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, '

7.00 p.m.-The Barrell man.

7.30 p.m.-Bargain Hour,
8.15 p.m.-Dr. Paul.

available &t

9.00 p.m.-Mystery House,

ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, '. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, .1955 (Price ~ Cents) Charles Hutton' & Sons
Vol, 62. .No• .199
I r

Argentine Revolution: ,

• • •
e es Ie or eSle e a I a \

Reds Release Finnish Territory P~ron Orde!"sAll.Out

Give Up ===-A-k~C-ad-e-ts~O-n~Pa-'r-ad-e~-~tAsShp~~n~
Treaty' Readied For ActioTl;'
Rights Six States Said'"
MOSCOW-R€:uters -Rus-
Fin nnnollneed Saturday she
will gh'e up her treaty
Drowns III Rebel.' Control
r:;hI5 to the Finnish terri·
tor~' of Pod,kala, liquidate
While Attempting BUENOS AIRES-Reuters-Pl'esident Juan Peron'.
government ordered an aU·out fight fOl' Buenos Airel ,
he I' naral base there and
I\'ilhdrnw her forces from Lake Ontario Swim Sunday as revolutionary leaders threatened to bombard
" .

Finland. NIAGARA.ON-THE-LAKE the Argentine capital from warships and planes.

Finnhh Premier Urho Kekkonen Ont.-CP _ Clifford Snowl- P'~ron held an emergency cab·
kadcr ~f a ~ol'ernment delegation inet mecting here Sunday morningl'I~------""'---"'1
currently negotiating wilh the SOl" ton, 29-year-old tree nursery after which the government im·
iel ~o\'ernment, said the announc'.),
menl "fills our hearts, and the
employee, drowned in Lake poscd censorship on foreign cor·
respondents covering the civil ".. 4 I' Jl\J l(
a ew
hearts o[ the Finnish people, wilh
great joy."
lie added: "There could not
Ontario Sunday during an war.
attempted marathon swim. Befol'3 the neWs blackout, rebcl
Hc 'disappeared from his pilot's Quarters claimed new mass defce·
--..II ---Brie's
hal'c b~en a better proof of the vie\'/ about 3'", miles (rom shore lions to their side by soldiers and STRIKERS STAY otJT .
,ood ncighborly relations between in early.morning darkness. A four. sailors. They said six of the coun· PARIS (AP) - Paris busmeD
t~c tll'O cOlihtries." ho,lr search was unsuccessful. try's st~les nOI\', ar~ under control rcmained idle for th fourtil day
fOlD' lie \\'a~ informed of the Russian Sno\\' Iton an d J 0 Imny Laeour· of Rc"1 the msurrccllORlstS. c b'
whi~ drci;lon by SOl'Iet Pr~mler Nlk· Icade Gcn. Bidel Bal. Sunday and only a fcw su way
• sicre, 19, of ~lunlreal set out Irem ll. r a I employees reporlcd for work. A
lonl ol~i Buillanln, Who returned to Niagal''Lal;e to swim the ~gucr plans ,10 set up ~ EC\:en·mpn fell' Irains fdrculat'~i1 and many
relue- work S~lurriay aft~r tll'o days' abo ~2 miles to Toronlo at 2:14 a.m. Jl!nla ID. rrl',ac~ Peron.s rune·year: olalions wcre closed. Paris publ\e
mpal. , ;~nc~ due to influenza, .lust bcfore 4 a.m., Snoll'lton's dl,ct.alol'l~1 rc.~:me, saltl. a reb~l transport workcrs ~re' demanding
,1.\ \' PROLONG TREI\Tl' pilot, Trcllie Lcdou:;. slopped his r::<llIo hU' oa~c" •.1 heard In Monl"'I' a la·per·cenl boosl or about 5,0{)0
I\rkknnen. in a specch at the boat to talk to Ihe sll'immer \ I< co., ~'U:,lI~\ , .. francs (514,28) more a monlh.
,,~rninK s~sslon of the talks, said anel 10 fix thc course. 5noll'Iton 80 n,EFh:"lCh I I..\~L~ ,The compan\' has offcred onl)' •
Fi~'and was prepared 10 accept rcported thc;rcc wat'~r was, L~I'~r Ih~ rcbel ladlO decla~cd i third of that: .
S"l'iet proposals 10 prolong the "iust finc" and then sll'am a fcw, Ihat thc triumph of thc re\,olutloni
191R F'innlsh,Sol'i~t trealy, due to (eet ahead' of the boa I. I was "~ m2.lIcr of hnur,':' It quoled: EDES MAKES PROGRESS
. '. c~pire soon. Ledoux said Ihat when hc looked, a c,ommu?lque by Ad~lral IS~laell LONDON (.AP )-A ~po~esman at
LOCAL AIR CADETS marked "Battle of the Atlantic Sunday" yesterday with a full·dress parade. Here they up (rom th~ compa!'s thcrc lI'as no! nOJ.a. chief of ,~he RIO SantIago! :-':0. 10 D?wnlng .st.reet said Sunday
Ilu>sia has maintained a base at
rorl:kala since lD47, when she got
a oO,yrar leaSe o[ the lerritory are seen marching ell l'vIilitary Road, neal' Government House, where Wing Commander Pleas~mce takes the "lIITE CAP
swimmer .In be scen. I
nalal ba>c, sa)mg t,hat a rehcl night Pl'lme ]'IIIIISI'~I' Eden, w.ho
blockade 01 all Argcnlme ports has has been confined to bed \\'Ith
IIndcr Ihe armistice with thc salute on the re\'iewing stand. ' He hailed thc lar"er lender· been in drcct since noon. iniluenza, has' made ;rood prll-
1'1011,. Finnish troops had fought , owned .by Murr.ay. Cunningh~m A r~bcl repor.t monitored j~lst. gres~. The prcrr.:c~is expc~ted to
In Ihc war against Russia, tOgllthcr which was also acc'ompanymg br.!ore. noon. said thc Argen~me pr;slde o\·cr.a cabm~t mcehng the
wilh (icrman troops.
rorkkala, formerlv a summer
mort. is anly six miles southeast
ef Helsinki, the Finnish capital. It
"lone," Year's·'Wurst .11arriC1l11e," . .
them and they searched the area f1eel, m~ludmg hea l·.Y warshIps, middle of tlus week.
for about 30 minut'.!s before report. already IS m~noel~vrmg to bam·
, t th U It d St t
Ing dO t r e ,n ~
I bard Buenos AII'~s I[ Pc ron reluses . DRA" N Ir-.'TO r\JRTAKE
~ es ~~ to resign It said some warships TAIPEI, Formosa (API-News.
gULcRr s a 10~dm oungs own, .. were wiihin sight o[ the Uru. papcr rcports. said Sunday aNa·
,, •

rills the main railroad IIncbe·

tI'ren lIelslnki and Turku, a sea·
pm Ind Finland's second bigg'l!st
rily, The 152·squarc,mile enclal'c
~l,o dominates the entrance to the
P lh A. K °11 S
'S'eaboard "Hdoux sal : . I 't b th guayan coast 0 f I Montevideo tiona list air force mechanic wal
. e \l'a.~ wca~lD~ a [11·t e a · which is about 120 miles from th~ killed when he was drawn into
~ng cap \\]tdh.~ lafn h 0 hf duo;esce~t Argentine capital. the 'air intake of a Sabrej-2t fighter

forc~ i searJhhg~t. f~omh SUnd~y t~~O~:~1: ~~i;~rv \~~~o

HATTERAS, N. C. _ AP and will carry a great deal of ape. aroun I. c. a een ID Th P "t d' I' d planc at a Formosa Air The 1
Gul! of Finland.
Finland is Russia's northern,
-Hurricane lone's 125-ml'le 0 OWS ante a. AulD'
s el'-
l. he areba thte
gradually I! she remains over land, ~rgker h?a WOt~' cer am y avc air force j,t ;Iar.cs n~rl·30 jlcnv,' in Iront o( the planc as it prepared
IOl'mS energy with her. She will lose th'" reports said the mechanic walked 1.

independent and non • Com munlst

neighbor. Wl
'nds p' l'cked Up a Ii·ttle· for _ Comue
1 lane but .."I··u c a p un ch for qUI't e PICThe
arry cd coast
1m au.guard searchboats bom bcr. ayaJlable •. ' , , for"the clcfence,
•• ' fo r a t"I'nOlf
"" . .
ward speed late Sunday on a a distance. And there will be abandoned the hunt lor the Orillia, 01 the capital. KII,U:n IlUm:"iG IlISI'L,\Y
!iO AD\, A.NTAGE heavy l'8lns." .
Nikita S. Khrushchev~ first so:!c·
mad whirl toward 'the upper water aftcr hitting CalX! Hatteras, Beach, S.C.
. re~ch s~me ~is
Ont., swimmer at 8 a.lIl. About the COXTIlOl LIlIlGE ARI' \
PEn-nT. Australia (RClltC!''')-
Rril:.~rt Willi~ms.
N~w Lacou~st~re, w~s
t Th sparing the eastern statcs. Hur· lone had winds estimated At 125 Asked .if the storm would time swimming cham· Thc ;luarters sal;1 British·' FO .. 31. ,!ns'
mary or the Soviet Communist
n~ainst r~gime
N th C 1 aro ma coas. e rlcane forecasters at Miami said miles an hour over a small area England, Dunn said: pIOn, Was pulled fr?m built bombers whose pilots mu· tra.han all' [orce plio.t, killed
p:orly. 11'35 Iluoted Saturday as tell·
"p~tty hour-~x·
year's ninth anti worst tropi-' lone's projected path lor the next ncar her ccntre. Hurricane winds "I.can't say. It's just too early the watcr WIth cramps aftcr sWIm· tinied the Peron bdore the ej'es of hiS wife when
in; thc \'151t1ng Finnish tates·
cal storm still packed a 24 hours would keep her -at least 75 miles an to t¢li. Wc'll hav·o .to watch her ming about nine miles. will join" the flect ships in bom· his jet fithter crashed and eX'
mrn, "do not Ihink Ihere Is any threat to the whole east coast NmOURCITl'Jo.vEcRrLwyatMerO"V' E tendedandout10075 miles
miles in
in the
~d\'antage 10 us in taking Finland· half the western movpkbealong
eastern can for awhile before th3t\ FORlUER
determined." Ledoux InEPILEPTIC . harding Buenos Aires, if the ploded
B telcphone call to rebels' ult\matum is refused.
less than at300an aerial fro.m
8,000 spectators diS';
)'('(1 arc such a smail country." northward. The lIIiaml weather bureau said hal£. Galc winds cxtendcd oulward '~ . Orillia said be learned that Snowl· Loc:11 ncWs a"cncy reports re· play n-:)ar here Sunday. ,
" 50l'ict foreign ministry spok·
roman heT.1 said the Sovict and Three ilves. already had bcen In a 6 p.m. EDT (7 p.m.)
os . n t e ocean a ong 'Newer. J
275 mile t th
s 0 n ~
ortll n I cast 10ie appeared head-:)d for the Ion was a former cpilcptic
advisory thaI. lone \v as centred and 160 miles to the soulh and two killer hurricanes-Connie ~
a I ' sam neneral path • last montll's
a, and . "Irs.
I' 5 It
. Id'now I"k on, 26, an
'd I'· r
)' .., 'I,c,r our· !n
. dbI h"
. ta effec t ~a,(. t Ih'
core t e censors Ip wcnt
e' msurrec I'·
TAIPEI.' l'orm05a
.' (AP) - CIVil
Finnish premiers agreed that the t t Atlantic
Isey's h I as winds aboul240 miles east of Char. west.
coast Diane. )5~aro .son l {1\Yi·nl.\.ln l ,\~ai Isis had sc,~cd .Ihe.far weslen'l Ah''l'r:tllspnrl oHicials said Sunrlay
l~lS trcat)' o[ Iricndshlp, co,opera·
tion and mutual aid between the started making th~ surf ehoppy. leston, S.C., and 200 miles south lone was e~pected to 1110\'e . I.
,e. sa'"t SIC e 1.lCd ,s~c .. I.H,\ sl:;lc; of San I.IIls. San Juan anti, the airline wi!! I':')' 11111 s:,];lI'Y to
Red and black hurricane warn. of Cape HaU':ros. She was' moving toward the norlh at 14 to 18 miles Mcantime. hUl'l'icape Hilda con· lal~cd S'~{~\ll~~~ :',lIt (~I. 1l)1II~ .Ih~'~Hlol.:', I~ I' II 1'1 k:HI"I', also; 1.~1\'l'C"'·C \(IIIH'1'1 111101. a C.A.'r.
!wo countries remained "o[ gr~at ing flags wcre up from Ihe VII" between north northwest and north an hour dUl'ing Ihe nexl 12 hOIlI". tin{lcli 10 gain force and her lrind,;i '1:"11:. I~~, I., .•"ne,. 1l~1',()n ~.IH~.I\,.: ";:1""I'd tll",r ft~'h'S nu\\' COli I1'111 I!IIiJ,lu),"" wll" lIas 1'<'lca,,'<1 FI'I·
Importance." ginia capes to Morehead City, N.C. at 16 10 18 miles per hour. with a tendcncy 100I'a1'd 11111I'CIllCIII \\.ue estimaled 'at It.i miles 1lL'1" blullk, ICI'OI.I,d 1".111 a' ~.I)lUg III i l",-o\"h:, ,Iall'. In e"IIt"~1 A,.~"n· ,b,' alit·,. ~H
lIIunlhs in H",I (·hi·
The talks will continue today. lone's eye wasexpccled to )lass Oulside thl' Vlrglni:l Calles. ill a IIUl·thun "I' nOl'lh IIlIrtlwastel'l1 hdili' neal' lIw rellirc. lIer eye wa; I ha.dll'l 1.llt~II'OI"'~
II h,'. ~IIS
WlI': >11 i I~":t
.. :" l\'l'll a" .,,1,.,· Iti", :IIlIt lI"~';
,·al,lilil),. AI $t.~(}ll ~
near Cap~ Halleras I:lle Sunday Mm'ehead City al'ca, northeasl dlrcl'lion in Ihe 'fllll(lwill~ 12 1111111'", cXI'eel~d III hit Illllll; till th" th;.1 .,h •."II,"I'h~ I III'!')"1 .. _! I urn",,!e;. ,lair; 1') Ih,' (,,"'Ih ul IIr \\",,101 rfl·.·i\·e ~hu"l ~1.f;II\J.
night. Som e North Carlilina sturm \l'al'lllll~s 'w~re UI) .11'0111 IIIG H'J'(ln~I ~Ie~;il'all cO:lsllwal"I'allll"rll ~lJ",,1 II\u lIre.,> a~u ~II"II h'" I\a" JIll.!!", Au'oS ,tal~"
Try To Settle bcaclles were being evneuakd. Allalilic city, N.J., lu Charlesloll, Gordoll' ll11llll, chief slOl'lIl forc· ,,"Oil tudny. ttl.lda IIIU), 22 lil'cs ~s ~,lle.
U,( tll.US:· wh"
'1'hel'c was n pnssibility thnt Ihe S.C. and n hU1'ricnn~ alerl was in caslcril! the Miami lI'eatht'l' IJ·;,· she crusscd Ihl' ..:!:lStCI·1I til' 01 l:"ha I UIUII!1l \Ihlll the (:'>1. lakt"I:"" I1lll',' >,,'
~t~·:!I'I;. ~:'t~"I'I' tl II'1le .. Ihi, \\"o"ld IlIpan t1~~)'
Pll~I'lu B"lgr:ulll. II e ~ r Balila
c /. t' d . al'e:l; 'tl'eh:I""~ IIlalll'a. [t tli':cUUlIlelt Ihe l'~bels'
lI'as Il,'st l'a.~ll'ulIt'iI. AI. Ih:,1 ,hlll~ I al'rll"S lI :lrly 7011 ",lies or ,~I'gl'lI' claim 10 IWI'e Wal' I'lall~s un Ihelr
Auto Workers hurricane mlghl move buck ol'cr effect from Atlantic City 10 MYI'!le reuu, saitt "Iolle is a lIil! SIOl'11I la,t Weilnesc!al·.
_~~_ _~~_ _~~~_ _~~--~-~~-~~-~~~----~~~~~~~--~~.~~~~~~ IIc SWam a~"'rl wh0c •. d,"n. a~en,~acillg ~arly 4.000 ••
pC:ll'c,I, was reporlcd mlssmg :l1Id, UOIJ pel'.'olls. 01' l'Uughly :I (IUarler side.
wa~ . (oulld several hours lat·~1' I uf Ihc coulltry's population.
'Union Dispute Th. Fi~hter Dies Temperature,S walking on' a beach ncar here. The rcbds also claim tonlml of The )lol'crnl1lent censorship 3r-
TORONTO (CP) - Negotiating
I~am; from Gcneral l\Iotors of
(',n"d~ and the United Auto Wor·
"Hard Luck" Childr.eri ",.

MONTREAL (CP1-Dr. .T. A. TORONTO (Crl-Minimum and

.Iarry, Monlrenl physician. as~o' maximum temperatures,
New Buildin2:
O:1I'al bases along 1.000 miles of cler permits only .Peroni!ta com-
the Atlantic cna~t, includin;: Ihc muniq'Jcs 10 ;:0 out of the cO,unlry.
\\'h~~t port o[ Bahia Blanca ill Ihe A tOI'crnment hroadca~t ~ald thll
n~rth. ,rel'olutiQn~r~' mo\'~ment has for-

Draw·ned When 'Car

elRted for a half • centlll'Y with ~Un. ~hx. '-' eign hacking and th~t 211 Ita
k~r, (CIO.CCL) met again Sunday cilmpai)!lIs il;;ain~t· tubrrculosis. Edmonton ......... . .t'i 6.)
'n rflorls 10 setl1e conlract dis·
PlIlr, affectin!: about 17,000 GM
died Friday night. He il'as 73.
Dr. ,Tarry a former pN~ident of Toronto
"winnlp2g ......... .. 61
At REF!JRTS nIerORTED reports IUI'E been sent ahrll!d.
Feron's special "repre!sion c~m· 1'.'lill! oHida! report; .,f the fight-

Plunges Into Lake

'mrIO.IN~ ill !il'e Ontario planl3. 'f"
I " f';" I • . HALIFAX (CPl-Dr. A, E. Kerr. m.nd" rei t era ted Saturo.y's in!: ha\'e been distorted.
the Canadian Tuherculosis' Asso· Otta,,;a. ., .••.•• 61 88
Trn~ion . mounted gradually as president (If Dalhousie Unil·ersif.r. :;wF.eping c1~im5 of yktary in bat·
announc£d S",turda)' a new Mntal tl!~ with ths rebel5. 113 commu· The ultimatum to P~ro!! vi!!
I ••••

Ih· 12.01 a.m. EDT (1.01 a.m. ciatlon,pia~'ed a prominent part Montreal ........... .. 68 81
AnT I ~trike deadline approach'l!d. in founding o[ Montreal's Bruchesl Quehec ........... .. 61 68 buildi!!g \l'iIl he built wilIt ~CCl)m. nique early Sund~>' ,aId Peronista broadcast Saturday night fro!!!.
r"rc~ o[ ne:;:ollators were reo
Institute o( which he was medical Frcdericton ••...•.. . 56 71 modation for some 95 student5- forCES had recaptured Cordoba, Puerto B2lgr~no nal'al base, It
J;x~d and smliin.ll when mc-aUngs BltffetedBy Fate, Family Was Seek- director front 1911 10 194B. naint John........... 53 twice the present figure. HI! said Argentina's third large(.t cit)', hut· "aid the nal')" had been 1I'on 0\'151
78 the prol'incia)"go\'ernment has can. said mopping up operations may 10 the rebellion on Friday and
\\'rr~ resumed Sunday morning, Moncton ........... .. 57
He was first tilillar prof~1'sor of ChariOtteto\l'n ........ 57 \\'arship~ had sailed immediately
but Sunday night they were weary -ing N Life elV the chair or physical studies at Sydney ............ .. 59
71 tributcd' $150,000 toward construe. take tll'O days.
i14. tion of the new three.stor~y build· The communique said the rebels for the GOO·mile voyage to Bueno.
anrl grim 'after hours o[ concen· the' Univ'mity f Montreal and Yarmouth .......... . 55 8
I:ated bargaining In hot, humid ' . " ing. noW hold only the naval base o[ Aires.
hot~1 rooms. ,. MINDEN, Ont.-CP-Four children of a "hard luck" held the post until 1947. St. John's .......... .. 48 6L
There \\':!re reports of progress. i
Althou~h the unlon'h~s snld there amI Y. rlvmg 0
'1 d'" t th . . . He' was a founder. and first
e country m search of a new hfe president o( Quebec prol'ince's
ll:a uld he no extension of the mid. drowned Friday night when their rented station wagon anli • tuberculosis committec, a
",~ht deadline, thcrc was the pos· plunged into a lake and settled in 40 feet of water
~,bnll)' Ihat taiks wO·:Ild continue . ..,. •
.French. Languaga Physicians of
North America and' a rounding
Chinese Reds· Release Captive U. S.
\Iell into the nighl II I1gr~ement . A fmlld riding wllh, the famIly memberLca!:lle.
Cillosis of Montrcal's Antl.Tuber. HOr\G KONG-Reuters- He hnd not been ~xp~cted, '. I. Fnthcr Gordon said thaI a! no I pros~cutor can get at on~'I a .haU
w"~ In sisht. ' wa~ also drowned. . 10 ~et up on the roof and he' did. 'fhc thl'cc' Ameri,can prlcsts! lime were thc)'. tort~rcd cUher truth, a~d..a hal[ lruth IS \\or~e
ne;otiatlons are located at five her sisters, Ch'or~·I,. 9, and Jcwcl, ured it was nn' the bottom. and Dr. Jarry was n nalil'e o[ St. Reutets - Three American refused to say whether thev had mentally or phYSIcally. '!Thcy weI"~ than a he.
The 17,000 workers involvcd In The dcad: Gloria Carroll, 12; "The car hadn't mOI'cd. I fig· '
pri'\'incial centres: Toronto, Wind. 8, her· brother Jlmm)',' ?,
ond struck out for shorc. When I Laurent, Montreal district munie. priests. emerged from two confessed 10 the sabotage eIiarR~s allowed to keep their praYCr books •
lor, Oshawa, 51. Catharines and ,Ta~cs Shannon. 26, of Hall s )ak~. reached thcre I just fdl dOWll on illality,. and was educatcd at Ste, ' 1 ' 't ' C (or which they wcre kepI under .attllOugh they were not aJlo\l'ed to
r Therese coll~gc. and Laval Uni. years cap IVi y 1Il ommun- house arrcst.
I.II~lIon. . ohce said the~e will be an the rocks.
The gllarante~d annuulwage is Inqucsl. The bodlcs wcrc rccoI'·' "Thcn I heard my wife call. I I'ersill' o[ Monlreal. He carried ist :China Sunday, raising to TWO YEARS IS QUARTERS
r'nr fll th~ major issu~s in dispute. cI'od Saturday. • Ollt post.graduate.
could SCe she was 30 (~et awa)'; monary ailmcots In New York and, stlldie~ in pilI. six the number of Ameri-' 'Asked whelher he had signed a
. 1 .d . d . th confession \l'h'~n his sentence was jected t!lem to long inlerrogations,
celebrate mass.
WORSE''l1It\:'\ LIE
He said the Communists
sub- .
,INSIDE.:., . .:.-:-
Ill!lcrs are a closed shop and com. lIIr. and. Mrs. ,Donald Carroll, She cried, 'I don'i' think I can Paris. cans ~e ease un er e read to him, FaUler Gordon said: and questioncd. him about evcrl" 4-~anadlln Army .News;·~
pany.paid health nnd ~~cident parents of the chIldren, escaped. make it.' 1 kept calling ~ncoul"
agr.eement reached by the "Wc all signed somcthing bul we tiling' "cxccpt who killed Cock ',eler.
'~hcme ~ought by the union. SOFT' SHOULDER agement."
Chinese and' Americans in would rather not talk ab?UI it" Robin." S-Baty' Rol:erls News.
The stalion wagon, ,loaded wilh Mrs. Carroll said: ' job with Consumer's Gas Com. .. Father Gordon, who 'IS 57 and Asked what he had to· say about 6-"Equ:ii . Service. For
a\J the family possessions, hit a . "The water started to ]lour In pany in Toronto where he worked Geneva earher tIllS month. the religious superior 'of the group, the Communist, char:;e that he AII"_dUorl a1.
WEATHER• solt shoulder In the road and ·the window .just 'like ia . falls. I as a laborer. He lVas going t() t~y Foul' others nre. expected told the story of their arrest. He "shielded counter • revolutionary
swung into l!all's lake, eIght miles tried to get Cheryl out. I couldn't• to get work in the counlry, so hIS . . h
\·ari~blr. cloudiness; windy and north of thiS Haliburton district I thought that· U I could get oul, family would have. n beller life. Wlthl,n t e next few ays.
. d' sold that on th~ morning of Aug. el'~ments," he replied: ."It is dil.!. 8-Womlm'. News.
20, 1953, all Ulree were about· 10 .fieult to answer'that. It would I>e
7_Conccption Bay
town, . . . , . '.' I could reaeh.1n and pull her 9_Re.opentnll of MemorIal:;

, Ill;;h tndRY~ ~O. 'l'he, conple have two 'other chil. Fathers' Frederlck D. Gordon of have breakfast alter· celebrating necessary to write a bOok.'! '.
Saturday Mr. C a I' roll, dis· throllgh. I tried liard to reach IraI' dNn: . Melville; 15; wllh his gt'llnll. Somerset, Ohio, Joseph E. Hyde lIla'ss I\;hen Communist pollee sud· Pr~ssell by r~purler3 to gil'e an University;' -
tfaught, de~erlbed what hllppcnell: but: she hall gone.
polil'~ !IUe5tio!l~ chnl'g'~s
MONDA.V, SEPTEMBEI II molher .near lIull's .lal:e, pud o[ Lowell, Mass.,. Bnlt James G. denly 3Pl'earetl wllhin the house. answer, he 'said: "I suppose from 11':"Sport.
(Standlftt 1'lme) .. "I couldn't do. u thinl/. We . "'I'hen 1 noticed Jimmy was no Bealrlce, 14, a' patient In the lIome Joyee of Clintun, .Mass., appeared The asked no bul .thelr point of view the 'n-Movie . reviews, radlD . ~
Sum'ise ., •• _I' I. ~.42 a,m. bDllDced like a . rubber.' ball and .longcr on top of the .cur. I. could for;lnclIrable' Children ·In Toronto pale' bilthardy. :rhey said they infornj'ed .the priests they were would be right." ' . and TV programs•.
landed in the water;and the car hear him splashing in the watcr. since ~he 'was six. . hall received "quite ·~asy.treat· under·arrest.·.
Sunsel ,. •• •• •. 6.07 p.m.
nosed down and. settled.:'" '" The car had gone. I.tried to reach The Carroll~ .hAve been marripd men!.". . '
, '. Hc;,:snirl that in Communist
' . ' . , i',' '. "They were kept (or tlVO yCRr~ in Chlna;thcrc was n.o such thinl( as
,"Five of U5 were :In 'L!1e front~i.mmy,.'but by. then the splashing 16 yaar~. They had been IiI'iM in A Spnni,h prie~t, FalhcrI:Oul~the'. servants'. q~arle'rs of. thdr " rlefence lawj'cr, only a pros·

HI~h Low. lNlAt. '. . . .., '.,.:.. .~nded.'!:- ," ' . ..:. '. . ' " two r.o m3-a kitchen and one bed. Remi;:o Bnlumhuru.· arrived 15 IiIJlISP.,:. which ., I•. in Foochow, eClllor.·,· - - -......- - -.....- - - -
n.01 «.m; "1. ~aw .limmy on .his knees.on QUIT JOB . minutes be.fore the. American.; ~ukten prnvfnce. .
3.06 I ••,' 0
roo in-in . Toronto. "From my limited exp.crience a ,"-
• .28 3.38',.•. Us, 'windo~ lUi IDd I told bim Mr,' Carroll bad· just. quit· bis
,. I,
. ,

Llm,lt~d,' Tii.·:C~loijlal:~Ordll, e; Robl~;on and'. Co,. Llm!ted,:G, II, 0, House (Cornt!t' IlrDotc), p, \ Maurice \VII, ansky, Miss WO,rSle y, $1.00 eaCh.-M,rs,' K, Marshall

THE DAllY NEWS, MONDAY, SEPT, 19, 1955 .,
.. Grant, Mrs, Eric Ewlng,Mrs".11t.
9 " ~lmltl!d, ' . ' '. ;'.,' I'and A, Buffett Ltd" Grard Blink" M, O'Leary' Ltd,,' J. B, Mitchell Mr, p, Blackwood (Pilleys Is· MI'" McCarthy, Mrs, J. MI~chelJ ihulman, M~s: P. t". Soper,. Mrs,
. ;, . . . J,
0$50.0:0 each-DlamondEllIlne· $20.00 eac1l· Brownlng·Harvey and'Son, Ltd., 'j' A. MacNab and J. Ryan: IIlrs. J. S. Baggs, Mrs. Miss N. RusSell, Mrs. It D. Lilly ·r.. Alderdice, Mrs. R. Parson~,

. . r ,Y'WCA
C '
erlng Works: Se.lIitor C:C;'P\'ait, Llmltcd,Job Rrotlieh'and Co., CI)., Ltd" E. F. B"rnes, Mr. R,c.lland), I\'fu'. Hazen Fraser,Mr. W. Mrs. G. F.Pikc; Mr. W. Pnr ·.Irs. G~ Horwood, Mrs. S. Shere.
Royal Stores J.imlte.d,.' . Limited, :Mr. and Mrs.~. C. Harvey, Mr. E. L. Hickman, ~Ir. W. J. Pellen, lIIr. L C. Currie. sons, ?!rs. W. Wilcox, Mrs.' F~an, Mrs. B. Oamond, Miss E.
$15c.oO-.l\Iardonald . Fellowship ..~ft.OO-Steer~ Limited.
" 0
. Ednar
Mille-f, iIIrs. Avalon Good· S3.SO-Ellzabeth Drugs Ltd. Palmer, Mrs. Roche, I. Davll, Mrs ~OllrO\'
- ....
A E Boone, Mrl. A'· "'. ,.
Club of the YWCA. ...... . , "
......00 'each--Furness Withy ·Sl".OO each-Marshall Motors rid "e. . S,2.00 each-Dr...1. B1al!kwood, A. G. lIIiles, Mrs. L. Wigh, Mrs ~n()w D Ferry E B
' , . " aggs,' ."rs .
.~ $100.00 eaeh-l\Hss Mary ,Bar. Co., Limited, A. E ,Hlekman and Llmlted,Marlne., Agencies. Ltd.! $7.00-East)nd .Bake,.r yLtd. "fld. QuickCreezc Ltd. (Witless\',R. Whitten, ·.Mrs., M. Hollel~, Mr:; ·O:;ordon Duff, Mrs. J. C, P~r.

kef, Toronto. Cabal· Pioneer Club CNo., Limited, S. Milley. Ltd .. Crane. Limited... . . $5.00 eIlch....;.:lIrs. H. W.. QUin-IBllY). IIIrs. H..J. Russell, l\Trs. R. H. C. Dawe, Mrs. A. C. Hillyard. mns, Mr.~. Eric .Pittman, Mrs. B.
oC the YWCA, \'Iclory Club or Baine ,Tohnstoll and, Company. $10.00 cRch-J. C, Pratt and i ton, Georg~ Summers Ilnd t Sons .. B. ~T()Ysc, Mrs II. G. pUddeste-r,\ Mrs. A. C. Jerrell, Mrs. M. Day Cashin. Dr. Pritchard. R. Randell,
the YWCA, A. H. Murray and Limited, Crosbh.. lind Co., Limit. Co:. Ltd., ParSll1N and Landriga'n C. 'rilley Ltd (Elliston, C. T.: ?liss .Tean I.e"':is, Mrs .J. Hunt. !lfrs. A. C. Badcocl•• Mrs. C. W. 1lrs. D. W. Macpherson, Mr;.
Co., Limited, Harvey and Co., ed, Mr•. and, Mrs. J. Boyd BRIM: Ltd., But1t'r "rathcrs Ltd., ;'.Ir. rYates and .Co. (Mille-flown), ,"r~. i :\Ir.. C. Reid. .' rOW!Il, Mrs. A. Fogwlll, Mrs. J T. A. P.
~!rs. Stewart, Mrs. S. H. !lfl'!l.
C. O'Oriscoll, Parson;. G.
.0'Gradj', Mrs. Kalmlch, . Mrs. J.
f'agan, Mrs. J. Thorne, Mrs. II.
. ,
... ",:,':;
W. Flight, IIIrs. Gordon Perrv
lIn. Don Andrews. IIIrs Esth~~
Wilansky, Mrs. Jo~n Dodd, )Ir~.
Gus Win~er.
Amounts under ~1.00-$4.05.
Amount to datc-S151Ui5. In a joint
• JESSE A. JIOUGH, Movement in
Hon. Trr;asurer,
1vnnister Ke(JU~1
th;e extension.
Hollywood Tod~v w
by certain
The Inic)rmration,1
- :I By ERSKINE JOHNSON tlusive to th~'
. folloWS:
: I,

I ..
HOLLYWOOD-(NEA)-Holly. Capitan Produttn
.( .: j wood on TV: HLilywood just.came Mother
up with a devillsh blueprInt [or Following '-"...... \1
r ':' the legalized murder oC some not· tauled by hm·.I.,,,1
l.. "
wanted characters In the "Our the Southern
j I

.' Miss Brooks" te!eCllms... . the fall of 19~1.

All except Eve Arden and Gale' Clme forward .
tit (Mil'. Conklin) are mass.
ex erm ua edto set the stage for' fishermen along
a new set of ~upportlng charac. community stages.
ters this· season. The not·so·subtle. munities, Pin ware
hatchet plot:
Madison High School cJ~se~ to did this, a group

make way [or a new. freeW3\' central ltage
Only Eve and Gale oC the oid: having formed a
west SI.

cast turn up in the new .tOI'V. duccr. association

line at an' elementary scliool. Lo;t 1151 materials
In the. shuCfle: Bob Rockwell oJ' jn the' COTlstrlllCtiol
:\Ir. Moynton; Dick Orenna:J\ packing house
;! ,. AT THE CANADIAN 'NATIONAL EXHIBITION Walter Denton,. Leonard Smilh measuring 35
as Stretch; Jo~eph K~arns as ~Ir.
. , Stone and several otllers.· Originally there
· " from L'Anse au
I Those freeways, el'en· ficliollal Modeste. Now the

ones, sure can cause trouble. cceds se\'enty
HAVING SURVIVED the Dal"Y far west I ••• "An.f11
Crockett gags, you can 51",·t thO t
bracing yoursel! for the' ABC.'.. ),ear mere hanIdl.lSIremo e
i' ~~ debu t th!ISth~Rl1t of ~vyaltt ERnl, thirt)' thousand

n. sampl e a IS o.come s Hugh d I ~lIc~p.edi"

O'Brien's mad desire, as the . PCd! 'sa ell ".
· h' un. a mon
I ai th e te1elm, 11 "T e Life alii! • d th 8

of WyaU Earp,"
to play Fc~rrhle on f rou
15 ermen, res h
...... thIS barrroom scene: a price of 26 28
It "You\re new here" observes th~ ,
bartender. "What's' your name?" pound ~or small,
"E O'B I letpechvely.
arp, says r en. With b.~:~ ..."l.,.
Growls the bartender: "I didn't
. ' ask how you Celt. I wanna know
your name."
O'Brien is'shugglng off West·
ern MBI1'shal Earp being pictured
as a no·good ruthless bum on
"You Are There" with: "You can
do two versions of any' man's
liCe story and get both black and 11~K1eJlvolur
white. Even Crockett wasn't tile
big hero Disney made him' out,
to be." .
THE SERIES HAS Wyatt soh',·
, •1 Ing a western crime In el'e:ry, epi.
: '.1 sode. "It's Dragnet with'. saddle
• 1 sares," says O'Brien. But hc'~ HC(lmnluniitiel
) ." happy about thp. switch from mo·
., vie villain to TV hero. "1 died
. I 20 westerns," he says, "and it's
real nice to finish a picture stall~'
ing up."
changing his kiddie clowning this
fall into a circus format to meet ,.".,-a'"

WHEN YOU BAKE WITH the competition of Walt

Micky Mouse Club. 1 suspect RIIIsneIL)'
Pinky Is due for'lI Micky••• Old
movies neved die note: Feature
movies now available to tl'l,~\'i,;iUn,rl
-ls, 2 .

add up to 4300..• Jackie Gleason,

'Robia 'Rood • IROW... · .

... IREAD _
4' , nd,3rd
''', 5,,,, 6'h "
", z•.
who played bit l'oles In films he·
fore TV stardom, returns to Hoi·
lywood In April for a big mO\'ie
deal. No iiImusical, though. ile
3rd Ja" 2nd,
Once ...In; all the top baldn~ •• COFFIE CAkE':'4f1t, 5'h, ""ze 6,,, wants a strong dramatic plot. . •
Fans can't agree on those Dla1rn'U
rimmed specs Frankie Laine
honon at the C.N .E. go to the women • "Ol1S _ h" 2nd, 3rt1 r ' wearing for his telefllins. Lots
. . • 7", 2nd 3 . " Iz.
who UN Robin HoOd Flourl • BROWN RO' .' rd Prlz, protests .•• Macdonald' Carey
.s .LtS_ 1 been signed fo!.' two telefilm
Her.'_. lOUd proof that. Robin Hood . RAN MUFFINS . ", 3rd Prlz. les, "Dr. Christian," and "Bland'
ings Way." Jeoln Hersholt IntTO'
iI.Canada'l/inest all-purpose flour ••• • DATE, NUT'LOAF
-:- h" 3rd prl
z, duces him as his doctor nephcI'
naturally best f~ evelything you • T ' - l·t, 2nd In the former.
• • •
bake, because only the finest flour fA IISCUITS _ . "I'll Prlz: A couple of TV.executive, clailll'
muea prize-winnins breadl • S"~NGE CAkE ~', 2nd, 3rd pr/zl Alan Wilson, were. plating nUl'
they could beat C.B. DeMlll~e,...... ti,uilu
. A .,' ., . • WHITE CAkE .. . h', 2nd prl~1 the punch with "The Ten
OnlY loIIln Heed Vitamin Enriched' • C -'h, 2 mandments." One suggested
HOtOLA TE . . " nd Prli. weekly series show.
FloUr wins IUch pmesbeCaUse it's 'IU LAYER' "Great,' said the othcr,
milled under rigid control!!, TrIll TARTS . . - h' PriZI write three more!llcnlllll"~!:
guaranteeing conetant top quality • SHORTI~EAD' -h" 2n,l, 3rc1 prlz to fi1l out the 13 weeks."
. DROp Co
• -h,
.,.' 2nd 3,d I • • •
••• and ubake.tested,i- twice - OklES ' priZe Tll'1Iman (Margaret) and
hill (Sarah) arc meeting IIg~in
fGr doubly lUre results: '''EACH PIE - Itt, 3rd priz ~mC.TV's ~'Matinee T~e.atre."
-·I,t 2 ..
~. A"PLI "E _ r ': nd, 3rd.priz, a straight dramatic role !or ~ In
Only Rollin Hood Plo~ guarantees
"'E _ h.t,.,2nd,
garet with no warbling.•
• "AllIN 2nd, 31'11 ' >
close friendship note:
you better baking results, . Prlz,
Bede and. ~ erl'Y Lewis.
I 3rr/ . I
every time - or your money , . .,.~ z. • • •
Enzio Plnza and
Oack, pluI.l0% I Piazza in a series about feul:linll
opera stars Is on the
boards, The writers, rm lure,
.... ~ .. -.
' .. " .. ure that with two opera .tars
,. "feuding" scripts would just
rally write themselves.
• Unfilmed drama of' the mouth The House of
.. A television writer dreamed UI lume sitting this
a drama about '8 div'orce 'ca;~ the debate on the
with II private eye tracking doWI comlIlence.
the wife's boy friend, He sold I The House was
for a cl1apter in a .telefllmed liy Mr. Justice
les &11ow and collectedhlsjlrl), afternoon,
unaware of. the bellza.popp"in' Premier _~m" n ... ntI
was to follow. . or the 1... ;.l.tlnnl
When the t1efllm was seen pertaining
the sponsor's advertising journed the
It was quickly and quietly ."h ..·"'tOI bers of th.. ,
The show's sponsor had.Just the Bill and'Che
. ' .' 'divorced-after hiring a they. would be
. " eye to trackdown his ':.lrr), on "the'
friend. . . On Tuesday

( .

.\ . p "

, . "


'. •

'So It-
'. ll~
Iss E.
A K.
Co.-·op· ·Societ.ies' . .

Report Pro
I. ~trs.
· Pnr-
n. B.
I, Mrs.
n. G••
Mrs. J.
Irs. H. Producer Gr 9uPS "

'EQtertain~d .' By
Are Successful'
5. In a jOint newsletter to members of the Co-Operative
Mo\'ement in Newfoundland, Fisheries and Co-operativ,es ,
Nfld' Margarine
' .:" .', , .. \' •
ensurer., Minister Keough and F, Compton, Director of Co-opera- 'Yesterday at 1 p.m. Mrs.,Kate Aitken, ,known across
ti\'c extension. last night outlined the,great progre5s made Canada as 'Mrs. I,IA": arid well known for her radio pro-
day,,' b,' certain Co-operative organizations in this province.
'The Informallon, which Is ex·
grammes sponsored by Green ,Lahel Margarine and Lip-
. guest of'ho~our at a luncheon given in
rlu,i\'c to thf D.l1y NewI, 11 as ton's Soups, was YESTERDAY !lirs. Aitken. known throughou~ for her broadcasts for Good Luck Margarine and Lipton's SOUP!!,
foil on: .
c.pstan Prodactrl Society T.kel
CJON·TV the ballroom of the. Newfoundland Hotel, and attended
by representatives' of all wom~ri's clubs in the city.
and her opening announcement "Hello Canada", was the guest, of honour at a luncheon in the ballroom of the,
-Holly. Newfoundland Hotel, where other guests included repre 5cntatives of all womcn's organizations in St. John's.
IUt came Allother Step FOf1l'ard
Following ~err!fic storm damage
Programmes After the lultcheon,Mrs. A., If· ,
ter .n Introduction by Mr. (.;eorge people of' NewIOImdland' were Shown left to right are:-Aubrey Macdonald. Mrs. Kate Aitken, Mr. George Crosbie, Managing Director of the
)rint for
ome not.,
le "Our
t~u,ed by hurricane winds along
the Southern Labrador coast In
For To"Day (:rosblt, managing director 01 the happy about Confederation. and Newfoundland Margarine .Company,
Newfoundland Mlrgarlne' Com· be answered by", saying that he
thE fall of 195~, the Government Today, September 19th, CJON· pany, said how delighted she wail would be able to a.nswer tlti one
md Gale,
re mass-
!tage for
I charac·
r~me forward with .n I5slstance
programme which enabled the
lilhcrmen along the coast to build
r~mmunlty stagts. While two co~·
rnnnillu, Pin\\'are and Forteau,
Television star:~ its flnt live com.
merclal progrllmme. The first
live commerclal~ wllJ be seen on
the Brookfield Ice Cream Pro·
gramme, with Greg Bonner In·
to be in St, 'John'I, ind explained
that the luncheon: a last day plan,
was arranged 'becau~e ,she ,had
been requtsted by the C.B.C., to
be in' Toronto for I Monday nlg~t
better in two or threE. yean time
after' the Commission 01 the
Terms of Union had flnlshe~ their
'Introducing Eome of tbll men
' Golden Jubilarians ,,r:

did thl~, a (ll'oup of fishermen at traducing Hop~long Cassidy. This television show. and had 10 put accompanying their wives Aubrey
closes to WClt st. Modute rejecled the 1'1'111 be lun (rom 11.00 p.m. till forwaro the dDte of her visit to Macdonald ·mentioned Dr. A: c.
the old.
renin I .Iage idea as such and
hll'ing formed a co·operatlve pro-
11.30 p.m. Monday, September
19th. Then at 11.30, the big News
51. John's from Monday,' the 19th,
to Sunday. .
Hatcher, Dean 01 Ar~ and f:eience
at Memorial UnlverstlF, and !tlr.
.'"::\ ,
:\ :. '

~w Itory.
durers association proceeded to Calvaeade program opens. This ·Mrs. A. then went on the air Malcolm Holletl, 'M.A.; M:H.A., Today Is the Golden Wedding mission church.
lOOt L05t Uif mal trials made "'allable to It Is an aJ1lh'e comera programme, to give I live broadcast for to- Leader of the Opposition. Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Chaftey have two
trenna :l.,\.
as in the construction of a lalmon
parking house .nd holding room
featuring Don Jamieson, and his
first guest at the start of the tele
day's programme It Z p.m. Mr.
A. B. Perlin, moclat~ editor o[ the
Commenting on Mrs. Aitken's
vitality and knack of j;rtllng
James Chaffey of 161 Patrick St·
reet, and 'this t\'cning and tomor·
sons, Gerald, who, Is married, has
one daughter and Is living at
rd Smith measuring 3S leet by 70 feet. vision opening,' will be Mayor DAILY NEWS, Mr. Don JamIeson, things done during her l:3\'els, row they are n:luing friends with MC)Dcton, where he Is employed
ns as Mr. Originally, there were members Harry Mew! of St. John's. This \'ice.presldent and prD'luction Mr. Lew Crane. who has travel· them In their home to help them with TCA, Leslie who is also mar·
s. .' lrorn L'Anse au Dlable to East St. show will also contain weather manager of CJONtelevisloD, Mr. led with her In Newfoundland fot celebrate their good fortune. ried, has two boys and is living
,rlctional :Modeste. Now the membeflhl~ ex· reports, sports highlights and the Crosbie .nd Aubrey MacDonald, the past three year~ said. "Last Mr. and Mrb. Chaffey were In West Virginia. where he and
)uble ... , tteds .e\'enty wllh members as news. C.B.C. announcer took part III the night we ,,'ere In Gander and married at st. Michael's Church his wife are employed at the
,the Dal'Y far '!I'e~t .. L'Anse au Loup. Last broadcast. wondered If we should come by on September 19th, 1~5, by the Philippi hospit al. His wife. who
an. st ..'rt. )'Uf thil remote little society'l At 7.30, the Early Theatre Giving a programme in a studio train or trust to the weat~lpr, we Rcv. Canon H. R. Cartwright 'and Is a nurse in rurslng sujervisOO'
Ihe ABC,.' rncrrhandisl tales amounted to starts. sponsored by Steers Ltd., with all the facilities at hand may decided to do the latter, anti Mrs. the late Rev. H V. W~ltehouse. and Leslie is X·ray techniCian. I
I'att E.rp. thirty thousand dollars while pro. Chest«. Dawe Limited,' Baine be routine for .ny radio, J:erson· A. Calmly went to bed and to They were the [lrst people to be Iii August this year Mr. and
~ Is HUgh d~c~ nle. exceeded twenty tbou· Johnson Ltd., and Ayre and Sons. abty but to give a regular pro· sleep, but I stayed, up and \\'or married at St. Michael's fo~ at Mrs. Chaffey vl~ited Moncton and
~ the star. undo Salmon marketing has been This programme 1'1'111 also feature gra~me like a casual arter din· rled for fear she d mls~ Ihe that time St. Michael's parish was had the joy ilf having all their
"~:~ 'pa,la.lyd,' carried on through Quebec United JIve commercials with Bob Lewis ner speech must be I difficult as- luncheon." Mr. Crane ~ent on to part of the Catnedral Parish, and family there ror a ram1ly reunion.
filhtrmen, Iruh and head on, .t appearing as the first M.e. on signment. 'Mrs. A. carried 011 the tell how, when Mrs. Aitken knew hecause work "'as being done on , MR. AND MRS. JAMES ..
I pritt of 26, ZB and 33 cents per the programme Each evenln ga whole programme with a smile that she was running late un her the Chancel (.f the Cathedral The Daily News joins with thcir
many &-Iends, in. wishing ~Ir. and
~ef\'el the pound for Imall, medium and large different and complete drama will and apparent ease. One oj her schedule asked to have the plane special premlsslon was granted
~r name7'" r~c~~ be~~~. ~~M~~~~e~i~~ba~m~_ln~~.~~r~t~h~e~m~~~b~e_m~~~r~~~d~a~t~th~e~M:rs:,~C:h:w:c:e~y~t:ut:u:re~~:p:p:m=e:~~.~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-------~------.

For'rna1 0 ,pell'lng
- I,\7"IVlan Descrl'hes
With bakeapples .howlng .Igns Also, ,tartlng tonight will be correct In its wording, but she while she, sitting on the sJde of - .
~ "I didll't C>I J fair crop and partridge berries
inna know promlling I bumper crop this year
the 'first of the network shows-
WestinghOUse studio One, and
quickly adlibbed her way through
to make It sound part, (It the
a bed In the terminal made the
broadcast which was late! sent
' 0 Conditi.on Accident
I ',
(Ipltan Producers Society hal .e- on Sunday night. September 25th
whole programme, as If it were out o\'er the Corner Bro'.,k sla· New lueth0d III V'lctIm
Of M em'orl'·a1 U FifYhtinfY Fires
quirtd t,,·o Iialers .nd plan. to at II o!clock, Ed Sullivan's Toast just one of 'the' planned lion. All this she arranged In the , . . " . , '. '
rlo IOma unnlnl to augment the to the Town will let und~1; way. looking for Inform'aUon. matier of a few hours wl1~n she' A report from Botwood last
incomt of It. members. We wish Everything has been hummln, at Mrs. A. drew'a laugh from the knew she could not mak.. the night stated that Miss Rita Earle
"You ean Ihe members every .uccess In their CJON.TV during the past week, ,roup of, guula, when Ihe asked ,itudlo .t Corner Brook on time ' • 0 0 " of Grand Falls Academy who was
fly'man'i ,nduI'our to mike their commu,o· In prl'paratlon for the official Mr. If he eonsldered the for a live· broadcast. ' ' ' ' Within a year or t\\'o St. John's injured in a motor accident Frida,
black alid'
*~~e;':::r~n :,~~h ~:::.. :~:~!n~~n~~mmerclal TV A' Cd' In Registration '11. igheSt 0# RecQl~d:~rh~~eo: fi~~~n~ntir~:~~\~~I~:i~ ~~emc~~~~:/~~:~~~!~r~e~:~overy al
.va~~'t .the _u, l.r, '/a e t l ' . . , ' . . Fred Vivian reported on hiS return I
! him out 1..... Uve Ih f th Miss Earle was the on Y persO'i
~Vyatt ,sol\··
I el'''ry, epl, flower', Producer. Society .t the various
Iwm bundred Cova membtrs
through which lome on
In a dozeD
various and rehearslnll
Oh,ser've' ,'. B"'attle , '
The main Itudlo II fllled 11' t
for the openln,
of the of pro. the
" ,Registration at Memorlal Umversity or e openml{ from a mainland convention of 260
of the seventh year of full University' status finished on ,rire ehlefson Saturday.
Saturday morning with over 560 stu dents regIs . t ere.
itnhJe'urBedl'Shinop~ t~:I~~~~~t~~~~iO~i;~
Mr. Vivian said tbat during the way Friday •night. She was rende1\
ith'saddle rommllnitiel alon, the Newfound. ,rammes, 'has been taklnll place
But hc's
lind iide of tbe Straits do their euh night-sometimes lasting till
· from mo· marketing bu.lne.. (in exceSi of one a.m. Cameramen, electricians,
Br'I-taien Sunday' " , O n Saturday afternoon the formal opening, with full convention experts demonstrated cd unconscious when she wal
aoc'caldoeCmk.ic dress. was held in the univerSi.tY Annex at :~ with striking effect that a fog thrown from the front seat agalnsl

spray is much more effective in the windshield. AlIlhree cars wen.
"I died IJ one hundred thousand dollar.) iI
· "and It's operators, .ound·men, a wor,
rt It
I Coach L
The hall was filled to capac Y
IDeS copinlf with fires ~han water. The badly damaged.
io a whl'c'h I'S formed by "'atcr
:ture stand· rnaklng plans for a new type fl a· h film' work, slide work, and all the, Yesterday. Newfoundlan, C' t R" dent
" .ry d eve Iopmen t pro
' tllis II"~ tht Labr.dor side of the
j ec t. A num· hundred
n' d
and one details have
nIty Lee is ber 01 the members of the Society been -orked out, and' it is now common with other provinces of services at st. Thomas' Cure.
d In Church wh'lie the others at ten ded I for the ccremrmy an d manY a f "
h hI
the ,Dominion, observed Battle of Following the church services the proceedings. h
h .. t
the students a. 0 5 an. rou Manager Resl' (Jns
t d tll
r 3 'I
... '....
I forced

D through [I'ne

[th e f"Ire 'an

' spra"s
terrific pressure, gets at the seat 1
d smo'th ers I't•
Y ...
D·leS When
at to meet lor late IUlll.Dler Ind f.U expected that Man ay w se Britain Sunday to remember that I h At the exa~l. our 0 ,,, r. It was learned last night that
, . th b gl nlng 01 "bat should be small band of R.A.'F.', fllerl who the Cadets Ined up at t e .rear of Ig t'us Rumbolt at the plano d d I' Mr. Vivian said it may be some I
lilt Dl1me~"s Iilhlnc. While prosecuting the
suspect Iilhery thu. fllhermen llve and top rate tel~vlslon for New- baUled long hOUri' over England there roceeded u MllItar Road began the proce~sional march and first managing director of,Capital1 :Imc before the new syslem. comes
e e n the Newfoundland Hotel and from na I , Mr. C. F. McLellan, foun er an . '
At." Old hd dltl A foundland The bi' network to be.t back waves of Nazi air· Pk ,Pi Id A Y the faculty and representatives C ch LI'n'es L'lm'lted has severed mto general usc, but when It does,
I"",. • • ' t I t under wretc e con on..
te: Feature I remedy to the situation the show., lucb as "Dragne, s . ' t" "DI ~,planes le.nt over to destroy Eng· the salute was' 'taken by Wing of the ,Board of Regents, 'E. hIsoa connection with 'the·manage-
" to Buc master s 'F e. t 12.45 ·t I w~']1 be a grea t ' to. St. Early Saturday
service. .. . the life
mormng •
to teledslon Straits Producers Society plana to neyland," "I Love Lucy, land, which then bore the brunt Commander W. P. Pleasance, Com. J. Phelan, Q.C.. Gh~lrman, an~ ment of the Coach Lines Company, John 5,' not .only bec~use I~ IS a lcss body of 74-ycar·old Joh.
de Glelson, tud at Welt SL Modeste, for the "Medic," and many, many more, of defending :the Western World. mandlng Officer of the RCAF Sla. lI~r. H. G. Purltiester, Q,C. took but will stili maintain his 'finan· ~ore ~Ifectlve way In whl~h t~ O'Keefe of Lcslic Street was. fOUD!
In films be. use and convenience of its fisher. will be added t~ the transmission, Here In St. John'., a parade of tion .t Torbay from a reviewing their places 011 the pla~orm and elal Interests In thi! concern. I ~Ight flr~s, but bccau~e It :JlI re astride the railway tracks In till
~rns to Hoi! men members a "Fish Camp", It within the nex six weelal. No. 10 Wing, RCAF Air Cadets, stand which wa's set up In the open Dr. R. Gush~e, the President, de., Mr. McLellan now heads the h~~; wa cr consump! on y one CNR'raii yards. .
• big movll! il proposed to build I cookhoule "Medic" II expected to start the comprised of 1108 Rotary, 11111 Kl· Iquare 'just east of St, Thomas' clared the assembly' open. Newfoundland Transportation ~o., . When the body was dlscove~
though. HI, bunkhouse .long with I fish. first of Octobpr, alid "Dragnet" wanll, 1114 Kinsmen and 1110 Lions, Church. Dr. A. C. Hunter, dean of Arts operators of, the ferry "Frederick it was noted· t1lat both legs wert
.Uc plot •. '. building for heavy laltinl salt starts on the 18th October. "Dis-, under the leadership of Squadron and Science then presented' the Carter" and t~e Conception Bay GARBO NOW 50 ' severed and badl), crushed. Appaf
those b18~k~
from the knife, This 11 a neyland" starts on the 1st' Octo- Leader Don O'Drlscoll,assembled Hundreds of' citizens, lined the new students. registered in his Bus. He is also closely connected Greta Garbo observed her 50th ently the unfortunate victim hal
ie Laine I~ Idea for Newloundland Ind ,ber. CJON.TV has leftfnott~:gb~gO at Buckmaster'l' Field .nd frlllll route as the sll1artly dress'ed faculty to the University., in. a with the effort to establish a frce birthdall ~omcwherc at sea. She been hit by a shunting train an.
~inl. Lots oC, is patterned Ifter similar projects chance, in preparing or, there proceeded to church. Cadets, lead by· their eommandlng formal introduction ,and Dr. port at Mortier Bay and for the has beell cruismg in the Mediter· died instantly; Not bcing notice!
Id' Carey 'hal in Brltisb Columbia. opening t~day. ' The' Roman Catholic Cadets at· oUlcers" marched through the Gusbue accepted them to ,full past few months has expended Taneon aboard the lIo cht oj Greel: by the train crew the body. lay 01
membership, as scholars in the consid~rable time and energy In financier Aristotle Ona.~sjs. accom· the tracks for ,several hours whcJ
:and "Bland-
;1'Iholt introo ~I.
lIarbe CODltlDlflrl &oelety BI.
Eaoll.b pd &0 Spare
,Barbe'l' Consumerl Society.
• .I
Fast ommerCla "EI'm',er Jone'.s"
tended .ervlce. at St.' Joseph'. streets of the city,

Local Me".n ' ~~d

University. ,Immediately after Interesting big business on the panied bll her lriend. George I it was discovered.
Dr. George A. Hickman, dean' of mainland I I
In. the United States Schlee. She lDas last. reported Sympathy' i.s extended to t'-
nePhe.I'I, at Flower', Cove has had another ' Education presrnted tl1 e students In the proJect. ashore at Capri. bereaved relative!.
r mord breaking ),e,.r. On Cllh-
over.lhe-couuter ..lea amounting
Parking Lot Renamed' S'
A for the Faculty (If Education. This
~up was so large that It filled
Dtln, claims to $1()9,309.63 11 had a net lurplul For St. J hn' the left half ofthe auditorium. .

'Ploung no" or $14,343.77 which w•• dI.trlbuted
• DeMille, t~
e Te~ d
retained. II fonows: '
0 S
SI'. John's will' have' Its first
To aeneral Reserve,lI%, ,717.19. commercial. parking lot within a
Professor Cnrew; dean of Ap.
plied .Sclence lastly presented the
' The government's plan to train students, entering for the' three
5,Uggeste,, _". T d tl f d 1«' ,143 44 ed 1 t "oung Newfoundlim'ders as quall· years. englneedng course. , ' ,

' "we'll
:0 o e uca on un, '0,
31 •.15.
,'1' few months, 11 was annouM
interelt on c.pltal, 11%, ". nlghL understood that the renaming of fied mink ,ancher~·.s outlined by Altogether according to, actllal
as Itrwas:.nnounced last'nlght.. It-Is •
Crosbie " Company have de- the craft was requested by Premier Premier 'Smallwood during the count 'of rows r.t seats:over ,300
". ALL WOOL ",

To patronage refund, 10%, ,10,' elared tbelr Intention to demolish Smallwood to honour Newfound. March session of the 'Legislature, new'students'were In the assemb·
830 96 W t Str et II going ahead, according to Iy hali {Dr the ceremony. ,
, . their bulldlnl on a er ,e land's' fourth Prime Minister.
Bilance held undistributed, '1,· west and to, construct a modern achedule, It was" announced last Dr. Gushue, president, then
335,03, .. p.rklnll lot which will be l.rlc 'Meanwhile; the new.ferry h.d nlghL ,welcoined' the new'studenta'and
What a heartening Indic.t!oD of enough to accommod.te a mini· her, trial runs In SI. John'. Har· Twenty·two local'men have heen welcomed back· those returning to
aound societyl mum of 100 vehicles. bour on Saturday, and, is expected selected from hundreds of app\lca;1 carryon their studies. He intro.

1Ia1l1oa ProtIUriloD Dowa- to 10 Into IBrvlce· lometlme ,this tions received and. they Ire nolV dtlced the Dean~ of the Faculties
Price Vp Work 011 the demolition o[ the week. As preylousl)' stated ,In this employed at the Trinity Bay mink Iand announced that two members,

Grenfell Memorial Co-op. It St. building Is expected to commence paper, ,the NeWfoundland Trans· finches which are, being operated lof the faculty lore on sabbatical
(Continued on pile H) shortly., portatlon, owners . of the ferry, by experienced ranchers from the leave. '

I t T
a ure ' 0
hive also Icqulred from the Terra mainland and the U.S. Dr. Gushue made special men·
To Fit 2 to 14 Years

Nova Transport Company, tbe The men have apprenticed them· tlon of Miss Helen Lodge, who
athbol,~utlUr., fr~ . ferryKlpawa, which will be used selves to the ranchers. 'TheY will because of a radical 'operation
.. 11'1 st.ndby and for the weekend work on the ranches as paid serv; could not be at thc opening of

opera elll'l th4

rouJd Just isatll
, hIe' T 0 day 'Bishop
:. Abraham
service to Conception Bay ports. 'ants, but at the same, time will the year's work. Her courage' in

attend lecturel and be given prac· faclng,thls Il1ne~s has'bcen apln·
tical courses In the handling and splration to him, he ,said, and
V, necks -' Turtle necks - Crew
necks"':"Y2 sleeves, batwing sleeves .

Ilvel. I • breed!ng of mink and the opera· felt that a mes"age from the stu· -long sleeves,- plains 'N' fanties
• The HOUle of Assembly will reo of the Liberal Party and the 011'.
.ume Iitting this afternoon when pOlltlon !I1et In secret seNlon wltb V' • • C'urIing tlon of finches. ' dent body on opening day would
At. ,the end of the' training be fitting to send to ,Miss Lodge. fOF the cool days ahead 1 $
the debate on tbe Javelin BIll,wi1l Mr. John Doyle, Chairman of the lSltm~ period, those who have fully quail. Dr. Gqshue spoke to the new '/

commence. Javelin Company, to queltion him HI. Lordship Bishop Abraham, fled wi1l be asslated by the gov· students, who he said, now ad· SPECIAL· lOW PRICE.: ..............;.
on the Javelin Deal. Prell repre~ who had been attending the R!o ernment along tbe line~ al tbat af· muted to full membership were
The HOUR WII form~\1y opened entativel were not permitted to .Ions of the general synod of the forded th~ mainland ranchers Ind racing what silllUld' .be th,e most
by Mr; Juitlce Dunfield lilt Mon· atte~d thls,.meetlng, durinll which, Anglican Church at Edmo'nton, re- thus encouraged to .et up ranches fll'ultful years of their lives. This
afternoon, ,followlnl whl~h It has been reported, a lively dl.. turned ,to Newfoundland a few of their own. ~ew apprentices will Is a special occasion, ,he said and
• Smanwood tabled copies cuslion took pllce•. One ~port has days ago ,and Iinee then has been be hir~d on II. ~a~h. ,group is we mark It by having the faculty
of the lellsJation and documents it that t\yo of ,the group, ,not 'of "Isltlng Wtlt coast comllluDltiei. graduated. dressed In full :lcademlc cos'tuirl!.,1
Ptrtalnlnl thereto. He then ad· the same .politlcal part~, almost '. " , . .. "! Undergraduate gowns are,
~~~ ..~~:~Ijourned the HOUle ~ Ifford mem- came to blow. when tbe; queltlon- , -,resterday, HII Lordship was .It B4RAM~RIBO, Surt!14!" (AP) worn to preserve tradition
~I~~ 'I~'~:J bers of th!l' Opposition: to study Ing II old to; iOU~D ~ut o'f CurUng w,here he administered, th~ -:..4: boot ~rrljlnQ ~ I perS01l$'OTl well as save c{othes:he told
:::.~. ~._.;....~.. t~e BIII'lnd'lbe documents 10 tbat hand. D,etalls of,' tlie ",meeting ~'.r. ~acramen.t: of Confirm aUon to lome II 'flShlnp trtp m the SunT1l!1n nil' Istudents.' arid !he men must'
t,!ey 1\'0u.Id' he 'Int~e POJlUOil to expected to be, made. ,.vall.ble' to 140 candld,atea. He Is ~xpected \0 er c~lhdtd lDuh 0 ten:"hJQI III dressed proper!v with collar,
~arry on the'debate today" I
the, Lelillaturi 'durinl the forth- complete his visitation and return the fog Sundo!l and 10, m~mber31' , ;

~ '.'. .
On Tuelday lIorniJI. memberl comln. debate. ' ' to'St. Joba'. l.te this week.
.. ,
, '
"of the /ishinQpartll, drow~ed..
' . '
. (continued on page. ~4)

. "
, I


. . ___
·. . . oi.M----.
d . . . ... . A ...
·4·~~_TH_E_'O_~iiiiLY_N_E_W_S,_MiiiO_NiiiD_A'i.'i i SEiPT
i II....
~IIIiIlio... ftIrtt
Ahoeilluoh. SiftAll ~bii 1ina cclhtiti.Ues thi'oughoul his Si!r· NiW~ Community Not"tItern Supply Starts On
·C.a. na· 1·an .. rm'y
. , . . . .
Mli Wllllti' CbtnjietlUOI1.
I}Hnil . lli
tbk'oujit the li11peHAI clllet As· cllnadil illid tb lfi!ell tltem Illform· .
.1I1!1.U~h hj BUfpol1 caPtilil! tt, ed .on ilfah's of nlllionill lind In·
vice ciil'eer. us lilve
Ill'iliel1bici all tA111tii II basic kllowledJie of Is Bustlitl~.. Base Is New

Modern City' Challenge

Ice Arena
J. it liillion fit fliwe; Ctli'IlWillll ,terhlltlonal Imporlance.

.N ew·setter 1 . ... .
IIi IMriibl1' lit ;t,t, Oiler ~a_ki-\Y LectUres ahd dliicusslohs afe
whiJ. Wii killed In III!UolI hi F!lb, carried oilt 'by platoon Dr com·
h1A11' i_Hi. "hlte Ri'Vitii WitH the pan)' btflcers who base lheLr lec·
lttllttl!ii Pait-iclll'iI dililildlilil Lhil1t tilrcs 011 the pllmphlet. "CUi'reiit
ily filEt. MURRiS
Canadian Pte~s Siaff \'irlter
Canadliln l're~s Staff Writer
ROUYN. Qlle. (CPl-This nbrth· MOOSONEE, Onto (CP) - ~Iore
western Quebec cbilimunlty a fron· 1I1~11 230 years after the first setti~1

J T r.
t' t.~ o"'k ly L' ~
~ea···: tU1
111 ttl! dnal, Wilt. li1i4 Atialfs ttli'. lhe Cahndliltl.
1~, Jl hiS lIei!h open tor eompeU· as well iii; liihv:;papei's and tither
tier outpost about 30 years ago, has ment was establisbed here by Hud·
developad into a bustling, modern son's Bay Company traders. a new
1f . breed of adventurers arc Helpln&
' . . lIilli ~itIc!e lD~'r. . . . periodicals. . Wrested from the bush. Rouyn slr:mgthen Canada's northern de-
. J • . .' .. . •• The Wllihillj cad!!t!, their liillt The cUill'eht ·nffalrs painlilihiLs and the adjoining tOlvn o[ Noranda iChces.
.eTUlNING FIIlOMKOJit~A . Gordoh J8ti1t!S)tcDtlhalll, 1 .Bt. ana ctilrlffiililti ff iri!lI; afe IS tol· ilre
ptcpal'cd f"1 the BureaU Ifff still relaio some of the adventure· They're making this historic u·
·TIU!'l!i" ~.l1id~.h loldlei'sare PaUl St., lt~Uf~lt. lol.~;1 C.IiL .m~. ibWiI: . . . . .. " C\lrrelit by unlvei' some moOd that marked the trek of dal port. ii-here .'thc Moose rh'c!
.: "'tumn;~ . \0 Cp.!1 adl at. th~ e~d tie Pallet8oh, UO QlIeen St, Dal L· Clltiet G,' mebkY, 874 Cor.ana; ~ec.cDts. IIhd experls 111 varllllis
its early settJ:!fS inlo tlie nilneral· \\'idens Into .Tames Bay. a supply
rich area. ha,e for North America's radar de
._ elf aft!~ I yean set· tiltlulh, N.S. .: .... tltlll Koch 114111 Ai'lnolirco Regl. fields or flll'clgl1. srtah I Rcsidents still greet strangers in fnCCC5.
,lee lit the Fit' ~ut. .' Cpl. Gaslon Llrrettel, V~Ii!artl6r; ftlehll Catiel Corps, s~diildck, Mlil Til ellsute iI high slandard nf' the friendly, open.hqndcd fashion of Thc original lIBC post fell to l .
• '. T~t filtll ...lied trom Inchon, P.Q.; Pte. S.tell.llft. l3ee~ly".DI\~ Westf!t-Ii diJilUiUllld. Insll·liclloh. thl! at'my has iJrrAng· the ji·onUers1l1an. But old·timers. force of French canoeists after lS
J[«e',. iboard a. ~~Ited S.tates vl1le. ~.Q,;; Sgt. ltobl!fU~tfie. Me· Cadel ft. HAtPer, 29011 I'C!rl A!· cd R series 01 mcellngs alul BC' glancing doWn Ihe busy inain years. with milsketry skirmishes
\ NIl'~ SflI~. the General H.bWZ\!. Conllel, ..lIlh De PallUefoy, ~!le. bUill iCSltl CIUiel Corps, Britleli I minars io asslsl wliose street, lined with staId business continuing another 10 years. Neyer
~d Wil~ dock at BeaHle. Waslllni b~c City; Cpt. Jacijue Darttt am CIl\Ufubili Al'e:t.
ton, ~~O\l~ September til..
Levesque nlvd., ~t. VItlC~l1t ii~ CAdei Sieve Ruli""I!!, 211'. Bea· In their oWn unlls.
' . ..' jubs Il \\'111 be Il1stllUlc programs places' and modern hotels, think sincc thi! Trealy ill Utrecht in lil3
people arc gettlhg 100 reservcd. brocght peac·~ has JIIoosohee known
NOT LIKE OLD DAYS such activity as nOIY. The country.
· Mtmberi of the. RO~al Canadian PaUl. P.9,; CIlI •. Harold It'llnlll.Ilt,n. m!¥1ll1! (bllll BIi11 School Clidet Curcl1t affairs advisors assign·
ArfIl!I BerTie. CDttiS iHd the Roy· ery. lob55 .ltehsUJt. St., Mbnmat. Corps, central comman~~
"It just isnit like the old days." side echoes to the roar of bull.
ed to each command will imlst I they muUer. "That's when we dozers, seaplanes and motorized
II ot,dII1Ct Corpsi they hive b~en Pie. Edmoh6 Jfl8ejih L't!mleUlC; cadet Frank Eilsby;'10SU Willk· In arrahglhg Ihis. prellmil1al'Y pari Nally had fun." canoes,
• enJlied In Idmlnl~trat1ve duties 21 New Conston Rd., Sudbury. ervllle (Ont) Collegiate Institute of the overall pr·o~am. "Fun" is an important requisite BUILD NEW DEPOT
. at "iBoul utlit headquariers In ont.; S/Sgt. Jblltl r~dl!rlc Tlitilrtp Cd' t C· rps We~terh bhtet-Io . In the Jives of the miners and every Where steel of the 23·year-old
'. J[ifta. Bon, 92 Russel St'l Kingston, Ont; . .': c o . PURCHAse DOCUMENT facility is provided for them to Ontario Northland Railway lint •
sst. Jo~eph Sallcler, 95 Sherwood Ciitiet Hl!t\'liet t SUitiley. 433 Pl.
. . area.'· t- blow off steain. Tliere are acli\'c ends at the rh'cr bank. a new dock
, TM draft Includes: . . HOL.DS .000 C .AUSE
pte. Ronald .M~cDonala. . 89 St., ottawa, Ont. • . . HI h 8chbol CadeL Corps Even the common ~old was In· hockey, baseball and football is being built, complete with ware·
l~agues and 'Ihe fishing· is excel· houses and loading equipment
!choo! St., Glace Bay. N.S.; Pet. Cpl. Robert Henderson, Miliflho ~~~ter:
Ontario Area. . ' villved In the procurement ,of land
doss, Man:; Pt~. ClInord George Cadet· Jacques RenlIaa, 1195 for tlie creation of Camp Gnge·
lent. Close to the old trading post 8 iii).
_--.------- .. For those who enjoy night life bed hut encampment has just be-2n
, Main, V!trde~, r.tan. E Ie Superleure St. Stanlslss town, New Bruns\Vlc~. (NEA Telephoto 1 there arc 18 hol~ls to scrve a popu completed. .
ARMY CADITI WIN co ill d Canadian Army offIcers and Dc· latlon at 25.000. and it number of Single and twln'engined planel
KEEPS FRESH . SHOOTING PRIZES. fence Department officials expect· BHE'S A Ill'}' WlTn l\IUGGS-The new Miss America, Sharon Ka,'
night clubs on the outskirts of the and shnlloll'.dralt mcrchant ships
Wlhners: of. Galer Halany t V tI 1 HIMh Schbol Cadet ed delicate legal technicalities Ritchie, gets a big hug from Muggs In New York. Miss Rilchle was ~ city: Many feature imporled floor which Unk the "outside" with the
. persons can
LONa.1 Memorlil prizes have been th' ~:f'~oc~a~~~n Ctimmehd. would arise whe? thcy tackled the gues~ on a television show and !IIuggs \i'as most happy to make her shows and do a thriving business 'inside' make their 10n'<!ly ways Into payment plan,"
nounced. TIle shooting compel!· cPd' t Eugene Bourque 2307 immense tasl' ~l moving to tMce welcome. .~very night. the North. . morc for each
tlon Is open annually, to 011 Royal SQI~t.~oeUi' de ~I!111'I~ SII(jdl~c Ca. thousand peoplc from homesteads But the residenls or Rouyn·Nor· ~tany of Ule men and much 6!
Persons d
Canadian Army Cadets. . ,d t C' P8 New i3h1nswlcitArea. settled by t1lcir fore bars on lhe - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - anda hayeli't let their fun·loving the equipment they carry ~" contact either .
The prizes, ~oples of '-The LI.fe e or .. : . . . 427 square·mll e tract. But one The Army. anxious to accomo· cANADIAN EQUIPMENT FOR spirit Interfcre with the commu· bound [or "lhe sites"-the northern:
nlty's development as tlte hub· of radar posts which keep \'igil tOt Bay RobC'l'ts or
and Times of Wimtoo Churchill;" CUR!tENT AFI'AIRS tops the liSt n~ far as properly dale all ex·iand owners within NATO Quebec's norlhwest. Annual min· trans - polar attack. F~IV knO\~
parXd at OULIL".
are awarded anliuaJly to cadets transfers In Canadian real estatc ressoll. was sympathetic to the Five ships will leave froin Cana· 2r;i1 production ol the area is well where either are destined;. no on!,
in Commands inti ilreas across The Canadian Army Is re,cIlt· nre concerned. gcntleman's problem. As a result. dian east and west coast ports over $100,000.000 and, ~purred hy in Moosonce asks. Beach.
Canada fOO' lllghest aiirl!ilat~ ph.Bslzlng Its clirreht afblrs pro' One land ml'llcr was convinced the Instrument of purcha~e in tbis within the next scvl)ral weeks nelV power dC\·clopments. is In· The men and material~ re.rh' Mr. Bennett
scores in two competlUons. They ,ram. .. . that the well on his farm contain· case Included a iegal casement to with military Jllpplies and equip· crcasing steadily. l\!oosonee on the twice - ,,·cekl.:
are thc mlnlaure rlflc millchet tor Tile progtranl. which sonslslS or ed watcr wllh medlcltlal proper· permit the former owner, his heirs ment for four member nations of BiG MINING AREA "Polar Bear" mi:;ed train frnm
the Youth of th'! .EmPlrti, (t~perl~l lec...tures. alid ,~r~up .. d!S~il!;Slon. s.\.ues, Hc and his fami1~. slood by iand assigns In ncrpetulty, to drink the. North Atlantic Treaty Organ!· Ihe dlslrict. pl'Oviding rmployment Cochrane.
More than 20 mines operale In 186 miles soulh. TIlt'
trip, II'lth leisurely stops at lum.
C!lallen~ Shl~lds compeU~lon) begins .for the soldier whim he their claim that the water cured Iwater from th~ well whencI'cr zatlOn. for some 10.000 m~n. lIIincrals in· bel' enmp~, lakes eighl to 10 hour!. spprts fans and
and . the Doml11lon ot Canada flrftt reporls tor basic trallling colds. 'hey felt a colt! coming on. The shipments aa-e for Turkey,
.. ... ...... . . . . . .' portugal. Belibuim and tM Neth· elude silver. cnpper. zinc. lead, sci· Dmi'T STAY LONG we sincerely
erlands and will leavc from the enium, pyrite. molybdenum and A day latcr a few young will get behind
bismuth. ~till \\'~aring cil)' suits, chat with I
ports of YancoUl·er. Montreal and When the miners. farmers and handful of \I~athermen. conlrar· it to a succes!jr~
Quebec City. some 7.000 norlhwcstern Queb-~c tOl's anel vacation \'isitors ahnut
Included in ihc consignments forestry workers "go 10 town" it is Moosonec's Inconspicuous night Iii!
arc artillcry equipmcnt And I·ar· mually to ROllyn·Norilllda. Some and thc scttlcment'S sauterne·cal.
ious types of ammunition. The 520 Rou)'n retitil s·torc owncrs draw ored tapll'ater.
goods arc bclng despatched un· on i1 gOhd chunk of lhe 142.000 rcsi· Next clay they arc ~one.
der Canada'~ program ilf mutuai dents of 'h~ region for their daily plane is a dot in th~ northern. U
aid to NATO membcrS. trade. Busin()ss also is supple· heading out ovcr Ontario's only
Been P
mented by persons living along the water••
horder in Ontario who make Rouyn The settlement the,' leal'i! behind
their shopping hcadquartcrs. is Iitlle impresscd with the new a~e
llore Ihan $200.000,000 is spent they hal'e brought to Ontario',
annually in northwestcrn Quebec, northland. The northerner 15 marl
01 wher~ residents enjo), a higher pay Intcrestcd in a nearby sun'e)' lor
scale than in most othcr paris of gypsum deposits. and or~ explora·
Due To Sail the pro\:lnce. tions on isla:1ds further un the bay.
Some pioneers have made mo· And the silent Cree Indians ~ho"
For Germa nY desl fortunes, But, pcrhaps recall· no interest in \\'h~\ somc of th~m
CAMP UTOPIA, KB. (CPl-The Ing Ihe ~arly. dol'S when th~y Jived consider t~e newe,st ma?ifeslation'
Ro 'nl Canadia Horse Artillerv's In hasttl)'.bUl.l~ 5~acks, most of of the. whIt';! man s folllCS,
j it' nd t 'I! them have utilttartan homes rathel'
4th eglme?t. ue 0 .sal or than more pretentious residenccs, COnNWALL (CP) - Four·year·
Gerl?any thIS fall: has taken on a FI~T NEW BUlLIJIlIiGS i old Lee nllev was killed by a truck
Marllimc com~leXlOn. ieer Col T A new courthouse amI a new' Frid::,·. the 'third niley boy in thf
ItG5 commllan ng oEb! .1 '500 m' . n' classical collp.g~, both opened with· I last six years to die in a traffic
R. well
or ov~r says
emme. half athe.
au personnel.
e • .me. · years. can ~ompe1
th Iast t110 ' 1en,t t""c
c aeCt< - ..
\.as I ur k by I"",
in deSIgn and beautv wHh an" truell a block from IllS home. W.·
wcre recm It edc from th fou At
It" duringe the r past. 0 tl lers In th e pl'O\.'lOce.'T he colI ' an d "rs.
cl!e. 'I '\"Ib
I ur R'I' I Cj Io~ t
~n Ie provm~ s b'l to designed by a local architect, 101· IIlher son two )'c~rs ago when. ~
~tear. Ttlhe uhn.llt hatrS ~e~n rc tUl tt h.• lows e\''.!r\· modern (Icvclopmcnt in trollc" roach hit hIm. Another rbed
reng in1 southern
\I' Ie alOmgBrunswick
a 1"1I.S b: IgIii I y·co Ior~d \l'alls .a~~ clear II'h en.'l'l b~. a car.
AT New
aft'.!r relurning from Korea in the hghhng: It prol'ldes facl.hh~s for
slimmer or last year.

some 4aO students but sitU ~a~not model I'illage for its workers. alw
"Most of the troop!' are looking' mert all re~ll:st" for admiSSIon. \\'~s op~ncd recentl~· and will rr n•
forward to going to a foreign coun.\ Alrea~I)' •. leadcrs are,' \'ide adrlerl ill1petus for industry i~ .
D· ,
L OW rrlCeS.
,In' I"here thc\' will ha\'e mrc I In~ OP1!1l11~tlcally about hal'lng a Ih~ dislrict. It now adds 30.(lOII
; oPPorl~nitics to; tr;lI'cl," said Col. un~versl!j· In the ar~a..
. Gemmell.
horsepower 10 Ihe arca's po".r
ncll' powcr. stalto~ on !hc supply and can expanrl its outpl1l
They have be~n on lcal'e pending nearhy Ottawa river. WIth a tin), to 60.000 hursepower later.
their departure for West Germany,
I wl}ere the 2nd Canadian Infanlry
Brigade will relieve the 1st Bri·
/lade. About 170 famm~s' will flolow
the RCHA husbands.
Plans call for the enure brigade
ot 5.000 men to sail froin Quebec
it! seven drafts betwcen Uw end of

this month and mid - November.
About B,OOO wives and children also
are going to Europe. Dependents

Terms .
of 1st brigade troops who will be
returning to Canada numb~r ap·
proximately 5,000.
The RClIA 4th Reg i men t
slI'itehed Its training to Camp
'II CHItYSLIIt New York.r Stdtln
eqUipped with Power 5t"ring
PeW.r 'rciktl, Automatic
Arranged Gagetown tor a period this summcr
and will be based at Gagetown
after its two.year scrl'iee at Soesl
in G2rmany.
Originally the Slst Field ·Regl·
T;anlmllsIDn. Privately ment, thc unit was formed from
ewnecl ~ $~650.
"4 ... 4 .......... 1 .. •••• 1 .... battcries in Quebec. Ontario and
I Manitoba. In KorcR it became the
'53 PLYMOUTH 4 Door S.dan .. $l600. ; 4th Regimeot or ,he RCHA.

'53 'PLYMOUTH 4Door SldaJ1 .. $1300.


'51 .~LYMoUtM 4 Door S.dan .. $1150.

'48 PLYMOUTH 4 Door Sedan .. $ 600. * Good Tl"ade-il1 Allowances
'4' PLYMOUTH 4 Door sedan.,$ 500.
'11 DODO' 4 ~or Sedalt ..... H.1701).
'5~ .DODO. 4- Door S.dan ........$125D.
* Reilconditioned Cars . I'mltj!.eI~M;$,,;~Mr~1,W,;;.j'iTt;i·:· (NEA Telephoto)
:VESTINGI10USE WORKERS STRIKE-Striking clcrttlt:ilI. worxm·
.tand by the main gatl! of the Westinghouse plant at East i'lll!liurgh.·

'51 GODO. 4 Door Sedan ..... ill.l0JO,

'48 OODOl4 Door S.dan ....... '..· 600.
, '54 PONtiAC 4 Door Sedan ... ~ ..$~1OD.
*'Safetr Checked .Cats :n. Local 601 of tile CIO Electrical Workers Union walked but over
a local matter. sparkIng 8 natlon·wide strike at 28 Wi:i;UnghoUie Corp,
I plants.

'53" PONTIAC 4 Door Sedan ...... $1600,


'4+ PONTIAC 4 Door S.dan ......$ 350.

~4' PONtiAC 4.Door Sedan ....$ 400. '

'10 .OID (oh~.ttibl ...............$ 500. :

'12. CHIVROLIT4 Doer $Man..$ .•75. 259.50

Marshall Motors Ltd.St.
, I'
Kills germs \ Deodorrzes. -
'5' ',MtTIOR 4 D"tor Wdli ........$ .5d.
.'52 'HldMAN 4 D~or S.dan .... :.$ '75~
. " .'
'531 CONSUL 4 Door 5edan ........$ 900.
.' ;.~J3·.'AUltINConvtrtibl ... ;...$ '25.00 685 .Water St. 687 Water Proleds Fnmilv's f.fllolth I Li,
572 V
'. 'Ii' YlILL~5 Station .*cilori~ .. ;;~$13ob.· 1

'12 MO~1t114~r SMtt.n ;.... ,$ 700. ."
PHONE '80031': 80032
. ",
' ..
J ! " !" ,., .. , .. ! ".' .' 't!

. 3 t . 1 , ... •• '. • • • • • '.' 5 ,

s' .I
_ _ _-...I -_ _...,;..--'r-...:..;~----'-.
.. (
t.. .,
" .


B.a·Y···.···R'0'··b·er·ts'" N-'.-. e"w-·S·• ·


Ca'rpcllters Work Fisller~en rJet ..~


Construction. To Operate '. i·. ,.

Starts On New TV And Radio .' OIlRoofOfNrw Good Catfhes

I~~Y~'!~n~" .. ~~r!!~~"-liI' . "c. . . " .. ChocolateFactory SBqAUly·dRIB nHTSr·s t g
ca:c~!::~ ~s~~~r:a~e'::e
pt. 1>-<). -u ... _ DE'

T'ax. I.ncreases A're C
!>Ionday of this week workmen understbiJd that Illy Roberts Is 10
!legan work prerulng tbe lite tor hive a new TV ihtl Radio Repair
Ihe new rink whlcli ii; to be built SN'vice WitHin the next lew weeks.
,.;oun.ciI C ers \ on~ratuI·
.Jomn·de' ahons .' . Rtesutnes.C,()lrtfilant1~bout BAY ROBERTS, Sl>t. 13- FI I
a dozeil ot' more carpi!D'
'e::I'j1 tl
on ilhe,

;:,:~~,=f:'~'I!':." '\.':~~ ..M:;!l:7 t. '!:::'.~~ :;.: Predicted By' Summoning S.A.Corps Here i,~tl;;:::I:;·:'~::I:.';~ '~w 't;:::'l.~";~.:~~ ~f,;oo'-u-r"--"'·-·'''·
v lei's arc nilw busily engaged In in Bay Roberts harbour.
settl~, .To. Harbour Ad·

I.::;-,:~":I~~,!,:!:';::::."': il',', ~~;'';'!;':tl~~r.:",~:~ Town's Mayor aXpayers . . Grace Kh~ ani~ c::y1!,"·:~1SA"~~',;<-;~~ Pl!::d ~!':~, :~;~'~~I' :;::k:': ~':'h':':';;: :ki':"':"
, Hud.
a new
Ri>b~ sal~auon
:n dt- noll' been ovcrcome and work wlll be returning to open thIS 'tV.Radlo
BAY ROBERTS, Sept. :l!A y ROBERTS, Sept. 13.- BAY ROBERT!!, Sept. 14.- chlldr?n arc a.galn back at their, steel framing for the roof is al· pay wlLh tlie squid 35 ple:ntifl111

rl!c~tlUy art~ "n~."',11

progress as raptdly as possible. Service. While at Atgenli., Edgar
Mayor R. J. Mercer of Bay Mil'or RI J. Merccr revealed In WI! wish to IiIkc this ol1tmrtunlyl home m the Army Quar·1 most completeu. and ilow the lhey arc at present.
de u· It had been originally Intended nas speDt all his .•pare tline In
eds, In iI recent Interview. with ali liltef'l'l!li\' thlt iIlnst to IIffer sint:ere coilgriltulillions to tel's spbn· Inc an enjoyable' carpentcrs have begun on the The mcthod used by
r(l~d. ~he hl~ ~ecn
supply to have tile rink built faclni! the ,liIdyhig il' TV.Radlli CoUtse from
your correspondent, said tIIat, hi tilliphyers lfHhlit thp Municipality tHo' Kiwanis Club of Iir. Grace annual vacation. i western end te' cover in the crmen, and which brings goOd
bul silme land trotible (ore. Nallonal . Radio Institute In .0»inltJnl' taxes wltllin til' Mtit1: cD.operate With tile .. Cciuncll In lor their nne cpmmtlnlty spirit Sr. Capt. Evans has re-: buildll1g. Thcl'c are about 6' suits, is to leild thc squlilti1
rd a change In this plan, and It icipality will h."e to be hiereised
Washlnk!on, 'i@ddlnl 10. 'hls R.T.
Counclllitoililli1~ thi>~Hi'hopersist h~nother
theli'. taxes. The nut\\bci' so \'itldly displayed in !licii' efforls appointed as C()rps Officer 11ere steel posts alor:ge the celltr of I top of the water by means Of
ha~ decllii,;;~ Klwani~ conglc~~hon
II 10 a will no\v be bl1llt parallel with next ym If tlte
(Ridlott!clan inll 'hiettltllan) De. ot to lIolil Iiat:k to proylde. that town with a slVlm· for .yeH: and members Ithe building which support the I squlil-jlgger, and !hcn . .
tter 15 Ihe road. lain illd exliEind on roAiI work ifta urilU fIlrcea
gree from that In§Hlute. With an been iIllng pool. Already the of IS afl.' plea5ed ; c o o f . · !Ihern into tile boat by means"of

iI~lll. f~w ~-,i

mlshes The bull ding Is to be construct. evel"liiereaslng number of radio
other TO\\'n Service!. eiich year, he said, but there ar:' df Harbour Grace (il'hich Club to see him return. I dip·net. In this way it take.
Ncnr I'd of steel framing with cOIITI. and TV sets here. such sen'lce Is Mahl niBiln tbr titls pWilctioil, who refuse to pay unlli ,i'ns Drily rcconUy foi'med) hilve Capt. Evans' Assistant Corps. Part of the p.quipment for the: lie time to fill a boat. ;
In rri3
i~venue t.ta~;ilr Tear~lcr. un~il
asbestos sheatlng. The Ice Mr. Mercer elijJlalr.ed wAh .lhat forced bya court iJrtlbt.
greatly needed. Latest equlplllent plims inade and quotations on Officer is Capt. H. Cull. who is Ilfurnacc room has been placed 111\ The squid' arc moslly used

known surface will be 85 by 111ft feet. will be usde, and the Couhel! hOW 5\!vefely j
li\liises Mercer sola that the CoUn. pricCs, etc., for Ihe construction the new School Capt. roof
the room at th>f. west corner, the. bdt, and arc frolen
oUDlty. parts will be Imported directly t
If blll\. Parking space wi11 be provided part atthi! Government's 6}1 will sooil eliiisidet bringing oi a, s\vllnmiilg pool Itt a jlart Cull was stnti(JIled at Summer· of which has already been IUhlC as olher forms of fresh'
Ienclosed. A number of large lore run out. ,The fish are
Itorlzed for motor vehIcles.
Speaking with Mr. Fred Ben.
nett, Manager of the project, we
from the United States.
first formed, iiie Governmenl
.. A' j ... 00 .. hlch w'
Grilllt.. When the CoUncil WM tfu!s! delinquent taxpayers heror!! !he Playground. The
Court, II necessary, in order tt;)
. ts f d . t f
~c ~'f
poolll'ilI ford'. B.B .• last year.
In three sections each with di[- We join with their mnny crates, •containing large copper times used as (ood, but
t d lh f I frle. nds and In wei com· pots and c. ther cquipment haS\ ularily has nevcr caught· o'n
.. "I1,,"'J
, It $1.00 lOr each ",1. . 11' ere secure paymen 0 over ue ax~s .ercn . ep .sow cr or sw m· lng back Sr. Capt. and I\lrs.1 bnnn \Jrought t' the bUI'ldl'ng "nd an" grnat c·.'tent.
rear-ol:! learned that thell'e are still a
Newsv Brle
.f collected Iii taxes. Tills
d~grm ~As
reo Within a short t1m~
some resideh~s
mers of dlffcrent a~csand s w i m · ' I ~~ ~,
t~nti W~
v " •
[y Ihie number of shares to. be sold. He dlleed by illnc!e ind Will olve the Counlcl for two. years. ming abllittes. It will go as deep Ellans. and in' extending a hearty \1'111 be Installed as soon as tlle I·-- - -... ------..:...-""-.,
!\V dock
S fibw tlte liailt III only 7& tor 'rIm has another dlsndvant:l.lii!, as.9 feet, with a concrete bottDm. welcome to Capt. Cull. Fiery Itching Skin '; :
CD~ecte~ e~th ~he ar~
AhD Informed us tltatpersons trust 1roof is covered and thc concrete: i .

workl~g \1'eJl~ ~ Gels Quick Reli,f::i .

h ware·
ipment. can obtain shares by depositing BAY' ROBERTS, Sept.' 15.,;...; @dcli $1.00 •.. On iii. . GRveftimeilt. only pays .Its Tlie H3:bour Grace Kl\vanls that the Captain's stay Will be ,floor has bccn poured. Several!' .. .
51 a 8(). 51.00 or more at Intervals until Mrs .. Frank Jones (nee Shifter. $11000 which ,tli! CD,u"n. e,l1, cbll!.cts, rev_e,nile. grant .<.75 c.ents for, each als? on pl?ns for an artl- pleasant nnd !ruitfu!. \large ha\'e been dug to:
1St b~n .0D has
, been deposlled 'Paui}
at tetIJriied to her hOmB, in 1 .iimid o.t t h~ Go~..•rnill".Ii'_•. £/) ~. ~t'l,r' $1.:.DO the,.CDu.ncl I coIIec t)s on Ih. e II Cl~I Ice rmk! or.-h at own. t l . h supply. the
I pla'lt with the lIeccs· erc • a c co n .talnl.!! ''pene~;, '
n': I I -.: .'i \ .

~tt"';d~' ~1l.e co~ncll, ~~y ,.~ ~p,rt ::~~,~;,·~"~~r~r,,~"~••~-:..:::::: ·

which time a Share Certificate Heart's Content last week ifter bUling inllther $i900, It now con. m.0iley colli!c:ed by the CouncIl. \\ e sincerely hope that the Hr. Grace KiwanIs Club gets the IV ole- sary wa cr.
planei .m b, ID..... Ih ,Ih" .,nt" ",.".j ••
"",bl. h,Hd., hi" trl"'''
I;;;. In...... 'h..
_l\~s ~ot" ",.."...... ; ,""p,," Dow', Ik. !I,tt" "ld thol", d.l. h"rtod whl,h It d"",,,
tratl!,/;' antiseptic 011. tllI\:':, wlUT:

'~Y. b,·.,,,I,,, tl1cr~ lte]lI~~.Rkln

It ship. persons can buy shares "on the visiting her JlarentS Mr. and Mrs. of public s!mee $10:00, the Coun· In such a most worthy undertak·. I Itcltlnr. Toes and Feet, Raslliiian4 : •

;1.: CI,d~ ~ ~;mm;",. h.~rounds ""l:'?,~,~,' ~;:~~~~.?l\'.::':';

"ilh lb. payment plan," with a dollar or w It Pall I creased, SD Increased thus seem to cll Is also sliort that $7.50 frDm Itas bcen: set. nnel th.Rt may ing. SA Y RORERTS. Sept. 14.- i athar troubles. :;' . )1:;.
ays Into ,h
m," ro< .. po,mooL ."","0', '" Rob. .. lhO ",I, , ..."
rrrsolls desiring shares may er!s' Eas. t, hns' as. sumed a position. o'r' the' to"....
". ..... th•.••, ......
.. ten a 1017.50 loss.
1, ;,
tI. ,..., M· oolIl h...
the x. \'e r ofTha general
Ion posslblhty
OW,,, I, " " " . po,l ml,,,, th".'
'e t beh Agood... proJcct b·for Ray 'lid'
elecl· ac~i\'ltvd",,·
Mt ",m I,
Roberts. I ' on the, blucb,rl'v•
moo" i
wounds. Ilcalill
'I health),
bllt boll.
III "n,l .or.~.a.1l4;(': .
open 'Implc u1-·' I"'j .
~ernm. a~am, ~ ~ ~·ear. n~ports tl:~ r~
,,,. oJ' gO.'
nuch &f
1 ,·(or." alsu 'Illicitly rellc.'i'ed. In:: : '
:r;,. jr.
conlaet either 1\11". Bennett at on the teaching starf of the Unit. The Council his jlisl AboUt com. When qulcrea as tlie possible , .. ne • • a. , e .
Ito f,e' n'c•.m' o' ';In' II' an· d road. date for a h,i.election to [ill the will
n T cn
may we s IOU n t Ih state th;!t.
Is "Ulckl~' ,"sed.
par~eI i~·t1· ~e dr~' ~cal.
norlhhrn BJ\' RDberts or Mr. R. W. Shep. ed Church School at Deer Lake.
• pic· " 0 _, . ' ... plansp'ro\'idc
to introtlucc
th t legIslation
'II T . which
C II dream t o[h·slIch
't' tcan't delicIOUS bcrms . arc both small . .1;ln
"'III It.arrectto!,"-Ihe !trllln!:
P 01 Ee.;,
m.l'le •. ·.• :.
atlo of Councilicr Ha· rry G cds In Newfoundland WIll bc elect· seh'cs a readrmadc playground; to the I3tenc5s or the comin~' of' In" \'or;: f~w ~:t~.".
rlgil tOt at South Rh'er, Clatke's b t Ild".I' [Ih between seatleft I'aeant by the recent resi/!- . a a .o\\n 0 n· rnDlIg co·oper<llOn tn ge our· and not plentrful. 1)uc. mainly.: "111n .rUllllon. up and oft" I
~IOO:-;L 1'~tEIl.ALD
II' kno,~ Miss Allee Mercer, Bay Ro er 5 w en ng 0 e eon. ":, ..
: no one Brach. East, hilil accepted an Imitation Bilrhb' Rbad iild the Bin,. ami n n
~ . d th d f th'
~ I t I t Ik b t·
~ ~wlI~m
, I . ., 5 OU. ran., .

~~e !~ree ~~Ie~s H~e~T~;)' the(~O~~ t~e :oe~1 ~~cl certal~y

:llr. Bennett Ftsted that It Is to rclurn to her last year's posl. the next "'ork til Tie undei'!aken ,_. __ , . . . , " • r. on e same all 0 e ea:. e a one a ou a ng summer wcather, !hc hcrl'lCs <lrc he obtained at any drut 8lort. '.
I, reach
"'eekly during Ihe coming winter-may. Grand ~'alls Academ~'.
llopcd 10 hal'\! the rink in use :ion on Ihe teaehir.g staff of the Is the tetoridlUonlitg of Blshop's
ROlli. e .wo n 'es one .
WIth and
may no 0 ( a r·c ec Ion.
CounCil poo\
n n our own.
would hke to noll' hoth small and many arc ur,.: ('larlJonold Wholesale Drugs Lta . :
rlpcned. \ St. John's . . . . . . . Dial lil0f :
In from
~Ih. Th.
be ill January 01' February.
This Is hIded good news to all
The man~' friends of Mrs. Emml\ ThIs roild, which liah!1les, traffic
Deering of Coley's Point are pleas· gcilng to iila, ttcifn the J\~llway • • I'

to houn. ~p.t'rts fans and hockeylsts, and ed to learn that she Is Improving Stflllon, fla~ been Iii \I~11 poor
wc sincerely nope tllat e\'er~'one
after her recent Illness. condition tor ionie jean, . and
log men. will get behind the project to se!! Mr. Gordon Fifield has taken up work en its reeotidlt!inilng il both
it to ~ successful conclusion.
l with a
contrac· his new duties as' Principal of the lonil overilu! iild badly needed.
~ Sall'aUon Army School here. Last One 6UilgUUbti we :",ould make
'li~ht lire , year he tilUght at the Salva~loa at this tlille which It Is In our
ferne·co!- Election Officers Armv School In Campbelton, NDB. iiiilld), IS that the council take
We ~xtimd a welcome to Mr. Fifield hilo cb~slderatliln tbe. section of
It. Thrlr
Local Union Has and trusl that Ills stay here will the road frontIng th~ home of Mr.
1ern ~k:r be both pleasant and successful. CMsley' BidciJck, "hlch becomes .
onlr sill1
Been Po!i\tponed Miss June Mercer has receiveu very sDft during tUny weather,
an appointment to the teachlllg and In the spring bc~omes so bad
'e behind
newaite BA Y ROBERTS, Sept. 14-The staff or the Church of Enillilidat ~Iines that ti1'8 ana trucks can·
Oritarlo'~ Annual mceting I'f Federal Labour School at Humbermollth. June not pass through It. We would
h m!ll'@ Union 24833 which was to have taught at Upper Island Cove la~t sug~est. that it be aug up and i
taken place la~1 Sa~urday night year.
~ ~A b~ We4t C(){Wt ~
ney for good roelt bottom plated there be·
the bi\~·.
hnd 10 be post'pbned because Df a . Mr. Jailles Mercer, B,A., . bf for eany resUrfacing Iii done on \WI)
ans sholl' ~mall attendance. ' Shears!own, Is the ncw Principal that seetloD.

.' gw ak.o.J. ~ fWO ~<Y!, ~e4"t$ »ted;'

of them The meeting, with eleellon of of the Church Df England High -------
le!lnllon! o([\cers, will now take place on S~hool at Coley's Point thlil yhr, T· eleVI·SI·On QUI"'te
;. Wedncsday night, Sept. 21st at Las! year, due to the dl£fitulty
B p.m. of obtaining the services ot I quail· 1 H·
ar~ POPU" a.f , ere
~ ~i.J. g~i1 ~ ~t~~~
our-yenr· :\Iembcrs reminded tllllt IIed high grade teacher, !be Iligh
.\' a truck
(l\' in the their agreeme.~1 prcI'ides for no grade pupils were (lbJlged to attend
~ traflic
o\'crtlme work 011 the night of the Amalgamated School here at BAY ROBERTS, Sept. 14.-
k by th~ the mee\lng. aad all are request. Bay Roberts. Mr. Mercer received We WDlild like to set tbe expres·
lOme. Mr. eel 10 make a special effort to his B.A. Degree from Memorial slons of surprise and wonderment
The broken lines on the ph olograph roughly indicate the additional area to be occupied
lo~t an· .ucnd Ihls Important meeting. University during this past year. which ofwould .the be on the
who faces
people by oew smelters arid olher buildings. Beyond Ihe pres:ol plant (the aluminum 5lru~tule
when ~ ,. _ _ . and we bespeak ~or' III m a success-- some
~ther died ful "car at Coley'~ poin~. 1IIlnd~ed or more years ago, it In the middle ground) can be seeo the harbor amI docks or Kitimat. .
M~. nad Mrs. J, L. Burke Anll they could suddenly be brought
daughter Maureen, &ccomllanled by bil~1: lit life Ahd "Iew the pro· •
ken. alsn sc\'eral SI. John's friends,. _8Jlenl !Q'ammes which are being sent oul
a I'm' enjo),ablc I'lsit to St. pierre ohr the air tOila~'
will pro' .
ndustry in recently. They molored to For· Ol'cr the week·end, your corres-
ds 30,0011 tune by car /lnd then I:rD!.sea to pondent, ",ho Is one of the unfor·
in's pO\\'fr
the French ISland hy JlaiJsenger lunate orles not to hal'e I TV
, its oulpul hDat. s~t as "et, ,ntched an trour·long
conRraMations are extended to progrill~ine on the TV set of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac F. Mercer, Bay Max Mercer at Shearstoll'n. The
Roberts East, on the birth oC a hour·long show was called 'Man
Feature for Featur6 daughter on August 20th. of Conquest" and depicted scend
Week.end visitors to Shearstown from the civil wars which resulf·
brings you . InclUded Prlr. and MiS. HilttY teo ea In tile sectiDn' ot the U.S.,
Grow, Baullne, Mr. and Mril. Bert known today 115 the State.Df Texas
the grech!st vblu6 Buller, Mr. Mark LeGrow, and breaking Us bonds wllh Mexkci
Mi'. Milton Vey of Little Heilr~'i inti hecolnlng a part o( the Union.
I" .
Eli!!, T.n.
. .. "rills was 4wars In whleh the now
faLlVlSioN . Cbniratulations Rre extended tn song·famous Davy CrtJl:kett was
Mr. lnd Mri. Ted Bowering of killed, and whlclh showed such
To.dety Coley'. Point on the birth of a 80n Wi!Il;ltnbWn personalities as Gov·
oft september lith. . erilur Samuel Hueston ind Presl·
AT ANY I'kIC~'r Mililer Girry Russell, 2·year· dent Andrew Jackson.
old IdD bf Mr. arid Mrs. William The episode was verY Interest;
Russell, lIiy Rliberts West, reeeiit; lnr, especiailY from the standpDlnt
l)' had tite miSfot1une to fall aitd It Uiilted States historY. It would
cut his thlil. Several stitches were bi! at gte!lt bbhe£lt If the Govern·
required til close the WDund. ment would solbe film on
)Ieisrs. Wlifred and Willis the history oC ollr earlY Newfound-
Greenland Of Coley's Point haye land history.
blkim up positions wt~h the St ,vhlIe vlewlnj the above·men·
John;s Housing CCJI1lOratlflb as tar; tioned plctui'~, W~ coultl not helP
peilters. til thihk ot ~he price min paid tor
'Birthday greetings m e:dehded ff!cdom; demoCracy ind the right
to Bonita Bowerlng, who celebrat. 10 "ote tree~'. We alsci could not
ed Mr birthday on September 1st. help but think of the ii~rlous lack
Mh. Eric Pitcher of St. John's, ofappreclation by our people to-
spent a few' days here recently day, many of whom do not even
on a visit with her sister, Mrs. take advantage of the opportunity
relephotOl Harvey Bowerlng. She has since and privilege riot "ttbuble") ti>
I~i I workel'l IUt for Toronto where ihe Will get out and vole.
,'Islt with' her motber,Mrs. Augus. Yes, Tele\'lslon Is a Brut thini
eel but Mer tlli (GU!I pahonil,. formerly. of It uAed rightly.
home Corp.' Cotey', folnt. We sincerely hope thit the nian-
CLAJUDGE Mt. datffice tl~iI IIh iii\ltted allem~ht lif CJON.TV will proVidt
his connections with' the Drake- suitable 'programmes 1&1' /Ill aile!

r.1 Merritt.Ayers CODs~ruction Com. and tastes, and more i\tongly db

'The U" DuMont l'IellUl:e
Custom. crafted cabinetry Ind pany at At.ellUa, and bas return. we, hope tltat parents of Bi:hocii·
"This ccntinuing cxpansion of Kitimat in succes·
245,.q. lnch' alumlnlled picture ed to colltiflUe hli studies at the children will take a drlous view In August, 1954, only 3V2 years after ground was
tube combined to give neat Memoriai Uz\lversllj. He II til of the muatlon ind ma~ sure that ." broken, thtl Kitimat smelter commenced production sive stages"; stated· Aluminium Limited president
appearilhce an d top perform- study for his B.Ss. Degree. We this lates! addition to our elViIl· of alilmiitum with itn annual capacity of 91,500 tons. Nathanael V. Davis, "should. we believe, help to
ance at an economy p ric t. wish Clarence evefY lll!ees!l In b1i zallon does not hindei', our lon~·
Hal ~:;t. y, walnut, limed oak remaining :wo yearl. standing, phase of clYlllzation.....:. Almost immediately a 6O,OOO-ton extension was. keep pace' with· the growing free world demand for
:E:ducatlon. We feel that the station . stljrted. And in the spring of 1955 the decision was aluminum anil particularly the demand in our
.' tacm nOM:
258.50 t. 3H~50.
minallement could helfl by trylni
~ iftiiii@ tII~li' lIfflli'iillmes 80
that thcise which would Interesl
made t6 proceed with a flexible program to add a major export markets, the Unitcd Kingdom and the
tlJtther 180,000 tdlis to ingot capacity,
. . ... A progressive increase to 33 i ,500 tons, more
United States."
. The new facilities will go into production step by
rllACI '.' children could be featured' early, thah tlitee times tile site of the original installation, stcp, with the /irst unit starting up in the Call oC i956 .
STORAGE iN" 'and that parents should have •
• AVAILA8LE strict deadline f6r the' viewing of and weU iJn .the way tei bur ultimate Kitilnat goal of It is expected that the present building program will
be completed ib 1959.
.' ,.p Y
TV by tbelr children. Let's hope
tIIat the Impact of. TV do not ihow
uJIII~6Iy on theCHE rewlts III
550,000 tons a year,
, ,

.' Limi''',. . 'WYAtt CQ~L "SALt- collilili yean: TV Is good, It can ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA't LTD.
h ItHd 1ft ichools .. well ;i~ .. • ... Uid AT. SHAWINl\Uk FALLS "~VlbA ISLE MALIGNI
572 WATER ST. LIMITED' lioffitt-tiut It bsa to be treated lit
Died . , .. ; a.ens~le minner.· It Is liP til •

,DIAL 7466 . ' .. Ille ~ parents 1'0 see to It that thid\'
: qti,mnn8.\\'cdsh;1~,li ,.... ....U.r.·n "0 ·ot all <fe·tb· I 1-<
~______________.w. .wll~""WW~------~~~ ~ :~~ .. o~, umspa~

. . ., \'.
"Il ... '

. '

. , ...... ~. ........-;""'.-

-6 THE DAILY NEVis, MONDAY, SEPT. 19, 1955

, .... , .......... ' c
' '

-I dl'ivel'These rules should be known to ever;-' '. ...

The Daily News

'and, in fact, no Jicences to drive
should be issued to. people who cannot In.··.The News .
. ....,

• recite diem .. Moreover, there is great neetl " • • ., . I'

B'y. 'W' f .
'Sh~p,~e,nl,~ .
Tb, UAlLY NEWS II • momlna paper for traffic officers to make a' point of stop- .
Ulablllbed III lIM, Ina publilbed at the
ping drivers who ignore the .rules ohafe ,ay arer

..:... B'!1ldlDa. 3M-3mI Duekworth Street, .
: '.
Sl. JOb'l, N6w1ollDdllDd, b1 BobllllOD •
Co~paD', LimIted. .
driving and giving. them a stern reminder
of the.need t~,~bserve them.
,..~__________. _

:~ES AND COMMENTS \ o!ylew.

-'_._ _....- -
I.~. . •... '
rEIllY or, TU CANADIAN PRISII ri~ was when no question of
When newspap~rs reach' conelu·
Danger'ous Dust
, . TIl, caaadiIJI Preu II 'x~ue1Vt.!, en- gr~at pubUe consequence could be sions from the known or apparent ,.
0( [it ',titled tu the lilt for republication of .~ raised without bringing to the facts and ·take : a position for or 'I1ie choir 01
. Ii ~f::DIW' dilpate}lea lD tbl. paper credited to city's press a substantial volume of anaiiist a particular. pollcy, It is will be wearing
,:.. ~.:.~
dOl lt~ ~ Auoellted
T'lt Pl,,.
~. Beutert
.•. ~ a 10 t... local newa pubUlbed thereta.
Many accidents' occurring
foundllmd highways this year\ have'
on New-
comment in the form of leiters sUlI important for them to know
from citizens who· had definite and and be able to giv~ eltpression to
. ,'" ,the very near
hav~ already

, Informed opinions to express. the views of privat~ citizens on the
'.': r:} ~j:. All Preu IUYICI Ind feature artic:le. III due in some measure tp the dust which These days seam to hav.e gone and same Issu~. The forum, repres·
; Ii, ':~'w. paper In cuP7r1abt and their repro. rises in' great ciouds to obscure visibility that Is more than a pity. It may ented . by, the correspondence
. ' :J', ~~~ductlon II problbtted. to the virtual point. of zero-zero. . even be a mlsfortunc. column Is always available to. those
I .,'• til ~~\ ; :"'~". AUtlwrlzed' u · - d ellu mail Pm
. ' who wish to use it. Jl'oo few do.
, .. ; :,!; . ,,;. OffICI DepartmlZlt, Ottawa. The dust .menace is to be met with on There could be no bettcr eX· That was not always the case as
· ,.1 " ;~,7' all gravel roads and on some more than ample of this decline in th'~ expres· reference to t~ flies of the' neWs'
I\.p l .:'.;: .
others. Conditions on the Bay Bulls. roa.1 slon o( public opinion than the com· papers of a few years ago will
.' ;:;. ; ,:!! . lIember Audit Zureau ., plete vacuum in which the Cana· amply demonctratc. Why is it that
':: ~:I -';.j• .r,.~ , " ClffiIlatlOJll
this' summer were particularly bad and dian Javelin guarantee Is being amply demonstrate there are more
.) '.' 'I'
; '/ ..
'" they were pretty well tintolerable on some debated in Ihe House of, Assembly. peopl'~ who' are well·educated and
: '.. . ',:..
.;( · h y Nothing more Important has com~ well·lnformed, there is so strong
DAlLY IIlIBSCIIPTION UUII sections 0f t.he Trans- Canada HIg wa. before the legislature for many a disinelinalion towards the popu· of
~. '~f '
:._ Cluda , ....... ~. u t : •• f ',00 per aIllUJD Those who. come through safely .afte1' yem. Tlie size of the guarantee lar expression of opinion in letters

:i;:,l~ :•. Unltid Klnldom' anel aU '

ForetlD Ccian+.riea .... $12.00 per annum
a drive over a dusty highway feel
they nndlhe effect it may have on pro· to the pr~ss?
vlneial ered~ arJ alone sufficient
will never get the grit out of t eir un~s to cxcite popular Interest to the The .Javelin agreement Is 'un'
' IW~" ;...._------~1 and' certainly they cannot derive much point of outspoken comment. questionably' one subject that
l ~ j~~-'...-
, I .~---------.:...---- pleasure 'or satisfaction from a holiday on
ought to stimulate the expression
Docs Ihe lack of 'comment mean of public orlnion. Never, before in
.~ .. ;:':;:
MONDAY,' SEPTEMBER 19,' 1955 the grBvclhighways. Ihat thcre is no public inlerest? Newfoundland history Iras a gov-
·· .;~:
'.,-" . The Obvious remedy is to pavc th(: We think not..' W'J have heard ernment undertaken to as'sume a Nylon-blend gabardine in singl,
the Javelin deal disellssed on the single commitment oC so great a
.; §:
. :;':
E, qual" Services· For All roads as quickly as possible, Tha.t, ho~v- strect In very decided ,terms. But slz'~. A contingent liability of $16,.
ever, appears to be bcyond the- fmanclBl nohody wants to stick out any more 500,000 Isn't peanuts anywhere, still
breasted button.through models, with
aud commit himself to a public less in Newfoundland where It rep· warm qulited satin -linings.
',:§: One recommendation of the Rowell· means of the Government which is now expression of his opinion. That resents 40 per cent of the total
,f~ Sirois Commission on federal-provincial concentrating the resourccs available for dut). must be a5sum~d by the edl· funded dcbl. The principle im·ol· Colour fawn and grey.
.;5-;, financial relations was that every province roads on the completion of the trans-insular lorial columns of the press and v'~d in a guarantee o( this kind
the members of the legislature. is important. People may agree or

i;.!:: should be helped io maintain adequate ser- high\l'ay and the building of local roads, The silence of the public is lliscon· disagree' but Ihe~ should certainly
.:~:: "ices without having to impose taxes more : But since paving appear~ to be some certing. It d()~s not al1gllr well have something to say on the sub·
·,::§:' burdensome than the national average. distance away surely it ought to be pos- for OUf comllrehenslon of the indio ject, one way or another.

Dwelling on this point, Professor W. sible to use· ~n oil'mixture which will democrac)·.
vidual's obligation in a political tlZES 34-44
;~. Y. Smith of the University of New Bruns- serve to make thc grB\'el highways in sum- A thoughLful public would ex·
';f: wick, has told the Atlantic Provinces mer more pleasant io use and a ,great deal amine the facts amI com~ to ~on·
:,:;:1. Economic Council that the present tax- safer, There is a Icndency, of course, elusions about whether· the pros'
:,':',' rental agreements should be broadened to . ~ and a "eryto marl;ed
indil'ldual evade one, for the
personal pective returns arc sufficient to
N' justif)' the acceptance of so large
:?~?; giy.e more benefits to the poorer p~ovinces. sponsibllity by throwing the bur· an obligation. The question of the
,.~~: His plan was to have Ottawa make supple- Fun In The Counc·11 den upon the editorial hcolumns
P .I h t 't tilof ~rfect on the public
to be discussed. creditcitizens
Leading ought
.. _._.'" mentary payments based on defl'cl'encl'es l'n the press. cup e II' a aven e whose kno\l'led~e of' the business ":ROYDON"
;. personal I'ncomes.
I';.' .The News account of the I as tmect 'mg guts or the mterest 0 expl'~SS
I their own opinions on public issues principles involved .IS h'Ig hi Y reo Handsomely taliored coats made from
,~ adop:e~~e~h~i~~:r~r_opt~;~J;~~ :~~fe~:
•• of the Municipal Council tcnds to suggest i d~c~li\~;e Ic:~~r :~1~~d i~'it~lo~d~: :~~1~~s,sh~~lc~s~~ ~~Ii~; ~h~ ~~~~
that our city fathers are beginning to br-Ithe newspap~rs for failing to flgbt twenty years 01' so ago. to lay their shower-proofed gabardin~, single
)::.~ ence in October, it is quite obvious that ll'eve that their public sessions sho.uld ta,ke their battles. But surely the chief opinions before Ihe public. But all
. ~. l'mportant cha nges are. neede breasted slip-on models with full silk
.= .:_ present cherne
do t ,the .the form of a varl'etv turn.
I fit
sent on a newspaper
the 0 facts in the case
e is silence. The public gives no
s 0 aspr a. guidance. Too often it leaves th c
lining. The colours are grey, brown
I::: s . That is all very well so far as it goes. means of "informing public opinion imprmion that it .dc'zsn't even
:;':', One weakness is that the same formula Most deliberate bodies go to the other 'and encouraging a frank and open care. The good old local c.ustom
'.' ' :,~ is employed to measure the payments to extreme. Their proceedings are dreary til discussion. And wh~n a news· ~~e~:i:~~g t~~~ ~~~~ ~~~m~o:ul~~
Clnd blue.
i l~' all subscribing provinces except Ontario the point of dullness. But it is just possible rs~~~~ t~ke~;stde::illtews:~~~~n t~~ indiffcrence to questions' of pubhc
1;-: and no allowance is 1l)ade for need,
that the constant stream of humorouti opinions of it~ readers, whetheL' policy has become th'~ order qf the
Another is that.if a recession should banter that flows around thc Council'~ t1':le::..)'~a~re~fo:::r....:o::r.-:;ag~a:::ln:.:st:..:.::lts~p:..:.oin::..t_,=d:-=a)_.. -:--:::;:-:------
; " I~_' occur and the nation's gross national pro~ table may create the wrong impress.ion.
;'. I.:: 4uct decline, the poorer provinces will get Runnin c1 the city is a pretty serlOU~ Study 'vstery
M le'
R d Ch·Ina
~ZES 34·44 19.95
;".II_':~: less' nt, a time W,hen the"-J will need more, business. -It'" is big businesS'. And't1 WOUld StrengtI ,

. I
Of BIac kf· len~
- J •
': "j:::' Of paramount importance is the fact beunfortunate'if the public were to reach IS 1 ' ~-
• ,I:;':' that in no province should the people suf- the conclusion that members of the CounCIl WASHINGTON (AP)-What per· Posl"tion In Tibet
,t· '!'i~:: fer madequate services th~ough basic were not iaking it as seriously. as they mits the fresh water black[ish .to
!,:; economic defects, All Canadian citizens swim away unharmed altcr being KALI:'IPONG, India (Rcutm)-
were away
'.:,' ,:1 should have the'right to ,a national mini- should.
,;:,',.:, '. ' . d I
We arc glad to sec some ~oo 1Umour-1 encased I It's onein ~fsolid
moreice?than 5~ Ar~ltc . strengthening
Communist China is gradually
her position in Tibet "islting their
i ']W,i' mum standard of education, health, \Aveld- ed levity enlivening sessions but we would or sub·Aretlc questions nOW bemg to the point where she is ready
lingate. ~
,) :::::; fart;, public. works and other services. .11 l'k I to sec some accounts of serious studied by science und'~r grants to absorb the country politically

The Gin
,;;1'; those citizens who have to accept services 1 e a so . . from the Arctic Institute of North and economically into her own English all-wool gabardine, single·breasted ell's has
this year.
...'i:: belo'"... thl'S s'tandard because of defl'cl'encl'es .discussion on -Important policy questions. America-a
tion devoted little known orgnniza·
cxcluslvely t.o the system. An Bth·century treaty bell\'~en button-through models, with silk iining. m~eting at
: ,r' . in the economies of their provinces. ar~ ;. • - advancement of northern sClenre. China and Tibet, inscribed in a
ThJ institut~, with ~eadquarters stone pillar near the main temple
Monday night
: •. If . ':'

' .:,=' compelled to accept the status of second-
I: or'To-day I,
In Montreal, IS spendmg an aver· in Lhasa. dcscribes the relation·
I ag of $500,000 to $7[;0,000 a year ship between th·~ two countries as
Colours light blue, grey, fawn and brown. The mBny
Emma Hibbs

',; ;;j:':,. class citizens pf Canada to which Premie: l' learn that
,; Fj:':: Smallwood has taken such strong excep- loo!;ing (or the wllat and why of Ihnt of "uncle and ncphc\~." fined 10
to hospital
:',:1J I.: ,:".' tion, That is not a position that the Gov- By'E'ARL I•. DOUGLASS iI northern Iife. Its
branch is housed Washington Dalai
in a second.flo~r But aLama,recent spiritual
by the
~.:j'; ernment in Ottawa should be prepared to ,__- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' corner of the grey stone CarnegLe Tibet indicates that this relation· SIZES 34-44
:. . 'j\;: sanction or 'the people of the poorer prov- SPEAKING OF RUTS Institute building ncar downtown ship ~OIV has become a good d~al
lib f d ttl t Yesterday we spoke about the trouble Robert Washington. closer.
:: i,j:~: ncts e orce 0 0 era e; Raikes had getting bls Sunday-schooIs star:e.
d '''II
"" :ll.-. '
I • ...
IId Although many of its pro}~cls "It I'S an unprecedented relation·
'i, , · bl F Pe on lIam Carey, a contemporary of Robert Raikes, I' e
to Interest his generation In Joreign missions, and arc couched In technl:al terms, ship," the Dalai Lama said, which
the study of the blackflsh metab·.!s as good as. the relationship
More Trou e or .r he was accorded about the same reception as was oUsm provides an example. of existing between father and son."
Raikes with his' plans for Sunday·schools. Instltute·financed research. This eroser Nlationship extends
_, It is not surprising that Argentina There had been great missionary ac:ivlty In the Joseph T. F1akne, the institut~'s particularl), to the economic field.
, ,'.: should be again the scene of an armed re- early Christian Church resulting, first, In the con pro~rammin~ director, hopes I~e But the Chinese arc also working
'.·b ell'lon. \'erslon oC the Roman Empire, ·and then In the ,con· sueker·like fish-found only 10 for the social modernizalion of
' Arctic lakes-may provide the key Tibet. Chinese women Communists
The revolt which began a few month~ ver810~ of the barbaric European tribes - our that wilI make hum,nns more com· are tourin~ the country, teaching
_. I I Corebearr. But this missionary movement at last fortable when expos~d to subzero Tib-~tan women the domestic sci·
.' ago was quickly put down and was fo ,lower s:opped,' There were consideraille missionary e(· cold. .
~. by some show of liberality by the dictator fort among the American Indians but vel')' Utile "We know the blaekflsh can stalus of women is equal' to thai
. ences and telling them that the
· but the truce was of short duration. among the Asiatics, and none so far as the Pro, revive after freezing," he said in of men.
lvJ a little while ago Peron organized teslant Church was conrerned, Carey proposel! an Inlervlew. "If the scientists at draw
The some
Chineseof arc
the also trying of
.• great demonstrntion of his supporters that Christian missionaries be sent !o Asia.
Catholic University (conducting
the stud~') can find out why, it Lamas out of the monasteries to
~and told them that any citizen had ilie His proposal was' met with scorn and denuncla· may b~ possible 10 reproduce Ihe join in n mor~ worldly life.
'~:'right to slay' persons who disturbed the tion. If God wanted the heathen to be converted, same ability. in humans through According to Tibetan traders, 500
, • He would convert them, and He had no need for a shots or pills.". Chinese girls, trained in Com·
~;~eace, I~ was a virtual exhortation to all fellow like WIlliam Carey to advise Him. The Also under. consideration Is & munism, ar~ to be brought 10
'~:]}is followers . to take the law into their own whole thing. was looked upon as visionary, and sludy-posslbiy less imaginatlve-
Flakne sees beagedbrought to Lamas.
Tibet and encour-

'.' of Arctic mushrooms. to marr)' Those who
~;:hand:;. , particularly as' an effort to the sensible procedures 'In thlll- n possible neW norlhern marry' will get loans from the gov·
~~ The new revolt must represent a final of divine grace. Industry. In any event, It's Infor· ernment to ~tart in trade, tha Tib·
:~'protest of, the dictator's opponents and its But Carey, a shoemaker, at lasl went to Asia, mallon anxiously sought by the etans say.
, and he Is regarded as the father of Protestant military In its search 'for regional - ------
=-i:tate is not yet known. . . •. missions' throughout the world.' food sources.' ,
This much, however, is certam. Fear . Speaking of ruts-even the most godly are I~ A non·proflt organization form'~d le'ave from Canadian ports in the
IYITAWA' (CP)-Five ships will
.' _ ' =:~'and
fear alone incited Peron to his latest danger of running Into them. In 1945, the'Is Institute.
with-and financed works part next ~'eeks with miHtary supplies
In large
~:)yrannies and even if he should survive ' 0 by-the military and other agen· for four of Canada's allies. in
~the present reb.ellion, he can never be sure NATO, the army said Friday. The
cies of the United States and shipments arc for Turkey, Por·
::'when another will start.
::.:; Argentina will not know real. peace'8
Who t Oth ers AS·
re aYIDg
Canadam It also draws ipon grants tugal, Belgium and The Nether·
of the Carnegie' Corporation, thc lands and will leave from Van·
Roeke(·~Iler Foundation and other couver, Montre~1 and Quebec City .
Flannelette shirts in a real conglomeration of ..checks
.and plaids •• ,.thl!l ideal shirts 10 wear on your hunting
Eiimtil her people have returned'to ~he ways; , private sources. They include artillery equipment
..... • d . f d SUPPORTS LABORATORY trip this fall. Small, medium and large sizes.
i:P' emocratlc ree om. The institute provides the prim, and various Iypes o( ammunition.
~-; • THOUGHTS FOR TODAY ary' support for the Arctic research
Ro· Safety.
• (Lin Yutang) laboratory, set up by the oUiee of
"One world" Is no longer an Ideal prcached by naval research at Point Barrow, O'ITAWA (CP) - Seventy·live

starry-eyed philosophers but a political' Bnd economic Alaska. Through its Arctic re, young men from across Can.ada
~~ •
. fact and, a nece·slty. ')
Mevertheless the world. 15 search laboratory advisory group are enrolled this year al HMCS
New modei cars are to be equipped S:1lI a lawless Joclely In which the' pistol rules -mad'~ up of university, govern· Venture, the navy training school
~"iili a number of protective .devices in- wheretillIhelaw
i!r h t I
does not. Even j( •• there Is no war, ment and private representatives for junior officers at Esquima\t,
h t II I U I 111 d with Arctic experience-it also B.C: The cad'~ts, ranging in age
zeluding, for iliose who want iliem, safety we 5 ave 0 earn ow 0 ve oge ler as c v ze provlaes guld~l\ce in' the formula· .from 16 to 19, will study for two .1
.... belts . nellhbors. . . ' '. . tlon of the research program and years.
~:; T'h' . ' .' 't h be 11 -:0:- • recruiting of its';!ntists.
';;<1, IS new. equlpmen as en we MACDONALD'S SERVICE Flakne himself has had a long JL'm'
~'qteQ and found to be effective in reducing (London Free Press) alfociation with Alaska research, KINGTON, Ont.· (CP)
risk. of
injury. in car accidents
Malcolm MacDonald, Britlah hlilh commission, beginning In 1929 when he left Min· Sutherland, 85, founder.' of the
i S th t A I hi I I d'7Jk neapolis to' put· ,himself through Hockey Hall of Fame, died at his I
:::o:which; in Canada alone, last year caused er n· ou ea! e,rn sa, av ng comp e e years the, University' of., Alaska. While .home ~ere F~lday night. He had
::;"'3000 deaths.:' ' ' .... , ' at Singapore, left for' Britain to the tune of highly with the university's agricultural been In fallmg. haalth for two
;!.. I, Th·· . f 'th f t d' . t laudatciry' editorial comment In. Singapore. His ex~rlment station In the early years.
~:t' ~ use'o ese sa e Y mches: IS 0 next post will be high comll1!J;sioner at New Delhi. 1930s an Incident occurred that - - - - - - - - - - -
S~ strongly recommended but t ey are LIke his fa'ther, Ramsay MacDonald, Malcollll has Flakne now cites as an example said he planted those lnitial sceds ,
~;nerely apalliativ~ and not l!- .remedy. , . devoted hi. talents and skill to the, achievement of· the neeHor a' stepped up Arctic but although continuollsly har·
Th~ bes' way to, il",rt, serious injury and maintenance. of peace,' of goodwlll'and letting research program;if the Uniled vested and replanted, It was not
~ ~(.n
ilie highways"
is to.pre. vent
accidents along wltb other people, . Of\lln his unorthodox States and Canada
ff d d th Id t I I I I b t th I successfully with Russia:
to compete until \his year that a ·sufficient .
.' quantity of seed existed for gen·
'. =in.d. this imposes upon every driver. the ways, 0 en e e 0 ·5 ~ e co on a s. u e peop e The event was the arrival from eral distribution. • . Sr: JOHN'II,
:;;'eed; to follow the' fundament 1 . f -d'· _ approed. of h!1I!' .Hls friendliness and understanding Russia of two small .sacks of ~us· "That's 25 years," he said, "and N'W~OUNDLAI4
=~ .
a sa e nv wete complimentary to the military actions of Sir sian' red clover' seed:"'the first just think of Ihe years of research
.·%}Dirules which aU should know and under- Geraid Templar, : Between them they stabilized legume received in Alaska capable Russians put into ,those seeds
· _~~', ',';,:,~'~:-:., .:')'~,::: ,,,:: ;,\'o~" ~f ~e !DOI~ \'i~I,,Sou,~east ,Asi~
•. ,; ~.f resl~~I~gArCtieWeather.Flakne
before they were developed."

,.,," ., \

.' ~. '.
, .. ~


· .. S .,,,."
• "It's too early to do more than port tonnage consists of iron arc . EASE SHORTAGE . part' of fourth.quarter governm6!llfi!)
lUess.". ., '.. ,going to the plants of the Ste'e!. WASHING'l;PN (AP)-ArUlUr· S. aluminum purchases
, Furtherlnland at Hamilton, that Company of Canada-the country's Flemming, director' of. defence vcrted· to 'the United' nl!lIIlOI'm
steel. city' on L~ke Ontario's sbore 1argest producer of primary steel- mobilization, announced Tuesday which .is' experiencing a

Con~eption B
.. ay.· .outh looks for stimUlus from· the sea· and Dominion Foundries and Steel hp is setting aside·fourths of .aluminum: s,bortage.. "',:.
way. Hlmilton regards itself as Ltd. " scbedul-2d fourth·quarter aluminum
aitting at the forward cleat of a Commissipner· Ford' says he deliveries to the national stockpile .. '

so • caUed "Golden' Horsesboe" bopes the seaway might do two for tbe use of private Industry. At
swlngl!lg around tbe lake shore things for Hamilton: . tbe same time Flemming disclosed
\ I
from about Oshawa, Onl., to the 1. Bring new companies into tha that ·in return for aluminum deli·
power.prpc!ueing· eity of· Niagara city. v-zries to tbe U,S. by Britain during
Kellgrews •• Foxtrap· .••. Long Pond .. Manuels Falls, Ont. 2. Make Hamilton a distributing the period of 1952·1953,
H. H. Rogge, president of Cana· centre over a large Ontario area ,,::::=-:=':::'::::="':~~~---'---~--:':=-==~-=::±'"
r" GI.11ies'
expects to be spendlnl I law days delivery servlee. .
there. . Mr. Dawe recently purchased a
Ichurch at Topsail on Thursday dian Woastinghouse in Hamilton, Cor goods coming in by water.
night. The reception will be held says he thinks that in the next Mr. Ford's commission has pro·
11ic choir 01 Hopewell church •Another well·known resident of neW truck ell'llclllly for coai de· at tile Wayside Hotel. couple of generations Canada's jected plans for new docks and for
the "ery ncar future. The r~bes
will be wearing their new robes In KeJIIgrews is also III in hospital. livery. The truck is of the one ton
Mrs. Maria LeDtew·was taken sud· variety and )las special equipment.
hal" alread,' been mnde for the denly iii w\!ek and had to be for unloadlnl the coal .. Deliveries
. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Eason and
two children, accompanied by Miss
Doreen Ealon, motored to Plac·
population is going to .centre on the
"Golden Horseshoe."
neither IIIr. Rogge nor i~·
reclaiming land to add to the 12·
000 feet or dockage Hamilton no';"
has. Two of thtprojects will creatc
t'ishtpen.member cbolr' by the lad. conveyed to the General, Hospital•. Of COil wm be made to anywhere entia for the weekend. dustrlal commissioner Ken Ford IS about 45 acres of new land.
~Irs. wor~· a~ FI1·~
ies of Upper Gullies. Becausc of his mother s Illnen, Mr. Dawe announces. . , Mr. and' Mrs. Ronald IItone and going ov-zrhoard about the seaway Hamilton, too, Is out after light
Parsons, the mother of Mr. Mr. Peter Ledrew, who WIS vac- Mr. Dawe WII formerly son returned home 011. Sunday lacking up Hamilton's industry, for diversification. Its
Richard Parsons of Seal Cove,. atinnlng at Deer Lake,· returned Ina at Fort p.,perren but h. WI! September 11th after SP,endlng I prospeels. basis now is the heavy steel In·
Parsons makes her home In the to see hIS mother. IneSl, .
arril'ed home recently {or a visit borne over the weekend. Mr. Bert forced.ttl.ive up Ills position thlre
son and his {amlly. Mrs. also visiting KeUl,rewa becaule of .1Ipandinlcoal blu·
holiday with Mrs. Stono s paNnts
at Bridgeport, Notre Dame Bay.
TIle many little frlendl of Ruth
L!' ,la, ,t,:KED HARBOR,
The city of '230,000 people noW
has a peculiar landlocked harbor,
"Wc think wc might go 10 a half
niiUion population In the next 2S
linited States. A group of her friends lathered The Girl Guides of Long Pond FO'IVrer of Chamberlains wiU be its working water area shut off by years, partly as thl! result of the
~Ir. ~as t~roullh
Congratulations are slso In order at the home of Miss Mary Farrell held a me.tlng In' St.· George's iliad to hear that she will soon ,be a sandbar traversed by ships seaway," says Mr. Ford. sug·
lor and Mrs. Richard Parsons on Monday night to tender her a .chool on Monday niBbt, Septem· returning· to school. Ruth a channel called the Bur· gested Hamilton might outstrip

happy event took place on' Monday her birthday. A very enjoyable m~atilll for this year and marks measles since the opening' ~
August 29th at the Grace Hospital. evening was apent by all. . the slnt. of their actlvlUel for school. . .
IIcr many friends ext(!nd a hap. allother .el~on. " , Happy birthday to Ruth Fowler
py birthday wish to MiSs Mar y
Fagan oC Seal CO\'e on the occas.
Foxtrap . Miss Erma Greenslade of Long who celebrateil her birthday on
,Pond left recell!ij for Port Bland· Thursday, September 8th.,
ion in her sixteenth blrdthday. Ali Snlnts Cbureh at Foxtrap :ford where sbe 11 teach this 'yea r Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fowl>'!r and
~tary celebrated the event on Sep. Was the scane of a triple christen.' Mrs. Waller Lear of Montreal Is daughter Ruth of Chamberlains reo
tember Dth. Mary is presently can. Ing last Sunday afternoon when presentlY visiting Long Pond. turned by. train on Monday Septem.
fined to the Sanatorium at St tl _I M d M While abe is here Mrs. Lear will ber 5th. The Fowlers spent a very
.' Ie young son... r. an rs'·b the lue t f' h- sister Mrs j b! h lid t' St b III
.lohn's but her friends will be Samuel Searle of Lon Pond was e s o·r , '. • ·.en oya e a ay a ep env e
pleased to learn thnt she will be christened Keith The Robert G,reenalade. I. too guests of Mr. and Mrs.
dischargcd soon, . .
baby son of Mr and Mrs WUliam : 'Manues.
.}' And . Raymond Porter.
TIle friends of Mr. John SmlUl
Kelli O're"'s :- ,n.
Dawe Gf FOlCtrap was christened'
Mrs. Les!I·_ Petten ~ Kelllilrews
All Slints church at Foxtrap was I\'ns named Leslie Henry.
Carl Wilson; and the son of Mr, and .
I• . .'
of ManuC'ls, better known to all
as Uncle John will be sorry to
learn that' he II noW confined to
hi bed Mr Smith has been j1J
(he scene of a very prctt, wedding Se\'eral students from .this area A IroUpof ber r*nds 'gathered fO~ the' past '"week or 80 with the
"" Wednesday, September 8th, at who finished their grade eleven at the home of· Mi"s Enid Smith flu His friends wlah him a speedy
this "ear at tha Regtonal Hllh . • •
"r ~Ir.
;,30 p,m. \I'hcn Barbnra. daugt Iler Schooi will be leaving next week last week to tender her. a shower recovery.
and Mrs. Leslie Hen· to . attend Memorial University. In' honour of her forthcpmlng mar· Happy birthday to Min: LeoPOth
n;,;,r)" or !';clilgrel\'s, bccame the Elaine Batten, Lorraine Jone. and "rlage. Misl SmIUt. was the recep· Caines. of Chamberla ns on. e
hn(le of Robert. son or Mr. and Edward Jones will be doing first . lent or many beautiful gifts and a occasion of her birtbday which
~lr~. :~Pte~be:/~~~
Joscph McKinley of 51. John's. year Education. Graham Pilddle. very' enjoyable evening was spent sbe celebrated on
the rector, Reveml' G. ElIlolI, and 'Batt~n and NelSon Porler will be Enid's. marriage ttl Don Sinclair John and from Marlon and ROler
ceremony was pcrformed by will 5tudy' engineering, and Boyd by' all. •.
!i1~ rhanccl of Ihc church II' a s taking the first year Arts course. will. 'take plaee Inth!·· C pf E at Foxtrap.
The greetins com fro h
hr~utirull)· decornted for the oecas· Miss Helen )lereer will ent~r the .' Is thought that shippin, heading
The. bride looked "~ry lo\·el~ In General Hospital School of Nurs·
Ion with lo\'eh' flowers.
BOd For
. between Inland ports and foreign
ing In February and Miss Myra
3 floor·length gown of white lace Porter will take a commercial
ol'cr \·ol\·el, with a floor·length Bishop Spencer Collele.
toil or nylon net with embroidered Anoth~r of this year's lrade eleven
.,. .ShoIpplng
' .' ,
countries mlllht bYPass Montreal.
George Mooney, head ~ tlte
city'. St. Lawrence municipal bur·
eaU, Isn't worrying much abo)lt
corners. Th·~ hridc's I b I clnss, Wilson Fagan, 1eft .t Ute .
. 'I Ki I 'II
jli~~ Janet •• c n ey ... 5S sa e first of September' to take up teac· B.·)smeSS ' • .:. these doubts.

Hennessey and Miss Mary Hoannes· hlng duties on the South Coa,t.
;cy wore Rowns
with matching beaddrm. of green velvet The Regional High School has

. 111 JORN leBLANC

The flower girl was !IIlss Anne an extra teacher on its Itaff this' MONTREAL (cp~anada's big not create any Imbalance In the
"In general," he IIYS, "I tbink
it Is fair to say that the seaway wm

Kirby, nnd the groom was attended year. She Is Miss J'Un Haliburton Inlll\d ports Ire scrambling for economic activity of tile port of
h)' his brother, Mr. Sandy McKln. of St. Jobn's; last year MilS Hal· tbe sllipping bUllness· that will go Montreal. Thoa strong likelihood Is
OCTOBER 17th, 6.30
Ic),. and by Mr. DOllglas Hennessey Iburtnn taught at Bishop Spencer along with the St. Lawrence sea· that It wll ~cro1"rate and consld·
and ~Ir. Walter Hennessey.
Following til-a ceremony the re.
College. WlY,', erably add to' it."
. The deep wal-arway Into the Mr. Mooney Is loolting to the
. \ Two Weeks
ception Was ,beld at thc Old Colony
l1ub where the usual toasts were
Long Pond heart of the continent \s expected as
to give industry. an impetus with
development of the :Montreal area
a "Canadian Ruhr," partly
. ' lowered cargo 'rates. And the
II rfere d. Th e mas ter 0f ceremon· The Home and Sehool AuO(:iat· major Indultrial c·entres of Mont. from the hydro power and raw
icg for the evening Was Mr. Fred Ion of Lond Pond held • meeting rul, Toronto and Halllilton are out materials aceessibla t,o it, and •
Kirh)', the uncle of the bride. in the C. of E. school on Thursday to ,et the most from the develop. partly from what the Beftway will
p~,ed by Mr, Phil Lewis. The Ing the annual election Of offiee~s: But what. will happen In any -of One of the tblngs.he looks for Is
The tonst to the bride was pro· night, Septermer 9. At this meet.\ mint each' for itself bring. WITH THE. GREATEST VARI·ETY OF:
h"pp,. couple spent part of their took place. I" the bll cltles-Of [n any of the an industrial surge on the relat!· .
hO~~~:~~~~1 a!n~t ~{~!~e'G. ~he .sm.ller.;communltle~
returned home last week following latlon is Mr. David COltel (el.c~d
new president of the Assoc·
nl'r nnnu'l \'acation. While thcy Mrs. Charles Greenslade was reo bOdy's: lliieS..,,·
th _ . elected to the post of vlce·presld· VA,JED VIEW! . .
along the vely·undeveloped south shore of thle .
route :iIf,·the IIIl\way-ls still any· St. Lawrenco2 river near Mon.trea ,
which will be sklrled
way's channel. European by Indu.trial
were awa)' they spent Som\! time cnt and Miss Patsy G~nsllde On a tour of the area that will Intereetl, he saYI, have bought up
I'biting their daugbter al Twil· 'Yas elected as second vlce·prelid· be opened up to large' ocean about 45 Squar~ miles on the La·
lin~alc. l ent. The new secretary of· Uie freighters by 1958 a reporter prairie basin WIth a view to form·
The Girl Guide troop at K~lUgr· Association is M!•• Samuel Searl>'! comes up with a 'miscellany of ing an "industrial estat!!." The pur·
rw, has resumed its activities for nnd the treasurer 1,5 Mr. Jock regional views. These range from chase cOl1talns more than a mile
thi" ~·cnr. The troop held its first Simpson, last., year s pre~ldent. outright hand • clapping througb of water frontag.e.
"'~~ling at St. Alban's school on The Association I delelate llt Mr. guarded optimism and scepticism. other industrial fI r m 5 have
~tonday night. Regardless of the varying out. picked up water lots on the basi~.
Thomas Greenslade.
The many friends 01 Mrs. Following the election ~ officers looks though all are working at The National H~rbors Board IS
f:mma Hibbs will be sorr~' to a discussIon was held on the prob· settU;g up n~w shipping facilities looking It over. for possible doc.k
lI'Ofn that she 'is presently con· lem of acquiring some fifteen new and drumming up new Industries t sites. Meanwhile, the poard IS
hned to hospital. Mrs. Hibbs went desks for too schuol. The associ· tie in wllh the arrival of the big looking It over for poSSible' doc.k
tn ~ospltal last Saturday and she aUon also decided to hold its meet· boats,~ FllUres are being tossed sites. Meanwhil<l!, the board 1&
Ings .tlce a month durlnl, thew around loosely but It looks a~ working on enlargement ~ existing

coming eary. . though more than $50 000 000 ill dock facilities In Montreal harbor.
Long Pond School has two new be laid out 011 new d' k' i iliThe annOlInced amount of these is BIGGER DOOR PRIZE'
principal is Miss Payne, who reo next few years oc s n e $7,000,000, but It Is reported' they
GENUINE places Mr. Charles Patlen, Mr. The seaway '!tRlf, wllh the ac. will run to some $40,000,000 over
NORTH' SYDNEY Petten has gone to Harbour Buf· companylnll hydro.electrie power th2 next four years.
fet where ,he Is the principal of d'!velopment, will COlt about $900. RELY ON BOARD BETTER EVERY NIGHT
SCREENED COAL' thMI~s ofF~;;r:,il~e::~ year's ~,ooo. This Is' blln', shared b~ "We are confident," 81YS Mr.!
, available in . grade two teacher Sbe replacel U ell governments of Canada, the Mooney, ,"that the National Har·
. Miss Shirley Scott ~ho 15 teaching ~ ~ S~te~, Ontario province bors Board will be mindful ~ the
.~ulk o,.r Packages'
ag22,mons,weds,frls,tf .
.atMrWhltbourne thl 'ear an ew or Itate. new requirements of Montreal and
James Daw~ ~ r.;,nd Pond IJn :ontrP.,tI, the world's. largest Is thinking of the pattern of ship·
wishes t()l ·aunounce to an his . an 16poooort Which annually handles ping that will be consequent on 1M
. 10llle , ,000 tons of cargo, .there seaway"
lrlends ,and oostomers that he is are some doubts as to what the A to' the future of tbe port, he
:;=~~=;==~~=~e~xp~a~n~di~n~g~a~n~d~.I~m~pro~vi~n~g~h~i'~eo;al .eawly .will do to the area. There say!:


' ..
R.C.A. Deep Image 21" T.V. Set ....Value $3~.OO 1sl Class Airline Ticket St. John's.Montreal
. .' ~ , .._ ' . . " ,i
Thor Refrigerator
, ..........................Value $300.00 . and return or equivalent cash, ....... ,....... $lBO.QO
. .. ...
-' .:

Two La%y.~oy Chairs ................ :..... Value $250.00 C.B.S. Columbia H.F. Phonograph ..Value $170.00
. Thor Washer, Sq. ~odel.. ..............Value$225.00 Lady's Wrist Watch ................. ;...... Value$150.00

Maximum 'Securlty at Kodak 16MM Movie Cart1era .......... V~I~e $200.00 Gent's Wrist Watc~ ..........:..... ~.::.....V~lue $150.00
Minimum ,Cost for~ ,
. .'

'BOOK OF 12 - $1.00
• 1D4astriai 11111 . • Airporil
Commercial LocatioD t ParklD' Lot. , ' " , "


• Power IllltallaUolII • 8poriqreUlld.
• IaIlWIJ YlrdII o Pirkl
• 011 ll'flnerlel o Romes alia Eltatel
• JIlItItutiODl
• " I",

.Define and prOtect. ,Your property with Steko gal·

: ,,' .. vanized Chain IJnk Fenee • • • strong, dignified


encl06ure, offering lastlni protectioll,lo land. bulldlnp

... DOOR,
;. ., and equipment. This unyielding,' IUlcJbnable ff1ce
resists rust, corrosion, fire and abuse-provides year, .-
01. I~tvice with a minimum of lmintenance. . "

~ . FUll Information is available on request froll1.-

'NIGHTLY and $.25.00·,EXTRA ',IF' PRESENT·.. 'WHEN':;

. . :~J.• c. Pratt a.·Co~'Limitad· , • \ ' .,"r'

DUCKWORTH STREET, ' ._,. ~ ,: sr. JOHN'S.

Je27(h)· •
.- .

C~~=:!,l. \I By ·s
. ' . \
Presenf-FGr You and
For MonJay, SeFtcmber 19


· Gtollrty Hiscock, ,on nf Mr.
Mr. Sam' Fosey of Grand Bank
Yours ••• One oC Ihosc duys
when it would be unwisc 10 :;0 .
out of your way 10 hclp a dim-
~Dd Mrs. Lorne Hiscock, Rennie's ,I is visiting the city on buslne~5 cult person.·. Your crrorts could
backfire lat~r if person menls
IIlll Road, left here yesterday by . and Is reglstel'cd at the Ne\\!ound· your "interfercnce," cven t~ough
T.C.A. for Windsor, Nova ScoUa, land Holel.
he or she askcd (Of. it in the
where he Is ent;u-Ing King's { I first placc! NOI a "cry inspiring y;:'"

Sc~l for Bo)·s,· : LEFT FOR GANDER day generally. Y(Ju have a bel,
':; . Mrs. O. J. r.tallnllnu len here ter chance of getting ),our way :.w
LEFT FOR HALIFAX on Thursday {or Gander on her
. Kils Janet Dawe, Waterford way to Grand Falls. wllcl e ~he
Bracelets 'and Pe.a rls' Go to aricr dinnertime ..
Past... 2!6 years ago todar,
Future .•• Menial hcalth rc, Benjamin Frankin became own·
iriil;e ROld, left here by T.C.A. will spend a week with her sister search will be· ~'eppcd up. Some er'publisher of "The Pennsyl.
. ,aterdlY on a visit with lr1ends. Beryl, Mrs. R. R. Slrong, I~eforp large l!ranls have already made vania Gazettc." w hie h war.
.', .', leaving for· her home In TOlrnlo. and olhers are expected 10 rce· acquired 100 ~'cars laler by the
visiTED TORONTO She haR been visiting lIer palents, ognize the importance of such founders of the "Saturday Eve·
.research. ning Post."
· .Mrs. Iris Power, Patrick Street, and Mrs. A. E, WomB.
'Im,ved back in the city on Satur' - The Day Under Your Sign
day. 'after visiting Montrea: and LEFT FOR HOME ARIES (acrn Marth'2/ 10 April 201 LIBRA (Sepl. 2310 Oel. 221
Toronto. Mrs, Power who gh'es a Mrs. H. 11. . House, formerly A "t'I.'-'lI\t' HI" of r!a~-buf l:o:hlf1li' IInn'l n~on.· off cm ur.I:w:<III Ih.u fl'l~;:.l
\1'1I:l:rl"l), r.DII'm,: "'.1illl'fl! ..\\oid bick· hrmJ:: nn nrr\OL:~ tenflon(lrl:e.11rh sfum .
broiil~ast over CBC three morn· Doris Worrall, and her C:lIldren • tring ilt 1hr uble. Out!uok ~cme\\oIla1 nt_au\'!.
. Inif.·. week at lUll gave morn· Shirley and Keith, who sp~nl· the
TAURUS {April 21 I. M.y 201 SCORPIQ (Oel. 23 t. N•• , ill
lni :eommenstarles C:om the TOo summer with Mrs. F.OI1~··f par· •.\(i3IrJ II( Ilu' Jle-art w'm to I.r: ,ltrrtn. Vi'll) w'm to 1'1" $OH\t\\!I.t cn:snJ::f'J1Jle
III.!. no ...·• Wail for h,or~b!e 111:((11 f(,1I!lIy-rml) it IhtCttult 10 mllc U" lour
fonta studio oi tile CDC while ents· Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Worrall, hriore!!In~ your cau,c. mind, tIC. Pen', C"\tll try.
'ihe"-was in Toronto. She ",as' ac· left here I~st week hy T.i .•A. to
GEMINt {M.y 21 t. Jun. 211 SAGITTARIUS (N ••• 23 t. D••• 211
; .eompanled by her three children, return to their home 'In Wlnnl· Your si.:n i;t tl1l)n:.;I, .1('r:rnl'~, lint roDt If you 111\C rnonl:)' matters Ih~t neet! .. t·
Francis, Robin and Pamela. Robin peg. f'nhrtiv ill )cur i:u{Jt "\\'oid );tu:uions IrnllOn, [onsirler them r~nTul1)', L:.&I
tl1:'11 (Quirt an'l\l~r je.3lolJ~Y. 11rOteed ",jib e:ttremc tOlutiol'l.
went: '.11 the way to Toronto with
CANCER (Jun. 22 10 July 221 CAPRICORN (0 •• ,22 t. J.n. 191
her··.but the other two vlsltlld wllh LEFT FOR KING'S You'lt ~; bv \I'Mkil •.: c1o~("l)' ~'ilh An arln:rle interluJf, tn.. t rorll1n:uely of
In Montreal whlle Ihelr Victor Ostracow, who sp~at Ihe tlhers IOllil~'. 'I'Tovir!t1l )OU lon', let ,hort duralion. J/.:norr it Il"Id (OfiC Jlsln
rn1Qtioni rule tour Jud.merlt. ahead "hh ori.inal l,11n ••
mother went to Toronto to meet summer with his mother here.
left yesterday by T,C.A. 10 leturn LEO {July 23 t. Aug. 221 ,. ·AQUARIUS (Jan. 2D 10 Fob. I!)
ibi~.Personnel or the CBC. !)CI1't lrot )llI1f trompcr ~H C'lIt e( Itlr.d. ~ee Ihal .11 PCfsonal ('Ibh~.ltlon ••ne·
~,. ," to school at King's Collegir,le in SitL1alion will clrar C.. 01 In O\\n u, rrclln"tly. You 1113.), 11.:1\'11:' to adjust to
Windsor, N.S. uml bter in the week. \ "uet circumstances. of etllers. .
Mr. Francois Robert 01 St. VIRGO. (Aug, 23 to Sept. 221 . mCt) (Fib. 19 t. Mar.h 201
Fmi~h U:I dlf'lfu bdof~ im!ul.:in~ In TJ::'',c t .... it:e before :ttln:. Dvn'C ..... )'
· Pierre Is at present visiting tne FRO!! EASTPORT af;1Ulrmrnl I'1r, any for:. ;-':ot a ,000 day a l~'lllInr: Ihat ~Oll't htar rtret.tmr. At·
Mr. John Squires, busi ne.<s man fot ~O:ld IClmlf an)'uy. f<cu .arcent $:0,5tl.t. Don't ~ ,uilrrl
dtY:: on business and Is registered
from Eastport, arrived In \l'r clly
e 1935. field [nlerpri.... lnt.
· it : the Newroundland Hotcl.
on Thursday on R buslnes~ trip,
'. Jdbs Sandra Anderson, daugh· dale Hotel.
and Is registered at the ll:u\\'ns
Rose-Tinted Crochet Beauty.
ter Df Dr. and Mrs. T. G. Ander·
lOll, left here 3 e~terday ll.r TCA ARRIVED SATURDAY
Mr. Harold 1101lell. son u£ ~Ir.
Lips DefeHt Tough the faculty
,to enter McGIll Unh·crslty. as a Doctor D.
fint year student, and Mrs. Malcoim l:ol'etl, ~la.,lr
Street, arrh'cd back In ~h~ city
Weather ,Problems
LEFT FOR MONTREAL on Saturday from Goose BIIY, trim tailored shirt (c~nler) gets its perfect finishing touches wilb
C()~;lIl11e jcwclr3', )1IU5 \1 tOllch of the I'cnl .~l:ln~. Is a fa\'oritc way BY ALICIA IIART
Jim Hiscock, son of Mr. Ind where he has been working duro fl'r school gals to gh'e their c10tlles R look of Indh·lduallty. This
white canned cuff IInl(s and cameo pin. These blend well witb As the weather turns tough again.
Xl'll. Edward Hiscock, Rennie's ing the summer. Harold goc~ back the most necessary of all, tbe class ring and the watcl!. The dress· many women will b~ coping witb
!all's jewel:;, for teen-a;lcr5 J1la~'s up the traditional favorites, up suit (rlg(:.·) gets a pair of pins on Ihe scarf and button earrings the problem of roughened or chap·
Mill Road, left here yesterday by to Memorial University th:!. year but It's adapted :0 point np s2asonal styles. Pearls (lem C:lmc
T.e.A., for Montreal, whar e he for his fourth year. ped ]ips. In many cases, this pro·
In a long rOlle with back Interest to fancy up a cannlsole top. The In double lIr.k dr.slyn. blem comes all belore the cold His Honour
: will Ittelld Behool tills year, ernor, Colonel
"'~ather because today's very pop·

Mrs. W. J. lIIorri~ nf f aplrl~. 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~·11 while she wails for a new part S ft Gel
ray or
0 0
ular nonsmenr lipsticks can act in
a drying manner on some mcuths.
Leonard Outer
D.S.O'r LL,D.
who has been visiting her ,.laugh.
ter in tile United Sln!c~ dUring
the past summer, pTe~ent
I Bet,ATcen Us I I from the factory.

Pu~h·blllton living Is fine, so long

as all thc
\\'o~k, Ad'ded To L;ne of
you. push
• A simple solution for this small
unattractiveness is a lip pomade.
visiting SI. John's and Is Ftaylng I W ry",
Bllt we so qmckly adJllst our hv·
IEye Pcnu'"
·1 ,l;
One kind will bring a t3uch of reo
memberance to many women. for
at Emmanuel House, Cochrane
street, IIIrs. Morris attended the
Presbyterial meetinlls of the
omen ing standards to ollr laborsaving
(!quinm~nt, that hal'ing 'n machine
on the hhnk throll's a monkey. . .~
it was often lhe "first lipstick,"
in it, rosc·tnted edition.
By RUTII III1LI,E'IT \\'r~neh int~ routine. This kind covcrs the lips wilh
Woman's MI~slonary Society, Thi~ is the Cru~tl'atin~ side of BY ALICIA H.\RT an inl'isib!c layer of protcction
which were held on Friday ~I Wes· CO:l1PJ.lCATlONS Mllst: EVEN th~ r:~ltll'c of t:l0 "completely aut· For those .who talce wise and Raymond
ley Uniled Chufch. I:'i A PUSIIBUTfON HOME omatic" home that nobod~' evcr careful advantage of all eosmelics,
_ I mentions. E';'~n Ihe hous~wife hap thc eye pencil is an indispensable LL.B., D.C:>.L.
All these 1I'0nderfui labor·saving I pil)' forgets it i~ those b~ssf\ll inler aid. There's a collection on the CHAIRMAN
LEFT FOR QUEBEC deviccs that arc 5uppo,cd to take lu(!e, ,':hen ~"c:y gadget is busily dr~ssing table and generally one
Dr. Alan Frecker, deputy min· all the drlHl;:ery out oC housclI'orl; dOing what It IS suppo~ed to do. in the pocketbook of these womcn. OF
Ister .of . Education, left here on for the morl'~rn honsewlle do re' A well· known name in tbe eye
·Frlday for Quebec, wherl:' he lIeve hel' of a lot of backbreaking . \\'o~ms liMiT tRETfY pencil field has just ad:led a' new 1:; .T. Phdan
will attend the annual meetings .work. However, they al59 fUl her GGOD nUT. so DO TIlEIR color to its collection ol redesigned
:rIENFOLKS pencils, The color. is a solt gray,
of the Canadial! Educallon Asso- life II'lth frustrations.
~:flie' ciation. Anv housewife wbo has a so·
good lor both blondes and bruno
eUcs. It's useful for a slightly
:. ~~lcome WagOQ called
' .
h t l"st
piece in
you a
Harller's darker and more dressed·up look
. ;~~. HOltess aIII a) ~ as a _u
ieal marvel that is out oC whack or magazine, written by its editor, when black is too. harsh or men·

lnt AGee
. '~I
~ilt Lock OD Your Door Miss Anna Tem!lleion, cxcrut!"e one that has to be replaced. John Flscber, and say gleeMly, acing looking.
The pencil its~lf is in a retract·
director DC the Jubilee Gui~"s, re- And the frllstrating part. of the "Boy, is he right." Chanccs are able case and works as a lipstick Pretty grape pattern in filet ~
with Gifta A: Greeting. turned to the .clty on Sallirday business Is Ihat trouble 'usually he'll caton you when YOll arc too does, turning in and auf. In addit· In a well· known IInc of eye·
Sort gray 15 tbe nc.west color
. from Fri,ndly BUline.. . after visiting Grand Bank anu pops up at the most inconvient tired from such 'Idsure·time nct· ion; it has a white plastic sharp· brow pencils. It's darker, but chet; used to beautify your hom.
in so.many different ways!

' ~ejghbor. snd YO~' J Fortune In the Interest or the moment. ivities as w«shn!!, ironing, scrub· ener right in the top ol the pcn· not black. Pattern 7007: Chart directions
, Civio .Dd Social work of the Jubilee Gund~. Miss The clcctl'lc lI'ash'~r goes on the bing,' cooking, chauffeuring, rid· for filet·croch~t square 14 inches
blink the day the family arrives Ing herd on th:! kids, etc. to think
.. ~~lI.fI Lead,r. Tempiton .- showed slides d her home from' a two weeks' .automo. up a fast ruh~ttal.. ' . . . 0 r I zed, corseted, enshrincd in cil,. a hcl~ to those who don't carry in No. 50. Join squares for TV
trip to Europe and a film of bile trip, their sultcascs loaded I call tbem Ic.'sure·l1me aehvlhes crom convertibles curl edId. a Jackkntfe. . CO\'cr, tableclotb, or bedspread!
D. ,T" .""",,. .,: ~cenes in Newfoundland last with dirty clothes. . for ~'ou may fmll, to your amaze· crizc3 reiuvcnahi and ; i1~?Cd A sharp line, eV'~n when away Send TWESTY·FIVE CE:'iTS in

Cas~, of ,..illIllN
Thursday evcnlnll In the Frazcr
Hall at Grand Bank,
The air.condltioning Clops tl1'~ m~nt that MI'. FIscher seems tOof all phY<ical iab~r'" e I from home ,base. can be manageu
nlgbt mama has invited 20 for a thlOk \I'e 11'0!ll~n don't do an~ work. i£ you "haven't tiine to think of' with this aid .. For those who al,
coins for this pattcrn (stamps can·
not be accepted) 10 ST, JOHN'S
LE~"r ON BUSINEStJ b u £l et Slipper, confident t hat Bnt let 111m speak Cor hImself. a snappier reply to that kind Of' rc:uly hal'e thIS ncwor casc, there DAILY NEWS, Household A r l5
,.\rrivll. 01 ~~~ ..
li '1 It b TeA S d I
Joseph Ross of the Ilyan Sup. though the temperat'Jre out~lde Is Ilere's an excerpt from tbc article one·sided argument why not just arc relulls.
close to ]00, in:;lde it l~iiI be cool ~'our Illisband may to~s at you admit thai American 1I'0men today -------
Chill, winds can be bard on
tender lips. This gal's soothing
TORONTO. ONT. Print plainly
Citr them witb a pomade before NA:\IE, ADDRESS PAT T ERN
:.5. CATHERINE FOSTEA Boston, Ne,,: ~ork ~nd thl' main,. It's Easy To Fllrgel . I
P cs e y., .• on un ay or And comfortable. ' from. his cas)' chair while you arc D O '
clC?rIng off tho table or moving have It pretty goocl-but so,
Manners Make

eau·tv CaJe
using lipstick.

.' .New B'

land on bUSIness Ior the Cit m. . the plano. to. do their menfolks. Order our ALICE llRooKS
:. Su" Holfa. Th.a hot.watcl' heater bursts and 'rhc Forty.llour Wcek N~vcr before in history has any and alsO he~Js' u~ rougbness. It! Ncedlecraft Catalogu~. En j o~·
can be 'applled dIrectly i~om the I pages and pages .~ exciting new
• . floods the house just before out.of Says Mr. Fischer: "Never before nation devoted so large a share of
\own guests Rre due \0 arrive. In history has any nation devoted its brains and resources to the sale Friends ~ube but for most .eUccl1l'c u~, designs. - knitting, crochet, em·
:! The thermostat on the oven of so large a share oI Its brains and purpose of keeping its menfolks tt sh~uld be rubbod tn gently With broidery, iron-ons, toyS and novel·
~: .,..:.;" ,: . the electric stoV>l goes ·berserk and resources to the sole purpose of nattily dressed, push· button lather· When you are doing a favor for .the Itn~er..
mama goes ovenless for' weeks keeping its women gr~ased deod. sively
. tics! Send 25 cents for 'your copy
cd and equipped
for shaved, fish· another person it is best to 'go all If it s applied at ntg~t, along of this wonderful book noll'. You
the way and do it as graciously with whatever usual 10tlOn~ and will want to order every design in
'. :. . .:.3way.I beHerforyoursk·.n erome convertibles, and
lng, hunting, golfing, enshrincd in parked and completely as possible. For creams a woman chooses, It can it!
(the men, not the convertibles) in instance, whcn· you arc picking do' its healing work tben. Many
plush offices (or tmir Iorty·hour •. , 0 r··'""i1 in your Clr, drive into women lik·~ to use the rose·tinted
weeks." . the driveway and g~t out nnd ring kind then to keep from !oo~ing so Household Hint
HavIng delivered that lit tie t,\C 1I00/·bel. Don't sit out in the pale in \be morning, Don't discard a fibre rug just
speech you ean hand the mag· strcet, giving impatient blasts on
azlne back to your husband and the horn.
get at the disbwashing wbile he It's just as important to be grac'
. R·d·
1 es' 0n
because it's become fad{!d and
ding)'. Instead, treat It to a· coat-
ing. of good canvas paint, or use I
leans back In his easy chair and ieus in the way you offer a favor . dye specially made for this PUT-
firiish~s IIle magazine.· as in the'-:'3 Y~~._~~.e~l-e .~nc. Good;,Carr~age po.le. Either is easy to awh-, wiU
add ne\\' life to the rug Ind new
color to til:! room.
Evidently. most women. continue heal'i!)' on each foot A~ yO(l ;:!I,
to forget what an eas)" quickly ing the body as though it were
"ow .•• rewarding and completely costless Carry II'cighlless and suspended from thp
enchancement good posture is. top of the head. The legs Ind
Itt til. WlilflS A woman will labor (or hours to teet should then glide alool!.
perfect her looks for a party, then AI'oid mincing and jerk, step•.
go to it and wonder why some Keep the feet along an imaginal"
other woman, not So stylishly dres· line as you
sed, is the center of attention, you do, allowgo.theDon't "bteveT
A NAVY ·CARE.R Women peer curiously at a woman setUe toward the waisUine as you
II'ho gets admiring glances on the walk. This produces a heafY look,
hip soeket tn

street without seeing a thing about however little you weigh,

04 ftjPht8/tJ her clothes, make·up Dr hair that's
a bit out of the ordinary.
Carriage is the secret. Adancer
Interesting and rewardin~ Caretrs are now' or someone trained in stage pres·
open 10 capable, energeltc young woinen, ence will unfailingly attract attent·
who can qualify, in the Rtgular force oC the
~;;~" ;; CI'.III,.oftrm~, IIrlght .... your skin " 'AVONDALE Is guaranteed to Royal Canadian Nary! ion, even when dres;l'd In blu~
jeans. It's because her manner
. contain ONt Y the breast
.'·~~;..··In a way no crl.Jm-or· ••• p-al~n •. can do-.
A:. ' . • . • . '
. VaCllndes in the WRENS are limited: of bearing berself is so distillguiE'
'. meat. a portion of the wing fcs~or of
n~".tlolli'~1 ""m h.lp J.tin,·y~u· Don't min this oll'.r-.lve 113- . 'and the rteshy part of the leg
,undards are ·high! I hed and fine tbat people react t~ gan. M.A.,
of' Grade A Spring Chlck~n The young ...'omen selected will be fully it immediatel)'.
:'~1.:·!eomplllllon lovelln," you'd hi, 6·or. j.r only 98e. Limited Political
I1lrdly dar. to hopt'for. In dlt)" . tim. only. Get Noszema today- So It's almost like having ~ tnined (or imponanl duties in Ihe NaVl'. Walk tall. Get the f2eling thai
: It will help'your .kin look el..o- .t Illy druC or cOlmetlc counter. newly bought Chicken dinner There are openings in the Na"al A"iation, every inch of the spine is stretchcr' . M.A .• U
or supper ~ - .but without the Ordnance. N,a"igation, Communications, . Rolhney,
.•r, cl.lrer than eyer. .
fuss and at much less cost. Seaward Defence, and Etectrical branches, Ol1t toward the ceiling .. Don't "'II"~""
.. !;:~: 'How NOXllma Workl ·15 oz. tins from your grocer, and in personnel work. .
walk by bobbing Corward 'and rest· . Historr: E.
f li~" 1 '.
~!i':, .. :..
~ '. ':" • It claln, Hktlo.p (lt'l
. H.
h.. orr wilh ".Ier)
Also try Jenkins Boneless Beef! To qualify, you mUSI be between 19 and
30 years of age, a Canadian cilizen or olher
ProIe~sor .o£

?['j ~ :" llut it dOlln't dry Ikln. ' British 5~bject, single, and have Grade 9
! :':.v J. Ioftenllike mam, bUI doesn't JENKINS' BROS. LTD.' or 10 mllumum education. Gel lhe facts
:~~:t:I" dol por" ••• Dtv.r {eel.
:.'';'' : ttlcky 01' ",".y•.
.• J.'Halpl akin ••• h.. 1
, . ' tRlNCEEDWARD IS~~N~ .. J TODA Y aboul tbe training, duties, pay
and olher benefits a",ilable 10 you in lhe
RC.N.'s .Wrens: See, write or phone:
unltlractiVi blemisb.. bl' , . Newfoundland Repr~sen'ative
.' . cau"
.. it'. .intdiated. NAVAL RECRUITING .OFFICER·
: Make N0!luml,your "Iulu
btautr·CftIlll-A1/and _ tM'
~ hi JOIIf akilll
. .
R. Bell Ltd.' 123
'PHON":: 8-0366

...' . . . OUlees:
..' ST.. "JOHN'S and CORNER BnOOK .


.• ~
... I

..'( .
. . ,'. . . '.
.Section 1,. The Daily News ,.
Section 11
----------~~----~----~~~~------------~------------ ..
..' '.,

DlverS:lty e-opens
: .

o ay

AFI' ....'O·ON 1\" ' '1 U' 't' hcld 'Ito fl'rst opcning assembly in the Univcrsity Anncx, which was fined to capacity, Doctor Raymond Gushur., Presidcnt, addressed the opcning assembly and mcmbers of

. . f 11'.l!:K!,d 'd ·!emorla t myerSI y
th latform " <::110\"11 in photo are left to ,rlght:-Docior
" '1\" E. J, Ph e1an, Q.C" Chairman
Gushue, M r. Pau1 "IV'111 t er, bursar,!r, . of the Board of Regents' Professor B W Lee BAM C:;c
. faculh' In
• M' U aca
Y emle ress sa on e p c t
M H G 'Pu ldestcr Q C Board of Regents; D. G. Fitt,.M.A., Dortor A. . Hun er. ICC- reSI en an · "IT' P 'd t d D f A d " .
ean 0 I"t5 an SCience; MISS M. G. Mansfield, Regi~trar; ,..,.u
' Professor . S. . J. Carew, B.Sc.,.,
Doctor D. Ul ray oung, r, . . ( , .. , B.E., Dean of Applied Science, and Mrs. McAndrew, M.A.

I Elected Jor the perio[1 1954·1V56-

William J. Higgins, M.D" C.lI!.;
Herbcrt B. Morgan, M.A.; David
K. Peters, D.D.S.j Charle~ St. C.
Course F01' D~gree
lIis HonQur the Lieutenant Gov· Strong, B.A.j Miss .Anna 'r emple· In Commerce
ernor, Colonel The Honourable Sir ton, B.H.Sc. .
Leonard Oulerbrldge, Kt., C.B.E., Elected 1M the period 195:' l!I58-. ;,.
Michael F. Harrlngton, B.A.; .. Memorial University is ,Jdding,
D.S.O., LL.D. Walter Hudson, B.A.; Rex !ltnouf, ycarly to the courses offcr1Og to '
CHANCELLOR Miss Sadie L. Orgall. M.A.. Mrs. students. This Septcmber courses
Allce Wareham. B.A. . leading to a Bachelor of Com·
The Right Honourable The Vis· m~rce degree are offercd for Ihe
~ount Rothermere of Uemsted, Raymond Gushue, LL.B., first lime. Students doing Ihis
D.C.L. D.CnL., President of the ~jnlvcr· work \I)m major in Economk~, anli
PRESIDENT AND sUy; A. C. Hunter, M.A., J.locteur I" will also study Du,iness law,
VICE.CHANCELLOR de l'Un!\'erslte, O£ileier de l'Aca· theoretical and pracOcnl nc(ounl·
Raymond Gushue, C.B.E., Q.C., dcmie, De'an of the Facu!!y 01
Arts and Science; G. A. lIlckman,
LL.B., D.CN.L.
M.A .• Ed,D" Dcan of .the faculty
CHAIRMAN ~F THE IOARD oC EducatiOli; S. J.' Carew. B.Sc .•
OF' REGENTS B.E., Dcan of tho Faculty n.! Ap· !':c\','~ Ph'Jlo).
(D?ily Ncll'~ Pholo). (D;lil~' N~\I'~ Ph·Jto).
E••1. Phelan, Q.C. plied scicnce:. Mi!~ !!. G Man~ (Dally MISS ELIZABETH JACKMAN ,,~R 5. MARY KEN"'E"'Y
field, Registrar; Paul. A, ""in,cr, MR. LUCJAN KARUSE, I
" .... M.A'
'HAII~MAN OF CONVOCATION Bursar; Mrs. Audrey. n. ·llic!;cy, . MRS,. D.OROTHY '.
H.S.c M.A. 'Hil\'inJ: finish~d ~ ba~in~s5 i ~. -. p ,
Thp. ChRncei,lqr ~.:.. . : . ,
sccretai}<"io 'Uie Prc.sidcn!,Mrs.
Irene He~;s'on';' ·A:ssi.rtailt 'to .the
.•..... Mc~t.DIt~W,M,I~·.
'.;. , " " . . . . . ..oJ... ,'.'
Beturninr. to. Ne\\'ff'Ul1dlar,~I. thi.
~'car to lecture at ~Iemorial Uni·
" I A newcomer to. Ihe Dcp"rtm~nt
"Iol Phl'sics is r,ucjan Krausc, EI
cntJr~e il
: I tl r k
I th r."
'Ie' . (nn\'"ll' '.11',. I • .Il1re 11139 Mr.. KCnlLdy. "ho
.7.a lC I • ac 11,;]11 ~ ••
, .,... c"
f 5t John's: 11';15 t loll ,'ISS
I 'I' r't t"
r . . 1 Nzpa friCh,dl anas
Bllrs~r: F. Ri"~: Se~re·
Mrs. McAndi civ . is 'sUtlplying versity is Mrs. Annc White. who' . workcd at Sl. Clarc's ~Ierc~' Hos· :;cn 11\'lnJ: In , ,ew ot~nl U .'
Mi!! M. f.1 hlansi:c1d.
Miss Mtry
tar~' to the Registrar MI';J .Joan
this ycar for assocaile pfoJfc'ssol' attended ~Icmorial Coll~~e in I '. B.Sc.,
M.A., who h Ihe .hsociatc
in this dC!la~tmcnt, PI
'1;]1 in thc X.ra\' dcpartn:cnl as II lC~ S Ie camc to ~l~mom
. .. d \'CI'5Ity Collegc M Iccturer 10 Edu·
Wheeler, Genelal Clerical Assist· W. J. Blundon. who Iclt hcrc 1946.47 ami look thc !ir~l ~ cal' 01 I a ~tcllo~raphcr ~nd has now Jome t' SI b . t t
r~ul A. :Wlnter. which is growing ycar!. y .- . ' U. ca .Ion. Ie ecame assls an pro-
ant; Miss Marina lIann, Assistant reccntly on sabbatical l'e~r for the Education Course. Shc hos ni11c I Mr. Krause is a native ol Poz· lhc Llbrar)'
. s\aU al l.. cmonJI nl' fcssor '.m 1"45 " . Aft er Iler mamage •
London, where he is pursulllS his years of' teaching pxperlc,:ce in
THE BOARD OF REGENTS In Bursar's Office; Mrs .. Joan non, Poland, where his father was ,"erslly ns stene grapher. in 1951 Mrs. Kenne~y sta~'ed on
Halley, Assistant to f!lc. R('dsl.rnr: studies at Loncion Universi!y. Newfoundland sch?ols, am! has'
profc~sor of chcmistry at Ihe uni .' ':-:O~"1 the staf.r until August 1953, whee
The Chancellor, . (ex oWcia)j ACADEMIC .5t AFI' )1954·1955) Mrs. I\tcAndl'('w has her Maslcr returned to her nr-tive IOlld as I'crEil::. Will! his famify ne \\'a~ . she rp~lJ:l1r.d.
The President, (ex of£!cla). H. J. Anderson, ~1.Sc., (MulIl· of Arts degree and Tencl;cr OJ· R;sis!nnt pl'of~s,or 01 Education ! di5JlI~crd to Warsall' in 10:19 and I \ • ~hr. i;< ~ gl':1!ilmlf! of 'r~ront(t
Mtmbtn Appolntld by thl toba), Ph.D. '(Northll'cstei'l:), A~· pluma from the Unil'crsity (If Lon nl ~Iemori~i Unil'cr!ily. 1Jl"tricu!a!~d therc III 134-1 In I .llinllerSl!)· and Lns rlcsr~rs 11. B..\.,
Lleuten.nt GOI·trnor In Council soelate Professor of Chcmls l )'),; C: cion. She was the fh·;t womnn 10 jll's. White's :;tory i3 ur.c ot I' I04~ he jO:'lcd Ihc ['nlbh Ilr1ist· I i ~I.". "nd 11. Parr!. Be~iU~s her
E. J. Phelan, Q.C. (Chairman); W. Andrews, B.Sc. (~Iou '1\ Alli· leach at n,e Intercollegiate: B. A. courage. for 11(11 t\\'o ycar> lIflcr ance ~!O\'cmcI1t, tonk p~l'l in i I work .1 ~remorial ~Ir5. Kmn£dy
G, A. Winter, (Vice Chairman); son), M.A. (Weslern), Ph.!) (Tor·, Honours cln~sc. at n;e Uni·. cr>it~· i hcr marrluge tP th~ late El'ic I
Sir Eric Vanslttart Bownter, Kt., onto), Professor of Biology; J. D. of Punjab, Indin. During h~r ~tay I \\,hile, II'ho \\'as l:iIIcd in cicplcm·
Of!lc~r de la Legion d'Honneur, Ashley, B.A, (Dalhousie), M. A. In India she was also vice prin bel' Will, on his wny nome to
the upri~il1g in 1fJ44 and \\,:1, takcn ,
priloncr and pbccd in I I prepal'rrl the, fcripts on Hea!th
and Social ;tudlCS for the ['rol'in.
eial departmenl of Audin.Visual
camp in Germ~ny. .
F.n.S.A.j Derrick Bowring, G. A. (Oxon), Associate Profcs~or of eipal and laler acting prmcipal Port·aux·Basques from Callp. Ray After being liberated JO 1945 Education.
Frrcker, B.A., B.E., LL.D.; P. F. Classics; D. M. Baird, B.Sc. (U.N. of Klmnaird College at Lallorc, while working as a school super· DR. D. MURRAY YOUNG 1\[r. Krausc worked as interpreter Because of the teacher shortage
Hailc~', B.A.: Campbcll Mncpher. B.), M.S. (Roche'ster), Ph.D. (Mc~ scrved on the staff of Agl'J Coi; visor In Newfoundland, shp was Durin[l the past summer IJ. Mur· with the Unil~d Stutes forccs 111 in 1954. MI'". Kenncdy tau~!1t dal'
'on, O.B.E.; R. C. B. Merce:, Q.C.; Glll), Professor of GeQlogy; fIIi,s lege, and of St. Stephcn's College. Icft with an unborn daughter, who ray Young, Wh0 came to Mcmorial Gcrmany, anti in .July thai saml' ~CltOllt in 51. Jllhn'~ la;;1 ye~r, and
II. G. Puddcslcr, Q.C., LL n. Edna Baird, B.A.' (Daih'lusie), Deihl. came three months aller hCI University in Seplcmbcr, 195'4, yeal' he WI'III tn l';\"j" and joined !\l'l'illc'd In "11 hal'k In her Uni·
Member. Elect.d by COnYDcation B.H,Sc. (McGill), Associalp. Pro· fathcr's dcnth. Sincc thcn l\1r~. \\'n~ granlcd hi~ [Icgrce o( Doctor Ihe l'ulish IUI'Cl'S und,'1' Brili,h \·,...,11)' h'ad~lI~ all,'" Iltr li,·.lth of
l'laude K. HOII'se, B.Se.. t-ligel fessor of Householli SciClIfC' W. Mrs. McAndrew has aiso taught White WCllt \11 Ihe YIII:OIl and of I'hilo,"ph~' 11'0111 1.011111111 \llli· 1'1'1' .Iat~ hU.It:11I11, 10:1111'111'11 ; Key-
VOl1l1l1alll1. Ill' .c .. \,cd in 11:,1), alltl
F. s. nu~led. B.Sc., M.D.C.~I .. J. Blundon, B.A. (London~, M. A. for two years al BCliI'onl Collegf. t~ught thcl'(' [Inc yeaI' Iwt"l'c she i·cl'sily. was later Il'all,il'I'I'ed tli \.01111011. I sllll ... ) 1\I'IIIIe"),. r:,l'Iy in t!l55.
r.A.C.S., F.I.C.S. (Columbia), As,ocinlt' 1'1'()f~1~1I1' IIf London. and lulltt'ed at CUII,lJddCI' cn\cl'~d HoslOII Uni\'cl',ity 'In Cllm· ~II·. YIlIIllg. \\hn is ~ g":It!I';lte III lit Luudun I'e \I a, ~l'allll',1 1<':\\'[" .... ----:------
Malhemallcs:S.W.lllcckon.B.Sc. Univel'sity [01' sel'en yeul's pal'l Illele hel' lJaclwltu' 111 Sej,'l1cl' tI[' AI'I:' Inllll th~ Ullil',:rsily 01 Nell' (0 ~lte!1l1 (he lIuil'er.;ity or 1.,,", .1IISS I.IlIJl:Jo:
Secretary.Trea1urer (Queen's), I'h,D., (McGill!. Pro· lillie while her itu~bm\ll wu~' \\'ori;· Hl'ee in Jo: lell1l'1I13 1')' . Ed·walion. Hnlll,wicl;. cunt inuI'11 his 'Illilies dOli King',; Volle~e allli gl':l.III;,!<·!I '.'
fessor uf Physio; N. J. 1'. ill own, Ing in Nol'lhcrn lrclun~. This w!1I'k she cOlllllleleti in twu :It 'i'm'olltll Uni~el'~it)' fill all Alex· wilh a ilachclur uf !ici"IIC~. hUll', ~Ii;s IIdell 1\.Ii,I~~. ~I.A., Pl'o-
P~ul A. Winler.
M.A., B.. Phil. (Oxon), A~mlanl Mrs. McAndl ew BI'I'i\'cti ,n SI. ~'eul's and 31sIJ carnell el'f~ilils til, under Mackelllic scholarshi}l, and fc"ol' ()L EdllC1:tiul1 ~t !It·.'lIlorial
OUI'S in chcmislry.
THE SENATI Profcssor of Philosophy); S. J. John's on Thunday. Her 11I:~bund wal'ds her ~Iaslcr~ degrcl' She later went to Lond'ln U11Ilel'sily 1951 saw Mr. Kr!luse us un . , will 1I0t be pl'escnt for ol>enin, '.,
who came from England wilh hCI' also wurked part time whilc· al on a Beavcl'brook scholarship and . tt C d d du . g 111e (D;lIly News I'h<llo). lectul'cs tollay tor she' is now ton~
The President and Vicc Chan· Carew, B.Sc., !Dalhousie), B. E. emlgran 0 ana a an nn
rrilor, (Chairman): The i>epuly (Mining), (N. S. Tech),. Pl'o1lessor is "lsiUng at SI. John, N.B., ilefore Boslon Univcl·,ity. was granted t \\'0 ~uecessi ve re: next two years he worked on a· MISS ADA GItEEN, B.A., B.I..S. \'alescinJ( in Ncw York fl111owin,
\Iini~ter (If Educallon, G. '/0.. of Engineering; Miss R. Car· coming to St. John's. Becausc of her high academic ncwals of this scholnrship [or his research fellow;hip with tile On· I . ., a serious nperation rlurin.!: the Tlasi
Frecker, B.A., B.E., LL.D.: The michael,. M.A. (Edinburgh). Visit· slanding al Boslon' Univcrsity, good rccord. . ' tario Research Foundalion and ob· A ,~'e11 ~lIn Llbral'l' IS the core summer. The DAfLY NEWS joilll
Urpmenlative of Queen'G Col· Ing Lecturer In English anrl Mod· (Oxon),'/lssociate Professor 01 Po· Mrs. Whitc' wa's elected a member Dr. Young, who spent four years tal ned his Masters of Arto degree (II Unll'Cr:ilty work, ~nd Miss Ada with her friends In lIiahing frJf
Ict_. The Rev. Canon J. A. Meaden, ern Languages: Mrs. J. A. Cocll· litlcal Science: A. O. !icmee, oC tli ePI Lamba Theta Snrority, in the R.C.A.F. 'during World War from Toronto Unil'ersity in 1953. Grc~lI or Trini!)' ha5 returred to Mi&~ Lodge, 11 quick' recorr.rr, .!Dd
~.;\,: The Represenratl\'e "f St. rane, B.A. (Durham) Lectrure In B.S.E. (C.E.) Michigan), Lt'cturer wh05e memhershlp is earned. It II and taught sehool in New Brun· Durill!: this time he heid thf. post M.~morial Unil'ers!ty as as,~~!lant health' to return to her work at
Rrl~e's College. The Rev. R. T. Latin; D. L. Cooper, B.Sc. (King's), in EngIneering; T. C. Noel, M.SC'!iS a National Uonorary Society swick be.fore 'golng O\'erseas wrote as demonstrator in Ph~'5ics at Tor· Llb~arian after gaming A ex· Memorial.
~cGr~th, M.A.;" Tile DeRn 01 the M.Sc. (Dalhousie), Ph. D. (Mc' (Dalhou5ie),' Assistant Profcbsor of for women In education In Amer· his thesis for his doctorate on onto University and lectured to pmence abroad.
f'aculty of Arls and Science, A. Gill). Professor 01 Chel1)lsh y; ~. Ph)'slcs; F. H. Norlllo~er, M.A. lea, ' "Some. Aspects of Newfoulldlami evening students. M!ss Gr~n gr~duated frem Me· • LECTURE SERIES
c. Hunter, M.A" Doctenr de D. Eaton, B.P.H.E. (.Toronto), M.A. (Cantab.), Ph.D. (London), M. A 'special welcome to Mr.~ White Hlsto'ry", and was 'praised lor his IIIr. Krause eome to Memorial mOrIal Unlverstty Colleg~ and
I'Unil'mit, O£flc\er :\e l'Academle; (Columbia), Director of Pb~6clal Insl. R. E., Associate Professur of is extended by the DAILY NEWS, excellent work. Comment,ing on Unh'ersity well recommended and completed thlt work for her Bach· One of the many. W!lYS Ie
The Dean of the Faculty of Edu· Education; J.' M. C. t'ace~;. B.Sc. Mathematics; MISS Alison O'Reilly, and b:{ all Newfoundlanders who his thesis one critic wrote, "Selliom th eDAILY NEWS loins in wei·, elor of Arts de)!ree' at Mount Alii· broaden the scope of the ~ork at
taUo, G. A. Hickman, M.A., Ed.D.j (Eng.) .(Londor.), A.M.I.E.E.. · Lec· M.A. (Toronto), Assistant Pro[es· know, that by sueh stamina and have we such a .distinguished coming him to Newfoundland. son University. She attended Mc· Mcmorial University Is by bring'
- Gill University and obtained her ing In outside lectures to !Jive ..
Thc' Dean of the Faculty of Ap- turer In Engineering and Mathe· sor of English, (on sabbatical courage our province moves for· thesis." This work will be' pub-
leave); Miss Sadie L. Organ. B·A·, ward. lished' by King's Col!ege at the Bache1clr of Library Science de· series of talks on specific' subject •.
rlieel Science, S. J .. Carew, B.Sc., matlcs; W. F. Frirbes,"
RE.; C. W. Andrews, B.Sc., M.A., A.R.C.S., Ph.D. (London), D.l.C., (McGill), M.A. (Michigan), Lec· University of London grce in 1950. T\\:o years ago the first of tl:esl
hirer In Llbrarlanshlp and iJniver· Dr •. Young's' wife, who before She workcd' as senior library as· was gil'cn when Dr. C. R. Faye,
Ph, D., Professor of Biology .(Secre. Research Professor of Chemistry; sistant at Ihe; University 1)1 Mas· a well known historian Save' •
tary); J. B. A~hley, M.A., Assocl· D. Genge, B.Se.. (Dalhousie I, Lec· slly L1brarianj D. G. Pitt, B.A. her marriage last year was Dr.
sachusetts lor nne year 3nd '(or serics o[ twel\'e Icctrlres on "r.jff
(Mt. Alllson), M. A. (Toronto), Mary Harrison, 15 an cntymologlst,
ate Professor of Classics; W. J. turer In Physics; H. B. Gooul'ldge,
A~sociale Prolessor 01 English: G. and will, work this year at ~\remor· thrce years WOI'I,ed as refercnce and Labour iii Newfoundland".
nJundon, M.A.. Associate ProfelSllr M.A. (Cantab.), Lecturer, in Gellg· librarian at Bard Crlllegc, New Thcse II'cre ba;cli on his .rcsctrcll
O. Rothney, B.A. (Bishop's', M.A.,
"r ~lat11cmatlcs; S. W•. BI'eckon" raphy; G. K.. Goundl'cy,' B.A., Ph.D. (LondoI1). Professor ili Hi~ ial Unil'crstiy doing
black !lies and mosquitoes, t!.l'Qugh
research on
YorR. . in Labrador and othcr pgrls 01
II.Se .. Ph.D., Professor of Physics; (U.B.C.), M.A. (Toronto). Associ· Shc then \I'cnl abroad to trnl'cl Newfoundland during two y,:al1
tory; W. G. Rowc, B;A. (Dal·
n. I.. Cooper, M.Sc., Ph.D.. Pro- ate Professor of Economics, A.. R. housie), M.A. (Columbia),' Associ·
fmor o[ Chemistry; M.· 0: Mar· Graham, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Western
:~n. M.A., Assocl~te Profe~hor of Ontario), Associate Profe:;}or of boldl, Visiting Lechlrer in Music;
Professor of Education; I. Rum·
a grant fro,m
Council of CaMda.·
tho Nalinnal Re!earch
. .
, and .worked at the LIbl'ary of the bC£ore when hc·spenl .the. s!lmmel
. I Bl:rC"ll IJf Stati.ltics in 0519. Nor· tral'c!1ing in Ihe prOl'lnce. .','
English, who is spcn!ling I:u'sab· : way during hcr year ill .Europe. This ~'ci1r Memoriai. Universil,
I'olitical Science; Miss S. L. Org,n, Blol.ogy; G. A. Hickman, B.A., 0'>11. E. R. Seary, M.A., Ph.D.,' (Shef· ba\i~al year in Lonjon, E:lgland will be.honoured to hal'!: the,1lon
~I.A .• Unh'crsity Librarian, G. O. Allison), M.A.' (Aeanla), Ed. D. iield), Pro[cssor of Englisll; R. working with a fcllowship al Lon· . Modern Li1nguag~s lor the. past John Rcad Judge of tile Inter
Rr,thncy, M.A., Ph.D'1 l'ro[essor of (Columbia), Professor of I::duca· Shepherd. C.Y.A., A.O.C.A., Visit· don Unil'crsity on her thllSis for' two years, and has now re':(,:led a national Co~rt of Justicc, ·,,'ho will
11islory: E. R. Seary, M.A., l'h.D., tlon; A. C. Huntcr, B A., (I.~orlon), Ing Lecturer in Art; G. M. Slory, hI¥'. doctorate•. permancnt appoinlm~nt in tnis de· lZivc lectures on "Ori~ln ·arid
ProCessor of Euglish. M.A. (Oxon), Docteur de l'Unl· B.A. lMcGilI), D. Phil. (Oxon), As· Mr. Macdonald was grant~d his
.' '. verslle (Paris). O!llclc~ de l'Aea· partmcnt of the' unil'crsity. Meaning of the Law." Th~ .firsl
sistant Professor of English, Mis:;' Masters' dcgrec. from; An .. rdecn . Dr. Turnbull was born in Mani· leclure \\'i11 be heid on octobet
CONVOCATION lIemle, Professor or'Modern Lan·
Janc M. TUrnbuJ,1, M,A. (McMasl· Univcrsity and aiso holds the de- toba and receli'cd her Bacl1elnr 5th. .,
Officers' ..... - g~age5; C. Ivany, B.A.,. (Acadia), cr), Ph.D" (Chicago). Aisoclatc grec of B; Lit!. from . Oxford.
.. . B. Paed. (, Assoeial£. Pro· and Masters degrees froan Me·:
Profcssor o[ Modern, Lan~uages I He servcd witll Ihe lufantry Mastcr's Unil'crsity, where she BEmUT, Lebanon (Reuters)':'
Chairlllan,',The Chance\1o~: Ste·. fessor of Educalion; H,H. J~tk50n, D. 111. Young, B.A.,. (lI.N.n.), during World War II from :941 to
retary, T:Corbm, M.Sc:; ~re,uurer, B.A., (London), LL,D. :.(\'I'l)na), majored In French and S[lanlsh The Lebanese Army commapd I
P.H.D. (London), Assistant Pro- 1943 and froni then to 1946 with (Dally News Photo). Later she obtaleli her doctorate F'riday Imposed a curfew on. aD
'AssIBtant'Profe~sor of Modc!'I\ Lan·
lira. L. Earle; '. fessor of History. the 'Inlelllgencc Corps in Indb, frllll! Citicado Unlversltv mill lild area of three lIlil~s from. tilt
'.:. tl' C II ·gu:ige~;· E.... Lear, B.Sc.,· (Ac~!llu), CR. JAME M; TURNBULL rUl'the; slmi'y' at 'Snrtnnnc. Un!l'cl" Israeli border' and ordered. trooI'·
. ".... CU YI ounc ..:. Assoclate,'profl!·r ilf ShilOh>'; ~. LIBRARY STAFF (1954.1955) Plllltll). Burma anti England. .. . . . • .,.. , to. opcn firc without warning 110
elecltd for the:period J95~'J951~ W.· Lee, ·B.A; . i'l'ornnlo)".M.Sc:, AIiss Sadie L: Organ, B,A (Me. " ALASTAIR :MACDONALD. M.A.' lie. wa~ awarded a r('Eenre~1 . Dr. Turnbull callie 10 Mcmonal .Sit\', ' Paris.. France. , h an\,one· .In th e arn'a •. An' ar.... "'.•
Mba Edna' 'Baird,. B.I\.~' E.U.Sc'.~ :(McGlil),· ~Assistant Profe~sbt· oJ Gill), M.A. (Michigan), Universily
,'. studentshlp at Mancheslet·, Una· Unil'crsity t\\'o y~ars a,l(o as locum Bcfor.e comm~. to SI...,!oh:ls ~ e 15 P okcsma n 'said thcse' mCi15Ur'lS
Mr. Macdonald Iia, .comc .1.0 Me· vcrsily for'two ycar5, an~ in lfl53 len ens Inr Miss Ethel .Brinlon, ~ll~nt SIX ),cars 10 JamaIca. where \\'~re taken, hI .preyent 'sabota,:e
.ItIlPCrt. W.' BarUeU;··. Jamca:· M. GeoloJy; Mbs: Helen 'Lodge, .&.A:,
Llbrarilin;: Mbs MAr~arpt William~.~. ~lIinal University this YCJr . AS' ,i?s senior .En.s:li~b' ma3Ier,.r,1 Kin~ II'h'l
\)~rcy,:; n.D,S .• :, ~Clarti"ee . Pottle, ;(Mt: -Allisim l', ·M. 11.. (Columbia i, B.A •. (MemorI;iiUnivr.r3i1y of· \ locuni tenen~ for Miss Alison IWilliam' Collc~~ Public Sch~ol Jar "'iI. I
on ,~abhatical·lc~,e. Sh~ she' lI'a" a me.,"h~r of lhe Jaculty. and' to ea:;e ttnsi~n,. 011 ,the Leb·
'to" dt,M1i.· ·Daphn'.:' 'Frltt,; P,I'Ofessor'ol Eihicationf M: IJ~ iMor. foundland), Serial! Librarian; . O'Reilly, a3~btant pl'o!e3~ol of' boys on the ISle of Man•. ' . . has. beeD ,associate prole.!or. of of Hamplon School. ." 'JapJcq . nn,ul·a,.:ua.
B.A, . ' , Ian, :H.i.. (Daih?i1sie), M.A:. ' .
,. , "
, . H~·


· ' ., ...... . '. ." . . T"


*. N
~ F,ro.

m.··" . . ;''. r. in.ity·.·

~r~~t:::':l~'~':' .
administered· by Ihe' lIe:1eral
Board of Education here, Ihe m·
· I U'mY.

.) \

.. "::'
_ _ _ _ _ _;...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:._ _.....;.....;.....;---~,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
In 1774 v..him the first Court
House was built here on the site
During the s'Jmmer many memo
of Mr. Waller Toope's present bers of the iaculty of Memorial
B,L.S, (MeGill), daughter 01 Mr. There Is much evidence d wild the old Colonial and 'Continentai home, the inhabitants were taxed University toole advantage ef tbl
Kr. Fred RoWt, son of Mr. and aniil ~I'I. Andrew .Grecn, Itit on life of the. bigger game class on Church Society whelh estal:lishcd i quintal of fish per boat and hal£ special Carnegie grant for travel,
1.11'1•. Harry Rowe, left lor St. Saturday of laist wc~k to t~ke up and near the country ro~ds In 50 many elementary sch\lcis In a quintal per skiff.
John'. tin Satur1lay to ea~el tbe the pOlUion of Reference Librar. the form of lyn1(, bears, fOXfh and this country over 100 yeara· ago. Wh~nj on October 8th, IB11, bers to visit Learned Societies and
which was made to enable .mem· ·Manning,
moose. A. large lynx was ~een a Because of the Imall tuilien' fee, CaptabiDavid Buchan opened a visit other universities.
Vocational Tralllln, School Fred ian at MemorIal Unh'ersity
has decided on the. mechanical Miss Green, besides' heT Ica. few days ago on' the King~ Cove of 25 cents per quarter the chll Floating Surrogate Court here, he This grant, which was announced
profession and we wbh him every dCll'llc qualifications, has already road. A maose kept jo the dren of the poorest had the op- recommended a new Court House earlier In 1955 was $20,00U for
w.... lutcelS. hid. some experience' in library straIght road In front of a car portunity to sccure a goud ele· and Jail, To defray cxpenses, every fi~ years, or M,OOO per yedr. . Extended into
Mr. Gerald Otl.ruleimer wal worle, at the Unlver~lty of Massa. and outran the car at 35 mUes mentary education.' merehal'lt, planter, or other per· Dr. D. Murray Young. and Dr. a Holy Cross'

here for I few days recently be.o ebuselts, It Bud College, Anna· per hour, on tbe Catalina road C.C,C,S. schools operated at 10D eD,aged In the fishery, was to G. K. Goundry, Associate !'rofes. .uuck {or three
fore. nturnIn. to hia .Iudlel at clale-on.Hudlon, N.Y., and latter- one day last week, FOllll! are English Harbour, Salmon Cove pay II shllllngi f~r each person sor' of History spent som'! time yesterday afternoon,
Ftlrdbam University, New York. ly ahe spent a .year In the 'llbrary seen by somebody every day. (now Champneys), Ship Cove ao employed. EverY merchant, in this summer doingresellll'cb on &Ii Manning's Iwo
IIr. W. N. White, who IV.. on of the Bureau of statistics at Nobody has. xet leen Bruin except (nolY Port Rexton), North Side, addition, to. pay £1 for every for· Newfoundland History In England. \apple the !.rll •• nIP. .
a vialt to 51. John's for I couple Oslo, Norway. In the Intmsts o! his traeks which have been ',een Souh Side; Cuckhold's Cove (now eign vessel entering Trinity, and Dr. Gordon O. Rotlllley, pro. their fifth city
of wlelel, returned hom. 011 Mon- her w(lrk she has travelled :11 Bel. In various localities, We saw one Dunfield), Trouty, Old Bonaven· every v!lSlll not dIrectly belong- fessor of History travelled In NeVi thip' before B large
day. glum, France, Luxomberg, Aus· today near ·the power hou~r dam ture, New Bonaventure, British ing to the distrIct II ahUHngs. England on the research leam 'In llanning's homer
lllss Molly Hllcock went to St. tria Ind Ilngland. She I~' eon. at Trinity Pond•. Its outUm' was .Harbour Ind Ireland', Eye. Every Ihoreman 7 shillings. Nine Newfoundland History. Gillies had scored
John'l on Saturday for I lIlief versan tin the Norwegiaa. Ian. very dlstingul!hable In the hard There was a .large enrilllment conilJbles ·were sworn in to see Dr. C. R. Faye, whose bonk on out in the tenth
holiday. guallt. mud and 'showed cl~arly the at those schools. In 1825,.\t ii on thl. carried out. life and labour in Newfoundland tie, Bill GiIlie3
Jirs. William Rowe and Mr. .LIEUT. GOVERNOR VISITS niarks of Its talons, It lVas of record that Bcnl~min Fler.t, tile If a .Imibr tax. were lev!ed to,. is now in the proof readin~ .tage .. Manning when
Arch Rowe arrived lIome on Sun. LOCKSTON larn size Ind .could not be mis· Society's lirst teacher her~ had day for I simIlar purpose, it was working on further :research cuil clout of the
day vii Kyle, C,tallna, from Camp 7'he Hydro Electric llroject taken for any other anlm~,. Side 166 at day achool, 178 at Sunday wouldn't build a hen's house. in England. Into the bullpen.
w.. III'Dd, Labrador, where they 'plant at Lockston was hO'1oured by side with· it were the .tracks School Ind 69 ("dulls) it night About Carioul Ways of Money A fund for this research "'as earlier doubled in
.... spent lbe lummer with )drs. on Wednuday mormng in II brief of a moose. '. schoal. . Conveyance given, to Memorial University last same spot.

* 'Rowe's husband, who I. li.hthQu., vlalt by, His Honour, the Lieut. We hope wolves don't pul In The leacher. was expected to
In I letle'r from Rribert Slade year from the Carnegie Foun·.
GovernDr, Sir L. Oulerbrldll'!, who their appoann~e. The last manage them all. Occaslonaily he aud Kelson to A. W. Bremner, dation and an advisory committe... eleventh game of
lIIr and Krs. Ger_Iel Lockyer. metored from Cat~Una whl're he wolv~s that· Yo·t· 'have any· record would be given the heip of an their a~ent at CataUna In 1826, on Historical Research hIS been twirling a tight
Lefty Jed Garnbcl

OFFERS THE who ~avt been on • vlalt of two "as paying an offleial "Iall, He of that appeared here was in IB57 nssi8tant girl' teacher for I lim· we read the following: "The cash set up.
week. to Mrs, Lockyer'. mother, was accompanied byMa~i&trate when'a mnnwu cutting firewood ited period. What a contrast to is In the keg "itb tbe pepper call· HI.torlcll 'RIstirch Advilory
Mr.. W. N. Whit.,. returnld to Penny of Btn~vista and Ur. A. Dfar Freshwater potnt an.! only our modern sel up of classrOOMs ed powder and which please secur~
their hGme, PrI ••eton, N.J., Dn' Bailey anl4 Mr: H. DalVe 01 Port saved his· Ufe by leaping inlo his and teachers.
. Commltt..
immedl~tely." And in I letter of Messrs. A. B. Perlin, E. B For....
Union. HI. Honour 5pent an hour punt and pushing o!! from the Those Were days of Item 1828; we read: "In the hoghhead R. S. Furlong, Q.C., W. J. Carew: . St. Bon's took a
. al110 added B h
third inning to tie
Bon's collected
loser Jim

Miss Klr••nt McGrath' of the Iloing ~,ound the slIP and .tppear. shore. school discipline and oftt:! . en· m~rked No, 6 of this boat )'OU J. G. HiUlns, Q.C., G. S. Doyle, a three run
Royal Sank II Can.II~, St. John's. ed kee!lly inltrestc'd in ~J1 ht BRIEFS forced by torturoul me.pc suoh WJIl11l1d I keg containing 480 dol· M. F. Harrington Don Jlmieson crusaders slimmed
is here .pendlll' I koUda., with saw. The A. V, Edgar Dawt, Mason, as hoidlng at arm's length over 1m equal t~ £120." . Rex Renou!, A. H.' Cr~sble, ftlld llr: with two runs in

BEST ....
htr mother Mrl, William MeGrath, HYDRO.ELECTRIC PLANT AT 1 master, is here' collecting fish for the head as long as the child
Mr. William Locke is h're on
holiday from
l:iander and 15 Itay. "The old order chlngeth, 3·ieid. leav.s tomorrow for TrinHY.
No more the lowing herd wlDds C. E. A. Jeffer" from St John's
the firm f Miiflin, Catalina. She could stand it, two junks J\ wood, slowly o'er tbe lea" around here. Mr. W. Kay~ Lamb, DOIDini~n in the sixth but
one in each hand. We have It on Bony apparently has had her day. ArchiVist of Canada; Dr. Geral~ the game with
w. inl with. his mother, Mri, Amy Ini place to .new" can be apti)' There is a better sign 01 mack· good authority that one teacher Between Tr~nity and English Har· S. Grahaql of the Univers::y or bottom of the
Locke. applied to that area at. Lockston eral here at present than for some actually pulled a boy to a beam bour there IS not a cow today, to London, a distinguished historian'
y a p!£ce o[ our knowledge. In 1820, at Trinity and Rhodes professor of Imperial a double by Joe
the fourth. SI.

A walk to Barr~
w. .... Mr. Fred Bartlett, son ni Mr. where
and Mrs. Llewellyn BarUr.H of belnl set uP.
the Hydro Electric plant if time past. Mr. Edward Toope has of Ih.e. fic,hool room .b
recently made a few small bauls, Tope hed to the boy:; two thumbs. East one man aione had 10 cows, History' Sir Louis' Namier Head Holy Cross a 1.(J
GoOIt Cove and formerly of the A wonderful transformation Rumour has it that the busi· This is attested to by one who and 140 pigs and goats to boot. In of the' Institule of Histori;al Reo Jed Gambcrg's
Royal Bank of Canada ilt st. brought abot by men anti mao ntiS place and property of "Erlk· attended school at that. time, In 1935 there were 167 cows In the search in London, Eaglandj and the third. Back
John's, has entered Queen'a Tbeo- chinery has. taken place there sens" have been purchased by a a diary which we have In our are! above referred to. Dr. Taylor Milne, secretary of the ' by Paul Bryallt,
IOllcal Collelle at st. John'" within llie past 12 months. Many local buyer. possession, In which he refers to . About ~U1y H's Gimlet and Institute of Historical Research at Bill Gillies and
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tibbs o{ acres of oland have been d~nuded Monday the· 191h .Inst Is' tlte Mr. C-----:' hoisting up W. J. . Joey S', Punt the University o[ London have also the fourth prO,Quc:11
Gander an here' spending • boll. of forest growth, tens of thou. 48th anniversary of .the loss of - ~y the thumbs tothr beam. :W • 1lIiam H- was born In 1736 agreed to act on this committee. 51. Bon's rally as
day wllb Mr. Tibb'. moth.: Mn, sands of cubic feet of rock have the Effie M. She WAS one of the About the Second School aDd and In due time became a servant . and Gillies scored
Suli. 'flbbs. been blasted away. a larg~ canal larlleit Ichooners of the' firm of . Salaries. . to Benjamin Lester as a boat's·car. illlo the lead 4 1.
Mrs. Jlmes Walter~, •. native hal been cut through solid rock, Joseph MorriS at that tlml' imd T~e .second school here was the penter. Locnl tradition 'says he
of Trinity, but who has betn IIv. brooks have been stayed. ~ nd dl. prosecuted Ihe Bank fishery for one on the South Side which was was a man of very few words,
Salvage Plan" Holy
ing at St. Johnl' for many Jears varied In their eourse, and a can· a n\lmber of years. On thIs occa· built ·at a very early dale. Its especially when he was busy at
pa.t, lao , bere at present crete power house, and a fore sion .he WDS returning fr';m the first teacher James Moore taught his work. This wDspartly due to
That Crash'ed \J
and scored on a
second and Du~y
Ind ltaylnl with his' brother Mr. bay Ire nearing completion. Be- Labrador In charge of Captain there between 1828 and 18:~2 and his nature and partly because he . on a Iielder's
Fred walten. We arc 111 ,lad to sides all this, rough· pmable Fred Morris of Trouty, when In the records· shuw he was paid nearly always held sometblng in
sle Jim Iny tfme he car.1 to roads for cars and trucks have sight of home wind and ,,~ather £4.10. This old school W35 8tll1 his mouth, especially wben work· WINNIPEG (CP) - A four·en· Paul Bryant
On Ice Floe on' a balk to

w. come.. been built from the highway to suddenly changed and .he was Btanding less Ihan 40 yean ago, ing, a nail, a IJerew, Dr a chip may- gined aircraft, written off' as 2 in the sixth and
.... Mr. Liaduy' Hllcack of th. the sileo It is a remarkable driven during the night across the There are no .occupied houses nor be. One .day while at work he total loss· last May by an insurance· ror to gil'e Blue
C.N.T., who was
Indisposed for a achievement whlcb goes 10 show bay to Seal Co,'e (now New Chel· residents on the South Stde to- COUldn't find his gimlet. After company aftcr it made an emer· lead.
It his home In this modern age of machinery sea) where she ·was lost with all da)" where onCe there was ~ popu· spending some lime looking for It, gency landing on an ice .floc in Crusaders tied .
w. .... few days, spent. them
here. He ha •. Iinel retu'u:ed to how much ean be done by ~o few on board, numbering 15. lation of over 200 people, .3 bUll· he went up to the shop to gd a Hudson bay but salvaged two to set the stage
work. . in 10 Ihort I time. B1STOIlICAL ODDS AND ENDS ness places and a resideDt doc· new one, and in the act oC asking monlhs lat2r, was taken thro\l~h pionship finish,
Winnipeg on railway cars Frida;'
Mrs. Arthur Hayttr, who was At pre lent there are 68 men AND TRADITION tor. for it, the lost gimlet fell out from en route to its home base at Wild. llhnisch and Lont
talten to the hospital at Bona. employed there anel we ftre in. . Aboll' Schools At !irst teacher! of the C.C.C~S. between his teeth. wood, N.J. with two away
vista reeenUy,
on Thurscla)'. .
operated on formed that everything" required That'sectlon of Trinity between Schools recci',ed £ 15 a year Joey S- wbo lived at tbe bot· An official of United States Onr· . pinch hit sizzlel'
to finish the job Is on hind .. ' BritiSh Harbour. and' English Har· plu5 £ 1.10 for teaching Sunday tom of the S.W. Arm O\'er 100 seas Airlines, owners of the ,plan~, . bled at short as
Mbs Ada Glfen, B,A. ()lLA,), IIIG GAME ON ~E INC;:REASE? bour owes a d~bt of lIiatitude to Schboi. This" school was latterly years ago was famous as a sma Ii said . it would fly again· after L'eimard romped
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;,.....~_ _:_--..;.-----....,.-..,.-:----~.-..,.-..,._~.....,..._..:._ _ _ _ _ .. _ . punt builder, One winter he built repairs. . ' . Icore on I wild
• .,,,. . • 10 punts. When he launched them The unusual 5 b i p lit en I' \\'JI lIryant to na b
in the. spring he could only ac· loadzd on five flat cars by Cana· at second.
~ount for nine. Whlle on the Lab· dian National Railways 'crews at St. Bon's
rador during the summer he got a Churchill, Man., 610 miles north of . in the ninth

DEAL w. .... leUer from his wife saying that here. The load, because of its bul· I~ading off,
kiness, will move at sloW speeds
;he found the ~Oth punt covered and only during daylight hours for third on an error.
up in the chIps which Ihe was the entire 2,SS().mile trip.
burning an mmmer. The plane's wing span, tail
ass~mbly, undercarriage, enginr<
DAMASCUS (Reuters) - A and propellers were dismantled to

new Syrian government has been allow for rAil clearance along the.

NOlvllere but at Terra Nova = f()rmed under the premiership ot route. Its SMoot fuselage vm
Said Ghani, it was officially an· cradled on two flat ears and
~ nounced Tuesday nighl. The former remaining parts of the $1,OOO.OM
government headed by Sabri cl plane were loackd on three olher
SMotOl·s get tVill y()U .lIch = Assail resigned on Sept: 6 wb"n ears.
9Soyearo()Id President Hashem el The aircraft ran out of fuel Mar

~ ~
Atassi retired from office. He was 10 while transporting supplies for
succeeded u presld2nt by Sbukri the Distant Early Warning radar
BIG BIG '''TRADE-IN ALLOW- ei Kouatly. Ghani was prime min· line project In northern C!nada. It
isler in 1954 When he formed a made a fOrced' belly landing on
-< ' w.
.... supervise a general a huge ice pan and the crew wal
~ ANCES w.
elO!Ctlon in !lyria. removed by .nother plane.

• •
(and IGly tlrml, too I) """
; ~

iii TER RECONDITIONED GOOD- ., Wa_nt ~~~lJ1e help with your homework, Dad 1"


. It's I plthb.lY~ung Ted ~ only joking. represent c~~~es in this business now advise
-~ wooId ski~L .
i CAllS.• ~
yl L!.. .... _..l • __ 1_ him
1I Da ~ _ up on that. offer, ...~~ you with increised ,
100ft find himSelf Bounderingin " sea of factS '. Doing this CllI~"formore t~an ~y. It~kes
.about family incom.e management, succession
.; ..

real unde~st~dlOg of peo~le 5 needs. And since

'.. •
..' d~ ~ lated. 'b.' . ,
, r Ie

IU jtCtS.
b' s .' .
lUI" taxes, w S· UUlts, USUle! lOsuran .. a
CoO '00'" each fanuly s needs are different, the company

represeritatlve •
offers valuable guidance .
10 mak:
ing plans to lit theSe needs - individually•

.You let, Ted'~ father is a typical life unde~tirer

All in all, the life insurance man you deal with .
"I alDlll who has not only bee~ trained for his today is a very good man to know. And his ,,0-
job, but k~ up-~ate by constant study. For g,m ii tmother ,,{le(I;on pi tbe many Wtl'jl in ,.

'!~.' ~.~ ~~.~hW ~Ol~-t ~RA ~

the UItI of life ill!urance are more extensive to·" which the lile insurance business has Jeve~opetl.
day than they ~ tb ht.. Aild the men who.' wtJh th,#miHo meet ,our changing needs! .1
'\ - . . ... . ','
... . .
". , . iN CANADA '.
, '
, 1.-1151

i" Y~u' .w~y~:


.' ' .
. ".,
• ,4 .• ' •

.a Hjtll,2l'
. . ,' . . .
' ,

I '

st. Bon;s Win:llnt~nth For


Fifth' Sr.' .Baseball'Crown

. . .
. the
avel, .
i and Manning, Gamberg, Homer 8-5 Yan.•kees. Nee•d
. .
meed To. Top 'Crusaders
I for
'. Dr.
Extended Into extra Innmgs by
• Holy Cross cllmebnck, !it Bon's
.truck for three runs In' the tenth
per by Jim Myron put t",II'm;'
oil- Then Jim Carey fanned Jed
Gamberg and walked Hugb Fardy
Win Only' Five
. .

time ycsterda)' afternoon, capped by Intentionally. Ed Manning was • YESTERDAY'S 'SCORES lineup except Ray Boone hit safely.
h on Ed ~tannlng's ,wo run hemer, to thrown out stealing hom!.' and American
New York 3, Boston 2 LeaJUI sky Thehigh White
during SOx,~ptember,
who have scored blown
!Iand. \ll'ple the Crusaders 8·5 ~nd win Mike Hogan fanned to euo the Detroit 10, Cleveland 3 their one run In the second inning,
pro- Lheir filth city baseball champiDn· threat. Kansas City 8. Chicago 1 but soon saw it dissipated when
NeVI lIlip bcfore a large crowd. Crusaders' leadoff batter Jim Baltimore 9, WashingtOn 0 Gus Zernlal hit a bases·loaded
m un Manning's hOlDer came after Ted Carcy was hit by a pitch In thq National Lealue home Nn In the third. That was
Gillies had scorcd on the ~econd' boltom of the ninth and .\·orked Brooklyn 7, N'~w York 5 all Art Dltmar needed. Chicago
)k on (lilt in the tenth to break a ~5 I'ouna to third but Jed Gamberg Pittsburgh 5, Philadelphia 2 ace Dick Donovan was tne loser. SENIOR BASEBALL CHAMPS-St. Bon's captured their fifth' baseball championship in nine, years yesterday;
be. Bill Gillic. rode home ahead retired the sldp in erder without Philadelphia 2, Pittsburgh 1 Th~ crowd 01 31,034 at the As
If ~tanning when his seven,h elr.
Itage damage. lIIilwaukee 2, St. Louis 1 final game of the year brought the afternoon with a ten inning 8·5 victory over Holy Cross. Members of the team arc, front row, left to right:-Ted:J
Cincinnati 12, Chicago 5 total attendance to 1,393,05t com·
tenth cuil clout 01 the season' dropped In the tenth Ted Gillin was By mE ASSOCIATED PRESS pared to the 304,666 the As drew Gillies, Bill Gillies, bathoy Billie Ryan, Paul Bryant, Stan Williams. Second .row:-John Power, MikE' Hogan, Jed;
i inlo the bullpen. He han twice sate on an error and scoreO on an New York Yankees opened up a last year In Philadelphia. Gamberg, Ed Browne, Ed Manning, Martin Clooney, Third row:-Manager Bob Baird, Hugh F'arciy, Don Ryan,:~
I ...·as earlicr doubled In practiceHy the
~amc spot.
Ifllieid out. With two awey BIll
Gillies singled and Ed M~nnlng
fat two·game bulge over Cleveland In the only other American Bill Griffin, Jim Myron, Coach Charlie Doyle.
IndIans In the torrid American league gam~. Baltimore Orioles , ' i:': 'I'
y last
Lefty Jed Ganiberg won his smacked his home run to end It League pennant race Sunday when pulled Into a seventh place tie with
:nltlee elc\'cnth game of the sea,nn In
I~irling a tight four hitter. He
all. Crusaders went nut In order
In the bottom 01 the inning.
they edged Boston Red SOx 3·2 Washington Senators by whipping
while the Tribe took a 10-3 scalp· the Nats 9-0 behind Jim Wilson.
SIX ENTRIES Rochester Wins Air Of, Big Fight In New, York~
been ing from Detroit Tigers. BATILE FOR '11IIRD
FOR TODAY'S Four Strai~ht v

Most Exciting .Since Joe Loui~:

al!o added a home run to the Big percentage hitters In .the The rasults left the magic num· The only contest of any import·
Ihird Inning to tie the SCVll' 1-1. game were Ed Manmngand Paul ber for the Yanks five-meaning anee going on, In the National u
SI. Bon's collected eleven ~aletlep
FOrtl/, off loser Jim Carey.
Bn'ant with 3 {or 5.
The DAILY NEWS offer~ hearty
any combination of five New York League Is the one for thlrd·place
victories and Cleveland defeats wl11 betwe.en Incumbent New. York 20: MItE WALK Over Toronto By JACK HAND that Marciano was ducking Moore:~
r:arell'. SI. Bon's took a 4-1 learl "lth congratulations to coach.' t..:harlie
send Casey Stengel's operatiV'<!5 Giants and. Philadelphia Phillies. NEW YORK (AP)-For the first A Marciano·Moore match became;:
a Ihree run fourth innln!; but Doyle and his hard hittlnJl cham. Into the world series {or the sixth The Ph lis split a doubleheader Six entries have been recelv· ROCHESTER, N. Y. (AP)- time since the days of Joe Louis, a "must." ~
Doyle. Cru;~ders slimmed Ihe lead to +3 plans for their well deserved vic.time in seven years. with Pittsburgh' Pirates while the ed for the _nnual twenty mile Vern Benson's 11th.inning single th~re is a "big fight" tang in the Not since Louis fought his rrd
aitlon, Chicago White SOx, the only Giants were taking It on the chin walk sponsored by Ayre and scored Jackie Brandt with the turn match wilh J~rscy Joe Wap;..
nd lIIr. with two runs in the bott'lm 01 tory. other team with • ma ,1... ..",ma tI ca1 from BrooklYn Dod g e r s. Leo Sons which will take place . . run Sun day to gIve Roeh· air as Rocky Marciano prepares cott or his second bout with B~
ahn'.. the fourth. St. Bon'R mad~ II 11-3 BOX SCORE chance 0 f wInn Ing Ih e pennan, t Duroe her's team now h as on y a this afternoon I on the Topsail
t es er II sll'~ep 0f th e I to defend his heavyweight title Conn has there becn such tremelf;;
miniotl in the sixth but Hoty Cr(l~~ tied dropped an B-1 decision to the sixth· margin. Intcrnatlonal League Governors' against Archie Moore Tucsday dous interest in a heavyweight:
fimtld the game with tll'O runs 'II the ST. BON'S: AB R H E place Kansas City As. That aU but The Pirates took the opener 5.2 Highway, starting at 2.00, un· Cup final series ol'er Toronto 11-10. night in Yankee Stadium. match. The International Boxin,:
boll om 01 the eighth. eliminated the White Sox, who now with Frank Thomas belting a der supervision of the A.A.U. Wings won the third game Sat· Although Marciano. unbeatcn in Club reports an advance sale of
.IY of 4l! fights, remains a 3·to-1 favorite
A walk to Barry Mallnder and Hogan, 3b ., •• ., 1\ 0 0 0 are five games aU the paC'l!. three·run homer, and the Phlls Champion Ferd Hayward urday 3·2. to whip the ehall~nger, all signs $500,000 a,t S40 tops.
storion I double by Joe Gullivcl gave Fardy, If, Ib ...... 4 \} 1 0 Both the Yanks and Indlan.have came back to win the nightcap will be back 10 defend his,. Toronto scored six times in thc point to a roaring crowd [}f 50,000 NO HOllIE TELEVISION !
nperial 11011' Cross a 1.0 tead in tl1!.' first. E. Gillics, cf •• • •• : ,5 1 0 0 aU their remaining games on the 2·1 lI'ith Saul Rogovln tossing a crown against five slall\'art first inning in a wild and woolly and a gate of more than $1jO,OOO In addition to the natllral appeal!
: Hcad .led' (famberg's homet tied It In I Bryant, c .. ' .. • .. r; !l 3 2 road-seven for the New Yorko):,s slx·hitter, . . heel and toe artists including game that Wa~ watched by 11,364 for the I:;·round match. of a match between the 31·year-;
:31 Re- & 1 0 and five for the Trl~. Here is Brooklyn came up with three ten mile winner Jim Jackson, shirt. slee\'cd lans. The Wings The pub lie i t y campaign (or old champion'! rom BrockloD,'
thn third. Back to back ~mulcs W iams, rf •• •• •• ". .~ aft er four but f'ana 11 y Moore, followed by his victory Mass. and the older, more expe-
i: and • y
ill 2 0 boW the top of th e race I00ks go In g runs In . the seven t h Inmng' to gam . Frank lIIartln, Dick JlleNlven, tral'1 ed 9'
10£ the
frch at
b)' Paul Bryant, StHn WI:hams, W. Gillles, 2b ...... 5 2
Bill Gillics and Ed Mannmg In " ann n , 55 .. .. .. ..
& l 3 2 Into the final \\'cek:
a 7.5 \'erdlct over
lie Mays got his 48th homer of the
the Giants. Wil. George Crane, Wall Martin. tied the score
h ' ·10.10 with
run sevent InDing ra y.,
II a lour· over Cuba's Nino Valdes and his rienced light·heavywcight king, thll ..
knockout of Bobo Olson in three sale has il'~en boosted by the fact:
thc tourth produced a three run Browne. Ib .. ... .. 3 Il 0 0 New York til 56 .619 - seasol\ for the Giants. Athletes will be examined ,Each .."ide used five pitchers, rounds, has cast the 3B,)·ear.old thcrc' will be no home telel'isioD.
il'e also St. Bon's rally as Bryant,. Wllllams Myran, If .. .. .;. 1 !i 1 0 Cleveland' 90 59 .604 2 In other National Ulague action, at 12.45 toftay at the East End with' the decisions going to Tony BlIt it will be broadcast in th~.
rlttee. \ 1 I' 0 0 Chicago 87 62 .584 5 MII\"aukee Bra,·es clinched s·cond· Fire Hall and will then be Jacob5, Who worked four scoreless ring gypsy in thr role of a martyr. U. S. [}\'cr ABC and in Canad.t
and Gillies ~cored tv push thcm CIooncy, ph ...... • 1I l' 0 GRIM SLAMS DOOR place with an l1·innlng 2·1 victory • transported to the starting innings. and th~ loss charged to Encouraged by the dalaying taco over the CBC Dominion network
inlo the lead 4 I. G b
am erg, p •• .. .. .. Bob Grim. was the big man In over St. I:.ouis Cardinals, and Cin· polnt at Upper Gullies. Reeord John Hetki, who went. 2·3 innings tics of AI WeiU, the champion's at 11:30 p. m. ADT.
manager, people began to belicve
Holy Cr06s battled· back when the Yank triumph over the Red clnnall Redlegs let loose with a Cor the fllUrsc Is Ferd Hay. before he was cracked in the 11th.
Robin Short \l'alked in the lourth 43 11 11 4 Sox. He replaced Bob Turley pn barrage of seven runs in the fifth ward's 2,56. Brandt singled with one alit and be to Include their names In the:
and scored on a wild thr"w to
srcond and Ducy Fitzgerald, saSe HOLY CROSS:
the' mound with two runs in, no Inning to crush Chicago Cubs 12.5.
foAB n H E one out and two runners'Dn base
reached third on Joe Cunning
'ham's single through the middle
Seeks Recognition Remembran~ Book.
The association also was seeking'
vocatiopal training, civil service.
on a fielder's choice, .dashed home d
on a balk to make the ICOI E +3. Maun er. 5S .. . . . .
4 in the third inning and slammed
1 0 0 the door In the laces of the Red
By mE CANADIAN PRESS Old Country After two wera out Benson hit a
single to right centre to end it. For War Victims preference and participation ill'
Veterans' Land Act provisions for.·
Robson, c ....... ; 3 0 1 0 Sox
Paul Bryant singled for St. Bon's E. Short, Ib ...... 1 U 0 0 F~r seven innings, he didn't
;.a!£,e G J L ti' TORONTO (CP) - Canada's its members. • •
~~/~~ ~~\~~ ;~~/~~~d~~/: ~~ ~~Won~yh~~t~;~~in~h:ngl~t ~n b:~~ .~r~·-2 Football Scores, " Typsy I Nor e
mer can P t GDL • merchant navy veterans of the
!our·en· .1
as I Gulllver, 2b, cf ..... II 0 1 0 NClee'VVelYaOnrdk 9901 56 De- Second World War have· launched
59 "'1
, emer· lead.
Bhnisch, rf .. .. ... 4 1 1 0
Leonard, If .. .. .,,4' 1 1 1 were Billy Klaus, who reached Chicago
Crusaders tied It In the eighth R. Short, 3b .. .. .. 2 1 0 1 first on BUly Martin's· bad throw, Boston
87 62 :58' 5
82 65 .558 9
rest e ext
LONDON (Reuters)-Results of
soccer matches in the United King·
a campaign to have the names
their fallen comrades inscribed in
the country's official Book of Re·
MANILA. (AP) - The
floc in
'd two
to sct the stage for 1\ real cham· and Ted Williams who walked. l}l!troit
pionshlp finish. ,Aiter Charles Byrne, ph .. •• , .. 1 0 0 0 Grim \von 20 games last year as Kansas Clly
75 73 501 16~ d
63 85 :426 28~2 EU~Gal~:SH At The S
om a ~ fa d·lum
St d
m2mbrance. Chronicle says Gen. Douglas Mac·:
A. J. Heise, national secretary Arthur sold Ollt his }Ioldlngs ii'
Fridal' Bhnlsch and Lonz Leonard singled Nolan, cf •• •• •• •• 0 U 0 0 a freshman, but has been bothered Washington 51 9S .349 39lh DivisiOn I . Gypsy Joe Gonzales, the Vaga, of the Canadian Merchant Navy Comolidatcil Mines Inc. Satur·
,It Wild. ,.ith two away Toe Byrne lined a Fltzgera!d. Ib, e ... ~ 1 0 0 by arin trouble most of this year. Baltimore 51 95 .349 39~ Arsenal 1 Portsmouth 3 bond of wrestling fame, will make Veterans' AssocUtion said Friday day in the heaviest trad:!1/1 ever
Carey, p .. .. •• ., 2 0 '0 '1l The Yanks gava Turley a tl'Lo, National League. Birmingham 0 Luton Town 0 a return visit to st. John's on n:erchant seamen have be~n de· recorded. b!l thp Manila stock I;r,.
·s OI'er· pinch hit sizzler' which was bob- R 11 f 2 0 0 0 run advantage, but he couldn't W L P t G L I kp WI" Died many vet~rans' benefits ac· ..
blcd at short as Bhnisch scored. ya, c .. .. .. •• . hold' it, and when' Jackie Jensen . c. B B ac 001 2 0 verhampton \, 1 Wedriesday nigi:t when he'il meet corded members of the thre servo c1tange. TIle neu:spapcr says ~ac.
e plane, 'th Janes, ph ........ 1 u. 0 0 poled a home run with "'llllams on BrooklYn 95 53 .642 - Bolton W 0 Sunderland 3' junior heavywcight cliampir.n Bob ices and their dead colleagues ap· Arthur and hIS lormer aldti.
alter Leonard rompe d home t0 II e e Joy, 2b •• .. .. •• 1 Q O· 0 w Milwaukee 83 66 .557 12'1.: Cardiff C 3 Shefficld U 2
~(ore on I wild throw by catcher base In the third, Grim· got a New' York 75' 12 .510191!J Chelsea 0 Aston Villa 0 Lortie of Montreal for Lortie's parently will bf omitted from na· COllrtlley Whitllell, sold ,51.000,0I)D·
n twas \!r."ant to nab runner Frank Nolan 34 & ~ 4 hurry eall. produced the winning Phl'l adeIpIa'
The Yanks II 7-J l'• •503 201'~J Everton 2 T0 tt en ham II 1 coveted. belt. tional book. eoshrinl)d in Ottawa's s}tare.~ of stock. 1V0rth $1,040,000 • ..
y Cana· at ~ccond. ____ run in 'the fifth off Willard Nixon, Cincinnati 73 77 .487 23 Hudderslield T 3 Mnnchester C 3 As a preliminary to thl! big Peace TOlI'er.
51. Bon's eh~nces looker! good Umpires: KiI!, Yakublsin, Hal. an .old nemesis, who had ~aten Chicago . .
rewi at wrestling show Bruce "Barefoot" "We can't understand why' the
10· 78 .413 25. Manchester U 3 Preston N E 2
Qorth of 'n the nl'nth "'hen Ed "'nning . thl d St. LoUis 64 84 .432 31 Neweastle U 4 Charlton A 1 Fogwill of St. John's will do a name of a Canadian who died 'in' a .SEND AID
its bul· I n J11., sey, Atkins. them fOUr times s year-an Pittsburgh 58 89, .395 36'1.t W Bro;nwich 1 Burnley 0 battle to the finish lI'ith Ken burning tanker under the Canadian GUATEMAL/l (API-The "OIJo
. speeds leading off, doubled and r~ached they did It the hard way. Gerr~' DlI"lslon II nag should not be inscribed in the
third on In error. An Infield "hop- Coleman opened with a. single· to Blackburn R 3 Stoke City () White of Haltlax In a no time same way ns that of a sailor on cminent scnt food am! mcdica!,
~OUri for
rlgili. Grim popped out on an a t · . . Bristol C 3· Bury 1 limit match. v a nearby d2stro~·er Who lost .his supplies Srmday to tllc /looded
lan, tail
US. COLLEGE tempted bunt. but Hank' Bauer
scratched a single oU Nixon's
Aticke17 Mantle •J ...
Hull City 1 Brislol' R2
leicester C 3 Lil'erpool 1
Both' matches promise pl~nlY of life in the same action, ' Mr. Heide Pacific coast port oj San. JGI'C, 50
excitement for Ihe \I restling fans said. .
I engines
~ntlcd to glove after Ted Lepcio dropped his 0'ut Of' A'chon
.· Lincoln C 1 Plymouth A 0 at the Stadium.
miles south oj /icre,' struclc bll'
He said the mercliant navy cas· a fierce tropical storm "'Tlday
;long thf
Ige wa~
GRID SCORES foul. Irv Norcn walked filling 'the
bases and Coleman scored on Mc· .
Middlesbrough ] Barnsle;"l
Nottlngham F 5 Doncaster ,R 0
ualty rate proportionately was nigllt. Some villages neol San
higher than that of the armed San Jo.~c rcmam undcr lr~e to
ars and
Dougald's roUer.
NEW YORK (AP) - Mickey Port VaIe 2 LeedUll
Mantle, who 1ea ds tha American Roiherham U 1 Notts C 1 . Parker's Sweep
s n ed 0 . services. He said 1m "least" tha t
could be done to honor merchant six teet of tcuter. Onlll known
:ee other Pittsburgh 27 California 7 The defeat of the Indians \\'as League with 37 home~s, ~vl11, be Sh ff' Id W S T seamen killed in the war would cos!lOltll so for is a tVOllum tvll~:

fuel loll)'
East. Ironic, Indaed, for It came at the lost to New York Yankees for
Rhode Island 13 Northeastern 13 hands of --.
"n-vear,Ald Bob' MUler,
'U about five days or possibly for. e
e Ie
th West Ham 2 Fulham 1
2 wansea
Division III (Southern)
Commercial Bill
the bell will ring most any day. home.
was iniur.ed in the collapse of I

Midwest w.ho was beaten by'the Yanks last rest of the season 'due to a pulled Brentford 1 Ley ton 0 0 Parker " Monroe. swept a dou Join all the numbered dots to·
Iplies for g~ther starting with dot number
ng radar Denver 19 IOWa State 7
Wyoming 38 Kansas 20
week. At that ·tlme, there was con· muscle In his right thigh, th!!' club Coventry C 2 Exeter· C 2
slderable comment' at ,the thought doctor said Saturday. . Gllllngham'1 Brighton 0
bleheader from the CNR Clerks one a~d ending with dot number Try. and match the odors of )·ou!
yesterday with 10-4 and t5oB. vic· thirty· two. and )Iou will have a toiletries - soap, powder. cologne,
anada. 11
ndlng on HawaII 6 Nebraska 0 of Tiger manager Buclty Harris Mantle suffered the Injury \~hUe Ipswich T 1 NorthamptOn T 0 torles In .the Commercial Baseball picture of the model. Color with etc. - for a more attractive en·
:rcw was North Dakota 27 Hamllne 0 using an untes~ad youngster in so beating out: a bunt In Fnday 'Mlllwall 4 Bournemouth 0 League semi·flnals at Bannerman Your paints or crayons. semble. Otherwisl) one odor kills'
Far Wett Important a game. night's 5-4 ,Yankee vlelory over Reading 2 Norwich C 2 Park. ' ~~~::~~~=:~--------------------------~,~
Southern Cal 50 Wash State 12
Wyoming 38 Kansas Slate 20 .
. Harris laid, however, that he Boston Red Sox.
planned to use MUler against the ,
Shl'awsbury T 3 Aldershot 3·
Southampton 3 Crystal P 1 Gerry' Houlihan went the dis· ~:~:
Stanford 33 ,College of Pacific 14 Tribe, too. and that be did. The
Idabo State 9 Pepperdlne 0 young lefthander held the .Indians'
PWC Sport . S
SOuthend U 4 Newport C 1
Torquay U 4 Swindon T 0
tance to win .both games
Parker's. Bob J!!ans and Jerome

Montana 'State 7 lewis ani Clarke6 to six hits before retiring after, Cleark took the losses for CNR.
OregoR State ~1 Brigham Young () seven innings. He wasn't knocked
Washington 14 Idaho 7 out of t~e box, either. ~e was
'Da'y To·dav " Walsall 2 Queens P R 2
Watford 1 Colchester 1
DivisIon III (Northern)
, Big blow of the twin bill was a
, bases loaded home rlln by Jim

O regon l'

Utah 13 merely tired. The only
r Apez' crew was able to Icore
time Al p' I
r, nce 0 f WI· 1
a es. ann~a Fpo.r s arrow." t B • a[ ans fiIeId T 1 B·irmitigham of Parker's In the
~ day post oned 1 t g Bradford 0 southport 3 morning game of the ~eries.
Georgia Tech l' Miami 6
against blm was In' the seventh '. P : as .
when pinch hitter Hank Folies .hit to poor weather, WIll take place Chester 1 Accrington S 1
sprlDg oWln Carlisle U 2 Darlington
Parker's will POlY meet Great
Wak~ Forest 13 Virginia Tech o a home run, following I walk to tOday starting at 11.00 this morn· Chesterfield 2 Workington , Eastern Oil ·.for the title.
Tulane 20 VMl 7 . Larry Doby., ." Ing. and will continue tbls after· Crewe .Alex 1 Bradford C 4
Florida 20 Mississippi' State 14 • The de·fea,t. was, the . Indians' noon.' .. I 'D~rby C 2 Seunthorpe U 2
a~d ,
Maryland 13 Missouri 12 •
Arkansas 21 Tulsa 6
fourth'. in a roW equalled their Afulilchedule of events
'long~st loslnllitreak,of the season. boyt Ind ·g·irls',llivililons will be HarUepools U a Halifax T 1
In. the Grlmsby T 3 Gateshead 1
Children's Puzzle ,-

Mike Garela and Ray Nar1eskl held 1f1th. refreshl)1ent ~talls on Roe~dale 1 Tranrriere R 3
Mississippi 26 Georgia 13 The Tigers" blazing. bats. pounded,. ' ;·f
TCU 47 Kansls. 14 ,. th ' t th A • hi tl Stockport C 4 Wrcxham 0 ".t
during a .• Ix .. •. run .•Ixth . inning •... e. course a e yrt ...t ~ c York City. ~ Oldham A 0 . 11IE ARTIST
LSU. 18 Kentucky 7

BaylOr 35 Hardln-Slmmons 7 Everyon~ In the Detroit &larting Grounds. .

Harmon Winner ,','

~ Woukl $400: $700:-$1500 or moricl~i""uP i

In NEOC Ba~baU , . ef your oulstandlng hills? If so, coma 10 Niagara

finance and a friendly expert will elI.pla[n privately

Harmon AFB won
)t . how thesl-or oth.r amoun" can b. yours quickly
represent NEOC in • • ...
wide baseball Journament at
Greeneville, South Carolina, latel
I.. ,
S ••
., " ' ...
IO~' i ..
Loans to $1500· are lif.-insured 01 no 1)llra cost
'0 you ••• and an many amoun" ralet are lower at
Niagara finance. Thousands of people In Canada • ,

this month, when they whlpptd

Pepperrell. 21·6 at PepperrElI on . I
,1\,-· -
@ -- •
"I have borrowed 01 Niagara finance aHlces coad
Saturday. .,.... to coast. If you need money Niagara Is thl plac •
·Following the 'game the teams to come-anyllme. '
were hosted at a banquet b:; Col. "Here lIT. I~st • lew tf tIIr IIII1t1Y 1./111 ,.,.,"
G. S. Bond, Base Commander, 01 MONTHLY PAYMENTS 4,,'
Pepperrell. The cham,,:onshlp YOU .".
OtT 20 24 ., ~.

trophy was presented to Harmon 12 15

by Col. J. C. Mccurnin, Deput)
Chief of Staff for Personne,', who
$ 23.64 $ 19.46
$35.00· ,'.'.
~ ...
65.70 54.15 42.25 $36.45
also presented runner·up .•wards 700
139.10 114.50 .... 5· 75.90
to Pepperrell. "00
'0.. OI-r .....JoIIa, ,..,..,..., pi-
bardo's swift. hydroplane. Tempo .
VII won the President:s, Cup
Suaday when Miss Pepsi, unde· i,
neated In th~ee successl\'e' heats, :
was· disqualified for jumping thc
gUn by .rour secon~s., ' , ,
Miss Pepsi roared over the Pot· •.. :
omBC river lal in,front in'the final·' . . . . .~ii:.J. CENTRE BUILDING,
ra~e lor'the big boats •.with Tempo I
VII a ~Istant third. Thr rliSqUallf.,\ . Hel'e is the arlist. sketching a . We have a branch in CORNER BROOK
leatlon touched' off" a sharp but I:milinr place, "Oh. dtl~r 1 must CHURlH HILL DIAL 7067·8
una\'ailing protest. • hurry lind, finish. my picture for·

M.l 11\4 II Ai PIQAecl him the 'I 'Ialt lit downl"
rtn. ,ot
JO!mtd at Al. Ai wu Tim looked at htm. He was
jutt ~il\l, "You'll be-" hut til. short, powerfully built' with huse MOVE~NTS


next ward never came, for Tlm'l hinds, arms and !boulders, thick,
Imler 'had pulled the trlaer. AI dark, beetle brows and an evil
lo.~e4 down at Tim with .hock flce. Tim looked. at the -second
A few minulesmore Ind a iii' 8 laQrprl •• In his blue 'YII II Jilan standlns .at the desk In one
a The Th'eatre Page
r. tlellnl .MI ~l'Ilmlnl. tn. ure threw hiDlllU lnt oth, ~.1l. tbe .bllll.t plUlllled throu,h his corner. This (lne was tall and M.V. Lunan lcal\in;: at Mcnlreal
. train 1I i Wilt from New hole Ilmolt cr\1lhlnl Tim. . Tia eyl!l w.r••tm open, very thin-his face, his shoulders, Sept. 19, for SI. John's, .
"Move over, ~atituff," AI Illn- with t1!. lbock in them, when hll bony h~nds. The trlrd one
0ln MY Dundee loading at Hamilton
_ • 'York. He I, thlnklnl If DoD.)'
_._. 1, ·year. . .10, whln he and ned tensely.
~I Hollnak), wlra trapped In
. h' f.ll .t~p Thn.. toyed with I' \look by the fire-
Tim didn't answer. Hia t •• th A. hll company crept forward place-obviously the youngest by CORNWALL STAR PARAMOUNT Sept. 29, Toronto Sept. 30, Mont·
real Oct. 3, for SI. John's. (This

~'~~'; c:~lf
•.••:.hen hoi •• Now h. II loin, were clenched too hard. Tim took hi. rife and pointed half' I dozen years. He was a vessel has 45,000 cubie leet refrlg.
No·" Plavin f1 .
... Clair, AI'. widow, to "Okay, boy," laid Al, ''let'. It .t the of hi. left Ie;. This medium height, mustached, hand· - eration space avallable).
PlY her tha I... In.taU""nl. 110." tim. he the trll•• en rome, also thin but better pro·
.,"''''00''' .. Today Today IN J - M MV Perth loading at Hamilton
, ,.
i ::r,
", rb~
.....,,, "'....'
• • •
TIm ,I.k'" lb • ....." .. h. .......
lay there on hi. belly. Al IhlK)k
him, ..."', "'on ....""". ......
• • •
po"''''', A
his lips.
1.......1d .Im All """ ,m" .,,,. '''k "R'o GARTERS. WITH
",.·n .. toft ........" .... ,n... ,,_......... ,,","I _mhl.... t, .". "".,., ROSEMAR. CLoONE.,
- --
m"" W~", ,',",'
oct. 8, Toronto Oct. 7, Montrcal
Oct. 10, for St. John's.
Ae~d'~y J~CK
1. "" ..... """t Inl. '''''' ,,' W'TH CHARLES COaURN ''''" tbl, .ldo " tho bom,
::. ".Iin ,Pennsylvanll, Tim Roser! Tlm chocked. "1. can't."
':'1 ;.~""" 'b.~ .1 ~. R..~ A m''''''' N.w1."""",d I~.I" Lt,,,...
IItllv.r rill, for Girls. Tim sat down: ' ,CARSON, . .- - boo curtain in Twentieth century-
. ,:,!t ,.~,..... AI B,II,,""
eo th. , .., .... "
AI ..."., Tl m'" tho ""'" A. Tim ....... _
hi••". on. "II•• him .. " th .....
., 'n" Tho m.... "N, ....
h.., .h."
iii' ,....., " •• "",' " M'. I.b"oo,
',bI. ,lIb,
W'th hi...."'.,
'''"",m', Prod•• ,,,,,11.,
p,,~,",'" Roo"" M..... m'. ,. T,," o<,'U', ",W C'..
~ .b"'" "'" "m""w ., 'b' S"t if, d.. " J,b,'. "pi. "
'rom, "Soldl" ,I
i iii, ::'" ""II ",'U.
T'....... I..,
, :~ ':.1Om t, ""'...,~ II,. on b,,,
i i'l :;"
. . bto .....
timo'" "' .. ~ "I",.,.'
• .....' him ,II, up Ib, .m.w Yon'"
..." .....
oI'", .In" ,on'. '

, ..tho, .,"...."k.'
,Id••,,' • , ... "
U",' m,d... ",.... ,,;,,,'"
T"b.,,,,,,. m.~" I."" b, Tw,"U'" C""",·F., p"""on.1 ""',,. B." • d· "''''' ,,, Hom.. ,nd .....
,I w""", R., G"'",, wb"h Ch,d" C."".. ..,""','"" ""." ,. U_ m.d"", '.mpo S.¢, 21. d. . .,m" Sopt " ...
lb. ,." '"'' ""d., .t lb, C.....II 60th " " In .h,w '.d,~. "I'" w,th C'"k G.bI, In tho UU. ""'" Sopt .. Lo••", Boo'"
. AI ........, .h.t ..., ........ Tim no...d ',,,1,.
.';!t :~.::",.rby.
: ',1 :; .. " ,•• SOd'''''' , 'In~ into Tim's mllld lorever. Tim'••ton. house, It WII already .row. took over. '!DId you
bring the Tlheatre. "Red Gart~rs" Is a real had It e!sy for a decade,' he de- role, as the rugged: two-fisted he- ~ept. 27 and Halifax Oct. 1, due
fin ..... tb. .,,' 'mom.... ....., ..,II ....., •• IId1., ond tho Imt Tho b.d, m.. "

, ..m". ,. ''".'" " " """., "",d, ,,'.m no. " ..,,,,' '""" "",." m.d. him -rho ,~:.::::;:~:...~ So"" 1M u",·
Heavy J;unl
;\' ::' ,._'"''"' ••"" "h.....Tlm' n"" .....h'w hod ...." " In- I" ..... .. ,,,nd wllh ".,.
d tI "~m.,, N,n s"n. ,,",., L'."".,
. .
........."". IOmplny was moving forward. .
self In tbe trigger suar<! of. _
thr No -11'1I11'• ••. from the hOUlie. Tm' nodded.
S Clnl b".UI.," h" ",'Its bcolor
as prairie suns!:me, .., ,,,
I as••that first 50 years as an actor K'm,.. I, . H,,.,,
" lb,tile b"d,,'." II
, ""1 ".
, t:, '.
;: ~,l . .
:. J .
*_ STAR. * N' "ond 1_ tho ....,1. ,.. ",. ",hi" ." "n.',ld, Ib..,." .,.". ". C.b.rn ",d.,,, "'" ",.,,'" ,.,n. CO""'" .n. SM" 11,,· So". '" d" st. J.h.', 0". ,
moo" .. "" po"'" .1....... ..1m ,,,,k hi, h.. d. "Ch,,'." ".~pp'" "" hi" ond th. . ." " blm",11 .i '"I'h. G",d Old .oro. M'."" R.,.,. ,,' G
the road, A rll1blt hOllped ICOrsS The man laughed hars~~y
..' L...,,, H"." "'" ••n"
and contaIns a galaxy of stars that are MBan" oC the movies, stage, show Barry, thGabflel1 bhurtdletsh hflsCicha.m Oct. 5, due
his path. An owl swooped down Ilookcd at the ohcr two. 1 otld seldom assembled for one liIm. bUsiness, or anything ele. "Save ar;ross e urea . 0 nema' Boston Oct.. 10, Leavins· Hoston
pon.,,' .. 'yo.
Oct. 7., and

. : .:,'1 ..m, """ """

h••"",·L" II,
"'" ."",.. •........t , ••• b,"" T'm, T, Tim ct,...,. J"k
"m. ,. _
M'~h. Bo."",,,."
B"dO" th. "., ' "
•. G", "AIo" n,,,m'"
th."" ""on,. "U..",., L'. S,,,. ,•• ".,.. '" "pl,II. O,t II "d H.m" 0... 15, do"
h. "fd. ,.Ill.,
,bM""d by lb. ,,"mI h"d , j st. Job.'. O,t·l7.
,,' I..
'i 1 "ld,
........ I. "" ..,. "d .",1., '" P., ,II, pi".
h'" lb. 'h"~ W.'" "'" D.", 00""'" Gllb,ct ,. ""'''''
C".I". G'" Bo.", " , D'."'" '<om nomfog mo •
,.",re." .,,"~nd '~'oo.di,"d
I" • Lt,..,..1 0 ... 18,
".i'I :.':, TO.DAY .... " "'". " I'" ,,,., H.
shud;ered. .
Thon .. "" ,,,.,.
"L.t'. I."".'" .
",.i ."tI.. b~,.,nln'
gonna take It to 1\1rs. HolinskY Introduced. All of this adds up to Although he ts an 1B77 model lon, 5USpcme
,,,,,,,h.d " p.noa" "",00" 00' ,,,,,,,.,
• b...., Inn '''''' th'" • ,un • B....... tho
fiery romance. Oct. 15, due st. John'.
""I "'.",' I" ••"" "d BMO,

,; ;' ...... lb....", "odin, "' In • • • "11.,,,1

".,. "Rod G..,,"," •• mn"" "It ,ri M<. C.b.". An' ,,' I" th....... '" 0". 22, d" ",Ill.. Ocl, ......
hi ".,01 Lo,,'" ...,,,
,rl,tng .... d IUn E..... K. G,,', G,... " ..., .,,,,.. O,t "'.
.,,~ ,Im'" th.,
lb. ""'...., .. ,".ld 1,,1 tho Tit! BOGERS 'In.ll, , ...,... .'. : " " ,n ,I U" old ,1".0, h'
:1 . ,. th, "'" .,th.
...RI.,"" I. hl•••mo,h. H. "',,. '" .on" " ,no h.., wUd wo". II, _", " •• ".,It .",. "'t. "
h' ..." .. on ..·Am"'". "d ."".. '''. '. d.,
.. ,I';' . Ben he . _ litla I ......
-," ............ n" "Vb"" yo. '" ...., "'" •
""k!"" .,. ",,' '''''''''' ."".,
w"' " ..... ,nmhl" .Ih..... ",..k, Tb. mon,,', no' 011 min"" ,.Id book .h.. tho "d, "n., I" di' " m"b N".m'" ".",,1. In Sl J,h.'. 1 ,." ••.
.',1,. ome.atl hb I."...
.t ....k ",Id" hi" Ib,.k lb' 0" ,I '" ",a
m.. " ".., ' th' d"lh 01'"
""lh.. "d m.. wore ,",'.
'",nI' .. " J",',
Ln,kln, I".·..' " no. ,I hi•• m."II., ..""boo' ,,', Rod ,,".um. dOf ,,, ..
mM' "Id..t ''''•. II. h" ". CbI....,ll ...",.." "d p". No" soon. '''''''' LI ...
:]" ,., old .... I, lb. wl"ow ,I tho
",m ,.....
,.,In I,,,,,,,
,.ct "
"I b,n'w"
oo .onnd .., hi' ...."""'" "'" "~G,,, II."'
Sin""... "n,d G.... n" ....
MIt·,h,ll • b.~ til., ,II,II'y ood ",' ,,, "" '" h,m,,"" h,m. "him .", 5. d" m.
th, "n'" ,[ ,,"'0' 'w II'''''' ... a.....
II"., whl,h h'I, ,,,.,,,. hl, m"t clfu,II"I, ,.
''''"od. II.""
Nw. II.

, , .. 0 bto """lb. "Tho woy yon b""w,' ,"wo,t, .h. <om" '0 Ib, town , .., ,"IIoot. "rh...... ,.,. ",.. on' , .."." N... · l2. , .. N... " "d
:' .'.1 Before he could frighten him-lit, I don't think you'll go to the of p,aradlse In Limbo County, things I never lire of," he said, The redhead, strikingly portrayed Boston Nov. 17. Leaving Roston·

""d k'~ Ib~

" ..U further, he was standing at police IC we take It." California, seeldng the killer of "todllY and tomorrow." by Susan Hayward, demands to Nov. 18 and HaJi£ax No\', 22. due
th. do" ....., .. "no'wh"''' Tim ,d.d " "" rom.
",II· hi. F"m on tho Aitt.,
h...... hl. ",.""" , . . . ".d'ct,.
b"",., th, Rod St. Joh.·, N... ". S.UI., "".'
opened. A man', hu,Jty voice said, dence Into his voice. "You can't rUm is a wonderful spoof of 8U votlon. Stage,struck from child- China line and returned in safe same day for Liverpool.
"Come In," and m. faced three cash It. It's not made out to you." the shoot·em up western CIlms hood, he made his acting debut order along with a husband who Newfoundland leaving LiverpoQI
~". '0', N". "
"Im,,,klnr .,;. ". tho h"., Th. "on ...Id. him I."h" "" B.t " "R" Gort"''' .. 1"3 ood b"••, It .... b.. b'" ,,,',,.., j . . m",lb. N... 23, don St. J,b,',

lemldark Ilttln:t The man again. "Clair Hollnsky'll be glad the bullets arc musical numbers, since. The list of his stage and past. teoaving for Halifax and Boston
••, ...... ,>0
th. I....
on' ,....
"stt , ...."
".nd,ri. " ,.. "," h' ..Id. tho "'..." ".,. ,,' tho "" ,,,...
T'm u'
,,,Id,, ot lb. moo. ". ",ct,,, m"'" "
"moo" wh," th..,.,,,, 1I,1d.
ro'"th' On
m..' ,.
'hi. ,,, ~"pt. B.'"
th.,,·,.o! '.
30, d.. 11.11'..
0 ... 5. L,,,'og
D," , '"
.... """ ,.",,,.'. H . . . . . . . b."b<d In hi. "" ... ',a U",'k, m,,' "''''. C,",rn h" boY ",,' 1"lh .. ",," - bol 0
"Red Garters" was PJ'?duccd by experienced few lean days. He thai's not figu;'ing on Gable nor st. John's Dec.... 6 ,,' ••,...
12. "'. ,. d.,
Sailinll for·
Gann's forefu! ~crlpt. Once Gable Liverpool, December 13.
Pat Duggan and was dlrectcd by does Il'ecall at the age of 19 or
George Marshall wro~ a screen- 20 he had to work as a delivery shrikes a hard bargain with Miss Nova Scotia leaving Liverpool
play by MIchael TeSSier. These boy, t~eDtre us11er and marathon Hayward, It's £ire meeting lire Dec. 7, due St John', Dec 13.
gentlemen were courageous In bicyclist In order to earn eating- as the desp, rate action and ro- Leaving for Halifax and Bo~ton
conceIVing a motion picture that money between stage roles. Other mance come~nto fuiJ bl G bl Dec. 14, due Halifax Dec. 16 and
might well prove to be the lore- than that, his acting carecr has c1cars the barbor of H~~e. ~on e Boston· Dcc. 10. Lea\'ing Eo!ton
runner of a brand new trend in progressed uninterruptedly. b kl' . g g Dec. 20. due Halifax Dec, 21. S;,ij·
film production. Each member of He was among the last of the' yd ~~~pp:n~ the chief Inspector ing from HaliCax for Liverpool
NMOUNDLAND'I FRIENDLY TNIATII the cil st sparkles. They all get great stage stars to tackle !IIms. ~n ~ Cs hn 0 Canton where his Dec. 24,
their opportunity to sing a song enc men ave prepared the way FURNESS RED CROSS
or two and the comedy antics of H DIVER LOST for Miss Hayward's news photo·
Mr. C8Il"S0n and Miss Daley are FAMAGUSTA, Cyprus (Rooters) grapher husband to ~cape. But Fort Avalon leaving New York,.
IA member of a British diving things do not go smoothly eve!1 Sept. 16th; ieal'ing SI. John, N.B.,

CHARLES COBURN NOW' PLAYING good for a chuckle every time

tbey arc' on the screen.
Truly, "Red. Garters" Is .an en
expeditiOn exploring the ancient for the all·powerful Gable who Sept. 241h; Lea\'ing Halifax Sept.
slInken elty of S~lamis,. faiLed to runs Into full. battle on the re- 27th; arriving St. John's Sept. 29th;
tertalnment-packed film designed surface {rom a dive Fnda~. Har- turn trip, nor does his p.ursuit of ieaving st. John's, Sept, 30. (C.B.!
old Snchart. 2?, descend~d mto the Miss Hayward .resolve Itself with· ami N.Y.)
SPRING BYINGTON to tickle the funnybone, delight
ear and bewitch the eye; It ;::k~ !~[~er~~~get:e C:I:n~:~U5~~ o~t additional turmoil and con· Sept. Fort Hamilton leaving Halifal
...dtw(JFA. 27, due St. John's Sept. 29,


solves no problems, plcads no tak\! photographs and was eX' fliet. sailing again Oct. 1, for Halifax.
cause, states no case and offers pected to come up within three "Soldier of Fortune," is peopled
With ANNE FRANCIS , WAll no Eolutlon to the ills of the world
What it does do Is entertnin-and
hours. When hc failed In return with an experi~nced cast oC lop,
a police search oC the dock area flight performers. Hichael Rennie
Oct. 5,
Hamilton leaving Halifax
due st. John's oct. 7,:
that It does In a rich and Jilting was launched .. Six hours later as Inspector ~Ierrywealher. has sailing again oct. 10 (Halifax and
Sochart was hsted II pro~ably his tirst chance In action·dram New York).

drowned . and plays h15 _ role with relish.a
.'. in long story and history i Gene Baney, a comparative new- NFLD. CAN. STEAMSHIPS
TIMES OF SHOWS '. b' , s comer to the screen, Is not dis· Bclle Isle II leaving HaWn
_ _ IIIIfIMlIjRlSlll CAPITOL h altar
t d th
attempting to "grin" it appomtJ~g
Rear slllgle-hande· . . as the object . of l\fiss Sept. 17th, due 51. John's Sept.
Hayward s long and arduous ex- 19th, teaving St. Jobn's, sept. ~O.
• MATINIE 1".11. .,.. _lOtIBlIQUII o ea . . cur.lion into the Orient Bedford II leaving Halifax Sert.
. - ~ 8IU. 'I.IIlM Not" Playing He 15 later seen savmg a Iroop Tom Tully, excellent' as the 20, due St. John's Sept. 22nd. le~'·
p .'t'dH_. -.......
"'" i
WALT DISNEY'S o~ American regulars from an In- front,man for smugglers nnd spies in!; SI. ,Tohn's Sept. 23rd.
NEXT ATTRACTION "DAVY CROCKETT d18~ ambush by Impersonating an who crowd the taverns In Hong Belle Isle 11 leaving HaliI!x'
A'~o-UP.TO-THE.MlNUTE NEWS-NOVELTY IN 'TECHNICOLOR entire company of rescuing soldl· Kong's side streets' Anna Sten' Sept. 24, due SI. John's sept. 2~ ..
MITZI GAYNOR - KEEFE BRASSELLE - JEJ'FllIY _ . ers as a faded beauty; ' and Alex D'-"1" sal mg agam Sep.t 27.
HUNTER In "THREE YOUNG TEXANII"-ADVINTUBZ ~VI!NlNG SROWS: '1 O'CLOC!t-9:011 Adventures s') daring tha't they His most memorable encounter Alrcy, as an ex-pilot are some of Bedford II leaving Halifax Sept.
have become legend highlight ~~mes at the Alamo, where he the colorful perso~allties who 27. ,due St. John's Sept. 211, sailinr
Walt Dlsney's- Davy Crockett, ~tsk back wave alter wave of roam the Pennlnsula Totel along agam Sept. 30. ~
~.~.------------""----""------------ ~IP
Kin of the-..VlId Frontler" a full att c ins enemy Infan.trymen. with their oriental courtterparts, CLARKE STEAM. CO. •
I Id 'd tI Fess Parker, Walt Disney's rug· Richard Loo Fank Tang a d Novaport in port, sailing Sertl
.. NEXT ATTRACTION ~ng I ; e.s;re~n pr~:c d0dn ged young dramatic discovery, Frances Fong' n 17th. (BaY Roberts}
~~rr ng 'It~SS I ar ber aan h lUI y plays the Utile role in "Davy Croc The city of Hong Kong I Sheldrake leaving Montred
6KI. . GARSON - DANA ANDREWS In "STRANG.! senk' Wit thCO 0lr y efc n co or. ~ett, King of tile Wild E1rontier," enthaJ1lng in CI'nemaSco s adS 21, due St. John's Sept. 25, uil
. _ 'l'llRn.LII - COMI!DY - IN CINEMA8COl'E.
Cro e,
e p oncer rom Ten. E '
whose eXploits are fabled bsen portrays Crockett s lifelong De Luxe color as the mind could mg
frIend, George Russel.
pe an.
conceive It to be In reallty th k
~alD . S t 7
NOl aport
ep. 2. .
leaving Monlreal
ness that he never saW the blow. In teJ1lng the life story of the to Leo Tover's skllled came~:a.~ ~ep~_ ~ue30, St. John'. oct. ~
The back of the struck Tim, backwards Indian fighter who be- which captures the special essence &al11ng again Oct. 7.
catching him cn the cheek and came a congressman and Alamo of this crossroads oC the world. \ Sheldrake Montreal.()et.
TO·DAY knocking him back against the hero, Disney assembled an accom, The resulnnt brew, produced 8, am St. John s Oct. 12, '111In,
sofa. He raised a hand to his pUshed cast Including Basil Ruys- by Buddy Alder, carries the same Ills
19N:vap~~t le~VI,ng
Oct. 14.
Montreal oct.
u~ 2~O
face, shal,ing tIle dizziness out of dael, Hans Conrled, Kcnnth Tobey pungent honesty and intensity
hIs head. . and Helene Stanley. that made hIs "Fronl Here to Eter- 'i t. n s Ocl. 24,

, Th,li)({11!IJG New
Wlt~out anolher word, Tim TIle frontier saga, directed by nity" an outstanding screen fare. ag~~NS~ANTINE CANADIAN
pulled the check out of his pocket Norman Foster. Is adoptj!d from "Soldier of Fortune" Is aU that ' SERVICES i
and handed It over . to the hood- the h orglnal '"Disneyland" TV Its name impH...- , II ..
! for hard·hitting \' Teeswoo d IcavinS . T orOll
, • Kind of Muticcdl }
urn. I m..
S OWl and Is lelased by Buena fas.t moving entertainment ~ith Sept. 12, Montreal Sept. IS. DUI

.~ \·llEDl . (To~. _Continued) Vista. Universal appeal. St. John's Sept. 20.


:18 Bamboolike I
: gran
0, 20ChUIII
122 Crimson
';" Southern

H~ J(;4NNt GUi!lr./WtIII1( It
.I .25 Annoyers
29 FalSe gods
N~' ...",_ItiIIkU·/IIOlIoi,, _ _·jfi;MJulrfitINI TIMES OF SHOWS: 33 Tear
'14 Rowinll
InNING SHOWS: 'I O'CLOCK-D,Oo implement

.5 River cap.)
AT 1111$ 11IAE I---~­ 39 Stamese
IVlrUNG ilROW!: U5-t.15
TOAIORIaOW, ./ 4QHazard •
. J'V,NlNG-AimL'is .........:.... nllcHILDREN.. :........... 3Sa HI"". MELAS!
~"I:I5; )lONDA'! - 'l'UE~~y - wi:D!iZ~pAY - • 3 Lijhting
'. ftUIIiDAY ;... rJUlAY 2,30 MATlNUs..-ADULTS ............ 500 CIlILDRI\N ............. J~c 48DDwer'
. . properly
'.'l'UUA'I.' O'I?J.OOK - fSGlbbon
" .9 Mounlalri
54 RaPle_

,~ .
":" . Nixt·· Attraction' . ANN ~Y!fIl-EDMUI'fD PUROOM-DAvlD NIVJ;N 'In
''1'8E "lNG'S 'l'HJE,"-DIAJfA - THI1LLS - CINEMA· ,
D5Ed.e .
81 Huge tub

.' I
l S2 Dl'Y
. .STardy

.. . ~" .-~.
, .


This Page Is . Presented ..

.with. ,the ,

Compliments Of
The Great, Eastern Oil Company Limited , . 00 \~O"l'r\\I-I.Cl
\\\.\.' "lOU
l-\'t.I\'W .'mo\A
\At ~ p.,W\) e
Spending Spree Jacoby On' Bridge 'Qi:. 'lKi:.NO'Y ",
"10 \"\O\\'C. 00
:A~ ·\~O:"'if>,\:)\S
Shows No .Results ~PADI JACK Br..OC~S SET
~Oi'\c.'t: ~

For· Argoilauts NORTH (D)

US-News, By THE CANADIAN Plt~ii8 .A832
• 7.DD-The Barrelman, Toronto Argonauls may not ye!
CIN 'l.IS-Doctor Paul.
'1,3(}-The BargaIn Hour.
be ready to admIt It, but so far
they have shown.. th~t ~onty
• Q.l0 9 8
• Q 106
MONDA Y, September 1'"
7.35-Top of Ihe Morllin••
8.00-CBC New. alld weather.
B.DO-NewfOundland Wholtule. do!sn't necessarily buy a ..floner
1,3(}-Penthouse Parly.
II.DO-Mystery Houl'.
1I.3(}-Tlme out for Melody.
In the Big Four football campaign.
They have pl.yed
,ames and aU their money lias
thr,e 1,1111' .
9,4S-News. ,ot them, In tbe' 'molt costly re;
8.l5-Musleal Clock. 10.00-Lt. Muldoon. +~U~2 .10618
9.00-1Iornlng Devotions. lD.30-0ne Night ~tind. building job In Canadian football SOUTH .
IuS-Program Preview. 10.45-News. hlsto,ry, has bnn 'one' "Ictory: : 4854
P.2(}-Pllno Pla)'tlme. \ 1l.0(}-Sportseast. The spending Ipree Isn't oller yet .AKJ&
9.ZO-Melody Scrapbook. 1l.l5-Club Time. either. The dllastrOu, .tart bu +AKH
lo.oo-Know Your Newfoundland. caused team manl,er ijarry Ion·
IO.I(}-Hit of the Day. 12 ,OO-News. "'AQ
lo.15-lris Power. 12:0l-Club Time, shine to open hiS mOlley ba,. 'for North·South vul.
12.30-NIWI. more Imporls. H, obtained four
lO.!l5-CBC News.
11l.311-Trlple ·rrelSure.
IM5-BBC Variety.
] US-Light and Lyrical. ,
11.3(}-Nfld. School Broadcast.
12.35-C)ub Time.
l.OO-News In a Minute and
Clos, Down. .
, new Amerlc~ns in receqt days, .~
least thr~ of whom will ptobably
be In the lineup wben Arcos clash
with Ottawa Roup Riders lis To·

Pa.. Pa'i
lIat South W~t
Pa.. P,;I 1 •
. 'Openlni lead-4 K

IU5-Reglna McBride.
l:!.oo-Announeer's Choice.
CJON·TV. ronto today.
1!!.15-Dlnncr Bell Breakdown.
1!l.3(}-Farm, Broadcast.
1~,45-Allnl Lucy.
Ch.nnel6 This battle wili I.nd the 10ler
Into the eeilar. 'The winner will Ij ~SWALD JACOBY
move inlo a tie with I?lx 'hea~rh Is :I sUly contract for
1.0(}-~lid Day Serenade. MONDAY, Seples"r 19t11 the team that I, beaten In the North and Soulh In today'! hand
1.4S-Laura Limited. clash between the Montreal Alou· if you happen to be looking a1
t.3(}-CBC News and Weathr.! Pattern.
U5-Doyle Bulletln. 4.00-5.30-Telt Pattern. etles and Hamlton TI,er·Ca\a ill both hands. It's not so allly If
Z.oo-Your Good Neighbour. 5.30-World Passport. Montreal. Arlos and Rough Riden you bid elth!::r hand without
!!.15-Words with Music. . B.OO-Hopalong CassIdy. each have Ol1e MIt and two olSes I kl t th' th
!l,3(}-PoPS on. APproval. 6.3(}-N ews Cavalcade. while, the TIger.elb and Aou,ttes 00 n,. e 0 er.
Z,45-The Happy Gang. '1.0(}-On the Spilt. are deadlocked with two win, eaeh Consider thtl feet that North
3.15-0pen Roadshow. 7.S(}-The VisItor. In three ~tarts. " and South have all the high
3.3D-Tr;lns.Canada Matinee. B,OD-Press Conference. Argonauts' new Imports '!Iho'll card. except for one king, onc
4.30-CBC News, 8,3(}-BDxln~.
-l.SS-Tlmely Tunes. 9,3(}-Summer Theatre, U~ly lee actloo are Bruno Ban· queen, Ind one jack. The slam
.us-Children's Siory, IO.30-Nell's. . du~cl, all.~tlr ,uard from San would be unbeatable If North
:;.l5-~luslc of Ihe West. 10.40-Queen and Sign Off. Francisco tters; tackie Ed Fouch had a t11lrd ~lub for examplc
5.3(}-Flsherles Broadcllt. from UCLA, and end Jim Hanifan ' ,
from the Unlv~rslty of California. even with the same high cards.
5.45-Klndergarlen of the Air.
6,OD-Intermezzo. . CJ,ON " Till! Scullers' other new Am,rican, When the hand was played.
li.25-Program Preview. MONDAY, September 1&lh fullback Jim Sblrley from' Gl,in· South dldn' despair. He saw a
C..30-Supper Guest. ' .-
O.45-~luslcal Program. 7.00-Wake Up a~ve.· aon Collele, only arrived 'lburs- chance to make Ihe conbract II
day aild It is doubtful whether either opponent hnd a doubleton
7,OO-CBC New8 lind wptber. '1.I(}-News.
i,l5-Curtaln Calls. us-Strengtb fllr the I>~y. h-:l'1I he ready. picture card in spades', and if the
7.3O-Top, Today. 7.BO-News. In Western Interprovincial Union ihifense sUpped slightly.
7.-i5-Doyle Bulletin. '1.3S-Bob Lewis Sbnw. play tonIght, Edmonton Eskimos . , . ', ,.
!I.I5-Hour of St. Franell. '1.•5-New.. will seek their sllventh itrilgllt Declarer won the first trick In
8.3(}-Rawhlde. MO-Bo\! Lewil Sbow victory. They wlll Invade 1It.lDa dummy with the ace of spades,
R.-iS-Muslcal Program. B.DD-New•. to meet the Saskatcliewan ]\ouah· drew three rounds of trumps,
9.00-HawaU Calls. B,Oo-Boh 4w1s ShOW, riders without 'quart,rback Jacik: cuhed all of the diamonds, and
!I.3(}-Rlchochet. B,~Ne" •. Parker, whools In boeplt\ll. Ifwas conilnued with the \elng and ace
10,oo-Summer Fallo.,. 8.~Bob 'Lewis $hOIr.
doubtM If he would recov,r in of clubs. south th,n led a low
111.3D-SUmmer SympbonyCon~t
11.30-CBC National New•.
I~,OO-Close Down.'
II. Final Year.
like, Box Review.
time to fly to lte,lna for the ,ame. apade from hIs hand towa:rds
Meanwhile, W!JlIIlpe, I!lue Bom-
bers, wbo scored their flnt "Iclory dummy.
.' .
II. S-Women', Newi.
IO.DO-Nel's, n six starts by !kfea~n, Sa.kat· Not seeing IiIs danger, West
VOCM 10.Ol-Parad\\ of Hits.
IO.III-What', On' My Mlr.d.
chewBn last Non~y silallt, "0 to played the nine of spades, This
Vancouver to meet British CilIum·, "IS a big enough card to heat
MONDA"I, Septe.ier 11th
i.o(}-Brealdast Club •.
lUI-Joan Blanchard Sbpw.
10,50-P~rade of Hits.
11.00-N~ws. '
bia LIons, In third pille" two 'South's leod Bnd an'y spade In
lXllnts behind Saskatchewan. the dummy so West ~aw nothing
7.I(}-News. 11.01-Bill lUng Show. Ticket nles 'at Vancouver- '
7.3(}-Newl. 11.1G-T~neue. Ernl,. which twice this year hll let foot. wrong with his play.
·,·,5~Ne';"I. ' ball attendance records, ire reo ,Unfortunately for West, East
IUD-Imprisoned H,art.
R.OD-llreakfllt Club. 11.4S-My other Lo~e. portea boomlilg a,ain this w~k, b~d to overt!lke the nine with the
8.3(}-Hit 01 the Day. • with 20,000 already sold. jack of ~p,de,. :t:an now h~d to
II,a5-Ncws. l2.DO-News.
R.4(}-Name the Ncwfoundland,r. 12.o1-Bob Lewl~. Calgary's fourth· pl~ce Slam· return a 'club, whereupon South
M(}-A Date With Denya. 12.lG-BIlb' O'Connor. peders have Saturday n!lIbt ~ff, Pfomptlydlscarded his Ilmt spade
!!.I5-No Lull_by [or Lizi. IUO-Newi. then 'ro, ~t home B. C. ,lid r.uffed in the dummy. 'Tbe
O,3D-A Date with Dfny.· lUG-Bob L,Y/Is Sbow. Lions ,Mondav lIiilht while 110m·, .
1l.45--Burtons of JlaDner iilreeL 1.0l-low l.OO-N~w'. bers mut Eskimos it Edmonton, ~l~m ,,~s now 1S,~red.· .
IO.oo-News. " ' Lewis 111011'. . ' ~Ilh,r dl!fend~r cOllld ba\'e
10.05-1. Dall Wilb Denys. 1.lS-News, " o defeated the c"nlract. East coulcl
IU.SS-Newi. '
II,ro-Club TIIII'.
1.SO-11tlhlnd the Scelle••
Uo-.argaln Hour.
par~d,. $5 Milli F , O~ ,1ft. dropped tile jack of spades
at the first trlrk, or west could
IU5-New •.
I~,OD-Club Tim ••
US-BQWtlnJ', TV.
l.50-MailtoVBIII Melodl". Razes Bie: Meat
, I,..
it,ve risen wUh tbe queen- of
tpades at the tleventh trick, In
Packl Plant
12.3S-!Iluslcll Menu.
I.30-News. 2,0l-Perry Mason. on~ either case, the' defend~rs would
1.45-Tunes For Toll". US-Road of Life. , have taltell tWI) apade tricks.
2,OO-BeUy Grlble-Harry Jam... 2.aO-Matinee. • I.

2,ftS-Newl. 3.00-News. ' rI \

3.00-DoUlrs on Parade. 3.0I-Housewlves Club (p lei" Fire still bumed In the main buUd·
4.0(}-Newl. , '.OO-News. Ini at the Jlurns ind Co., Ltd.,
4.05-•• ewfoundland Parade. ..05-Spot tbe star. picleln, plant here FrldlY nljht, IXEctmVE DIES
4.SS-NeW5. - U5-Good Luck Ranch rart,.. but firemen said \t was unll~l)' TORONTO (CP )-Gordon •Henry
5,0O-Junlor Jamboree. 1I.00-Newl. flames would spread to other Jamieson, 59, .~sl&tant mallager
lIolltrtal 5.3(}-Supper Serenade. 1I.01~eeord ~hop. structures as wis at first feared, of the Fumess.Wlthy and Co. Ltd"
oct. .. 1i.OO-News IDd Weatber. 6.00- ew,.
11.01 JON Bulletin Board. · The blaze, which broke out In dl.M Friday. Educated In Toronto,
6.0S-Supper Serenad,. 8.l5-Sports Parade. the plaiit'. egg buildIng earlY' this he joined the Grand Trunl: Rull·
US-Lost and Found. momlnll, cau.ed an eillma.ted $5,· '\I'a), In 1911 belore serving in the
000,000 dama.. 'and 'or a' tlllle First World War. He laler worked
threatened as mu~h IIIQre. for several sblpplng companles.
25th U.S. President But. 200 flrefll~ters, Includbiil
• olty firemen, BIlI'I\~, c!DployeeS
Atl011 'f ).batrlct beln, and volunteers, overcame strolli
: I NillS. ~.
. .& Melllorandum
" .
winds' and low witer, pressliN
during the aftemoon' to eOMlne' the
, wa. William DOWN 2,SOIHon c~rllo of salt was being
f1ames·. 1
The eli buudlng, the main office jelU.onetl Into the St. Ljlwrenc c
TOloal1 1 McKinley'. 1 Hllvtst
II. ))III '[ blrUlpllce lIoddess building and 1 new $l,500,OOQ riyer FrIday from the str~nde(l
I He wa. tbe . I BodU,
: - of an Iron liI.ment ,\rUcture nol quite completed wera freighter St~rm(lunt ~ar bere.
I manufacturer 3 Small Island . wrllpd to blackened 'ruins. The The CaJla~~ Ste~inshlps Lines v~s,
, • He Wal - • Muttelllle plant water tower, sl1pported on A lei ran aground In heavy fog early
I In Bullalll, 'mammals steel !talld, collap8ed in I pile of ~ondiY .nd had 10 be lightened
b~ore It could be flo.ted free.
: New York 5 Drunkard 2Unare t'Yisted "'Ncb, •.
:12Tlme lone by e Brltbh money 2llrel,n4
13 Native metal 'of account 27 Mlmlcker the eMI W. VANCOUVER (CP) - Dominioll
~ 14 Roof cdce, ?AllaH' 21 Ge by .tt.~tr ~~ OptriUC IIile ' Construction Co. Ltd. his ~en
,15 River sedlm!nt kln.dam 30 Sbleld bC.tfiJll aD laSe awarded a' contract for cJmill,
I,~; ~~\r.~k
~ wa

• • ~bu~
Occupied 31 Prevari~t/lf .IJ U!~I,
·U Pmen1l1 . ~lE
out the ~.*,IM)O .~alulen pro·
Il'Jm ,to Ibe fDrt .Albe~, ~,e.,
, sheltered slcle 10 Above 35 Genulne 83 Allerture pulp mUl af MaeMIU,n aad
;18 Bamboollke 11 GQI' lllourid .'1 Term a notlollliUlltln .
1.Ic~tl. 'riVlr .J ....nd "~" It 3ebn (~-)
21 Haw,aUiB U llIor! 61.., " ..~':' Cllt;)
Jlloed,l Ltd.
U5.....N.w •.
J4 Southern wreath' 45 S~ca1 ~w II nsh . 1I.~lI,ofP!~llt.Y ,TJJn" '
U~ohllllY N~p(llflln.
'tllerel 'l.IIO-New.. .
2liAnnO)'ira 'l.Ol-Colirtlbl]lanll Jbntap
2. Falae loci. US-ramoUl Fortune,. '.
J3Tear , 'l.3D-New... "
14 Rowill, Ui-Dirk , Sthnlt,.
1 ·011 The' S.lm. •, '
Implement 8.00-:.Ne WI
,II mVtr (8p.) 8.oI-SpoUght
. S7Exiat ' 1I.tll-Echoes af YeaterdlY.
;sa Pastry 8.3();-Eddle calltor. ',.'
,19 dialect
, to Hazard .
It3 Lljbtlnl
1 ·OD-N..wa, " .
,Ol"':'AID\,Im Of fa"purlt",
.l~olin. St,.le.· .
· U5_Do..ei1New.,
dtvlel • 11l.00-N~w8. "
48 DoWer' 10.OS-Famous Rescues.
propirtJ Ig.1S-BI,et ·IIUatllm.
UGlliboft , 1 ,.II-Bam' Wolld &!jaw.
U MOUDtiln lIIur ............. 1l.OO-NatlOllI1 Ne,.L ' -
11,.... . ' 11.1I-Sportf'lttd,.
I4RIDP .' • 1l.»-I>lary ot ratl.
'51'.'" '.
, la,oo.:-N""..
predplu " ......-1--:--+-..
ID Flu! 12,~~HOUs" p,rt,y,
I tl Hille tub lU~New'. - ..
\12 Dry , 11,iIe-'-'rMr. "'
, 1.lIG-Qu,~n'~nd Sip Off.

LieuL bo"ernor NEED A HOI~~E

lemlSl.e·d Electric Co-Operative. .. . I HEM,tTOF JULIET· 'JONES
Drop in and loo~ over ou, fine
At St. Lawrence MOBILE' HOMES
'BW4~'" >For . Soeieties Rep~rt · Continuing his tour of the pro. Available on low down po!,
vince, His Honour th~ Lieutenant menl with terms from $lS.~
. Area" Progress . Governor .was at St. Lawrence yes· weekly.
terday and was given a warm wei·
·Mr. Aaron B.III)', President (continued' from pale 3) come by the residents of that 2% ~i1es oul Torbay Road.
the 1!n~n Electric Company of Anthony, by. fir ihe lariest CO-OP. community. From 51. Lawrencc he _ ' For furthel intormation alld
UDlon, h.. announced that b.ndler of aalmon, reports having proce~ds to Fortune and Grand literature contocl •
proare'n II beilll made on shipped. 887 boxes of· ulmon .this Bank and a number of other com·
InItaUatiDII . of electric power past lelson' at very iood prices. munities along the coast as far as TORBAY TRAILER SALES
at Locbton, T.B.,· whlcb The production was down, from the
~ed to IlICl'ea.e the avail· prevlous·year by more than twenty Port aux Basques.
power on the BODivl1tl thouund pounds but the price was Travelling in HMCS Portage,
:l1'll1llDi1llla from 1,000 b.p. to 11,000 the hlihest 011 record. Fishermen '. ·His Honour will end his tour at
Bonne Bay early this week and Is

" received from 331,i to 361h cents
project wblch will east up. per pound depending on local ex· scheduled'to return to st. John's
01. ,100,000 u part of a pensel Incurred .In packing. ithls on September 24.
iPoUIIV,~1IU expanllon proaramme IBlmoD Is marketed through TrI· Also on board the Porlage for
11 to be curled out over dent Sales at Boston; Despite keen the tour are 20 Newfoundland S~a
_t few 1earl and wblch, competition and attractive opening Cadets. Eight of them are from
completed, w111 brln. elec- eash-on·tbe·barrel bead prices be- the Harbour Grace Corps while the
power to evel')' commuDlty on Ing offered In the area, the memo remainder' are from St. John's:
Bouvlltl PeDll1lllia where It bers of this marketing group reo HMCS Porlagc will sail from 51.
ICDIIOmicalJy poulble 10 to do. malned loy.l and were rewarded John's on her return' voyage to
adiltloul power IIIPPly to tbe extent of from 3\: to 6'h Halifax on September 26.
aulIt &reatly tbe Industrial cents per pound In better. ~rices.
we!opJIlent of this SectioD ~ tbe Generally speaking, Ir. Ihc
:llirmaee; and alrHdy there are reo Green Bay area' productil'" wa. GENUINE
of DIW IBwmlll con.truetlon In exccss of the previous year as
the erection of I Dumber of were prices which thIS year nero . NORTH SYDNEY
proctuini plants. lied fishermen 26\~ c per pound.
'nIe marketing agency In this SCREENED COAL
aera ill North· Sydney Agctcle&.
Loblter Marketing WYATT COAL & SALT
Lobster production on Ibe LIMITED
ormal Ope.,mg Northwest Coast Is down ~lIghtly
tbls leason, but due lar!'llly to
2097 Dial 2654
....... "" UniV. good weather conditions and bet·
ter bandling ali around the prod· ag22,mons,wcds.frls,tf
uct arrived on Ihe market in much

drelses and not Ilacks.

better condition. Here' art some
comparative figures lor 19~4 and NOTICE Winners
. J)eflninl the Unlver,llf al a 191511 as contained In a leUer NOTICE Is lwreby given thnt 1953 Meteor .. .. .. .. •. $1400.01
"n-'.~'J of Icholars united In the from the marketln gagem·\. Gerbrude Earle Bell of the City 1951 Prefect .. .. .. .. 150,01
"".,..,n for kno\Yledle, Dr. GUlhue, Select5-1955: 894,437 (76.5%). of 51. John's, in the Province 01 1954 Anglia .. .. .. .... 900.1.
Newfoundland, will apply to the 1952 Dodge .. .. .. .. .. 1250.08
on to ••y that the faculty 19114: 828,898 (69.3%). . Parliament of Canada. at the next 1953 111 ercllry .. .; .. .. 1875.00
Jlot only engaled In teaching Culls - 1955: 71,349 (6.1%li or t11C followllll' ensuing sctsior. 1954 Ford .. .. .. .. .. 1800.0n
alIo in the pursuit of knowl· 19154: 78,0811 (6.5%). •. thereof. for a bill 01 divorce from 1948 IIlercllry .. •• .. .. 500.00
Weaks-191!5: m,187 (1:1.0%)j her husband Edwrurd Bell. Lab 1952 Mercury .. .. •• .. 1100.00
19114: 127,451 «10.00/0'). · ourcr. of the Clly of st. John's. 1952 Meteor .. .. •• .. 600.00
Pupil teaehf:r . relationships In the said Plol'ince of New 1951 Dodge .. •• .. .. .. 1800.00
In Ichools no lon,er exist Condemned - 1~5: ':51,908 foundland. on the grounds 01 195~ IIfetcor •• •• •• •• 1450.01
the university, for the students (U%) j 1954: 162,385 (13.670). adultery and cesertion. 1947 Ford.. .. .. .. .. 300.U(
1953 Consul ..... " .... 1000.01
one of the university com· Total - 1955: 1,168,881, 1954: DA'fED at Ottawa. in thr Prol"
1947 N'ash .. .. .. .. .. 350.01
ince of Ontario. this 4th day of
amon, assoCiate. and 1,197,819, July. 1955. 1951 ?fleteor ..• , ••.••. 1000.01 ..
The Co-op. group at Mmgrave MACLAREfIo, LAIDLAW,
Harbour had a good season hav·
Ing pooled 110,000 lI'hlch ;t one·
SDlicitDrs for the appliunt,
48 Sparks Street, Ottawa.
Munn Motors Ltd.
the fullllavolU' of Unlversl· third the community production
;; , '. Illfe," Dr. Gushue IBid, Ind' It a 4c per pound c?mmlhslon.
" .' to tell the students Cottrell's COI'P and Be&lImont
aug29,sepG,1- 19 BENNETT AVE.
CLOTHES make the man if CHAFE
J their work depends on the pooled thirty tho usa n ci and
". tbey Ih'e to their eighteen .thou~and pound~ reo makes the clothes

'-'~ sep19,21
and to the student bod,.. spectively. The price to fI~)It.rmen
. "Here under Ideal condltlons, ranged from 20 to ~2 cent~ with
bOoks, Ind In atmosphere the societies recel"lng a three ,
, I
I' WM. L. CHAFE, Tailor
lell:ninl, we hoPe ,.ou will rea. cent per pound commission.
In .full yOUd' opportnnltles," TwlUlllfltl Consumers 'Levels Off New address: 4 HOLDSWORTH ST.
Gu.hue .aId . "take nothlnl ,Coal Dellvery Costs
l1'anted,' IIId' nothln, Rcond Twl1l1ngate Consumers Soclcty
has had male experienCE In
bringing In coal than Iny othel
'fellin' the ,tudents of their Co-op. on the Coast. In fact the
!('JllOrI1unlt.y, which they must buying club which ~ave rise to
and to make Itudy their
it handled one slnille proiuct-
PlilOlu.uon and determination. coal. At first the Society WIIS can· .
- Must
~".'''rlr hird' Ind ,.ou will find I~ cerned with landlilg' c~~l IS
: Dot . be a. drudier)', fOil' cheaply as possible. But rwlIlln·
:j![~roulrh· '\II'ork)'ou will find en· gate Is a big town and' tracking
;;t,l;mnellt as your powers of con· rates vary from 50c· to $3.00 per
strenJthen with prac· ton depending' on length 01 haul.
The co-op now Includes thl! truck··
: . ''It iI; .ad to see students who Ing with· the cost of COllI and
, succeed faUln, throuih lick quotcs the price so much per ton
delivered. In other words evcry
, . effon," Dr. GUlhue IIIIld and member ahares equ&lIy In dellv·
·:,)1' ..... the students that··he hoped ery costs. '
,.ear to find an atmosphere' . Mere EsSsY Contests Being TO
dill,ence and '!ork. Sponsored
There Is .plenty of time to en· Word comes from· the South
life in the unlverslt)', he went Cout that the Consumer ~~clctics
to tell hla new students but at Grand Bank, Lord's' COI'( and IEPAIRS WI II(OHIIID ...
must place flnt thlngs1flrBt Burgeo are making prepaJ'atlons
In the use of Eni' for essay contesls amonp the VILeAIIZI •• TirtS'on,

the blllmnk of an educated Grades NIDe, Ten and Ele\'l:n pu·

1l1"•••-ft·must be one of the thlnas plls of their rt'spectlve communi· IIIII
1U'IICIl, he .ald, and asked to the ties. However,· 8 great many edu·
ill ~!!:v,ael1lt1 to lee that their speech cation funds continue to remam
1Iot. untidy. • Intact.
------- Diap~r Duty Nlld. Armature Works Ltd•
. :.. . '
Know)our fellow Itudents, and
JIOt belilite to approach memo To Visit Here British Tommy In Rash Over BAMBRICK ST. DIAL 4502

If 'E' 'As to Be a Soldier, 'E Doesn't Wa~t to 'Ave to Be a Blo oming' Flunkey
of the faculty with )'OIJI'.
i:,.stI(,III, cultivate friends and
habits· of discussion he. ad·
Arthur D. Dodds·Parker, British
undersecretary of state for Com. By TOM A. CULLEN as flunkeys at an RAF of!leers' officer's mlssus. Denis Howell,'· Socialist Mem·
.Furness, Withy & Company Ltd.
them, for "Truth Is often monwealth relations, arrives hero NEA Special Correspondent method, when nl> volunteers step· Says a pctlyorficer steward in berof Parliament· for, Birming. Llnl'Jlool s,. JoIoD', 8oI1oD lIamax St ........
~lr'lllll1~eft'td out on the anvil of today on the first lap of a Marl· LONDON (NEAl-The Amerl. p.ed forward from the ranks. Pl"mouti1: I've waited up till the ham Is asking rO!!' an Inquiry by to 10 Dis. A Iv a. a.
Ume tour. . ' \ IL Jolm" Bolton llaJlfo Sl John" Llvel'1l..1
n(.hal,~." he IBid. He wlll visit Halifax Wednesday, canserylceman who thinks he Arriving at the ball, they were early hours for teen·age daughters the British Air' Ministry.' Failing. sept. 21 Sept. 27 Oct. 1 Oct. "
St. Johb's, Nfld. Sept. 26 and Syd. never hail It so lough should bend ordered to put on silver wigs, lace !o come hom a from dances. I've this, he will' bring the matter up "Kava "Newfoundland" Oet-· 5 Oct. 11 Oct. 15 Oct. IP
Ch.~cter, cuUure and .eour· ney, Sept, 28. an ear to thtl British Tommy's dlckeys, green velvet frock coats, served officers'wives and children in the House of Commons.
Scotia" Sept. 28
Oct. 22 Oel. 28 NOI·. 1 Nov. 'J
"Newfoundland" Oct. 15
'part of an educated tale 01 woe. A list of the 'I'om. silk knee bree~hcs, white silk their' tea In bed, and I've done lilt is a shocking sta!e. of af· "Xova Scotia" Nov. 5' Nov. 12 Nov. 18 Nov. 22 . Nov. 24
";:I:_..,n,'lI~ nld, ai he quoted·Ten· . my gripes would send the aver. stockings and buckled shoes. housework." fairs," says. Howell. "Humiliat· "Newfoundland" Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Dec. 6 Dec. 10 Dec. 13
the .Ine "The Jreater age GI scurrying to the' neuest Until 5 B.m. they served cock· "You don't have to," be adds. iog and degrading for these men" "NOVa Scotia" Dec. 7 Dec. 14 .Dcc.20 Dcc. 24
(for Liverpool)
....... t1'" Jreat~r thecourtesy." chaplain for the loan of a tear. tails on sllvel trays to officers "but It can be pretty bad for you Meanwhile, the: GJ 'who groan' Persons contemplating passa2e to Europe should make book!Dp
wiper. . and their wives, being paid the if you refuse." when be .p'ulls 'extra kitchen po well In advarice. . .
ta tbe new .tu·
In Itudent Ie- Not since the days of George equivalent of $1.50 for his eight· In two years' service with the lice duty migJit remember· his
AIr Passages arranged by B.O.A.C. - K.L.M. - SCloondlnavlan Air-
IUI:lYI,UeizI;.b,ut he hoped that la,
not overdo It or let
. ., II' •
JO Washington, for . example, have hou» shift. They also had to en· Royal Air Force, Aircraftman HoI· brother, the British batman, who
GIs been ordere cito put on pow. dur! the taunl~ of the oWeers' land claims tbat he spent exaetl~ chances are, Is :busy hanging oul
lines _ Pan American AirWays - '!.W.A. and cOMo'lCtinl Air- f!
fI •• dered wigs .lInd !lIk knee breeches ladles, who str"ked their white nine weeks In training. The reo diapers. . Unc•.
activities distract them Consult us regardln, your travel problem..
.l'0III . their wo:1t. w1Iile serving .cocktalls In the wigs and teased them with, "May malning 22 months he acted as - - - - - - -
."'!'biI.• unlv~rstty .lvOl no. de-
officers' mesi.·
This happened to a group of
. . '1 have this dance, flunkey?"
• .•• .
"Mrs. Mops" for various officers'
. families.
. .

In·d.nclnl, and no dearee In. nWFOVNDLAND HOTEL "'DONE NIl

3. British servicemen recently.. "We looked and felt just plain • • • ROME (Al'i-Guiseppe Fazio'
~F.~,*.ilball,n he 'lBid and only I Nor Is keepLng house for the sillY," says Alrr.rartsman Brian ··So'mc officers'. wives post' "or· WIIO was head of the ler.'ctarial
true effort In. their . • a .~ .~I of thc Communist Farmers' union.
',. ~ ...~...
~ltllI41l!1 ean tne Itudent· really . '
"-'J .....
children a parI of the American demobilized from the service. vlcemen to carry out. Here is 11 has' quite the Communist part~
company' commander's wife and Holland, 22, who has just been ders of .the day" for British scr·
manual of trallling. The Amerl. Explains red.faced Air Com. typical· day's chores lisled for and asked ." cnlig1lte" thOse
Nfl~~-Canada' Steamships Ltd.
Dr: GUlhue then announced '30 ' who still believe if! ConmlUIlUlI
.~I .~~ ean. draftee m~y be required to modore . L. Dann: "The ball was Alrcraltman Arthur, Harrison to ideologl·es." III a' lett- to Rom~
.' .-Ial'.•• -m·b··lIes· -hlch FREIGHT SAILINGS
....... __ ." roll a· full·fleld pack, but not to a Regency affaIr. Tire decorations, fulfill: . ~. •
be'liven durin, the·comln. ~,. change .the d13pcrs of someone even the musical numbers, were 1 FILL up boiler. When temp. newspapers, Fazio said he lett tile
.. Tbeflnt of· thtle will i. . else's baby. of the period-and, of course, sO is ~60 degrees clost' it up (closed party because it "betrays tIle in· . M.S. "BEDFORD Uti
plicetomorrow at noon. . Such things Hre routine In the were the flunkeys. They didn't at bottom, damper down). terests of. the worl:ing clRSS." HALIFAX. ST. JOHN'S
:for tbefint time the Alumni British anned Fervlces. And that look unhappy to me. In fact, they 2. FILL up .coai·burning stove, 75 .YOUTHS TO 'TRAIN LeavIng Halifax:
September 19th ........ '........ Due sf John's September 21st
~::l~'~i~ baa provided a career Is wby .70 Brllbh airmen, sta. seemed to be having a good remove ashes. Wipe the stove with . 0l1AWA. (CP) .:... Seventy·five September. 27th ................Due st. John's Septembcr 29th
.. .mee thll.,.elr, Dr . . tioned at it Rllval Air Force base time." damp cloth, top and. front. . young .men from across Canada
I_bue IDnOunHd. ExPerts will In .Bucklnghamshlre, have com. 3. EMPTY rubbish bucket. are enrolled this year at. HMCS M.S. "BELLE ISLE U"
all hand at .ppolnted Urn", to· plalned to theil Member of Par· Commodore Dann admits thaI 4. SWEEP kitchen, pantry, seul· Venture, the navy. training. school

I_. .1IIJl00nc:ed liter. to' a n a w e r . lIament. They mean to put an end Sritish servicemen were required lery.
n~ queatloni uked publicI)'
• {or junior officers at Esquimalt,
to abuses of the BrltlBh "batmen" to dress as COWUOys while serving 15. CLEAR/away breakfast, wash B.C. The cadets, ranging ·In· age
IYStem.· . as walters at anotper i 0ffiC~~' cup, dry· and .put away. from 16· to i9, will study for two
Leavlnr HaWn:' .
September 24th.... .... ........Due st. John's September 26th
"Let us blVD -mutual respect. • • • ball held recently at L tt e s· 6. 15' MIN. tea Interval. Look years. -_.---.-- For Immediate clearance per dIrect sailings. .
d . I tJ to n.l th . . ' slngton; . Glouet'stershlrei' at boiler. . TO' smp SUPPLIES For rates, spa~e and otber Ln!r.rmation apply:
eterm ft'.DD e oy. e Paul loves U; :iO to "Cloud P.1e. ' In Brllaln Ii "batman'"Is not a Fancy 'dress. bowever. I~ the 7. SCRUB kitchen .table· and . O'M'A\VA (CP)-Five ships' will \
"'tMfltoJethe~_... ~. tn feUO',nhlp .~. tures" IS he cllls· it. He really horror. comic character, but-. illea;;t of the' batman's . worries. four ·dralnlng· boards. Clean both leave from Canadian ports in the,' . HARVEY & CO.; LTD., General Agents, Dial: 215J ...
... .Io. . .iIut .. recreatlcm
d"'''' I ......
tion just
I k i oel. out
t th under the trees an.d British. officer's personal serv.ant There is. thl' "old .man's . wife for sinks." ' . . next lVeek
..... eomlllnn "w.rJn PI ... 00 lUI" I e clouds Ind:trles to or .orderly,:an:fhe .Is expect.ed to. ·example .. Offit"l!rs' . 'Wives can 8. S9iiuB (or mop:' with Ibot for' four of Canada's allies in
' .. miIilarysuppJies' i R; N. COLE, Special Represenfatlve, St. John's, Dial 2207
s wlth . Of to .
waril blrd •.1f ,~ do ~ we .see wbat picture. the. clouds form. do just about.'·everythlng from make thc me of a batmpn just Water soap· disinfectant) kitchen NATO, 'the armv.said .FrlMy: Thtl THE' ROBERT REFORD COMPANY, LTD., Agenb
ftorft~. ~:t:lI.~~ln:u~lili'ot d:~m~:;' "offlce~:s h~lI. . 'Mo~treal and Toront~ .
d~'number ba:m~n bathin~
!h.;ve-\lehWlth.: feeD) pollshlng.the ,.shoes. t? plain .' , . •floor,' pantry. scullery f1o;r.· shipments are· for Turkey, Por· ;
" .,I*.mp,. men._., r ODI In.l'lndlna with airing. his dar. . ' . •. ' . ' Whl'n the Isn't' . ••• tugal, Belgiurp' and 'The 'Nether· . ..
eoncludrd The lltemblYl" '" T k th d I I . " . '... lands and will leave Ofrom . Van·· ' .' ' tREAD .OFflrf .. HALIFAX Nl'
".' '. '. '. tbirty,one,:you .will see one.of the 8 e' e•. p:J~ere .. w g .ep' ~nd dressing the <!ff!cers' chlldr~n I wa~~.s~~mtd to ~h?w ~hl!.lIst .couver. Mo.nt,rrai·. 2nd ,Queber. rlty. ;

~ltII, t~: -m.-'~I~.tII. picture. he ha~ found, Try Y!lur so de. : .The,' ~oJnplalnlng: airmcp Ih~'S leadfn n tbem Ii)' lI>p ",nrl tn to. m)' Wife.. say> .Hnl'r'S~n. wlw They litc1mfe ar/lllery" eqlzinmcn f
.to N~ouildliD4. . .:. . pamts on tblapklture. . _ say they 'Yere J~bbed Into scrvlng school-or .Ironing a' frock for the Is ~ow demobbcd !Ium the RAF. 'antl various types' of ·ammunition.. - - - - . . . ; . - . ; . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . :
I \

,ACCOUNTANT \Dl b([vlon~ ([Iut•

~ (



5 P.M.
TV DRAWING SAL~RY,' $4800 • $5500.

DUllES,' To toke charge of accounting deportment 'and

AUCTION prepare financial stotements and reports.
F0 AI Pr C; rll 'J H
lUCKY NUMBERS QUALIFICATIONS: Honorable dis~harge from war
Today, Monday, service with the armed" forces, Sound training in
e·· 3840
· accounting. Proven administrative· ability. Applications
2 p.m. must be received by September 28th by the, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. C. Cou~ens


75 Sparks, St., Ottawa
will be /I At Home" at 268
Hamilton Avenue on Tuesday
5176 50 'Head Choice septl7,19,20 Afternoon, September 20th,
• 3'7497 B~tchers' Ca
from 3 to 5 O'clock, on the
occasion of their 50th· Wed.

• WANTED ding Anniversary•.

sep19,20 30 GAMES CARDS $1.00

• ·7509 Assistant Accountant . CARD .• CASH WHEEL :''', '.;

," J'r

• 35726
sep17,19 .• POT O'GOLD WHEEL ",~t .. ~; . -1
" ~.1o')t.:• "~~.I ': '.,
• 2 FOR 5
.. ::,..:\~;r. :,:
Winners please 'Phone-
A. OAKLEY at 5586; D. McLEOD 2140, an~ .~.
O'·Keefe's· This position requires a. person with practical
experience and a goo~ knowledge' of account. J.H.Furneaux
'" ···H.... ·: '
",\- !'·.1-t~~ )
......... ,............,,,.......
CQrner :ancy .. ~pply in w~iting, stating age, qualifica- HAS RESUMED
• . . ,1 t~~~; , ~.

:,ri~ -hi: !;
~#. :.~
SALE OF CAKE MIXES tions and experience to PRACTICE ..- .
"-~ .

• .. (t~I',""t : : .
BOX 100, care Daily News
.Wanted Immediately WHY PAY· MORE??
Monarch Pie Crustl .... 29c.
sept16,31 ST. CLARE'S MERCY HOSPITAL ~';::;~~~': ;
Experienced Stenographer
Monlllrch Ginger Bread
Mix .t '.~ ~

Monarch Whlte Cake


hflx •• •• •• •• • ,,29c.
1 Monarch Golden and

The monthly m~etin9 of the above' A~so'ciatio'n r<;~~':
Apply 1 Monarch Chocolate .
both ••••• t • ~ •• • .5ge. . No. 124 DUCKWORTH STREET . will be held ~EDNESDAY, 'Septemb!,r .21st, :<:t.!.~"~>"
ROLLER 1955, at B.lS p.m. All members are requested .. ·'-,:~;~;r '. ::
F. M. O'LEARY Ltd. 1 Pillsbury's White and 1
Pillsbury's Choc. Fudge
botb I. ,. •• •• •• • .5ge.
Three storey Dwelling contaihing nine rooms and large
store. Good business stand. This property will be worth' SKATING to' attend. . ..
and 1 White-both •• 59c.
double the asking price in a few years. (Sgd.) EVELYNT. COLLlNS,R.N.,· . .~~-;•••
....... ,.
SHAW ST. 2 Robin Hood Pie Crust 57c•. F'1r further particulars apply to 2.30 p.m. and 8.00 p.m, . Recording Se"e'ctry::<~--; '. "
Robin Hood Gold .... 28c.
'York' W!t1nen and
Beans (or .. .. .. ~. 65c.
Dial 6749 Real Estate Agent
===========,- ---:-" . .', .,.~,~~
, ...... ~~~.
.\.~ ~:i: '
.WANTED York Kllk •• •• •• •• •• 49c. . sept19,i!l,23
York Kam t • • • • • ,', •• 43c.
York Beef Stew, 3 cans 65c.
Yark New C.B. Hash •• 3ge. To Rent Agents Wanted - Male
WRESTLING i.,~ .;~::

".!I~'., ..
A FIRST· CLASS York Meat Balls ...... 43c.
York Small Wand Beans;
2 for •• 45c. '
WANTED TO RENT thr.. bed
room house or apartment in
.Dr. Gipsy Joe - Wednesday~,.'·"~f!ti·
"L.' E. Lawton
I •• " •• ' • • • •

·..C.ARP~NTER 3 Rose Margarine •• • .83c.

Dunk River 'Butter, lb. 69c..
3 Good LII(;k •• •• ••• .15c.
or near St. John's. 'Phone
suits. Absolutely free our
Capt. Malcolm R. Humphrey
valuable sainple DUt([t wllh
at 6089 before II p.m. and
, "'1: \.

5•• Olli" Fr.~h.M.a.t. . over·200sult fabrics and style Will BE OUT~OF·TOWN . . ._",;~: .~
' j 41 .

Must.have 10 years 'experience 'or more~ .".

641111 after II p.m;- sep201w'
- ...

display-no experience need·

i.. ed-big· casb profits In ad-
. DIAL 5828'
O'·Keefe's· '. Personal vance-your own Bults to
wear and show without a
========================== Comer HEARTBURN, .xc ... acid, lI al• ' cent of cost. Full or spare
trlc pains, belcblng, sour time, our money-making plan
makes, it. easy to earn up to
stomach qulcl;ly relieved with
· , Wilder's. powder•. At a.1l drug· $30.00 per day. White Dept.
529, Douiliai TailOO'ing, P;O.
~~~~!!~~~~~I g_ls_ts_._______..________ Box 398, M'ontrenl, Quebec,
aug22,29,sep5.12,19,26 •
Venetian' Blinds

TO OPERATE 'BLUE PRINT MACHINE copyhig: reports, correspond- ONLY COMPLETE BLIND NOTICE h hereby giVen \h.t Ihe lime
ence, etc., .etc. Expert service; Service•. Manufacture. Laun· Cor the rec~pllon of tend~r.s {or;
at home ;or at your office . dry Repair Work gUaa'anteed. WIJARF RECONSTRUCTION AND m· :
Every evening 7 p.m. to 11
.Wm. Nosworthy Ltd. . p.m. and all day on holidays.
(Has own typewll'iter). 'Pholle
. 3785-H after 5.30 p.m.
One day service. Free quota·
tlons. Kearney! Limited,
Manu!acturers. 454 Watu St.
tended 10 3.00 p.m. (E.D.S.T.l. WEDNJ-:S·
DAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 1955.

50pI9,31' '. Cltl!! Adnl!nhlrallve Se~vJc.. I
sep15,~9. and Sccretilry. I

======-==================~, 'Taxi • Deparlmenl 01 Public Work.. \'

Ottawa, Seplember e, 1955.
FOR SALE Insuranci
HICKEY'S' TAXI leaving Ter·
renceville . Wednesdays,' st.
TWO STOREY DWELLING John's on' Thursdays. Connect·
HIND yOU. Protect your Ing with mall boat. Coritact
No. 118 SPRINGDALE' STREET' ~ property. Insure with the Mr. Hickey at Terrenceville FOR SALE
oldest Company In ~he world. or dial 421(J.F at 51. John's.
Containing -four bedrooms, bathroom, 'living and dining W. F. coldwell, Insurance sep7,lm
rooms and kitchen. Floor· Coverings and Cabinet Oil . Agent. Pl10ne 2465, Temple Full Size
Bldg., Duckworth St. St:
Heater inc:ludedin sale. leasehold ground rent $25.00 John's. septlo,mmi&thurstf B~rber Shop BURROUGHS & WATTS
ANCE Department offering SHOP-Fast efflclent sani·
JOHN D. O'DRISCOlL, HENRY STREET '.' dependable insurance-,-AutD- tary service_ 'All modern Apply
Dial 6149 Real Estate A.(lent Newtouhdland mobile. Fire, Burglary, Plate
Glass, Tourist Baggalle,
equipment. fiVe barbers. The
Se"ices Transportation, Travel Acci·
dent, LlablUty. Phone 2073.
least possible ,waiting, 24 New
Gower Street. opp. Adelaide
H. K. WYAn, DIAL 3626
( septlD"tf
Motors Ltd. my4.1m
PASSENGER NOTICES and Automobile Insurance.
safe. be sure, insure. Tele-
phone 2882, P.O. Bos 85
Royal Bank Chambers, 51. CASH PAID FOR: comics, I
• BASQUE$-TUESDAY John's. '. magazine's, pocket books,. I
men's clothes and footwear. I
Train ''The Caribou" leaving Contl~t STAN FOWLER, ~ John D. Snow. 9 New Gower .
St. John's II p.m. Tuesday, Sept. Street. augll,lm
20th, wlll make connection at Port nouf buDding,' for Fire Auto-
mobile and Plate Glaa lnSUl' .
auX Basques .wlth S.S, .BIII' HllVen ance. ,Claims prompUy settl· ALL WOOL MATTR1:SSES Ire
Cor South Coast Service. ed.'Phone . DDal-P.O. Box picked, re-Covered: springs
day . beds rewired: limer
from CONNECTION NOTRE DAME 63. . spring mattresses recondition·
lAY, SERVICE AND L·&WIS· ed, Write, Phone 3891, wire
IN5URANCE-Btwrl n• Iroth-
.r Limited Insurance Depart·
ment..,...Flre, Automobile, Mar-
H. J. Keats. 16· Mount Royal
Local .train leaving ·St. John's ine and all CasualtY liM"
B.~ p.m. Tuesday. Sept. 20th. wlll Telepbone 313L
FOUR ilru" 'Imp', tWD WII~
See, hear.and play the beautiful ======:=-======-::;:;=====:::f:~~;~~:~f~m!ri'
make connection at Lewlsporte .' rllck to serve you•. Greasing ORGANS' and PIANOS
with. S.S. Springdale for points CONTACT A, E. HICKMAN. oil· change and washing while:
to Corner Brook and M.V. Clar.· . Co. L~d. Insurance Aients. u·wait.· Cars called for and we now have on display!
envl1le for Notre Dam'e' Bay Seor. 'Phones413z.3-4-~ ~.O.B. deUvered fOl tbese and gencr·
"ice. ';' 984, for your insurance re- al repairs--:.:-Terr3·. Nova' A. L. COLLIS & SON
. qulrements. Motors Ltd.. rear Newfound· Plano & Organ Sales and Service
FR~IGHT' ACCEPTANCESD-E':':'P~EN~D;';';;A:'::BL:"';'E-F-IR-E-I-N-SU';"'R':;":' land Hotel. Office and Showroom: '
NOIlTH .LABRADOR SERVICE ANCE~Don'l risk. your' vatu· TOPSAIL ROAD, 'PtlON.E 4902-A'
21st F.reiiht for regular ports North' abies 'to "save" a few dollirs. Office, Showroom and Factory:
29th Labrador Service per M.V. Tre- Our falr·rale fellable polle, . HARBOUR GRACE, 'PHONE 265 . . .": ' '. ~~,1in.:n't1;i
. pauey, accepted Dock Coaslal . gives Immediate. protection,
Shed Monday, Sept. 19, to Thurs- 'Phone 6921 or write J, J.
dllY, .!)ept. 22, 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 Llc.ey. P.O. Box 506. repl,tf
p.m.. .
Steers' EquipitientCo~ ~;.:
... . .. .. . .."'" ..... ~t'!!tlK'l';~~;'
NOVAPO~1'.... ·
'.LEWISPORTE SERVICE ; -::-:-~~___.,......,.-"-_ _ __
points St. COAL $1.00 per bill; Split, 5!1c Corner
Prescott and Bond .Streets
'. .'

and S.S. nightJun~
and'bag: dell\·ery. ba~•. Da~·
Prompt ser

iffchrYs1erAirl$1lp ~: . .
for· per Me per
Rtc.lvlnll Cer.o
Sipt.ntbtr 23-26
'FOr help, ReHnat10lil
R.eth Inll C"IIO ..
: ,S.pttmber 27·29:·
I, I FRight .vlce. 'POWER'S COAL, East End,
lOti:, ·Dial 26191. aJlJ7.1m
. IOntad
Musical· Instrumlnt.
__ .•• ,.1- •• ' .

. L 8ELLAI8. , ~ .
8peell1 ltepretentailvi GIBSON GUITARS ~. HDrn., , ====.::::-.;::;--~-. ~: --- ".
r'. Advertise' .in t~'e .D'ailj::;.,~·~W~~ ot'
TeI,SfIa • •Button Stop Accordeons and .. Distributed ·by :
p.O. 8ft. 1;1111 . Harmonicas; Richmond Saxo-
, phones.' Boosey . Clarinets,- CHEIVERS FOODS LTD: •.
.. Charles llutton " SoilS. P.O.
... .~ ... , ....... .
• ,Dr. Jordan
• r«=:~ SIGN Factors Affecti,ng PrQfit
';;'; ,
rrlvas Says
The success· of Poultry and livestock Men
depends largely upon their ability to produce
economically and market profitably.
Feed represents more than 6070 of the cost in
production, thus it should receive the majo,

i.-< .. consideration as to quality, palatability and
~j - A mole corr~spondent asks what
is prostatitis, what causes it. how Enter Sir Rob~rt digestibility for efficient production.
',:, TABLE BUTTER, 50·1'5
can It be Ireated whether it recurs Anae/e Thirk~1I ............ 2.25 With quality as the abjective PIONEER FEEDS
\-0 ,. after trcalment. hav!) established their reputation and main,
In giving a discussion which I A Summer Night
PEA BEANS, 24·1'5 hope will answer the questions, I Alan Moorehead ....... 2.00 tain their standard of perfection.'
•i should like to make It clear that •
1 I presume the writer is referring Madame De Pompadour
t to Infection or irritation of the pros· "FOR RESULTS THAT PAY. USE PIONEER FEEDS"·
:; COCONUT, 33 lb. Boxes late gland rnlhce than simple en· Nancy Milford ............ 2.75
, largement which Is so common Officers and' Gentlemen 'PHONES 5143 - 5144
• ~
among m~n as they grow older•
Evelyn Waugh ,...........2.50
TINNED' ST~AWBERRIES, 24.15, oz. 'rhe prostato ({rom which pros·
The Toff and the

r tatitls gets its name) Is a small
ij seK gland lying back and ncar the
ouUet of the urinary bladder. The Deep Blue Sea
ONIONS, 50's openings to and Irom It arc small
so tbat It is a particularly good
John Creasey .............. 1.50

spot ror germs to grow. For pra~; Leaven of Malice
tical pUl'poses, infections of tins Robertson Davies ..........3.50
.!, --
';:'~ giant! nrc commonly classifi-~d as
(-- : nellte or chl'lInic. Simon Peter
t ACUTE I'ROS'rAl'l'rIS is Dilen •
'I.; :
. '.
.' Imt nol alwlIYs. cau~cd by II ,germ The Fisherman

;' --

T. &M. WINTER LTD. cailcll'the gOllococcus which IS the

callse of gOlllll'rhca. Many other
organisms, hOll'cver, can grow in
this gland an~ mixtures 01 germs
arc frequ~nt. Germs can invade
Kurt Friebeger ............3.25
Kathleen Ferrier
Neville Cardus ............ 2.25 .
'PHONES 5143 ·5144

T lions permit.

M. and G. 'R~gers. Roger~. rna.

GENERAL MERCHANTS I the prostate along the urinary
passagcways or can be carried
Sir AnthQny Eden
Lewis Broad ................. 3.50
The Bedside Dickens DIRECTORY ~
c. and A. Brown, Blackwood. leI', took freight for Port
master, took freight (or Aspirin Union. Bonavista, Fair Isla'lo, In·
Cove, Carmanville, Change Islands. dian Bay, Hare Bay. Grecn.;:pond·
Twillingate, Herring Neck, Mol" ValleyIield, WesleY\'iIIe 9S br
1. W. Garrod .. ,. " .. 3.00 " ON DOCK. •
.- --.-- ton's Hr., Bridgeport. Cottrell's north as Lumsden. sailed 011 Wed·

ON.TV '.tarls...
'-.1 uled to appear this week are L.S. a full hour c31'h Saturday, start, "I'm sure glad From Cabbages to Kings M.V. Velvet Lady is under gen· Island, as (ar north as King's nesday. Sept. 14.
~ 1'.U. Presldellt Leo Earlc, Dr. Ing October 1st • Sh' 'd 3 7~ eral •'urvey. Point. SailIng Saturday. ON TilE SOUl'IlSIDE,
hLIsa ken an .............. . .. 't I I' Gl't

Florence O'Nelll of the Depl. of
~:[lucallon, Prcmier Sm~lIwood. SAN!TONE T e Boo of the Sea
AT DOCK Dorothy BeryJe, Collins, master. Portuguese hosp' a ! liP
Whaler Finbnck which recently took freight for Bonavista Bay. Eannes, a Portlll!Uese trawler and

~t Tc)dav
Tbe first ·.'Ih'c" commercial
and Mr. MlbuJ Johnson.
cver broadcast nl\l'c will be made
Mr. Geoff Stirllnll. Pre~ldel1t of
this ~venlng by ~rell B~~1ner o~ DRY CLEANING
(::0 -
A. C. Spectorsky ..... ,.. 12.95 came 0(( dock will be gomg on Sailcd Thursday, Scpt. 15t1o the r.I.V. Elgar Jones.
again whcn the docle Is avr.ilablc. Bertha JKoyce ie taking freigbt HORWOOD LU~tBER CO. LTD. en
.' •. '
. d
CJON-'I'V said hl~t night that wllh.

-:commerclal tl':l!1~mlsslon loday. to ext en Its broa cas nil OUI'S.
the 11 Op8 I0111l CaslIldy show,
sponsored by Brookfield Icc
Ac CJON·TV 6tal'tS its first full In six weeks the stollon e x p e c l s 'I il "
d tI
Cream, W I e ClCR news on J m
'!IIIts' Wurshlp Mayor II. G. n. and will be on thl' air fl'om 5 to will be part of ,Don • am eson s
" -' will be. .cen as t IIe guest a( 111 .15 p.m. cae II day'. 6.30 program.
I .; -
_ _ _ ••• - -_ .•. _.- -
L ~

G~:,-~.m.htl'i:iiii •• ·. Coast .
5,S, Baccalieu [rom the S. W. 1Tuesday for Spencer's Cove and Thomas J. Hoddcr Picot. mas-
CORst. Sailed Friday on th~ S.W. Hr. Buffctt. R~ady 10 sail.

A. E. lIlCK~I1\.N CO., LTD.

N. and C. Ralph, taking freight
11.V. Pay Off is moored up for (or Flat Island,Burnside ;,nd the
tel'. taking freight on Tue:;,ay' for
Fishing trawler Blue W~\'C 61

::llIIews .'
':::commentator Don Jamieson on Coming show' Include Ed. SuI· ~Ir. Stirling lays an englncer so thoroughly!1I . 'Phone 3191 • 4425 the season. other usual northern ports Sail. is under (urther repairs to event,
J flhls ":-;e\"5 Cal'airade" program at I U\,an's "Toasl of the Town." Is .presently hc:l'P fl'om Montr£'al.
_.,....-_ _--.-,_ M,V. Thoma; .anu Robert is ed on Saturday bul had to return ually prosecute the Grand Banks
')-fl,30 p.m. scheduled to mrt Sund~y at 8 making fJnalaJl.lustme~ts on the' thcre by the blood strcam, gctting ready to go fishing. to port owing to high sea., Will fishery,
'.1 .'l·his program will reature II p.m,. and the fahulous Disney, CJON·TV systtm. The Symptoms of acute infection BOWRING BROS. LTD. sail again whcn wfiather eondi. ON TilE SOUTlISIDE
:.!l5pecfal gucst caeh day, and sehed· land" w1dch will be reatured f_or_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ o( the prostate may b~ mild or JIliriam JIlay is taking !l'cight tions permit. Portuguese Hospital Ship Gil
':~I --_., .. _ ....... severe. (or Bonavista, Catalina and PorI M.V. Lindy Barbour from Fogo ~an~es. and ~no~her ."or:~guese
Jllost common at the beginning Union. is taking freight for northern fishmg trnwle~ wlll sail fOJ tbe
· :"
: . jl are disturbances of urination, such Philip Wayne, Carter, rnasler, ports. I
Grand Banks m a cOll~le 01, day:;.

~: as burning, frequency. and drib· 'S disehar"ing' a .car"o of J~mbc[ Audrey Bartlett, Saundcrs, mas· " .V Eiger
'I . Jones \\'111 ., '''Ill lor
bling. Pain or a feeling of fullness I C t B T d
.~r In Stock Now
b b
is often presenl. at the upper southside pr,:mises. tel'. took freight for Glovertown, oncep Ion ay on ucs ay .or
During th~ acute stage absolutc Genel'icve Holloway is 'aikng Greenspond, Wesleyville,. Bona. W,ednesda y ~or a eou~le 01 Iml
·1 rest in bed and avoidance of strain, \ rreight on 'T. uesday lor Bon~vista. Nisla Joe Batt.i Arm HeNrring tTlPS, rcturmng to .thls port ~c.
. II TI I' d .' , fore eventually takmg UI! tnc
, I:,' .- IS. usua y necessary. . I~' app IC· Catalina, Eastport, Happy A yen· Neck. Change Islands and Twil p t i C ' B II I I' ~ tl kl .
.' uh.on of hea.! . alkalm!zmg theture Braggs' Idand, and othel lingate. Sailed Satn.rday. or .uga. Ole, c s ~n" c c

~J~: Stone Steel Water Tanks urme and drmkmg flUids (recly tit rn port . AYRE & SONS 5cmce.
also may be desirable. In tbe nor e , ' , ------
past this was about all which- could ~!aTlam ~Iay. Rogers. ma3tcr: IS ?I.V, St, BariJe, Cluett. master,
r,. tl:
be done at first. but now med. taltmg freight for Porl Union. from Labrador. sailin~ on ~Iondav Scents to tCBm with fall :lnd win
~: I: icalion, principally the antibiotics, Catalina and 'J:lonal'ista. or Tuesday for Plac~nti3- ~., bla;. tcr clothes should be hea\'ier, m!\r~
.' ,...1 havc proved o[ ~reat help. CANADA PACKERS Ll'll. islcrial service. b I sophisticatcd. Bcgin to look (or
-'; ·.11
: 1.1
• STONE CHRONIC INFLAnI~lATJO.S of M.V. l{ean Bros" hom N .Syd. M,V. Lydic Marie i~ 'aking such a scent now .
• t (.
t~e prostate is common ~omplica. ney, with a cargo of flour l~r Bell freight for northern ports.
~•. i:j HOLDS THE WATER tlon of th~ acute \'arlcty, but Island and olher northern ports, J. HaileH. Simmllnds.· master,

thanks to Improl'cd mcthods of ,• . .. , .
~\1: treating acutc prostatitis, the Salhng \\'he~ \lcather PC'hll~S. is takins freight on Tucsd~y for
; ,'i;1 chronic vari~ly is becoming lcss M.V. ~larJon M. Bruce, \\ alsh, Charlottetown. Bunyan's Co,e. and
.~~ • STER master. will land a I;eneral cargo olher northern ports.

llL·OUT~ ~
• ilt-~
Chronic prostatitis often produces for Harbour Buffett on Tucsday. M.V. Wcsley\'iIle. Winsor. mas·
feiv if any symplons. Some Shirley Goody,ar 2 look ter, is taking ireight. on Tuesday
:~:I,~ HOLDS THE PRESSURE tients have only a s~all amount freight (or Badller's Quay, Greens (or Wesleyville. Twlllinglite. Gri·
~ ::;!~~ of pus. ~thers ha\'e urmary symp· pond Wesleyvllle ',Newtown as quel, LaScie, SI. Anthony and
toms slm11ar to tho sa o( the 'acute' "" ' If you feel
val'ietv hut not so scvere. Oe. far north as Lumsden Sal.~d Sat· Quirr,on,
f' ,11':
.• ellsiOliillly local signs of prostale urday. M.V. Jennie. Ehzabeth, Eason.
.':: '1 infection may be absent altogether AT CROSBIE & CO. LTD. master, took (reight for Englee.
'I ;:~ .but Ihe infection may causc dif· M. and S. Johnson Is taking Conehe, Main Brook, Goose Cove
;J~l:ii :. NO RUST ficulties wlsewhere in the body freight for Trinity Bay. and SI. Anthony. Sailed Thursday, These days Il10.1 people 11'001< under
r;.'~ prelJure, worry more, .!eep Jell. This
SU~h 8S ~r~~ritis, neuritis, muscle lVI.V. USAF which rccently came Sept. 15.
.':.1'1 pa;~s g~g~~. TO M \KE ' off dock and bad her name chang.' BAINE JOHNSTON & CO. LTD.
.tnin on body and m.kes
fi'ne.. e..i.r tD lo.e-harder I. re,lin
curale diagnosis. the 'prosta~rc ~~. ed to Carnel 2lld. sailed ror Lab- 1I.nnet~a Lo:~tta took 'reight Dind.,. t.n •• linng. I.o·ered r••iatln,t
.. rwork, ""rT)'-.ny.o1 thu. mly all«1
cretion has to be obtained and d. radar on Saturday. [or BUrln. Sailed Saturday. normal kidney Ielion. Wheo kidners rtl
amined under the microscope. This M.V. Veteran Explore~ and President Brown is rea~y to c-ut .1 order. ..,..s adds .nd WI.t..
will rJveal the nature of the trouble Weslern Explorer arc moorcd up sail, "",lin in the sy.tem. Th.n bICk",h••
'li;dmhed rell, lhlt 4jtired.out" heny.
and what ge~ms arc :csponsibl~. indefinitely. Sid and Sam is taking frcigh' h••ded leelin, .fl.n r.lI.w. Th.t·, Ihe
. A, long:lastmg chrome pl'ostatJ· IUI.C. DOCKYARD on Tuesday (or Bonavista Ba~' ti.". to tlk. Dodd', Kidney Pills. Dodd',
hs IS dlfllcuit to treat. Such met· Firctug 3, and the two long lin, Is ,.Iimu!.!. the kidn.y. 10 normll adion,
hods as promoting dralnagc, pros· B " d • por, . . '1h.n you f••1b.lI.r-.I ••p b.ller-"ork
tatie massage. heat applications ers amer~ng an Bamert~st. RJta ,and Blan~he, Plcotl. mas· better. A.k for Dodd's Kidn.y Pill•• t

DIAL 5141 ·5142 P.O. BOX 336

and sometimes vaccines or trcat.
ment with drugs arc used.
STEERS LTD. tel', WIll be .taklllg freiglH on any drug counler.
. Maxwell Cm'kum, Emberley, Tuesday for Bonavista Bay.
. Whatever treatment is .followed, master, from North Sydney, ;ailing Rita and Blanche,' Pieot!, mas·
however. may take a long time for Englee When wp.ather condl· tel' takin" freight
and prove discouraging. Antibio. ' D •
I Jet Cr
tics and other preparations. how·
ever. may prove scM even in
long .lasting chronic prostatitis.

Indoor sportswear
especially needs this
MOONEY-Born at 8t. Clare's'
Mercy Hospital to IIfall and I
Joscpblne lItooncy, 7 Road De
better, more thorough
Luxe. a daughter.
kind of deanin'g. C·F.ATH

B. C. DOORS' or course. Sanitonc Dry

DALTON-Passed away sudden,
Iy after a short illness al US
a,m. this Monday morning John
Cleaning. docs more, much .A•. Dalton, aged 77 3'ears, leaving


more, then just get out per, to mourn. wife. two son~. two
2, PANEL spiratlon. It gets out evcry step daughters, two step SOilS and
eleven grandchildrcn. The I.uneral
·spot, every stain and ALL
FLUSH · the dirt, even when deeply will take place by motor t.earse
tomorrow, Tuesday, at 2,30 p.RI.:!
OUTSIDE Imbedded. It also restores (rom his late residence 13 VNeill
lhat like new finish'so essen' . Avenue.
tili! to good grooming ~ •.
3nd no Dry Cleaning odors.
JOHNSON-Passed· peaeerull)
away at _New Yl'rk,. Sunday. Sep-
tember 18,- Elsie. beloved wife of '
Edward Jobnsoll and daughter of .
James and the late Mary Ann I
Fagan. Leaving to mourn besides
~, %,
*, %, 3A, 4 x 8, GU.and G2S 5155
her husband. one son, Francis,
also' Cather. and 4 sisters. Helen
(Mrs. John Gibney) and Madeline
hi New York. Josephine and 'fer·
.' . :. :
e~a 'G\[rs;' Edward' Dodd) at home
two brothers. ·Thomas at home
ahd 'Hcrbcort at Buffalo,

TrimedgeM.etal Mou,ding
',' "'-c)'
· ~ 't'

A.· H.MURRAY&:'·,C,O.Ltd.
,lIlld.! LIKlTED.·
. ,
I'IIW'Ol'N"L'~O'S rjOHt:'~
·'Jor all the. family l
...... ,$1.19up

. ·2,264·'3420-:4440


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