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Sánchez Martínez Luis Antonio 906-V


What´s an essay?

An essay is a literary genre that consists of the subjective exposition, written

in prose, on a specific subject on which the personal perspective is applied,
whether in the humanistic, scientific, political, cultural, social, philosophical, artistic,
among others.

Parts of an essay


The introduction of an essay should be short and as a preamble on the

topic you want to address. Besides being the subject to be developed, it must be
supremely attractive to engage the reader and be interested in continuing to read
the script.

Body Paragraphs/ Developing

It is the longest part of the work, also called body, where the essayist
argues the exhibition with information, data, comparisons, examples and other
resources, always leaving his subjective opinion and personal style manifest.


Is the last part of the essay, the author summarizes the main ideas,
reaffirming their position clearly. The conclusion should be brief, as well as the
introduction, in relation to the total extension of the exhibition.
Sánchez Martínez Luis Antonio 906-V

Legalization of
Will the crime in Mexico end? Some researchers on the subject mention that when legalizing marijuana,
many of the delective groups can stop being aggressive especially in the north of the country, because
that is where most of the delective organizations find, and there are high numbers of deaths from the
fights for squats of the narcotraficante other people say the opposite that the country loses the control on
the drug besides that some studies say that it produces nosive damages to the health of the human
being, but I think that it can be a good idea to legalize said drug .
What do we mean by legalization? It is that act through which, things that were outside the law, can begin
to be for the incoming and the sea part of this. Until the legalization that is speaking in this case, which is
the legalization of marijuana, would be entered into the second type of legalization, as explained below,
which tells us that legal behavior or social behavior is illegal. a moment, but of course, they are well
accepted in society, they have a degree of complexity to be able to legalize, and they suppose positions
against these issues.In Mexico, 5.7 million marijuana users have been registered, of which 550,000 are
categorized as independent, according to the 2011 national addiction survey Milenio noticias, March,
2016. We can consider marijuana as one of the most "noble" drugs consumed by humanity, since,
compared to other substances, the effects caused by it do not compare with the others. Speaking also of
the damage caused to the organism, its consequences are long-term, of course this depends on the
quantity and organism of each individual, but generalizing it we can say that it is one of the most noble.
"Low doses: Initially can produce pleasant sensations of calm and well-being, increased appetite,
euphoria, disinhibition, loss of concentration, decreased reflexes, desire to talk and laugh, redness of the
eyes, acceleration of heart rate, dryness in the mouth and throat, difficulty to execute complex mental
processes, alterations of the temporal and sensorial perception, and can diminish the short term memory.
This is followed by a second phase of depression and drowsiness. High doses: Can cause confusion,
lethargy, excitement, anxiety, altered perception of reality and, more unusual, states of panic and
hallucinations. It can generate tolerance and dependence, with the consequent abstinence syndrome in
case the use of the drug is abruptly suspended. This results in anxiety, insomnia, irritability, depression
and anorexia, among other symptoms. "
Sánchez Martínez Luis Antonio 906-V

Here, where the real problem begins, with the emergence of the massive consumption of drugs, there are
also criminal groups that are in charge of manufacturing and selling these illegal substances, this with the
purpose of generating a monetary income superior to any other employment, since the sale of drugs
turns out to be a highly profitable business, of the transnational business that is the drug trafficking in
Mexico, there is an estimated 40 billion dollars in profits only in the national market, since then and to
date, all of them fight the market of this business in a bloody and violent way, this framework is not very
relevant for everyone in our country until 2006, where as one of its first presidential decrees, Felipe
Calderón, then national president, openly declares the fight against drug trafficking, with this the
consequences become totally contrary to the positively expected, in this sexennium we see a huge wave
of inc In the violence, social and political disarticulation in several towns and communities, mainly in the
north of the country, economic crisis, and terrible damage to the moral of the Mexican citizen, he begins
to idolize the drug trafficker, and begins to see the business of drugs as the only way to have a good life
that he could only dream about, idolizes his clothes, his ostentatious luxuries, and sees him as a hero.
"Several authors affirm that prohibitionist regimes are counterproductive, because they provoke
undesirable and inevitable effects of first size"

Finally I can conclude that everything in excess hurts the health of the human being, and that the drug
exposed in this case marijuana is finally like any addictive that can exist in this world and that besides
that is legal, such substances for example are cigarettes and alcoholic beverages that at the end of
account these same ones have health consequences due to an excessive consumption like marijuana,
mentioning the index of violence for trying to end this substance ah grown, on the contrary they should
take another strategy alternative as is the legalization of marijuana.

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