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Chemistry Chap 11 Short Questions

1. How will you distinguish between an alcohol and phenol? (2018)

2. How ethyl iodide is prepared from diethyl ether? (2018)
3. Write a note on Lucas test. (2013)
4. How can you prepare ethers? (2013)
5. How will you distinguish between ethanol and methanol? (2017)
6. Absolute alcohol cannot be prepared by fermentation. Why? (2017)
7. Write two methods for the preparation of ethers. (2015)
8. What is meant by denaturing of alcohol? (2017)
9. How chlorobenzene is converted into phenol? (2014)
10. Write the reaction of phenol with methanol? (2014)
11. Give structural formula of 1,2-Ethanediol and tartaric acid. (2017)
12. Give a test to distinguish between 1-propanol and 2-propanol. (2017)

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