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Time line

First exam

6th-10th century: Dark Ages

12th-13th century: high Middle Ages

1492: Reconquista

1519-1521: Cortes

1529: Brief Relations – Las Casas

1542: New Laws

1608: French establishment in Quebec

1611: Lord De La Ware came to Jamestown

1614: John Rolfe married Pocahontas

1620: May Flower Compact

1630s: Anne Hutchinson

1630: John Winthrop came to America

1631: Roger Williams came to America

1640s: English Civil War

1649: Maryland’s Toleration Act

1676: William Penn obtains charter for New Jersey, Bacon’s Rebellion

1688: James II overthrown

1690s: Salem witches

1754: Albany Congress, French-Indian War

1757: William Pitt

1759: Quebec falls

1760: Montreal falls

1765: Stamp Act

1767: Townshend Duties

1772: Gaspeé Affair

1773: Pennsylvani prohibits slave trade, Tea Act

1774: Sulfolk Resolves, Coercive Acts, Quebec Acts, Rhode Island and Connecticut prohibit slave trade,
Jefferson’s “Summary view..”

1775: Lexington-Concord, Breed’s Hill, Oliver Branch Petition

1776: Continental Congress, Trenton, Paine’s “Common sense ..”, Act of Confederation, Declaration of

1777: Saratoga, Valley Forge, Article of Confederation

1778: Valley Forge

1780: Charleston, Battle of Camden

1781: Yorktown, Battle of the Capes, Quock Walker won his freedom

1783: Treaty of Paris

1786: Shay’s Rebellion

1787: Shay’s Rebellion, Philadelphia Constitution Convention

1789: French Revolution

1790: Hamilton’s Republic , 5 mil pound of cotton/year

1791: Hamilton’s Republic

1793: Citizen Genet, Whitney made the cotton machine

1794: Whiskey Rebellion

1795: Jay’s Treaty. Pinckney’s Treaty

1797: XYZ Affair

1798: Quasi Naval War, Alien/Sedition Act, VA/KY Solution, Federalists reelected

1800: Election (Jefferson)

1803: Marbury vs. Madison, LA Purchase

1807: Embargo
1810: Reopen trade with British

1811: Tecumseh

1812: Declaration of war

1814: Treaty of Ghent, Hartford Convention

1819: Adam-Onis, Missouri & Maine join US, Panic of 1819

1820s: Reform movement

1820: Missouri Compromise (Missouri slave state)




1824: Election, John Quincy Adams became President




1828: Tariff of 1828, SC Exposition, Election (Jackson won)


1830s: “gag rule”

1830: Webster – Hayne debate, Fugitive slave law, Indian Removal Act

1831: Liberator paper by Garrison, Turner Slave Revolt (VA), Denmark Slave Revolt

1832: Nullification Proclamation, Election of 1832 (Jackson won), bank trying to be rechartered, Britain
eliminated slavery in their empire

1833: Force Bill, Jackson withdrawing federal funds from second bank to several pet banks (Policy of



1836: Texas Revolution → Republic of Texas

1837: Onset of economic depression, Election (Martin van Buren)



1840: Election (William H. Harrison), Lincoln vs. Douglass Debate

1841: United States vs. Amidstad, John Tyler took office after Harrison died.



1844: Joint Resolution, Election (Polk)

1845: Texas joined US

1846: Oregon joined US, Mexican War, Wilmot Proviso

1847: Calhoun Resolutions

1848: Seneca Falls Convention


1850: 600-700 mil pound cotton/ year, Compromise of 1850, California is a free state, New Mexico and
Utah territories


1852: Harriet Stowe’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”

1853: Gadsden Purchase

1854: Kansas-Nebraska Act

1855: Bleeding Kansas

1856: Senator Brook beat up Sumner, Eletion (Buchanan won)

1857: Dred Scott

1858: Lincoln vs. Douglass Debate

1859: John Brown Uprising

1860: Election (Lincoln won), Democratic Convention pro-slavery, South Carolina seceded.

1861: Battle of Fort Sumter (Confederate vic), Bull Run (Confederate vic)
1862: Antietam (draw)

1863: Gettysburg/ Vicksburg, Emancipation Proclamation

1864: Election (Lincoln won), Sherman took Atlanta

1865: Grant took Richmond and Petersburg (Siege of Petersburg), Battle of Appomattox Court House,
Lee surrenderred.

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