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Cry COUNCIL AGENDA ‘October 22,2018 7:00 PM. ‘CIPY HALL CALL MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AGENDA CHANGES/APPROVE AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES ~% 3 APPROVE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE & INVESTMENT AND TRANSFER ACTIVITY - ?)7 General "$94,933.19 Ambulance "§ 61,094.38, Sewer Maint $90,000.00 20168tProj § 75,000.00, Ligue $25,344.30 2018StPrmj $262,964.54 cor $171,000.00 Rural Fire $ 15,000.00, ‘Scwor__$ $91962.11 Stet Projext_$ 50,000.00 Total $935,298.52 WASTE WATER PROJECT OPEN FORUM (8 minutes per speaker) SCHEDULED/UNSCHEDULED GUESTS Scheduled Unscheduled DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1, Third Quarter Financial Report —"P5 23 AGENDA ITEMS: 1. Pilot program for water treatment facility information 2, GM Contracting Pay Request in the amount of $241,182.62 ~ P65 3. Assessment Policy Change Adoption Consideration ~Py 52 4. Stree Department ‘-_ Snow Plow Chassis Order Consideration 5 11/9 89 al-Py 4 1, Manhole work consideration Py 13 ‘5. Resolution 18-29 ~ Open Money Market Act at First Ns ‘OLD BUSINESS ‘OTHER BUSINESS 1. Pool Board Fundraiser Discussion Information 2. Citzen Concern about burning of leaves INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1 School Taskforce Information —if available 2. Other Rontd and Committe Reports 3 Department Head Report Ps 2 ANNOUNCEMENTS. 1. Next council meeting WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14,2018, at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall ‘his ia preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Counc wil sta final caenda atthe meeting. Page 1 of 1 Department Head Report october 22, 2018, “Thelarge dollar amount shown for financial activity onthe agenda Is due to transferring money from the ‘money market account authorized tobe closed and investment of funds. Street projectcontinues, the sewer lines were telovised and some sues were found. The vontetiur correcting those issues and it is expected the first ayer of aspalt wil be al the week of Oct. 22%. The contractor has started on the * Ave S entrance. ‘Winter salt has been ordered and delivered, The snow on Oct. 14 isa reminder the season Is coming, ‘west Park, Pool and Campground havea been winterized forthe season, North Park wll be kept open, ‘possible, unt after the Trunk and Treat event set for Oct. 27". Street staff have started turning equipment over fom summer use to winter use, preparing the trucks for plows and the Kabota mower deck removal and cab instalation. They are also working to prepare the snow storage lots on the Mil Road. Street dept. continues to sweep leaves as possible. Alloys have been graded and crushed concrete hauled and back dragged at Spark's Park “The poo board met to review the 2018 season and discussed equipment repalsand needs to get things ready for 2019. They discussed doing some fundralsng to replace some of the lounge chats, ideas included serving food during the tight up Lakefield event in December, if there [san opportunity; serve ‘ood during the Lip Syne battle atthe park during SumamerFest; create algo forthe pool to be placed ‘on beach towels that canals be customized and sll, Theres also a need for additional shade a5 the ‘poo! has “ost” umbrella for shading over the years that were not replace. Rasche wil work with Coun ‘ep Halland bring a proposal for shading tothe coun for consideration aa future meeting. ‘hading/Umbrlla options are expensive. asehe attended an election review at Jackson County with other election officals ofthe county. Processes were reviewed and ideas shard in preparations ofthe General lection on Nov. 6. Note: A candidate forum forthe Jackson County Shercfs fice scheduled tobe held a the ICC Aultorium on (Oct. 28M at 7:00 pm LAKEMIELD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 9, 2018 ~ 5:30 PM PROPOSED CALL THE COUNCIL MEETING TO ORDER at 7:00 p.m, Council Present: Brian Rossow, Nathan Hall, Bruce Bakalyar, Brent Pavelko, Andrea Monson ‘Council Absent: Others Present: Kelly Rasche-Cletk, Andrew Konechen Police Chief, Chad Janssen, Jim Nesseth-Extended ‘Ag and Andy Nesseth-Extended Ag, Andy Welp, Ray Stevens, Laura DeKokc Medi Sue Jansma, Cody Polaert, Kyle Reasoner, Tim Baurnann-Fire Chief, Sally Almodovar ‘Agenda Approval ~ Motion to approve the updated agenda made by Bakalyar/Pavelko, all yes, motion cared Minutes Approval ~ Motion to approve the minutes of September 17 and October 1, 2018, meetings made by ‘Monson/Pavelko, all yes, motion carried. Accounts Payable ~ Motion to approve the payments and the investment and transfer activity as presented, in the amount of $682,055.16 made by Hall/Bakalyar, all yes, motion carted. WASTE WATER PROJECT SCHEDULED/UNSCHEDULED GUESTS: DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1. Police Department — No luck in seeing illegal U-turs on Main Stet. Consider making Main Stroot U-Tums allowed at intersections. Curent city ordinance doesn’t allow. This will be considered ata future meeting. Chief Konechne will bring information to that meeting. 2. Clerk ~ Street Foreman Prerichs is curently at “snow school”. He reported learing many things ia day one. ‘The class will end on Oct, 10, 2018. (OLD BUSINESS 1. 1" Ave extension ~ continued discussion, from Sept, 17,2018 meeting heard on this issue. Jim ‘Nesseth and Andy Nesseth addressed the couneil. Jim appreciates the opporturity to address the council agsin, Requesting funding of $6,369.82 as the city portion of additional work on I" Ave S. Accessing the building is important; « driveway access from Huy 86 was not the most favorable forthe Stale of Minnesota, Nesseth’s appreciate the assistance received forthe project, the additonal work on the road waa neccasary far the access to the building. The window for the additonal work was a small window. Mayor Rossow asked Ray Stevens about the $20,000 ‘payment for the road the road was “done” except for some small grooming. He stated it was, to the best of his knowledge with the work that was done to date at that time. The extremely wet spring of 2018 made the red rock the best option forthe rad, clay was not an option because of | the extreme rain events and city owned crushed conerete wes not an option, as the city expected the erushed concrete tobe used forthe city’s 2018 Street Project. Mayor Rossow stated $78,000 is the amount for the project which included the site work, roed work and Hwy 86 access work, ‘He discussed with City Atomey Costello the atfomey recommends not paying the additional funds. Motion to not pay the $6,269.82 made by Rassow, no second, the motion dies, Additional ensued, Page 1of3

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