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Piece Analysis #1

Title: The Ballad of Sweeney Todd (includes Organ Prelude)

Tonality: vast contrast in tonal colour from the continuous change of vocal part
leading the choir

Melodic Structure: extremely high pitch range between parts of the choir
mainly, large contrast between sopranos and bass vocalists

Tempo and Metre: steady tempo throughout, does not change, medium pace

Rhythmic Features: some parts on very random beats i.e. “Fleet…Street” in

which the beat is apparently random

Harmonic Features: the full choir harmonises together and gradually join
together and fulfill a large texture
Harmony between all parts of the choir provides drama

Performing Media and Tone Colour: organ, full orchestra, large choir for
Visciously dark

Texture: medium texture of organ, changes to very thin texture at the start of
the Ballad with light strings and solo vocals which gradually increases with the
introduction of more performing media and stronger dynamics. Sudden increase
in texture with dramatic introduction of full choir and orchestra which reverts
back to a thin texture after the chorus part

Dynamics and Expressive Techniques: sudden dynamic change during organ

prelude for dramatic impact and emotion, reverts back to quiet suddenly as well

Structure: each part reflects another except the prelude

The only part repeated is the turn by turn singing which could be viewed as a
verse, the rest is a linear structure without repetition
Piece Analysis #2

Title: Agony Reprise

Tonality: very similar tone between the two vocalists

Melodic Structure: fairly regular melodic structure without much vary in pitch
with the exception of a few parts

Tempo and Metre: steady beat reflected through the constant rhythm

Rhythmic Features: the accompaniment plays a constant rhythm throughout

Harmonic Features: the two vocalists regularly harmonise with each other
during the sections when they are both singing together

Performing Media and Tone Colour: two male vocalists with flute small string
section and small horns, very thin
Light and humourous

Texture: steady medium texture without vary besides when the two sing
together which makes it slightly thicker

Dynamics and Expressive Techniques: expressive technique of speech during

the song to create humour and varying sound styles
On purpose out of key and poor vocals at one point to again create humour and
reflect the story in the song

Structure: simple verse chorus structure

Piece Analysis #3

Title: My Friends

Tonality: strong difference in the tone between the male and female roles with
much tonal difference for separate parts

Melodic Structure: large melodic range between very low notes to the much
higher notes that are reached by the female vocalist

Tempo and Metre: varying tempo (rit.) that is mainly slow

Rhythmic Features: accompaniment follows completely separate rhythm to the

vocalist parts

Harmonic Features: the twin vocals from the male and female vocalists reflect
strong harmonization at the point where they join in singing together, the female
harmonizing to a much higher note then the male

Performing Media and Tone Colour: solem yet dark tone colour with very thin
performing media without many instruments

Texture: thin texture throughout which is slightly thicker with the introduction
of a female vocal sung with the male, although it is still thin

Dynamics and Expressive Techniques: quiet dynamic level throughout with

occasional crescendo to higher notes

Piece Analysis #4

Title: Children Will Listen

Tonality: a joint tonal sound is produced by the combination of the cast of

performers singing together with all separate tone colours combined to create a
distinctive tone

Melodic Structure: very varying register range from low males to high females

Tempo and Metre: changing tempo at separate areas notable in each new
sounding section

Rhythmic Features: changing tempo at separate areas notable in each new

sounding section

Harmonic Features: the use of all parts singing in chorus to create a distinctive
harmonic tone

Performing Media and Tone Colour: light orchestral accompaniment with

strong and fairly large chorus vocalists

Texture: moderate texture at the start which thins and then grows thick
towards the end

Dynamics and Expressive Techniques: dynamic contrast between each section

creates expression and contrasting sections

Structure: ABC
(intro, “children will listen”, “into the woods”)
Piece Analysis #1

Title: Pretty Women (first half)

Tonality: two deep tones by the vocalists that even with higher notes maintain a
deep, rich tone

Melodic Structure: strong emphasis on flowing melody and legato with a large

Tempo and Metre: starts with a fairly upbeat and fast tempo which drastically
changes into the slower tempo in the second section

Rhythmic Features: steady slow pace throughout he piece.

Harmonic Features: at parts both vocalists sing together in harmony by singing

two separate melodic lines

Performing Media and Tone Colour: light and playful tone which slowly turns
dark and aggressive with the crescendo leading to the climax of the piece

Texture: early thin texture which intensely thickens when both vocal parts sing
together in harmony

Dynamics and Expressive Techniques: strong emotion in the lyrics and the
way the song is sung
The vast crescendo and intensifying vocals at the climax of the song to represent
what is occurring in then musicals story

Structure: ABC
(‘a shave’, ‘my friends’, ‘pretty women’)

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