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ntroduction and Major themes of  Cytoplasm (aquueous mixture of

Microbiology macromolecules and small organic

moleculs inside cells)
1.1 What Is Microbiology about and Why Is It
 Macromolecules (protein, lipid, nucleic
acid, polysaccharides)
• How microorganisms work  Ribosome (cell’s protein-synthesizing
• microorganisms live on Earth, how  Cell wall (strength cell and relatively
they associate and cooperate with each other, permeable structure; exist in plants and
and what they do in the world at large, in microorganism)

soils and waters and in animals and plants. Prokaryote : bacteria and archaea

The science of microbiology revolves around Charactheristic of prokaryote :

two interconnected themes:
Charactheristic of eukaryote :
(1) understanding the nature and functioning
of  Larger than prokaryote
 Have membrane enclosed organelles
the microbial world, and  Include : algae, protozoa, protist,
(2) applying our understanding of the fungi, plants, animals

microbial world for the benefit of humankind

and planet Earth.


• constitue teh bulk of biomass on


• caryy out many necessary chemical

reaction for higher organism.

• Recycle nutrient and degrading

orgnaic matter

1.2 structure and activites of microbial cells

Element of microbial structure

 Cytoplasmic membrane (permeability

barier that seprate inside of the cells)

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