here again computer programs have
been developed for computing these forces. For
K2 and D are as defined earlier. these calculations all the harmonics of the wake
are required.
Appendix 2 One of the still-undetermined excitations is t h a t
on narrow sections such as bossings, skegs, and
Prediction of Propeller and Hull Forces rudders. This problem is being studied and pro-
cedures for predictions in the design stage should
Within recent years methods have been de- soon be available.
veloped for predicting the propeller forces and In addition to the computation of the propeller
m o m e n t s generated b y a propeller moving through and hull forces, procedures and equipment have
the variable wake behind a ship. T h e first of been developed for measuring these on models.
these calculations were based upon a quasi-steady- In particular, the N a v a l Ship Research and
state behavior of the propeller using Burrill's D e v e l o p m e n t Center and the Netherlands Ship
semi-empirical calculation [24] for forces and Model Basin have developed propeiler dyname-
m o m e n t s for a wake t h a t varies radially but is ters [63, 64] for measuring harmonic propeller
uniform circumferentially. The calculations were forces.
m a d e for the wake conditions at sequential angular The first m e a s u r e m e n t s of propeller-excited vi-
positions and therefore do not include the un- bration were made b y F. M. Lewis on his President
steady flow characteristics. Hoover model [23, 65] and he has continued to
lX{ore recent developments apply lifting-line develop effective techniques for determining the
theory [59] and lifting-surface theory [60] and in- excitation of propellers and hull.
elude the dynamic effects of the varying f l o w ' - His procedure is to run the ship model with the
the Theodorsen effects. All calculation methods propellers operating and then to run the model at
are based upon wake analyses determined from the same speed under the influence of an exciter
m e a s u r e m e n t s on models using pitot tubes [61]. t h a t gives the same a m o u n t of blade order hull
Generally these wake analyses are determined for motion as the propeller. The known exciter
the particular ship being studied, but Hadler and force then should be equal to the total propeller
Cheng in a detailed study of the wakes behind a excitation. Logically this should give a simple
n u m b e r of ships [62] showed t h a t the charac- proceddre for determining propeller excitation,
teristics of the wake t h a t are i m p o r t a n t to the pro- b u t the results so obtained at different speeds are
peller and shaft vibration show r e m a r k a b l y small not always logically consistent. This is generally
variations among a wide variety of ships. ascribed to the influence of the numerous reso-
T h e v i b r a t o r y forces generated in the propellers nances in the hull and it has been found that, by
arise from the higher harmonics of the wake varia- using v e r y rigid hulls or b y isolating the stern p a r t
tions. T h e axial harmonic forces and the har- of the ship b y flexible connections from the main
monic torsional m o m e n t s a b o u t the axis are gener- hull, much more consistent results are obtained
ated by the blade n u m b e r order of the wake, and [61, 66, 67, 68]. However, the measurements of
the vertical and horizontal v i b r a t o r y forces and propeller excitation are difficult, lengthy, and ex-
m o m e n t s are generated b y harmonics t h a t are one pensive and there are strong advantages to a re-
l~ss and one greater than the blade number. liable computation process.
These higher-order harmonics are geiierated by T h e determination of hull forces has also been
subtle perturbations in the wake pattern and can- approached through measuring the hull pressures
not be determined with precision. Since the axial [69, 70]. In this case the periodic fluctuations in
harmonic forces and m o m e n t s are determined b y a pressure caused by the propellers are even more
single value of wake, but the vertical and hori- strongly over-shadowed b y the random pressure

268 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

fluctuations due to turbulence than are the hull curves, if referred to a common rpm, change as
forces. The procedure is to apply correlation the speed is changed. P a r t of this m a y be due to
techniques to a long time record of the pressures propeller shafting and hull resonances and other
a n d from this to pick out the blade beat pressure parts m a y be due to chahge in the wake pattern.
fluctuation which will obviously stand out above Taking these into consideration and also t h a t the
the pressure level of the turbulence. Huse [71] wake was determined from tests on a model a n d
has pointed out another difficulty in the pressure m a y therefore have some scale effects as compared
measuring technique; namely, t h a t the hull to a ship, it appears; t h a t the predictions by calcu-
pressures due to the motion of the ship m a y exceed lation are in reasonable agreement with measure-
those of the propeller so t h a t pressure measure- ments and can be used with reasonable conserva-
ments will only be accurate when they are cor- tive confidence for predicting the harmonic forces
rected for the local acceleration of the ship at the a n d moments generated b y a propeller. Whether
point of measurement. similar confidence (:an be placed in hull force pre-
I t would be desirable to give some indication of dictions remains to be demonstrated.
the accuracy of these several methods of calcu-
lating and measuring propeller and hull forces a n d Appendix 3
moments. Unfortunately there have not been
opportunities to obtain adequate correlation for Longitudinal Vibralion of Shafting
the v i b r a t o r y forces among calculations, model
measurements, and full-scale measurements.
T h e differential equation for axial vibration of a
In the spring of 1970 propeller blade stress
uniform bar is [34]:
measurements were made on the SS ~lI@higa.n.
Calculations of the propeller blade stress were b2~t E bht bh~
_ __ C 2 _ _

m a d e by the Davidson L a b o r a t o r y of Stevens b.v 2 p bt ~ bt ~

Institute of Technology, using their program based
on lifting-surface theory, and b y the author's T h e solution for this at an excitation circular
company, using a much simpler program based frequency, ~ is:
upon lifting-line theory. Both programs compute
the stresses generated b y the several harmonics in u = ( 2 l l c o s ~ ' + N s i n ~ ) c o s ( c 0 t + 9)
the propeller wake a n d a d d these stresses to the
steady stresses t h a t would exist if the wake had no and
circumferential variations.
T h e fluctuation of these stresses involves the F AE bU _ A E , ~ (Ncos wx _
same calculations as the prediction of propeller bX C \ C
exciting forces and m o m e n t s and so a comparison cos (~t + ~)
between calculated and measured range of stress is
indicative of the reliability of the prediction The form of the several transfer matrices will be :
process. This is given in T a b l e 2. Mass matrix :

Fn+Un4-1=l-10J2 ~lFUn[
Table 2 Comparison of Measured and Predicted
Range of Propeller Blade Stress on SS Michigan The simple stiffness matrix:
Per- Per-
Stress cent of Stress cent of
Range, Mea- Range, Mea- F~+~ 1 F~
psi sured psi sured
Measured 9,900 10,900 The distributed mass and stiffness matrix :
By Davidson Lab. 9,280 94 12,790 117
calculations U,~+~ col c . col[ U~
By Littleton 10,872 110 13,874 127 /c°s -c AEco s m c
Research /

These comparisons involve not only the har- Similar relations will apply to torsional vibra-
monic m o m e n t s but also how these m o m e n t s tion.
stress the shaped propeller blade. I t is also no- Where information on the axial harmonic forces
ticeable t h a t the shapes of the measured stress generated b y the propeller is not available, either

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 269

b y c a l c u l a t i o n s based on the propeller design or b y propeller is large, it ~s ngcessary to consider its
m e a s u r e m e n t s with models, the following f o r m u l a gyroscopic m o m e n t s . Also the shaft carries the
can be used: propeller t h r u s t , which can ha~ze an i m p o r t a n t in-
fluence on the n a t u r a l frequency, a n d the pro-
Fz,N = 0.565pnO'D4Y(CON 0.75R)
peller torque, whose influence can be neglected.
where T h e differential e q u a t i o n for a u n i f o r m b e a m with
a s t e a d y axial load, P , a n d v i b r a t i n g a t a circular
Fx,N = a m p l i t u d e of N t h h a r m o n i c axial
frequency, w, is
force g e n e r a t e d b y a n N - b l a d e d
propeller ~)- ()4W a27.U
p = d e n s i t y of water, pcf ~x 4 + -P bx
2- -- m~o2w = O
n = r o t a t i o n a l speed, rps
D = propeller diameter, ft where
] = advance ratio = V~/nD w = l a t e r a l deflection
O~N°'75R = h a r m o n i c a m p l i t u d e of N t h h a r m o n i c E = m o d u l u s of elasticity
of axial wake a t 0.75 radius of pro- I = d i a m e t r i c a l m o m e n t of i n e r t i a
peller m = mass per u n i t l e n g t h
If a wake a n a l y s i s for the p a r t i c u l a r ship is n o t T h e solution for this e q u a t i o n is
avaiIable, the a p p r o x i m a t e values of h a r m o n i c
wake given in T a b l e 3 m a y be used. w = A cos ~x + B sin ~x + C eosh ~x + D sinh -~x
Table 3 Approximate Values of Harmonic Wake
for Preliminary Estimate of.Alternating
Propeller Loads [62]
Range of IN % OF V q' = ~ + EI 2EI ~
Ship Shape Block Coef. Fourth Fifth Sixth
Fine 0.5 --* 0.6 5 4 4 T h e t r a n s f e r m a t r i x for a mass plus m o m e n t of
Less fine 0.6 ~ O. 7 8 4 5 i n e r t i a is
Blocky 0.7 --* 0.8 9 4 6
~ T w I N SCRE~,V S H I P S ~ 1 0
With struts ... 2 2 2 o
With bossings ... 3 2 2 0 1 0
With skeg ... 3 2.5 2 --moJ 2 0 1
DD type ... 3 2.5 2 n+l 0 - - I o~ 2 0

Appendix4 T h e t r a n s f e r m a t r i x for massless elasticity is

Calculation of Lateral Vibration of Shafting l~ l2

w 1 l 3El 2El
N o r m a l l y the B e r n o u l l i - E u l e r differential equa- l2 l
tion [34, p. 324] is used for d e t e r m i n i n g the
n a t u r a l f r e q u e n c y of a u n i f o r m slender shaft since
shear a n d r o t a r y i n e r t i a are n o t i m p o r t a n t . How-
ever, because the p o l a r m o m e n t of i n e r t i a of the
n+l 0 0 0

where the shaft carries no axial load, a n d

[3 12
W 1 /--
~ sin ~" E I ~ 3 (~ -- sin ~-) E ~ 2 (1 -- cos ~') W
l2 1
0 0 cos~ E I ~ 2 (1 -- c o s ~ ) E/~ sin 0 ~.~_ p l 2
V 0 0 1 0 V
sin ~ 1
M 0 --_Pl-- ---sin f cos~" M

270 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

where the shaft is carrying an axial load [92]. ferential force is bo~co/O.7R, and the harmonic
T h e transfer matrix for distributed mass and circumferential velocity is; ~co X 0.TR. Thus the
elasticity is a complicated relation involving circu- damping constant in force and linear terms is
lar and hyperbolic functions. bo/(O.7R)L However, only the propeller blade
T h e elastic transfer functions are further com- perpendicular to the lateral velocity generates
plicated when the modulus of elasticity is made force. When the force is divided by t w o to ac-
complex to represent hysteretic damping. count for this, the lateral damping constant be-
T h e foregoing discussion applies to vibrations in comes bo/4R 2. This will be found to be a very
one plane. In practice the vibration in the verti- small quantity.
cal plane is coupled with vibration in the hori- By a similar process the damping constant for
zontal plane through gyroscopic action of the pro- rotation about an axis perpendicular to the shaft
peller and the elastic properties of struts and boss- axis can be obtained from the damping constant
ings. (However, a eenterline skeg is symmetrical for axial motion. This damping, boy, is found to
and so the principal axes of elasticity will lie in the be ~ (b~R~).
vertical and transverse directions.) Because of
this coupling, it is necessary to carry the shafting
calculations in two coupled planes so t h a t the Appendix5
matrices become eighth-order instead of fourth-
These shafting response calculations can be per-
Modelingthe Ship
formed on a computer in a few seconds. The method for modeling the hull presented
I t has been mentioned earlier t h a t there are no herein is based upon the Timoshenko b e a m equa-
recommended procedures for predicting the damp- tion [34, p. 331]. This equation includes the in-
ing for a propeller in lateral motion or rotational fluence of shear deltection and rotary (also called
motion a b o u t an axis normal to the shaft axis. rotatory) inertia. I t is modified to include water
The damping in lateral vibration can be inferred inertia terms t h a t are corrected for the nodal spac-
from Lewis and Auslaender's damping for tor- ing of the vibration and to include sprung masses.
sional vibration as follows : Since the vertical centers of gravity of the ship
In torsional vibration the damping torque is section weights do not coincide with the neutral
bo~ = bo~co (bo is the torsional vibrational damp- axis of the sections, there is a coupling between
ing constant, 9 the amplitude of torsional vibra- transverse vibration and torsional vibration. (A
tion, and co the circular frequency). If the effec- similar coupling between vertical bending and
tive radius of this torque is 0.7R, the total circum- axial vibration is a~sumed to be negligible.) T h e

~ ( X n - Xn_ 1 ~ ' ~ - ~ X n + 1 -Xn)-- ~

~%-Xn_1 -I- "-F" Z~Xn+
~n+ i1 ---
t.__ n

I i
Xn+Xn_11 Xn÷l+xn
Xn- I Xn Xn+ I
Station n-1 Station n Station n+ 1
half station half s t a t i o n
n-l,n n. n+l

Station n (x coordinate x n) is located at the n, idpoint of the


Fig. 14 Station designations

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 271

differential equations for the coupled bending- Appendix 6
torsion of a beam are given by McGoldrick [14].
The transition from the differential equations to Use of Finite-Element Analysis for
a working computer program is made by express- Evaluating Local Resonance
ing the differential equations as difference equa- The calculation of the dynamic properties and
tions. E. Cuthill has done this for the case of natural frequencies of a section of a ship bounded
simple bending [19, 20] and Henderson for the by rigid bulkheads and the sides of a ship is not
case of coupled bending and torsion [21 ]. Apply- easily accomplished. One of the first efforts in
ing these procedures, the hull of the ship is de- this field was by Reed [87 ], who made calculations
fined in terms of a number of sections designated to illustrate the feasibility of predicting a severe
as shown in Fig. 14 and having properties de- local resonance that appeared in the 1940 builder's
termined from the properties of the ship by the trial of the ship SS A m e r i c a . The availability of
integrations of Table 4. The properties can be large digital computers and the availability of
given in any convenient dimensional units and are finite-element analysis techniques and programs
then internally transformed into units compatible makes this type of prediction much more feasible.
with the program by proper constants. To illustrate the nature of the finite-element
A concentrated mass, m~, connected to the hull analysis and its incorporation in the analysis of the
by a spring with stiffness, k~, and damping, c~, and full hull vibration and prediction of local reso-
vibrating with a circular frequency of w can be nance, the calculation presented is of the natural
represented by an equivalent mass [93] rigidly frequencies and mode shapes of a compartment of
connected to the hull : the Lykes Sea Barge Clipper being built by the
Quincy Division of General Dynamics Corpora-
m~ = [(k~ + jc~w)/k~ + jc~o - m~w2]m~
The procedures for determining the magnitude of A finite-element program called S T A R D Y N E
the sprung mass, its spring, and its damping are [56] was used. The finite element library of the
discussed in Appendix 6. program includes: (i) a generalized bar carrying
The shafting, skegs, superstructure, rudder, or three components of load and moment and under-
even longitudinal bulkhead systems, etc., can be going bending, axial, and shear deformation;
included as subsystems elastically connected to (ii) a triangular homogeneous and sandwich plate
the main hull girder. The computer program re- carrying both in-plane and out-of-plane loads.
duces the values of entrained-water inertia in ac- Mass of the structure is concentrated at nodes to
cordance with Kennard's correction for modal which the finite elements are connected. See
length [54]. Fig. 15.

Table 4 Quantities Used to Define the Hull


Station Half-Station
--ax,~- ~x~/2
f n-1
1 Mass of ship
2 Mass of entrained water mr, uw(x)dx
3 Mass moment of inertia Iuz(x)dx
4 Mass polar moment of inertia (Iux )n Ii~x (x )dx
5 External damping (applied
at reference axis) ( Cvn) Cv(x)dx
6 Bendingflexibility (~x/EIo), dx/EIz(x)
7 Shear flexibility Ax/ (KuA G )n_,.n dx / Ku(x )A (x )G
8 Torsional flexibility ( Ax/JEG)n_i,. d x / J E(x)G
9 Height of center of gravity Zn Z(x)#(x)dx
10 Height of shear center ~.-~,n u(x)dx ~(x)dx
Xn -- Xn-z
11 External force (and forces in
springs between systems) Fn F(x)dx
12 External torque (and torques
in springs between systems) Tn T(x)dx
External forces and torques and also interacting spring forces and torques between systems are referred to the reference
axis fronl which Z and Zn-l'~ are measured.
Quantities 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 are determined for both vertical and horizontal axes.

272 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

a/] / 1 1 l 17
U V ff X


-* .i .n _.

"/I i l il "~ o
e -- DECK


~ - -



Fig. 15 Typical cross section initial n o d e locations

T o reduce computation time, advantage was axis, 0v = 0. All nodes lying in the main shear
taken of the s y m m e t r y of the ship and separate members of the h u l l - - t h e side of the ship and the
calculations were m a d e for the symmetric and the 27-ft l 1-in. longitudinal b u l k h e a d - - a r e assumed
antisymmetrie vibrations. For symmetrical vi- to be restrained from vertical and transverse
brations shown in Figs. 16-19 the transverse translation.
translation, ~y, and the rotations a b o u t the longi- The nodes were chosen in a systematic pattern
tudinal and vertical axes, 0, and Oz, arc: zero on the as shown in Fig. 15 and Table 5. Although two
eenterplane of the ship. For the antisymmetrical frame spaces (16.25 ft) were considered the de-
vibrations shown in Figs. 20-24 the vertical and sirable spacing for the sections, there were several
longitudinal translations, 6z and ~x, and the rota- locations where there were concentrated weights
tion a b o u t a transverse axis, 0v, are zero on the t h a t made a closer spacing desirable.
centerplane of the ship. Members lying on the The nodal weights are determined by the weight
boundary transverse bulkheads (Frames 70 and of the structure surrounding the node, the ma-
82) are completely restrained; b u t the decks at chinery and foundation weight adjacent to the
the frames are only restrained longitudinally, node, the full weights of the barges (1000 tons)
~ = 0, and from rotation a b o u t the transverse distributed over the nodes on which they are sup-

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 273

I /
i i ~=
' ' ~ UPPER DK

./ 0 "
..r" i i %%

-r-" ,'-" "-- " " LOWER DK


i i i ~ ",--iii MACH. FLAT

~ TANK TOP et ='" I ~ - -

80 78 76 ?4 7Z 70


Fig. 16 N a t u r a l m o d e o f s y m m e t r i c a l v i b r a t i o n in w a y o f m a c h i n e r y s p a c e at 3 . 3 7 3 c p s

-- t , , "*. , , i ' . U P P E R DK d

/ "~ i i ~ , MAIN DECK ,--r" i * ~ -


r---_ ,__ -- _ , __,


7 I I I I I I

78 76


72 70


Fig. 17 Natural m o d e of symmetrical vibration in w a y of m a c h i n e r y space at 4 . 8 9 1 cps

l I i I i I I,..._ U P I - ' E R DK i , i i .

X.~. // -~ //

I i i i i i / i MAIN DECK

i i ¢.~ ~ "T'. . . . . .LOWER DK ~-i. . . . , ~ - ~"- - ' 7 - , ~

, , , ~! , MACH. FLAT ~ ~7" . . . . . 7 ~

8Z 80 78 76 74 72 70


Fig. 18 Natural m o d e of symmetrical vibration in w a y of machinery space at 5.7 cps

274 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

- -7-. , ~ ." / t "- J
/~ / "" r
, : \

i . , ,~ , , ~ ~ , T-q MAINDECK ,", , ,O i "i,'I,

i LOWER DK ' ~ ~- "'-T~a,- ~ "



J i i i i i i t i'-~l ~ A j
82. 80 78 7b 74 " 7Z 70


Fig. 19 Natural m o d e of symmetrical vibration in way of machinery space at 6.31 cps

/) \
---r-- ~ ,'--- UPPER DK i , ' i i '

\ U
\ /



I i i i MACH. PLAT i ¢ i
TANK TOP i i i

82 80 78 76 74 72 70


POI~S (B. F , K, P ) U

Fig. 20 Natural m o d e of antisymmetrical vibration in way of machinery space at 3.973 cps

/ \
I i • . , , , UPPER DK i , ¢ i
\ \ / o

--2-' .' M A I N DK . A...- . . . . . . i

L p



i I I I I I I I B J
8Z 80 78 76 74 7Z 70
POl~fS (B, F; K) P: O V I B R A T I O N P A T T E R N AT PR. 79

Fig. 21 Natural m o d e of antisymmetrical vibration in w a y of m a c h i n e r y space at 4 . 5 4 cps

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 275

Lm. L__ I i I - I I UPPER DK

f ' N
/ \
i t - "i',- MAIN DK i i
\ /

I I I LOWER DK I , i i

I i i I l M A C H.. P L A T i i

I I I I I [ I I I I B j
8Z 80 78 76 74 7Z 70


POINTS (B, F, K ) P , U

Fig. 22 Natural m o d e o f a n t i s y m m e t r i c a l vibration in w a y o f m a c h i n e r y space at 4 . 8 0 cps

, U P I : ' E R DR

• . i i i , M A I N DK I I I i
r /I p

, , , . i LOWER DK .; i I ~ I

I i i i i ! i , i
I l l I l I I i I I B
8Z 80 78 76 74 7Z 70


POINTS (B, F, K ) P , U

Fig. 23 Natural m o d e of antisymmetrical vibration in way of machinery space at 5.15 cps

~ ~ , , -, , , i UPPER DK

t...,, i i i i J i i MAIN DK

- -'-"~ i i i - i I LOWER DK

I-I I I I 1 I I I I I ~"
~' -- 7 ,e'1,~ / ''~ ' B_~'
' ' ~- ' -'''~"
82, 80 78 76 74 72 70


Fig. 24 Natural m o d e o f a n t i s y m m e t r i c a l v i b r a t i o n in w a y o f m a c h i n e r y space at 6 . 5 5 8 cps

276 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

Table 5 Designation of Nodes
LOCATION NATION LOCATION FR. 82 FR. 80 FR. 79 FR. 77FR. 75 FR. 74 FR. 72 FR. 71 FR. 70
Bottom A ~_ 1 24 47 70 94 118 142 166 190
B 19 I -4ia f t long. 2 25 48 71 95 119 143 167 191
C 37'-11" long. 3 26 49 72 96 120 144 168 192
D 4 27 50 73 97 12[ 145 169 193
Machinery E ¢_ 74 98 122 146 170 194
Flat F 19'-4~" 6 29 52 76 100 12,i 148 172 196
G 37'-Ii" 7 30 53 77 101 125 149 173 197
H Side 8 31 54 78 102 12(3 150 174 198
Lower I 9 32 55 79 103 127 151 175 199
Deck J Inner barge supp. 10 33 56 80 104 128 152 176 200
K 19'-4}" 5 28 51 75 99 123 147 171 195
L Outer barge supp. 11 34 57 81 105 129 153 177 201
M 37'-11" 12 35 58 82 106 130 154 178 202
N Side 13 36 59 83 107 131 155 179 203
Main Deck O ¢_ 14 37 60 84 108 132 156 180 204
P Inner support 15 38 61 85 109 133 157 181 205
Q Outer support 16 39 62 86 110 134 158 182 206
R 37'-11" 17 40 63 87 111 135 159 183 207
S Side 18 41 64 88 112 136 160 184 208
Upper T ~_ 19 42 65 89 113 137 161 185 209
Deck U Inner support 20 43 66 90 114 138 162 186 210
V Outer support 21 44 67 91 115 139 163 187 21I
W 37'-II" 22 45 68 92 116 140 164 188 212
X Side 23 46 69 93 1!7 141 165 189 213

Table 6 Natural Frequencies of the Machinery Space m e n t when barges axe e m p t y was e s t i m a t e d as-
and Related Structure s u m i n g i d en t i cal m o d e shapes for b o t h conditions.
-SYMMETRICAL MODES T h e s e f r eq u en ci es for t h e m o r e i m p o r t a n t n a t u r a l
Node ~Frequency--~ m o d e s are also r e p o r t e d in T a b l e 6.
num- 1000-ton 373-ton
ber barge barge Comments I t is possible to i n c o r p o r a t e all of these n a t u r a l
m o d e s i n t o t h e v i b r a t i o n c a l c u l a t i o n s of t h e ship.
1 3. 373 3. 970 Fundamental
2 4. 891 7.02 Longitudinal node at H o w e v e r , m a n y of t h e m are so c o m p l e x in t h e i r
center m o d a l f o r m t h a t t h e i r e x c i t a t i o n w o u l d be v e r y
3 5.7 Lower decks against
upper decks low a n d t h e i r d a m p i n g high. T h e r e f o r e , 0 n l y t h e
4 6.31 Two longitudinal nodes first t w o s y m m e t r i c a l m o d e s an d t h e first, third,
5 8.28 ) Complex modes on a n d fifth a n t i s y m m e t r i c a l m o d e s were considered.
6 8.47 f the barge decks
7 9.16 Negligible bottom Becau se t h e a n t i s y m m e t f i c a l m o d e s are excite d
8 9.58 motion in torsion, t h e m o d a l l e n g t h of t h e t o r s i o n a l v i b r a -
~ANTISYMMETRICAL MODES- tion of t h e ship is large, a n d t h e first t w o a n d t h e
1 3. 973 5.76 Upper deck only t h i r d a n d f o u r t h m o d e s each i n v o l v e s o n l y one
2 4.54 Upper deck on/y, deck, it was r e a s o n a b l e to n e g l e c t t h e mOdes t h a t
longitudinal node
3 4. 805 7.25 Main Deck only h a v e nodes a t t h e c e n t e r of t h e length.
4 5.15 Main Deck only As discussed in t h e b o d y of t h e paper, t h e dy-
longitudinal node
5 6. 588 11.10 All decks and bottom n a m i c s of t h e local r eso n an ce are r e p r e s e n t e d b y
simple s y s t e m s t i av i n g (a) t h e s a m e n a t u r a l fre-
quencies, (b) t h e s a m e d y n a m i c force a t t h e re-
straints, (~) t h e same k i n et i c energy, a n d (d) t h e
p o r t e d , a n d t h e w a t e r inertia. T h e d o u b l e - b o t - same cen t er s of a c t i o n as t h e c o m p l e x system.
t o m t a n k s were e m p t y . F r o m these c o n d i t i o n s it is possible to define t h e
W i t h i n t h e blade range, 0 to 12 cps, e i g h t n a t - c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of an e q u i v a l e n t s y s t e m t h a t has
ural frequencie.s of s y m m e t r i c a l v i b r a t i o n a n d five t h e same d y n a m i c effect u p o n t h e ship o v e r t h e
n a t u r a l f r e q u e n c i e s of a n t i s y m m e t r i c a l v i b r a t i o n s b l ad e b e a t f r e q u e n c y range as t h e c o m p l i c a t e d
were found. T h e s e are listed in T a b l e 6 a n d real s y s t e m ; viz., mas;s, stiffness, l o n g i t u d i n a l loca-
s k e t c h e s of t h e m o d e shapes are g iv e n i n F i g s . 16 tion, a m p l i t u d e of m o t i o n as c o m p a r e d to t h e
t h r o u g h 24. F o r c o m p a r i s o n w i t h p r e v i o u s calcu- m o t i o n of a r e f e r e n c e d n o d e in t h e r e a t sy st em .
l a t i o n s in w h i c h t h e barges were a s s u m e d to b'e T h i s e q u i v a l e n t s y s t e m can be of one or m o r e de-
e m p t y , t h e n a t u r a l f r e q u e n c i e s of th e c o m p a r t - grees of freedom.

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 277

21 J

D 1


./ U
6 10 iZ

< M J

% t~

0 ©
H CPS I0 iZ 0. i 0
8 O. 05
> 0
0 CPS 4 8 i0 lZ
O d
~5 M
Q M4
0 ~2 /~X "x . ~ M

~0 0.2
.CPS 4 8 i0 IZ




Fig. 25 Influence of machinery space local resonances on level of hori- Fig. 26 Influence of machinery space local resonances on level of 'vertical
zontal hull vibration h u l l vibration
The values of mass associated with the ship responding comparison for vertical vibration.
beam at a given station are reduced by the The greatest influence of machinery compartment
a m o u n t of sprung mass associated with that sta- flexibility is at frequencies near those of the local
tion. The finite-element analysis of the real sys- resonance. Hull natural frequencies below the
tem normally does not include damping. How- local resonant frequency are,. reduced and those
ever, it is convenient to add damping in the equiv- above the local resonant frequency are raised.
alent system b y making the spring stiffness com- Although the machinery space local resonances re-
plex. duce the predicted amplitude of the transverse
The ship vibration program is now run with the motion by important amounts, the effect upon the
equivalent sprung masses and the amplitudes predicted level of vertical vibration is even more
throughout the ship determined. These ampli- striking.
tudes include those of the sprung masses. From
these amplitudes, the amplitude of motion of the
reference point in the real system can be determined
Appendix 7
and, from the modal patterns of vibration of the Acceptable Levels of Vibration
real system, detailed information about the motions (General References: [88-91])
in the complex real system under propeller excita-
tion will be known. The definition of an acceptable level of vibra-
Calculations were run for the ship with and tion is difficult. Generally machinery and struc-
without the flexibility of the machinery space in- tures can safely withstand considerably higher
eluded. I t was found t h a t the inclusion of ma- vibration levels than humans. For this reason
chinery space resonances had very little effect upon most limits for acceptable vibration on shipboard
the amplitudes of motion in the portion of the ship will be set by human factors. However, these
aft of the machinery space but very strong effects also are difficult to define because of variations
forward of the space. In Fig. 25 are shown the between humans and the subjectivity of what is
predicted amplitudes of transverse vibration when acceptable and what is intolerable. Humans have
the machinery space is assumed to be rigidly con- developed a tolerance to frequencies of about 1.7
nected to the hull and when it is modeled by the cps, which corresponds to walking frequencies, but
equivalent system. Figure 26 shows the cor- in the sensitive range from '~ cps to S cps numerous
internal body resonances are set up
which lead to low tolerance. Humans
-- can withstand much higher accelera-
-- tions for short periods of time than for
0.6£ __ long intervals. H u m a n tolerance for
0.5C horizontal vibrations is apparently
0.4C __ lower than for vertical vibrations.
/ However, this observation is not very
definitive and it is reasonable to as-
0. Z£
_ sume the same acceptable levels in
S i / the vertical and transverse direc-
O The International Standards Organi-
~ 0.[0

//-I-5- -- zation (ISO) has proposed a Recom-
i I
-- mended Acceptable,. Level for the Effects
-- of Vertical Vibration on Man, shown
~) 0.06
u~ 0.05
-- in Fig. 27. It is suggested that the
~0.04 I LI~I/T
maximum acceptable vibration level in
watch areas and living space on ships be
VALUE'S" lBy 2
! ! I
no greater than the 8-hr exposure level
i I VALUES B Y 3. 1 5
on this curve and t h a t the maximum
I acceptable level in all other accessible
parts of the ship be'. no greater than the
5 6 8 10
ISO acceptable level for i hr exposure.
FREQUENCY, C P S (Hz) In Fig. 28 these acceleration limits are
Fig. 2 7 ISO proposed recommendations: level of vertical vibra- expressed as single amplitudes of vibra-
tion for fatigue-decreased performance tion.

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 279

1000 of the influence of the natural frequency of the
shafting in transverse vibration on the amplitude
5OO of motion of the hull.
2. An estimate of the amplitude of vibration
through the hull generated b y the propellers over
the frequency range to the highest blade beat fre-
quency. T h e model for this calculation should
oo I00
\\\ be sufficiently detailed to adequately estimate all
hull modes up to the highest blade beat frequency.
;xposu 'e
50 \ ~ s~fe This estimate shall be performed for the trial con-
ditions and for a reasonable loading of cargo and
Limit !or
stores t h a t will give the design displacement.
0 zo FaLl ae
The analysis shall be made for both the vertical
Reduc, d~ ~rfo] nqa %ct
vibrations and for the coupled torsional-trans-

°5.° \
\\ verse vibrations and shall include estimates of
propeller and hull excitation forces and detailed

~ 3.0
\ \
ship response to these forces. Local resonances of
all structures whose natural frequency is less than
2.0 \ \ N 20 percent above the m a x i m u m blade beat fre-
< R ~du :ed \ \\ quency shall be included in the analyses. Loca-
C m,J ~ r t \ tions of possible vibration difficulty shall be flagged
~ 0.7
\ \ and steps taken to relieve the problems.
3. Particular attention shall be paid to the
\ vibrations in the engine room and in the living
0.3 \ quarters. Either b y comparison with previous
0.2 \ ships of similar design or by m a t h e m a t i c a l model-
ing, the contractor shall present studies indicating
0.1 the procedures undertaken to avoid excessive
1 Z 3 5 7 10 Z0 30 50 70 100
FREQUENCY, CPs vibration of the main and auxiliary machinery,
Values are for For Exposures of
including boilers, condensers and main steam pip-
8 hours of I hour or less,
ing, and of the quarters and navigating areas of the
Continuous E x p o s u r e levels m a y be four (4)
times as large
During the acceptance trials of the ship, the
contractor shall record the hull vibrations in ac-
Fig. 28 ISO proposed recommended limits for vibra- cordance with the S N A M E Technical and Re-
tion exposure search Bulletin No. 2-10, "Code for Shipboard
Vibration Measurements (Revised 1969)." In
addition to the measurements specified in the
Code, measurements of local resonance in ma-
Appendix 8 chinery areas and in living quarters shall be made
and a survey run of the principal hull modes of
Suggested SpecificQtion for Ships of vibration. The torsional and longitudinal vibra-
25,000-shp or More tion of the main propulsion shafting should be
A comprehensive report of these vibration
I t is the intent of this specification to secure a measurements, including plots of amplitudes of
ship which has a m i n i m u m of hull vibration. T o vibration at critical areas as a function of fre-
assure t h a t proper attention has been paid to the quency and plots of mode shapes, shall be sub-
avoidance of vibrations, the shipbuilder shall sub- mitted to the owner.
m i t to the owner, or his design agent, detailed T h e vibration levels in watch areas and living
technical studies of the hull vibration covering spaces shall not exceed the 8-hr acceptable vibra-
at least the following : tion level for fatigue-reduced performance recom-
1. T h e presentation of a logical procedure for mended b y the International Standards Organiza-
determining the number of propeller blades and tion, and the vibration levels in all other acces-
the revolutions of the propulsion system. In- sible parts of the ship shall not exceed the ISO
cluded shall be a prediction of the amplitude of acceptable level for fatigue-reduced performance
longitudinal vibration of the shafting, and a study for 1 hr exposure.

280 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

S. Hylarides s and R. Wereldsma, 4 Visitors: The structure, shafting, etc.) its; actual dynamic
paper gives us a splendid review of the actual behavior, considering it to be fixed at its bounda-
state of the means of analyzing ship hull vibrations ries, using a fine network of elements? Then
in the design stage. I t mentions clearly the deduce from the results a system with a coarse
possibilities in this very complex problem. But network of elements by which the degrees of
it scarcely shows the imperfections that still freedom of interest are correctly represented, and
exist. An enormous number of problems have finally join all these coarse networks at their
not yet been solved; for example : boundaries to each other, forming together the
complete hull. This is only a matter of pro-
• The effect of added mass is commonly known,
gramming, not a matter of teehnique !
but at the ship ends a very rough approximation
• The effect of water on the propeller damping
is used. In fact no real progress has been made
is much larger than indicated. Referring to the
in this field since Lewis and Taylor in the late
work of Lewis and Auslaender is too simple. I t
twenties, in spite of the excellent work of De
has to be stressed that more fundamental research
Macagno and Landweber. Probably the finite-
in this field is needed.
element technique as proposed by Zienkiewicz and
Newton~ can solve this problem.
A. Zaloumis, 9 Visitor: In the not-to-distant past
• The proposed determination of dynamic shaft
this subject was generally ignored by many of
and hull excitation, generated by the operating
those responsible for the design and construction
propeller, is based on a very simplified theory for
of ships. When a vibration problem did occur,
which no direct correlation with measurements
palliatives were hysterically sought, sometimes
exists. Recently it has been shown by Huse, 6
successfully, sometimes not. Troublesome vibra-
Van Marten] and SOntvedt s that cavitation of the
tion is not an insidious disease t h a t mysteriously
propeller and the hull can result in a large magnifi-
occurs from time to time but is something that
cation of the actual pressure forces. How far the
can be arrested while the ship is still on paper, as
shaft excitation will be influenced is still unknown.
Mr. Reed and many others in the past have
* The power of the finite-element technique for
attempted to communicate.
the determination of the hull elasticities is set
The problem of predicting the vibration
aside with the remark that then a grid of elements
characteristics of a ship or some other structure
has to be used which is too coarse! However, for
involves the development of a suitable mathe-
the determination of the natural frequencies of
matical model to which an exciting force is
local structures the finite-element technique is
applied. The prediction of the exciting force is
recommended. I t is shown in the paper t h a t by
perhaps the more difficult and more important
means of the finite-element technique it is possible
task of the two.
to estimate the effect of local structures so that
Regarding modeling of the hull, Mr. Reed
they can be replaced in the ultimate calculation
suggests the Timoshenko beam equation and that
by equivalent systems with a much smaller
calculations be performed for all hull modes up
number of degrees of freedom. Automatically
to the highest blade beat frequency. He also
there arises the question: W h y not use the
suggests the inclusion of sprung masses but did
finite-element technique to determine for each
not offer a clear-cut procedure for doing so. The
significant part of the ship (bulkhead, sidewall,
consideration of sprung masses requires a detailed
double b o t t o m in a hold, thrust block on the
knowledge of the structure under question in-
engine room bottom, support of turbines, super-
eluding the elusive boundary conditions. In
fact, an example problem eovering the salient
a Netherlands Ship Model Basin, Wageningen, The
Netherlands. features of Mr. Reed's recommended method for
4 Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Nether- prediction of ship vibration would have been
lands. extremely helpful, especially if it also contained
50. C. Zienkiewlcz and R. E. Newton, "Coupled Vibra-
tions of a Structure Submerged in a Compressible Fluid," a comparison of predicted results with experi-
ISD/ISSC, Symposium on Finite Element Techniques at mental data.
Stuttgart, June 1969.
E. Huse, "Propeller-Hull Vortex Cavitation," Nor- We at N S R D C have found on numerous occa-
wegian Ship Model Tank, May 1971. sions that the experimental data obtained on
7j. D. Van Manen, "The Effect of Cavitation on the actual ships do not agree with predicted modal
Interaction Between Propeller and Ship's Hull,"
I.U.T.A.M., Leningrad, June 1971.
s T. SCntvedt, "Propeller-Induced Excitation Forces," 9 Naval Ship Research and I)evelopment Center,
Det Norske Veritas, publication no. 74, January 1971. Bethesda, Maryland.

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 281

characteristics at high blade frequencies. An A general c o m m e n t on the subject of unsteady
early example of this was reported b y McGoldriek propeller forces (not necessarily addressed to the
[13] on the ~ariner Class ships in which closely author) is considered appropriate at this time.
controlled vibration generator tests were con- These forces include those of unsteady thrust,
ducted to define the vibrational characteristics of torque, bearing forces, and surface pressure
these hulls. These results showed an unreason- forces. In spite of all the claims made b y various
ably large discrepancy between predicted and investigators regarding their ability to predict
measured natural frequencies for the upper modes. these forces, the writer has y e t to see any reason-
I t is safe to say t h a t b y using the Timoshenko able proof of credibility, such as substantiation
b e a m analogN, no m a t t e r how finely the model is with experiments on ships (either model or full
represented, the highest mode t h a t can be con- scale). This is not to criticize any or all of these
fidently predicted is perhaps the 4th or 5th mode prediction methods b u t to say t h a t the use of any
in either the vertical or athwartship direction. one of t h e m should be based on demonstrated
In most cases, full-power blade frequency is well verification of results.
above these modes, especially where 5- and 6- Another cause of ship vibration should also be
bladed propellers are used. As a result, we are considered in the design stage, i.e., t h a t due to
a t t e m p t i n g to represent the ship's hull in a shaft frequency excitation. Of particulareoncern
manner t h a t will resemble the actual behavior is the matching of the service r p m to any of the
more closely. As an interim approach, the easily excitable lower hull modes. T h e excitation
method t h a t MeGoldrick [13] recommended for in this case comes from the mass unbalance in
forced stern vibration is considered b o t h practical the propeller-shaft system and errors due to
and expedient. A more sophisticated approach, pitch in the propeller which will produce forces
perhaps using a combination of finite-element at shaft rpm.
representation together with a Timoshenko beam, T h e above comments are not intended to dis-
will also be explored. courage the a t t e m p t to predict the vibration of a
Mr. Reed's position on the relationship of ship's hull b u t rather to present some of the
propeller force, lateral shaft vibrations, and limitations t h a t presently exist.
resulting hull response is somewhat confusing.
T h e author claims ' t h a t above the flexural reso- E. F. Noonan, Member: As pointed out b y the
nance in the shafting, the propeller force acting author, the greatly increased size and powers of
on the hull through the propeller bearing will be ships require t h a t greater attention be given to
out of phase with the propeller force and therefore the subject of shipboard vibration while the ship
both forces will reinforce each other. However, is still in the design stage. T h e development of
in Fig. 3, the v i b r a t o r y displacement of the hull such techniques is therefore the basic objective
stern actually diminishes above the frequency of of the HS-7 Panel, "Vibrations," of S N A M E .
lateral shaft resonance, rather than increases. However, although the paper implies t h a t the
I t would clarify m a t t e r s if the author would solution to our problem is at hand, I would like to
identify the particular kinds of propeller frequency suggest t h a t more properly it should be inter-
exciting forces, how they would be applied to the preted t h a t t o d a y we have the tools and a better
m a t h e m a t i c a l model, their phase and magnitude, understanding of some of the problems. T h e
and then relate the effect of shafting dynamics to solution to the total problem will be available
them. only when we have a design procedure which can
The author's concern over the effect of lateral be used successfully b y the design office in pre-
shaft resonance on hull vibration is also ques- dicting the response of the hull and main pro-
tioned, perhaps again due to the aforementioned pulsion system.
confusion. I t is agreed t h a t at a lateral shaft reso- As was pointed out in a similar article in the
nance the corresponding force entering the hull J a n u a r y 1971 issue of Marine Technology, such a
through the propeller bearing will be magnified procedure is under development at N S R D C .
according to the dynamics of the shaft system, Unfortunately, the level of effort supported b y
b u t this will only occur in a narrow frequency the N a v y in this field is small, and in the commer-
range and will not account for the response of the cial field is virtually nonexistent. With the aim
hull due to the pressure field--which m a y in of ultimately achieving these i m p o r t a n t objec-
fact be the dominant exciting force. T h e added tives, the HS-7 Panel recently has submitted a
complexity of accounting for the lateral shaft "Comprehensive Ship Vibration Research Pro-
dynamics is not warranted until sufficient ex- g r a m " to the Hull Structures Committee. Hope-
perimental evidence strongly suggests other- fully, such a program will obtain the necessary
wise. support from the Society and the shipbuilding

282 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

industry, which has much to gain from such mented sea trials are necessary to an orderly
studies. development of more simplified approaches.
Hull Frequencies. Except for relatively short, Vibratimz Specificatio~s. T h e key to the design
broad-beamed ships such as an icebreaker, most of a ship having satisfactory vibration character-
ships have a fundamental vertical natural fre- istics is in the specifications. However, rather
quency close to 1 to 1.2 Hz. N o r m a l design than specifying the method of analysis, it is sug-
procedures result in fre.quencies of the higher gested t h a t acceptable vibration criteria be
modes which could be predicted readily from the established with the results to be evaluated b y
fundamental. If enough data were available, established procedures. In a recent study con-
eventually we would be in a position to predict ducted for N S R D C , proposed criteria for hull
the necessary hull frequencies by use of curves or vibration, based on habitability requirements,
homographs. were developed. This study was based on the
Hull Response. In most cases we are operating ISO data presented b u t was modified to suit
at a propeller-blade frequency of S Hz or higher. shipboard experience. Upper limits of 0.45
This would correspond to upwards of the sixth in./sec and 0.30 in./see were recommended for
theoreticM bending mode, a regio n in which the vertical and horizontal vibration respectively.
vibration is concentrated at the stern. On the T h e vertical limit would be slightly higher than
assumption t h a t local resonances are avoided, t h a t recommended b y Mr. Reed above 7 Hz,
as would be our objective, the response of the hull b u t would be substantially" lower below 7 Hz
girder could be predicted on a relatively simple and xyould be in agreement with information
mass-impedance concept, assuming, of course, published b y the vibration committee of the
some und.erstanding of the propeller forces was ISSC. For the test procedures it ~s recommended
available. Such predictions would rely heavily t h a t the S N A M E Code C-1, "Code for Ship-
on empirical d a t a and would include the dyna!nic board Vibration Measurements," be used in place
m a ~ i f i e r s observed in the u p p e r speed range of Bulletin 2-10. This later publication includes
b u t which, as yet, are not reflected adequately in the evaluation of longitudinal vibration. A code
propeller force studies. for local vibration measurements presently is
Propeller Forces. Model studies recently con- being developed by the HS-7 Panel.
ducted on three stern configurations for proposed
L N G ships provided the relative wake character- D. J. de Koff, Member'. As a naval architect, I a m
istics, while the calculated forces, using several concerned t h a t a client reading the title of this
alternate methods of computation, permitted the paper will expect a ship free of vibration. Con-
identification of the o p t i m u m stern configuration. sidering toda}c's high powers and speeds, one is
An accumulation of sufficient data of this type, fortunate if the vibratory response of ship and
together with the necessary information on hull propulsion system can be limited to an acceptable
form and propeller characteristics, should permit level.
the eventual development of simple procedures In connection with one of our projects, I had
for estimating the normal hull input forces. the o p p o r t u n i t y to consult with several experts in
Propeller skew, like the helix angle in a reduction this field, both here and abroad. T h e agreement
gear, results in a more gradual dynamic pressure between their analyses was, to put it mildly,
loading and corresponding reduction in the gener- discouraging and their estimates of the response
ated forces. to the same excitation differed considerably.
.~lachinery Vibration. LongKudinal vibration To some degree, this was due to widely varying
frequently will control the selection of the n u m b e r estimates of the influence of damping. Since
of propeller blades and, un!.ess there is some damping is one of the parameters which determine
flexibility in the selection of the rpm, can force the level of forced vibration, it is a subject de-
unsatisfactory vibration of the hull at normal serving of much more attention than it has
operating speeds: In all cases, however, it is received so far. The author shows an interesting
m a n d a t o r y t h a t excessive alternating thrust, as approach to the determination of quasi-hysteretie
defined in M1L-STD-167B, be avoided. T h e damping.
presence of lateral shaft resonances 'in the pro- On the subject of longitudinal shaft vibration,
pulsion system can amplify the hull response. a note of caution is in order for the use of Refer-
In all cases, however, both for machinery and hull ence [76]. T h e values for thrust bearing stiff-
vibration, the accuracy of the analyses depend on nesses are applicable to U. S. design; these values
the engineering j u d g m e n t of the analyst, as are considerably higher for British thrust bearings
pointed out by the author. For this reason, the which are widely used in ships built in Europe.
conduct of such studies followed b y wel!-instru- T h e author feels t h a t the shaft model m a y be

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 283

terminated at the bull gear hub due to the low could lend itself to simple and useful vibration
axial stiffness of the connection between bull level predictions.
gear hub and the rim. I t m a y be of interest to Modern impulse-loading devices and more
note that, for a large reduction gear, we have sophisticated data analysis procedures have shown
found t h a t the longitudinal natural frequency of t h a t hull damping is a function of the frequency,
the bull gear .rim and associated components was as shown in a paper presented at the Shock and
quite close to t h a t of the shaft and t h a t large rim Vibration Symposium in 1969. Calculations with
amplitudes could be generated when passing the new damping values yield better agreement
through this critical frequency. Since this in- with measured data than the use of a constant
creases the equivalent mass of the rim con- d a m p i n g value over the whole frequency range.
siderably, the question arises whether this mass T h e hull response at higher frequencies becomes
should be neglected. more and more localized. Local structures re-
In his discussion of th.e hull response, the m o t e from the excitation point, however, m a y
author is of the opinion t h a t the hatch covers well react with large amplitudes if their natural
should be considered as p a r t of the structure frequency coincides with t h a t of the excitation
when calculating torsional stiffness. I share force. T h e effect of these "sprung masse`s" on
this opinion, except t h a t it is the friction of the the hull vibration can well be evaluated with the
steel-on-steel contact rather than the rubber existing knowledge (MeGoldrick, Kennard, Liebo-
gasket which transfers the v i b r a t o r y motion. witz, K u m a i ) and, in m o s t cases, reduced b y
In spite of the skepticism expressed at the out- simple modifications.
set of this discussion, I feel t h a t this paper is a T h e suggested calculation procedures do now
v e r y valuable contribution and the author m u s t provide new approaches. T h e limitation of the
be congratulated on this work. l u m p e d - p a r a m e t e r nonuniform b e a m theory to
the low frequencies only up to the fifth mode
Erich Buchmann,TM Visitor: T h e author presents a should always be k e p t in mind.
very timely subject and discusses the main • T h e usefulness of this paper could be increased
factors t h a t encompass the excitation forces and considerably b y applying the existing knowledge
hull response s. I t is impossible to m a k e a short to a broadening of the " D o ' s and D o n ' t s for
evaluation of the various aspects as to their useful- Vibration Reduction and Control in N a v a l
ness for a designer. T h e latter desires to have Ships" t h a t has been published b y the N a v a l Ship
simple guidelines for solving his daily practical Systems Command. Such guidelines could help
problems. the designer in making the right engineering
I t is commonly assumed t h a t the propeller decisions during preliminary design phases.
forces increase with the square of the shaft rpm. T h e author rightfully underlines the difficulties
So does an eccentric-mass vibration generator. t h a t exist in comparing measurements with cal-
While the relationship between vibration gener- culations. But all calculations and vibration
ator force and hull response is wellunderstood, it reducing methods eventually should be checked
is found t h a t such a simple relationship does not b y well-planned full-scale trials. I believe t h a t
exist between calculated propeller forces and the recent developments in measuring techniques
respective hull response. Amplitudes at blade using modern measuring equipment, vibration
rate in the various directions increase considerably generators, impedance measurements, impulse-
faster than should be expected if the rpm-square loading devices, electronic d a t a analysis methods,
relationship is correct. This characteristic has etc., should be used on a research vessel in a com-
been found on a wide range of ship types. In blned effort with all parties involved, to clarify
predicting hull vibrations at blade rate, some a' few salient points in the field of ship vibration
authors, therefore, correct the discrepancy b y characteristics. After more than 15 years it is
using large empirical magnification factors for a b o u t time to conduct a new Gopher Mariner
the higher frequency range. t y p e trial.
Vibration generator tests as well as more recent
hull impedance measurements have shown t h a t G. C. Volcy, Member: Mr. Reed has to be con-
the hull reacts, with small deviations, as a mass gratulated for his very interesting paper treating
impedance for the frequencies above the third or in so pertinent and rational a manner a problem of
fourth fundamental hull frequency. A broader real life which appears more and more important.
evaluation and possible expansion of this finding During m y research work I have come to the
conclusion that, in studying vibration phenomena,
even those concerning the free vibrations of the
lo Bethesda, Maryland. hull girder, it is helpful to imagine the phenomena

284 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

Radio i n s t a l l a t i o n

Emitter Amplifier Receiver

e 1 4 arnPft ssn(2e t
e=F+F1sin colt + Ase= f (Aampft,COe)
CO%raPt Zr b/~
~ Rt'd1--cR~ARr/;e=1,231
o~c - -

F3 sm bO3t +., .

('~)se 1
e3= CO%~gt blUR2!CR2 e2=
. . . . . . . . . . AarnPf2s'nL3bt A se sm bOb t
z2 ~ doo~AR2!
Exciter c~b" f(cJe'c~s~) Elastic system


Source of excitation R e son (7to r H u l l steel- w o r k

The efforts engendered, either by the Elosttc system in resonance with the s o u r c e Responding either as forced wbrohons
propulsor b r by the propulstve apparatus,eft .... of exclta6on(resonant response)hence dynamic or even as free wbraftons to the excttatton-
or~phhcatton of the exotahon forces fat ces amphhed by the resonator:

Fig. 29 Schematic of a vibration resonator and transmission of the forces

of forced vibration of the hull structure as simi- the excitation source and the response of the vibrating
lar to the functioning of radio installations. In elastic system. By cancelling the dynamic ampli-
a radio system we have a transmitter (emitter) fication, the level of excitation energy is lowered
exciting a given frequency, and a receiver. In and the problem of annoying vibrations dis-
order for the receiver to operate, we must tune appears.
it to the frequency of the emitter; this means Figure 30 presents one ca,;e of an active reso-
achieving resonance between the emitter and nator. The figure represents the influence of
the receiver frequencies. Due to t h a t tuning, static alignment conditions on the dynamic
and because of the low impedance of the tuner behavior of the line shafting and the response of
(let's call it a resonator) at the resonant fre- the hull steelwork.
quency, the receiver is able to dynamically am- On Fig. 31 are presented tile records of shafting
plify the amplitudes of the emitter oscillations. vibrations, and response in forced vibrations of
Such a system is presented in Fig. 29. In my the hull girder, for both shafting alignment con-
opinion, the hull structure forced vibrations ditions shown in Fig. 30. As it can be seen from
present an analogous case. In our research work both Figs. 30 and 31, the static conditions in-
we have come to the conclusion that the annoying fluence in a very considerable manner the dynamic
and even dangerous forced vibrations of hull response of the considered elastic systems. Then,
structure are caused by the presence of a reso- it must be concluded that besides the integral
nator of some excitations existing on sh!ps. The treatment of the general e q u a t i o n of forced
troublesome vibrations are caused b y the resonant vibrations
response of an elastic system, constituted b y the
M2 + r~ + Kx = F0sin (~t + 9)
steelwork or even some parts of the propulsive
installation, which is excited by vibration from and simultaneous analysis of the importance of
the propeller or from the propulsive apparatus. the six components of this equation, as well as
The role of a vibration researcher is to identify this of the interaction of the response and excitation
resonator and to proceed with the detuning between forces, the actual static condition of the concerned

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 285

2~ rheomca[ scheme of
the line-shafting
-~ 3,# ~.5o

Coeff;cient of dynamic
o~l,f,~ot, on. F =~"1630 °~/m~.
Natural frequency calcu{ated,
10 f= 1

5 bladed propeller.

n = 104~p~

E,,c = 5 x 104 = 520 o,o1~

Of [he order N=5
c'JB-x~ = 0.318.a---..e~~ ~-1.45calculated.
I'°nalural frequency calculated,

0,9? ~ ~ "~ 7,74 recorded.

natural frequency recorded.

('*J e~t . _
1 R e s o n a n t conditions

~// T'Calculated~-i
1- IF

2 3 4 "" ~

~ F = 5 3 5 oW~.
natural frequency recorded.

Actua{ position of


7,95 - - - - 4, EO 4.30

Fig. 30 Effect of interaction between the tailshaft and its forward bearing on the dynamic behavior
o f the line shafting

286 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

~_ EY-~-~SJsm°graph

. ~

The ship with the same draught aft.

Ad (turn)

n =
I revolution
VT Double amphficahon
i i
VV Strnroteamphficatlon

vv I

/ n re~Yrnn
Measurement of the propeller- shaft
I :~. vibrations•
60 ?0 80 go I00

mplificafion ~t~eret revolufion J

VV Vertical vibrations
V1~ Transverse vibrations VF Double amphhc~Eon I
Ad (ram) I





n r e Y/mn.
70 80 90

.~ Before rational shaft alignment

.~j After rational shaft eligr~ment
Fig. 31 Forced hull vibrations generated by the propeller-shaft vibrations of a 58,OOO-dwt tanker (5-bladed

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 287



! .!,t

Fig. 32 Influence of hull structure deformations of a tanker due to loading conditions on the distributions of
reactions in way of the propeller-shaft supports

e l a s t i c s y s t e m s m u s t also b e t a k e n i n t o c o n s i d e r - ditions, i.e., t h e i r d e f o r m a t i o n s , is m o r e a n d m o r e

ation. M o r e d e t a i l s on this s u b j e c t a r e p r e s e n t e d i m p o r t a n t for t o d a y ' s b i g a n d p o w e r f u l ships d u e
in p a p e r s p u b l i s h e d in 196711 a n d 1969.1~ to t h e a c t u a l i n c o m p a t i b i l i t y b e t w e e n t h e flex-
T h e c o r r e c t a s s e s s m e n t of t h e s e s t a t i c con- i b i l i t y of t h e s t e e l w o r k of d o u b l e - b o t t o m a n d
hull g i r d e r a n d t h e stiffness of t h e line s h a f t i n g
of p r o p u l s i v e p l a n t s . B u t t h e r e s u l t s of o u r
11 G. C. Volcy, "Forced Vibrations of the Hull and Ra-
tional Alignment of the Tail Shaft," Nouveaut~s Tech- r e s e a r c h h a v e s h o w n t h a t for t h e b i g t a n k e r s t h e
niques Maritimes, 1967. d e f o r m a t i o n s in h o g g i n g of t h e a f t p a r t of t h e hull
12 G. Bourceau and G. C. Volcy, "Forced Vibration girder together with the double-bottom structure
Resonators and Free Vibrations of the Hull," Nouveautds
Techniques Maritimes, 1969. of a fully l o a d e d s h i p d e f y t h e classic t h e o r y of

288 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

~-~® ~
...-~ @

~ ___ ~ " "~

J J ~..~


\t ~,,/\

~.~ ~ ~,~



Fig. 3 3 Deformation calculation of the after part of the hull--equivalent elastic model

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 289

deformation where the loaded ship girder is coupled torsional, transverse deck structure mode
sagging. Such a phenomenon is presented in is particularly difficult to calculate. I have
Fig. 32. observed two examples of such a mode.
I t is clear t h a t such deformations of the base Mr. Reed infers t h a t the exciting forces of the
of the propulsive plant and its shafting are propeller can be determined b y computer. This
changing the static alignment conditions, and has been accomplished only for the bearing forces
the phenomena presented in Figs. 30 and 31 m a y associated with the wake. While a computer
occur, hence the possibility of unexpected dynamic program has been proposed for the surface forces,
behavior of the propulsive plant and appearance it is a complex and expensive procedure and to
of the discussed propeller-excited vibrations. B u t date has not been successfully applied to a single
our experience, gained b y simultaneous cal- ship. T h e only information on the magnitude of
culations and measurements, has shown t h a t the this force is t h a t given b y Lewis in Reference [68 ].
correlation between t h e m can be satisfactory As per the experiments in References [6;5, 68],
only if the whole elastic system of the hull girder, the most i m p o r t a n t factor in reducing propeller
double-bottom structure, and internal steehvork excitation forces in both twin-screw and single-
of the engine room is considered, even taking into screw ships of conventional design is the clearance
account the steelwork of superstructures. Such forward of the propeller. For the single-screw
calculations on very speedy computers have been ship clearances of 30 percent of the propeller
developed b y Bureau Veritas. Figure 33 shows diameter are practical, and for larger clearances
such an elastic system of the aft p a r t of the hull the gain is small; although much larger clearances
girder and the engine room of a 250,000 dwt ship. have been used for some European vessels,
B u t once in the possession of suctl a description 80 percent in the Koudekerk cited in the p a p e r of
as well as the stiffness and mass matrices, we can Hylarides noted above. T h e vertical force is
also analyze the response of the system to all hardly affected b y longitudinal clearance.
excitations, including those coming from the If the excitation forces can be reduced t o a low
propeller. In our present studies these excitations enough level, then vibration will be acceptably
are obtained either from model tests and measure- low no m a t t e r w h a t the hull modes m a y be. I
ments or from appropriate calculations. Con- believe t h a t a proper criterion for vibration
sequently, the study of resonators of forced force is vibration force/displacement rather t h a n
vibrations and their detuning is executed and the force/thrust. T h e experiments cited in Refer-
response of the assembly of the considered ence [68] show t h a t the best attainable figure
steelwork is determined. for this for 44 and 6-bladed propellers on a single-
screw ship of conventional design is of the order
F. M. Lewis, Member: Mr. Reed has presented an of 0.00012. How close such a ratio would come
interesting and useful s u m m a r y of the status of to ensuring freedom from vibration is quite
the vibration problem in ships. T h e two ap- unknown.
proaches to this problem are (a) the calculation
of the hull modes and frequencies, including the J. McCaI/um, Member: D e v e l o p m e n t of predic-
higher modes and local modes, with a view to tion methods for ship vibration response is passing
avoiding resonance b y choice of the n u m b e r of through an exciting stage as comprehensive
propeller blades or local correction of stiffness; design systems are being created b y the assembly
and (b) the reduction of propeller exciting forces of the various programs which have been written
to a minimum. for large computers in the past few years. Use
A v a s t a m o u n t of labor has been expended on of these systems will not be cheap, b u t greater
the problem of predicting the higher hull modes, investment in design will surely be a t t r a c t i v e when
and such calculations have been assisted b y the it can eliminate the expensive measures which
development of high-speed computers, b u t the sometimes have to be adopted in a t t e m p t s to
accuracy which can be guaranteed for such cure vibration troubles.
calculations is dubious; and an accuracy of the T h e system described b y the author is very
order of 95 percent or better in the calculated interesting, and includes the highly desirable
frequencies is desired if the results are to be useful. features of treating the shafting and hull re-
A recent publication, 144S of the Netherlands Ship sponses together, and taking into account the
Research Center, "Critical Considerations of effects of local vibration. However, the struc-
Present Hull Vibration Analysis" b y S. Hylarides, tural modelling leaves something to be desired.
is not encouraging reading. For a n u m b e r of Although the author places emphasis on inclusion
vessels, errors in the calculated frequencies of of shear deflection, he then assumes t h a t trans-
the higher modes of up to 44% were noted. T h e verse bulkheads remain rigid in their plane.

290 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

Except for small ships, the span of transverse where lateral shaft resonances have been con-
bulkheads is of the same order as the distances firmed.
between hull modes in the frequency range of in-
terest. In-plane deflection of bulkheads would be Geoffrey G. Cox, Member: I would like to t h a n k
expected, therefore, and vibration measurements the author for a most interesting paper which is a
have shown this to be so. An obvious improve- useful contribution to the literature on ship
m e n t would be to represent the hull b y a b e a m vibration.
grillage. However, it is desirable to have a M y comments are concerned with w h a t the
representation of the structure adequate for present-day propeller designer is able to do to
simulating local resonances, so t h a t the labor of minimize propeller excitation of vibration, within
separate calculations is eliminated. With the the constraints imposed by the ship design and
development of reduction and substructuring economics. T h e designer plays a key role in the
techniques, together with data-generation pro- problem and faces h e a v y demands on his skill,
grams, finite-element methods are now quite especially in view of the fact t h a t propellers are
feasible for this task. being continually required to absorb larger
T h e author has commented on the importance amounts of power while operating in unfavorable
of considering the vibration characteristics of the flow conditions. This is clue to the demands for
line shafting, particularly the lateral vibration ever increasing ship speed with costs of the prime
resonances which m a y be excited at propeller mover and transmission system k e p t to an
blade-order. I should like to stress the impor- acceptable level. Attention should also be drawn
tance of shafting vibration calculations at the to a significant difference between commercial
design stage in order to ensure t h a t these lateral and naval ship requirements regarding vibration.
vibration resonances occur above the running This is t h a t it is much more i m p o r t a n t to minimize
range. A p a r t from the influence on the hull and vibration over a wide range of speeds for a naval
aft end structure vibrations, the presence of ship, whereas commercial ships usually spend
lateral vibration has considerable effect on the most of their operating life at one speed. T o -
life of the stern tube and p l u m m e r bearings. gether with other operational requirements, this
At the same time I would welcome experimental often dictates the necessity for naval ships to have
evidence as to the exact nature of such lateral twin-screw propulsion.
resonances under actual or simulated operating T h e propeller designer cannot usually exercise
conditions. Lloyd's Register's Technical Investi- much choice regarding mamber of propellers,
gation D e p a r t m e n t has carried out over recent rpm, diameter, and the flow field in which the
years several investigations on cases of suspected propeller has to operate. H e can exercise his
lateral vibration resonance on single-screw ships. choice and skill regarding n m n b e r of blades,
Despite theoretical predictions of lateral reso- blade load distribution, and blade rake and
nance within operating speeds, no such resonance skew. All of these parameters have an impor-
has been confirmed, In some cases, significant tant, some a very important, influence on the
forced lateral vibrations were detected which vibration excitation characteristics of a propeller.
could possibly have been the lower flank of a T h e selection of the n u m b e r of blades is made,
resonance with the peak above the operating when possible, on the basis of avoiding the blade-
speed. rate excitation of a main hull resonance at normal
If significant lateral vibrations are encountered, operating speeds. Also a Fourier analysis o f ' t h e
the center of pressure and effective point of propeller disk wake shouM be performed to avoid
support in the after stern tube bearing, and to a coincidence of blade number, or blade n u m b e r
lesser extent in the other bearings, will oscillate 4- 1, with strong wake harmonics.
longitudinally a b o u t a mean position at the Fluctuating pressure forces on the hull can be
frequency of the vibration. T h e amplitude of reduced b y moving the blade load away from the
this oscillation will depend on the amplitude of outer blade sections towards the middle of the
the lateral vibration. T h e resulting problem is blade. Little or no propulsive efficiency penalty
then nonlinear and will have its own character- is paid by doing this.
istic frequency response different from t h a t of Blade rake is often used for propellers which
the resonant condition with fixed point of sup- work in an aperture to increase clearance between
port. the blades and the hull and appendages forward
I would like the author's comments on the of the propeller. Blade skew is very i m p o r t a n t
significance of this nonlinear behavior and any since it permits the blade to enter a high wake
references to experimental measurements on region in a more gradual manner and also in-
actual ships, particularly single-screw vessels, creases clearances between the blades and hull and

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 291

appendages. Neither of these procedures demand of academic interest as compared with practical
a propulsive efficiency penalty. T h e use of considerations.
blade skew can be extremely i m p o r t a n t when it is Judging from the nature of the detailed infor-
impossible to select a n u m b e r of blades on the mation needed to perform the required compu-
basis of the criteria specified. tations, the results of the author's analyses appear
In order for the designer to ensure t h a t a to become available at a time when it is possible
propeller will have a m i n i m u m ability to excite to m a k e b u t minor changes to the ship. Perhaps
vibration, he m u s t have model hull measurements the author would indicate some magnitude of
of the wake at the propeller disk. H e m u s t also cost together with the time frame associated with
possess the necessary sophisticated design pro- his analyses.
cedure which can fully recognize the blade as a This discusser finds himself in substantial
lifting line and lifting surface to correctly specify disagreement over t r e a t m e n t of vertical and
load distribution and account for the effects of horizontal vibration acceptability criteria. Ap-
skew. T h e N a v a l Ship Research and Develop- pendix 7 contains statements wliich indicate t h a t
m e n t Center propeller design method is able to it is reasonable to assume the same acceptable
achieve these goals and the capability is fairly !evels for both vertical and horizontal directions.
recent. This is particularly so regarding the This is a dangerous and incorrect assumption.
proven ability to account correctly for the effects While individual researchers disagree on specific
of large amounts of skew. Extensive investi- levels for each motion, they agree t h a t horizontal
gations have been carried out at the Center into vibration is the more sensitive motion of the two.
the use of large amounts of skew for reduction of In conclusion, the author should be commended
vibration. These investigations were per- for his efforts to develop methods of predicting
formed under the support of the U. S. N a v y and hull vibration levels. While at this point in time
joint M A R A D / p r i v a t e shipowner sponsorship. the full-scale verification is missing, it is hoped
this task can be addressed in the not too distant
Norman O. Hammer, Member: T h e central theme future.
of the paper is t h a t methods now exist which are
capable of predicting hull vibration levels. This Jorgen Strom-Tejsen, Member: T h e major excita-
is indeed good news for shipbuilders,, tion of ship hull vibration, as pointed out b y
and shipowners who have had first-hand en- the author, comes from the propeller both through
counters with ship vibration problems. forces and moments generated on the propeller,
A typical problem involves three distinct and forces and moments generated on the hull
phases, the first being the determination of by the pressure field around the propeller. T o
whether there actually is a problem. This phase reduce vibration it is desirable t h a t the designer
revolves around standards of acceptability, or has methods available so he can take full advan-
lack of recognized standards, to be more specific. tage of the flexibility afforded by the design con-
T h e second phase focuses on steps to be taken to ditions and reduce the excitation forces as m u c h
remedy the problem, with the third and final as possible.
phase involving determination of who should p a y I t is agreed t h a t our ability to predict the
the bill. forces and moments on the propeller is v e r y good.
T h e capability discussed in the paper con- T h e model test techniques for measuring the
ceivably could e l i m i n a t e potential problems or three-dimensional wake p a t t e r n has been im-
assist in resolving the second phase of an actual proved continuously. At the N a v a l Ship Re-
problem. While the possibility of having reliable search and D e v e l o p m e n t Center, the technique
prediction capabilities m a y be near, the author described in References [61] and [62] has reached
cautions t h a t his prediction process lacks test- the point where a very large n u m b e r of test
ing and comparison against full-scale perform- points can be measured within a short period of
ance. Therefore, we find ourselves at the brink testing time b y use of a u t o m a t e d data aquisition
of a great potential breakthrough. and analysis technique. Furthermore, the o u t p u t
I t is noted t h a t Figs. 12 and 26, which display from the wake survey can be used directly as input
predicted wheelhouse levels of vibration for the to the computer programs of Reference [60]. Due
Lykes Sea Barge Clipper, appear to indicate to the increased n u m b e r of test points and their
different results for the same location. Perhaps accuracy, predictions of all the v i b r a t o r y forces
the author would clarify the assumptions behind and moments can be determined with a reasonable
these plots. Figure 26 also indicates magnitudes confidence. T h e computer programs used for
of amplitudes to be less t h a n 0.05 mils. Such low predicting the forces and moments allow us to
levels could never be measured and are solely take the propeller outline properly into account

292 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

and thus take full advantage of the benefit which directed to the part of the study dealing with the
might result from application of large skew of the exciting forces and moments.
propeller blades, for instance. Generalization from results of a limited number
The author indicated that a similar capability of observations and calculations, at this stage,
should be available in the area of pressure forces must be avoided.
on the hull. Unfortunately, no references are The fullness of a hull plays an important role in
given t h a t might indicate what methods and determining the values of hydrodynamic forces
computer programs he has in mind. Does the and moments independently of propeller blades.
author refer to a method which would allow the This fact is attributed more to the radial phasing
designer to take details of the hull form and (or distribution) of the wake harmonics than to
blade outline into account? Both propeller skew their corresponding magnitudes. 14
and details of the hull sections in the propeller Variations in longitudinal location of the
aperture such as section angle are factors of propeller, and so in location at which the wake is
importance which, taken properly into account, measured, tend to affect the odd orders of wake
might result in a reduction or eventually a harmonic [62]. This in turn has considerable
cancellation of some of the vibratory hull forces. effect on the lateral components of the vibratory
If a method does exist which would allow us to force.
take full advantage of propeller outline and hull I t is an established fact that the lifting line
form, does the author then believe that it is theory does not accurately represent the magni-
necessary to use clearance between the propeller tudes, and sometimes even the trends, of the
and the hull of the order of magnitude recom- vibratory forces and moments, 15 nor does it
mended b y the Classification Societies? Those accurately represent the generated pressure field. ~6
recommendations are all based on more conven- The action of the propeller generates vibratory
tional propeller and hull form designs without forces on itself as well as on the hull. The former
considering the benefits which might result from have been studied in detail; see, for example, the
calculation methods that are better than what has Davidson L a b o r a t o r y papers reporting the mathe-
been generally available up to the present. matical developments and corresponding computer
Although our capability to predict the vibratory programs and the results of calculations. How-
forces developed from single- and twin-screw ever, to my knowledge, the problem of the forces
arrangements might be well in hand, this is not on the hull has not been tackled basically except
necessarily the case when considering unusual for flat boundaries which might include a broad,
propulsion systems. Arrangements such as con- flat stern in the way of the propeller.
trarotating, overlapping, and dueted propellers Lewis, in his experimental work, has shown the
might prove beneficial from a vibration point of importance of these surface forces. Breslin has
view, at least as an alternative to the conventional indicated the feasibility of a study combining
single-screw arrangement. I t would be of interest the Douglas Program with a Davidson L a b o r a t o r y
to learn the author's opinion concerning the propeller program to deternfine the vibratory
capability at the present to predict the vibratory forces on a hull. Tsakonas, et al., have studied
excitation due to some of these alternative pro- the propeller-rudder interaction problem and
pulsion systems. have indicated the importance of the interaction
effects on both propeller and rudder lifting
S. Tsakonas, ~a Visitor: The author treats two im- surfaces.
p o r t a n t facets of the propeller-induced hull With this Davidson L a b o r a t o r y program in
vibration problem, one being the exciting forces mind, it was realized t h a t information on the hull
and moments generated by the operating propeller surface forces could not be obtained unless the
and the other the hull responses to these excita- entire interaction problem, propeller-rudder-hull,
tions. Since any uncertainties introduced in the
mathematical model for the excitation agen t or
that for the mass-elastic characteristics of the hull 14S. Tsakonas, J. Breslin, and M. Miller, "Correlation
will reflect on the quality of the predictions, it is and Application of an Unsteady Flow Theory for Pro-
peller Forces," TRANS.SNAME, vol. 75, 1967, p. 174.
important to use the best of the available mathe- is R. Boswell, "Measurement, Correlation with Theory,
matical developments without the need to resort and Parametric Investigation of Unsteady Propeller
to semi-empirical formuIas and other information Forces and Moments," Master's Thesis, Graduate School
of Department of "kerospaee Engineering, Pennsylvania
of questionable reputation. M y remarks will be State University.
16W. R. Jacobs, J. Mercier, and S. Tsakonas, "Theory
and Measurements of the Propeller Induced Vibratory
la Davidson Laboratory, Stevens Institute of Tech- Field," Davidson Laboratory Report 1485, Stevens In-
nology, Hoboken, New Jersey. stitute of Technology, 1970,

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 293

was analyzed. Davidson L a b o r a t o r y therefore L A S H ship was predicted to be very quiet
has been engaged in preparations for this final throughout and is rumored to be so in practice.
endeavor b y trying to link the Douglas Program T h e model proposed in this paper can represent a
with its propeller-rudder interaction program and ship much more accurately than those available
to establish an iterative procedure to take the con- at the time of the Mariner studies. In particular,
tinuous interference in a fashion similar to the it includes local' resonances. We would also
procedure reported b y Tsakonas et M.I~ represent the weight distribution and the stiff-
I certainly agree with the author t h a t " t h e hull nesses more precisely. T h e model suggested in
vibration problem need no longer be an empirical this paper can analyze the coupled transverse
art." Even the tools t h a t are at present available bending-torsion vibration. Such a procedure was
carl be used to obtain information a b o u t the level not developed at the time of the Mariner studies.
of vibration, if only on a c o m p a r a t i v e basis. Mr. Zaloumis asks for an explanation of the effects
of shaft resonances on hull vibration. In the
Author's Closure first place, Fig. .3 represents the vibration
due to propeller forces onJy. The.hull forces are
T h e author appreciates the breadth added to omitted. Calculations of harmonic propeller and
the paper b y the discussors. hull forces show t h a t they are of the same order of
Messrs. Hylarides and Wereldsma raise ques- magnitude and of opposite phase. John Breslin
tions of the water inertia. M y feeling is t h a t supports this experience on theoretical grounds
there are generally greater errors in the accurate for idealized cases. Considering the shafting
representation of the structure, whether a Complex rigid, they tend to cancel. However, when the
beam or an assemblage of finite elements, than shafting is flexible and is operating above reso-
in the water inertia. Where the three-dimen- nance, the forces t r a n s m i t t e d through the bearings
sional aspects of the water inertia cannot be to the hull are 180 deg out of phase with w h a t
treated easily, i.e., at the ends, the water inertia they were below resonance. Therefore, when the
is a small p a r t of the ship weight. propeller shaft is operating at frequencies above
T h e best tests for the correlation between resonance, the resultant forces on the hull add
propelier blade force prediction and the actual rather than cancel.
values are the J]fichigan tests reported in the In m a n y respects I agree with Mr. Noonan.
paper. Cavitation might cause sharp local high- However, we do have some disagreements. He
pressure peaks, b u t the harmonic forces exciting looks to the d a y when hull vibration problems
hull motion are related to average propeller can be solved by simple rule-of-thumb procedures.
pressures and their periodic fluctuations due to I d o n ' t expect t h a t this will ever come to pass.
wake. Experience will probably allow some simplifi-
If one is tied to a finite-element procedure, cations in the quite complicated procedures
refinements can be made to permit detailed given in this paper, b u t ships are complicated
finite-element modules to be incorporated in a structures and variations in seemingly minor
coarse and more practical finite-element repre- elements of the structure can have a strong in-
sentation of the ship. Our experience supports fluence on the vibration. Experience in the
the finite-element analysis for complex and analysis of vibrations in structures indicates t h a t
detailed structures, b u t we believe t h a t the vibrations can be predicted only if the analytical
Timoshenko b e a m is more practical for tying model and the procedure for analysis is adequate
these modules together. Lewis and Auslaender for representing the complexities of the structure.
give a logical procedure for estimating propeller I also disagree on the best w a y to assure t h a t a
damping. If this is too low, we would appreciate ship does not vibrate excessively. A performance
an explanation and a recommendation for an specification plays upon the gamesmanship of
improved value. the shipbuilder to the detriment of the owner.
lXlr. Zaloumis asks a b o u t the way the complex M a y b e the ship w o n ' t vibrate after it is built.
sprung structure is included in the program. If it does, m a y b e some additional steel will
I had wanted to show this b u t space did not squeeze the level down to a barely tolerable
permit. I wish I could support predictions with value. If not, the shipbuilder tried and the
measurements, b u t unfortunately ships seem to owner needs the ship and so accepts it with a bad
be either analyzed or measured thoroughly. T h e vibration. If the specifications not only re-
quired a performance, b u t also required a logical
17S. Tsakonas, W. R. Jacobs, and M. Ali, "Propeller- procedure for attaining t h a t performance, the
Rudder Interaction," Davidson Laboratory Report probability of a quiet ship would be much im-
1284, Stevens Institute of Technology, Journal of Ship
Research, vol. 14, no. 3, September 1970. proved.

294 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

Mr. De Koff suggests quite rightly t h a t a more Professor Lewis' comments on the accuracy of
proper title would use "minimize" rather than calculations are interesting. However, rather
"avoid." D a m p i n g is a crucial element in than conclude t h a t no calculations are accurate, I
vibration calculations and can be obtained only would prefer to be more selective and say t h a t
by comparing good calculations with good some calculation procedures are not reliable. Ac-
measurements. This combination seems to be tually, the natural frequencies of the ship become
hard to develop. His c o m m e n t on the axial of less importance at high modes. Neither cal-
vibration illustrates the problems t h a t arise culations or measurements can distinguish them.
from simplifications. In the preliminary design, I t is i m p o r t a n t to know the general level of
the predictions of vibration have to rely upon vibration in the hull and to know whether
simple models if they are to be useful. However, seriously large local resonances can be excited at
in the later stages of design, this early study antinodes. The computer program for calcu-
should be followed b y the analysis of a model lating hull surface forces is neither complex nor
representing all aspects of the real system. expensive. I t is surely not the final word b u t
Dr. B u c h m a n n points out the designer's need can give useful information.
for guidelines. Some of this was presented in the Mr. M e C a l l u m ' s observations a b o u t bulkheads
preliminary design section of the paper. Another are i m p o r t a n t and interesting. T h e y w a r r a n t
helpful guide is t h a t developed b y Bureau Veritas. more consideration than we've been able to give
I believe t h a t the harmonic propeller forces in- them. Lateral re,sonances in shafting are difficult
crease with the square of the r p m as theory says to measure because the motion is primarily in
they should. T h e ~Jichigan tests supported this the propeller and the stern tube. T h e y could
relationship. Where there are a p p a r e n t changes be inferred best by measurements at the after
in forces at higher rpm, I believe t h a t causes can end of the stern tube in the after peak tank. We
be found to be shafting and hull structural have been taking measurements in this region.
resonances. T h e b e a u t y of hysteresis damping Mr. Volcy indicates some experience with shafting
is t h a t it increases with frequency and thereby resonance troubles. There are probably other
agrees with the experience of Dr. Buchmann. I experiences t h a t have not been properly diag-
believe t h a t when the effect of sprung masses is nosed. I would expect t h a t for most shaft
included, the present frequency and mode n u m b e r vibration the stern bearing would tilt with the
limitation of the Timoshenko b e a m can be raised s h a f t - - a t least w:hen an oiled bearing is u s e d - -
significantly. In an ore carrier where the struc- since the clearance is small. Because of the
ture is very rigid transversely, Mr. MeGoldriek's gyroscopic effect ef the propeller, lateral vibration
experiments showed an orderly progression of up of the shafting would be manifested as whirling
to thirteen frequencies (Fig. 4). This is indicative in an elliptical motion and so there would not
of the reliability of the Timoshenko beam for this necessarily be any change in support point.
wide range. For modern high-powered single-screw ships,
I appreciate Mr. Volcy's comments. Mr. the stern bearing overhangs a slim skeg so t h a t
Volcy, with the Bureau Veritas, is practicing shaft resonances in the lateral direction will
m a n y of the suggestions made in this paper. become important.
We were at a loss to understand how anyone Messrs. Cox's and Strom-Tejsen's comments
could have miscalculated the natural frequency on the influence of propeller design on the exciting
of vibration of a tailshaft b y 1630 cpm calculated force and vibration emphasize the possibilities of
against 536 cpm measured, Fig. 30. However, reducing excitation forces b y propeller design.
Fig. 31 gives the answer. T h e measuring point The procedures used for calculating the hull
is near the forward stern tube bearing and shows forces are presented in Reference [85] and take
a large amplitude of vibration with no indication account of the prc.peller and hull shape. As these
of i m p a c t with the bearing. Clearly the bearing analyses come into use, it would be well to change
has been impacted or worn away and the shafting from clearance criteria to force and m o m e n t
in service vibrates without this restraint, b u t the criteria for design.
calculations assumed t h a t the bearing was effec- Mr. N o r m a n H a m m e r raises several interesting
tive. questions. One i m p o r t a n t aspect of all hull
I appreciate h{r. Voley's experience t h a t vibration work is the m a t t e r of cost and time.
shafting resonances influence hull vibration levels The a m o u n t of work required for a detailed
and his experience in analyzing the deflections calculation of hull vibration is large, b u t the
and vibration of sections of the s h i p - - p a r t i c u l a r l y i m p o r t a n t p a r t involved in the preliminary de-
the machinery s p a c e - - b y finite-element tech- sign stage is small. F o r example: T h e calcula-
niques. tion of propeller harmonic forces, hull harmonic

The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations 295

forces, and propeller blade stresses can be ac- Mr. H a m m e r ' s contention t h a t vertical and
complished for about $750, and the answers can horizontal vibrations should be subject to dif-
be supplied within a week after a suitable pro- ferent acceptability criteria is good. I did not
peller drawing, hull offsets, and wake analysis treat the two cases independently because it
are supplied. The hull calculations do not in- seemed t h a t a simple specification might be
elude forces on the skeg and rudder. more generally accepted than a complex one.
As for longitudinal vibration analyses, either Both criteria depend upon human response and
the influence of thrust bearing and foundation can be subject to individual differences of con-
stiffness on the natural frequency or for a given siderable magnitude depending on the general
stiffness and excitation, a plot of longitudinal muscle tone and physiology of the subjects.
vibration forces and amplitudes as a function I have a high regard for the methods developed
of frequency can be accomplished in the same time by the personnel at Davidson L a b o r a t o r y for
frame for $400. The lateral vibration analysis predicting harmonic propeller forces, and the
with stiffness matrices for the bearing supplied work that Dr. Tsakonas and Dr. Breslin are doing
can also be accomplished in about the same time in determining hull pressures. Our lifting line
for approximately $600. representation of the propeller blade is surely
For the detailed hull vibration analysis, from inferior to the lifting surface theory of Dr. Tsa-
2000 to 4000 man-hours of high-level scientific konas. However, we have had opportunities
effort will be required depending upon the com- to compare our predictions for a few propellers
plexity of the ship. Of this time the effort on and the results agree reasonably well. For
the different aspects of the problem are roughly practical hull vibration predictions where the
as follows : wake is continually changing due to pitching,
Elastic curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27% rolling, and sea action and there are problems of
Weight and moment of inertia c u r v e s . . . 15 local hull responses, it is our feeling that the
W a t e r inertia determination . . . . . . . . . . . 2 simple representation of the propeller as a lifting
Hull and propeller forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 line and our approximations in estimating hull
Local resonances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 forces are adequate for the present state of the
Compute and plot hull response . . . . . . . . 8 art in hull vibration. In special cases and as
Compute longitudinal vibration of the art improves, the more refined proeesses
shafting and engine room response... 8 for computing excitation will come into their
Prepare a final report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 own.

296 The Design of Ships to Avoid Propeller-Excited Vibrations

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