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Content Claim is stated clearly. Claim is stated. Claim is somewhat Claim is unclear,
Following points are Following points are stated. Following following points are
relevant and clear. pretty relevant. Claim points are not all not relevant, claim is
Claim is restated in is restated in the relevant. Claim is not not restated.
the conclusion. conclusion. restated.
Evidence Evidence was well Evidence is there, but Evidence is somewhat No evidence and no
thought out and not well thought out. there. Used maybe research were done
researched (using Used at least one one resource. to support your claim.
recourses given, other resource.
resources found on
your own are ok as
Organization Paper is well Paper is pretty well Paper is somewhat Paper is not well
organized with organized, organized. Somewhat organized, no
introduction introduction a introduction and evidence of
paragraph, middle conclusion conclusion, somewhat introduction
paragraphs that paragraphs. messy middle section. paragraph or
include reasons for Somewhat put conclusion paragraph.
claim and evidence, together middle Messy organization all
and a conclusion section. together.
Mechanics Few to no errors in Some errors in 5-6 errors in spelling, Several errors in
spelling, grammar, spelling, grammar, grammar, and spelling, grammar,
and sentence and sentence sentence structure. and sentence
structure. structure. structure.

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