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THE LAUNORY Structure of the Laundry If you squint, the oxgunisational diagram of the Landy looks 4 litle Me tae Vootisl sign anda litle Me «slanted tue, Thhece sue sections that law at actully existed in decades, Iying dead yet duraming, swating the day when ‘hey ae called forth again Others stumble on like 2ombies, Ihaving long since lost all purpose but animated by the deead powess of budgeticy appropsiation: These ae sections of the Liuady dedicated to witellunter leensing and ‘preventing occult me dain in the telegraph networks Wh would start at the top of the oxgunisational structuxe but in the Lavndky that i problennitic. The Boscd is in clasge of it all seposting disetly to the Prine Minister Allegedly. No-one below the level of DSS lus seen the Board in « Jong, long ting. The last minuted Board aneting took place ja °TL afte that secords just stop, ‘These sue stil offices for the Board, we call it Malnogary Row all wood panelling and green leather desks and Edwardian décor and portuits of the Quien They ase muintiined in immaculate condition, equipped with high- speed broadband and cutting-edge telecomemane ations and sce moue of less empty, Thete ss nothing there, except the feeling tat you ace beang wateled BelowBoardlevel the Leundkyis dvidedinto Administstion and Operations divisions. Thanks to the modern micacle of| autrix management, employees auy be in either ot both, divisions depending on their ewerent assignment Broadly, Operations deals with field works active stevedlance and seseuch, while Administation handles everything else, Som paycoll and cecords to intetnal wecwity and audlting MATRIX MANAGEMENT The idea behind this concept is that an employee may report to several managers at once, depending on his current assignments. Bob’s day-to-day job may be doing tech support for Human Resources, vhich means he reports to Manag most situations. Hovever, he is an engineer and therefore subject to the dictates of Manager B, who is in charge of all engineers. Any decisions related to Bob must be agreed upon by both managers Fortunately for Bob, he also vorks part-time for Manager C, in Counterpossession. Manager C is much scarier than A or B Other Departments ‘There are other Laundry departments that do not appear on th organisational chart or on th list. Some, like the old Accounts jas in settling) department have been scrapped. Others are secret, known only to those vith the right codeword clearance. Still others have been forgotten about but still (and will submit their report or vanished due to (Like any century nov) some bizarre temporal loop Forecasting Operations) . EE Organisational Structure Cabinet FI v Board of Directors Interdepartmental Liaison Group Human Resources Intemal ¥ Logistics Facilities Maintenance & Janitorial tee | Internal ASfeics 7 Secuity Management 7 Monitoring Ways & Means Field Suppoct| ¥. Cleaners | Plumbers OCCULUS| Py Arcana as Diplomatic | Special Projects foal Office U) Research@ | ——¥ —¥ Zz v— + Comp. Math Occult Modeling |) Forensics THE LAUNDRY Department Information Each seotion of Capital Laundky Service's labytinth las some of all of the following informition: Description: A biief description of what seevices that section provides Assignment: If « chasactex works in this section, then this is luis stating job and the dlls that come with tt Add 10 to ach of the Lsted dal, Support If chatacters can mequest suppoct from this section, as per the Requisition ulesn Chaperil: Budgets, Requisitions and Training, then the dificulty of the aquest and the suppottoffeued is listed in this pasageaph Administration Division Adeinistatioe’s budget and manpouer duacts thit of Operations For every two- fisted field agent witha shotgun in cee aod and 1 tune of banishing in the othe, thece due 4 dozen cles, accountants snopectous, analysts and ‘middle managers The Laundky isthe worlds fst S09001- certified occult espionage agetey and munagerect i teen to maintain that level of quality assucanee. Eveything mast be secouded, fled, dovblecheched, inipected catslogued, doctwested and then discussed endesly an committee (Today's agenda: ioning out inefficiencies in the dlocurestation process, past 492), Cyies night sage that the purpose of Administtion isto give pointless buoywore to an atay of cal secvants who Ive Seen Things Man Is Not Mest To Know Unless He Has SignedSecton Thise, but the Lawndey does have 4 wey good eason for tacking the most perniclety and obseuee things (cassing paperclips can be a security boeach ina wodld whee sympathetic feaying is a that, wing exttemely specie and daly dlocurectFocaating is «gut wny to catch outs concealed posiessoc entity and excesuive bathcoom bees could be 4 Sign of isipient BLUE HADES transformation). Department of Auditing It is the jab of the Department of Auditing to auke your life bell. Theis agents cizcle above lesser depactoents Lbe catices, waiting for 4 moment of wedlnwss. Then Hay swoop down and stile without mesey, ignosing the exies of panic, pain and “what do you mean, we've got to account for every single tube ticket un've bought since 1977? If you ate lucky, then Auditing has mecely valeashed some ‘external agency lle CESG ot the NHS Anclt Commission fon yous to mule se you have got license For eweey copy of Windows 7 Oceuit Edition (now slightly less Hly to contin cosmic evil’) ox check that the asbestos levels ate stil within acceptible opesating parsmetees. IF you aus vnlucky, the Auditors check up on you. persouully ‘The Auditors ‘Things that you get wed to after 4 few yeats of working for the Laundry: Steange smelly, zombie cleaning staff, ‘nsoriable hows, paperwork, tentacles, the impending and inevitable end of the world as we know it ag os Things you never get weed to: stlentlessly foul ‘coffee’, the sense of duead incectain offices and the Audltors The Auditors ste highlevel auges specilising is truth compulsions When they ask you answer no matter what ae question They have no shame and no hesitation — if ey suupect you of huving fuled ox mislead your supesiors, then the Auditors will get to the bottom of it Puivacy is isut one of tae things you signed away when you joined the Lavandey. If the size of yous mule member of the skeletons snyou famly clovetiscelevant inthe cold black pitiless eyes of the Auditors then they wall ask the questions you do not ‘wnat to hese, ‘Audits can happen at any tin (ithe the Auditors do not sleep of they just tae perverse joy in deagging people out of bed at fiw an the mocning fo answer questions about nisfled teceipts), but eacely without die cause. A good, ddligent and quiet employee might get through his whole ‘our of duty without « single pecvonal Audit — but lets fice 4 you ame not one of thove Assignment: Auditor's Secretary: Bucemcticy, Etiquette, Knowledge (Law), Sorcery, Stats Financial Control Financial Conta’ cesponuibily is to leep the Landsy’s budget under control, in aah the sine way that the big ‘soeaty guys with the drum and the whips keep the cowees ‘wader control on a save galley. Esch department has its ‘own anual budget, whicl is broke down to andivichl ine stem atthe sist of the nancial yeat. Any budget oveecins unforeseen puchases, unexpected projects, Plumbing — canst be paid for by the uelevant depastiment unless they Ihave the puioe agement of Financial Conteol. (Teanslation: 4 Yog-Sothoth descends to eat ou besins, we had seal

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